#!/bin/bash if [[ -e /var/lock/update-tde-git-submodules ]]; then echo "TDE GIT submodules are currently being updated" echo "If this is not the case, please remove the lockfile /var/lock/update-tde-git-submodules" exit 0 fi if [[ ! -e .git ]] && [[ -z "`git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null`" ]]; then echo "Current directory does not contain a .git folder. Exiting..." exit 1 fi branch=`git symbolic-ref -q HEAD | sed "s|^refs/heads/||"` if [[ -z "$branch" ]] || [[ -z "`git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --remotes=\"*/$branch\"`" ]]; then echo "There is not active upstream branch. Exiting..." exit 1 fi GITUSER="Automated System <$(git config --get user.email)>" # check git abilities if [[ -n "`git status --help 2>/dev/null|grep -- '--ignore-submodules'`" ]]; then GIT_IGNORE_SUBMODULES="--ignore-submodules" fi # echo in bold echobd () { if [ -p /dev/stdout ]; then echo "$1" else echo -ne "\033[1m" echo -n "$1" echo -e "\033[0m" fi } # commmit changed module commitModule() { if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then return fi local MODULE=$1 cd $PARENTDIR/$MODULE/.. cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` if [[ ! -z "`git status --porcelain $PARENTDIR/$MODULE`" ]]; then echo "Committing changes to $PWD" git add $PARENTDIR/$MODULE git commit $PARENTDIR/$MODULE --author "$GITUSER" -m "Reset submodule $MODULE to latest HEAD" fi if [[ "`git rev-parse HEAD`" != "`git rev-parse origin/$branch`" ]]; then echo "Push changes for $PWD" git pull --rebase git push origin HEAD fi } # update module and submodules updateModule() { local MODULE if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then MODULE=$1/ else MODULE="" fi cd $PARENTDIR/$MODULE if [[ ! -z "`git status --porcelain $GIT_IGNORE_SUBMODULES`" ]]; then git reset --hard HEAD git clean -dxff fi if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then git checkout $branch fi git pull --rebase if [[ "`git rev-parse HEAD`" != "`git rev-parse origin/$branch`" ]]; then echo "Push changes for $PWD" git push origin HEAD fi if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then commitModule $1 fi if [[ -e $PARENTDIR/$MODULE.gitmodules ]]; then sed -n "s|^\[submodule \"\([^\"]*\)\"\]$|\1|p" <$PARENTDIR/$MODULE.gitmodules |\ while read submodule; do echobd "Attempting to reset submodule ${MODULE}${submodule}" cd $PARENTDIR/$MODULE git submodule init -- $submodule git submodule update -- $submodule updateModule ${MODULE}${submodule} done if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then commitModule $1 fi fi } # Update from top module touch /var/lock/update-tde-git-submodules cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` PARENTDIR=$PWD echobd "Working in $PARENTDIR" updateModule echobd "Done in $PARENTDIR" rm /var/lock/update-tde-git-submodules