You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

536 lines
16 KiB

// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// -*- c-file-style: "bsd" -*-
#define NDEBUG
// This does some rather shoddy tests on a small selection of core classes.
#include "Event.h"
#include "Segment.h"
#include "Composition.h"
//#include "Sets.h"
#define TEST_SPEED 1
#include "NotationTypes.h"
#include "SegmentNotationHelper.h"
#include "SegmentPerformanceHelper.h"
#include "MidiTypes.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace Rosegarden;
static const PropertyName DURATION_PROPERTY = "duration";
static const PropertyName SOME_INT_PROPERTY = "someIntProp";
static const PropertyName SOME_BOOL_PROPERTY = "someBoolProp";
static const PropertyName SOME_STRING_PROPERTY = "someStringProp";
static const PropertyName NONEXISTENT_PROPERTY = "nonexistentprop";
static const PropertyName ANNOTATION_PROPERTY = "annotation";
#if 0
// Some attempts at reproducing the func-template-within-template problem
enum FooType {A, B, C};
class Foo
template<FooType T> void func();
template<class T>
void Foo::func()
// dummy code
T j = 0;
for(T i = 0; i < 100; ++i) j += i;
//template void Foo::func<int>();
template <class R>
class FooR
void rfunc();
template<class R>
void FooR<R>::rfunc()
// this won't compile
Foo* foo;
void templateTest()
Foo foo;
// FooR<float> foor;
// foor.rfunc();
template <class Element, class Container>
class GenericSet // abstract base
typedef typename Container::iterator Iterator;
/// Return true if this element, known to test() true, is a set member
virtual bool sample(const Iterator &i);
template <class Element, class Container>
GenericSet<Element, Container>::sample(const Iterator &i)
Event *e;
long p = e->get<Int>("blah");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
typedef std::vector<int> intvect;
// intvect foo;
// GenericSet<int, intvect> genset;
// genset.sample(foo.begin());
clock_t st, et;
struct tms spare;
basic_string<wchar_t> widestring(L"This is a test");
widestring += L" of wide character strings";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widestring.length(); ++i) {
if (widestring[i] == L'w' ||
widestring[i] == L'c') {
widestring[i] = toupper(widestring[i]);
cout << "Testing wide string: string value is \"" << widestring << "\""
<< endl;
cout << "String's length is " << widestring.length() << endl;
cout << "and storage space is "
<< (widestring.length() * sizeof(widestring[0]))
<< endl;
cout << "Characters are: ";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widestring.length(); ++i) {
cout << widestring[i];
if (i < widestring.length()-1) cout << " ";
else cout << endl;
cout << "\nTesting Event..." << endl
<< "sizeof Event : " << sizeof(Event) << endl;
Event e("note", 0);
e.set<Int>(DURATION_PROPERTY, 20);
cout << "duration is " << e.get<Int>(DURATION_PROPERTY) << endl;
e.set<Bool>(SOME_BOOL_PROPERTY, true);
e.set<String>(SOME_STRING_PROPERTY, "foobar");
cout << "sizeof event after some properties set : "
<< sizeof e << endl;
try {
cout << "duration is " << e.get<String>(DURATION_PROPERTY) << endl;
} catch (Event::BadType bt) {
cout << "Correctly caught BadType when trying to get<String> of duration" << endl;
string s;
if (!e.get<String>(DURATION_PROPERTY, s)) {
cout << "Correctly got error when trying to get<String> of duration" << endl;
} else {
cerr << "ERROR AT " << __LINE__ << endl;
try {
cout << "dummy prop is " << e.get<String>(NONEXISTENT_PROPERTY) << endl;
} catch (Event::NoData bt) {
cout << "Correctly caught NoData when trying to get non existent property" << endl;
if (!e.get<String>(NONEXISTENT_PROPERTY, s)) {
cout << "Correctly got error when trying to get<String> of non existent property" << endl;
} else {
cerr << "ERROR AT " << __LINE__ << endl;
e.setFromString<Int>(DURATION_PROPERTY, "30");
cout << "duration is " << e.get<Int>(DURATION_PROPERTY) << endl;
e.setFromString<String>(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY, "This is my house");
cout << "annotation is " << e.get<String>(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY) << endl;
long durationVal;
if (e.get<Int>(DURATION_PROPERTY, durationVal))
cout << "duration is " << durationVal << endl;
cerr << "ERROR AT " << __LINE__ << endl;
if (e.get<String>(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY, s))
cout << "annotation is " << s << endl;
cerr << "ERROR AT " << __LINE__ << endl;
cout << "\nTesting persistence & setMaybe..." << endl;
e.setMaybe<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY, 1);
if (e.get<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY) == 1) {
cout << "a. Correct: 1" << endl;
} else {
cout << "a. ERROR: " << e.get<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY) << endl;
e.set<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY, 2, false);
e.setMaybe<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY, 3);
if (e.get<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY) == 3) {
cout << "b. Correct: 3" << endl;
} else {
cout << "b. ERROR: " << e.get<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY) << endl;
e.set<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY, 4);
e.setMaybe<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY, 5);
if (e.get<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY) == 4) {
cout << "c. Correct: 4" << endl;
} else {
cout << "c. ERROR: " << e.get<Int>(SOME_INT_PROPERTY) << endl;
cout << "\nTesting debug dump : " << endl;
cout << endl << "dump finished" << endl;
cout << "Testing speed of Event..." << endl;
int i;
long j;
char b[20];
strcpy(b, "test");
#define NAME_COUNT 500
PropertyName names[NAME_COUNT];
for (i = 0; i < NAME_COUNT; ++i) {
sprintf(b+4, "%d", i);
names[i] = b;
Event e1("note", 0);
int gsCount = 200000;
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
e1.set<Int>(names[i % NAME_COUNT], i);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " setInts: " << (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
st = times(&spare);
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
if (i%4==0) sprintf(b+4, "%d", i);
j += e1.get<Int>(names[i % NAME_COUNT]);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " getInts: " << (et-st)*10 << "ms (result: " << j << ")\n";
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
Event e11(e1);
(void)e11.get<Int>(names[i % NAME_COUNT]);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: 1000 copy ctors of " << e1.getStorageSize() << "-byte element: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
// gsCount = 100000;
for (i = 0; i < NAME_COUNT; ++i) {
sprintf(b+4, "%ds", i);
names[i] = b;
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
e1.set<String>(names[i % NAME_COUNT], b);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " setStrings: " << (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
st = times(&spare);
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
if (i%4==0) sprintf(b+4, "%ds", i);
j += e1.get<String>(names[i % NAME_COUNT]).size();
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " getStrings: " << (et-st)*10 << "ms (result: " << j << ")\n";
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
Event e11(e1);
(void)e11.get<String>(names[i % NAME_COUNT]);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: 1000 copy ctors of " << e1.getStorageSize() << "-byte element: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
Event e11(e1);
(void)e11.get<String>(names[i % NAME_COUNT]);
(void)e11.set<String>(names[i % NAME_COUNT], "blah");
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: 1000 copy ctors plus set<String> of " << e1.getStorageSize() << "-byte element: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
// gsCount = 1000000;
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
Event e21("dummy", i, 0, MIN_SUBORDERING);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " event ctors alone: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
std::string s0("dummy");
std::string s1 = s0;
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " string ctors+assignents: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
Event e21("dummy", i, 0, MIN_SUBORDERING);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " event ctors plus getAbsTime/Duration/SubOrdering: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
st = times(&spare);
for (i = 0; i < gsCount; ++i) {
Event e21("dummy", i, 0, MIN_SUBORDERING);
e21.set<Int>(names[0], 40);
et = times(&spare);
cout << "Event: " << gsCount << " event ctors plus one get/set and getAbsTime/Duration/SubOrdering: "
<< (et-st)*10 << "ms\n";
cout << "Skipping test speed of Event\n";
#endif // TEST_SPEED
cout << "Testing segment shrinking\n";
Segment segment(5, 0);
unsigned int nbBars = segment.getNbBars();
cout << "Segment nbBars : " << nbBars << endl;
if (nbBars != 5) {
cerr << "%%%ERROR : segment nbBars should be 5\n";
Segment::iterator iter = segment.end();
cout << "Last segment el. time : " << (*iter)->getAbsoluteTime() << endl;
cout << "Shrinking segment to 3 bars : \n";
nbBars = segment.getNbBars();
cout << "Segment new nbBars : " << nbBars << endl;
if (nbBars != 3) {
cerr << "%%%ERROR : segment new nbBars should be 3\n";
#endif // NOT_DEFINED
cout << "Testing duration-list stuff\n";
cout << "2/4..." << endl;
TimeSignature ts(2,4);
DurationList dlist;
(dlist, 1209,
ts.getBarDuration() - Note(Note::Semiquaver, true).getDuration());
int acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "4/4 96/96..." << endl;
ts = TimeSignature(4,4);
dlist = DurationList();
ts.getDurationListForInterval(dlist, 96, 96);
acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "6/8..." << endl;
ts = TimeSignature(6,8);
dlist = DurationList();
(dlist, 1209,
ts.getBarDuration() - Note(Note::Semiquaver, true).getDuration());
acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "3/4..." << endl;
ts = TimeSignature(3,4);
dlist = DurationList();
(dlist, 1209,
ts.getBarDuration() - Note(Note::Semiquaver, true).getDuration());
acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "4/4..." << endl;
ts = TimeSignature(4,4);
dlist = DurationList();
(dlist, 1209,
ts.getBarDuration() - Note(Note::Semiquaver, true).getDuration());
acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "3/8..." << endl;
ts = TimeSignature(3,8);
dlist = DurationList();
(dlist, 1209,
ts.getBarDuration() - Note(Note::Semiquaver, true).getDuration());
acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "4/4 wacky placement..." << endl;
ts = TimeSignature(4,4);
dlist = DurationList();
ts.getDurationListForInterval(dlist, 160, 1280);
acc = 0;
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
cout << "duration: " << *i << endl;
acc += *i;
cout << "total: " << acc << " (on bar duration of " << ts.getBarDuration() << ")" << endl;
cout << "Testing Segment::splitIntoTie() - splitting 384 -> 2*192\n";
Composition c;
Segment *ht = new Segment();
Segment &t(*ht);
SegmentNotationHelper nh(t);
SegmentPerformanceHelper ph(t);
Event *ev = new Event("note", 0, 384);
ev->set<Int>("pitch", 60);
Segment::iterator sb(t.begin());
nh.splitIntoTie(sb, 384/2);
for(Segment::iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); ++i) {
cout << "Event at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime()
<< " - duration : " << (*i)->getDuration()
<< endl;
Segment::iterator half2 = t.begin(); ++half2;
cout << "Splitting 192 -> (48 + 144) : \n";
sb = t.begin();
nh.splitIntoTie(sb, 48);
for(Segment::iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); ++i) {
cout << "Event at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime()
<< " - duration : " << (*i)->getDuration()
<< endl;
cout << "Splitting 192 -> (144 + 48) : \n";
nh.splitIntoTie(half2, 144);
for(Segment::iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); ++i) {
cout << "Event at " << (*i)->getAbsoluteTime()
<< " - duration : " << (*i)->getDuration()
<< " - performance duration : " <<
ph.getSoundingDuration(i) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
nh.autoBeam(t.begin(), t.end(), "beamed");