/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #define DRIVER "QPSQL7" /* see the Qt SQL documentation for a list of available drivers */ #define DATABASE "" /* the name of your database */ #define USER "" /* user name with appropriate rights */ #define PASSWORD "" /* password for USER */ #define HOST "" /* host on which the database is running */ int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { QApplication a( argc, argv, FALSE ); QSqlDatabase * db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( DRIVER ); db->setDatabaseName( DATABASE ); db->setUserName( USER ); db->setPassword( PASSWORD ); db->setHostName( HOST ); if ( !db->open() ) { qWarning( db->lastError().databaseText() ); return 1; } if ( argc < 2 ) { qWarning( "Usage: %s ", argv[0] ); return 1; } // read a file which we want to insert into the database QFile f( argv[1] ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { qWarning( "Unable to open data file '%s' - exiting", argv[1] ); return 1; } QByteArray binaryData = f.readAll(); qWarning( "Data size: %d", binaryData.size() ); // create a table with a binary field QSqlQuery q; if ( !q.exec( "CREATE TABLE blobexample ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, binfield LONGBLOB )" ) ) { qWarning( "Unable to create table - exiting" ); return 1; } // insert a BLOB into the table if ( !q.prepare( "INSERT INTO blobexample ( id, binfield ) VALUES ( ?, ? )" ) ) { qWarning( "Unable to prepare query - exiting" ); return 1; } q.bindValue( 0, 1 ); q.bindValue( 1, binaryData ); if ( !q.exec() ) { qWarning( "Unable to execute prepared query - exiting" ); return 1; } // read the BLOB back from the database if ( !q.exec( "SELECT id, binfield FROM blobexample" ) ) { qWarning( "Unable to execute query - exiting" ); return 1; } qWarning( "\nQSqlQuery:" ); while ( q.next() ) { qWarning( "BLOB id: %d", q.value( 0 ).toInt() ); qWarning( "BLOB size: %d", q.value( 1 ).toByteArray().size() ); } // write another BLOB using QSqlCursor QSqlCursor cur( "blobexample" ); QSqlRecord * r = cur.primeInsert(); r->setValue( "id", 2 ); r->setValue( "binfield", binaryData ); if ( !cur.insert() ) { qWarning( "Unable to insert BLOB using QSqlCursor - exiting" ); return 1; } // read the BLOBs back using QSqlCursor if ( !cur.select() ) { qWarning( "Unable retrieve blobexample table using QSqlCursor - exiting" ); return 1; } qWarning( "\nQSqlCursor:" ); while ( cur.next() ) { qWarning( "BLOB id: %d", cur.value( "id" ).toInt() ); qWarning( "BLOB size: %d", cur.value( "binfield" ).toByteArray().size() ); } if ( !q.exec( "DROP TABLE blobexample" ) ) { qWarning( "Unable to drop table - exiting" ); return 1; } return 0; }