This directory contains the source for the instrument definition presets. I am maintaining it in plain text "conf file" format for ease of editing. If you make changes to the file, you must generate a new presets.xml by running ./regenerate-presets The default presets-editable.conf contains U.S. English definitions. To translate it, copy it to presets-editable-.conf (for example presets-editable-fr.conf or presets-editable-zh_CN.conf), edit it appropriately, and run ./regenerate-presets to generate your new translated XML file. Note that _only_ the "name" strings should be translated -- you _must_ leave the clef names untouched, or they will fail to work. The displayed clef names themselves are translated separately as part of the program's .po file. Once you've generated a translation as presets-.xml in this directory, it should then be installed by the standard install process and picked up automatically by Rosegarden. Please send your translated .conf file to us at the rosegarden-devel mailing list.