#!/usr/bin/env python """ About the PyTDE Sampler Defines the 'about' function to create a TDEAboutData instance for the sampler application. """ from os.path import dirname, join from tdecore import TDEAboutData appName = b'pytdesampler' progName = b'PyTDE Sampler' authorName = b'Troy Melhase' authorEmail = bugsEmailAddress = b'troy@gci.net' version = b'0.1' shortDescription = b'The PyTDE Sampler' licenseType = TDEAboutData.License_GPL_V2 copyrightStatement = '(c) 2006, Troy Melhase' homePageAddress = b'http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pytde/' aboutText = (b"The application sampler for PyTDE.") contributors = [] # module-level global for keeping the strings around; intentional def about(): """ creates TDEAboutData instance for the app """ about = TDEAboutData( appName, progName, version, shortDescription, licenseType, copyrightStatement, aboutText, homePageAddress, bugsEmailAddress) about.addAuthor(authorName, '', authorEmail) try: contrib = open(join(dirname(__file__), 'contributors.txt')) contrib = [line.strip() for line in contrib] contrib = [line for line in contrib if not line.startswith('#')] for line in contrib: try: name, task, addr = [s.strip() for s in line.split(',')] contributors.append((name, task, addr)) except: pass except: pass contributors.sort(lambda a, b:cmp(a[0], b[0])) for name, task, addr in contributors: about.addCredit(name, task, addr) return about