## adjust or comment the following lines to reflect your configuration DEFINES += HAVE_USB unix:DEFINES += HAVE_PPDEV unix:DEFINES += HAVE_READLINE ## for directories with a space in their name, use the short filename format ## for e.g. "Program Files" should be "Progra~1" win32: LIBUSB_PATH = "C:\Progra~1\LibUSB-Win32" ############################################################################### DEFINES += NO_KDE TQT_NO_ASCII_CAST OBJECTS_DIR = .libs MOC_DIR = .libs TQT = qt3support core xml network CONFIG += tqt thread warn_on console unix:CONFIG += release #debug win32:CONFIG += release INCLUDEPATH += $${STOPDIR}/src $${STOPDIR} DEPENDPATH += $${STOPDIR}/app.pro $${STOPDIR}/all.pro $${STOPDIR}/lib.pro