// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* Rosegarden-4 A sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2003 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown This file is Copyright 2003 Mark Hymers The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work has been asserted. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ /* If you compile this to a test program g++ -o colour -I../ ../Colour.C ../ColourMap.C colour.C you can then run it like this: ./colour > temp.output and do a diff to check that it worked: diff -u temp.output colour.output If there are any differences, there's a problem (or colour.output hasn't been updated when colour.C has been changed) */ #include "Colour.h" #include "ColourMap.h" #include using namespace Rosegarden; using std::cout; using std::string; // Some printing routines void printRC(Colour const *temp) { cout << "red: " << temp->getRed() << " green: " << temp->getGreen() << " blue: " << temp->getBlue() << "\n"; } void printSRC(const string *s, const Colour *c) { cout << "name: " << *s << " "; printRC(c); } void printSIRC(const unsigned int *i, const string *s, const Colour *c) { cout << "index: " << *i << " "; printSRC(s, c); } void printIteratorContents (ColourMap *input) { RCMap::const_iterator iter = input->begin(); for ( ; !(iter == input->end()) ; ++iter) printSIRC(&(iter->first), &(iter->second.second), &(iter->second.first)); } // The main test program int main() { cout << "TEST: Colour.C\n\n"; cout << "Can we create an Colour with the right default values?\n"; Colour *red = new Colour; printRC(red); cout << "Can we set values; green here is invalid - it should be set to 0 instead\n"; red->setRed(210); red->setGreen(276); red->setBlue(100); cout << "Testing the copy constructor\n"; Colour *blue = new Colour(*red); printRC(blue); cout << "Check operator= works\n"; Colour green; green = *red; printRC(&green); cout << "Check the setColour routine\n"; green.setColour(1,2,3); printRC(&green); cout << "Check the getColour routine\n"; unsigned int r, g, b; green.getColour(r, g, b); printRC(&green); cout << "\nTEST: ColourMap.C\n\n"; cout << "Can we create a ColourMap with the right default Colour + String\n"; ColourMap *map = new ColourMap(); cout << "Can we get the default colour back out of it?\n"; string s1 = map->getNameByIndex(0); green = map->getColourByIndex(0); printSRC(&s1, &green); cout << "Can we create a ColourMap with a specified default Colour?\n"; ColourMap *map2 = new ColourMap(*red); cout << "Can we get the information back out of it?\n"; s1 = map2->getNameByIndex(0); green = map2->getColourByIndex(0); printSRC(&s1, &green); cout << "Can we add a Colour\n"; s1 = "TEST1"; green.setColour(100, 101, 102); map2->addItem(green, s1); cout << "Can we get the info back out?\n"; s1 = ""; s1 = map2->getNameByIndex(1); green = map2->getColourByIndex(1); printSRC(&s1, &green); cout << "Add a couple more colours\n"; s1 = "TEST2"; green.setColour(101, 102, 103); map2->addItem(green, s1); s1 = "TEST3"; green.setColour(102, 103, 104); map2->addItem(green, s1); s1 = "TEST4"; green.setColour(103, 104, 105); map2->addItem(green, s1); // From an iterator: // iterator->first ==> Index // iterator->second.first ==> Colour // iterator->second.second ==> string // This rather unwieldy notation is because we store a pair in the map which is made up of a pair // to start with printIteratorContents(map2); cout << "Now try deleting the third item\n"; map2->deleteItemByIndex(3); // Print the map again printIteratorContents(map2); cout << "Make sure we get false when we try and modify item number 3\n"; s1 = "NO"; green.setColour(199,199,199); bool check = map2->modifyColourByIndex(3, green); if (check) cout << "WARNING: Managed to modify colour which doesn't exist\n"; check = map2->modifyNameByIndex(3, s1); if (check) cout << "WARNING: Managed to modify name which doesn't exist\n"; cout << "Check we can modify a colour which *is* there\n"; s1 = "YES"; green.setColour(233,233,233); check = map2->modifyColourByIndex(4, green); if (!check) cout << "WARNING: Couldn't modify colour which does exist\n"; check = map2->modifyNameByIndex(4, s1); if (!check) cout << "WARNING: Couldn't modify name which does exist\n"; // Print the map again printIteratorContents(map2); cout << "Now try adding another item - it should take the place of the one we removed.\n"; s1 = "NEW"; green.setColour(211, 212, 213); map2->addItem(green, s1); // Print the map again printIteratorContents(map2); cout << "Try swapping two items:\n"; check = map2->swapItems(3, 4); if (!check) cout << "WARNING: Couldn't swap two items which both exist\n"; // Print the map again printIteratorContents(map2); cout << "\nTEST: Generic Colour routines\n\n"; cout << "Try getting a combination colour:\n"; Colour blah = map2->getColourByIndex(0); Colour blah2 = map2->getColourByIndex(1); cout << "Original colours:\n"; printRC(&blah); printRC(&blah2); cout << "Combination colour:\n"; blah = getCombinationColour(blah, blah2); printRC(&blah); // Test the XML output cout << "\nTEST: XML Output\n\n"; cout << "For a single colour:\n"; cout << blah.toXmlString(); cout << "For a colourmap:\n"; cout << map2->toXmlString(std::string("segmentmap")); delete map; delete map2; delete red; delete blue; return 0; }