#ifndef _KVI_KVS_TIMERMANAGER_H_ #define _KVI_KVS_TIMERMANAGER_H_ //============================================================================= // // File : kvi_kvs_timermanager.h // Created on Fri 19 Dec 2003 01:29:22 by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVIrc IRC client distribution // Copyright (C) 2003 Szymon Stefanek // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //============================================================================= #include "kvi_settings.h" #include "kvi_qstring.h" #include #include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h" #include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h" #include "kvi_pointerlist.h" class KviKvsTimerManager; class KviKvsScript; class KviKvsHash; class KviKvsVariantList; class KviKvsExtendedRunTimeData; class KviWindow; // FIXME: This stuff could be moved to a module // called timer // timer.start(){} // timer.stop // timer.exists // timer.timeout // timer.suspend // etc... // Then we could remap timer.start to the old /timer call // by hardcoding it... class KVIRC_API KviKvsTimer { friend class KviKvsTimerManager; public: enum Lifetime { SingleShot, WindowLifetime, Persistent }; protected: KviKvsTimer(const TQString &szName,Lifetime l,KviWindow * pWnd,int iDelay,int iId,KviKvsScript * pCallback,KviKvsVariantList * pParams); public: ~KviKvsTimer(); protected: Lifetime m_eLifetime; // the type of this timer KviWindow * m_pWnd; // the window that this timer is (currently) bound to TQString m_szName; // this timer name KviKvsScript * m_pCallback; // callback to be executed at timer shots int m_iDelay; // the timer delay in msecs int m_iId; // the system id of this timer KviKvsExtendedRunTimeData * m_pRunTimeData; // ext run time data for this timer object KviKvsVariantList * m_pParameterList; // parameter list public: KviWindow * window(){ return m_pWnd; }; const TQString & name(){ return m_szName; }; const KviKvsScript * callback(){ return m_pCallback; }; Lifetime lifetime(){ return m_eLifetime; }; int delay(){ return m_iDelay; }; int id(){ return m_iId; }; //KviKvsHash * variables(){ return m_pVariables; }; KviKvsExtendedRunTimeData * runTimeData(){ return m_pRunTimeData; }; KviKvsVariantList * parameterList(){ return m_pParameterList; }; protected: void setWindow(KviWindow * pWnd){ m_pWnd = pWnd; }; }; class KVIRC_API KviKvsTimerManager : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT protected: // it only can be created and destroyed by KviKvsTimerManager::init()/done() KviKvsTimerManager(); ~KviKvsTimerManager(); private: KviPointerHashTable * m_pTimerDictById; // stored by id KviPointerHashTable * m_pTimerDictByName; // stored by name static KviKvsTimerManager * m_pInstance; // the one and only timer manager instance KviPointerList * m_pKilledTimerList; // list of timers for that killing has been scheduled int m_iAssassinTimer; // assassin timer id int m_iCurrentTimer; // the timer currently executed public: static KviKvsTimerManager * instance(){ return m_pInstance; }; static void init(); static void done(); // the pCallback and pParams are owned by the timer: they WILL be deleted bool addTimer(const TQString &szName,KviKvsTimer::Lifetime l,KviWindow * pWnd,int iDelay,KviKvsScript * pCallback,KviKvsVariantList * pParams); bool deleteTimer(const TQString &szName); bool deleteTimer(int iId); // the timer manager does not trigger timers concurrently // this means that if this is called from a timer handler // the current timer will be unique bool deleteCurrentTimer(); void deleteAllTimers(); bool timerExists(const TQString &szName){ return m_pTimerDictByName->find(szName); }; KviPointerHashTable * timerDict() { return m_pTimerDictByName; }; protected: void scheduleKill(KviKvsTimer * t); virtual void timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e); }; #endif //!_KVI_KVS_TIMERMANAGER_H_