ConfigConnectOptionsBase ConfigConnectOptionsBase 0 0 414 155 Connect unnamed tqlayout10 unnamed checkMinimizeAfterConnectCheck 1 0 0 0 &Minimize after connect Alt+M true Hide main window after connect Enable this to let kvpnc minimize in kicker after succesful connect. spacer24 Horizontal Expanding 154 20 tqlayout11 unnamed SilentQuitcheckBox 1 5 0 0 Use silent &quit Alt+Q Enable exit without warning about the active connecions spacer25 Horizontal Expanding 210 20 spacer6 Vertical Expanding 41 16 tqlayout12 unnamed DoAutoConnectCheckBox Au&tomatically connect at startup: Alt+T true After startup initiate connection using selected profile spacer24_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 59 20 AutoConnectProfileComboBox Profile to connect at startup DoAutoConnectCheckBox toggled(bool) ConfigConnectOptionsBase autoConnectToggled(bool) SilentQuitcheckBox checkMinimizeAfterConnectCheck DoAutoConnectCheckBox AutoConnectProfileComboBox autoConnectToggled(bool) kcombobox.h