################################################# # # (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian # serghei (DOT) amelian (AT) gmail.com # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# if( WITH_QT4 ) pkg_search_module( TQT tqt ) if( NOT TQT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Unable to find TQt for Qt4!\n Try adding the directory in which the tqt.pc file is located\nto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable." ) endif() # under Qt4 the standard moc is used if( NOT TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE ) find_program( TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE NAMES moc HINTS ${TQTDIR}/bin $ENV{TQTDIR}/bin PATHS ${BINDIR} ) endif( NOT TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE ) if ( TQT_LIBRARIES ) set( TQT_LIBRARIES "${TQT_LIBRARIES} -lQtCore -lQtGui" CACHE INTERNAL TQT_LIBRARIES FORCE ) else ( TQT_LIBRARIES ) set( TQT_LIBRARIES "QtCore -lQtGui" CACHE INTERNAL TQT_LIBRARIES FORCE ) endif ( TQT_LIBRARIES ) endif( WITH_QT4 ) if( WITH_QT3 ) pkg_search_module( TQT TQt ) if( NOT TQT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Unable to find TQt for Qt3!\n Try adding the directory in which the TQt.pc file is located\nto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable." ) endif() # for Qt3, find tmoc, a simple TQt wrapper around the standard moc if( NOT TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE ) find_program( TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE NAMES tmoc HINTS ${TQTDIR}/bin $ENV{TQTDIR}/bin PATHS ${BINDIR} ) endif( NOT TQT_TMOC_EXECUTABLE ) endif( WITH_QT3 )