Update bundled noVNC to latest release 0.5.1

Fixes https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/issues/54
Christian Beier 8 years ago
parent 15dd6470c5
commit 962e1082e8

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ var Display;
if (this._prefer_js === null) {
Util.Info("Preferring javascript operations");
Util.Info("Prefering javascript operations");
this._prefer_js = true;
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ var Display;
// Clearing the current viewport first fixes the issue
this._drawCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this._viewportLoc.w, this._viewportLoc.h);
this.resize(640, 20);
this.resize(240, 20);
this._drawCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this._viewportLoc.w, this._viewportLoc.h);
@ -713,6 +713,12 @@ var Display;
cur.push(rgb[1]); // green
cur.push(rgb[0]); // red
cur.push(alpha); // alpha
} else {
idx = ((w0 * y) + x) * 4;
cur.push(pixels[idx + 2]); // blue
cur.push(pixels[idx + 1]); // green
cur.push(pixels[idx]); // red
cur.push(alpha); // alpha

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
function hasShortcutModifier(charModifier, currentModifiers) {
var mods = {};
for (var key in currentModifiers) {
if (parseInt(key) !== 0xffe1) {
if (parseInt(key) !== XK_Shift_L) {
mods[key] = currentModifiers[key];
@ -65,24 +65,18 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
// Helper object tracking modifier key state
// and generates fake key events to compensate if it gets out of sync
function ModifierSync(charModifier) {
var ctrl = 0xffe3;
var alt = 0xffe9;
var altGr = 0xfe03;
var shift = 0xffe1;
var meta = 0xffe7;
if (!charModifier) {
if (isMac()) {
// on Mac, Option (AKA Alt) is used as a char modifier
charModifier = [alt];
charModifier = [XK_Alt_L];
else if (isWindows()) {
// on Windows, Ctrl+Alt is used as a char modifier
charModifier = [alt, ctrl];
charModifier = [XK_Alt_L, XK_Control_L];
else if (isLinux()) {
// on Linux, AltGr is used as a char modifier
charModifier = [altGr];
// on Linux, ISO Level 3 Shift (AltGr) is used as a char modifier
charModifier = [XK_ISO_Level3_Shift];
else {
charModifier = [];
@ -90,11 +84,11 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
var state = {};
state[ctrl] = false;
state[alt] = false;
state[altGr] = false;
state[shift] = false;
state[meta] = false;
state[XK_Control_L] = false;
state[XK_Alt_L] = false;
state[XK_ISO_Level3_Shift] = false;
state[XK_Shift_L] = false;
state[XK_Meta_L] = false;
function sync(evt, keysym) {
var result = [];
@ -102,25 +96,30 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
return {keysym: keysyms.lookup(keysym), type: state[keysym] ? 'keydown' : 'keyup'};
if (evt.ctrlKey !== undefined && evt.ctrlKey !== state[ctrl] && keysym !== ctrl) {
state[ctrl] = evt.ctrlKey;
if (evt.ctrlKey !== undefined &&
evt.ctrlKey !== state[XK_Control_L] && keysym !== XK_Control_L) {
state[XK_Control_L] = evt.ctrlKey;
if (evt.altKey !== undefined && evt.altKey !== state[alt] && keysym !== alt) {
state[alt] = evt.altKey;
if (evt.altKey !== undefined &&
evt.altKey !== state[XK_Alt_L] && keysym !== XK_Alt_L) {
state[XK_Alt_L] = evt.altKey;
if (evt.altGraphKey !== undefined && evt.altGraphKey !== state[altGr] && keysym !== altGr) {
state[altGr] = evt.altGraphKey;
if (evt.altGraphKey !== undefined &&
evt.altGraphKey !== state[XK_ISO_Level3_Shift] && keysym !== XK_ISO_Level3_Shift) {
state[XK_ISO_Level3_Shift] = evt.altGraphKey;
if (evt.shiftKey !== undefined && evt.shiftKey !== state[shift] && keysym !== shift) {
state[shift] = evt.shiftKey;
if (evt.shiftKey !== undefined &&
evt.shiftKey !== state[XK_Shift_L] && keysym !== XK_Shift_L) {
state[XK_Shift_L] = evt.shiftKey;
if (evt.metaKey !== undefined && evt.metaKey !== state[meta] && keysym !== meta) {
state[meta] = evt.metaKey;
if (evt.metaKey !== undefined &&
evt.metaKey !== state[XK_Meta_L] && keysym !== XK_Meta_L) {
state[XK_Meta_L] = evt.metaKey;
return result;
@ -211,21 +210,21 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
return shiftPressed ? keycode : keycode + 32; // A-Z
if (keycode >= 0x60 && keycode <= 0x69) {
return 0xffb0 + (keycode - 0x60); // numpad 0-9
return XK_KP_0 + (keycode - 0x60); // numpad 0-9
switch(keycode) {
case 0x20: return 0x20; // space
case 0x6a: return 0xffaa; // multiply
case 0x6b: return 0xffab; // add
case 0x6c: return 0xffac; // separator
case 0x6d: return 0xffad; // subtract
case 0x6e: return 0xffae; // decimal
case 0x6f: return 0xffaf; // divide
case 0xbb: return 0x2b; // +
case 0xbc: return 0x2c; // ,
case 0xbd: return 0x2d; // -
case 0xbe: return 0x2e; // .
case 0x20: return XK_space;
case 0x6a: return XK_KP_Multiply;
case 0x6b: return XK_KP_Add;
case 0x6c: return XK_KP_Separator;
case 0x6d: return XK_KP_Subtract;
case 0x6e: return XK_KP_Decimal;
case 0x6f: return XK_KP_Divide;
case 0xbb: return XK_plus;
case 0xbc: return XK_comma;
case 0xbd: return XK_minus;
case 0xbe: return XK_period;
return nonCharacterKey({keyCode: keycode});
@ -239,37 +238,38 @@ var kbdUtil = (function() {
var keycode = evt.keyCode;
if (keycode >= 0x70 && keycode <= 0x87) {
return 0xffbe + keycode - 0x70; // F1-F24
return XK_F1 + keycode - 0x70; // F1-F24
switch (keycode) {
case 8 : return 0xFF08; // BACKSPACE
case 13 : return 0xFF0D; // ENTER
case 9 : return 0xFF09; // TAB
case 27 : return 0xFF1B; // ESCAPE
case 46 : return 0xFFFF; // DELETE
case 36 : return 0xFF50; // HOME
case 35 : return 0xFF57; // END
case 33 : return 0xFF55; // PAGE_UP
case 34 : return 0xFF56; // PAGE_DOWN
case 45 : return 0xFF63; // INSERT
case 37 : return 0xFF51; // LEFT
case 38 : return 0xFF52; // UP
case 39 : return 0xFF53; // RIGHT
case 40 : return 0xFF54; // DOWN
case 16 : return 0xFFE1; // SHIFT
case 17 : return 0xFFE3; // CONTROL
case 18 : return 0xFFE9; // Left ALT (Mac Option)
case 224 : return 0xFE07; // Meta
case 225 : return 0xFE03; // AltGr
case 91 : return 0xFFEC; // Super_L (Win Key)
case 92 : return 0xFFED; // Super_R (Win Key)
case 93 : return 0xFF67; // Menu (Win Menu), Mac Command
case 8 : return XK_BackSpace;
case 13 : return XK_Return;
case 9 : return XK_Tab;
case 27 : return XK_Escape;
case 46 : return XK_Delete;
case 36 : return XK_Home;
case 35 : return XK_End;
case 33 : return XK_Page_Up;
case 34 : return XK_Page_Down;
case 45 : return XK_Insert;
case 37 : return XK_Left;
case 38 : return XK_Up;
case 39 : return XK_Right;
case 40 : return XK_Down;
case 16 : return XK_Shift_L;
case 17 : return XK_Control_L;
case 18 : return XK_Alt_L; // also: Option-key on Mac
case 224 : return XK_Meta_L;
case 225 : return XK_ISO_Level3_Shift; // AltGr
case 91 : return XK_Super_L; // also: Windows-key
case 92 : return XK_Super_R; // also: Windows-key
case 93 : return XK_Menu; // also: Windows-Menu, Command on Mac
default: return null;

@ -170,6 +170,8 @@ XK_Super_R = 0xffec, /* Right super */
XK_Hyper_L = 0xffed, /* Left hyper */
XK_Hyper_R = 0xffee, /* Right hyper */
XK_ISO_Level3_Shift = 0xfe03, /* AltGr */
* Latin 1
* (ISO/IEC 8859-1 = Unicode U+0020..U+00FF)

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ var RFB;
['DesktopSize', -223 ],
['Cursor', -239 ],
// Pseudo-encoding settings
// Psuedo-encoding settings
//['JPEG_quality_lo', -32 ],
['JPEG_quality_med', -26 ],
//['JPEG_quality_hi', -23 ],
@ -252,12 +252,12 @@ var RFB;
Util.Info("Sending Ctrl-Alt-Del");
var arr = [];
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(0xFFE3, 1)); // Control
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(0xFFE9, 1)); // Alt
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(0xFFFF, 1)); // Delete
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(0xFFFF, 0)); // Delete
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(0xFFE9, 0)); // Alt
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(0xFFE3, 0)); // Control
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(XK_Control_L, 1));
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(XK_Alt_L, 1));
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(XK_Delete, 1));
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(XK_Delete, 0));
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(XK_Alt_L, 0));
arr = arr.concat(RFB.messages.keyEvent(XK_Control_L, 0));
@ -1496,8 +1496,7 @@ var RFB;
// Weird: ignore blanks are RAW
Util.Debug(" Ignoring blank after RAW");
} else {
this._display.fillRect(x, y, w, h, rQ, rQi);
rQi += this._FBU.bytes - 1;
this._display.fillRect(x, y, w, h, this._FBU.background);
} else if (this._FBU.subencoding & 0x01) { // Raw
this._display.blitImage(x, y, w, h, rQ, rQi);

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var UI;
"keysymdef.js", "keyboard.js", "input.js", "display.js",
"jsunzip.js", "rfb.js", "keysym.js"]);
var UI = {
UI = {
rfb_state : 'loaded',
settingsOpen : false,
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ var UI;
$D('showKeyboard').className = "noVNC_status_button";
//Weird bug in iOS if you change keyboardVisible
//here it does not actually occur so next time
//you click keyboard icon it doesn't work.
//you click keyboard icon it doesnt work.
UI.hideKeyboardTimeout = setTimeout(function() { UI.setKeyboard(); },100);

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* noVNC: HTML5 VNC client
* Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Martin
* Licensed under LGPL-3 (see LICENSE.txt)
* See README.md for usage and integration instructions.
/*jslint evil: true */
/*global window, document, INCLUDE_URI */
* Load supporting scripts
function get_INCLUDE_URI() {
return (typeof INCLUDE_URI !== "undefined") ? INCLUDE_URI : "include/";
(function () {
"use strict";
var extra = "", start, end;
start = "<script src='" + get_INCLUDE_URI();
end = "'><\/script>";
// Uncomment to activate firebug lite
//extra += "<script src='http://getfirebug.com/releases/lite/1.2/" +
// "firebug-lite-compressed.js'><\/script>";
extra += start + "util.js" + end;
extra += start + "webutil.js" + end;
extra += start + "base64.js" + end;
extra += start + "websock.js" + end;
extra += start + "des.js" + end;
extra += start + "input.js" + end;
extra += start + "display.js" + end;
extra += start + "rfb.js" + end;
extra += start + "jsunzip.js" + end;

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
// Load supporting scripts
Util.load_scripts(["webutil.js", "base64.js", "websock.js", "des.js",
"keysymdef.js", "keyboard.js", "input.js", "display.js",
"jsunzip.js", "rfb.js"]);
"jsunzip.js", "rfb.js", "keysym.js"]);
var rfb;
