SHELL := /bin/bash PATH := $(PATH):$(shell pwd)/build TDE_VERSION := $(shell echo $${TDE_VERSION:-14.0.5}) TDE_PACKAGING_DIR := $(shell [ -n "$${TDE_PACKAGING_DIR}" ] && cd "$${TDE_PACKAGING_DIR}" || cd ..; pwd) DIST := $(shell rpm -E %dist) buildpkg = \ @echo "Now processing '$(1)' [from $(TDE_PACKAGING_DIR)]."; \ export TDE_PACKAGING_DIR=$(TDE_PACKAGING_DIR); \ if [ "${REBUILD}" = "$(1)" ] || ! "$(1)" ${TDE_VERSION}; then \ echo " Package '${1}' is not yet installed."; \ if [ "${REBUILD}" = "$(1)" ] || ! "$(1)" ${TDE_VERSION}; then \ echo " Building package."; \ "$(1)" ${TDE_VERSION} || exit 1; \ echo " Updating repository."; \ ${TDE_VERSION}; \ fi; \ echo "Now installing package '$(1)'"; \ "$(1)" || exit 2; \ fi; \ echo all: dependencies main libraries applications i18n meta extras dependencies: tqt3 tqtinterface akode arts libart_lgpl libcaldav libcarddav sip4-tqt tqca tqca-tls avahi-tqt dbus-tqt dbus-1-tqt main: tdelibs tdebase tdeaccessibility tdeadmin tdegames tdemultimedia tdepim tdetoys tdevelop tdeaddons tdeartwork tdebindings tdeedu tdegraphics tdenetwork tdesdk tdeutils tdewebdev libraries: kipi-plugins libkdcraw libkexiv2 libkipi libksquirrel libtdeldap libtqt-perl pytdeextensions python-trinity applications: abakus amarok basket bibletime digikam dolphin filelight gtk3-tqt-engine gtk-qt-engine gwenview k3b k9copy kaffeine kaffeine-mozilla kasablanca katapult kbarcode kbfx kbibtex kbiff kbookreader kchmviewer kcmautostart kcmldap kcmldapcontroller kcmldapmanager kcpuload kdbg kdbusnotification kdiff3 kdirstat keep kerberostray keximdb kftpgrabber kile kima kiosktool kkbswitch klcddimmer kmplayer kmyfirewall kmymoney knemo knetload knetstats knetworkmanager8 knights knmap knowit knutclient koffice konversation kooldock kopete-otr kpicosim kpilot kplayer krecipes krename krusader kscope ksensors kshowmail kshutdown ksplash-engine-moodin ksquirrel kstreamripper ksystemlog ktechlab ktorrent kuickshow kvirc kvkbd kvpnc kxmleditor mplayerthumbs piklab potracegui qalculate-tde qt4-tqt-theme-engine rosegarden smartcardauth smb4k soundkonverter tastymenu tdedocker tde-guidance tdeio-apt tdeio-ftps tdeio-gopher tdeio-locate tdeio-sword tdeio-umountwrapper tdenetworkmanager tdepowersave tderadio tde-style-lipstik tde-style-baghira tde-style-domino tde-style-ia-ora tde-style-qtcurve tdesudo tdesvn tde-systemsettings tdmtheme tellico tork twin-style-crystal wlassistant yakuake i18n: gwenview-i18n k3b-i18n koffice-i18n tde-i18n extras: icons-crystalsvg-updated icons-kfaenza icons-nuvola icons-oxygen kdevmon kdissert klibido kompose koverartist kpacman mathemagics png2qrgb ### Trinity Dependencies akode: tqtinterface trinity-filesystem $(call buildpkg,dependencies/akode) arts: tqtinterface trinity-filesystem esound cmake $(call buildpkg,dependencies/arts) avahi-tqt: tqtinterface autoconf automake libtool2 $(call buildpkg,dependencies/avahi-tqt) dbus-1-tqt: tqtinterface cmake $(call buildpkg,dependencies/dbus-1-tqt) dbus-tqt: tqtinterface cmake $(call buildpkg,dependencies/dbus-tqt) libart_lgpl: tqtinterface libtool2 $(call buildpkg,dependencies/libart-lgpl) libcaldav: tqtinterface autoconf libcurl $(call buildpkg,dependencies/libcaldav) libcarddav: tqtinterface autoconf libcurl $(call buildpkg,dependencies/libcarddav) libr: $(call buildpkg,dependencies/libr) python-tqt: sip4-tqt tdelibs tqscintilla $(call buildpkg,dependencies/python-tqt) sip4-tqt: $(call buildpkg,dependencies/sip4-tqt) tqca: tqtinterface $(call buildpkg,dependencies/tqca) tqca-tls: tqtinterface tqca $(call buildpkg,dependencies/tqca-tls) tqscintilla: tqca-tls tdelibs $(call buildpkg,dependencies/tqscintilla) tqt3: $(call buildpkg,dependencies/tqt3) tqtinterface: tqt3 cmake $(call buildpkg,dependencies/tqtinterface) # Main packages tdeaccessibility: tdebase tdemultimedia $(call buildpkg,main/tdeaccessibility) tdeaddons: tdebase tdegames tdemultimedia tdenetwork tdepim $(call buildpkg,main/tdeaddons) tdeadmin: tdebase $(call buildpkg,main/tdeadmin) tdeartwork: tdebase $(call buildpkg,main/tdeartwork) tdebase: tdelibs cmake htdig fileshareset $(call buildpkg,main/tdebase) tdebindings: tdebase tqscintilla $(call buildpkg,main/tdebindings) tdeedu: tdebase $(call buildpkg,main/tdeedu) tdegames: tdebase tdemultimedia $(call buildpkg,main/tdegames) tdegraphics: tdebase poppler cmake lcms $(call buildpkg,main/tdegraphics) tdelibs: tqt3 tqtinterface arts dbus-tqt dbus-1-tqt cmake avahi-tqt fileshareset trinity-filesystem libart_lgpl file [ -x /usr/libexec/utempter/utempter ] && sudo chmod a+r /usr/libexec/utempter/utempter || : $(call buildpkg,main/tdelibs) tdemultimedia: tdebase akode $(call buildpkg,main/tdemultimedia) tdenetwork: tdebase rdesktop $(call buildpkg,main/tdenetwork) tdepim: tdebase libcaldav libcarddav cmake dirmngr $(call buildpkg,main/tdepim) tdesdk: tdebase tdebindings cmake $(call buildpkg,main/tdesdk) tdetoys: tdebase $(call buildpkg,main/tdetoys) tdeutils: tdebase $(call buildpkg,main/tdeutils) tdevelop: tdebase tdesdk cmake tar $(call buildpkg,main/tdevelop) tdewebdev: tdebase tdesdk $(call buildpkg,main/tdewebdev) ### 3rd party libraries and tools autoconf: m4 # Build on CentOS 5 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/autoconf) endif automake: # Build on CentOS 5 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/automake) endif cmake: # Build on CentOS 5 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/cmake) endif cscope: # Build on PCLOS only ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/pclinuxos-release),) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/cscope) endif dirmngr: # Build on CentOS >= 7 ifneq ($(wildcard /boot/vmlinuz*.el7*),) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/dirmngr) endif esound: # Build on Mageia, Fedora >= 23, Opensuse >= 15.0 ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.mga5 .mga6 .fc23 .fc24 .fc25 .fc26 .fc27 .oss150 .osstw)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/esound) endif file: # Build on CentOS 5 ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/file) endif gmime: # Build on CentOS 6 ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el6)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/gmime) endif intltool: # Build on CentOS 5 ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/intltool) endif gnuchess: # Build on CentOS 5 ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/gnuchess) endif htdig: # build on Mageia, and CentOS >= 7 ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/mageia-release /boot/vmlinuz*.el7*),) $(call buildpkg,extras/htdig) endif imlib1: # Do NOT build on Fedora, nor CentOS, nor PCLOS ifeq ($(wildcard /etc/fedora-release),) ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6 .el7)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/imlib1) endif endif lcms: # Build on EL7, OSS150, OSSTW ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el7 .oss150 .osstw)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/lcms) endif libcurl: automake libtool2 # Build on CentOS 5 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el4)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/curl) endif libtool2: autoconf automake # Build on CentOS 5 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/libtool2) endif lilypond: mftrace # Build on CentOS 6 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el6)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/lilypond) endif m4: # Build on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6 only (vendor-provided m4 is too old) ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/m4) endif mftrace: # Build on CentOS 6 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el6)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/mftrace) endif mp4v2: # Build on OpenSUSE only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.oss131 .oss132 .oss421 .oss422 .oss423 .oss150 .osstw)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/mp4v2) endif pcsc-perl: # Build on CentOS 5 ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/pcsc-perl) endif poppler: # Build on CentOS 5 only (vendor-provided Poppler is too old) ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/poppler) endif python-qt3: tdelibs sip $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/python-qt3) rdesktop: # Build on OpenSUSE >= 15.0 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.oss150)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/rdesktop) endif rdiff-backup: # Only for PCLINUXOS ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/pclinuxos-release),) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/rdiff-backup) endif recode: # Build on OpenSUSE >= 15.0 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.oss150 .osstw)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/recode) endif sip: # Build on CentOS 5 only (vendor-provided SIP is too old) ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/sip) endif sword: # Build on CentOS 5 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/sword) endif tar: # Build on CentOS 5 only (vendor-provided TAR is too old) ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/tar) endif torsocks: # Build on opensuse ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST), .oss)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/torsocks) endif wv2: # Do NOT build on Mageia or openSUSE or PCLINUXOS ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST), .mga5 .mga6 .oss421 .oss422 .oss423 .oss150 .osstw .pclos .pclos2018)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/wv2) endif ### Extra packages cmake-macros: cmake ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/SuSE-release),) $(call buildpkg,extras/trinity-cmake-macros) endif ### Trinity Libraries kipi-plugins: tqtinterface tdelibs tdepim libkdcraw libkexiv2 libkipi $(call buildpkg,libraries/kipi-plugins) libkdcraw: tqtinterface lcms $(call buildpkg,libraries/libkdcraw) libkexiv2: tqtinterface $(call buildpkg,libraries/libkexiv2) libkipi: tqtinterface $(call buildpkg,libraries/libkipi) libksquirrel: tdelibs $(call buildpkg,libraries/libksquirrel) libtdeldap: tqtinterface $(call buildpkg,libraries/libtdeldap) libtqt-perl: tqtinterface $(call buildpkg,libraries/libtqt-perl) mlt: tqtinterface $(call buildpkg,libraries/mlt) pytdeextensions: tqtinterface python-trinity $(call buildpkg,libraries/pytdeextensions) python-trinity: tqtinterface python-tqt $(call buildpkg,libraries/python-trinity) ### Trinity Applications abakus: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/abakus) adept: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/adept) amarok: tdebase cmake mp4v2 $(call buildpkg,applications/amarok) basket: tdebase tdepim $(call buildpkg,applications/basket) bibletime: tdebase sword $(call buildpkg,applications/bibletime) compizconfig-backend-kconfig: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/compizconfig-backend-kconfig) desktop-effects-tde: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/desktop-effects-tde) digikam: tdebase libkdcraw libkexiv2 libkipi libksquirrel $(call buildpkg,applications/digikam) dolphin: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/dolphin) filelight: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/filelight) filelight-l10n: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/filelight-l10n) fusion-icon: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/fusion-icon) gtk3-tqt-engine: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5, CentOS 6 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6)) $(call buildpkg,applications/gtk3-tqt-engine) endif gtk-qt-engine: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 (GTK2 is too old) ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/gtk-qt-engine) endif gwenview: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/gwenview) k3b: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 (No TDE HWLIB support) ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/k3b) endif k9copy: tdebase k3b # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 (No K3B) ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/k9copy) endif kaffeine: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kaffeine) kaffeine-mozilla: tdebase kaffeine $(call buildpkg,applications/kaffeine-mozilla) kasablanca: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kasablanca) katapult: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/katapult) kbarcode: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kbarcode) kbfx: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kbfx) kbibtex: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kbibtex) kbiff: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kbiff) kbookreader: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kbookreader) kchmviewer: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kchmviewer) kcmautostart: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kcmautostart) kcmldap: tdebase libtdeldap # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/kcmldap) endif kcmldapcontroller: tdebase kcmldap # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/kcmldapcontroller) endif kcmldapmanager: tdebase kcmldap # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/kcmldapmanager) endif kcpuload: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kcpuload) kdbg: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kdbg) kdbusnotification: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kdbusnotification) kdiff3: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kdiff3) kdirstat: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kdirstat) kdpkg: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kdpkg) keep: tdebase rdiff-backup $(call buildpkg,applications/keep) kerberostray: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/kerberostray) endif keximdb: tdebase koffice $(call buildpkg,applications/keximdb) kftpgrabber: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kftpgrabber) kgtk-qt3: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 (GTK2 is too old) # Do NOT build on CentOS >=7 (GTK2 is too new) # Do NOT build on Fedora >= 20 (GTK2 is too new) # Do NOT build on Mageia >= 4 (GTK2 is too new) ifeq ($(wildcard /boot/vmlinuz*.el5* /boot/vmlinuz*.el7* /boot/vmlinuz*.fc20* /boot/vmlinuz*.mga4*),) $(call buildpkg,applications/kgtk-qt3) endif kile: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kile) kima: tdebase # Not on RHEL5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/kima) endif kiosktool: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kiosktool) kkbswitch: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kkbswitch) klcddimmer: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/klcddimmer) kmplayer: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kmplayer) kmyfirewall: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kmyfirewall) kmymoney: tdebase recode $(call buildpkg,applications/kmymoney) knemo: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/knemo) knetload: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/knetload) knetstats: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/knetstats) knetworkmanager8: tdebase # RHEL6 only ifneq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el6)) $(call buildpkg,applications/knetworkmanager8) endif knights: tdebase gnuchess $(call buildpkg,applications/knights) knmap: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/knmap) knowit: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/knowit) knutclient: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/knutclient) koffice: tdebase tdegraphics wv2 $(call buildpkg,applications/koffice) konversation: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/konversation) kooldock: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kooldock) kopete-otr: tdebase tdenetwork $(call buildpkg,applications/kopete-otr) kpicosim: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kpicosim) kpilot: tdebase tdepim # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 (pilot-link library is too old) ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/kpilot) endif kplayer: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kplayer) kpowersave: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kpowersave) krecipes: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/krecipes) krename: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/krename) krusader: tdebase tdebindings $(call buildpkg,applications/krusader) kscope: tdebase cscope $(call buildpkg,applications/kscope) ksensors: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/ksensors) kshowmail: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kshowmail) kshutdown: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kshutdown) ksplash-engine-moodin: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/ksplash-engine-moodin) ksquirrel: tdebase libkipi libksquirrel $(call buildpkg,applications/ksquirrel) kstreamripper: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kstreamripper) ksystemlog: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/ksystemlog) ktechlab: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/ktechlab) ktorrent: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/ktorrent) kuickshow: tdebase imlib1 $(call buildpkg,applications/kuickshow) kvirc: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kvirc) kvkbd: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kvkbd) kvpnc: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kvpnc) kxmleditor: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/kxmleditor) mplayerthumbs: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/mplayerthumbs) piklab: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/piklab) potracegui: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/potracegui) qalculate-tde: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5, CentOS 6 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6)) $(call buildpkg,applications/qalculate-tde) endif qt4-tqt-theme-engine: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5, CentOS 6 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6)) $(call buildpkg,applications/qt4-tqt-theme-engine) endif rosegarden: tdebase lilypond # Do NOT build on CentOS 5, CentOS 7 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el7)) $(call buildpkg,applications/rosegarden) endif smartcardauth: tdebase pcsc-perl $(call buildpkg,applications/smartcardauth) smb4k: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/smb4k) soundkonverter: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/soundkonverter) tastymenu: tdebase pytdeextensions $(call buildpkg,applications/tastymenu) tdedocker: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdedocker) tde-guidance: tdebase pytdeextensions $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-guidance) tdeio-apt: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdeio-apt) tdeio-ftps: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdeio-ftps) tdeio-gopher: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdeio-gopher) tdeio-locate: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdeio-locate) tdeio-sword: tdebase sword $(call buildpkg,applications/tdeio-sword) tdeio-umountwrapper: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdeio-umountwrapper) tdenetworkmanager: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5, CentOS 6 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .el6)) $(call buildpkg,applications/tdenetworkmanager) endif tdepowersave: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/tdepowersave) endif tderadio: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tderadio) tde-style-baghira: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-style-baghira) tde-style-domino: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-style-domino) tde-style-ia-ora: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-style-ia-ora) tde-style-lipstik: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-style-lipstik) tde-style-qtcurve: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-style-qtcurve) tdesudo: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdesudo) tdesvn: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdesvn) tde-systemsettings: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tde-systemsettings) tdmtheme: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/tdmtheme) tellico: tdebase tdemultimedia # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/tellico) endif tork: tdebase torsocks $(call buildpkg,applications/tork) twin-style-crystal: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/twin-style-crystal) wlassistant: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/wlassistant) yakuake: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/yakuake) ### Trinity Translations gwenview-i18n: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/gwenview-i18n) k3b-i18n: tdebase # Do NOT build on CentOS 5 ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5)) $(call buildpkg,applications/k3b-i18n) endif koffice-i18n: tdebase $(call buildpkg,applications/koffice-i18n) tde-i18n: tdebase cmake $(call buildpkg,tde-i18n) ### Meta packages meta: $(call buildpkg,extras/trinity-desktop) ### Extra packages celestia: $(call buildpkg,extras/celestia) fileshareset: ifeq ($(wildcard /boot/vmlinuz*.mga6*),) $(call buildpkg,extras/fileshareset) endif icons-crystalsvg-updated: $(call buildpkg,extras/icons-crystalsvg-updated) icons-kfaenza: $(call buildpkg,extras/icons-kfaenza) icons-nuvola: $(call buildpkg,extras/icons-nuvola) icons-oxygen: $(call buildpkg,extras/icons-oxygen) kdevmon: $(call buildpkg,extras/kdevmon) kdissert: $(call buildpkg,extras/kdissert) klibido: pan # Not on RHEL5, nor recent OpenSUSE ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .oss150 .osstw)) $(call buildpkg,extras/klibido) endif kompose: $(call buildpkg,extras/kompose) koverartist: $(call buildpkg,extras/koverartist) kpacman: $(call buildpkg,extras/kpacman) mathemagics: $(call buildpkg,extras/mathemagics) pan: gmime intltool ifeq (,$(filter $(DIST),.el5 .oss150 .osstw)) $(call buildpkg,3rdparty/pan) endif png2qrgb: $(call buildpkg,extras/png2qrgb) scribus: $(call buildpkg,extras/scribus) trinity-filesystem: $(call buildpkg,extras/trinity-filesystem)