You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

346 lines
12 KiB

#ifndef _KVI_APP_H_
#define _KVI_APP_H_
// File : kvi_app.h
// Creation date : Sun Jun 18 2000 12:40:00 CEST by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_string.h"
#include "kvi_qstring.h"
#include "kvi_tal_application.h"
#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
#include "kvi_time.h"
#include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h" // ?
// The brain damaged MSVC compiler can't instantiate templates without this
#include "kvi_frame.h"
#include "kvi_window.h"
class KviFrame;
class KviWindow;
class KviIpcSentinel;
#endif // !COMPILE_NO_IPC
class KviTalPopupMenu;
class TQPixmap;
class KviTalListBox;
class TQTextCodec;
class TQDomElement;
class KviConsole;
class KviConfig;
class KviRegisteredUser;
class KviIrcConnection;
class KviIrcServerDataBase;
typedef struct _KviPendingAvatarChange
KviConsole * pConsole;
TQString szRemoteUrl;
TQString szNick;
TQString szUser;
TQString szHost;
} KviPendingAvatarChange;
#ifdef Unsorted
#undef Unsorted
#ifdef None
#undef None
class KVIRC_API KviApp : public KviTalApplication
friend class KviFrame;
friend class KviWindow;
friend class KviSetupWizard; // this resides in a module!
KviApp(int &argc,char ** argv);
// directories
TQString m_szGlobalKvircDir;
TQString m_szLocalKvircDir;
int m_iHeartbeatTimerId;
bool m_bFirstTimeRun;
KviWindow * m_pActiveWindow;
bool m_bUpdateGuiPending;
KviPointerList<KviPendingAvatarChange> * m_pPendingAvatarChanges;
bool m_bSetupDone;
KviPointerHashTable<const char *,TQStringList> * m_pRecentChannelsDict;
bool m_bUpdatePseudoTransparencyPending;
KviIpcSentinel * m_pIpcSentinel;
// setup stuff (accessed from kvi_main.cpp: consider private othwerise)
TQString m_szConfigFile; // setup
bool m_bCreateConfig; // setup
KviStr m_szExecAfterStartup;
bool m_bShowSplashScreen;
// FIXME: "Plugins" and "ConfigPlugins" should become "Modules" and "ConfigModules"
enum KvircSubdir
None, Pics, Config ,
Help, HelpEN, HelpNoIntl,
Log, Incoming, Audio,
Scripts, Plugins, ConfigPlugins,
Trash, MsgColors, Charmaps,
Avatars, DefScript, License,
Modules, ConfigScripts, Filters,
Tmp, Locale, Themes,
Classes, SmallIcons, EasyPlugins
void getClipboardText(KviStr &buffer);
void setClipboardText(const KviStr &str);
TQString getClipboardText();
void setClipboardText(const TQString &str);
void collectGarbage(TQObject * garbage);
void destroyFrame();
void setup(); // THIS SHOULD BE PRIVATE! (but is accessed from kvi_main.cpp)
void ipcMessage(char * message);
//static TQTextCodec * defaultTextCodec();
//static const char * defaultTextEncoding();
static int getGloballyUniqueId(); // returns an unique integer identifier across the application
bool firstTimeRun(){ return m_bFirstTimeRun; };
void setupBegin();
void setupFinish();
inline void emitRecentUrlsChanged() { emit(recentUrlsChanged()); };
// kvi_app.cpp (Saving options)
void saveIrcServerDataBase();
void saveProxyDataBase();
void saveRecentEntries();
void saveAppEvents();
void saveRawEvents();
void saveMediaTypes();
void saveRegisteredUsers();
void saveSharedFiles();
void savePopups();
void saveAliases();
void saveNickServ();
void saveTextIcons();
void saveRegisteredChannels();
void saveInputHistory();
void saveAvatarCache();
void saveToolBars();
void saveActions();
void saveScriptAddons();
void saveIdentities();
// kvi_options.cpp : Options saving and loading (kvi.main.conf))
void loadOptions();
void saveOptions();
void listAvailableOptions(KviWindow *wnd);
bool getOptionString(const char * optName,TQString &buffer);
bool setOptionValue(const char * optName,const TQString &value);
void optionResetUpdate(int flags);
void contextSensitiveHelp();
// kvi_app_fs.cpp : Filesystem thingies
void getGlobalKvircDirectory(TQString &szData,KvircSubdir dir,const TQString &appendFile = TQString());
void getGlobalKvircDirectory(KviStr &szData,KvircSubdir dir,const TQString &appendFile = TQString());
void getLocalKvircDirectory(KviStr &szData,KvircSubdir dir,const TQString &appendFile = TQString(),bool bCreateIfNeeded = true);
void getLocalKvircDirectory(TQString &szData,KvircSubdir dir,const TQString &appendFile = TQString(),bool bCreateIfNeeded = true);
void getTmpFileName(TQString &szBuffer,const TQString &szEndingFileName = TQString());
bool trashFile(const char *filename);
void getChannelDumpLogFileName(TQString &str);
static TQTextCodec * defaultTextCodec();
// if the mediatype can be guessed ,it is looked up in the media type save path
// if found , true is returned
// if not found or the mediatype can't be guessed then false is returned
bool findFileByMediaType(KviStr &szRetPath,const char * filename);
bool findImageInImageSearchPath(KviStr &szRetPath,const char * filename);
bool findImageInImageSearchPath(TQString &szRetPath,const char * filename);
bool findUserFile(KviStr &szRetPath,const char *filename);
bool findImage(KviStr &szRetPath,const char *filename);
bool findImage(TQString &szRetPath,const char *filename);
bool findImageThemeOnlyCompat(TQString &szRetPath,const char *filename); // temporary compat, will be removed soon (do not use)
bool findSmallIcon(TQString &szRetPath,const char *filename);
// tries to map the full path filename to one of the KVIrc's mapped directories
// if it doesn't succeed it just returns the complete filename in szRetPath
bool mapImageFile(KviStr &szRetPath,const char * filename);
bool mapImageFile(TQString &szRetPath,const char * filename);
//void getDefaultDccSaveFilePath(KviStr &path,const char *filename);
void completeDirectory(const TQString &word,KviPointerList<TQString> * matches);
// Returns a config path suitable for reading (at least)
// First lookups the user local config directory,
// if no config file is found, it earches in the global one
// returns false if no config file has been found
// If bNoFail is true, the buffer is filled with the file name even
// if no config file has been found: in this case the local config
// directory is used
bool getReadOnlyConfigPath(KviStr &buffer,const char *config_name,KvircSubdir sbd = Config,bool bNoFail = false);
bool getReadOnlyConfigPath(TQString &buffer,const char *config_name,KvircSubdir sbd = Config,bool bNoFail = false);
// kvi_app.cpp : Window stuff
KviWindow * findWindow(const char * windowId);
KviWindow * findWindowByCaption(const TQString &windowCaption,int iContextId=-1);
KviConsole * findConsole(unsigned int ircContextId);
KviConsole * findConsole(KviStr & server,KviStr & nick);
KviConsole * findConsole(TQString & servr,TQString & nick);
KviConsole * topmostConnectedConsole();
KviConsole * activeConsole();
bool windowExists(KviWindow *wnd);
bool connectionExists(KviIrcConnection *cnn);
unsigned int windowCount();
// kvi_app.cpp : Utilities
void resetAvatarForMatchingUsers(KviRegisteredUser * u);
void restartNotifyLists();
void restartLagMeters();
void triggerUpdateGui();
void triggerUpdatePseudoTransparency();
// kvi_app.cpp : DCC (and CTCP AVATAR & SOUND) related stuff
void setAvatarOnFileReceived(KviConsole * pConsole,const TQString &szRemoteUrl,const TQString &szNick,const TQString &szUser,const TQString &szHost);
KviPendingAvatarChange * findPendingAvatarChange(KviConsole * pConsole,const TQString &szNick,const TQString &szRemoteUrl);
void fileDownloadTerminated(bool bSuccess,const TQString &szRemoteUrl,const TQString &szLocalFileName,const TQString &szNick = TQString(),const TQString &szError = TQString(),bool bQuiet = false);
void setAvatarFromOptions();
bool playFile(const char * filename,KviStr &error,KviWindow * w = 0);
// uMessageLifetime is in seconds! and 0 means "forever"
void notifierMessage(KviWindow * pWnd,int iIconId,const TQString &szMsg,unsigned int uMessageLifetime);
void addRecentNickname(const char * newNick);
void addRecentNickname(const TQString& newNick);
void addRecentChannel(const TQString& chan,const TQString& net);
TQStringList* getRecentChannels(const TQString& net);
void addRecentServer(const TQString& server);
void fillRecentServersPopup(KviTalPopupMenu * m);
void fillRecentNicknamesPopup(KviTalPopupMenu * m,KviConsole * pConsole);
void fillRecentChannelsPopup(KviTalPopupMenu * m,KviConsole * pConsole);
void autoConnectToServers();
void checkSuggestRestoreDefaultScript();
void loadDefaultScript();
void buildRecentChannels();
void saveRecentChannels();
// kvi_app.cpp : KviWindow global database
void registerWindow(KviWindow *wnd);
void unregisterWindow(KviWindow *wnd);
void frameDestructorCallback();
void heartbeat(kvi_time_t tNow);
virtual void timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e);
public slots:
// kvi_app.cpp : Slots
void saveConfiguration();
void updateGui();
void kdeRootPixmapDownloadComplete(bool bSuccess);
void kdeRootPixmapChanged(int iDesktop);
void updatePseudoTransparency();
void restoreDefaultScript();
void addRecentUrl(const TQString& text);
void createSplashScreen();
void destroySplashScreen();
// kvi_app_setup.cpp : Setup stuff
void loadDirectories();
void findGlobalKvircDirectory();
bool findLocalKvircDirectory();
bool checkGlobalKvircDirectory(const TQString);
bool checkLocalKvircDirectory(const TQString);
bool checkFileAssociations();
void setupFileAssociations();
bool checkUriAssociations(char * proto);
void setupUriAssociations(char * proto);
void saveKvircDirectory();
// kvi_app.cpp : GUI stuff
void updateApplicationFont();
void createGlobalBackgrounds(TQPixmap * pix);
void destroyPseudoTransparency();
void downloadKdeRootPixmap();
// kvi_app.cpp : parts of setup()
void loadRecentEntries();
void createIpcSentinel();
void destroyIpcSentinel();
#endif //!COMPILE_NO_IPC
void createFrame();
void reloadImages();
void recentUrlsChanged();
#ifndef _KVI_APP_CPP_
extern KVIRC_API KviApp * g_pApp;
extern KVIRC_API KviIrcServerDataBase * g_pIrcServerDataBase;
#endif //_KVI_APP_H_