/* Rosegarden A sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work has been asserted. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "SegmentPerformanceHelper.h" #include "BaseProperties.h" #include namespace Rosegarden { using std::endl; using std::string; using namespace BaseProperties; SegmentPerformanceHelper::~SegmentPerformanceHelper() { } SegmentPerformanceHelper::iteratorcontainer SegmentPerformanceHelper::getTiedNotes(iterator i) { iteratorcontainer c; c.push_back(i); Event *e = *i; if (!e->isa(Note::EventType)) return c; Segment::iterator j(i); bool tiedBack = false, tiedForward = false; e->get(TIED_BACKWARD, tiedBack); e->get(TIED_FORWARD, tiedForward); timeT d = e->getNotationDuration(); timeT t = e->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); if (!e->has(PITCH)) return c; int pitch = e->get(PITCH); bool valid = false; if (tiedBack) { // #1171463: If we can find no preceding TIED_FORWARD event, // then we remove this property while (j != begin()) { --j; if (!(*j)->isa(Note::EventType)) continue; e = *j; // can reuse e because this branch always returns timeT t2 = e->getNotationAbsoluteTime() + e->getNotationDuration(); if (t2 < t) break; if (t2 > t || !e->has(PITCH) || e->get(PITCH) != pitch) continue; bool prevTiedForward = false; if (!e->get(TIED_FORWARD, prevTiedForward) || !prevTiedForward) break; valid = true; break; } if (valid) { return iteratorcontainer(); } else { (*i)->unset(TIED_BACKWARD); return c; } } else if (!tiedForward) return c; for (;;) { while (++j != end() && !(*j)->isa(Note::EventType)); if (j == end()) return c; e = *j; timeT t2 = e->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); if (t2 > t + d) break; else if (t2 < t + d || !e->has(PITCH) || e->get(PITCH) != pitch) continue; if (!e->get(TIED_BACKWARD, tiedBack) || !tiedBack) break; d += e->getNotationDuration(); c.push_back(j); valid = true; if (!e->get(TIED_FORWARD, tiedForward) || !tiedForward) return c; } if (!valid) { // Related to #1171463: If we can find no following // TIED_BACKWARD event, then we remove this property (*i)->unset(TIED_FORWARD); } return c; } bool SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceAndHostNotes(iterator i, iteratorcontainer &graceNotes, iteratorcontainer &hostNotes, bool &isHostNote) { if (i == end() || !(*i)->isa(Note::EventType)) return false; Segment::iterator j = i; Segment::iterator firstGraceNote = i; Segment::iterator firstHostNote = i; if ((*i)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE) && (*i)->get(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { // i is a grace note. Find the first host note following it j = i; while (++j != end()) { if ((*j)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() > (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime()) break; if ((*j)->getSubOrdering() < 0) continue; if ((*j)->isa(Note::EventType)) { firstHostNote = j; break; } } if (firstHostNote == i) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceAndHostNotes: REMARK: Grace note at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << " has no host note" << std::endl; return false; } } else { // i is a host note, but we need to ensure we have the first // one, not just any one j = i; while (j != begin()) { --j; if ((*j)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() < (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime()) break; if ((*j)->getSubOrdering() < (*i)->getSubOrdering()) break; if ((*j)->isa(Note::EventType)) { firstHostNote = j; break; } } } // firstHostNote now points to the first host note, which is // either the first non-grace note after i (if i was a grace note) // or the first note with the same time and subordering as i (if i // was not a grace note). if ((*firstHostNote)->getSubOrdering() < 0) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceAndHostNotes: WARNING: Note at " << (*firstHostNote)->getAbsoluteTime() << " has subordering " << (*i)->getSubOrdering() << " but is not a grace note" << std::endl; return false; } j = firstHostNote; while (j != begin()) { --j; if ((*j)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() < (*firstHostNote)->getNotationAbsoluteTime()) break; if ((*j)->getSubOrdering() >= 0) continue; if (!(*j)->isa(Note::EventType)) continue; if (!(*j)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE) || !(*j)->get(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceAndHostNotes: WARNING: Note at " << (*j)->getAbsoluteTime() << " (in trackback) has subordering " << (*j)->getSubOrdering() << " but is not a grace note" << std::endl; break; } firstGraceNote = j; } if (firstGraceNote == firstHostNote) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceAndHostNotes: REMARK: Note at " << (*firstHostNote)->getAbsoluteTime() << " has no grace notes" << std::endl; return false; } j = firstGraceNote; // push all of the grace notes, and notes with the same time as // the first host note, onto the container isHostNote = false; while (j != end()) { if ((*j)->isa(Note::EventType)) { if ((*j)->getSubOrdering() < 0) { if ((*j)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE) && (*j)->get(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { graceNotes.push_back(j); } } else { hostNotes.push_back(j); if (j == i) isHostNote = true; } } if ((*j)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() > (*firstHostNote)->getNotationAbsoluteTime()) break; ++j; } return true; } timeT SegmentPerformanceHelper::getSoundingAbsoluteTime(iterator i) { timeT t = 0; timeT discard; // std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getSoundingAbsoluteTime at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << std::endl; if ((*i)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { // std::cerr << "it's a grace note" << std::endl; if (getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration(false, i, t, discard)) return t; } if ((*i)->has(MAY_HAVE_GRACE_NOTES)) { // std::cerr << "it's a candidate host note" << std::endl; if (getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration(true, i, t, discard)) return t; } return (*i)->getAbsoluteTime(); } timeT SegmentPerformanceHelper::getSoundingDuration(iterator i) { timeT d = 0; timeT discard; // std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getSoundingDuration at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << std::endl; if ((*i)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { // std::cerr << "it's a grace note" << std::endl; if (getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration(false, i, discard, d)) return d; } if ((*i)->has(MAY_HAVE_GRACE_NOTES)) { // std::cerr << "it's a candidate host note" << std::endl; if (getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration(true, i, discard, d)) return d; } if ((*i)->has(TIED_BACKWARD)) { // Formerly we just returned d in this case, but now we check // with getTiedNotes so as to remove any bogus backward ties // that have no corresponding forward tie. Unfortunately this // is quite a bit slower. //!!! optimize. at least we should add a marker property to //anything we've already processed from this helper this time //around. iteratorcontainer c(getTiedNotes(i)); if (c.empty()) { // the tie back is valid return 0; } } if (!(*i)->has(TIED_FORWARD) || !(*i)->isa(Note::EventType)) { d = (*i)->getDuration(); } else { // tied forward but not back iteratorcontainer c(getTiedNotes(i)); for (iteratorcontainer::iterator ci = c.begin(); ci != c.end(); ++ci) { d += (**ci)->getDuration(); } } return d; } // In theory we can do better with tuplets, because real time has // finer precision than timeT time. With a timeT resolution of 960ppq // however the difference is probably not audible RealTime SegmentPerformanceHelper::getRealAbsoluteTime(iterator i) { return segment().getComposition()->getElapsedRealTime (getSoundingAbsoluteTime(i)); } // In theory we can do better with tuplets, because real time has // finer precision than timeT time. With a timeT resolution of 960ppq // however the difference is probably not audible // // (If we did want to do this, it'd help to have abstime->realtime // conversion methods that accept double args in Composition) RealTime SegmentPerformanceHelper::getRealSoundingDuration(iterator i) { timeT t0 = getSoundingAbsoluteTime(i); timeT t1 = t0 + getSoundingDuration(i); if (t1 > segment().getEndMarkerTime()) { t1 = segment().getEndMarkerTime(); } return segment().getComposition()->getRealTimeDifference(t0, t1); } bool SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration(bool host, iterator i, timeT &t, timeT &d) { // [This code currently assumes appoggiatura. Acciaccatura later.] // For our present purposes, we will assume that grace notes start // at the same time as their host note was intended to, and // "steal" a proportion of the duration of their host note. This // causes the host note to start later, and be shorter, by that // same proportion. // If a host note has more than one (consecutive) grace note, they // should take a single cut from the grace note and divide it // amongst themselves. // To begin with we will set the proportion to 1/4, but we will // probably want it to be (a) something different [because I don't // really know what I'm doing], (b) adaptive [e.g. shorter host // note or more grace notes = longer proportion], (c) // configurable, or (d) all of the above. // Of course we also ought to be taking into account the notated // duration of the grace notes -- though in my working examples it // generally doesn't seem to be the case that we can always just // follow those. I wonder if we can always use the grace notes' // notated duration if the ratio of grace note duration to host // note duration is less than some value? Whatever we do, we // should be dividing the grace note duration up in proportion to // the durations of the grace notes, in situations where we have // more than one grace note consecutively of different durations; // that isn't handled at all here. if (i == end()) return false; iteratorcontainer graceNotes, hostNotes; bool isHostNote; if (!getGraceAndHostNotes(i, graceNotes, hostNotes, isHostNote)) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration: REMARK: Note at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << " is not a grace note, or has no grace notes" << std::endl; return false; } if (!isHostNote) { if (!(*i)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE) || !(*i)->get(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration: WARNING: Note at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << " is neither grace nor host note, but was reported as suitable by getGraceAndHostNotes" << std::endl; return false; } } if (hostNotes.empty()) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration: REMARK: Grace note at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << " has no host note" << std::endl; return false; } if (graceNotes.empty()) { std::cerr << "SegmentPerformanceHelper::getGraceNoteTimeAndDuration: REMARK: Note at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() << " has no grace notes" << std::endl; return false; } timeT hostNoteEarliestTime = 0; timeT hostNoteShortestDuration = 0; timeT hostNoteNotationDuration = 0; for (iteratorcontainer::iterator j = hostNotes.begin(); j != hostNotes.end(); ++j) { if (j == hostNotes.begin() || (**j)->getAbsoluteTime() < hostNoteEarliestTime) { hostNoteEarliestTime = (**j)->getAbsoluteTime(); } if (j == hostNotes.begin() || (**j)->getDuration() < hostNoteShortestDuration) { hostNoteShortestDuration = (**j)->getDuration(); } if (j == hostNotes.begin() || (**j)->getNotationDuration() > hostNoteNotationDuration) { hostNoteNotationDuration = (**j)->getNotationDuration(); } (**j)->set(MAY_HAVE_GRACE_NOTES, true); } timeT graceNoteTime = hostNoteEarliestTime; timeT graceNoteDuration = hostNoteNotationDuration / 4; if (graceNoteDuration > hostNoteShortestDuration / 2) { graceNoteDuration = hostNoteShortestDuration / 2; } if (isHostNote) { t = (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() + graceNoteDuration; d = (*i)->getDuration() - graceNoteDuration; } else { int count = 0, index = 0; bool found = false; int prevSubOrdering = 0; for (iteratorcontainer::iterator j = graceNotes.begin(); j != graceNotes.end(); ++j) { bool newChord = false; if ((**j)->getSubOrdering() != prevSubOrdering) { newChord = true; prevSubOrdering = (**j)->getSubOrdering(); } if (newChord) ++count; if (*j == i) found = true; if (!found) { if (newChord) ++index; } } if (index == count) index = 0; if (count == 0) count = 1; // should not happen d = graceNoteDuration / count; t = hostNoteEarliestTime + d * index; } return true; } }