#!/usr/bin/env python # A simple application. import sys, string from PyTQt.tqt import * fileopen = [ '16 13 5 1', '. c #040404', '# c #808304', 'a c None', 'b c #f3f704', 'c c #f3f7f3', 'aaaaaaaaa...aaaa', 'aaaaaaaa.aaa.a.a', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa..a', 'a...aaaaaaaa...a', '.bcb.......aaaaa', '.cbcbcbcbc.aaaaa', '.bcbcbcbcb.aaaaa', '.cbcb...........', '.bcb.#########.a', '.cb.#########.aa', '.b.#########.aaa', '..#########.aaaa', '...........aaaaa' ] filesave = [ '14 14 4 1', '. c #040404', '# c #808304', 'a c #bfc2bf', 'b c None', '..............', '.#.aaaaaaaa.a.', '.#.aaaaaaaa...', '.#.aaaaaaaa.#.', '.#.aaaaaaaa.#.', '.#.aaaaaaaa.#.', '.#.aaaaaaaa.#.', '.##........##.', '.############.', '.##.........#.', '.##......aa.#.', '.##......aa.#.', '.##......aa.#.', 'b.............' ] fileprint = [ '16 14 6 1', '. c #000000', '# c #848284', 'a c #c6c3c6', 'b c #ffff00', 'c c #ffffff', 'd c None', 'ddddd.........dd', 'dddd.cccccccc.dd', 'dddd.c.....c.ddd', 'ddd.cccccccc.ddd', 'ddd.c.....c....d', 'dd.cccccccc.a.a.', 'd..........a.a..', '.aaaaaaaaaa.a.a.', '.............aa.', '.aaaaaa###aa.a.d', '.aaaaaabbbaa...d', '.............a.d', 'd.aaaaaaaaa.a.dd', 'dd...........ddd' ] document = [ "12 16 6 1", " c #040404", ". c None", "X c white", "o c #808304", "O c black", "+ c #f3f7f3", " .....", " XXXXX ....", " XXXXX X ...", " XXXXX XX ..", " XooXX O.", " X+XXX+XXXO.", " XXXXXXXXXO.", " XoooXooXXO.", " XXXXXXXXXO.", " XXXXXXXXXO.", " XoXXoooXXO.", " XXXXXXXXXO.", "OXXXXXXXXXO.", "OXXXXXXXXXO.", "OOOOOOOOOOO.", "............" ] fileOpenText = \ ''' Click this button to open a new file.

You can also select the Open command from the File menu.''' fileSaveText = \ '''Click this button to save the file you are editing.

You will be prompted for a filename.

You can also select the Save command from the File menu.''' filePrintText = \ '''Click this button to print the file you are editing.

You can also select the Print command from the File menu.''' #True=1 #False=0 class ApplicationWindow(TQMainWindow): def __init__(self): TQMainWindow.__init__(self,None,'example application main window',TQt.WDestructiveClose) self.filename = TQString.null self.printer = TQPrinter() self.fileTools = TQToolBar(self,'file operations') openIcon = TQPixmap(fileopen) self.fileOpen = TQToolButton(TQIconSet(openIcon),'Open File',TQString.null,self.load,self.fileTools,'open file') saveIcon = TQPixmap(filesave) self.fileSave = TQToolButton(TQIconSet(saveIcon),'Save File',TQString.null,self.save,self.fileTools,'save file') printIcon = TQPixmap(fileprint) self.filePrint = TQToolButton(TQIconSet(printIcon),'Print File',TQString.null,self.printDoc,self.fileTools,'print file') TQWhatsThis.whatsThisButton(self.fileTools) TQWhatsThis.add(self.fileOpen,fileOpenText) TQMimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().setPixmap('fileopen',openIcon) TQWhatsThis.add(self.fileSave,fileSaveText) TQWhatsThis.add(self.filePrint,filePrintText) self.file = TQPopupMenu(self) self.menuBar().insertItem('&File',self.file) self.file.insertItem('&New',self.newDoc,TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_N) id = self.file.insertItem(TQIconSet(openIcon),'&Open',self.load,TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_O) self.file.setWhatsThis(id,fileOpenText) id = self.file.insertItem(TQIconSet(saveIcon),'&Save',self.save,TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_S) self.file.setWhatsThis(id,fileSaveText) id = self.file.insertItem('Save &as',self.saveAs) self.file.setWhatsThis(id,fileSaveText) self.file.insertSeparator() id = self.file.insertItem(TQIconSet(printIcon),'&Print',self.printDoc,TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_P) self.file.setWhatsThis(id,filePrintText) self.file.insertSeparator() self.file.insertItem('&Close',self,TQ_SLOT('close()'),TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_W) self.file.insertItem('&Quit',tqApp,TQ_SLOT('closeAllWindows()'),TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_Q) self.menuBar().insertSeparator() self.windows = TQPopupMenu( self ) self.windows.setCheckable( True ) self.connect( self.windows, TQ_SIGNAL( "aboutToShow()" ), self.windowsMenuAboutToShow ) self.menuBar().insertItem( "&Windows", self.windows ) self.help = TQPopupMenu(self) self.menuBar().insertSeparator() self.menuBar().insertItem('&Help',self.help) self.help.insertItem('&About',self.about,TQt.Key_F1) self.help.insertItem('About &TQt',self.aboutTQt) self.help.insertSeparator() self.help.insertItem( "What's &This", self, TQ_SLOT("whatsThis()"), TQt.SHIFT+TQt.Key_F1) self.menuBar().insertSeparator() self.vb = TQVBox( self ) self.vb.setFrameStyle( TQFrame.StyledPanel | TQFrame.Sunken ) self.ws = TQWorkspace( self.vb ) self.ws.setScrollBarsEnabled( True ) self.setCentralWidget( self.vb ) self.statusBar().message('Ready',2000) #self.resize(450,600) def newDoc(self): w = MDIWindow( self.ws, "", TQt.WDestructiveClose ) self.connect( w, PYSIGNAL( "message" ), self.statusBar(), TQ_SLOT( "message(const TQString&, int )") ) w.setCaption("unnamed document") w.setIcon( TQPixmap(document) ) # show the very first window in maximized mode if len(self.ws.windowList())==0: w.showMaximized() else: w.show() return w def load(self): fn = TQFileDialog.getOpenFileName( TQString.null, TQString.null, self ) if not fn.isEmpty(): w = self.newDoc() w.load( fn ) else: self.statusBar().message( "Loading aborted", 2000 ) def save(self): m = self.ws.activeWindow() if m: m.save() def saveAs(self): m = self.ws.activeWindow() if m: m.saveAs() def printDoc(self): m = self.ws.activeWindow() if m: m.printDoc( self.printer ) def closeWindow(self): m = self.ws.activeWindow() if m: m.close() def about(self): TQMessageBox.about( self, "TQt Application Example", "This example demonstrates simple use of\n " "TQt's Multiple Document Interface (MDI).") def aboutTQt(self): TQMessageBox.aboutTQt( self, "TQt Application Example" ) def windowsMenuAboutToShow(self): self.windows.clear() cascadeId = self.windows.insertItem("&Cascade", self.ws, TQ_SLOT("cascade() ") ) tileId = self.windows.insertItem("&Tile", self.ws, TQ_SLOT("tile()" ) ) if len(self.ws.windowList())==0 : self.windows.setItemEnabled( cascadeId, False ) self.windows.setItemEnabled( tileId, False ) self.windows.insertSeparator() windows = self.ws.windowList() cnt=0 for i in windows: id =self.windows.insertItem(i.caption(),self.windowsMenuActivated ) self.windows.setItemParameter( id, cnt ); self.windows.setItemChecked( id, self.ws.activeWindow() == i ) cnt=cnt+1 def windowsMenuActivated(self,sid ): w = self.ws.windowList().at( id ) if w: w.showNormal() w.setFocus() class MDIWindow( TQMainWindow): def __init__(self,parent, name, wflags ): TQMainWindow.__init__(self,parent, name, wflags ) self.mmovie = 0 self.medit = TQMultiLineEdit( self ) self.setFocusProxy( self.medit ) self.setCentralWidget( self.medit ); def load(self, fn ): self.filename = fn self.f=TQFile( self.filename ) if not self.f.open( IO_ReadOnly ): return if fn.contains(".gif"): tmp=TQWidget(self) self.setFocusProxy(tmp) self.setCentralWidget(tmp) self.medit.hide() del self.medit qm=TQMovie(fn) #ifdef TQ_WS_QWS // temporary speed-test hack #qm->setDisplayWidget(tmp); #endif tmp.setBackgroundMode(TQWidget.NoBackground) tmp.show() self.mmovie=qm else : self.mmovie = 0 t=TQTextStream(self.f) s = t.read() self.medit.setText( s ) self.f.close() self.setCaption( self.filename ) self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("Loaded document %1").arg(self.filename),2000 )) def save(self): if self.filename.isEmpty(): self.saveAs() return text = self.medit.text() output=open(str(self.filename),'w') output.write(str(text)) #emit message( TQString("Could not write to %1").arg(filename), 2000 ); #return output.close() self.setCaption(self.filename) self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("File %1 saved").arg(self.filename),2000 )) def saveAs(self): fn = TQFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.filename, TQString.null, self ) if not fn.isEmpty(): self.filename = fn self.save() else : self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("Saving aborted"),2000 )) def printDoc(self,printer): Margin = 10 pageNo = 1 if printer.setup(self): self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("Printing..."),2000 )) p = TQPainter() p.begin(printer) p.setFont(self.medit.font()) yPos = 0 fm = p.fontMetrics() metrics = TQPaintDeviceMetrics(printer) for i in range(self.medit.numLines()): if Margin + yPos > metrics.height() - Margin: pageNo = pageNo + 1 self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("Printing (page %1) ...").arg(pageNo),2000 )) printer.newPage() yPos = 0 p.drawText(Margin,Margin + yPos,metrics.width(),fm.lineSpacing(),TQt.ExpandTabs | TQt.DontClip,self.medit.textLine(i)) yPos = yPos + fm.lineSpacing() p.end() self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("Printing completed"),2000 )) else: self.emit(PYSIGNAL( "message"),(TQString("Printing aborted"),2000 )) if __name__=='__main__': a = TQApplication(sys.argv) mw = ApplicationWindow() mw.setCaption("PyTQt Example - Multiple Documents Interface (MDI)") mw.show() a.connect(a, TQ_SIGNAL('lastWindowClosed()'), a, TQ_SLOT('quit()')) a.exec_loop()