NewProfileWizardCert NewProfileWizardCert 0 0 783 549 Certificate settings unnamed layout47 unnamed layout46 unnamed layout76 unnamed UseSmartcardCheckBox Enable PKCS&11 smartcard support Alt+1 spacer68 Horizontal Expanding 221 20 CertificateGroupBox Certificate unnamed privkeypathURLRequester Path to the private key file SpecialServerCertificateURLRequester false Special certificate file PrivkeyPasswordEdit Password Passphrase to decrypt the private key certpathURLRequester Global certificates path used if no absolute path is given In this directory certificates will be searched <br>if no absolute path is given. CaCertpathURLRequester CA certificate path layout45 unnamed x509certURLRequester 250 0 Path to the certificate file x509certComboBox layout28 unnamed LabelCertificate Certificate: spacer17 Horizontal Expanding 172 20 layout29 unnamed LabelCertificatePath Certificate path: spacer21 Horizontal Expanding 134 20 layout30 unnamed LabelCaCertificatePath CA certificate: spacer21_2 Horizontal Expanding 109 20 layout32 unnamed UseSpecialServerCertificateCheckBox &Use special server certificate Alt+U spacer25_2 Horizontal Expanding 34 20 layout33 unnamed LabelPrivateKeyPath Private key path: spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 134 20 layout34 unnamed LabelPrivateKeyPassword Private key passphrase: spacer19 Horizontal Expanding 84 20 SmartcardGroupBox false PKCS11 smartcard unnamed layout90 unnamed layout31 unnamed UsePkcs11ProvidersCheckBox Use token provider &library: Alt+L Pkcs11ProvidersURLRequester false layout55 unnamed DetectPkcs11IdPushButton Detect textLabel3 Slot IdLabel ID Pkcs11SlotComboBox 3 0 0 0 5 15 false DetectPkcs11SlotsPushButton Detect Pkcs11IdComboBox 3 0 0 0 true 50 false layout24 unnamed layout23 unnamed Pkcs11SlotTypeLabel Slot type auto sign recover any Pkcs11SignModeComboBox ID Name Label Pkcs11SlotTypeComboBox textLabel5 Sign mode layout22 unnamed spacer20 Horizontal Expanding 241 21 ID Label Subject Pkcs11IdTypeComboBox textLabel2 ID type spacer36 Vertical Expanding 20 44 x509certURLRequester certpathURLRequester CaCertpathURLRequester UseSpecialServerCertificateCheckBox SpecialServerCertificateURLRequester privkeypathURLRequester PrivkeyPasswordEdit useSmartcardToggled(bool) usePkcs11ProvidersToggled(bool) idTypeToggled() kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h