soundKonverter 0.3"> ]> The &soundkonverter; Handbook Daniel Faust
2006 2007 Daniel Faust &FDLNotice; 2007-01-08 0.3 soundKonverter is frontend to various audio converters. KDE soundKonverter audio convert transcode decode encode
Introduction soundKonverter is frontend to various audio converters. It is extendable by plugins and supports many backends: lame, oggenc, flac, musepack, faac, mplayer, ffmpeg - just to mention a few. This way you can convert between various audio formats: mp3, ogg, flac, mpc, aac, m4a, rm and wma, avi, flv (the latter reading only) for example. soundKonverter supports reading and writing tags for many formats, so the tags are preserved when converting files. The key features are: Audio conversion, Replay Gain calculation, CD ripping soundKonverter comes with an Amarok script that allows you to easily transcode files when transfering to your media device. Credits and License &soundkonverter; Program copyright 2007 Daniel Faust Documentation copyright 2007 Daniel Faust &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation Compilation and Installation In order to compile soundKonverter, you need: taglib-devel, cdparanoia &install.compile.documentation; &documentation.index;