/* -- connections.c -- */ #include "x11vnc.h" #include "inet.h" #include "remote.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "cleanup.h" #include "gui.h" #include "solid.h" #include "rates.h" #include "screen.h" /* * routines for handling incoming, outgoing, etc connections */ /* string for the VNC_CONNECT property */ char vnc_connect_str[VNC_CONNECT_MAX+1]; Atom vnc_connect_prop = None; int all_clients_initialized(void); char *list_clients(void); int new_fb_size_clients(rfbScreenInfoPtr s); void close_all_clients(void); void close_clients(char *str); void set_client_input(char *str); void set_child_info(void); void reverse_connect(char *str); void set_vnc_connect_prop(char *str); void read_vnc_connect_prop(void); void check_connect_inputs(void); void check_gui_inputs(void); enum rfbNewClientAction new_client(rfbClientPtr client); void start_client_info_sock(char *host_port_cookie); void send_client_info(char *str); void check_new_clients(void); static rfbClientPtr *client_match(char *str); static int run_user_command(char *cmd, rfbClientPtr client, char *mode); static void client_gone(rfbClientPtr client); static int check_access(char *addr); static int ugly_accept_window(char *addr, char *userhost, int X, int Y, int timeout, char *mode); static int action_match(char *action, int rc); static int accept_client(rfbClientPtr client); static void check_connect_file(char *file); static void send_client_connect(void); /* * check that all clients are in RFB_NORMAL state */ int all_clients_initialized(void) { rfbClientIteratorPtr iter; rfbClientPtr cl; int ok = 1; if (! screen) { return ok; } iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { if (cl->state != RFB_NORMAL) { ok = 0; break; } } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); return ok; } char *list_clients(void) { rfbClientIteratorPtr iter; rfbClientPtr cl; char *list, tmp[32]; int count = 0; if (!screen) { return strdup(""); } iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { count++; } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); /* * each client: * ::::::, * 8+1+16+1+5+1+24+1+256+1+5+1+1+1 *, * so count+1 * 400 must cover it. */ list = (char *) malloc((count+1)*400); list[0] = '\0'; iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { ClientData *cd = (ClientData *) cl->clientData; if (*list != '\0') { strcat(list, ","); } sprintf(tmp, "0x%x:", cd->uid); strcat(list, tmp); strcat(list, cl->host); strcat(list, ":"); sprintf(tmp, "%d:", cd->client_port); strcat(list, tmp); if (*(cd->username) == '\0') { char *s = ident_username(cl); if (s) free(s); } strcat(list, cd->username); strcat(list, ":"); strcat(list, cd->hostname); strcat(list, ":"); strcat(list, cd->input); strcat(list, ":"); sprintf(tmp, "%d", cd->login_viewonly); strcat(list, tmp); } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); return list; } /* count number of clients supporting NewFBSize */ int new_fb_size_clients(rfbScreenInfoPtr s) { rfbClientIteratorPtr iter; rfbClientPtr cl; int count = 0; if (! s) { return 0; } iter = rfbGetClientIterator(s); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { if (cl->useNewFBSize) { count++; } } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); return count; } void close_all_clients(void) { rfbClientIteratorPtr iter; rfbClientPtr cl; if (! screen) { return; } iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { rfbCloseClient(cl); rfbClientConnectionGone(cl); } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); } static rfbClientPtr *client_match(char *str) { rfbClientIteratorPtr iter; rfbClientPtr cl, *cl_list; int i, n, host_warn = 0, hex_warn = 0; n = client_count + 10; cl_list = (rfbClientPtr *) malloc(n * sizeof(rfbClientPtr)); i = 0; iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { if (strstr(str, "0x") == str) { unsigned int in; int id; ClientData *cd = (ClientData *) cl->clientData; if (sscanf(str, "0x%x", &in) != 1) { if (hex_warn++) { continue; } rfbLog("skipping invalid client hex id: %s\n", str); continue; } id = (unsigned int) in; if (cd->uid == id) { cl_list[i++] = cl; } } else { char *rstr = str; if (! dotted_ip(str)) { rstr = host2ip(str); if (rstr == NULL || *rstr == '\0') { if (host_warn++) { continue; } rfbLog("skipping bad lookup: \"%s\"\n", str); continue; } rfbLog("lookup: %s -> %s\n", str, rstr); } if (!strcmp(rstr, cl->host)) { cl_list[i++] = cl; } if (rstr != str) { free(rstr); } } if (i >= n - 1) { break; } } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); cl_list[i] = NULL; return cl_list; } void close_clients(char *str) { rfbClientPtr *cl_list, *cp; if (!strcmp(str, "all") || !strcmp(str, "*")) { close_all_clients(); return; } if (! screen) { return; } cl_list = client_match(str); cp = cl_list; while (*cp) { rfbCloseClient(*cp); rfbClientConnectionGone(*cp); cp++; } free(cl_list); } void set_client_input(char *str) { rfbClientPtr *cl_list, *cp; char *p, *val; /* str is "match:value" */ if (! screen) { return; } p = strchr(str, ':'); if (! p) { return; } *p = '\0'; p++; val = short_kmb(p); cl_list = client_match(str); cp = cl_list; while (*cp) { ClientData *cd = (ClientData *) (*cp)->clientData; cd->input[0] = '\0'; strcat(cd->input, "_"); strcat(cd->input, val); cp++; } free(val); free(cl_list); } void set_child_info(void) { char pid[16]; /* set up useful environment for child process */ sprintf(pid, "%d", (int) getpid()); set_env("X11VNC_PID", pid); if (program_name) { /* e.g. for remote control -R */ set_env("X11VNC_PROG", program_name); } if (program_cmdline) { set_env("X11VNC_CMDLINE", program_cmdline); } if (raw_fb_str) { set_env("X11VNC_RAWFB_STR", raw_fb_str); } else { set_env("X11VNC_RAWFB_STR", ""); } } /* * utility to run a user supplied command setting some RFB_ env vars. * used by, e.g., accept_client() and client_gone() */ static int run_user_command(char *cmd, rfbClientPtr client, char *mode) { char *old_display = NULL; char *addr = client->host; char str[100]; int rc; ClientData *cd = (ClientData *) client->clientData; if (addr == NULL || addr[0] == '\0') { addr = "unknown-host"; } /* set RFB_CLIENT_ID to semi unique id for command to use */ if (cd && cd->uid) { sprintf(str, "0x%x", cd->uid); } else { /* not accepted yet: */ sprintf(str, "0x%x", clients_served); } set_env("RFB_CLIENT_ID", str); /* set RFB_CLIENT_IP to IP addr for command to use */ set_env("RFB_CLIENT_IP", addr); /* set RFB_X11VNC_PID to our pid for command to use */ sprintf(str, "%d", (int) getpid()); set_env("RFB_X11VNC_PID", str); if (client->state == RFB_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { set_env("RFB_STATE", "PROTOCOL_VERSION"); } else if (client->state == RFB_SECURITY_TYPE) { set_env("RFB_STATE", "SECURITY_TYPE"); } else if (client->state == RFB_AUTHENTICATION) { set_env("RFB_STATE", "AUTHENTICATION"); } else if (client->state == RFB_INITIALISATION) { set_env("RFB_STATE", "INITIALISATION"); } else if (client->state == RFB_NORMAL) { set_env("RFB_STATE", "NORMAL"); } else { set_env("RFB_STATE", "UNKNOWN"); } /* set RFB_CLIENT_PORT to peer port for command to use */ if (cd && cd->client_port > 0) { sprintf(str, "%d", cd->client_port); } else { sprintf(str, "%d", get_remote_port(client->sock)); } set_env("RFB_CLIENT_PORT", str); set_env("RFB_MODE", mode); /* * now do RFB_SERVER_IP and RFB_SERVER_PORT (i.e. us!) * This will establish a 5-tuple (including tcp) the external * program can potentially use to work out the virtual circuit * for this connection. */ if (cd && cd->server_ip) { set_env("RFB_SERVER_IP", cd->server_ip); } else { char *sip = get_local_host(client->sock); set_env("RFB_SERVER_IP", sip); if (sip) free(sip); } if (cd && cd->server_port > 0) { sprintf(str, "%d", cd->server_port); } else { sprintf(str, "%d", get_local_port(client->sock)); } set_env("RFB_SERVER_PORT", str); if (cd) { sprintf(str, "%d", cd->login_viewonly); } else { sprintf(str, "%d", -1); } set_env("RFB_LOGIN_VIEWONLY", str); if (cd) { sprintf(str, "%d", (int) cd->login_time); } else { sprintf(str, ">%d", (int) time(0)); } set_env("RFB_LOGIN_TIME", str); sprintf(str, "%d", (int) time(0)); set_env("RFB_CURRENT_TIME", str); if (!cd || !cd->username || cd->username[0] == '\0') { set_env("RFB_USERNAME", "unknown-user"); } else { set_env("RFB_USERNAME", cd->username); } /* * Better set DISPLAY to the one we are polling, if they * want something trickier, they can handle on their own * via environment, etc. */ if (getenv("DISPLAY")) { old_display = strdup(getenv("DISPLAY")); } if (raw_fb && ! dpy) { /* raw_fb hack */ set_env("DISPLAY", "rawfb"); } else { set_env("DISPLAY", DisplayString(dpy)); } /* * work out the number of clients (have to use client_count * since there is deadlock in rfbGetClientIterator) */ sprintf(str, "%d", client_count); set_env("RFB_CLIENT_COUNT", str); if (no_external_cmds) { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("cannot run external commands in -nocmds mode:\n"); rfbLog(" \"%s\"\n", cmd); rfbLog(" exiting.\n"); clean_up_exit(1); } rfbLog("running command:\n"); rfbLog(" %s\n", cmd); #if LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_FORK { pid_t pid, pidw; struct sigaction sa, intr, quit; sigset_t omask; sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &intr); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, &quit); sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, SIGCHLD); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sa.sa_mask, &omask); if ((pid = fork()) > 0 || pid == -1) { if (pid != -1) { pidw = waitpid(pid, &rc, 0); } sigaction(SIGINT, &intr, (struct sigaction *) NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &quit, (struct sigaction *) NULL); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, (sigset_t *) NULL); if (pid == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "could not fork\n"); rfbLogPerror("fork"); rc = system(cmd); } } else { /* this should close port 5900, etc.. */ int fd; sigaction(SIGINT, &intr, (struct sigaction *) NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &quit, (struct sigaction *) NULL); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, (sigset_t *) NULL); for (fd=3; fd<256; fd++) { close(fd); } execlp("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, (char *) NULL); exit(1); } } #else /* this will still have port 5900 open */ rc = system(cmd); #endif if (rc >= 256) { rc = rc/256; } rfbLog("command returned: %d\n", rc); if (old_display) { set_env("DISPLAY", old_display); free(old_display); } return rc; } static int accepted_client = 0; /* * callback for when a client disconnects */ static void client_gone(rfbClientPtr client) { client_count--; if (client_count < 0) client_count = 0; speeds_net_rate_measured = 0; speeds_net_latency_measured = 0; rfbLog("client_count: %d\n", client_count); if (no_autorepeat && client_count == 0) { autorepeat(1, 0); } if (use_solid_bg && client_count == 0) { solid_bg(1); } if (gone_cmd && *gone_cmd != '\0') { rfbLog("client_gone: using cmd for: %s\n", client->host); run_user_command(gone_cmd, client, "gone"); } if (client->clientData) { ClientData *cd = (ClientData *) client->clientData; if (cd) { if (cd->server_ip) { free(cd->server_ip); cd->server_ip = NULL; } if (cd->hostname) { free(cd->hostname); cd->hostname = NULL; } if (cd->username) { free(cd->username); cd->username = NULL; } } free(client->clientData); client->clientData = NULL; } if (inetd) { rfbLog("viewer exited.\n"); clean_up_exit(0); } if (connect_once) { /* * This non-exit is done for a bad passwd to be consistent * with our RFB_CLIENT_REFUSE behavior in new_client() (i.e. * we disconnect after 1 successful connection). */ if ((client->state == RFB_PROTOCOL_VERSION || client->state == RFB_AUTHENTICATION) && accepted_client) { rfbLog("connect_once: invalid password or early " "disconnect.\n"); rfbLog("connect_once: waiting for next connection.\n"); accepted_client = 0; return; } if (shared && client_count > 0) { rfbLog("connect_once: other shared clients still " "connected, not exiting.\n"); return; } rfbLog("viewer exited.\n"); clean_up_exit(0); } } /* * Simple routine to limit access via string compare. A power user will * want to compile libvncserver with libwrap support and use /etc/hosts.allow. */ static int check_access(char *addr) { int allowed = 0; char *p, *list; if (deny_all) { rfbLog("check_access: new connections are currently " "blocked.\n"); return 0; } if (addr == NULL || *addr == '\0') { rfbLog("check_access: denying empty host IP address string.\n"); return 0; } if (allow_list == NULL) { /* set to "" to possibly append allow_once */ allow_list = strdup(""); } if (*allow_list == '\0' && allow_once == NULL) { /* no constraints, accept it */ return 1; } if (strchr(allow_list, '/')) { /* a file of IP addresess or prefixes */ int len, len2 = 0; struct stat sbuf; FILE *in; char line[1024], *q; if (stat(allow_list, &sbuf) != 0) { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("check_access: failure stating file: %s\n", allow_list); rfbLogPerror("stat"); clean_up_exit(1); } len = sbuf.st_size + 1; /* 1 more for '\0' at end */ if (allow_once) { len2 = strlen(allow_once) + 2; len += len2; } list = (char *) malloc(len); list[0] = '\0'; in = fopen(allow_list, "r"); if (in == NULL) { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("check_access: cannot open: %s\n", allow_list); rfbLogPerror("fopen"); clean_up_exit(1); } while (fgets(line, 1024, in) != NULL) { if ( (q = strchr(line, '#')) != NULL) { *q = '\0'; } if (strlen(list) + strlen(line) >= (size_t) (len - len2)) { /* file grew since our stat() */ break; } strcat(list, line); } fclose(in); if (allow_once) { strcat(list, "\n"); strcat(list, allow_once); strcat(list, "\n"); } } else { int len = strlen(allow_list) + 1; if (allow_once) { len += strlen(allow_once) + 1; } list = (char *) malloc(len); list[0] = '\0'; strcat(list, allow_list); if (allow_once) { strcat(list, ","); strcat(list, allow_once); } } if (allow_once) { free(allow_once); allow_once = NULL; } p = strtok(list, ", \t\n\r"); while (p) { char *chk, *q, *r = NULL; if (*p == '\0') { p = strtok(NULL, ", \t\n\r"); continue; } if (! dotted_ip(p)) { r = host2ip(p); if (r == NULL || *r == '\0') { rfbLog("check_access: bad lookup \"%s\"\n", p); p = strtok(NULL, ", \t\n\r"); continue; } rfbLog("check_access: lookup %s -> %s\n", p, r); chk = r; } else { chk = p; } q = strstr(addr, chk); if (chk[strlen(chk)-1] != '.') { if (!strcmp(addr, chk)) { if (chk != p) { rfbLog("check_access: client %s " "matches host %s=%s\n", addr, chk, p); } else { rfbLog("check_access: client %s " "matches host %s\n", addr, chk); } allowed = 1; } else if(!strcmp(chk, "localhost") && !strcmp(addr, "")) { allowed = 1; } } else if (q == addr) { rfbLog("check_access: client %s matches pattern %s\n", addr, chk); allowed = 1; } p = strtok(NULL, ", \t\n\r"); if (r) { free(r); } if (allowed) { break; } } free(list); return allowed; } /* * x11vnc's first (and only) visible widget: accept/reject dialog window. * We go through this pain to avoid dependency on libXt... */ static int ugly_accept_window(char *addr, char *userhost, int X, int Y, int timeout, char *mode) { #define t2x2_width 16 #define t2x2_height 16 static unsigned char t2x2_bits[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33}; Window awin; GC gc; XSizeHints hints; XGCValues values; static XFontStruct *font_info = NULL; static Pixmap ico = 0; unsigned long valuemask = 0; static char dash_list[] = {20, 40}; int list_length = sizeof(dash_list); Atom wm_protocols; Atom wm_delete_window; XEvent ev; long evmask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask; double waited = 0.0; /* strings and geometries y/n */ KeyCode key_y, key_n, key_v; char strh[100]; char stri[100]; char str1_b[] = "To accept: press \"y\" or click the \"Yes\" button"; char str2_b[] = "To reject: press \"n\" or click the \"No\" button"; char str3_b[] = "View only: press \"v\" or click the \"View\" button"; char str1_m[] = "To accept: click the \"Yes\" button"; char str2_m[] = "To reject: click the \"No\" button"; char str3_m[] = "View only: click the \"View\" button"; char str1_k[] = "To accept: press \"y\""; char str2_k[] = "To reject: press \"n\""; char str3_k[] = "View only: press \"v\""; char *str1, *str2, *str3; char str_y[] = "Yes"; char str_n[] = "No"; char str_v[] = "View"; int x, y, w = 345, h = 175, ret = 0; int X_sh = 20, Y_sh = 30, dY = 20; int Ye_x = 20, Ye_y = 0, Ye_w = 45, Ye_h = 20; int No_x = 75, No_y = 0, No_w = 45, No_h = 20; int Vi_x = 130, Vi_y = 0, Vi_w = 45, Vi_h = 20; if (raw_fb && ! dpy) return 0; /* raw_fb hack */ if (!strcmp(mode, "mouse_only")) { str1 = str1_m; str2 = str2_m; str3 = str3_m; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "key_only")) { str1 = str1_k; str2 = str2_k; str3 = str3_k; h -= dY; } else { str1 = str1_b; str2 = str2_b; str3 = str3_b; } if (view_only) { h -= dY; } /* XXX handle coff_x/coff_y? */ if (X < -dpy_x) { x = (dpy_x - w)/2; /* large negative: center */ if (x < 0) x = 0; } else if (X < 0) { x = dpy_x + X - w; /* from lower right */ } else { x = X; /* from upper left */ } if (Y < -dpy_y) { y = (dpy_y - h)/2; if (y < 0) y = 0; } else if (Y < 0) { y = dpy_y + Y - h; } else { y = Y; } X_LOCK; awin = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, window, x, y, w, h, 4, BlackPixel(dpy, scr), WhitePixel(dpy, scr)); wm_protocols = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols(dpy, awin, &wm_delete_window, 1); if (! ico) { ico = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, awin, (char *) t2x2_bits, t2x2_width, t2x2_height); } hints.flags = PPosition | PSize | PMinSize; hints.x = x; hints.y = y; hints.width = w; hints.height = h; hints.min_width = w; hints.min_height = h; XSetStandardProperties(dpy, awin, "new x11vnc client", "x11vnc query", ico, NULL, 0, &hints); XSelectInput(dpy, awin, evmask); if (! font_info && (font_info = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "fixed")) == NULL) { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("ugly_accept_window: cannot locate font fixed.\n"); X_UNLOCK; clean_up_exit(1); } gc = XCreateGC(dpy, awin, valuemask, &values); XSetFont(dpy, gc, font_info->fid); XSetForeground(dpy, gc, BlackPixel(dpy, scr)); XSetLineAttributes(dpy, gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter); XSetDashes(dpy, gc, 0, dash_list, list_length); XMapWindow(dpy, awin); XFlush(dpy); snprintf(strh, 100, "x11vnc: accept connection from %s?", addr); snprintf(stri, 100, " (%s)", userhost); key_y = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XStringToKeysym("y")); key_n = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XStringToKeysym("n")); key_v = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XStringToKeysym("v")); while (1) { int out = -1, x, y, tw, k; if (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, awin, evmask, &ev)) { ; /* proceed to handling */ } else if (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, ClientMessage, &ev)) { ; /* proceed to handling */ } else { int ms = 100; /* sleep a bit */ usleep(ms * 1000); waited += ((double) ms)/1000.; if (timeout && (int) waited >= timeout) { rfbLog("accept_client: popup timed out after " "%d seconds.\n", timeout); out = 0; ev.type = 0; } else { continue; } } switch(ev.type) { case Expose: while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, Expose, &ev)) { ; } k=0; /* instructions */ XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY, strh, strlen(strh)); XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY, stri, strlen(stri)); XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY, str1, strlen(str1)); XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY, str2, strlen(str2)); if (! view_only) { XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY, str3, strlen(str3)); } if (!strcmp(mode, "key_only")) { break; } /* buttons */ Ye_y = Y_sh+k*dY; No_y = Y_sh+k*dY; Vi_y = Y_sh+k*dY; XDrawRectangle(dpy, awin, gc, Ye_x, Ye_y, Ye_w, Ye_h); XDrawRectangle(dpy, awin, gc, No_x, No_y, No_w, No_h); if (! view_only) { XDrawRectangle(dpy, awin, gc, Vi_x, Vi_y, Vi_w, Vi_h); } tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str_y, strlen(str_y)); tw = (Ye_w - tw)/2; if (tw < 0) tw = 1; XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, Ye_x+tw, Ye_y+Ye_h-5, str_y, strlen(str_y)); tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str_n, strlen(str_n)); tw = (No_w - tw)/2; if (tw < 0) tw = 1; XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, No_x+tw, No_y+No_h-5, str_n, strlen(str_n)); if (! view_only) { tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str_v, strlen(str_v)); tw = (Vi_w - tw)/2; if (tw < 0) tw = 1; XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, Vi_x+tw, Vi_y+Vi_h-5, str_v, strlen(str_v)); } break; case ClientMessage: if (ev.xclient.message_type == wm_protocols && (Atom) ev.xclient.data.l[0] == wm_delete_window) { out = 0; } break; case ButtonPress: x = ev.xbutton.x; y = ev.xbutton.y; if (!strcmp(mode, "key_only")) { ; } else if (x > No_x && x < No_x+No_w && y > No_y && y < No_y+No_h) { out = 0; } else if (x > Ye_x && x < Ye_x+Ye_w && y > Ye_y && y < Ye_y+Ye_h) { out = 1; } else if (! view_only && x > Vi_x && x < Vi_x+Vi_w && y > Vi_y && y < Vi_y+Ye_h) { out = 2; } break; case KeyPress: if (!strcmp(mode, "mouse_only")) { ; } else if (ev.xkey.keycode == key_y) { out = 1; } else if (ev.xkey.keycode == key_n) { out = 0; } else if (! view_only && ev.xkey.keycode == key_v) { out = 2; } break; default: break; } if (out != -1) { ret = out; XSelectInput(dpy, awin, 0); XUnmapWindow(dpy, awin); XFreeGC(dpy, gc); XDestroyWindow(dpy, awin); XFlush(dpy); break; } } X_UNLOCK; return ret; } /* * process a "yes:0,no:*,view:3" type action list comparing to command * return code rc. * means the default action with no other match. */ static int action_match(char *action, int rc) { char *p, *q, *s = strdup(action); int cases[4], i, result; char *labels[4]; labels[1] = "yes"; labels[2] = "no"; labels[3] = "view"; rfbLog("accept_client: process action line: %s\n", action); for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) { cases[i] = -2; } p = strtok(s, ","); while (p) { if ((q = strchr(p, ':')) != NULL) { int in, k = 1; *q = '\0'; q++; if (strstr(p, "yes") == p) { k = 1; } else if (strstr(p, "no") == p) { k = 2; } else if (strstr(p, "view") == p) { k = 3; } else { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("invalid action line: %s\n", action); clean_up_exit(1); } if (*q == '*') { cases[k] = -1; } else if (sscanf(q, "%d", &in) == 1) { if (in < 0) { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("invalid action line: %s\n", action); clean_up_exit(1); } cases[k] = in; } else { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("invalid action line: %s\n", action); clean_up_exit(1); } } else { rfbLogEnable(1); rfbLog("invalid action line: %s\n", action); clean_up_exit(1); } p = strtok(NULL, ","); } free(s); result = -1; for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) { if (cases[i] == -1) { rfbLog("accept_client: default action is case=%d %s\n", i, labels[i]); result = i; break; } } if (result == -1) { rfbLog("accept_client: no default action\n"); } for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) { if (cases[i] >= 0 && cases[i] == rc) { rfbLog("accept_client: matched action is case=%d %s\n", i, labels[i]); result = i; break; } } if (result < 0) { rfbLog("no action match: %s rc=%d set to no\n", action, rc); result = 2; } return result; } /* * Simple routine to prompt the user on the X display whether an incoming * client should be allowed to connect or not. If a gui is involved it * will be running in the environment/context of the X11 DISPLAY. * * The command supplied via -accept is run as is (i.e. no string * substitution) with the RFB_CLIENT_IP environment variable set to the * incoming client's numerical IP address. * * If the external command exits with 0 the client is accepted, otherwise * the client is rejected. * * Some builtins are provided: * * xmessage: use homebrew xmessage(1) for the external command. * popup: use internal X widgets for prompting. * */ static int accept_client(rfbClientPtr client) { char xmessage[200], *cmd = NULL; char *addr = client->host; char *action = NULL; if (accept_cmd == NULL || *accept_cmd == '\0') { return 1; /* no command specified, so we accept */ } if (addr == NULL || addr[0] == '\0') { addr = "unknown-host"; } if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popup") == accept_cmd) { /* use our builtin popup button */ /* (popup|popupkey|popupmouse)[+-X+-Y][:timeout] */ int ret, timeout = 120; int x = -64000, y = -64000; char *p, *mode; char *userhost = ident_username(client); /* extract timeout */ if ((p = strchr(accept_cmd, ':')) != NULL) { int in; if (sscanf(p+1, "%d", &in) == 1) { timeout = in; } } /* extract geometry */ if ((p = strpbrk(accept_cmd, "+-")) != NULL) { int x1, y1; if (sscanf(p, "+%d+%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) { x = x1; y = y1; } else if (sscanf(p, "+%d-%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) { x = x1; y = -y1; } else if (sscanf(p, "-%d+%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) { x = -x1; y = y1; } else if (sscanf(p, "-%d-%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) { x = -x1; y = -y1; } } /* find mode: mouse, key, or both */ if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popupmouse") == accept_cmd) { mode = "mouse_only"; } else if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popupkey") == accept_cmd) { mode = "key_only"; } else { mode = "both"; } rfbLog("accept_client: using builtin popup for: %s\n", addr); if ((ret = ugly_accept_window(addr, userhost, x, y, timeout, mode))) { free(userhost); if (ret == 2) { rfbLog("accept_client: viewonly: %s\n", addr); client->viewOnly = TRUE; } rfbLog("accept_client: popup accepted: %s\n", addr); return 1; } else { free(userhost); rfbLog("accept_client: popup rejected: %s\n", addr); return 0; } } else if (!strcmp(accept_cmd, "xmessage")) { /* make our own command using xmessage(1) */ if (view_only) { sprintf(xmessage, "xmessage -buttons yes:0,no:2 -center" " 'x11vnc: accept connection from %s?'", addr); } else { sprintf(xmessage, "xmessage -buttons yes:0,no:2," "view-only:3 -center" " 'x11vnc: accept connection" " from %s?'", addr); action = "yes:0,no:*,view:3"; } cmd = xmessage; } else { /* use the user supplied command: */ cmd = accept_cmd; /* extract any action prefix: yes:N,no:M,view:K */ if (strstr(accept_cmd, "yes:") == accept_cmd) { char *p; if ((p = strpbrk(accept_cmd, " \t")) != NULL) { int i; cmd = p; p = accept_cmd; for (i=0; i<200; i++) { if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { xmessage[i] = '\0'; break; } xmessage[i] = *p; p++; } xmessage[200-1] = '\0'; action = xmessage; } } } if (cmd) { int rc; rfbLog("accept_client: using cmd for: %s\n", addr); rc = run_user_command(cmd, client, "accept"); if (action) { int result; if (rc < 0) { rfbLog("accept_client: cannot use negative " "rc: %d, action %s\n", rc, action); result = 2; } else { result = action_match(action, rc); } if (result == 1) { rc = 0; } else if (result == 2) { rc = 1; } else if (result == 3) { rc = 0; rfbLog("accept_client: viewonly: %s\n", addr); client->viewOnly = TRUE; } else { rc = 1; /* NOTREACHED */ } } if (rc == 0) { rfbLog("accept_client: accepted: %s\n", addr); return 1; } else { rfbLog("accept_client: rejected: %s\n", addr); return 0; } } else { rfbLog("accept_client: no command, rejecting %s\n", addr); return 0; } /* return 0; NOTREACHED */ } /* * For the -connect option: periodically read the file looking for * a connect string. If one is found set client_connect to it. */ static void check_connect_file(char *file) { FILE *in; char line[VNC_CONNECT_MAX], host[VNC_CONNECT_MAX]; static int first_warn = 1, truncate_ok = 1; static time_t last_time = 0; time_t now = time(0); if (last_time == 0) { last_time = now; } if (now - last_time < 1) { /* check only once a second */ return; } last_time = now; if (! truncate_ok) { /* check if permissions changed */ if (access(file, W_OK) == 0) { truncate_ok = 1; } else { return; } } in = fopen(file, "r"); if (in == NULL) { if (first_warn) { rfbLog("check_connect_file: fopen failure: %s\n", file); rfbLogPerror("fopen"); first_warn = 0; } return; } if (fgets(line, VNC_CONNECT_MAX, in) != NULL) { if (sscanf(line, "%s", host) == 1) { if (strlen(host) > 0) { char *str = strdup(host); if (strlen(str) > 38) { char trim[100]; trim[0] = '\0'; strncat(trim, str, 38); rfbLog("read connect file: %s ...\n", trim); } else { rfbLog("read connect file: %s\n", str); } client_connect = str; } } } fclose(in); /* truncate file */ in = fopen(file, "w"); if (in != NULL) { fclose(in); } else { /* disable if we cannot truncate */ rfbLog("check_connect_file: could not truncate %s, " "disabling checking.\n", file); truncate_ok = 0; } } /* * Do a reverse connect for a single "host" or "host:port" */ static int do_reverse_connect(char *str) { rfbClientPtr cl; char *host, *p; int rport = 5500, len = strlen(str); if (len < 1) { return 0; } if (len > 1024) { rfbLog("reverse_connect: string too long: %d bytes\n", len); return 0; } if (!screen) { rfbLog("reverse_connect: screen not setup yet.\n"); return 0; } /* copy in to host */ host = (char *) malloc(len+1); if (! host) { rfbLog("reverse_connect: could not malloc string %d\n", len); return 0; } strncpy(host, str, len); host[len] = '\0'; /* extract port, if any */ if ((p = strchr(host, ':')) != NULL) { rport = atoi(p+1); *p = '\0'; } cl = rfbReverseConnection(screen, host, rport); free(host); if (cl == NULL) { rfbLog("reverse_connect: %s failed\n", str); return 0; } else { rfbLog("reverse_connect: %s/%s OK\n", str, cl->host); return 1; } } /* * Break up comma separated list of hosts and call do_reverse_connect() */ void reverse_connect(char *str) { char *p, *tmp = strdup(str); int sleep_between_host = 300; int sleep_min = 1500, sleep_max = 4500, n_max = 5; int n, tot, t, dt = 100, cnt = 0; p = strtok(tmp, ", \t\r\n"); while (p) { if ((n = do_reverse_connect(p)) != 0) { rfbPE(-1); } cnt += n; p = strtok(NULL, ", \t\r\n"); if (p) { t = 0; while (t < sleep_between_host) { usleep(dt * 1000); rfbPE(-1); t += dt; } } } free(tmp); if (cnt == 0) { return; } /* * XXX: we need to process some of the initial handshaking * events, otherwise the client can get messed up (why??) * so we send rfbProcessEvents() all over the place. */ n = cnt; if (n >= n_max) { n = n_max; } t = sleep_max - sleep_min; tot = sleep_min + ((n-1) * t) / (n_max-1); t = 0; while (t < tot) { rfbPE(-1); usleep(dt * 1000); t += dt; } } /* * Routines for monitoring the VNC_CONNECT property for changes. * The vncconnect(1) will set it on our X display. */ void set_vnc_connect_prop(char *str) { XChangeProperty(dpy, rootwin, vnc_connect_prop, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)str, strlen(str)); } void read_vnc_connect_prop(void) { Atom type; int format, slen, dlen; unsigned long nitems = 0, bytes_after = 0; unsigned char* data = NULL; int db = 1; vnc_connect_str[0] = '\0'; slen = 0; if (! vnc_connect || vnc_connect_prop == None) { /* not active or problem with VNC_CONNECT atom */ return; } /* read the property value into vnc_connect_str: */ do { if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), vnc_connect_prop, nitems/4, VNC_CONNECT_MAX/16, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data) == Success) { dlen = nitems * (format/8); if (slen + dlen > VNC_CONNECT_MAX) { /* too big */ rfbLog("warning: truncating large VNC_CONNECT" " string > %d bytes.\n", VNC_CONNECT_MAX); XFree(data); break; } memcpy(vnc_connect_str+slen, data, dlen); slen += dlen; vnc_connect_str[slen] = '\0'; XFree(data); } } while (bytes_after > 0); vnc_connect_str[VNC_CONNECT_MAX] = '\0'; if (! db) { ; } else if (strstr(vnc_connect_str, "ans=stop:N/A,ans=quit:N/A,ans=")) { ; } else if (strstr(vnc_connect_str, "qry=stop,quit,exit")) { ; } else if (strstr(vnc_connect_str, "ack=") == vnc_connect_str) { ; } else if (quiet && strstr(vnc_connect_str, "qry=ping") == vnc_connect_str) { ; } else if (strstr(vnc_connect_str, "cmd=") && strstr(vnc_connect_str, "passwd")) { rfbLog("read VNC_CONNECT: *\n"); } else if (strlen(vnc_connect_str) > 38) { char trim[100]; trim[0] = '\0'; strncat(trim, vnc_connect_str, 38); rfbLog("read VNC_CONNECT: %s ...\n", trim); } else { rfbLog("read VNC_CONNECT: %s\n", vnc_connect_str); } } /* * check if client_connect has been set, if so make the reverse connections. */ static void send_client_connect(void) { if (client_connect != NULL) { char *str = client_connect; if (strstr(str, "cmd=") == str || strstr(str, "qry=") == str) { process_remote_cmd(client_connect, 0); } else if (strstr(str, "ans=") == str || strstr(str, "aro=") == str) { ; } else if (strstr(str, "ack=") == str) { ; } else { reverse_connect(client_connect); } free(client_connect); client_connect = NULL; } } /* * monitor the various input methods */ void check_connect_inputs(void) { /* flush any already set: */ send_client_connect(); /* connect file: */ if (client_connect_file != NULL) { check_connect_file(client_connect_file); } send_client_connect(); /* VNC_CONNECT property (vncconnect program) */ if (vnc_connect && *vnc_connect_str != '\0') { client_connect = strdup(vnc_connect_str); vnc_connect_str[0] = '\0'; } send_client_connect(); } void check_gui_inputs(void) { int i, gnmax = 0, n = 0, nfds; int socks[ICON_MODE_SOCKS]; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; char buf[VNC_CONNECT_MAX+1]; ssize_t nbytes; for (i=0; i= 0) { socks[n++] = i; if (icon_mode_socks[i] > gnmax) { gnmax = icon_mode_socks[i]; } } } if (! n) { return; } FD_ZERO(&fds); for (i=0; iclientGoneHook = client_gone; } clients_served++; if (connect_once) { if (screen->dontDisconnect && screen->neverShared) { if (! shared && accepted_client) { rfbLog("denying additional client: %s\n", client->host); return(RFB_CLIENT_REFUSE); } } } if (! check_access(client->host)) { rfbLog("denying client: %s does not match %s\n", client->host, allow_list ? allow_list : "(null)" ); return(RFB_CLIENT_REFUSE); } if (! accept_client(client)) { rfbLog("denying client: %s local user rejected connection.\n", client->host); rfbLog("denying client: accept_cmd=\"%s\"\n", accept_cmd ? accept_cmd : "(null)" ); return(RFB_CLIENT_REFUSE); } client->clientData = (void *) calloc(sizeof(ClientData), 1); cd = (ClientData *) client->clientData; cd->uid = clients_served; cd->client_port = get_remote_port(client->sock); cd->server_port = get_local_port(client->sock); cd->server_ip = get_local_host(client->sock); cd->hostname = ip2host(client->host); cd->username = strdup(""); cd->input[0] = '-'; cd->login_viewonly = -1; cd->login_time = time(0); client->clientGoneHook = client_gone; if (client_count) { speeds_net_rate_measured = 0; speeds_net_latency_measured = 0; } client_count++; last_keyboard_input = last_pointer_input = time(0); if (no_autorepeat && client_count == 1 && ! view_only) { /* * first client, turn off X server autorepeat * XXX handle dynamic change of view_only and per-client. */ autorepeat(0, 0); } if (use_solid_bg && client_count == 1) { solid_bg(0); } if (pad_geometry) { install_padded_fb(pad_geometry); } cd->timer = dnow(); cd->send_cmp_rate = 0.0; cd->send_raw_rate = 0.0; cd->latency = 0.0; cd->cmp_bytes_sent = 0; cd->raw_bytes_sent = 0; accepted_client = 1; last_client = time(0); return(RFB_CLIENT_ACCEPT); } void start_client_info_sock(char *host_port_cookie) { char *host = NULL, *cookie = NULL, *p; char *str = strdup(host_port_cookie); int i, port, sock, next = -1; static time_t start_time[ICON_MODE_SOCKS]; time_t oldest = 0; int db = 0; port = -1; for (i = 0; i < ICON_MODE_SOCKS; i++) { if (icon_mode_socks[i] < 0) { next = i; break; } if (oldest == 0 || start_time[i] < oldest) { next = i; oldest = start_time[i]; } } p = strtok(str, ":"); i = 0; while (p) { if (i == 0) { host = strdup(p); } else if (i == 1) { port = atoi(p); } else if (i == 2) { cookie = strdup(p); } i++; p = strtok(NULL, ":"); } free(str); if (db) fprintf(stderr, "%s/%d/%s next=%d\n", host, port, cookie, next); if (host && port && cookie) { if (*host == '\0') { free(host); host = strdup("localhost"); } sock = rfbConnectToTcpAddr(host, port); if (sock < 0) { usleep(200 * 1000); sock = rfbConnectToTcpAddr(host, port); } if (sock >= 0) { char *lst = list_clients(); icon_mode_socks[next] = sock; start_time[next] = time(0); write(sock, "COOKIE:", strlen("COOKIE:")); write(sock, cookie, strlen(cookie)); write(sock, "\n", strlen("\n")); write(sock, "none\n", strlen("none\n")); write(sock, "none\n", strlen("none\n")); write(sock, lst, strlen(lst)); write(sock, "\n", strlen("\n")); if (db) { fprintf(stderr, "list: %s\n", lst); } free(lst); rfbLog("client_info_sock to: %s:%d\n", host, port); } else { rfbLog("failed client_info_sock: %s:%d\n", host, port); } } else { rfbLog("malformed client_info_sock: %s\n", host_port_cookie); } if (host) free(host); if (cookie) free(cookie); } void send_client_info(char *str) { int i; static char *pstr = NULL; static int len = 128; if (!str || strlen(str) == 0) { return; } if (!pstr) { pstr = (char *)malloc(len); } if (strlen(str) + 2 > (size_t) len) { free(pstr); len *= 2; pstr = (char *)malloc(len); } strcpy(pstr, str); strcat(pstr, "\n"); if (icon_mode_fh) { fprintf(icon_mode_fh, "%s", pstr); fflush(icon_mode_fh); } for (i=0; i 0) { n = write(sock, buf, len); if (n > 0) { buf += n; len -= n; continue; } if (n < 0 && errno == EINTR) { continue; } close(sock); icon_mode_socks[i] = -1; break; } } } void check_new_clients(void) { static int last_count = 0; rfbClientIteratorPtr iter; rfbClientPtr cl; int i, send_info = 0; int run_after_accept = 0; if (client_count == last_count) { return; } if (! all_clients_initialized()) { return; } if (client_count > last_count) { if (afteraccept_cmd != NULL && afteraccept_cmd[0] != '\0') { run_after_accept = 1; } } last_count = client_count; if (! screen) { return; } if (! client_count) { send_client_info("none"); return; } iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen); while( (cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) ) { ClientData *cd = (ClientData *) cl->clientData; if (cd->login_viewonly < 0) { /* this is a general trigger to initialize things */ if (cl->viewOnly) { cd->login_viewonly = 1; if (allowed_input_view_only) { cl->viewOnly = FALSE; cd->input[0] = '\0'; strncpy(cd->input, allowed_input_view_only, CILEN); } } else { cd->login_viewonly = 0; if (allowed_input_normal) { cd->input[0] = '\0'; strncpy(cd->input, allowed_input_normal, CILEN); } } if (run_after_accept) { run_user_command(afteraccept_cmd, cl, "afteraccept"); } } } rfbReleaseClientIterator(iter); if (icon_mode_fh) { send_info++; } for (i = 0; i < ICON_MODE_SOCKS; i++) { if (send_info || icon_mode_socks[i] >= 0) { send_info++; break; } } if (send_info) { char *str = list_clients(); send_client_info(str); free(str); } }