immediate: ---------- fix bug in http (java) client with big endian server: byte swapping is broken really support pthreads. - cursor drawing! in the works: ------------- adapt rdp2vnc (rdesktop) optionally dont draw rich cursors as xcursors later: ------ cursor "smears" sometimes when not using cursor encoding (seems to be gone now; haven't debugged properly, though) udp autoconf? at least Sun Solaris compilation rfbCloseClient, rfbConnect, ConnectToTcpAddr CORBA translate.c: warning about non 8-bit colourmaps set colourmap documentation done: ----- .cursors .cutpaste .httpd .other encodings .test drawing of cursors when not using xcursor or rich cursor encoding fix bug with odd width (depends on client depth: width has to be multiple of server.bytesPerPixel/client.bytesPerPixel). only raw!! -> bug of vncviewer! .use sraRegion from Wez instead of miregion, because it is much smaller . - connection gone and then reconnect is a problem the reason: there are in fact three threads accessing the clientPtr: input, output and the application thread. if you kill the viewer or do rfbCloseClient, all of those three have to be warned that this is happening. -> rfbClientConnectionGone can only be called by the outer loop (with background loop, it is input, else it is processEvents).