KXENewFileSettingsPage KXENewFileSettingsPage 0 0 288 197 New File Settings Page unnamed layout3 unnamed m_pLblDfltVersion XML &version: m_pDfltVersion <b>XML version</b> <br> You can determine the default XML version for XML documents being created. This version is the default setting in wizard dialogs.<br> Since there's only one XML version yet, you shouldn't change this value. m_pDfltVersion <b>XML version</b> <br> You can determine the default XML version for XML documents being created. This version is the default setting in wizard dialogs.<br> Since there's only one XML version yet, you shouldn't change this value. layout4 unnamed m_pLblDfltEncoding Default &encoding: m_pDfltEncoding <b>Default encoding</b> <br> You can determine the default encoding for XML documents being created. This version is the default setting in wizard dialogs. m_pDfltEncoding <b>Default encoding</b> <br> You can determine the default encoding for XML documents being created. This version is the default setting in wizard dialogs. m_pNewFileCreatBehav &Behavior on creating new files true <b>Behavior on creating new files</b> <br> You can determine the behavior on creating new XML documents. Choose one of the following:<br> <br> <b><i>Start with new empty file</i></b><br> Creates an empty XML document.<br> <br> <b><i>Start with file settings dialog assistance</i></b><br> Opens a dialog to choose the XML version and encoding of the new document.<br> <br> <b><i>Start with new file with default settings</i></b><br> Creates an XML document with the default XML version and default encoding selected above. unnamed m_pNewFileCreatBehav1 Start with new empty file m_pNewFileCreatBehav2 Start with file settings dialog assistance true m_pNewFileCreatBehav3 Start with new file with default settings false spacer8 Vertical Expanding 20 20