MainWidgetBase MainWidgetBase 0 0 555 642 0 MainWidgetBase true unnamed imagesTabs 7 7 0 0 800 600 tab &Original image unnamed tqlayout7 unnamed backendStack potracePage 0 unnamed tabWidget3 1 7 0 0 tab &Input-Output unnamed groupBox2 Input unnamed textLabel2_3 Black level: Pixel threshold for B&W conversion of the image blackLevel 0.5 1 Pixel threshold for B&W conversion of the image invertInput In&vert Alt+V Inverts the image before processing groupBox8 Color unnamed foregroundBtn 0 0 0 0 Output foreground color textLabel4_2_2_3 Foreground color: Output foreground color opaque Opa&que: Fill in the white parts of the image opaquely backgroundBtn false 0 0 0 0 Fill color groupBox1 Output unnamed kSqueezedTextLabel2 0 0 0 0 Format: eps postscript SVG pgm Gimp path Xfig outputFormat 7 0 0 0 Output format optionsStack psPage 0 unnamed psFrame PS-EPS output unnamed textLabel3_3 Page size: Output page size a4 a3 a5 b5 letter legal tabloid statement executive folio quarto 10x14 pageSize true 4 Output page size optimizedNumericalCode Optimized numerical code true Use a compact numerical format to represent Bezier curves in PostScript compressionLevel Compression level unnamed level1 None 3 No compression level2 Level 2 true 3 Standard compression (needs LZW-enabled compress) level3 Level 3 3 Maximum compression svgPage 1 unnamed svgFrame SVG unnamed SVGGroup Group Try to group related paths together in the SVG output pgmPage 2 unnamed pgmFrame PGM unnamed textLabel5_2 Antialias gamma: Gamma value for anti-aliasing antialiasGamma 2.2 Gamma value for anti-aliasing buttonGroup1 Scale unnamed tqlayout3 unnamed scaleAllBTN All true All dimesions at once scaleAll Scale factor (>1 enlarges, <1 shrinks) tqlayout4 unnamed textLabel10_3 false Y Scale factor (>1 enlarges, <1 shrinks) scaleY false Scale factor (>1 enlarges, <1 shrinks) textLabel9_3 false X Scale factor (>1 enlarges, <1 shrinks) scaleXYBTN Each -1 Each dimension separately scaleX false Scale factor (>1 enlarges, <1 shrinks) undefinedPage 3 unnamed kActiveLabel1 1 1 0 0 Sorry, no options for this format. spacer8 Vertical Expanding 20 40 spacer9 Vertical Expanding 20 40 spacer10 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 16 tab A&lgorithm unnamed spacer5_2 Vertical Expanding 20 297 curveOptimization Cur&ve optimization true Join adiacent bezier curves (off=larger file) optimizationTolerance 1 0 0 0 0.2 Curve optimization tolerance (default = 0.2) Set the curve optimization tolerance. The default value is 0.2. Larger values allow more consecutive Bezier curve segments to be joined together in a single segment, at the expense of accuracy. cornerThreshold 1 -1 1.34 2 Corner Threshold parameter (<1 hard corners, >1 soft corners) Set the corner threshold parameter. The default value is 1. The smaller this value, the more sharp corners will be produced. If this parameter is negative, then no smoothing will be performed and the output is a polygon. The largest useful value is 4/3 or 1.334, which suppresses all corners and leads to completely smooth output. despeckle 1 0 0 0 0 Suppress speckles of up to this many pixels black white right left minority majority random policy 7 0 0 0 4 How to resolve ambiguities in path decomposition outputQuantization 10 0 To how many points/pixel the output is rounded Set output quantization. Coordinates in the output are rounded to 1/value pixels. The default value of 10 usually gives good results. In the case of the gimppath backend, this option is used to set the desired magnification. This option has no effect for the XFig backend, which always rasterizes to 1/1200 inch. textLabel1_4 Output quantization: How exactly the output is rounded Set output quantization. Coordinates in the output are rounded to 1/value pixels. The default value of 10 usually gives good results. In the case of the gimppath backend, this option is used to set the desired magnification. This option has no effect for the XFig backend, which always rasterizes to 1/1200 inch. textLabel4 Optimization tolerance: Curve optimization tolerance (default = 0.2) Set the curve optimization tolerance. The default value is 0.2. Larger values allow more consecutive Bezier curve segments to be joined together in a single segment, at the expense of accuracy. textLabel3 Corner Threshold: Corner Threshold parameter (<1 hard corners, >1 soft corners) Set the corner threshold parameter. The default value is 1. The smaller this value, the more sharp corners will be produced. If this parameter is negative, then no smoothing will be performed and the output is a polygon. The largest useful value is 4/3 or 1.334, which suppresses all corners and leads to completely smooth output. textLabel2 Despeckle: Suppress speckles of up to this many pixels textLabel1 Policy: How to resolve ambiguities in path decomposition TabPage &Scaling and transformations unnamed groupBox7 Transformation unnamed spacer17 Horizontal Expanding 80 31 spacer17_2 Horizontal Expanding 80 31 rotation -360 360 Rotate output by x degrees stretch 1 2 Aspect ratio (<1 stretched in the x direction, >1 stretched in the y direction) spacer17_3 Horizontal Expanding 80 31 height Output image height width 1 0 0 0 Output image width spacer17_4 Horizontal Expanding 80 31 textLabel1_3 1 1 0 0 cm textLabel1_3_2 1 1 0 0 cm textLabel1_3_4 1 1 0 0 degree textLabel3_2 Rotation: Rotate output by x degrees textLabel8 Stretch: Aspect ratio (<1 stretched in the x direction, >1 stretched in the y direction) textLabel6 Height: Output image height textLabel5 Width: Output image width buttonGroup3 Resolution (dpi) unnamed resolutionAllBTN All true 2 All dimensions textLabel1_2 false X textLabel2_2 false Y resolutionXYBTN Each 2 Each dimension separately resolutionX false set the resolution (in dpi). One inch in the output image corresponds to this many pixels in the input resolutionY false set the resolution (in dpi). One inch in the output image corresponds to this many pixels in the input resolutionAll set the resolution (in dpi). One inch in the output image corresponds to this many pixels in the input spacer7 Vertical Expanding 20 40 TabPage &Margins unnamed spacer5 Vertical Expanding 20 270 buttonGroup2 Margins unnamed textLabel1_3_7 1 1 0 0 cm marginsB true Set output margins marginsT true Set output margins marginsR true Set output margins textLabel1_3_3 1 1 0 0 cm textLabel1_3_5 1 1 0 0 cm textLabel1_3_6 1 1 0 0 cm marginsL true 1 0 0 0 Set output margins spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 71 21 spacer22_2 Horizontal Expanding 71 21 spacer22_3 Horizontal Expanding 71 21 spacer22_4 Horizontal Expanding 71 21 textLabel13 true 1 1 0 0 Top: textLabel12 true 1 1 0 0 Right: textLabel11 true 1 1 0 0 Left: textLabel14 true 1 1 0 0 Bottom: checkBoxSyncronizeMargins true syncronize true autotracePage 1 unnamed autotraceTabs tab &Input - output unnamed groupBox11 &Output format unnamed autotraceOutputFormat Select wanted output format groupBox9 Input image unnamed autotraceDpiCheckbox &DPI: Alt+D <p>Dot per inch of input image</p><p>(affects scaling in mif output)</p> autotraceCheckBoxReduceColors &reduce color count to: Alt+R true <p>Reduce input image to this number of colors (range: 2 - 256)</p> autotraceDpiInput false 0 <p>Dot per inch of input image</p><p>(affects scaling in mif output)</p> autotraceColorCount 2 2 256 <p>Reduce input image to this number of colors (range: 2 - 256)</p> groupBox8_2 Transparent color unnamed autotraceUseBackground &Use: Alt+U <p>Toggle transparent color</p> autotraceBackground false 255 255 255 <p>Ignore this color in input file</p><p>(The color will be rendered as transparent in the output image)</p> groupBox10 false Log unnamed autotraceLog false Create &logfile Alt+L Not working at the moment spacer14 Vertical Expanding 20 30 tab &Corners and curves unnamed groupBox12 Corners unnamed textLabel3_4 Thre&shold: autotraceThreshold <p>Consider any pixel which forms an angle with its predecessor(s) and successor(s) that is smaller than the specified angle (in degrees) as a corner.</p> textLabel4_2 Alwa&ys threshold: autotraceAlwaysThreshold <p>Consider any angle at a pixel which falls below the specified angle (in degrees) as a corner, even if it is bordered by other corner pixels.</p> textLabel5_3 NoFocus &Surround: autotraceSurround <p>Consider the specified number of pixels on either side of a point when determining if that point is a corner.</p> autotraceSurround 4 0 <p>Consider the specified number of pixels on either side of a point when determining if that point is a corner.</p> autotraceAlwaysThreshold 60 0 360 <p>Consider any angle at a pixel which falls below the specified angle (in degrees) as a corner, even if it is bordered by other corner pixels.</p> autotraceThreshold 100 0 360 <p>Consider any pixel which forms an angle with its predecessor(s) and successor(s) that is smaller than the specified angle (in degrees) as a corner.</p> autotraceAdjacentCorners &Remove adjacent corners Alt+R spacer15 Vertical Expanding 20 20 groupBox13 Curves unnamed autotraceReversionThreshold 0.01 <p>When a spline is closer to a straight line than the specified real number weighted by the square of the curve length, maintain it as a straight line, even if it is a list with curves.</p> autotraceIterations 4 0 <p>Smooth the curve the specified number of times prior to fitting</p> autotraceLineThreshold 1 <p>If a spline does not deviate from the straight line defined by its endpoints by more than the specified number of pixels, then treat it as a straight line.</p> textLabel7 Re&version threshold: autotraceReversionThreshold <p>When a spline is closer to a straight line than the specified real number weighted by the square of the curve length, maintain it as a straight line, even if it is a list with curves.</p> textLabel8_2 &Filter iterations: autotraceIterations <p>Smooth the curve the specified number of times prior to fitting</p> autotraceErrorThreshold 2 <p>Subdivide fitted curves that are offset by a number of pixels exceeding the specified real number</p> textLabel6_2 &Error threshold: autotraceErrorThreshold <p>Subdivide fitted curves that are offset by a number of pixels exceeding the specified real number</p> textLabel1_5 &Line threshold: autotraceLineThreshold <p>If a spline does not deviate from the straight line defined by its endpoints by more than the specified number of pixels, then treat it as a straight line.</p> autotracePreserveWidth &Preserve width Alt+P <p>Preserve line width prior to thinning</p> TabPage &Various unnamed buttonGroup5 Object recognition unnamed autotraceNoCenterline &Outline Alt+O true autotraceCenterline C&enterline Alt+E false groupBox15 Tangent unnamed textLabel9 &Surround: autotraceTangentSurround <p>Consider the specified number of points to either side of a point when computing the tangent at that point</p> autotraceTangentSurround 3 0 <p>Consider the specified number of points to either side of a point when computing the tangent at that point</p> spacer16 Vertical Expanding 20 110 groupBox16 Despeckle unnamed autotraceDespeckleTightness false 2 8 <p>Employ the specified real number as the value for despeckle tightness (range: 0-8)</p> autotraceDespeckleLevel false 1 20 <p>Employ the specified integer as the value for despeckling(range: 1-20)</p> textLabel10 &Level: autotraceDespeckleLevel <p>Employ the specified integer as the value for despeckling(range: 1-20)</p> textLabel11_2 T&ightness: autotraceDespeckleTightness <p>Employ the specified real number as the value for despeckle tightness (range: 0-8)</p> autotraceDoDespeckle despec&kle Alt+K tqlayout6 unnamed spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 kActiveLabel2 7 0 0 0 NoFocus Backend: potrace autotrace backendCombo spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 spacer7_2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 tqlayout3 unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 113 20 traceBtn &Trace Alt+T spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 60 20 defaultBtn D&efault options Alt+E tqlayout2 unnamed autoTraceCheck Automatic Preview true preserveCheck Preserve options opaque toggled(bool) backgroundBtn setEnabled(bool) scaleAllBTN toggled(bool) scaleAll setEnabled(bool) scaleXYBTN toggled(bool) textLabel9_3 setEnabled(bool) scaleXYBTN toggled(bool) scaleX setEnabled(bool) scaleXYBTN toggled(bool) textLabel10_3 setEnabled(bool) scaleXYBTN toggled(bool) scaleY setEnabled(bool) resolutionAllBTN toggled(bool) resolutionAll setEnabled(bool) resolutionXYBTN toggled(bool) textLabel1_2 setEnabled(bool) resolutionXYBTN toggled(bool) resolutionX setEnabled(bool) resolutionXYBTN toggled(bool) textLabel2_2 setEnabled(bool) resolutionXYBTN toggled(bool) resolutionY setEnabled(bool) outputFormat activated(const QString&) MainWidgetBase showOptions(const QString&) backendCombo activated(const QString&) MainWidgetBase backendChoosen(const QString&) autotraceDpiCheckbox toggled(bool) autotraceDpiInput setEnabled(bool) autotraceUseBackground toggled(bool) autotraceBackground setEnabled(bool) autotraceCheckBoxReduceColors toggled(bool) autotraceColorCount setEnabled(bool) marginsL valueChanged(double) MainWidgetBase marginValueChanged(double) marginsR valueChanged(double) MainWidgetBase marginValueChanged(double) marginsB valueChanged(double) MainWidgetBase marginValueChanged(double) marginsT valueChanged(double) MainWidgetBase marginValueChanged(double) checkBoxSyncronizeMargins toggled(bool) MainWidgetBase syncronizeMarginsChanged(bool) autotraceDoDespeckle toggled(bool) autotraceDespeckleLevel setEnabled(bool) autotraceDoDespeckle toggled(bool) autotraceDespeckleTightness setEnabled(bool) tabWidget3 blackLevel invertInput foregroundBtn opaque backgroundBtn outputFormat kActiveLabel1 pageSize optimizedNumericalCode level2 SVGGroup antialiasGamma scaleAllBTN scaleAll scaleXYBTN scaleX scaleY policy despeckle cornerThreshold optimizationTolerance outputQuantization curveOptimization width height stretch rotation resolutionAllBTN resolutionAll resolutionX resolutionY marginsL marginsR marginsT marginsB checkBoxSyncronizeMargins autotraceTabs autotraceOutputFormat autotraceDpiCheckbox autotraceDpiInput autotraceCheckBoxReduceColors autotraceColorCount autotraceUseBackground autotraceBackground autotraceLog autotraceThreshold autotraceAlwaysThreshold autotraceSurround autotraceAdjacentCorners autotraceErrorThreshold autotraceReversionThreshold autotraceIterations autotracePreserveWidth autotraceNoCenterline autotraceTangentSurround autotraceDespeckleLevel autotraceDespeckleTightness kActiveLabel2 backendCombo traceBtn defaultBtn autoTraceCheck preserveCheck imagesTabs showOptions( const QString & ) backendChoosen( const QString & ) valueChanged() marginValueChanged( double ) syncronizeMarginsChanged( bool isChecked ) knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h ksqueezedtextlabel.h kcombobox.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kactivelabel.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcombobox.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcombobox.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kactivelabel.h kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h