qt -> tqt conversion:

kdeqt -> kdetqt
qtkde -> tqtkde
qtdesigner -> tqtdesigner

Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <michele.calgaro@yahoo.it>
Michele Calgaro 6 years ago
parent 59fe6a524b
commit e1b19df29e
Signed by: MicheleC

@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ during install.
<!-- Qt-designer -->
<chapter id="using-qtdesigner">
<chapter id="using-tqtdesigner">
<title>Run-time integration with Qt-Designer</title>
Qt-Designer is a graphical application used for designing user interfaces.
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ to be converted into Python classes before they can be used in a Python
application. This can be manually done using the <command>pyuic</command>
command from the shell. But it is a lot more convenient to let &appname;
to this automatically for you. All you need to do is import the
<symbol>qtdesigner</symbol> or <symbol>tdedesigner</symbol> module, depending
<symbol>tqtdesigner</symbol> or <symbol>tdedesigner</symbol> module, depending
on whether your application is pure Qt or uses TDE, and then you can import
your user interface files as though they were normal Python files.
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ from MyWindow import * # Loads MyWindow.ui
class MyWindowCode(MyWindow):
# Implement extra functionality and methods.
The <symbol>tdedesigner</symbol>/<symbol>qtdesigner</symbol> module converts
The <symbol>tdedesigner</symbol>/<symbol>tqtdesigner</symbol> module converts
<literal role="extension">.ui</literal> on demand to
<literal role="extension">.py</literal> files.
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ features in <literal role="extension">.desktop</literal> files.
&appname; can be used for the creation of tdeio-slaves. &appname; handles the C++
glue code needed for making tdeioslaves in Python.
<ulink url="http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/kdeqt/trinityarch/nettransparency.html">developer.kde.org</ulink>
<ulink url="http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/kdetqt/trinityarch/nettransparency.html">developer.kde.org</ulink>
has some documentation about TDEIO-slaves aimed at C++ programmers.

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def main():
min_qt_version = "3.0.0",
license = "LGPL",
package_dir = {'': 'src'},
py_modules = ["tdedistutils","qtuicompiler","qtdesigner","tdedesigner"],
py_modules = ["tdedistutils","qtuicompiler","tqtdesigner","tdedesigner"],
application_data = ["app_templates","AUTHORS","ChangeLog","COPYING","INSTALL","NEWS"],
docbooks = [ ('doc/en','en') ],
cmdclass = {

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# qtdesigner - description #
# tqtdesigner - description #
# ------------------------------ #
# begin : Thu Apr 21 2005 #
# copyright : (C) 2005 by Simon Edwards #

@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class InstallApplicationDataAndLinks(install_data):
prefix = self.install_dir
if prefix[-1] != os.sep:
prefix = prefix + os.sep
self.outfiles.extend(compile_qtdesigner(self.outfiles, force=1, prefix=prefix, base_dir=install_cmd.prefix, dry_run=self.dry_run))
self.outfiles.extend(compile_tqtdesigner(self.outfiles, force=1, prefix=prefix, base_dir=install_cmd.prefix, dry_run=self.dry_run))
# Byte compile the .py files
from distutils.util import byte_compile
@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ def get_qt_kde_versions():
return qtver,kdever
def compile_qtdesigner(ui_files,
def compile_tqtdesigner(ui_files,
prefix=None, base_dir=None,
verbose=1, dry_run=0):
