ssvnc: Home dir changing, skip enc warning, memory stick doc.

runge 17 years ago
parent 15d04d46b0
commit d1a86ee79f

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (ssvnc: SSL/SSH VNC viewer)
Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC: SSL/SSH VNC viewer)
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Karl J. Runge <>
All rights reserved.
@ -239,6 +239,22 @@ mapped to Linux.i686). (See the ./bin/ssvnc_cmd -h output for how to
override platform autodection via the UNAME env. var).
Memory Stick Usage:
If you create a directory named "Home" in that toplevel ssvnc directory
then that will be used as the base for storing VNC profiles and
certificates. Also, for convenience, if you first run the command with
"." as an argument (e.g. "ssvnc .") it will automatically create that
"Home" directory for you. This is handy if you want to place SSVNC
on a USB flash drive that you carry around for mobile use and you want
the profiles you create to stay with the drive (otherwise you'd have to
browse to the drive directory each time you load or save).
WARNING: if you use ssvnc from an "Internet Cafe", i.e. an untrusted
computer, an intruder may be capturing keystrokes etc.
External Dependencies:

@ -218,6 +218,11 @@ do
if [ "X$SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_T" != "X" ]; then
if [ "X$gotalpha" = "X1" ]; then
@ -255,6 +260,12 @@ if [ "X$use_ssh" = "X1" -a "X$use_sshssl" = "X" ]; then
if echo "$orig" | grep '^V[Nn][Cc]://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's/^...:/vnc:/'`
if echo "$orig" | grep '^vnc://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's,vnc://,,'`
@ -266,9 +277,14 @@ elif echo "$orig" | grep '^vncs://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's,vncs://,,'`
elif echo "$orig" | grep '^vncssl://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's,vncssl://,,'`
elif echo "$orig" | grep '^vnc+ssl://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's,vnc.ssl://,,'`
elif echo "$orig" | grep '^vncssh://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's,vncssh://,,'`
elif echo "$orig" | grep '^vnc+ssh://' > /dev/null; then
orig=`echo "$orig" | sed -e 's,vnc.ssh://,,'`
if [ "X$reverse" != "X" -a "X$direct_connect" = "X" ]; then
@ -438,8 +454,8 @@ if [ "X$use_ssh" = "X1" ]; then
proxport=`findfree 3500`
echo "Running 1st ssh proxy:"
echo "$ssh -f -x -p $ssh_port1 -t -e none -L $proxport:$ssh_host2:$ssh_port2 $ssh_host1 \"sleep 30\""
$ssh -f -x -p $ssh_port1 -t -e none -L $proxport:$ssh_host2:$ssh_port2 $ssh_host1 "sleep 30"
echo "$ssh -f -x -p $ssh_port1 $targ -e none -L $proxport:$ssh_host2:$ssh_port2 $ssh_host1 \"sleep 30\""
$ssh -f -x -p $ssh_port1 $targ -e none -L $proxport:$ssh_host2:$ssh_port2 $ssh_host1 "sleep 30"
ssh_args="$ssh_args -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes"
sleep 1
stty sane
@ -475,18 +491,18 @@ if [ "X$use_ssh" = "X1" ]; then
pmark=`sh -c 'echo $$'`
# the -t option actually speeds up typing response via VNC!!
if [ "X$SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY" != "X" ]; then
echo "$ssh -x -p $ssh_port -t $C $ssh_args $ssh_host \"$info\""
echo "$ssh -x -p $ssh_port $targ $C $ssh_args $ssh_host \"$info\""
echo ""
$ssh -x -p $ssh_port -t $C $ssh_args $ssh_host "$ssh_cmd"
$ssh -x -p $ssh_port $targ $C $ssh_args $ssh_host "$ssh_cmd"
exit $?
elif [ "X$SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_F" != "X" ]; then
echo "$ssh -x -p $ssh_port -t $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host \"$info\""
echo "$ssh -x -p $ssh_port $targ $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host \"$info\""
echo ""
$ssh -x -p $ssh_port -t $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host "$ssh_cmd"
$ssh -x -p $ssh_port $targ $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host "$ssh_cmd"
echo "$ssh -x -f -p $ssh_port -t $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host \"$info\""
echo "$ssh -x -f -p $ssh_port $targ $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host \"$info\""
echo ""
$ssh -x -f -p $ssh_port -t $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host "$ssh_cmd"
$ssh -x -f -p $ssh_port $targ $C $ssh_redir $ssh_args $ssh_host "$ssh_cmd"
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo ""
@ -774,12 +790,15 @@ if [ "X$direct_connect" != "X" ]; then
echo ""
echo ""
if type printf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "X$SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN" != "X" ]; then
sleep 1
elif type printf > /dev/null 2>&1; then
printf "Are you sure you want to continue? [y]/n "
read x
echo -n "Are you sure you want to continue? [y]/n "
read x
read x
if [ "X$x" = "Xn" ]; then
exit 1

@ -276,7 +276,8 @@ proc help {} {
Sorry we do not make this easy to figure out how to do (e.g. a
button on the main panel), but the goal of SSVNC is secure
connections! Set the env var SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN=1 (or use Vnc://)
to skip the warning prompts.
6) Reverse VNC connections are possible as well. Go to Options and
select "Reverse VNC connection". In the 'VNC Host:Display' entry
@ -294,6 +295,30 @@ proc help {} {
On Windows set it to "NOTEPAD" or similar; you can't control
the port though. It is usually 5930.
8) On Unix if you are going to an older SSH server (e.g. Solaris 10),
you will probably need to set the env. var. SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_T=1
to disable the ssh "-t" option being used (that can prevent the
command from being run).
9) In the VNC Host:Display entry you can also use these "URL-like"
prefixes: vncs://host:0, vncssl://host:0, and vnc+ssl://host:0
(for SSL) and vncssh://host:0 and vnc+ssh://host:0 for SSH. There
is no need to toggle the SSL/SSH else. These also work from the
command line, e.g.: ssvnc vnc+ssh://mymachine:10
10) Mobile USB memory stick / flash drive usage: You can unpack ssvnc
to a flash drive for impromptu usage (e.g. from a friends computer)
If you create a directory "Home" in the toplevel ssvnc directory,
then that will be the default location for your VNC profiles and
certs. So they follow the drive this way. If you run like this:
"ssvnc ." or "ssvnc.exe ." the "Home" directory will be created for
you. WARNING: if you use ssvnc from an "Internet Cafe", i.e. an
untrusted computer, an intruder may be capturing keystrokes, etc.
You can also set the SSVNC_HOME env. var. to point to any
directory you want. It can be set after starting ssvnc by putting
HOME=/path/to/dir in the Host:Display box and clicking "Connect".
.h.f.t insert end $msg
@ -2065,7 +2090,7 @@ proc do_unix_pre {tag proxy hp pk_hp} {
set tee ""
if {$use_smbmnt} {
set tee $env(HOME)
set tee $env(SSVNC_HOME)
append tee "/.tee-etv$tag"
set fh ""
catch {set fh [open $tee "w"]}
@ -2182,6 +2207,7 @@ proc port_knock_only {hp {mode KNOCK}} {
proc direct_connect_msg {} {
set msg ""
global env
if {$use_sshssl} {
append msg " - SSH + SSL tunnelling\n"
@ -2190,6 +2216,9 @@ proc direct_connect_msg {} {
} else {
append msg " - SSL tunnelling\n"
if [info exists env(SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN)] {
set msg ""
if {$use_smbmnt} {
append msg " - SMB Mount Port Redirection\n"
@ -2512,6 +2541,7 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set pk_hp ""
set skip_ssh 0
if [regexp {vnc://} $hp] {
set skip_ssh 1
@ -2753,7 +2783,7 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set passwdfile ""
if {$vncauth_passwd != ""} {
global use_listen
set passwdfile "$env(HOME)/.vncauth_tmp.[pid]"
set passwdfile "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vncauth_tmp.[pid]"
catch {exec vncstorepw $vncauth_passwd $passwdfile}
catch {exec chmod 600 $passwdfile}
if {$use_listen} {
@ -3041,6 +3071,14 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
set hp [get_vncdisplay]
if {[regexp {^HOME=} $hp] || [regexp {^SSVNC_HOME=} $hp]} {
set t $hp
regsub {^.*HOME=} $t "" t
set env(SSVNC_HOME) $t
mesg "set SSVNC_HOME to $t"
return 0
regsub {[ ]*cmd=.*$} $hp "" tt
if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $tt]} {
@ -3078,12 +3116,17 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
mesg "\"$tcl_platform(os)\" | \"$tcl_platform(osVersion)\""
after 1000
if [regexp {V[Nn][Cc]://} $hp] {
set env(SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN) 1
regsub {V[Nn][Cc]://} $hp "vnc://" hp
if {! $is_windows} {
launch_unix $hp
if [regexp {vnc://} $hp] {
regsub {vnc://} $hp "" hp
@ -3095,9 +3138,15 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
} elseif [regexp {vncssl://} $hp] {
set use_ssl 1
regsub {vncssl://} $hp "" hp
} elseif [regexp {vnc\+ssl://} $hp] {
set use_ssl 1
regsub {vnc\+ssl://} $hp "" hp
} elseif [regexp {vncssh://} $hp] {
set use_ssh 1
regsub {vncssh://} $hp "" hp
} elseif [regexp {vnc\+ssh://} $hp] {
set use_ssh 1
regsub {vnc\+ssh://} $hp "" hp
@ -3548,14 +3597,14 @@ proc get_idir_certs {str} {
if {$idir == ""} {
if {$is_windows} {
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/ss_vnc"
if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] {
set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc"
regsub -all {\\} $t "/" t
regsub -all {//*} $t "/" t
if {! [file isdirectory $t]} {
catch {file mkdir $t}
set t "$env(HOME)/ss_vnc/certs"
set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc/certs"
regsub -all {\\} $t "/" t
regsub -all {//*} $t "/" t
if {! [file isdirectory $t]} {
@ -3574,8 +3623,8 @@ proc get_idir_certs {str} {
if {$idir == ""} {
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc/certs"
if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] {
set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc/certs"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set idir $t
@ -4653,8 +4702,8 @@ proc get_profiles_dir {} {
set dir ""
if {$is_windows} {
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/ss_vnc"
if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] {
set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc"
regsub -all {\\} $t "/" t
regsub -all {//*} $t "/" t
if {! [file isdirectory $t]} {
@ -4675,8 +4724,8 @@ proc get_profiles_dir {} {
set dir $t
} elseif [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc"
} elseif [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] {
set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set dir $t
set s "$t/profiles"
@ -7215,7 +7264,7 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp mode} {
global env
set pfile "payload$pi.txt"
if {! $is_windows} {
set pfile "$env(HOME)/.$pfile"
set pfile "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.$pfile"
set pfiles($pi) $pfile
incr pi
@ -7663,7 +7712,7 @@ proc ssh_agent_restart {} {
mesg "could not find ssh-add in PATH"
set tmp $env(HOME)/.vnc-sa[pid]
set tmp $env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc-sa[pid]
set fh ""
catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]}
if {$fh == ""} {
@ -7938,8 +7987,8 @@ proc check_writable {} {
if ![file exists $test] {
global env
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set dir "$env(HOME)/ss_vnc/cache"
if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] {
set dir "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc/cache"
catch {file mkdir $dir}
if ![file exists $dir] {
@ -7973,6 +8022,75 @@ if {[regexp -nocase {Windows.9} $tcl_platform(os)]} {
set is_win9x 0
# set SSVNC_HOME to HOME in case we modify it for mobile use:
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)]} {
set env(SSVNC_HOME) $env(HOME)
# For mobile use, e.g. from a USB flash drive, we look for a "home" or "Home"
# directory relative to this script where the profiles and certs will be kept
# by default.
if [file exists $buck_zero] {
#puts "$buck_zero"
set up [file dirname $buck_zero]
if {$up == "."} {
# this is actually bad news on windows because we cd'd to util.
set up ".."
} else {
set up [file dirname $up]
set dirs [list $up]
if {! $is_windows && $up != ".."} {
# get rid of bin
set up [file dirname $up]
lappend dirs $up
if {$argc > 0} {
set i [lindex $argv 0]
if {$i == "."} {
if {![file isdirectory "$up/home"] && ![file isdirectory "$up/Home"]} {
catch {file mkdir "$up/Home"}
set gotone 0
foreach d $dirs {
set try "$d/home"
#puts "$try"
if [file isdirectory $try] {
set env(SSVNC_HOME) $try
set gotone 1
set try "$d/Home"
#puts "$try"
if [file isdirectory $try] {
set env(SSVNC_HOME) $try
set gotone 1
if {$gotone} {
set b ""
if {$is_windows} {
set b "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc"
} else {
set b "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc"
catch {file mkdir $b}
catch {file mkdir "$b/certs"}
catch {file mkdir "$b/profiles"}
#puts "HOME: $env(SSVNC_HOME)"
if {$is_windows} {
@ -7987,8 +8105,8 @@ if {$uname == "Darwin"} {
if {! [info exists env(DISPLAY)]} {
set darwin_cotvnc 1
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc"
if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] {
set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc"
if {! [file exists $t]} {
catch {file mkdir $t}
@ -8123,6 +8241,12 @@ update
if {$argc > 0} {
set item [lindex $argv 0]
if {$item == "."} {
set item ""
if {$argc > 1} {
set item [lindex $argv 1]
if {$item != ""} {
if [file exists $item] {
load_profile . $item
@ -8148,3 +8272,4 @@ if {$argc > 0} {
#mesg "$buck_zero"

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
rm -rf ./src/tmp/* || exit 1
cd .. || exit 1
cp -p ssvnc/bin/ssvnc_cmd ssvnc/bin/tightvncviewer
rm -rf $dest
