// Copyright: Hiroshi Ichikawa // License: New BSD License // Reference: http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/ // Reference: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol (function() { if (window.WebSocket && !window.WEB_SOCKET_FORCE_FLASH) return; var console = window.console; if (!console || !console.log || !console.error) { console = {log: function(){ }, error: function(){ }}; } if (!swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("10.0.0")) { console.error("Flash Player >= 10.0.0 is required."); return; } if (location.protocol == "file:") { console.error( "WARNING: web-socket-js doesn't work in file:///... URL " + "unless you set Flash Security Settings properly. " + "Open the page via Web server i.e. http://..."); } /** * This class represents a faux web socket. * @param {string} url * @param {string} protocol * @param {string} proxyHost * @param {int} proxyPort * @param {string} headers */ WebSocket = function(url, protocol, proxyHost, proxyPort, headers) { var self = this; self.__id = WebSocket.__nextId++; WebSocket.__instances[self.__id] = self; self.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING; self.bufferedAmount = 0; self.__events = {}; // Uses setTimeout() to make sure __createFlash() runs after the caller sets ws.onopen etc. // Otherwise, when onopen fires immediately, onopen is called before it is set. setTimeout(function() { WebSocket.__addTask(function() { WebSocket.__flash.create( self.__id, url, protocol, proxyHost || null, proxyPort || 0, headers || null); }); }, 0); }; /** * Send data to the web socket. * @param {string} data The data to send to the socket. * @return {boolean} True for success, false for failure. */ WebSocket.prototype.send = function(data) { if (this.readyState == WebSocket.CONNECTING) { throw "INVALID_STATE_ERR: Web Socket connection has not been established"; } // We use encodeURIComponent() here, because FABridge doesn't work if // the argument includes some characters. We don't use escape() here // because of this: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Guide/Functions#escape_and_unescape_Functions // But it looks decodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(s)) doesn't // preserve all Unicode characters either e.g. "\uffff" in Firefox. // Note by wtritch: Hopefully this will not be necessary using ExternalInterface. Will require // additional testing. var result = WebSocket.__flash.send(this.__id, encodeURIComponent(data)); if (result < 0) { // success return true; } else { this.bufferedAmount += result; return false; } }; /** * Close this web socket gracefully. */ WebSocket.prototype.close = function() { if (this.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSED || this.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSING) { return; } this.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSING; WebSocket.__flash.close(this.__id); }; /** * Implementation of {@link DOM 2 EventTarget Interface} * * @param {string} type * @param {function} listener * @param {boolean} useCapture * @return void */ WebSocket.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture) { if (!(type in this.__events)) { this.__events[type] = []; } this.__events[type].push(listener); }; /** * Implementation of {@link DOM 2 EventTarget Interface} * * @param {string} type * @param {function} listener * @param {boolean} useCapture * @return void */ WebSocket.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture) { if (!(type in this.__events)) return; var events = this.__events[type]; for (var i = events.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (events[i] === listener) { events.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; /** * Implementation of {@link DOM 2 EventTarget Interface} * * @param {Event} event * @return void */ WebSocket.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event) { var events = this.__events[event.type] || []; for (var i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) { events[i](event); } var handler = this["on" + event.type]; if (handler) handler(event); }; /** * Handles an event from Flash. * @param {Object} flashEvent */ WebSocket.prototype.__handleEvent = function(flashEvent) { if ("readyState" in flashEvent) { this.readyState = flashEvent.readyState; } var jsEvent; if (flashEvent.type == "open" || flashEvent.type == "error") { jsEvent = this.__createSimpleEvent(flashEvent.type); } else if (flashEvent.type == "close") { // TODO implement jsEvent.wasClean jsEvent = this.__createSimpleEvent("close"); } else if (flashEvent.type == "message") { var data = decodeURIComponent(flashEvent.message); jsEvent = this.__createMessageEvent("message", data); } else { throw "unknown event type: " + flashEvent.type; } this.dispatchEvent(jsEvent); }; WebSocket.prototype.__createSimpleEvent = function(type) { if (document.createEvent && window.Event) { var event = document.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent(type, false, false); return event; } else { return {type: type, bubbles: false, cancelable: false}; } }; WebSocket.prototype.__createMessageEvent = function(type, data) { if (document.createEvent && window.MessageEvent && !window.opera) { var event = document.createEvent("MessageEvent"); event.initMessageEvent("message", false, false, data, null, null, window, null); return event; } else { // IE and Opera, the latter one truncates the data parameter after any 0x00 bytes. return {type: type, data: data, bubbles: false, cancelable: false}; } }; /** * Define the WebSocket readyState enumeration. */ WebSocket.CONNECTING = 0; WebSocket.OPEN = 1; WebSocket.CLOSING = 2; WebSocket.CLOSED = 3; WebSocket.__flash = null; WebSocket.__instances = {}; WebSocket.__tasks = []; WebSocket.__nextId = 0; /** * Load a new flash security policy file. * @param {string} url */ WebSocket.loadFlashPolicyFile = function(url){ WebSocket.__addTask(function() { WebSocket.__flash.loadManualPolicyFile(url); }); }; /** * Loads WebSocketMain.swf and creates WebSocketMain object in Flash. */ WebSocket.__initialize = function() { if (WebSocket.__flash) return; if (WebSocket.__swfLocation) { // For backword compatibility. window.WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION = WebSocket.__swfLocation; } if (!window.WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION) { console.error("[WebSocket] set WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION to location of WebSocketMain.swf"); return; } var container = document.createElement("div"); container.id = "webSocketContainer"; // Hides Flash box. We cannot use display: none or visibility: hidden because it prevents // Flash from loading at least in IE. So we move it out of the screen at (-100, -100). // But this even doesn't work with Flash Lite (e.g. in Droid Incredible). So with Flash // Lite, we put it at (0, 0). This shows 1x1 box visible at left-top corner but this is // the best we can do as far as we know now. container.style.position = "absolute"; if (WebSocket.__isFlashLite()) { container.style.left = "0px"; container.style.top = "0px"; } else { container.style.left = "-100px"; container.style.top = "-100px"; } var holder = document.createElement("div"); holder.id = "webSocketFlash"; container.appendChild(holder); document.body.appendChild(container); // See this article for hasPriority: // http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/mobile/WS4bebcd66a74275c36cfb8137124318eebc6-7ffd.html swfobject.embedSWF( WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION, "webSocketFlash", "1" /* width */, "1" /* height */, "10.0.0" /* SWF version */, null, null, {hasPriority: true, swliveconnect : true, allowScriptAccess: "always"}, null, function(e) { if (!e.success) { console.error("[WebSocket] swfobject.embedSWF failed"); } }); }; /** * Called by Flash to notify JS that it's fully loaded and ready * for communication. */ WebSocket.__onFlashInitialized = function() { // We need to set a timeout here to avoid round-trip calls // to flash during the initialization process. setTimeout(function() { WebSocket.__flash = document.getElementById("webSocketFlash"); WebSocket.__flash.setCallerUrl(location.href); WebSocket.__flash.setDebug(!!window.WEB_SOCKET_DEBUG); for (var i = 0; i < WebSocket.__tasks.length; ++i) { WebSocket.__tasks[i](); } WebSocket.__tasks = []; }, 0); }; /** * Called by Flash to notify WebSockets events are fired. */ WebSocket.__onFlashEvent = function() { setTimeout(function() { try { // Gets events using receiveEvents() instead of getting it from event object // of Flash event. This is to make sure to keep message order. // It seems sometimes Flash events don't arrive in the same order as they are sent. var events = WebSocket.__flash.receiveEvents(); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) { WebSocket.__instances[events[i].webSocketId].__handleEvent(events[i]); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }, 0); return true; }; // Called by Flash. WebSocket.__log = function(message) { console.log(decodeURIComponent(message)); }; // Called by Flash. WebSocket.__error = function(message) { console.error(decodeURIComponent(message)); }; WebSocket.__addTask = function(task) { if (WebSocket.__flash) { task(); } else { WebSocket.__tasks.push(task); } }; /** * Test if the browser is running flash lite. * @return {boolean} True if flash lite is running, false otherwise. */ WebSocket.__isFlashLite = function() { if (!window.navigator || !window.navigator.mimeTypes) { return false; } var mimeType = window.navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]; if (!mimeType || !mimeType.enabledPlugin || !mimeType.enabledPlugin.filename) { return false; } return mimeType.enabledPlugin.filename.match(/flashlite/i) ? true : false; }; if (!window.WEB_SOCKET_DISABLE_AUTO_INITIALIZATION) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", function(){ WebSocket.__initialize(); }, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onload", function(){ WebSocket.__initialize(); }); } } })();