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* miracle_unit.c -- Transmission Unit Implementation
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited
* Author: Dan Dennedy <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "miracle_unit.h"
#include "miracle_log.h"
#include "miracle_local.h"
#include <framework/mlt.h>
/* Forward references */
static void miracle_unit_status_communicate( miracle_unit );
/** Allocate a new DV transmission unit.
\return A new miracle_unit handle.
miracle_unit miracle_unit_init( int index, char *constructor )
miracle_unit this = NULL;
mlt_consumer consumer = NULL;
char *id = strdup( constructor );
char *arg = strchr( id, ':' );
if ( arg != NULL )
*arg ++ = '\0';
consumer = mlt_factory_consumer( id, arg );
if ( consumer != NULL )
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_playlist_init( );
this = calloc( sizeof( miracle_unit_t ), 1 );
this->properties = mlt_properties_new( );
mlt_properties_init( this->properties, this );
mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "unit", index );
mlt_properties_set_int( this->properties, "generation", 0 );
mlt_properties_set( this->properties, "constructor", constructor );
mlt_properties_set( this->properties, "id", id );
mlt_properties_set( this->properties, "arg", arg );
mlt_properties_set_data( this->properties, "consumer", consumer, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_consumer_close, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( this->properties, "playlist", playlist, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_playlist_close, NULL );
mlt_consumer_connect( consumer, MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
return this;
static char *strip_root( miracle_unit unit, char *file )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
char *root = mlt_properties_get( properties, "root" );
if ( file != NULL && root != NULL )
int length = strlen( root );
if ( root[ length - 1 ] == '/' )
length --;
if ( !strncmp( file, root, length ) )
file += length;
return file;
/** Communicate the current status to all threads waiting on the notifier.
static void miracle_unit_status_communicate( miracle_unit unit )
if ( unit != NULL )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
char *root_dir = mlt_properties_get( properties, "root" );
valerie_notifier notifier = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "notifier", NULL );
valerie_status_t status;
if ( root_dir != NULL && notifier != NULL )
if ( miracle_unit_get_status( unit, &status ) == 0 )
/* if ( !( ( status.status == unit_playing || status.status == unit_paused ) &&
strcmp( status.clip, "" ) &&
!strcmp( status.tail_clip, "" ) &&
status.position == 0 && == 0 &&
status.out == 0 ) ) */
valerie_notifier_put( notifier, &status );
/** Set the notifier info
void miracle_unit_set_notifier( miracle_unit this, valerie_notifier notifier, char *root_dir )
mlt_properties properties = this->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_properties playlist_properties = MLT_PLAYLIST_PROPERTIES( playlist );
mlt_properties_set( properties, "root", root_dir );
mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "notifier", notifier, 0, NULL, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( playlist_properties, "notifier_arg", this, 0, NULL, NULL );
mlt_properties_set_data( playlist_properties, "notifier", miracle_unit_status_communicate, 0, NULL, NULL );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( this );
/** Create or locate a producer for the file specified.
static mlt_producer locate_producer( miracle_unit unit, char *file )
return mlt_factory_producer( "fezzik", file );
/** Update the generation count.
static void update_generation( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
int generation = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "generation" );
mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "generation", ++ generation );
/** Wipe all clips on the playlist for this unit.
static void clear_unit( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_clear( playlist );
mlt_producer_seek( producer, 0 );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
update_generation( unit );
/** Wipe all but the playing clip from the unit.
static void clean_unit( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
int current = mlt_playlist_current_clip( playlist );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_position position = mlt_producer_frame( producer );
double speed = mlt_producer_get_speed( producer );
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist, &info, current );
if ( info.producer != NULL )
mlt_properties_inc_ref( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( info.producer ) );
position -= info.start;
clear_unit( unit );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_append_io( playlist, info.producer, info.frame_in, info.frame_out );
mlt_producer_seek( producer, position );
mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, speed );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_producer_close( info.producer );
update_generation( unit );
/** Remove everything up to the current clip from the unit.
static void wipe_unit( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
int current = mlt_playlist_current_clip( playlist );
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist, &info, current );
if ( info.producer != NULL && info.start > 0 )
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_remove_region( playlist, 0, info.start - 1 );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
update_generation( unit );
/** Generate a report on all loaded clips.
void miracle_unit_report_list( miracle_unit unit, valerie_response response )
int i;
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
int generation = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "generation" );
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
valerie_response_printf( response, 1024, "%d\n", generation );
for ( i = 0; i < mlt_playlist_count( playlist ); i ++ )
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
char *title;
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist , &info, i );
title = mlt_properties_get( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( info.producer ), "title" );
if ( title == NULL )
title = strip_root( unit, info.resource );
valerie_response_printf( response, 10240, "%d \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %.2f\n",
info.fps );
valerie_response_printf( response, 1024, "\n" );
/** Load a clip into the unit clearing existing play list.
\todo error handling
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
\param clip The absolute file name of the clip to load.
\param in The starting frame (-1 for 0)
\param out The ending frame (-1 for maximum)
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_load( miracle_unit unit, char *clip, int32_t in, int32_t out, int flush )
// Now try to create a producer
mlt_producer instance = locate_producer( unit, clip );
if ( instance != NULL )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
int original = mlt_producer_get_playtime( MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist ) );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_append_io( playlist, instance, in, out );
mlt_playlist_remove_region( playlist, 0, original );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "loaded clip %s", clip );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
mlt_producer_close( instance );
return valerie_ok;
return valerie_invalid_file;
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_insert( miracle_unit unit, char *clip, int index, int32_t in, int32_t out )
mlt_producer instance = locate_producer( unit, clip );
if ( instance != NULL )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
fprintf( stderr, "inserting clip %s before %d\n", clip, index );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_insert( playlist, instance, index, in, out );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "inserted clip %s at %d", clip, index );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
mlt_producer_close( instance );
return valerie_ok;
return valerie_invalid_file;
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_remove( miracle_unit unit, int index )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_remove( playlist, index );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "removed clip at %d", index );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
return valerie_ok;
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_clean( miracle_unit unit )
clean_unit( unit );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "Cleaned playlist" );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
return valerie_ok;
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_wipe( miracle_unit unit )
wipe_unit( unit );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "Wiped playlist" );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
return valerie_ok;
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_clear( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "consumer", NULL );
clear_unit( unit );
mlt_consumer_purge( consumer );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "Cleared playlist" );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
return valerie_ok;
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_move( miracle_unit unit, int src, int dest )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_move( playlist, src, dest );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "moved clip %d to %d", src, dest );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
return valerie_ok;
/** Add a clip to the unit play list.
\todo error handling
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
\param clip The absolute file name of the clip to load.
\param in The starting frame (-1 for 0)
\param out The ending frame (-1 for maximum)
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_append( miracle_unit unit, char *clip, int32_t in, int32_t out )
mlt_producer instance = locate_producer( unit, clip );
if ( instance != NULL )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_append_io( playlist, instance, in, out );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "appended clip %s", clip );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
mlt_producer_close( instance );
return valerie_ok;
return valerie_invalid_file;
/** Add an mlt_service to the playlist
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
\param service the service to add
valerie_error_code miracle_unit_append_service( miracle_unit unit, mlt_service service )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
mlt_playlist_append( playlist, ( mlt_producer )service );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "appended clip" );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
return valerie_ok;
/** Start playing the unit.
\todo error handling
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
\param speed An integer that specifies the playback rate as a
percentage multiplied by 100.
void miracle_unit_play( miracle_unit_t *unit, int speed )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "consumer", NULL );
mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, ( double )speed / 1000 );
mlt_consumer_start( consumer );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
/** Stop playback.
Terminates the dv_pump and halts dv1394 transmission.
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
void miracle_unit_terminate( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "consumer", NULL );
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_producer_set_speed( producer, 0 );
mlt_consumer_stop( consumer );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
/** Query the status of unit playback.
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
\return 1 if the unit is not playing, 0 if playing.
int miracle_unit_has_terminated( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "consumer", NULL );
return mlt_consumer_is_stopped( consumer );
/** Transfer the currently loaded clip to another unit
int miracle_unit_transfer( miracle_unit dest_unit, miracle_unit src_unit )
int i;
mlt_properties dest_properties = dest_unit->properties;
mlt_playlist dest_playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( dest_properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_properties src_properties = src_unit->properties;
mlt_playlist src_playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( src_properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_playlist tmp_playlist = mlt_playlist_init( );
for ( i = 0; i < mlt_playlist_count( src_playlist ); i ++ )
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( src_playlist, &info, i );
if ( info.producer != NULL )
mlt_playlist_append_io( tmp_playlist, info.producer, info.frame_in, info.frame_out );
clear_unit( src_unit );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( dest_playlist ) );
for ( i = 0; i < mlt_playlist_count( tmp_playlist ); i ++ )
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( tmp_playlist, &info, i );
if ( info.producer != NULL )
mlt_playlist_append_io( dest_playlist, info.producer, info.frame_in, info.frame_out );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( dest_playlist ) );
update_generation( dest_unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( dest_unit );
mlt_playlist_close( tmp_playlist );
return 0;
/** Determine if unit is offline.
int miracle_unit_is_offline( miracle_unit unit )
return 0;
/** Obtain the status for a given unit
int miracle_unit_get_status( miracle_unit unit, valerie_status status )
int error = unit == NULL;
memset( status, 0, sizeof( valerie_status_t ) );
if ( !error )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_producer clip = mlt_playlist_current( playlist );
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
int clip_index = mlt_playlist_current_clip( playlist );
mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist, &info, clip_index );
if ( info.resource != NULL && strcmp( info.resource, "" ) )
char *title = mlt_properties_get( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( info.producer ), "title" );
if ( title == NULL )
title = strip_root( unit, info.resource );
strncpy( status->clip, title, sizeof( status->clip ) );
status->speed = (int)( mlt_producer_get_speed( producer ) * 1000.0 );
status->fps = mlt_producer_get_fps( producer );
status->in = info.frame_in;
status->out = info.frame_out;
status->position = mlt_producer_frame( clip );
status->length = mlt_producer_get_length( clip );
strncpy( status->tail_clip, title, sizeof( status->tail_clip ) );
status->tail_in = info.frame_in;
status->tail_out = info.frame_out;
status->tail_position = mlt_producer_frame( clip );
status->tail_length = mlt_producer_get_length( clip );
status->clip_index = mlt_playlist_current_clip( playlist );
status->seek_flag = 1;
status->generation = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "generation" );
if ( miracle_unit_has_terminated( unit ) )
status->status = unit_stopped;
else if ( !strcmp( status->clip, "" ) )
status->status = unit_not_loaded;
else if ( status->speed == 0 )
status->status = unit_paused;
status->status = unit_playing;
status->status = unit_undefined;
status->unit = mlt_properties_get_int( unit->properties, "unit" );
return error;
/** Change position in the playlist.
void miracle_unit_change_position( miracle_unit unit, int clip, int32_t position )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
if ( clip < 0 )
clip = 0;
position = 0;
else if ( clip >= mlt_playlist_count( playlist ) )
clip = mlt_playlist_count( playlist ) - 1;
position = INT_MAX;
if ( mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist, &info, clip ) == 0 )
int32_t frame_start = info.start;
int32_t frame_offset = position;
if ( frame_offset < 0 )
frame_offset = info.frame_out;
if ( frame_offset < info.frame_in )
frame_offset = info.frame_in;
if ( frame_offset >= info.frame_out )
frame_offset = info.frame_out;
mlt_producer_seek( producer, frame_start + frame_offset - info.frame_in );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
/** Get the index of the current clip.
int miracle_unit_get_current_clip( miracle_unit unit )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
int clip_index = mlt_playlist_current_clip( playlist );
return clip_index;
/** Set a clip's in point
int miracle_unit_set_clip_in( miracle_unit unit, int index, int32_t position )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
int error = mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist, &info, index );
if ( error == 0 )
miracle_unit_play( unit, 0 );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
error = mlt_playlist_resize_clip( playlist, index, position, info.frame_out );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_change_position( unit, index, 0 );
return error;
/** Set a clip's out point.
int miracle_unit_set_clip_out( miracle_unit unit, int index, int32_t position )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_playlist_clip_info info;
int error = mlt_playlist_get_clip_info( playlist, &info, index );
if ( error == 0 )
miracle_unit_play( unit, 0 );
mlt_service_lock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
error = mlt_playlist_resize_clip( playlist, index, info.frame_in, position );
mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PLAYLIST_SERVICE( playlist ) );
update_generation( unit );
miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
miracle_unit_change_position( unit, index, -1 );
return error;
/** Step by specified position.
void miracle_unit_step( miracle_unit unit, int32_t offset )
mlt_properties properties = unit->properties;
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_producer producer = MLT_PLAYLIST_PRODUCER( playlist );
mlt_position position = mlt_producer_frame( producer );
mlt_producer_seek( producer, position + offset );
/** Set the unit's clip mode regarding in and out points.
//void miracle_unit_set_mode( miracle_unit unit, dv_player_clip_mode mode )
//dv_player player = miracle_unit_get_dv_player( unit );
//if ( player != NULL )
//dv_player_set_clip_mode( player, mode );
//miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
/** Get the unit's clip mode regarding in and out points.
//dv_player_clip_mode miracle_unit_get_mode( miracle_unit unit )
//dv_player player = miracle_unit_get_dv_player( unit );
//return dv_player_get_clip_mode( player );
/** Set the unit's clip mode regarding eof handling.
//void miracle_unit_set_eof_action( miracle_unit unit, dv_player_eof_action action )
//dv_player player = miracle_unit_get_dv_player( unit );
//dv_player_set_eof_action( player, action );
//miracle_unit_status_communicate( unit );
/** Get the unit's clip mode regarding eof handling.
//dv_player_eof_action miracle_unit_get_eof_action( miracle_unit unit )
//dv_player player = miracle_unit_get_dv_player( unit );
//return dv_player_get_eof_action( player );
int miracle_unit_set( miracle_unit unit, char *name_value )
mlt_properties properties = NULL;
if ( strncmp( name_value, "consumer.", 9 ) )
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "playlist", NULL );
properties = MLT_PLAYLIST_PROPERTIES( playlist );
mlt_consumer consumer = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "consumer", NULL );
properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
name_value += 9;
return mlt_properties_parse( properties, name_value );
char *miracle_unit_get( miracle_unit unit, char *name )
mlt_playlist playlist = mlt_properties_get_data( unit->properties, "playlist", NULL );
mlt_properties properties = MLT_PLAYLIST_PROPERTIES( playlist );
return mlt_properties_get( properties, name );
/** Release the unit
\todo error handling
\param unit A miracle_unit handle.
void miracle_unit_close( miracle_unit unit )
if ( unit != NULL )
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "closing unit..." );
miracle_unit_terminate( unit );
mlt_properties_close( unit->properties );
free( unit );
miracle_log( LOG_DEBUG, "... unit closed." );