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* Copyright (C) 2004 by Christoph Thielecke *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#ifndef __KVPNCCONFIG_H__
#define __KVPNCCONFIG_H__
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqsize.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqtextedit.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kwallet.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include "toolinfo.h"
#include "vpnaccountdata.h"
// ID for statusbar
#define ID_STATUS_MSG 1
#define ID_FLASH_MSG 3
This class holds global configuration data.
@author Christoph Thielecke <>
class KVpncConfig : public TQObject
KVpncConfig(TQWidget *parent,KStatusBar *statusbar);
enum ConnectionStatus {disconnected=0, connecting=1, connected=2};
enum LogType {info=0, remote=1, error=2, success=3, debug=4};
TQString pathToVpnc;
TQString pathToCiscoVpnc;
TQString pathToRacoon;
TQString pathToRacoonctl;
TQString pathToSetkey;
TQString pathToIptables;
TQString pathToOpenssl;
TQString pathToIpsec;
TQString pathToPppd;
TQString pathToPptp;
TQString pathToL2tpd;
TQString pathToXl2tpd;
TQString pathToOpenl2tp;
TQString pathToKill;
TQString pathToKillall;
TQString pathToPing;
TQString pathToOpenvpn;
TQString pathToIp;
TQString pathToIfconfig;
TQString pathToRoute;
TQString pathToNetstat;
TQString pathToPkcs11Tool;
TQString pathToVtund;
TQString pathToCiscoCertMgr;
TQString pathToTail;
TQString pathToSsh;
TQString pathToKsshAskpass;
TQString pathToGnomeSshAskpass;
TQString AutoConnectProfile;
TQString RacoonDebugLevel;
TQString Vpnc_pid_file;
TQString Pppd_pid_file;
TQString lastProfile;
TQString logfileName;
TQString InterpreterShell;
TQString TmpPassword; //< from enter password dialog
TQString TmpGroupPassword; //< from enter password dialog
TQString TmpUsername; //< from enter password dialog
TQString TmpPrivKeyPassStr;
TQString TmpGatewayIP;
TQString TmpXauthInterPasscode; //< from Xauth interactive passcode dialog
TQString TmpPrivateKeyPass;
TQString TmpHttpProxyPassword;
TQString DnsDevice; //< device which the dns entry was added
TQString OldDefaultGw; //< default gw before connect
TQString OldDefaultDev; //< default gw dev before connect
TQString NewDefaultGw;
TQStringList PlutoDebug;
TQStringList KlipsDebug;
bool minimizeAfterConnect;
bool showDebugConsole;
bool writeLogFile;
bool useDefaultPaths;
bool useSilentQuit;
bool holdGeneratedScripts;
bool programsInPath;
bool enableDebugPppd;
bool enableDebugPptpd;
bool enableDebugL2tpd;
bool enableDebugXl2tpd;
bool enableDebugOpenl2tp;
bool enableDebugXl2tpdNetwork;
bool enableDebugXl2tpdpacket;
bool enableDebugXl2tpdstate;
bool enableDebugXl2tpdtunnel;
bool enableFreeswanVerbose;
bool enableDebugOpenvpn;
bool useColorizedLogOutput;
bool showInterfaceIPinTooltip;
bool dontQuitOnCloseEvent;
bool doAutoConnectAtStartup;
bool useKwallet;
bool showStatusBar;
bool showToolBar;
bool hideMainWindow;
bool PppdDebugLevel;
bool firstUseOfKwallet; //< for importing passwords if there are stored before
bool shutdownIsCalled;
bool haveUserData; //< flag if user data already collected, set after data is entered and unset if authretry
bool skipKwalletStoring; //< true if save should skip saving into kwallet
bool hideOnCloseInfo;
bool feedbackMailSent;
bool doKillL2tpdIfStillRunning; //< kill l2tpd if its still running and not started from kvpnc
bool doKillXl2tpdIfStillRunning; //< kill xl2tpd if its still running and not started from kvpnc
bool doKillRacoonIfStillRunning; //< kill racoon if its still running and not started from kvpnc
bool showConnectionTimeInTooltip; //< True if the connection duration should be shown in kicker tooltip
bool WaitingForXauth; //< if waiting for xauth is set to true, needed to detect wrong xautn data on strongswan
bool prefDlgOpen; //< if true prefDlgOpen is open
bool OpenvpnNeedSecurityParameter;
int VpncDebugLevel;
int KvpncDebugLevel;
int OpenvpnDebugLevel;
int PptpLogLevel;
int PppdKernelLogLevel;
int SshDebugLevel;
int LogViewerFontSize;
int mainwindow_pos_x;
int mainwindow_pos_y;
int mainwindow_height;
int mainwindow_width;
int connectSleepDelay; //< time beetween retry
int connectSleepRetry; //< count of retries
int tryConnectTimeout; //< timeout in at connecting
int connectionStartTime;
int runningCheckCounter;
int runningCheckTimeout;
int OpenvpnManagementPort;
int AuthRetryCount; //< count of autn retry
int maxConnectRetry; // max connect tries
int currentConnectRetry;
TQPtrList<ToolInfo> *ToolList;
TQPtrList<VpnAccountData> *AccountList;
VpnAccountData *currentProfile;
TQColor InfoLogColor;
TQColor RemoteLogColor;
TQColor ErrorLogColor;
TQColor SuccessLogColor;
TQColor DebugLogColor;
TQColor DebugBackgroundcolor;
TQApplication *appPointer;
TQPoint pos;
ConnectionStatus status;
TQFile logfile;
TQTextStream logFileStream;
TQTextEdit *LogOutput;
KWallet::Wallet *wallet;
TDEConfig* config; //< configuration data
TQPoint WindowPos;
TQSize WindowSize;
struct IpsecImportSection {
TQString SectionName;
TQStringList SectionData;
TQPtrList<VpnAccountData> *ImportedAccountList;
TQWidget *parent;
KStatusBar *statusbar;
* Appends a log enty to debug console and log file
* @param msg the text to append
* @param type the type of the msg (info, debug, error, etc)
void appendLogEntry( TQString msg, LogType type );
* Sets the output textedit for debug output
* @param LogOutput
void setLogOutput(TQTextEdit *LogOutput);
* save configuration
void saveOptions(bool saveOneProfile=false, TQString Profile="" );
* load configuration
void loadOptions();
* check the value of the paths
void checkStandardPathValues();
* collects the information of the external helper programs
void getToolsInfo();
* removes a entry from configuration file
* @param Name the entry which should be removed
void removeEntry(TQString Name);
VpnAccountData* findProfile(TQPtrList<VpnAccountData> *list,const TQString& Name);
TQString removeWhiteSpaceAtBegin(const TQString);
void slotStatusMsg( const TQString &text, int id = ID_STATUS_MSG );
void doBackupConfig();
void restoreBackupConfig();
bool exportKvpncConfig(TQString filename);
bool importKvpncConfig(TQString filename, TQString& Name, bool& openProfileManager); //< true if profiles imported
bool importIpsecConfig(TQString filename, TQString& Name, bool& openProfileManager);
bool importFritzboxConfig(TQString filename, TQString& Name, bool& openProfileManager);