/* * Copyright (C)2009-2012 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the libjpeg-turbo Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS", * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "./bmp.h" #include "./tjutil.h" #include "./turbojpeg.h" #define _throw(op, err) { \ printf("ERROR in line %d while %s:\n%s\n", __LINE__, op, err); \ retval=-1; goto bailout;} #define _throwunix(m) _throw(m, strerror(errno)) #define _throwtj(m) _throw(m, tjGetErrorStr()) #define _throwbmp(m) _throw(m, bmpgeterr()) int flags=0, decomponly=0, quiet=0, dotile=0, pf=TJPF_BGR; char *ext="ppm"; const char *pixFormatStr[TJ_NUMPF]= { "RGB", "BGR", "RGBX", "BGRX", "XBGR", "XRGB", "GRAY" }; const int bmpPF[TJ_NUMPF]= { BMP_RGB, BMP_BGR, BMP_RGBX, BMP_BGRX, BMP_XBGR, BMP_XRGB, -1 }; const char *subNameLong[TJ_NUMSAMP]= { "4:4:4", "4:2:2", "4:2:0", "GRAY", "4:4:0" }; const char *subName[NUMSUBOPT]={"444", "422", "420", "GRAY", "440"}; tjscalingfactor *scalingfactors=NULL, sf={1, 1}; int nsf=0; double benchtime=5.0; char *sigfig(double val, int figs, char *buf, int len) { char format[80]; int digitsafterdecimal=figs-(int)ceil(log10(fabs(val))); if(digitsafterdecimal<1) snprintf(format, 80, "%%.0f"); else snprintf(format, 80, "%%.%df", digitsafterdecimal); snprintf(buf, len, format, val); return buf; } /* Decompression test */ int decomptest(unsigned char *srcbuf, unsigned char **jpegbuf, unsigned long *jpegsize, unsigned char *dstbuf, int w, int h, int subsamp, int jpegqual, char *filename, int tilew, int tileh) { char tempstr[1024], sizestr[20]="\0", qualstr[6]="\0", *ptr; FILE *file=NULL; tjhandle handle=NULL; int row, col, i, dstbufalloc=0, retval=0; double start, elapsed; int ps=tjPixelSize[pf]; int bufsize; int scaledw=TJSCALED(w, sf); int scaledh=TJSCALED(h, sf); int pitch=scaledw*ps; int ntilesw=(w+tilew-1)/tilew, ntilesh=(h+tileh-1)/tileh; unsigned char *dstptr, *dstptr2; if(jpegqual>0) { snprintf(qualstr, 6, "_Q%d", jpegqual); qualstr[5]=0; } if((handle=tjInitDecompress())==NULL) _throwtj("executing tjInitDecompress()"); bufsize=pitch*scaledh; if(dstbuf==NULL) { if((dstbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(bufsize)) == NULL) _throwunix("allocating image buffer"); dstbufalloc=1; } /* Set the destination buffer to gray so we know whether the decompressor attempted to write to it */ memset(dstbuf, 127, bufsize); /* Execute once to preload cache */ if(tjDecompress2(handle, jpegbuf[0], jpegsize[0], dstbuf, scaledw, pitch, scaledh, pf, flags)==-1) _throwtj("executing tjDecompress2()"); /* Benchmark */ for(i=0, start=gettime(); (elapsed=gettime()-start) Frame rate: %f fps\n", (double)i/elapsed); printf(" Dest. throughput: %f Megapixels/sec\n", (double)(w*h)/1000000.*(double)i/elapsed); } if(sf.num!=1 || sf.denom!=1) snprintf(sizestr, 20, "%d_%d", sf.num, sf.denom); else if(tilew!=w || tileh!=h) snprintf(sizestr, 20, "%dx%d", tilew, tileh); else snprintf(sizestr, 20, "full"); if(decomponly) snprintf(tempstr, 1024, "%s_%s.%s", filename, sizestr, ext); else snprintf(tempstr, 1024, "%s_%s%s_%s.%s", filename, subName[subsamp], qualstr, sizestr, ext); if(savebmp(tempstr, dstbuf, scaledw, scaledh, bmpPF[pf], pitch, (flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP)!=0)==-1) _throwbmp("saving bitmap"); ptr=strrchr(tempstr, '.'); snprintf(ptr, 1024-(ptr-tempstr), "-err.%s", ext); if(srcbuf && sf.num==1 && sf.denom==1) { if(!quiet) printf("Compression error written to %s.\n", tempstr); if(subsamp==TJ_GRAYSCALE) { int index, index2; for(row=0, index=0; row255) y=255; if(y<0) y=0; dstbuf[rindex]=abs(dstbuf[rindex]-y); dstbuf[gindex]=abs(dstbuf[gindex]-y); dstbuf[bindex]=abs(dstbuf[bindex]-y); } } } else { for(row=0; row>>>> %s (%s) <--> JPEG %s Q%d <<<<<\n", pixFormatStr[pf], (flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP)? "Bottom-up":"Top-down", subNameLong[subsamp], jpegqual); for(tilew=dotile? 8:w, tileh=dotile? 8:h; ; tilew*=2, tileh*=2) { if(tilew>w) tilew=w; if(tileh>h) tileh=h; ntilesw=(w+tilew-1)/tilew; ntilesh=(h+tileh-1)/tileh; if((jpegbuf=(unsigned char **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *) *ntilesw*ntilesh))==NULL) _throwunix("allocating JPEG tile array"); memset(jpegbuf, 0, sizeof(unsigned char *)*ntilesw*ntilesh); if((jpegsize=(unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned long) *ntilesw*ntilesh))==NULL) _throwunix("allocating JPEG size array"); memset(jpegsize, 0, sizeof(unsigned long)*ntilesw*ntilesh); for(i=0; i Frame rate: %f fps\n", (double)i/elapsed); printf(" Output image size: %d bytes\n", totaljpegsize); printf(" Compression ratio: %f:1\n", (double)(w*h*ps)/(double)totaljpegsize); printf(" Source throughput: %f Megapixels/sec\n", (double)(w*h)/1000000.*(double)i/elapsed); printf(" Output bit stream: %f Megabits/sec\n", (double)totaljpegsize*8./1000000.*(double)i/elapsed); } if(tilew==w && tileh==h) { snprintf(tempstr, 1024, "%s_%s_Q%d.jpg", filename, subName[subsamp], jpegqual); if((file=fopen(tempstr, "wb"))==NULL) _throwunix("opening reference image"); if(fwrite(jpegbuf[0], jpegsize[0], 1, file)!=1) _throwunix("writing reference image"); fclose(file); file=NULL; if(!quiet) printf("Reference image written to %s\n", tempstr); } /* Decompression test */ if(decomptest(srcbuf, jpegbuf, jpegsize, tmpbuf, w, h, subsamp, jpegqual, filename, tilew, tileh)==-1) goto bailout; for(i=0; i>>>> JPEG %s --> %s (%s) <<<<<\n", subNameLong[subsamp], pixFormatStr[pf], (flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP)? "Bottom-up":"Top-down"); } for(tilew=dotile? 16:w, tileh=dotile? 16:h; ; tilew*=2, tileh*=2) { if(tilew>w) tilew=w; if(tileh>h) tileh=h; ntilesw=(w+tilew-1)/tilew; ntilesh=(h+tileh-1)/tileh; if((jpegbuf=(unsigned char **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *) *ntilesw*ntilesh))==NULL) _throwunix("allocating JPEG tile array"); memset(jpegbuf, 0, sizeof(unsigned char *)*ntilesw*ntilesh); if((jpegsize=(unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned long) *ntilesw*ntilesh))==NULL) _throwunix("allocating JPEG size array"); memset(jpegsize, 0, sizeof(unsigned long)*ntilesw*ntilesh); for(i=0; i %d x %d", TJSCALED(_w, sf), TJSCALED(_h, sf)); printf("\n"); } else if(quiet==1) { printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t", pixFormatStr[pf], (flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP)? "BU":"TD", subNameLong[subsamp]); printf("%-4d %-4d\t", tilew, tileh); } _subsamp=subsamp; if(quiet==1) printf("N/A\tN/A\t"); jpegsize[0]=srcsize; memcpy(jpegbuf[0], srcbuf, srcsize); if(w==tilew) _tilew=_w; if(h==tileh) _tileh=_h; if(decomptest(NULL, jpegbuf, jpegsize, NULL, _w, _h, _subsamp, 0, filename, _tilew, _tileh)==-1) goto bailout; else if(quiet==1) printf("N/A\n"); for(i=0; i <%% Quality> [options]\n\n"); printf(" %s\n", progname); printf(" [options]\n\n"); printf("Options:\n\n"); printf("-bmp = Generate output images in Windows Bitmap format (default=PPM)\n"); printf("-bottomup = Test bottom-up compression/decompression\n"); printf("-tile = Test performance of the codec when the image is encoded as separate\n"); printf(" tiles of varying sizes.\n"); printf("-forcemmx, -forcesse, -forcesse2, -forcesse3 =\n"); printf(" Force MMX, SSE, SSE2, or SSE3 code paths in the underlying codec\n"); printf("-rgb, -bgr, -rgbx, -bgrx, -xbgr, -xrgb =\n"); printf(" Test the specified color conversion path in the codec (default: BGR)\n"); printf("-fastupsample = Use fast, inaccurate upsampling code to perform 4:2:2 and 4:2:0\n"); printf(" YUV decoding\n"); printf("-quiet = Output results in tabular rather than verbose format\n"); printf("-scale M/N = scale down the width/height of the decompressed JPEG image by a\n"); printf(" factor of M/N (M/N = "); for(i=0; i2) { if(i!=nsf-1) printf(", "); if(i==nsf-2) printf("or "); } } printf(")\n"); printf("-benchtime = Run each benchmark for at least seconds (default = 5.0)\n\n"); printf("NOTE: If the quality is specified as a range (e.g. 90-100), a separate\n"); printf("test will be performed for all quality values in the range.\n\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char *srcbuf=NULL; int w, h, i, j; int minqual=-1, maxqual=-1; char *temp; int minarg=2; int retval=0; if((scalingfactors=tjGetScalingFactors(&nsf))==NULL || nsf==0) _throwtj("executing tjGetScalingFactors()"); if(argc100) { puts("ERROR: Quality must be between 1 and 100."); exit(1); } if((temp=strchr(argv[2], '-'))!=NULL && strlen(temp)>1 && sscanf(&temp[1], "%d", &maxqual)==1 && maxqual>minqual && maxqual>=1 && maxqual<=100) {} else maxqual=minqual; } if(argc>minarg) { for(i=minarg; i0.0) benchtime=temp; else usage(argv[0]); } if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-?")) usage(argv[0]); if(!strcasecmp(argv[i], "-bmp")) ext="bmp"; } } if((sf.num!=1 || sf.denom!=1) && dotile) { printf("Disabling tiled compression/decompression tests, because those tests do not\n"); printf("work when scaled decompression is enabled.\n"); dotile=0; } if(!decomponly) { if(loadbmp(argv[1], &srcbuf, &w, &h, bmpPF[pf], 1, (flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP)!=0)==-1) _throwbmp("loading bitmap"); temp=strrchr(argv[1], '.'); if(temp!=NULL) *temp='\0'; } if(quiet==1 && !decomponly) { printf("All performance values in Mpixels/sec\n\n"); printf("Bitmap\tBitmap\tJPEG\tJPEG\t%s %s \tComp\tComp\tDecomp\n", dotile? "Tile ":"Image", dotile? "Tile ":"Image"); printf("Format\tOrder\tSubsamp\tQual\tWidth Height\tPerf \tRatio\tPerf\n\n"); } if(decomponly) { dodecomptest(argv[1]); printf("\n"); goto bailout; } for(i=maxqual; i>=minqual; i--) dotest(srcbuf, w, h, TJ_GRAYSCALE, i, argv[1]); printf("\n"); for(i=maxqual; i>=minqual; i--) dotest(srcbuf, w, h, TJ_420, i, argv[1]); printf("\n"); for(i=maxqual; i>=minqual; i--) dotest(srcbuf, w, h, TJ_422, i, argv[1]); printf("\n"); for(i=maxqual; i>=minqual; i--) dotest(srcbuf, w, h, TJ_444, i, argv[1]); printf("\n"); bailout: if(srcbuf) free(srcbuf); return retval; }