&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; JohnKnight
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2002-10-16 3.1 KDE KControl file manager
File Manager In this module, you can configure various aspects of &konqueror;'s file manager functionality. &konqueror;'s web browser functionality has its own configuration modules. Use The configuration options for the file manager are organised under tabs as follows: Appearance This tab contains options for customising the appearance of &konqueror; windows, such as the default font text colour. Behaviour This tab contains a couple of &konqueror; global options. Previews On this tab, you can customise when &konqueror; should show previews. Appearance The following settings determine how text and colours are displayed in &konqueror; File Manager mode windows. Standard font: This is the font used to display text such as file names in &konqueror; windows. Font size: Lets you control the size of text, while the Standard Font setting determines the font face used. Normal text colour: Determines the standard text colour. Word-wrap icon text: When checked, long filenames will be wrapped onto multiple lines, rather than showing only the part of the filename that fits on a single line. If you uncheck this option, you can still see word-wrapped filenames by pausing the mouse pointer over the icon. Underline filenames: When Underline filenames is checked, filenames will be underlined so that they look like links on a web page. Display file sizes in bytes: The final check box on this page determines how &konqueror; displays file sizes, when you are in one of the file manager modes that normally shows this information. If you check the Display file sizes in bytes box then file sizes are always shown in bytes. If you leave it unchecked then file sizes are shown in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes, depending on their size. Behaviour <guilabel>Misc Options</guilabel> Open folders in separate windows If this option is checked, a new &konqueror; window will be created when you open a folder, rather than simply showing that folder's contents in the current window. Show network operations in a single window If unchecked, and you download a file, a dialogue box will appear that shows the status of the download. Download Dialogue Box Download Dialogue Box Individual Download Dialogue Box If you start a new transfer, another dialogue box will appear. (&Netscape; users will be familiar with this behaviour) If checked, all transfer status windows will be grouped together under a single dialogue box. Download Dialogue Box Download Dialogue Box Collected Download Dialogue Box If you choose to use the Collected download dialogue box, you can delete transfers by clicking once on the transfer you want to cancel, then clicking the Delete Button on the left. Show file tips Here you can control if, when moving the mouse over a file, you want to see a small popup window with additional information about that file. Show previews in file tips Here you can control if the file tip should show a thumbnail preview of the file. Home URL This is the &URL; (⪚ a folder or a web page) where &konqueror; will jump to when the Home button is pressed.The default is the users home folder, indicated with a ~. You can set a path that is your Home URL by typing into the text field, or using the browse icon. The default is ~ which is a standard shortcut for your $HOME folder. When you choose the home icon on your panel, in a file open or save dialogue, or from within &konqueror; in file manager mode, this is the folder you will be shown. The Ask confirmation for setting tells &konqueror; what to do when you choose to Delete, Trash, or Shred a file in a &konqueror; window. If any box is checked, &konqueror; asks for confirmation before performing the corresponding action. Previews &konqueror; has a preview feature for many file types, including HTML files, images, &PostScript; and PDF, sound, web archives (if you have the appropriate &konqueror; plugin installed) and text files. If you enable previews for one of these, files of that particular file type will not be represented by standard icons in the filemanager, but will instead be shown as miniature previews. On slow computers, the previews can take some time to show up, so you might not want to enable this feature. In this module you can specify which protocols you wish the previews to be available for. Creating the previews requires that &konqueror; download at least part of the file, in order to create the preview. &konqueror;, like the rest of &kde; is entirely network transparent, and will treat a remote &FTP; folder just as if it was on your local hard drive. This can result in a delay, especially if you are viewing, for example, a folder full of images over a slow network connection. For each protocol, you can independently enable or disable previews. For example, you might enable previews for NFS mounted drives if you have a fast network, but disable them for &FTP; because your Internet connection is via a modem. You can further refine the maximum size file that &konqueror; will attempt to show a preview for. The default is 1 MB. In other words, by default, if a file is 900 kb in size, and the protocol you are viewing the folder with is enabled, then &konqueror; will create a preview icon for it. If the file is 1.1 MB in size, &konqueror; will not make a preview, even if the protocol is enabled. You can turn on and off previews on the fly from within &konqueror;, using the View menu. For example, if you normally want to see image previews on every protocol but find a particular server is very slow to send you the data, you might turn it off for the present, and turn it on again later. You may also like to enable the checkbox Increase size of previews relative to icons, in order to see more information in the thumbnails. Many image files already contain a thumbnail. You can enable the Use thumbnails embedded in files to make use of these. This will save time waiting for thumbnails to be created when viewing a folder full of images you have not previously seen in &konqueror;.