// // Copyright 2006 Jim Bublitz // Earlier copyrights 1998 - 2005 Jim Bublitz and/or Phil Thompson // may also apply // Generated by preSip // module kio version KDE_3_5_2 %Copying This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. %End %Module kio %Import qt/qtmod.sip %Import qtxml/qtxmlmod.sip %Import dcopmod.sip %Import tdecoremod.sip %Import tdefxmod.sip %Import tdeuimod.sip %Include authinfo.sip %Include chmodjob.sip %Include connection.sip %Include defaultprogress.sip %Include global.sip %Include job.sip %Include jobclasses.sip %Include karchive.sip %Include kautomount.sip %Include kdatatool.sip %Include kdirlister.sip %Include kdirnotify.sip %Include kdirwatch.sip %Include kemailsettings.sip %Include kfilefilter.sip %Include kfileitem.sip %Include kfilemetainfo.sip %Include kfilterbase.sip %Include kfilterdev.sip %Include kimageio.sip %Include kmimemagic.sip %Include kmimetype.sip %Include kprotocolinfo.sip %Include kprotocolmanager.sip %Include krun.sip %Include kscan.sip %Include kservice.sip %Include kservicegroup.sip %Include kservicetype.sip %Include kshellcompletion.sip %Include kshred.sip %Include ksycoca.sip %Include ksycocaentry.sip %Include ksycocafactory.sip %Include ksycocatype.sip %Include ktar.sip %Include ktrader.sip %Include kurifilter.sip %Include kurlcompletion.sip %Include kurlpixmapprovider.sip %Include kuserprofile.sip %Include netaccess.sip %Include observer.sip %Include passdlg.sip %Include paste.sip %Include previewjob.sip %Include progressbase.sip %Include renamedlg.sip %Include renamedlgplugin.sip %Include scheduler.sip %Include sessiondata.sip %Include skipdlg.sip %Include slave.sip %Include slavebase.sip %Include slaveconfig.sip %Include slaveinterface.sip %Include statusbarprogress.sip %Include tcpslavebase.sip %Include thumbcreator.sip @mark@