CustomDecoSettings CustomDecoSettings 0 0 416 325 CustomDecoSettings unnamed boxCorner Round Corners unnamed layout45 unnamed shapeUL spacer16 Vertical Expanding 20 31 shapeLL layout44 unnamed shapeUR spacer17 Vertical Expanding 20 31 shapeLR spacer24_3 Horizontal Expanding 60 20 borderSize 16 labelBorderSize Border Size spacer27_2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 spacer27 Vertical Expanding 20 20 spacer15 Horizontal Expanding 30 20 layout10 unnamed labelTitleshadow Titleshadow Intensity spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 LineImpact UpDownArrows 100 40 layout7_3 unnamed label3D 3D Intensity spacer4_3 Horizontal Expanding 200 20 _3DImpact 100 20 layout35 unnamed labelButtonstyle ButtonStyle labelTitle Active Titlebar Effect titleeffect labelInTitle Inactive Titlebar Effect titleeffect layout38 unnamed labelColors Colors AlignCenter layout33 unnamed activeColor1 activeColor2 layout34 unnamed inactiveColor1 inactiveColor2 layout39 unnamed Panther Jaguar Milk Nostalgia buttonStyle Gradient Stippled Nostalgia Glossy Brushed Scanlines titleeffect 0 22 Select an effect for the titlebar to change its appearance Gradient Stippled Nostalgia Glossy Brushed Scanlines i_titleeffect 0 22 Select an effect for the titlebar to change its appearance spacer18_2_3 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 drawIcon Draw Icon DecoName 14 1 Name kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h