/* copyright 2003 Jim Bublitz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include // this just gets rid of a warning when Python.h redefines it #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #include #define debug 1 ObjectRef::ObjectRef (ObjectRef *oi, PyObject *o) { prevObject = oi; object = o; } Pythonize::Pythonize () { pythonInit = 1; objects = NULL; if (debug) printf ("\n\nPythonize constructor -- pid = %i\n", getpid ()); if (!Py_IsInitialized ()) { PyEval_InitThreads (); Py_Initialize (); if (!Py_IsInitialized ()) { pythonInit = 0; return; } if (debug) printf ("Python interpreter initialized!\n\n"); // free the lock PyEval_ReleaseLock(); } } bool Pythonize::runScript (char *scriptPath) { FILE *f; int res; if (debug) printf ("Running script: %s\n", scriptPath); if (scriptPath == NULL || strlen (scriptPath) == 0) return false; f = fopen (scriptPath, "r"); if (f == NULL) return false; res = PyRun_SimpleFile (f, scriptPath); fclose (f); return res == 0; } PyObject * Pythonize::runFunction (PyObject *object, PyObject *args) { if (!PyCallable_Check (object)) return NULL; PyObject *res = PyObject_CallObject (object, args ? args : PyTuple_New (0)); Py_XINCREF (res); return res; } void * Pythonize::runFunctionVoid (PyObject *object, PyObject *args) { if (!PyCallable_Check (object)) return NULL; PyObject *pyRes = PyObject_CallObject (object, args ? args : PyTuple_New (0)); void *res = PyLong_AsVoidPtr (pyRes); return res; } bool Pythonize::runString (char *str) { if (str == NULL || strlen (str) == 0) return false; int res = PyRun_SimpleString (str); return res == 0; } bool Pythonize::appendToSysPath (const char* newPath) { if (newPath == NULL || strlen (newPath) == 0) return false; char *fmtString = "import sys\nif not '%s' in sys.path:\n\tsys.path.append ('%s')\n"; //print sys.path\n"; int length = strlen (fmtString) + 2*strlen (newPath) + 1; char *line = new char [length]; if (!line) return false; snprintf (line, length, fmtString, newPath, newPath); int res = PyRun_SimpleString (line); delete line; return res == 0; } PyObject *Pythonize::importModule (char *moduleName) { if (moduleName == NULL || strlen (moduleName) == 0) return NULL; PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule (moduleName); objects = new ObjectRef (objects, module); if (!objects) return NULL; return module; } Pythonize::~Pythonize () { if (debug) printf ("Pythonize destructor\n"); ObjectRef *top; while (objects) { top = objects; objects = objects->prevObject; delete top; } if (debug) printf (" --- Objects destroyed\n"); Py_Finalize(); if (debug) printf (" --- Py_Finalized\n"); } // The global Pythonize instance Pythonize *pyize = new Pythonize (); extern "C" { Pythonize *_pythonize; Pythonize *initialize () { if (_pythonize) return _pythonize; _pythonize = new Pythonize (); if (!_pythonize || !_pythonize->getPythonInit ()) { if (_pythonize) delete _pythonize; return NULL; } return _pythonize; } void finalize () { if (_pythonize) { if (debug) printf(" --- Pythonize finalize()\n"); delete _pythonize; } } // adds a path to sys.path bool appendToSysPath (const char* newPath) { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->appendToSysPath (newPath) : false; } // imports a module into the interpreter // or gets a PyObject for an already loaded module PyObject *importModule (char *moduleName) { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->importModule (moduleName) : NULL; } // returns an object from a loaded module // you must decref the object returned when done with it (new reference returned) PyObject *getNewObjectRef (PyObject *module, const char *object) { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->getNewObjectRef (module, object) : NULL; } bool getPythonInit () { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->getPythonInit () : false; } // decrements the ref count of an object void decref (PyObject *object) { Py_XDECREF (object); } // runs a script on the current sys.path bool runScript (char *scriptPath) { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->runScript (scriptPath) : false; } // executes a string of Python in the interpreter bool runString (char *str) { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->runString (str) : false; } // runs a callable Python object PyObject *runFunction (PyObject *object, PyObject *args) { return _pythonize ? _pythonize->runFunction (object, args) : NULL; } }