#include "colordialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "colorpicker.h" #include "pixmaps.h" #include "config.h" #ifndef CLAMP #define CLAMP(x,l,u) x < l ? l :\ x > u ? u :\ x #endif #define SATURATION_COLOR2(S,R,G,B) \ int max = (int)(255+0.65*(100-S)); \ destR = CLAMP((srcR + R - 128), 0, max); \ destG = CLAMP((srcG + G - 128), 0, max); \ destB = CLAMP((srcB + B - 128), 0, max); \ destR = (S*destR + (100-S)*R)/100; \ destG = (S*destG + (100-S)*G)/100; \ destB = (S*destB + (100-S)*B)/100; #define COLOR_SPACE(R,G,B) \ if ( R < 0 ) R = 0; else if ( R > 255 ) R = 255; \ if ( G < 0 ) G = 0; else if ( G > 255 ) G = 255; \ if ( B < 0 ) B = 0; else if ( B > 255 ) B = 255; ColorDialog::ColorDialog(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QDialog( parent, name) { QVBoxLayout *vertical = new QVBoxLayout(this); QHBoxLayout *top = new QHBoxLayout(vertical); demo = new DemoWindow(this); top->addWidget(demo); QVBoxLayout *topRight = new QVBoxLayout(top); QLabel *info = new QLabel("Select custom colors or grab directly from screen.
Click image left to switch between items.
",this); topRight->addWidget(info); QIconSet icon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("colorpicker", KIcon::Small); buttonCP = new QPushButton(icon, QString::null, this); topRight->addWidget(buttonCP); QLabel *lb = new QLabel("From other app:",this); topRight->addWidget(lb); other = new QComboBox(this); topRight->addWidget(other); topRight->addStretch(); buttonOk = new QPushButton("&Ok", this); topRight->addWidget(buttonOk); buttonCancel = new QPushButton("&Cancel", this); topRight->addWidget(buttonCancel); const char *title[NUMCOLORS] = {"Background", "Button", "Base", "Text", "Highlight", "Highlighted Text", "Button Text", "Alternate Background"}; for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) { picker[i] = new ColorPicker(this, title[i]); vertical->addWidget(picker[i]); connect (picker[i], SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)), demo, SLOT(smartRepaint())); picker[i]->hide(); } for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) picker[i]->blockSignals(true); picker[Back]->setColor(colorGroup().background()); picker[Button]->setColor(colorGroup().button()); picker[Base]->setColor(colorGroup().base()); picker[Text]->setColor(colorGroup().text()); picker[High]->setColor(colorGroup().highlight()); picker[HighText]->setColor(colorGroup().highlightedText()); picker[ButText]->setColor(colorGroup().buttonText ()); picker[Alternate]->setColor(KGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor()); for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) picker[i]->blockSignals(false); // demo->repaint(false); picker[Button]->show(); connect (buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect (buttonCP, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(grabColor())); connect (buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect (other, SIGNAL(activated (const QString &)), this, SLOT(getFromOther(const QString &))); } ColorDialog::~ColorDialog() { } void ColorDialog::show() { other->clear(); QDir d( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.baghira", 0L, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::Writable ); if (d.exists()) { for ( uint i = 0; i < d.count(); i++ ) other->insertItem(d[i]); } QDialog::show(); demo->show(); // demo->repaint(false); } void ColorDialog::getFromOther( const QString & string ) { FILE *file = NULL; QString tmpString = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.baghira/" + string; if( (file = fopen(tmpString.latin1(), "r")) != NULL ) { uint k; int colors[NUMCOLORS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) colors[i] = -1; fscanf(file,"%u\n%u\n%u\n%u\n%u\n%u\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n",&k,&k,&k,&k,&k,&k,&colors[0],&colors[1],&colors[2],&colors[3],&colors[4],&colors[5],&colors[6],&colors[7]); fclose(file); for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) { picker[i]->blockSignals(true); if (colors[i] != -1) picker[i]->setColor(QColor(colors[i])); picker[i]->blockSignals(false); } demo->repaint(false); } } void ColorDialog::grabColor() { gettingColorFromScreen = true; grabMouse(crossCursor); grabKeyboard(); } void ColorDialog::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* me) { if (gettingColorFromScreen) { gettingColorFromScreen = false; releaseMouse(); releaseKeyboard(); for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) { if (picker[i]->isShown()) { picker[i]->setColor(KColorDialog::grabColor(me->globalPos())); break; } } } else QDialog::mouseReleaseEvent(me); } //extern QImage uic_findiImage(const QString& name); //extern void qInitImages_baghira(); //extern void qCleanupImages_baghira(); DemoWindow::DemoWindow( ColorDialog* parent, const char* name) : QWidget(parent, name) { setBackgroundMode ( Qt::NoBackground ); colorDialog_ = parent; setFixedSize(320,120); pm = new QPixmap(320,120); pp = new QPainter(); p = new QPainter(); (const_cast(&p->font()))->setPixelSize(16); baseRect = QRect(20, 10, 200, 100); buttonRect = QRect(230, 90, 37, 21); buttonTextRect = QRect(236, 91, 20, 18); highlightRect = QRect(21, 42, 198, 22); textRect = QRect(25, 21, 100, 18); highTextRect = QRect(25, 42, 120, 22); alternateRect = QRect(21, 86, 198, 22); baseImage = uic_findImage("button-base"); dest = QImage( baseImage.width(), baseImage.height(), 32 ); dest.setAlphaBuffer( true ); } DemoWindow::~DemoWindow(){} void DemoWindow::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * me ) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) colorDialog_->picker[i]->hide(); if (buttonTextRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[ButText]->show(); else if (buttonRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[Button]->show(); else if (textRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[Text]->show(); else if (highTextRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[HighText]->show(); else if (highlightRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[High]->show(); else if (alternateRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[Alternate]->show(); else if (baseRect.contains(me->pos())) colorDialog_->picker[Base]->show(); else colorDialog_->picker[Back]->show(); } void DemoWindow::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * ) { pp->begin(pm); pp->fillRect(0,0,pm->width(),pm->height(), colorDialog_->picker[Back]->color()); style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, pp, rect(), colorGroup() ); pp->fillRect(baseRect, colorDialog_->picker[Base]->color()); pp->fillRect(highlightRect, colorDialog_->picker[High]->color()); pp->fillRect(alternateRect, colorDialog_->picker[Alternate]->color()); pp->setPen ( colorDialog_->picker[Text]->color() ); pp->drawText ( textRect, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter, "Common Text"); pp->drawText ( alternateRect, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter, "Alt. Background"); pp->setPen ( colorDialog_->picker[HighText]->color() ); pp->drawText ( highTextRect, Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter, "Highlighted Text"); pp->drawPixmap(buttonRect, tintButton(baseImage, colorDialog_->picker[Button]->color())); pp->setPen ( colorDialog_->picker[ButText]->color() ); pp->drawText ( buttonTextRect, Qt::AlignCenter, "B"); style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, pp, baseRect, colorGroup()); pp->end(); p->begin(this); p->drawPixmap(0,0, *pm); p->end(); } void DemoWindow::smartRepaint() { if (colorDialog_->picker[Back]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[Button]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(buttonRect, false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[Base]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[Text]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(textRect, false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[High]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(highlightRect, false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[HighText]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(highTextRect, false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[Alternate]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(alternateRect, false); return; } if (colorDialog_->picker[ButText]->isShown()) { QWidget::repaint(buttonTextRect, false); return; } } QImage & DemoWindow::tintButton(QImage &src, QColor & c) { // dest = QImage( src.width(), src.height(), 32, 0, _ENDIAN_ ); unsigned int *data = ( unsigned int * ) src.bits(); unsigned int *destData = ( unsigned int* ) dest.bits(); int total = src.width() * src.height(); int red, green, blue; int destR, destG, destB, alpha; int srcR = c.red(); int srcG = c.green(); int srcB = c.blue(); int hue, s, v; c.getHsv( &hue, &s, &v ); int sq = CLAMP((int)((45.0/128.0)*s+55),0,100); // float srcPercent, destPercent; for ( int current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current ) { alpha = qAlpha( data[ current ] ); blue = qBlue( data[ current ] ); red = qRed( data[ current ] ); green = qGreen( data[ current ] ); SATURATION_COLOR2(sq, red, green, blue); // force back to valid colorspace ! COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB); destData[ current ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha ); } return ( dest ); }