------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is a callback (command) ? A: A callback is a command or set of commands that is called by KVIrc in response to an event. It is similar to an event handler; the difference is that the event handler is usually static, the callback is "created" at runtime instead. Consider the command exec (see /help exec); its syntax is as follows: exec([,]) { } The is a list of commands that will be called by KVIrc when the has been executed and the slave process has printed some data on its stdout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How can i print on a window the result of an external command like nmap or uname ? A: Starting from version 3.0.0 KVIrc supports (again) the /exec command. The commandline you're looking for might be something similar to: exec("uname -a"){ echo $1; }; If you want to say the result to a channel you may use say instead of echo exec("uname -a"){ say $1; }; For nmap you might consider using the -e switch too in order to see the errors printed on stderr. exec -e ("nmap -sS -p 1-1024 somehost"){ say $1; } Exec is a really flexible command, it can process the slave output in blocks or as a whole and can write data to the slave too. See /help exec for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: KVIrc crashes when I use a commandline like the following: alias(identify){ identify password; } A: This is infinite recursion: a programming error. Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_loop , learn that once for all and fix your script.