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* OSXvnc Copyright (C) 2001 Dan McGuirk <>.
* Original Xvnc code Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Cut in two parts by Johannes Schindelin (2001): libvncserver and OSXvnc.
* This file implements every system specific function for Mac OS X.
* It includes the init function:
void rfbScreenInit(void)
* the function to get the address of the framebuffer:
char *rfbGetFramebuffer(void)
* keyboard functions:
void KbdAddEvent(down, keySym, cl)
Bool down;
KeySym keySym;
rfbClientPtr cl;
void KbdReleaseAllKeys()
* the mouse functions:
void PtrAddEvent(buttonMask, x, y, cl)
int buttonMask;
int x;
int y;
rfbClientPtr cl;
* and the EventLoop:
void runEventLoop()
* These six functions have to be defined by every VNC server using
* libvncserver.
* The main function just calls runVNCServer. This is different
* for more complex users of libvncserver.
#include "rfb.h"
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
int bitsPerSample;
int samplesPerPixel;
rfbScreen.width = CGDisplayPixelsWide(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
rfbScreen.height = CGDisplayPixelsHigh(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
rfbScreen.bitsPerPixel = rfbScreen.depth =
gethostname(rfbThisHost, 255);
rfbScreen.paddedWidthInBytes = CGDisplayBytesPerRow(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel = rfbScreen.bitsPerPixel;
rfbServerFormat.depth = rfbScreen.depth;
rfbServerFormat.bigEndian = !(*(char *)&rfbEndianTest);
rfbServerFormat.trueColour = TRUE;
bitsPerSample = CGDisplayBitsPerSample(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
samplesPerPixel = CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
if (samplesPerPixel != 3) {
rfbLog("screen format not supported. exiting.\n");
/* This works for 16 and 32-bit, but not for 8-bit.
What should it be for 8-bit? (Shouldn't 8-bit use a colormap?) */
rfbServerFormat.redMax = (1 << bitsPerSample) - 1;
rfbServerFormat.greenMax = (1 << bitsPerSample) - 1;
rfbServerFormat.blueMax = (1 << bitsPerSample) - 1;
rfbServerFormat.redShift = bitsPerSample * 2;
rfbServerFormat.greenShift = bitsPerSample;
rfbServerFormat.blueShift = 0;
/* We want to use the X11 REGION_* macros without having an actual
X11 ScreenPtr, so we do this. Pretty ugly, but at least it lets us
avoid hacking up regionstr.h, or changing every call to REGION_*
(which actually I should probably do eventually). */
hackScreen.RegionCreate = miRegionCreate;
hackScreen.RegionInit = miRegionInit;
hackScreen.RegionCopy = miRegionCopy;
hackScreen.RegionDestroy = miRegionDestroy;
hackScreen.RegionUninit = miRegionUninit;
hackScreen.Intersect = miIntersect;
hackScreen.Union = miUnion;
hackScreen.Subtract = miSubtract;
hackScreen.Inverse = miInverse;
hackScreen.RegionReset = miRegionReset;
hackScreen.TranslateRegion = miTranslateRegion;
hackScreen.RectIn = miRectIn;
hackScreen.PointInRegion = miPointInRegion;
hackScreen.RegionNotEmpty = miRegionNotEmpty;
hackScreen.RegionEmpty = miRegionEmpty;
hackScreen.RegionExtents = miRegionExtents;
hackScreen.RegionAppend = miRegionAppend;
hackScreen.RegionValidate = miRegionValidate;
char *
return (char *)CGDisplayBaseAddress(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
/* Where do I get the "official" list of Mac key codes?
Ripped these out of a Mac II emulator called Basilisk II
that I found on the net. */
static int keyTable[] = {
/* The alphabet */
XK_A, 0, /* A */
XK_B, 11, /* B */
XK_C, 8, /* C */
XK_D, 2, /* D */
XK_E, 14, /* E */
XK_F, 3, /* F */
XK_G, 5, /* G */
XK_H, 4, /* H */
XK_I, 34, /* I */
XK_J, 38, /* J */
XK_K, 40, /* K */
XK_L, 37, /* L */
XK_M, 46, /* M */
XK_N, 45, /* N */
XK_O, 31, /* O */
XK_P, 35, /* P */
XK_Q, 12, /* Q */
XK_R, 15, /* R */
XK_S, 1, /* S */
XK_T, 17, /* T */
XK_U, 32, /* U */
XK_V, 9, /* V */
XK_W, 13, /* W */
XK_X, 7, /* X */
XK_Y, 16, /* Y */
XK_Z, 6, /* Z */
XK_a, 0, /* a */
XK_b, 11, /* b */
XK_c, 8, /* c */
XK_d, 2, /* d */
XK_e, 14, /* e */
XK_f, 3, /* f */
XK_g, 5, /* g */
XK_h, 4, /* h */
XK_i, 34, /* i */
XK_j, 38, /* j */
XK_k, 40, /* k */
XK_l, 37, /* l */
XK_m, 46, /* m */
XK_n, 45, /* n */
XK_o, 31, /* o */
XK_p, 35, /* p */
XK_q, 12, /* q */
XK_r, 15, /* r */
XK_s, 1, /* s */
XK_t, 17, /* t */
XK_u, 32, /* u */
XK_v, 9, /* v */
XK_w, 13, /* w */
XK_x, 7, /* x */
XK_y, 16, /* y */
XK_z, 6, /* z */
/* Numbers */
XK_0, 29, /* 0 */
XK_1, 18, /* 1 */
XK_2, 19, /* 2 */
XK_3, 20, /* 3 */
XK_4, 21, /* 4 */
XK_5, 23, /* 5 */
XK_6, 22, /* 6 */
XK_7, 26, /* 7 */
XK_8, 28, /* 8 */
XK_9, 25, /* 9 */
/* Symbols */
XK_exclam, 18, /* ! */
XK_at, 19, /* @ */
XK_numbersign, 20, /* # */
XK_dollar, 21, /* $ */
XK_percent, 23, /* % */
XK_asciicircum, 22, /* ^ */
XK_ampersand, 26, /* & */
XK_asterisk, 28, /* * */
XK_parenleft, 25, /* ( */
XK_parenright, 29, /* ) */
XK_minus, 27, /* - */
XK_underscore, 27, /* _ */
XK_equal, 24, /* = */
XK_plus, 24, /* + */
XK_grave, 10, /* ` */ /* XXX ? */
XK_asciitilde, 10, /* ~ */
XK_bracketleft, 33, /* [ */
XK_braceleft, 33, /* { */
XK_bracketright, 30, /* ] */
XK_braceright, 30, /* } */
XK_semicolon, 41, /* ; */
XK_colon, 41, /* : */
XK_apostrophe, 39, /* ' */
XK_quotedbl, 39, /* " */
XK_comma, 43, /* , */
XK_less, 43, /* < */
XK_period, 47, /* . */
XK_greater, 47, /* > */
XK_slash, 44, /* / */
XK_question, 44, /* ? */
XK_backslash, 42, /* \ */
XK_bar, 42, /* | */
/* "Special" keys */
XK_space, 49, /* Space */
XK_Return, 36, /* Return */
XK_Delete, 117, /* Delete */
XK_Tab, 48, /* Tab */
XK_Escape, 53, /* Esc */
XK_Caps_Lock, 57, /* Caps Lock */
XK_Num_Lock, 71, /* Num Lock */
XK_Scroll_Lock, 107, /* Scroll Lock */
XK_Pause, 113, /* Pause */
XK_BackSpace, 51, /* Backspace */
XK_Insert, 114, /* Insert */
/* Cursor movement */
XK_Up, 126, /* Cursor Up */
XK_Down, 125, /* Cursor Down */
XK_Left, 123, /* Cursor Left */
XK_Right, 124, /* Cursor Right */
XK_Page_Up, 116, /* Page Up */
XK_Page_Down, 121, /* Page Down */
XK_Home, 115, /* Home */
XK_End, 119, /* End */
/* Numeric keypad */
XK_KP_0, 82, /* KP 0 */
XK_KP_1, 83, /* KP 1 */
XK_KP_2, 84, /* KP 2 */
XK_KP_3, 85, /* KP 3 */
XK_KP_4, 86, /* KP 4 */
XK_KP_5, 87, /* KP 5 */
XK_KP_6, 88, /* KP 6 */
XK_KP_7, 89, /* KP 7 */
XK_KP_8, 91, /* KP 8 */
XK_KP_9, 92, /* KP 9 */
XK_KP_Enter, 76, /* KP Enter */
XK_KP_Decimal, 65, /* KP . */
XK_KP_Add, 69, /* KP + */
XK_KP_Subtract, 78, /* KP - */
XK_KP_Multiply, 67, /* KP * */
XK_KP_Divide, 75, /* KP / */
/* Function keys */
XK_F1, 122, /* F1 */
XK_F2, 120, /* F2 */
XK_F3, 99, /* F3 */
XK_F4, 118, /* F4 */
XK_F5, 96, /* F5 */
XK_F6, 97, /* F6 */
XK_F7, 98, /* F7 */
XK_F8, 100, /* F8 */
XK_F9, 101, /* F9 */
XK_F10, 109, /* F10 */
XK_F11, 103, /* F11 */
XK_F12, 111, /* F12 */
/* Modifier keys */
XK_Shift_L, 56, /* Shift Left */
XK_Shift_R, 56, /* Shift Right */
XK_Control_L, 59, /* Ctrl Left */
XK_Control_R, 59, /* Ctrl Right */
XK_Meta_L, 58, /* Logo Left (-> Option) */
XK_Meta_R, 58, /* Logo Right (-> Option) */
XK_Alt_L, 55, /* Alt Left (-> Command) */
XK_Alt_R, 55, /* Alt Right (-> Command) */
/* Weirdness I can't figure out */
/* XK_3270_PrintScreen, 105, /* PrintScrn */ /* XXX ? */
/* ??? 94, 50, /* International */
XK_Menu, 50, /* Menu (-> International) */
KbdAddEvent(down, keySym, cl)
Bool down;
KeySym keySym;
rfbClientPtr cl;
int i;
CGKeyCode keyCode = -1;
int found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(keyTable) / sizeof(int)); i += 2) {
if (keyTable[i] == keySym) {
keyCode = keyTable[i+1];
found = 1;
if (!found) {
rfbLog("warning: couldn't figure out keycode for X keysym %d (0x%x)\n",
(int)keySym, (int)keySym);
} else {
/* Hopefully I can get away with not specifying a CGCharCode.
(Why would you need both?) */
CGPostKeyboardEvent((CGCharCode)0, keyCode, down);
PtrAddEvent(buttonMask, x, y, cl)
int buttonMask;
int x;
int y;
rfbClientPtr cl;
CGPoint position;
position.x = x;
position.y = y;
CGPostMouseEvent(position, TRUE, 8,
(buttonMask & (1 << 0)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 1)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 2)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 3)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 4)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 5)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 6)) ? TRUE : FALSE,
(buttonMask & (1 << 7)) ? TRUE : FALSE);
/* Doesn't seem to be possible. */
static void
refreshCallback(CGRectCount count, const CGRect *rectArray, void *ignore)
BoxRec box;
RegionRec region;
rfbClientIteratorPtr iterator;
rfbClientPtr cl;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
box.x1 = rectArray[i].origin.x;
box.y1 = rectArray[i].origin.y;
box.x2 = box.x1 + rectArray[i].size.width;
box.y2 = box.y1 + rectArray[i].size.height;
SAFE_REGION_INIT(&hackScreen, &region, &box, 0);
iterator = rfbGetClientIterator();
while ((cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iterator)) != NULL) {
REGION_UNINIT(&hackScreen, &region);
void runEventLoop()
CGRegisterScreenRefreshCallback(refreshCallback, NULL);
int main(int argc,char *argv[])