From 0fa8770a5566743737ef2812d1f4e6c04d968cda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Sl=C3=A1vek=20Banko?= Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 02:46:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Initial import of kde-style-domino 0.4 --- AUTHORS | 3 + COPYING | 339 ++ COPYING.LIB | 481 +++ ChangeLog | 39 + INSTALL | 181 + | 11 + Makefile.cvs | 10 + NEWS | 0 README | 0 client/ | 16 + client/clientData.h | 237 + client/config/ | 10 + client/config/config.cpp | 288 ++ client/config/config.h | 75 + client/domino.desktop | 5 + client/dominoclient.cpp | 1195 +++++ client/dominoclient.h | 156 + | 1 + domino/Domino.kcsrc | 27 + domino/ | 20 + domino/data.h | 1306 ++++++ domino/domino.cpp | 8139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ domino/domino.h | 865 ++++ domino/domino.themerc | 7 + domino/eventfilter.cpp | 1840 ++++++++ domino/misc.cpp | 173 + domino/misc.h | 28 + dominoConfig/ | 8 + dominoConfig/configData.h | 73 + dominoConfig/dominoconf.cpp | 4341 +++++++++++++++++++ dominoConfig/dominoconf.h | 730 ++++ getimages/getimages.cpp | 66 + getimages/ | 10 + 33 files changed, 20680 insertions(+) create mode 100644 AUTHORS create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 COPYING.LIB create mode 100644 ChangeLog create mode 100644 INSTALL create mode 100644 create mode 100644 Makefile.cvs create mode 100644 NEWS create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 client/ create mode 100644 client/clientData.h create mode 100644 client/config/ create mode 100644 client/config/config.cpp create mode 100644 client/config/config.h create mode 100644 client/domino.desktop create mode 100644 client/dominoclient.cpp create mode 100644 client/dominoclient.h create mode 100644 create mode 100644 domino/Domino.kcsrc create mode 100644 domino/ create mode 100644 domino/data.h create mode 100644 domino/domino.cpp create mode 100644 domino/domino.h create mode 100644 domino/domino.themerc create mode 100644 domino/eventfilter.cpp create mode 100644 domino/misc.cpp create mode 100644 domino/misc.h create mode 100644 dominoConfig/ create mode 100644 dominoConfig/configData.h create mode 100644 dominoConfig/dominoconf.cpp create mode 100644 dominoConfig/dominoconf.h create mode 100644 getimages/getimages.cpp create mode 100644 getimages/ diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f465c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Michael Lentner +based on the KDE style Plastik: +Sandro Giessl diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96bdc08 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/COPYING.LIB b/COPYING.LIB new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6bd517 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING.LIB @@ -0,0 +1,481 @@ + GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is + numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some +specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any +other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for +your libraries, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if +you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them +with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright +the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original +version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on +the original authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free +software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect +transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this, +we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's +free use or not licensed at all. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary +GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This +license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain +designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary +one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is +the same as in the ordinary license. + + The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that +they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a +program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without +changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is +analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in +a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a +derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License +treats it as such. + + Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General +Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software +sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We +concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better. + + However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the +users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the +libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to +permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while +preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free +libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve +this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards +changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this +will lead to faster development of free libraries. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only +works together with the library. + + Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary +General Public License rather than by this special one. + + GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which +contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized +party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library +General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is +addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally +distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Library General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c4f802 --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +0.4 +* new option for indented / non indented menu items +* new option for highlighted tool button icons on mouse over +* the button look for tool(bar) buttons is now optional +* new rubberband options +* smaller tabWidget margins +* respects Gwenview's / Kicker's taskbar applet / Konversation's own mousewheel handling for scrollviews +* clipped popup menu edges, for a better look with KWin's shadows (Beryl seems not to support it). +* fixes pixmaps on PowerPC architecture +* fixes functionality of some popup QToolButtons and adapts their look and behavior to KToolBarButtons +* the content of popup menus with a side pixmap is visible again (Amarok, Digikam) +* adapts KMenu's section header style +* fixes Kickoff's tab icon alignment +* fixes possible crash with enabled text effect +* lets apps using their own label colors on tabs (if they're not defaulting to a fixed color like konsole) +* decoration: option "dark window frame" draws a darker frame +* decoration: borders are hidden when in maximized mode and moving / resizing of maximized windows is not allowed. + + +0.3 +* decoration buttons on inactive windows are now visible if the mouse is over the titlebar +* a new thinner contour for the buttons (raised and sunken) +* different button contour colors for mousehover, pressed and default states +* mouseclick on LineEdits hides the cursor +* disabled toolButtons in non KDE applications are now drawn grayed out and with 50 % reduced transparency +* buttons respect background pixmaps +* text effect option +* animated progressbar +* configurable groupbox background color +* configurable selected popupmenu item color +* deactivatable popupmenu gradient +* faster smooth scrolling +* it's now possible to switch tabs with the mousewheel +* colors can now be drag between the tabs in the configurations dialog +* disables popupmenu (fake) transparency (they are cheap and broken) +* some speed improvements, especially the groupbox +* fixes mousewheel not switching desktops +* fixes diverse crashes diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28fadaa --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +Basic Installation +================== + + These are generic installation instructions. + + The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. +It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent +definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that +you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file +`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up +reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output +(useful mainly for debugging `configure'). + + If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try +to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail +diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can +be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache' +contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it. + + The file `' is used to create `configure' by a program +called `autoconf'. You only need `' if you want to change +it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'. + +The simplest way to compile this package is: + + 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type + `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're + using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type + `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute + `configure' itself. + + Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some + messages telling which features it is checking for. + + 2. Type `make' to compile the package. + + 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with + the package. + + 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and + documentation. + + 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the + source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the + files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for + a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is + also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly + for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get + all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came + with the distribution. + +Compilers and Options +===================== + + Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that +the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure' +initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using +a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like +this: + CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure + +Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this: + env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure + +Compiling For Multiple Architectures +==================================== + + You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the +same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their +own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that +supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the +directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run +the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the +source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'. + + If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH' +variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time +in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for +one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another +architecture. + +Installation Names +================== + + By default, `make install' will install the package's files in +`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an +installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the +option `--prefix=PATH'. + + You can specify separate installation prefixes for +architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you +give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use +PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. +Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix. + + In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give +options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular +kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories +you can set and what kinds of files go in them. + + If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the +option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + +Optional Features +================= + + Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to +`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. +They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE +is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The +`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the +package recognizes. + + For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually +find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, +you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and +`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. + +Specifying the System Type +========================== + + There may be some features `configure' can not figure out +automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package +will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints +a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the +`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system +type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields: + CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM + +See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If +`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't +need to know the host type. + + If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also +use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will +produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of +system on which you are compiling the package. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + + If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called `' that gives +default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. +`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then +`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the +`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Operation Controls +================== + + `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +`--cache-file=FILE' + Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of + `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for + debugging `configure'. + +`--help' + Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit. + +`--quiet' +`--silent' +`-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. + +`--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + `configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +`--version' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' + script, and exit. + +`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55d4b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.5 +DISTCLEANFILES = inst-apps +MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = subdirs acinclude.m4 configure.files + +include admin/ + +include admin/ + +#SUBDIRS=$(TOPSUBDIRS) +SUBDIRS = domino dominoConfig client diff --git a/Makefile.cvs b/Makefile.cvs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c0afd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile.cvs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +all: + @echo "This Makefile is only for the CVS repository" + @echo "This will be deleted before making the distribution" + @echo "" + $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common cvs + +dist: + $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common dist + +.SILENT: diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/client/ b/client/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ee503b --- /dev/null +++ b/client/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(kde_includes)/kwin + +SUBDIRS = . config + +kde_module_LTLIBRARIES = + +kwin3_domino_la_SOURCES = dominoclient.cpp +kwin3_domino_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_PLUGIN) -module -L/usr/X11R6/lib +kwin3_domino_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KDECORE) $(kde_libraries)/ -lXext -lX11 $(LIB_QT) + +METASOURCES = AUTO +noinst_HEADERS = dominoclient.h + +lnkdir = $(kde_datadir)/kwin +lnk_DATA = domino.desktop diff --git a/client/clientData.h b/client/clientData.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d777214 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/clientData.h @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ + + +#ifndef _QEMBED_CLIENTDATA +#define _QEMBED_CLIENTDATA +#include +#include +static const QRgb client_bottom_lines_dark_data[] = { + 0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x18000000,0x44000000,0x44000000,0x44000000,0x44000000, + 0x44000000,0x44000000,0x44000000,0x44000000,0x44000000,0x44000000 +}; + +/* Generated by qembed */ +static const QRgb client_bottomLines_data[] = { + 0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000, + 0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000 +}; + +static const QRgb clientButtonContour_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2000000,0x9000000,0xe000000,0xf000000,0xf000000,0xe000000,0x9000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x7000000,0x27000000,0x8c000000,0xc4000000,0xc9000000,0xc9000000,0xc4000000,0x8c000000,0x27000000, + 0x7000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xa000000,0x64000000,0xca000000,0x6a000000,0x1b000000,0xf000000,0xf000000,0x1b000000, + 0x6a000000,0xca000000,0x64000000,0xa000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x7000000,0x5f000000,0xb5000000,0x23000000,0x8000000,0x1000000,0x0, + 0x0,0x1000000,0x8000000,0x23000000,0xb5000000,0x5f000000,0x7000000,0x0,0x2000000,0x20000000,0xbd000000,0x1e000000,0x3000000,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3000000,0x1e000000,0xbd000000,0x20000000,0x2000000,0x9000000,0x88000000,0x62000000,0x7000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x7000000,0x62000000,0x88000000,0x9000000,0xe000000,0xc2000000, + 0x1a000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x1a000000,0xc2000000,0xe000000, + 0xf000000,0xc9000000,0xf000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xf000000, + 0xc9000000,0xf000000,0xf000000,0xc9000000,0xf000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0xf000000,0xc9000000,0xf000000,0xe000000,0xc2000000,0x19000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x19000000,0xc2000000,0xe000000,0x9000000,0x88000000,0x62000000,0x7000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x7000000,0x62000000,0x88000000,0x9000000,0x2000000,0x20000000,0xbd000000,0x1e000000,0x3000000,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3000000,0x1e000000,0xbd000000,0x20000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x7000000,0x5f000000,0xb5000000, + 0x23000000,0x7000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x7000000,0x23000000,0xb5000000,0x5f000000,0x7000000,0x0,0x0,0x1000000, + 0xa000000,0x64000000,0xca000000,0x6a000000,0x1b000000,0xf000000,0xf000000,0x1b000000,0x6a000000,0xca000000,0x64000000,0xa000000,0x1000000,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x7000000,0x27000000,0x8c000000,0xc4000000,0xc9000000,0xc9000000,0xc4000000,0x8c000000,0x27000000,0x7000000,0x1000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2000000,0x9000000,0xe000000,0xf000000,0xf000000,0xe000000,0x9000000,0x2000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb clientButtonPressed_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xb151515,0x400b0b0b,0x420d0d0d,0x420d0d0d,0x41090909,0xb151515,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x39131313,0x6d010101,0x68000000,0x62000000,0x62000000,0x67000000, + 0x70000000,0x50070707,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x5a040404,0x62000000,0x51000000,0x44000000,0x3e000000, + 0x3d000000,0x43000000,0x4e000000,0x5f000000,0x51070707,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3d0b0b0b,0x5a000000,0x42000000,0x32000000, + 0x27000000,0x24000000,0x24000000,0x26000000,0x30000000,0x41000000,0x58000000,0x45060606,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x91a1a1a,0x5e000000,0x41000000, + 0x2b000000,0x1e000000,0x18000000,0x16000000,0x15000000,0x18000000,0x1d000000,0x29000000,0x40000000,0x5b000000,0x12000000,0x0,0x0,0x28090909, + 0x4a000000,0x2e000000,0x1b000000,0x14000000,0x11000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x13000000,0x1b000000,0x2c000000,0x49000000,0x31040404,0x0, + 0x0,0x33050505,0x3d000000,0x22000000,0x14000000,0xf000000,0xd000000,0xd000000,0xd000000,0xd000000,0xe000000,0x14000000,0x21000000,0x3c000000, + 0x2d070707,0x0,0x0,0x2f040404,0x34000000,0x1b000000,0xf000000,0xb000000,0xa000000,0xa000000,0xa000000,0xa000000,0xb000000,0xf000000, + 0x1b000000,0x34000000,0x2a050505,0x0,0x0,0x2d020202,0x32000000,0x18000000,0xc000000,0x9000000,0x8000000,0x8000000,0x8000000,0x8000000, + 0x9000000,0xd000000,0x19000000,0x33000000,0x28020202,0x0,0x0,0x14000000,0x35000000,0x1a000000,0xc000000,0x7000000,0x6000000,0x6000000, + 0x6000000,0x6000000,0x7000000,0xd000000,0x1b000000,0x37000000,0xf000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2b000000,0x23000000,0x12000000,0xa000000, + 0x7000000,0x6000000,0x6000000,0x7000000,0xa000000,0x13000000,0x24000000,0x29000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x26000000, + 0x1e000000,0x12000000,0xc000000,0xa000000,0xa000000,0xc000000,0x13000000,0x1f000000,0x25000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x2000000,0x23000000,0x23000000,0x1b000000,0x16000000,0x16000000,0x1b000000,0x24000000,0x23000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8000000,0x1c000000,0x19000000,0x19000000,0x1b000000,0x7000000,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb clientButtonShadow_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x16fdfdfd,0x52fdfdfd,0x6ffdfdfd,0x6ffdfdfd,0x50fdfdfd,0x16fdfdfd,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xafdfdfd,0x7bfcfcfc,0x78fdfdfd,0x65ffffff,0x6ffdfdfd,0x6ffdfdfd,0x65ffffff, + 0x77fdfdfd,0x7afdfdfd,0x9fdfdfd,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xcfdfdfd,0x7bfdfdfd,0x69fdfdfd,0x4cfcfcfc,0x40ffffff,0x3bffffff, + 0x3bffffff,0x40ffffff,0x4bffffff,0x69fdfdfd,0x7afcfcfc,0x9fdfdfd,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3ffffff,0x66fcfcfc,0x58ffffff,0x37fcfcfc,0x2dffffff, + 0x2bffffff,0x2bffffff,0x2bffffff,0x2bffffff,0x2dfbfbfb,0x37ffffff,0x58fcfcfc,0x64fdfdfd,0x3ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x25fdfdfd,0x50f9f9f9,0x32fafafa, + 0x26f8f8f8,0x25f8f8f8,0x25f8f8f8,0x25f8f8f8,0x25f8f8f8,0x25f8f8f8,0x25f8f8f8,0x26f8f8f8,0x31fafafa,0x51f9f9f9,0x20fdfdfd,0x0,0x4bfbfbf,0x69fafafa, + 0x3cf1f1f1,0x22e8e8e8,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x20e7e7e7,0x22e8e8e8,0x3cf3f3f3,0x66fafafa,0x3ffffff, + 0xcffffff,0x8cfcfcfc,0x2fe5e5e5,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x1acdcdcd,0x2fe5e5e5, + 0x8afbfbfb,0xaffffff,0x12f2f2f2,0x91f8f8f8,0x29d6d6d6,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa,0x15aaaaaa, + 0x15aaaaaa,0x28d7d7d7,0x91f8f8f8,0x10f0f0f0,0x12f2f2f2,0x81f8f8f8,0x2acdcdcd,0x11777777,0x106f6f6f,0x106f6f6f,0x106f6f6f,0x106f6f6f,0x106f6f6f,0x106f6f6f, + 0x106f6f6f,0x106f6f6f,0x11777777,0x2bcecece,0x80f8f8f8,0x10f0f0f0,0xcffffff,0x5cf8f8f8,0x31cacaca,0x167f7f7f,0xc151515,0xb000000,0xb000000,0xb000000, + 0xb000000,0xb000000,0xb000000,0xc151515,0x168b8b8b,0x37d5d5d5,0x55f8f8f8,0xbe9e9e9,0x4ffffff,0x32fafafa,0x78f2f2f2,0x24a8a8a8,0x17777777,0xe121212, + 0xd000000,0xd000000,0xd000000,0xd000000,0xe121212,0x17797979,0x25ababab,0x7df3f3f3,0x2bffffff,0x3ffffff,0x0,0x15f3f3f3,0x66fcfcfc,0x64e9e9e9, + 0x29acacac,0x1e858585,0x19707070,0x143f3f3f,0x143f3f3f,0x196e6e6e,0x1e858585,0x2aadadad,0x6debebeb,0x63f9f9f9,0x12ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x3ffffff, + 0x26ffffff,0x7afafafa,0x7ff1f1f1,0x3cc4c4c4,0x30adadad,0x2ba6a6a6,0x2ba4a4a4,0x30afafaf,0x3ec3c3c3,0x84f1f1f1,0x77fafafa,0x22ffffff,0x3ffffff,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x5ffffff,0x27f9f9f9,0x52fcfcfc,0x80f9f9f9,0x96f6f6f6,0x85f2f2f2,0x86f2f2f2,0x97f6f6f6,0x81fafafa,0x4ffcfcfc,0x20f8f8f8,0x4ffffff, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4bfbfbf,0xeffffff,0x32fafafa,0x3ffcfcfc,0x50fcfcfc,0x4ffcfcfc,0x3ffcfcfc,0x2ffafafa,0xef2f2f2, + 0x3ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb client_close_6x6_data[] = { + 0x6c2a2a2a,0x6b2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x6b2a2a2a,0x702a2a2a,0x7b2a2a2a,0xd62a2a2a,0x5c2a2a2a,0x792a2a2a,0xd62a2a2a,0x782a2a2a,0x0,0x7b2a2a2a, + 0xd62a2a2a,0xd62a2a2a,0x782a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x7b2a2a2a,0xd62a2a2a,0xd62a2a2a,0x782a2a2a,0x0,0x7b2a2a2a,0xd62a2a2a,0x782a2a2a,0x5e2a2a2a, + 0xd62a2a2a,0x782a2a2a,0x6c2a2a2a,0x782a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x5e2a2a2a,0x6c2a2a2a +}; + +static const QRgb client_dot_4x4_data[] = { + 0x422a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a,0x422a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a,0xb02a2a2a,0xb02a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a,0xb02a2a2a,0xb02a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a,0x422a2a2a,0x9b2a2a2a, + 0x9b2a2a2a,0x422a2a2a +}; + +static const QRgb client_edges_dark_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x34000000,0x35000000,0x35000000,0x34000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x34000000,0x2b000000, + 0xe000000,0xe000000,0x2b000000,0x34000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x39000000,0x23000000,0x10000000,0x3000000,0x3000000,0x10000000,0x23000000, + 0x39000000,0x0,0x3000000,0x38000000,0x11000000,0x3000000,0x0,0x0,0x3000000,0x11000000,0x38000000,0x3000000,0x34000000,0x2a000000, + 0x5000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x5000000,0x2a000000,0x34000000,0x35000000,0x1e000000,0x3000000,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x3000000,0x1e000000,0x35000000,0x37000000,0x20000000,0x3000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3000000,0x20000000,0x37000000, + 0x38000000,0x2c000000,0x6000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x6000000,0x2c000000,0x38000000,0x4000000,0x3d000000,0x13000000,0x3000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x3000000,0x13000000,0x3d000000,0x4000000,0x0,0x40000000,0x28000000,0x13000000,0x4000000,0x4000000,0x13000000,0x28000000, + 0x40000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x41000000,0x36000000,0x12000000,0x12000000,0x36000000,0x41000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x41000000,0x44000000,0x44000000,0x41000000,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb client_edges_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2fffffff,0x31ffffff,0x31ffffff,0x2fffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2effffff,0x25ffffff, + 0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x25ffffff,0x2effffff,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x34ffffff,0x1fffffff,0xeffffff,0x3ffffff,0x3ffffff,0xeffffff,0x1fffffff, + 0x34ffffff,0x0,0x2ffffff,0x33ffffff,0xeffffff,0x3ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x3ffffff,0xeffffff,0x33ffffff,0x2ffffff,0x2fffffff,0x1fffffff, + 0x4ffffff,0x1ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x1ffffff,0x4ffffff,0x1fffffff,0x2fffffff,0x2dffffff,0x12ffffff,0x2ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x2ffffff,0x12ffffff,0x2dffffff,0x27ebebeb,0x18f5f5f5,0x3ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3ffffff,0x18f5f5f5,0x27ebebeb, + 0x28e5e5e5,0x1bcacaca,0x6ffffff,0x1ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x1ffffff,0x6ffffff,0x1bcacaca,0x28e5e5e5,0x1000000,0x1c888888,0xbb9b9b9,0x3ffffff, + 0x0,0x0,0x3ffffff,0xbb9b9b9,0x1c888888,0x1000000,0x0,0x1d838383,0x11696969,0xab2b2b2,0x4ffffff,0x4ffffff,0xab2b2b2,0x11696969, + 0x1d838383,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x12000000,0x15616161,0xcaaaaaa,0xcaaaaaa,0x15616161,0x12000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x12000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x12000000,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb client_help_5x8_data[] = { + 0x22a2a2a,0x772a2a2a,0xc22a2a2a,0xbd2a2a2a,0x302a2a2a,0x3b2a2a2a,0xd22a2a2a,0x612a2a2a,0x862a2a2a,0xbd2a2a2a,0x22a2a2a,0x22a2a2a,0x0,0x5b2a2a2a, + 0xba2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x462a2a2a,0xbd2a2a2a,0x3e2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0xd12a2a2a,0x682a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x542a2a2a, + 0x2a2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xb82a2a2a,0x5b2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x262a2a2a,0x82a2a2a,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb client_line_6x2_data[] = { + 0x852a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0x852a2a2a,0x432a2a2a,0x5f2a2a2a,0x5f2a2a2a,0x5f2a2a2a,0x5f2a2a2a,0x432a2a2a +}; + +static const QRgb client_max_8x8_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x852a2a2a,0x442a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xbe2a2a2a,0x602a2a2a,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x12a2a2a,0x12a2a2a,0x0,0xbe2a2a2a,0x602a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x852a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a, + 0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0x852a2a2a,0x442a2a2a,0x602a2a2a,0x602a2a2a,0xbe2a2a2a,0x902a2a2a,0x622a2a2a,0x632a2a2a,0x452a2a2a,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0xbd2a2a2a,0x602a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xbd2a2a2a,0x612a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x852a2a2a,0x442a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb client_right_lines2_data[] = { + 0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff, + 0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff,0xfffffff,0x24ffffff +}; + +static const QRgb client_right_lines_dark_data[] = { + 0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000, + 0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000,0x19000000,0x36000000 +}; + +static const QRgb client_topLines2_data[] = { + 0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x39ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff, + 0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff,0x11ffffff +}; + +static const QRgb client_top_lines_dark_data[] = { + 0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x36000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000, + 0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000,0x13000000 +}; + +static const QRgb client_upArrow_6x8_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x492a2a2a,0x142a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4a2a2a2a,0xb92a2a2a,0xa82a2a2a,0x1e2a2a2a,0x0,0x572a2a2a,0xb92a2a2a, + 0xb92a2a2a,0xb82a2a2a,0xac2a2a2a,0x1d2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0xb92a2a2a,0x5c2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xb92a2a2a,0x5c2a2a2a, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xb92a2a2a,0x5c2a2a2a,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xb92a2a2a,0x5c2a2a2a,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x812a2a2a,0x402a2a2a,0x0,0x0 +}; + + +static struct EmbedImage { + int width, height, depth; + const unsigned char *data; + int numColors; + const QRgb *colorTable; + bool alpha; + const char *name; +} embed_image_vec[] = { + { 10, 2, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_bottom_lines_dark_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_bottomLines_dark" }, + { 10, 2, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_bottomLines_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_bottomLines" }, + { 16, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)clientButtonContour_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "clientButtonContour" }, + { 16, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)clientButtonPressed_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "clientButtonPressed" }, + { 16, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)clientButtonShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "clientButtonShadow" }, + { 6, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_close_6x6_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "closeButtonIcon" }, + { 4, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_dot_4x4_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "onAllDesktopsButtonIcon" }, + { 10, 12, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_edges_dark_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_edges_dark" }, + { 10, 12, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_edges_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_edges" }, + { 5, 8, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_help_5x8_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "helpButtonIcon" }, + { 6, 2, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_line_6x2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "minButtonIcon" }, + { 8, 8, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_max_8x8_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "maxButtonIcon" }, + { 2, 10, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_right_lines2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_rightLines" }, + { 2, 10, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_right_lines_dark_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_rightLines_dark" }, + { 10, 2, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_topLines2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_topLines" }, + { 10, 2, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_top_lines_dark_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "client_topLines_dark" }, + { 6, 8, 32, (const unsigned char*)client_upArrow_6x8_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "aboveButtonIcon" }, + { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } +}; + +static const QImage& qembed_findImage( const QString& name ) +{ + static QDict dict; + QImage* img = dict.find( name ); + if ( !img ) { + for ( int i = 0; embed_image_vec[i].data; i++ ) { + if ( strcmp(embed_image_vec[i].name, name.latin1()) == 0 ) { + img = new QImage((uchar*)embed_image_vec[i].data, + embed_image_vec[i].width, + embed_image_vec[i].height, + embed_image_vec[i].depth, + (QRgb*)embed_image_vec[i].colorTable, + embed_image_vec[i].numColors, + QImage::BigEndian ); + if ( embed_image_vec[i].alpha ) + img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); + dict.insert( name, img ); + break; + } + } + if ( !img ) { + static QImage dummy; + return dummy; + } + } + return *img; +} + +#endif diff --git a/client/config/ b/client/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d33a23e --- /dev/null +++ b/client/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +INCLUDES = $(all_includes) + +kde_module_LTLIBRARIES = + +kwin_domino_config_la_SOURCES = config.cpp +kwin_domino_config_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_PLUGIN) -module +kwin_domino_config_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KDEUI) $(LIB_QT) $(LIB_KDECORE) + +METASOURCES = AUTO +noinst_HEADERS = config.h diff --git a/client/config/config.cpp b/client/config/config.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7648f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/config/config.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + based on KDE2 Default configuration widget: + Copyright (c) 2001 + Karol Szwed + + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + */ + +#include "config.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +extern "C" +{ + KDE_EXPORT QObject* allocate_config( KConfig* config, QWidget* parent ) + { + return(new DominoConfig(config, parent)); + } +} + +// NOTE: +// 'config' is a pointer to the kwindecoration modules open kwin config, +// and is by default set to the "Style" group. +// 'parent' is the parent of the QObject, which is a VBox inside the +// Configure tab in kwindecoration + +DominoConfig::DominoConfig( KConfig* config, QWidget* parent ) + : QObject( parent ) +{ + conf = new KConfig("kwindominorc"); + + KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("kwin_clients"); + + vBox = new QVBox( parent ); + + customBorderColor = new QCheckBox( i18n("Custom border color"), vBox ); + QHBox *hbox1 = new QHBox(vBox); + hbox1->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + borderColor = new KColorButton(hbox1); + + customButtonColor = new QCheckBox( i18n("Custom button color"), vBox ); + QHBox *hbox2 = new QHBox(vBox); + hbox2->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonColor = new KColorButton(hbox2); + + customButtonIconColor = new QCheckBox( i18n("Custom button icon color"), vBox ); + QHBox *hbox3 = new QHBox(vBox); + hbox3->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonIconColor = new KColorButton(hbox3); + + customGradientColors = new QCheckBox( i18n("Custom gradient colors"), vBox); + QHBox *hbox4 = new QHBox(vBox); + hbox4->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(22, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + QVBox *vbox1 = new QVBox(hbox4); + new QLabel( i18n("Top gradient color"), vbox1); + topGradientColor = new KColorButton(vbox1); + new QLabel(i18n("Bottom gradient color"), vbox1); + bottomGradientColor = new KColorButton(vbox1); + + showInactiveButtons = new QCheckBox( i18n("Show inactive buttons"), vBox ); + showButtonIcons = new QCheckBox( i18n("Show button icons"), vBox ); + darkFrame = new QCheckBox( i18n("Dark window frame"), vBox ); + + + /////////////////////////////////////// + + + QGroupBox* colorGb = new QGroupBox(vBox); + colorGb->setTitle(i18n("Button contour colors:")); + colorGb->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + colorGb->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + colorGb->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + + QGridLayout* gbLayout = new QGridLayout( colorGb->layout(), 4, 2 ); + gbLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + QLabel* labelSC = new QLabel(i18n("Standard color:"), colorGb); + buttonContourColor = new KColorButton(colorGb); + buttonContourColor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); + QLabel* labelMC = new QLabel(i18n("Mouseover color:"), colorGb); + buttonMouseOverContourColor = new KColorButton(colorGb); + QLabel* labelPC = new QLabel(i18n("Pressed color:"), colorGb); + buttonPressedContourColor = new KColorButton(colorGb); + + useDominoStyleContourColors = new QCheckBox( i18n("Use domino style contour colors"), colorGb ); + gbLayout->addMultiCellWidget(useDominoStyleContourColors, 0, 0, 0, 1); + + gbLayout->addWidget(labelSC, 1, 0); + gbLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + gbLayout->addWidget(buttonContourColor, 1, 1); + + gbLayout->addWidget(labelMC, 2, 0); + gbLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + gbLayout->addWidget(buttonMouseOverContourColor, 2, 1); + + gbLayout->addWidget(labelPC, 3, 0); + gbLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + gbLayout->addWidget(buttonPressedContourColor, 3, 1); + + + + + + + + + + /////////////////////////////////////// + + // Load configuration options + load(config); + + // Ensure we track user changes properly + connect(customGradientColors, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), topGradientColor, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + connect(customGradientColors, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), bottomGradientColor, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + + connect(customBorderColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), borderColor, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + connect(customButtonColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), buttonColor, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + connect(customButtonIconColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), buttonIconColor, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + + connect(customGradientColors, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(topGradientColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(bottomGradientColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + + + connect(customBorderColor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(borderColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + + connect(customButtonColor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(buttonColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(customButtonIconColor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(buttonIconColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + + connect(showInactiveButtons, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(showButtonIcons, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(darkFrame, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + + connect(useDominoStyleContourColors, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadButtonContourColors())); + connect(useDominoStyleContourColors, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(buttonContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(buttonMouseOverContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + connect(buttonPressedContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); + + + // Make the widgets visible in kwindecoration valueChanged + vBox->show(); +} + + +DominoConfig::~DominoConfig() +{ + delete vBox; + delete conf; +} + + +void DominoConfig::slotSelectionChanged() +{ + emit changed(); +} + + +// Loads the configurable options from the kwinrc config file +// It is passed the open config from kwindecoration to improve efficiency +void DominoConfig::load(KConfig*) +{ + conf->setGroup("General"); + + customBorderColor->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry("customBorderColor", true)); + borderColor->setEnabled(customBorderColor->isChecked()); + borderColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("borderColor", "#777B7F")); + customButtonColor->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry( "customButtonColor", false)); + buttonColor->setEnabled(customButtonColor->isChecked()); + buttonColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("buttonColor", "#212121")); + customButtonIconColor->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry( "customButtonIconColor", false)); + buttonIconColor->setEnabled(customButtonIconColor->isChecked()); + buttonIconColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("buttonIconColor", "#000000")); + + customGradientColors->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry( "customGradientColors", false)); + topGradientColor->setEnabled(customGradientColors->isChecked()); + bottomGradientColor->setEnabled(customGradientColors->isChecked()); + topGradientColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("topGradientColor", "#ffffff")); + bottomGradientColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("bottomGradientColor", "#000000")); + + showInactiveButtons->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry("showInactiveButtons", false)); + showButtonIcons->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry("showButtonIcons", false)); + darkFrame->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry("darkFrame", false)); + + useDominoStyleContourColors->setChecked(conf->readBoolEntry("useDominoStyleContourColors", true)); + + loadButtonContourColors(); + +} + + +// Saves the configurable options to the kwinrc config file +void DominoConfig::save(KConfig*) +{ + conf->setGroup("General"); + + conf->writeEntry("customBorderColor", customBorderColor->isChecked()); + conf->writeEntry("borderColor", borderColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("customButtonColor", customButtonColor->isChecked()); + conf->writeEntry("buttonColor", buttonColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("customButtonIconColor", customButtonIconColor->isChecked()); + conf->writeEntry("buttonIconColor", buttonIconColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("showInactiveButtons", showInactiveButtons->isChecked()); + conf->writeEntry("showButtonIcons", showButtonIcons->isChecked()); + + conf->writeEntry("customGradientColors", customGradientColors->isChecked()); + conf->writeEntry("topGradientColor", topGradientColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("bottomGradientColor", bottomGradientColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("darkFrame", darkFrame->isChecked()); + + conf->writeEntry("useDominoStyleContourColors", useDominoStyleContourColors->isChecked()); + conf->writeEntry("buttonContourColor", buttonContourColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("buttonMouseOverContourColor", buttonMouseOverContourColor->color().name()); + conf->writeEntry("buttonPressedContourColor", buttonPressedContourColor->color().name()); + + conf->sync(); +} + + +// Sets UI widget defaults which must correspond to style defaults +void DominoConfig::defaults() +{ + + QColor background = vBox->paletteBackgroundColor(); + + customBorderColor->setChecked(true); + borderColor->setColor("#777B7F"); + customButtonColor->setChecked(false); + buttonColor->setColor("#212121"); + customButtonIconColor->setChecked(false); + buttonIconColor->setColor("#000000"); + showInactiveButtons->setChecked(false); + showButtonIcons->setChecked(false); + customGradientColors->setChecked(false); + topGradientColor->setColor("#ffffff"); + bottomGradientColor->setColor("#000000"); + darkFrame->setChecked(false); + + useDominoStyleContourColors->setChecked(true); + buttonContourColor->setColor(background.dark(250).name()); + buttonMouseOverContourColor->setColor(background.dark(250).name()); + buttonPressedContourColor->setColor(background.dark(250).name()); + +} + +void DominoConfig::loadButtonContourColors() { + + QColor background = vBox->paletteBackgroundColor(); + if(useDominoStyleContourColors->isChecked()) { + QSettings s; + buttonContourColor->setColor(s.readEntry("/domino/Settings/buttonContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonMouseOverContourColor->setColor(s.readEntry("/domino/Settings/buttonMouseOverContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonPressedContourColor->setColor(s.readEntry("/domino/Settings/buttonPressedContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + } + else { + buttonContourColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("buttonContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonMouseOverContourColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("buttonMouseOverContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonPressedContourColor->setColor(conf->readEntry("buttonPressedContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + } + +} + +#include "config.moc" + diff --git a/client/config/config.h b/client/config/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ccdc1a --- /dev/null +++ b/client/config/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + based on KDE2 Default configuration widget: + Copyright (c) 2001 + Karol Szwed + + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + */ + +#ifndef DOMINOCONFIG_H +#define DOMINOCONFIG_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +class DominoConfig: public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + + public: + DominoConfig( KConfig* config, QWidget* parent ); + ~DominoConfig(); + + // These public signals/slots work similar to KCM modules + signals: + void changed(); + + public slots: + void load(KConfig* config); + void save(KConfig* config); + void defaults(); + + protected slots: + void slotSelectionChanged(); // Internal use + void loadButtonContourColors(); + private: + KConfig* conf; + QVBox* vBox; + QCheckBox* customBorderColor; + KColorButton* borderColor; + QCheckBox* customButtonColor; + KColorButton* buttonColor; + QCheckBox* customButtonIconColor; + KColorButton* buttonIconColor; + + QCheckBox* showInactiveButtons; + QCheckBox* showButtonIcons; + QCheckBox* customGradientColors; + KColorButton* topGradientColor; + KColorButton* bottomGradientColor; + QCheckBox* darkFrame; + + QCheckBox* useDominoStyleContourColors; + KColorButton* buttonContourColor; + KColorButton* buttonMouseOverContourColor; + KColorButton* buttonPressedContourColor; + +}; + +#endif diff --git a/client/domino.desktop b/client/domino.desktop new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdaca29 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/domino.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Encoding=UTF-8 +Icon= +Name=Domino +X-KDE-Library=kwin3_domino diff --git a/client/dominoclient.cpp b/client/dominoclient.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fee0cd --- /dev/null +++ b/client/dominoclient.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + based on KDE2 Default KWin client: + Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 Daniel Duley + Matthias Ettrich + Karol Szwed + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ + +#include "dominoclient.h" +#include "clientData.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +namespace Domino +{ + +static DominoHandler* clientHandler; +static bool Domino_initialized = false; +const int titleEdgeTop = 3; +const int titleEdgeBottom = 1; +static int titleHeight; + +static QPixmap* buttonPix; +static QPixmap* buttonHidePix; +static QPixmap* titleBarPix; +static QPixmap* borderTopLeftPix; +static QPixmap* borderTopRightPix; +static QPixmap* borderBottomPix; +static QPixmap* borderBottomLeftPix; +static QPixmap* borderBottomRightPix; +static QPixmap* borderLeftPix; +static QPixmap* borderRightPix; + + +static QPixmap* closeButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* minButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* maxButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* helpButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* onAllDesktopsButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* shadeButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* aboveButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* belowButtonIcon; + +static QPixmap* pressedCloseButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedMinButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedMaxButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedHelpButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedShadeButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedAboveButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* pressedBelowButtonIcon; + +static QPixmap* mouseOverCloseButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverMinButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverMaxButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverHelpButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverShadeButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverAboveButtonIcon; +static QPixmap* mouseOverBelowButtonIcon; + +static bool buttonInputShape; +static QBitmap* buttonShapeBitmap; + +static QColor background; +static QColor topGradientColor; +static QColor bottomGradientColor; +static QColor topBorderGradientColor; +static QColor bottomBorderGradientColor; +static bool showButtonIcons; +static bool showInactiveButtons; + +const int titleGradientHeight = 10; +const int bottomBorderHeight = 8; +const int borderWidth = 5; + +// =========================================================================== + +DominoHandler::DominoHandler() +{ + int ignore, maj, min; + + if(XShapeQueryExtension(qt_xdisplay(), &ignore, &ignore) && + XShapeQueryVersion(qt_xdisplay(), &maj, &min) && + maj >= 1 && min >= 1) { + + buttonInputShape = true; + } + else + buttonInputShape = false; + + clientHandler = this; + readConfig( false ); + createPixmaps(); + Domino_initialized = true; +} + + +DominoHandler::~DominoHandler() +{ + Domino_initialized = false; + freePixmaps(); + clientHandler = NULL; +} + +KDecoration* DominoHandler::createDecoration( KDecorationBridge* b ) +{ + return new DominoClient( b, this ); +} + +bool DominoHandler::reset( unsigned long changed ) +{ + Domino_initialized = false; + changed |= readConfig( true ); + if( changed & SettingColors ) + { // pixmaps need to be recreated + freePixmaps(); + createPixmaps(); + } + Domino_initialized = true; + // SettingButtons is handled by KCommonDecoration + bool need_recreate = ( changed & ( SettingDecoration | SettingFont | SettingBorder )) != 0; + if( need_recreate ) // something else than colors changed + return true; + resetDecorations( changed ); + return false; +} + + +unsigned long DominoHandler::readConfig( bool update ) +{ + unsigned long changed = 0; + KConfig conf("kwindominorc"); + conf.setGroup("General"); + + titleHeight = QMAX(QFontMetrics(options()->font(true)).height(), 16); + background = qApp->palette().active().background(); + + customBorderColor = conf.readBoolEntry("customBorderColor", true); + borderColor = customBorderColor ? conf.readEntry("borderColor", "#777B7F") : background; + + customButtonColor = conf.readBoolEntry("customButtonColor", false); + buttonColor = customButtonColor ? conf.readEntry("buttonColor", "#212121") : background; + customButtonIconColor = conf.readBoolEntry("customButtonIconColor", false); + buttonIconColor = customButtonIconColor ? conf.readEntry("buttonIconColor", "#000000") : "#000000"; + showInactiveButtons = conf.readBoolEntry("showInactiveButtons", false); + showButtonIcons = conf.readBoolEntry("showButtonIcons", false); + darkLines = conf.readBoolEntry("darkFrame", false); + + if(!conf.readBoolEntry( "customGradientColors", false)) { + topGradientColor = alphaBlendColors(background, Qt::white, 180); + bottomGradientColor = alphaBlendColors(background, Qt::black, 230); + topBorderGradientColor = alphaBlendColors(borderColor, Qt::white, 180); + bottomBorderGradientColor = alphaBlendColors(borderColor, Qt::black, 230); + } + else { + topGradientColor = conf.readEntry("topGradientColor", "#ffffff"); + bottomGradientColor = conf.readEntry("bottomGradientColor", "#000000"); + topBorderGradientColor = topGradientColor; + bottomBorderGradientColor = bottomGradientColor; + } + + if( update ) { + changed |= SettingColors; // just recreate the pixmaps and repaint + } + + if(conf.readBoolEntry("useDominoStyleContourColors", true)) { + QSettings s; + buttonContourColor = s.readEntry("/domino/Settings/buttonContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonMouseOverContourColor = s.readEntry("/domino/Settings/buttonMouseOverContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonPressedContourColor = s.readEntry("/domino/Settings/buttonPressedContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + } + else { + buttonContourColor = conf.readEntry("buttonContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonMouseOverContourColor = conf.readEntry("buttonMouseOverContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonPressedContourColor= conf.readEntry("buttonPressedContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + } + + return changed; +} + + +// This paints the button pixmaps upon loading the style. +void DominoHandler::createPixmaps() +{ + + QImage edges; + QImage topLines; + QImage rightLines; + QImage bottomLines; + + if(darkLines) { + edges = qembed_findImage("client_edges_dark"); + topLines = qembed_findImage("client_topLines_dark"); + rightLines = qembed_findImage("client_rightLines_dark"); + bottomLines = qembed_findImage("client_bottomLines_dark"); + } + else { + edges = qembed_findImage("client_edges"); + topLines = qembed_findImage("client_topLines"); + rightLines = qembed_findImage("client_rightLines"); + bottomLines = qembed_findImage("client_bottomLines"); + } + + + + + int titleBarHeight = titleHeight+titleEdgeTop+titleEdgeBottom; + QWMatrix m; + m.rotate(180); + + titleBarPix = new QPixmap(QSize(10, titleBarHeight)); + titleBarPix->fill(background); + QRect r(titleBarPix->rect()); + QPainter p(titleBarPix); + QRect rect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), titleGradientHeight); + renderGradient(&p, rect, topGradientColor, background, "titleBar"); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, topLines); + p.end(); + + + + ///////// borders + // sides + QPixmap sideLinesRight = rightLines; + + borderRightPix = new QPixmap(5, 10); + borderRightPix->fill(borderColor); + p.begin(borderRightPix); + p.drawPixmap(3, 0, sideLinesRight); + p.end(); + + borderLeftPix = new QPixmap(borderRightPix->xForm(m)); + // edges + borderTopLeftPix = new QPixmap(QSize(5, titleBarHeight)); + borderTopLeftPix->fill(borderColor); + p.begin(borderTopLeftPix); + r = QRect(0, 0, 5, titleGradientHeight); + // if the gradient color is equal to the background color, we make the border also flat. + renderGradient(&p, r, topGradientColor == background ? borderColor : topBorderGradientColor, borderColor, "borderTopLeftPix"); + borderTopRightPix = new QPixmap(*borderTopLeftPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, 1, edges, 0, 0, 5, 6); + p.drawTiledPixmap(0, 7, 2, titleBarHeight, sideLinesRight.xForm(m)); + p.end(); + p.begin(borderTopRightPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, 1, edges, 5, 0, 5, 6); + p.drawTiledPixmap(3, 7, 2, titleBarHeight, sideLinesRight); + p.end(); + + + borderBottomRightPix = new QPixmap(QSize(5, bottomBorderHeight)); + borderBottomRightPix->fill(borderColor); + p.begin(borderBottomRightPix); + r = QRect(0, bottomBorderHeight-6, 5, 6); + renderGradient(&p, r, borderColor, bottomGradientColor == background ? borderColor : bottomBorderGradientColor, "borderBottomRightPix"); + borderBottomLeftPix = new QPixmap(*borderBottomRightPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, bottomBorderHeight-7, edges, 5, 6, 5, 6); + p.drawPixmap(3, 0, sideLinesRight, 0, 0, 2, borderBottomLeftPix->height()-7); + p.end(); + + + p.begin(borderBottomLeftPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, bottomBorderHeight-7, edges, 0, 6, 5 ,6); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, sideLinesRight.xForm(m), 0, 0, 2, borderBottomLeftPix->height()-7); + p.end(); + + borderBottomPix = new QPixmap(QSize(10, bottomBorderHeight)); + borderBottomPix->fill(background); + p.begin(borderBottomPix); + r = QRect(0, bottomBorderHeight-6, 10, 6); + renderGradient(&p, r, background, bottomGradientColor, "borderBottom"); + p.drawPixmap(0, bottomBorderHeight-2, bottomLines); + p.end(); + + + + ///////// buttons + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + if(buttonInputShape) { + QRegion buttonClip(6,2,6,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(5,3,8,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(4,4,10,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(3,5,12,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(2,6,14,6); + buttonClip += QRegion(3,12,12,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(4,13,10,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(5,14,8,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(6,15,6,1); + + buttonShapeBitmap = new QBitmap(16, titleBarHeight, true); + QPainter p(buttonShapeBitmap); + p.setClipRegion(buttonClip); + p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, 16, titleBarHeight), Qt::color1); + } + + QPixmap* buttonShadow = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("clientButtonShadow")); + QPixmap* buttonPressed = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("clientButtonPressed")); + + buttonPix = new QPixmap(QSize(16, titleBarHeight)); + p.begin(buttonPix); + p.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, titleBarHeight, titleBarHeight, *titleBarPix, 0, titleEdgeTop); + + //////////// custom color + r = QRect(buttonPix->rect()); + QRegion buttonClip(5,2,6,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(4,3,8,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(3,4,10,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(2,5,12,6); + buttonClip += QRegion(3,11,10,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(4,12,8,1); + buttonClip += QRegion(5,13,6,1); + + p.setClipRegion(buttonClip); + p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, r.width(), r.height()), buttonColor); + QRect gr(0, -3, r.width(), titleGradientHeight); + renderGradient(&p, gr, topGradientColor, buttonColor, "titleBar"); + p.setClipping(false); + /////////// + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *buttonShadow); + p.end(); + + + QPixmap* pressedButtonPix = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + p.begin(pressedButtonPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, tintImage(qembed_findImage("clientButtonContour"), buttonPressedContourColor)); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *buttonPressed); + p.end(); + + + QPixmap* mouseOverButtonPix = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + p.begin(mouseOverButtonPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, tintImage(qembed_findImage("clientButtonContour"), buttonMouseOverContourColor)); + p.end(); + + + p.begin(buttonPix); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, tintImage(qembed_findImage("clientButtonContour"), buttonContourColor)); + p.end(); + + + buttonHidePix = new QPixmap(QSize(buttonPix->width(), titleBarHeight)); + p.begin(buttonHidePix); + p.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, buttonHidePix->width(), buttonHidePix->height(), *titleBarPix, 0, titleEdgeTop); + p.end(); + + + + + ///////// icons + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + QPixmap* icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("closeButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("closeButtonIcon")); + closeButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(closeButtonIcon, 5, 5, icon); + pressedCloseButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedCloseButtonIcon, 5, 5, icon); + mouseOverCloseButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverCloseButtonIcon, 5, 5, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("maxButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("maxButtonIcon")); + maxButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(maxButtonIcon, 4, 4, icon); + pressedMaxButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedMaxButtonIcon, 4, 4, icon); + mouseOverMaxButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverMaxButtonIcon, 4, 4, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("minButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("minButtonIcon")); + minButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(minButtonIcon, 5, 9, icon); + pressedMinButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedMinButtonIcon, 5, 9, icon); + mouseOverMinButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverMinButtonIcon, 5, 9, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("helpButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("helpButtonIcon")); + helpButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(helpButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + pressedHelpButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedHelpButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + mouseOverHelpButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverHelpButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("onAllDesktopsButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("onAllDesktopsButtonIcon")); + onAllDesktopsButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(onAllDesktopsButtonIcon, 6, 6, icon); + pressedOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon, 6, 6, icon); + mouseOverOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon, 6, 6, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("aboveButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("aboveButtonIcon")); + aboveButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(aboveButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + pressedAboveButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedAboveButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + mouseOverAboveButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverAboveButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("aboveButtonIcon").xForm(m), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("aboveButtonIcon").xForm(m)); + belowButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(belowButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + pressedBelowButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedBelowButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + mouseOverBelowButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverBelowButtonIcon, 5, 4, icon); + delete icon; + + icon = new QPixmap(customButtonIconColor ? tintImage(qembed_findImage("minButtonIcon"), buttonIconColor) : qembed_findImage("minButtonIcon")); + shadeButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*buttonPix); + bitBlt(shadeButtonIcon, 5, 5, icon); + pressedShadeButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*pressedButtonPix); + bitBlt(pressedShadeButtonIcon, 5, 5, icon); + mouseOverShadeButtonIcon = new QPixmap(*mouseOverButtonPix); + bitBlt(mouseOverShadeButtonIcon, 5, 5, icon); + delete icon; + + delete mouseOverButtonPix; + delete pressedButtonPix; +} + +void DominoHandler::freePixmaps() +{ + + delete buttonPix; + delete buttonHidePix; + buttonPix = 0; + delete titleBarPix; + delete borderTopRightPix; + delete borderTopLeftPix; + delete borderBottomRightPix; + delete borderBottomLeftPix; + delete borderLeftPix; + delete borderRightPix; + delete borderBottomPix; + + delete closeButtonIcon; + delete maxButtonIcon; + delete minButtonIcon; + delete helpButtonIcon; + delete onAllDesktopsButtonIcon; + delete aboveButtonIcon; + delete belowButtonIcon; + delete shadeButtonIcon; + + delete pressedCloseButtonIcon; + delete pressedMaxButtonIcon; + delete pressedMinButtonIcon; + delete pressedHelpButtonIcon; + delete pressedOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon; + delete pressedAboveButtonIcon; + delete pressedBelowButtonIcon; + delete pressedShadeButtonIcon; + + delete mouseOverCloseButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverMinButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverMaxButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverHelpButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverShadeButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverAboveButtonIcon; + delete mouseOverBelowButtonIcon; + + + + if(buttonInputShape) + delete buttonShapeBitmap; + +} + +bool DominoHandler::supports( Ability ability ) +{ + switch( ability ) + { + case AbilityAnnounceButtons: + case AbilityButtonMenu: + case AbilityButtonOnAllDesktops: + case AbilityButtonSpacer: + case AbilityButtonHelp: + case AbilityButtonMinimize: + case AbilityButtonMaximize: + case AbilityButtonClose: + case AbilityButtonAboveOthers: + case AbilityButtonBelowOthers: + case AbilityButtonShade: + return true; + default: + return false; + }; +} + +// =========================================================================== + +DominoButton::DominoButton(ButtonType type, DominoClient *parent, const char *name) + : KCommonDecorationButton(type, parent, name) +{ + isMouseOver = false; + client = parent; +#ifdef ShapeInput + if(buttonInputShape && buttonShapeBitmap ) { + XShapeCombineMask (qt_xdisplay(), + winId(), + ShapeInput, + 0, + 0, + buttonShapeBitmap->handle(), + ShapeSet); + } +#endif +} + + +DominoButton::~DominoButton() +{ +} + + +void DominoButton::reset(unsigned long changed) +{ + if (changed&SizeChange || changed&ManualReset) { + setBackgroundOrigin(QWidget::WidgetOrigin); + setErasePixmap(showInactiveButtons ? *buttonPix : *buttonHidePix); + } + + + if (changed&DecorationReset || changed&ManualReset || changed&SizeChange || changed&StateChange) { + this->update(); + } + + +} + + +void DominoButton::drawButton(QPainter *p) +{ + if (!Domino_initialized) + return; + + bool down = isDown() || isOn(); + if(down || (( isMouseOver || showButtonIcons) && (showInactiveButtons || decoration()->isActive() || client->titleBarMouseOver)) ) { + switch (type()) { + case CloseButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedCloseButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverCloseButtonIcon : *closeButtonIcon); + break; + case HelpButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedHelpButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverHelpButtonIcon : *helpButtonIcon); + break; + case MinButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedMinButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverMinButtonIcon : *minButtonIcon); + break; + case MaxButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedMaxButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverMaxButtonIcon : *maxButtonIcon); + break; + case OnAllDesktopsButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverOnAllDesktopsButtonIcon : *onAllDesktopsButtonIcon); + break; + case ShadeButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedShadeButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverShadeButtonIcon : *shadeButtonIcon); + break; + case AboveButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedAboveButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverAboveButtonIcon : *aboveButtonIcon); + break; + case BelowButton: + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, down ? *pressedBelowButtonIcon : isMouseOver ? *mouseOverBelowButtonIcon : *belowButtonIcon); + break; + case MenuButton: + default: + break; + } + } + else { + if((client->titleBarMouseOver && type() != MenuButton) || (decoration()->isActive() && !showInactiveButtons && type() != MenuButton)) { + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, *buttonPix); + } + } +} + + + +void DominoButton::enterEvent(QEvent */*e*/) +{ + + if(!client->isActive() && !showInactiveButtons) + client->titleBarMouseOver = true; + + isMouseOver=true; + repaint(false); +} + + +void DominoButton::leaveEvent(QEvent */*e*/) +{ + isMouseOver=false; + repaint(false); + client->titleBarMouseOver = false; +} + + +// =========================================================================== + +DominoClient::DominoClient( KDecorationBridge* b, KDecorationFactory* f ) + : KCommonDecoration( b, f ) +{ +} + +DominoClient::~DominoClient() +{ + + delete titleBar; + delete borderTopLeft; + delete borderTopRight; + delete borderBottomLeft; + delete borderBottomRight; + delete borderLeft; + delete borderRight; + delete borderBottom; +} + +QString DominoClient::visibleName() const +{ + return "Domino"; +} + +QString DominoClient::defaultButtonsLeft() const +{ + return "MF"; +} + +QString DominoClient::defaultButtonsRight() const +{ + return "HIAX"; +} + +bool DominoClient::decorationBehaviour(DecorationBehaviour behaviour) const +{ + switch (behaviour) { + case DB_MenuClose: + return true; + case DB_WindowMask: + return true; + case DB_ButtonHide: + return true; + default: + return KCommonDecoration::decorationBehaviour(behaviour); + } +} + +int DominoClient::layoutMetric(LayoutMetric lm, bool respectWindowState, const KCommonDecorationButton *btn) const +{ + bool maximized = maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull && !options()->moveResizeMaximizedWindows(); + + switch (lm) { + case LM_BorderLeft: + case LM_BorderRight: + if(respectWindowState && maximized) + return 0; + return borderWidth; + + case LM_BorderBottom: { + if(respectWindowState && maximized) + return 0; + return bottomBorderHeight; // = 8 + } + + case LM_TitleEdgeLeft: + case LM_TitleEdgeRight: + return borderWidth + 3; + + case LM_TitleEdgeTop: + return titleEdgeTop; // = 3 + + case LM_TitleEdgeBottom: + return titleEdgeBottom; // = 1 + + case LM_TitleBorderLeft: + case LM_TitleBorderRight: + return 1; + + case LM_TitleHeight: { + return titleHeight; + } + + case LM_ButtonWidth: + return 16; // pixmap width + + case LM_ButtonHeight: + return titleHeight; + + case LM_ButtonSpacing: + return 3; + + case LM_ExplicitButtonSpacer: + return 2; + + default: + return KCommonDecoration::layoutMetric(lm, respectWindowState, btn); + } +} + +KCommonDecorationButton *DominoClient::createButton(ButtonType type) +{ + switch (type) { + case MenuButton: { + DominoButton* menu = new DominoButton(MenuButton, this, "menu"); + menuButton = menu; + connect(menu, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(menuButtonDestroyed())); + return menu; + break; + } + case OnAllDesktopsButton: { + return new DominoButton(OnAllDesktopsButton, this, "on_all_desktops"); + } + case HelpButton: { + return new DominoButton(HelpButton, this, "help"); + } + case MinButton: { + return new DominoButton(MinButton, this, "minimize"); + } + case MaxButton: { + return new DominoButton(MaxButton, this, "maximize"); + } + case CloseButton: { + return new DominoButton(CloseButton, this, "close"); + } + case AboveButton: { + return new DominoButton(AboveButton, this, "above"); + } + case BelowButton: { + return new DominoButton(BelowButton, this, "below"); + } + case ShadeButton: { + return new DominoButton(ShadeButton, this, "shade"); + } + default: + return 0; + } +} + + +void DominoClient::init() +{ + + menuButton = 0; + globalMouseTracking = false; + titleBarMouseOver = false; + QWidget* w = new QWidget(KDecoration::initialParentWidget(), "clientMainWidget", WNoAutoErase|WStaticContents); + setMainWidget(w); + + widget()->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); + widget()->installEventFilter(this); + createLayout(); + + KCommonDecoration::reset(SettingButtons); + iconChange(); + connect(this, SIGNAL(keepAboveChanged(bool) ), SLOT(keepAboveChange(bool) ) ); + connect(this, SIGNAL(keepBelowChanged(bool) ), SLOT(keepBelowChange(bool) ) ); +} + +void DominoClient::createLayout() +{ + + int titleBarHeight = titleHeight+titleEdgeTop+titleEdgeBottom; + + mainlayout = new QGridLayout(widget(), 3, 3, 0); + titleBar = new TitleBar(widget(), "titlebar"); + titleBar->client = this; + titleBar->setMouseTracking(true); + + borderTopLeft = new QWidget(widget(), "borderTopLeft", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderTopLeft->setMouseTracking(true); + borderTopRight = new QWidget(widget(), "borderTopRight", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderTopRight->setMouseTracking(true); + borderBottomLeft = new QWidget(widget(), "borderBottomLeft", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderBottomLeft->setMouseTracking(true); + borderBottomRight = new QWidget(widget(), "borderBottomRight", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderBottomRight->setMouseTracking(true); + borderLeft = new QWidget(widget(), "borderLeft", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderLeft->setMouseTracking(true); + borderRight = new QWidget(widget(), "borderRight", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderRight->setMouseTracking(true); + borderBottom = new QWidget(widget(), "borderBottom", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + borderBottom->setMouseTracking(true); + + + titleBar->setFixedHeight(titleBarHeight); + titleBar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); + borderTopLeft->setFixedSize(borderWidth, titleBarHeight); + borderTopRight->setFixedSize(borderWidth, titleBarHeight); + + borderLeft->setFixedWidth(borderWidth); + borderLeft->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); + borderRight->setFixedWidth(borderWidth); + borderRight->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); + + borderBottomLeft->setFixedSize(borderWidth, bottomBorderHeight); + borderBottomRight->setFixedSize(borderWidth, bottomBorderHeight); + borderBottom->setFixedHeight(bottomBorderHeight); + borderBottom->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); + + mainlayout->addWidget(titleBar, 0,1); + mainlayout->addWidget(borderTopLeft, 0,0); + mainlayout->addWidget(borderTopRight, 0,2); + + mainlayout->addWidget(borderLeft, 1,0); + mainlayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); + mainlayout->addWidget(borderRight, 1,2); + + mainlayout->addWidget(borderBottomLeft, 2,0); + mainlayout->addWidget(borderBottom, 2,1); + mainlayout->addWidget(borderBottomRight, 2,2); + + setPixmaps(); + +} + +void DominoClient::setPixmaps() +{ + borderTopLeft->setErasePixmap(*borderTopLeftPix); + borderTopRight->setErasePixmap(*borderTopRightPix); + borderBottomLeft->setErasePixmap(*borderBottomLeftPix); + borderBottomRight->setErasePixmap(*borderBottomRightPix); + borderLeft->setErasePixmap(*borderLeftPix); + borderRight->setErasePixmap(*borderRightPix); + borderBottom->setErasePixmap(*borderBottomPix); + + borderTopLeft->erase(); + borderTopRight->erase(); + borderBottomLeft->erase(); + borderBottomRight->erase(); + borderLeft->erase(); + borderRight->erase(); + borderBottom->erase(); +} + +void DominoClient::reset( unsigned long changed) +{ + + widget()->repaint(); + KCommonDecoration::reset(changed); + KCommonDecoration::resetButtons(); + updateCaption(); + setPixmaps(); + iconChange(); +} + + +void DominoClient::updateMask() +{ + if(maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull && !options()->moveResizeMaximizedWindows()) { + clearMask(); + return; + } + QRect r(widget()->rect()); + + QRegion mask(r.x()+5, r.y(), r.width()-10, r.height()); + mask += QRect(r.x()+3, r.y()+1, r.width()-6, r.height()-2); + mask += QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-4, r.height()-4); + mask += QRect(r.x()+1, r.y()+3, r.width()-2, r.height()-6); + mask += QRect(r.x(), r.y()+5, r.width(), r.height()-10); + setMask(mask); + +} + +void DominoClient::updateCaption() +{ + QRect r(titleBar->rect()); + + QPixmap* titleBar_pix = new QPixmap(r.size()); + QPainter painter(titleBar_pix); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, r.width(), r.height(), *titleBarPix); + + int lw = buttonsLeftWidth()+3; + int rw = buttonsRightWidth(); + + painter.setFont(options()->font(true,false)); + QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); + int captionWidth = fm.width(caption()); + int titleWidth = titleBar->width()-(lw+rw); + + + QRect re(titleWidth > captionWidth ? (titleWidth-captionWidth)/2+lw : lw, 0, titleWidth, r.height()); + painter.setClipRect(re); + painter.setPen(options()->color(KDecorationDefines::ColorFont, isActive())); + painter.drawText(QRect(lw, r.y(), r.width()-(rw+lw), r.height()), titleWidth > captionWidth ? Qt::AlignCenter : Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, caption()); + painter.end(); + + titleBar->setErasePixmap(*titleBar_pix); + titleBar->erase(); + delete titleBar_pix; +} + +void DominoClient::activeChange() +{ + updateButtons(); + updateCaption(); +} + +void DominoClient::iconChange() +{ + if(menuButton) { + QPixmap pix(*buttonHidePix); + QPixmap icon = KDecoration::icon().pixmap(QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal); + if(!icon.isNull()) + bitBlt(&pix, 0, 0, &icon, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + menuButton->setErasePixmap(pix); + } + +} + +void DominoClient::menuButtonDestroyed() +{ + menuButton = 0; +} + +void DominoClient::slotShade() +{ + setShade( !isSetShade() ); +} + + +void DominoClient::borders( int& left, int& right, int& top, int& bottom ) const +{ + + left = layoutMetric(LM_BorderLeft); + right = layoutMetric(LM_BorderRight); + bottom = layoutMetric(LM_BorderBottom); + top = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight) + + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) + + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeBottom); + + widget()->layout()->activate(); + +} + +void DominoClient::shadeChange() +{ + if(isSetShade()) { + mainlayout->remove(borderLeft); + mainlayout->remove(borderRight); + borderLeft->resize(borderLeft->width(), 0); + borderRight->resize(borderLeft->width(), 0); + } + else { + mainlayout->addWidget(borderLeft,1,0); + mainlayout->addWidget(borderRight,1,2); + } + + widget()->layout()->activate(); + +} + +void DominoClient::resize( const QSize& s ) +{ + widget()->resize( s ); + if(maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull && !options()->moveResizeMaximizedWindows()) { + borderLeft->hide(); + borderRight->hide(); + borderTopLeft->hide(); + borderTopRight->hide(); + borderBottomLeft->hide(); + borderBottomRight->hide(); + } + else if(borderLeft->isHidden()) { + borderLeft->show(); + borderRight->show(); + borderTopLeft->show(); + borderTopRight->show(); + borderBottomLeft->show(); + borderBottomRight->show(); + } +} + + +void DominoClient::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ev ) +{ + + if (!Domino_initialized || ev->size() == ev->oldSize()) + return; + KCommonDecoration::resizeEvent(ev); // which calls calcHiddenButtons() + + updateMask(); + updateCaption(); +} +void DominoClient::updateWindowShape() +{ +} + +void DominoClient::showEvent(QShowEvent *) +{ +} + +void DominoClient::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) +{ +} + +bool DominoClient::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* e) +{ + switch(e->type()) { + case QEvent::Resize: + resizeEvent(static_cast(e)); + return true; + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + return false; + case QEvent::Paint: + paintEvent(static_cast(e)); + return true; + case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: + mouseDoubleClickEvent(static_cast(e)); + return true; + case QEvent::Wheel: + if(titleBar->hasMouse() || isSetShade()) + wheelEvent(static_cast(e)); + return true; + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: + processMousePressEvent(static_cast(e)); + return true; + case QEvent::Show: + return true; + case QEvent::Enter: + updateButtons(); + return true; + case QEvent::Leave: + if(globalMouseTracking && !showInactiveButtons) { + globalMouseTracking = false; + qApp->setGlobalMouseTracking( false ); + qApp->removeEventFilter(titleBar); + titleBarMouseOver = false; + } + updateButtons(); + return true; + default: + return false; + } + return false; +} + + +void TitleBar::enterEvent(QEvent*) +{ + if(!client->isActive() && !showInactiveButtons) { + if(!client->globalMouseTracking) { + client->globalMouseTracking = true; + qApp->setGlobalMouseTracking( true ); + qApp->installEventFilter(this); + client->titleBarMouseOver = true; + client->updateButtons(); + } + } +} + + +bool TitleBar::eventFilter(QObject*o, QEvent* e) { + + if(e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove && !showInactiveButtons && !client->isActive()) { + QPoint pos = ((QMouseEvent*)e)->pos(); + if((dynamic_cast(o) && geometry().contains(pos)) || dynamic_cast(o)) { + client->titleBarMouseOver = true; + } + else { + client->titleBarMouseOver = false; + client->updateButtons(); + } + } + return false; +} + + + +///////////// + +void renderGradient(QPainter *painter, QRect &rect, + QColor &c1, QColor &c2, const char* /*name*/) +{ + if((rect.width() <= 0)||(rect.height() <= 0)) + return; + + QPixmap *result; + + result = new QPixmap(10, rect.height()); + QPainter p(result); + + int r_h = result->rect().height(); + int r_x, r_y, r_x2, r_y2; + result->rect().coords(&r_x, &r_y, &r_x2, &r_y2); + + int rDiff, gDiff, bDiff; + int rc, gc, bc; + + register int y; + + rDiff = ( - (rc =; + gDiff = ( - (gc =; + bDiff = ( - (bc =; + + register int rl = rc << 16; + register int gl = gc << 16; + register int bl = bc << 16; + + int rdelta = ((1<<16) / r_h) * rDiff; + int gdelta = ((1<<16) / r_h ) * gDiff; + int bdelta = ((1<<16) / r_h ) * bDiff; + + + for ( y = 0; y < r_h; y++ ) { + rl += rdelta; + gl += gdelta; + bl += bdelta; + p.setPen(QColor(rl>>16, gl>>16, bl>>16)); + p.drawLine(r_x, r_y+y, r_x2, r_y+y); + } + p.end(); + + // draw the result... + painter->drawTiledPixmap(rect, *result); + +} + + +QColor alphaBlendColors(const QColor &bgColor, const QColor &fgColor, const int a) +{ + + QRgb rgb = bgColor.rgb(); + QRgb rgb_b = fgColor.rgb(); + int alpha = a; + if(alpha>255) alpha = 255; + if(alpha<0) alpha = 0; + int inv_alpha = 255 - alpha; + + QColor result = QColor( qRgb(qRed(rgb_b)*inv_alpha/255 + qRed(rgb)*alpha/255, + qGreen(rgb_b)*inv_alpha/255 + qGreen(rgb)*alpha/255, + qBlue(rgb_b)*inv_alpha/255 + qBlue(rgb)*alpha/255) ); + + return result; +} + +QImage tintImage(const QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor) { + + QImage *result = new QImage(img.width(), img.height(), 32, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); + unsigned int *data = (unsigned int*) img.bits(); + unsigned int *resultData = (unsigned int*) result->bits(); + result->setAlphaBuffer( true ); + int alpha; + int total = img.width()*img.height(); + for ( int current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current ) { + alpha = qAlpha( data[ current ] ); + resultData[ current ] = qRgba(,,, alpha ); + } + return *result; +} + + + +} // namespace + +// Extended KWin plugin interface +extern "C" KDE_EXPORT KDecorationFactory* create_factory() +{ + return new Domino::DominoHandler(); +} + +#include "dominoclient.moc" + diff --git a/client/dominoclient.h b/client/dominoclient.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c92495 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/dominoclient.h @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + based on KDE2 Default KWin client: + Copyright (C) 1999, 2001 Daniel Duley + Matthias Ettrich + Karol Szwed + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ + +#ifndef _DOMINOCLIENT_H +#define _DOMINOCLIENT_H + +#include +#include +#include + +namespace Domino { + +class DominoClient; +class TitleBar; + +class DominoHandler: public QObject, public KDecorationFactory +{ + public: + DominoHandler(); + ~DominoHandler(); + KDecoration* createDecoration( KDecorationBridge* b ); + bool reset( unsigned long changed ); + virtual bool supports( Ability ability ); + + QColor buttonContourColor; + QColor buttonMouseOverContourColor; + QColor buttonPressedContourColor; + + bool customButtonColor; + QColor buttonColor; + bool customButtonIconColor; + QColor buttonIconColor; + bool customBorderColor; + QColor borderColor; + bool darkLines; + + private: + unsigned long readConfig( bool update ); + void createPixmaps(); + void freePixmaps(); + +}; + + +class DominoButton : public KCommonDecorationButton +{ + public: + DominoButton(ButtonType type, DominoClient *parent, const char *name); + ~DominoButton(); + + void reset(unsigned long changed); + + protected: + void enterEvent(QEvent *); + void leaveEvent(QEvent *); + void drawButton(QPainter *p); + void drawButtonLabel(QPainter*) {;} + + bool isMouseOver; + DominoClient* client; +}; + + +class DominoClient : public KCommonDecoration +{ + Q_OBJECT + public: + DominoClient( KDecorationBridge* b, KDecorationFactory* f ); + ~DominoClient(); + + virtual QString visibleName() const; + virtual QString defaultButtonsLeft() const; + virtual QString defaultButtonsRight() const; + virtual bool decorationBehaviour(DecorationBehaviour behaviour) const; + virtual int layoutMetric(LayoutMetric lm, bool respectWindowState = true, const KCommonDecorationButton * = 0) const; + virtual KCommonDecorationButton *createButton(ButtonType type); + void borders( int& left, int& right, int& top, int& bottom ) const; + + void init(); + void reset( unsigned long changed ); + void resize( const QSize& s ); + void updateMask(); + + void updateWindowShape(); + void updateCaption(); + void shadeChange(); + void activeChange(); + void iconChange(); + + TitleBar* titleBar; + QWidget* borderTopLeft; + QWidget* borderTopRight; + QWidget* borderBottomLeft; + QWidget* borderBottomRight; + QWidget* borderLeft; + QWidget* borderRight; + QWidget* borderBottom; + QGridLayout* mainlayout; + QButton* menuButton; + + void setPixmaps(); + bool titleBarMouseOver; + bool globalMouseTracking; + + public slots: + void slotShade(); + void menuButtonDestroyed(); + + protected: + bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*); + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*); + void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*); + void showEvent(QShowEvent*); + + private: + + void createLayout(); +}; + +class TitleBar : public QWidget +{ + public: + TitleBar(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0) : QWidget(parent, name) {} + void enterEvent(QEvent * e); + bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*); + DominoClient* client; +}; + + + +void renderGradient(QPainter *painter, QRect &rect, + QColor &c1, QColor &c2, const char* name = 0); +QColor alphaBlendColors(const QColor &backgroundColor, const QColor &foregroundColor, const int alpha); +QImage tintImage(const QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor); +} + +#endif diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3c83b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#MIN_CONFIG diff --git a/domino/Domino.kcsrc b/domino/Domino.kcsrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c689177 --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/Domino.kcsrc @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +[Color Scheme] +Name=Domino +activeBackground=149,155,162 +activeBlend=149,155,162 +activeForeground=40,40,40 +activeTitleBtnBg=154,161,168 +alternateBackground=230,230,230 +background=149,155,162 +buttonBackground=149,155,162 +buttonForeground=0,0,0 +contrast=0 +foreground=0,0,0 +frame=149,155,162 +handle=149,155,162 +inactiveBackground=149,155,162 +inactiveBlend=149,155,162 +inactiveForeground=40,40,40 +inactiveFrame=149,155,162 +inactiveHandle=149,155,162 +inactiveTitleBtnBg=123,128,134 +linkColor=10,95,137 +selectBackground=162,168,223 +selectForeground=0,0,0 +shadeSortColumn=false +visitedLinkColor=137,10,137 +windowBackground=237,237,237 +windowForeground=0,0,0 diff --git a/domino/ b/domino/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02f1095 --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign + +KDE_CXXFLAGS = -DQT_PLUGIN -I/usr/include/freetype2 + +INCLUDES = $(all_includes) + +stylercdir = $(kde_datadir)/kstyle/themes +stylerc_DATA = domino.themerc +schemedir = $(kde_datadir)/kdisplay/color-schemes +scheme_DATA = Domino.kcsrc + +noinst_HEADERS = domino.h misc.h data.h + +kde_style_LTLIBRARIES = +domino_la_SOURCES = domino.cpp misc.cpp +domino_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_PLUGIN) -module $(KDE_RPATH) +domino_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KDEUI) $(LIB_KUTILS) $(LIB_QT) -lkdefx -lXrender -lXft $(LIB_KDECORE) +domino_la_METASOURCES = AUTO + +DISTCLEANFILES = $(domino_la_METASOURCES) diff --git a/domino/data.h b/domino/data.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ac0f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/data.h @@ -0,0 +1,1306 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ + + +#ifndef _QEMBED_1804289383 +#define _QEMBED_1804289383 +#include +#include +static const QRgb arrow_down_small_data[] = { + 0x2d000000,0x96000000,0x96000000,0x96000000,0x2e000000,0x1000000,0x79000000,0x99000000,0x7a000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x29000000,0x99000000,0x2b000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4f000000,0x0,0x0 +}; + +/* Generated by qembed */ +static const QRgb btn17H_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xc6000000,0xc6000000,0xc6000000,0xc6000000,0x23000000,0x23000000,0x23000000,0x23000000,0x23000000,0x23000000, + 0x23000000,0x23000000,0xc6000000,0xc6000000,0xc6000000,0xc6000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb btn17HRaisedShadow_data[] = { + 0x1e000000,0x1e000000,0x1e000000,0x1e000000,0x15000000,0x15000000,0x15000000,0x15000000,0x1effffff,0x1effffff,0x1effffff,0x1effffff,0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff, + 0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x2000000,0x2000000,0x2000000,0x2000000,0x2d000000,0x2d000000,0x2d000000,0x2d000000,0x11000000,0x11000000,0x11000000,0x11000000 +}; + +static const QRgb btn17HRaisedShadowPressed_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff, + 0x18ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb btn17HSunkenShadow_data[] = { + 0x1c000000,0x1c000000,0x1c000000,0x1c000000,0x15000000,0x15000000,0x15000000,0x15000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x4effffff,0x4effffff,0x4effffff,0x4effffff,0x1effffff,0x1effffff,0x1effffff,0x1effffff +}; + +static const QRgb btn17_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x2000000,0x2b000000,0x79000000,0xb3000000,0xb3000000,0x79000000,0x29000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2000000,0x46000000,0xb9000000, + 0x76000000,0x33000000,0x33000000,0x77000000,0xb9000000,0x46000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x0,0x20000000,0xb5000000,0x49000000,0x4000000,0x1000000, + 0x1000000,0x4000000,0x49000000,0xb4000000,0x22000000,0x0,0x0,0x6d000000,0x84000000,0x5000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x5000000,0x82000000,0x6f000000,0x0,0x0,0xab000000,0x39000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x39000000, + 0xac000000,0x0,0x0,0xac000000,0x39000000,0x1000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1000000,0x39000000,0xac000000,0x0, + 0x0,0x6f000000,0x84000000,0x5000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x5000000,0x84000000,0x6f000000,0x0,0x0,0x22000000, + 0xb4000000,0x49000000,0x7000000,0x2000000,0x1000000,0x4000000,0x49000000,0xb6000000,0x22000000,0x0,0x0,0x2000000,0x46000000,0xb9000000, + 0x77000000,0x33000000,0x33000000,0x77000000,0xba000000,0x46000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2000000,0x29000000,0x79000000,0xb4000000, + 0xb6000000,0x79000000,0x29000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb btn17RaisedShadow3_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x2000000,0x5000000,0xb000000,0xb000000,0x5000000,0x2000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x3000000,0xd000000,0x15000000,0x10000000,0x10000000,0x15000000,0xd000000,0x3000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3000000,0xe000000,0xf000000, + 0x26f8f8f8,0x1dffffff,0x1effffff,0x26f8f8f8,0xf000000,0xe000000,0x3000000,0x0,0x0,0x8000000,0xe000000,0x1dffffff,0x17ffffff,0x8ffffff, + 0x8ffffff,0x17ffffff,0x1dffffff,0xe000000,0x9000000,0x0,0x3000000,0xe000000,0x1ef6f6f6,0x12ffffff,0x1ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x1ffffff, + 0x12ffffff,0x1ef6f6f6,0xe000000,0x3000000,0x7000000,0xb000000,0x17ffffff,0x7ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x6ffffff,0x18ffffff, + 0xb000000,0x7000000,0x9000000,0x8000000,0x18ffffff,0x7ffffff,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x6ffffff,0x18ffffff,0x8000000,0x9000000, + 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0x0,0x0,0x0,0xf575757,0x5d575757,0xa5575757,0xd9575757,0xd9575757,0xa5575757,0x5d575757,0xf575757,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +static const QRgb toolBtnFrameThin_data[] = { + 0x0,0x12000000,0x4e000000,0x9d000000,0x9d000000,0x4e000000,0x12000000,0x0,0xd000000,0x81000000,0x6d000000,0x19000000,0x19000000,0x6d000000, + 0x81000000,0xd000000,0x4a000000,0x66000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x66000000,0x4a000000,0x9c000000,0x19000000,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x19000000,0x9c000000,0x9c000000,0x19000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x19000000,0x9c000000,0x4a000000,0x66000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x66000000,0x4a000000,0xd000000,0x81000000,0x6d000000,0x19000000,0x19000000,0x6d000000,0x81000000,0xd000000, + 0x0,0x12000000,0x4e000000,0x9d000000,0x9d000000,0x4e000000,0x12000000,0x0 +}; + + +static struct EmbedImage { + int width, height, depth; + const unsigned char *data; + int numColors; + const QRgb *colorTable; + bool alpha; + const char *name; + } embed_image_vec[] = { + { 5, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)arrow_down_small_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "arrow_down" }, + { 4, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17H_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnH" }, + { 4, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17HRaisedShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnHRSh" }, + { 4, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17HRaisedShadowPressed_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnHRSPr" }, + { 4, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17HSunkenShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnHSSh" }, + { 12, 13, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btn" }, + { 12, 13, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17RaisedShadow3_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btn17RaisedShadow3" }, + { 12, 13, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17RaisedShadowPressed_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnRSPr" }, + { 12, 13, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17SunkenShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnSSh" }, + { 6, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17V_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnV" }, + { 6, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17VRaisedShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnVRSh" }, + { 6, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17VRaisedShadowPressed_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnVRSPr" }, + { 6, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)btn17VSunkenShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnVSSh" }, + { 4, 5, 32, (const unsigned char*)btnPressedShadowHLines_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnPressedShadowHLines" }, + { 10, 9, 32, (const unsigned char*)btnPressedShadowRectangular_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnPressedShadowRectangular" }, + { 10, 9, 32, (const unsigned char*)btnPressedShadowRound_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnPressedShadowRound" }, + { 6, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)btnPressedShadowVLines_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "btnPressedShadowVLines" }, + { 18, 19, 32, (const unsigned char*)checkbox2inside_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "checkbox2inside" }, + { 18, 19, 32, (const unsigned char*)checkbox2pressed_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "checkbox2pressed" }, + { 18, 19, 32, (const unsigned char*)checkbox2rect_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "checkbox2rect" }, + { 18, 19, 32, (const unsigned char*)checkbox2shadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "checkbox2shadow" }, + { 13, 13, 32, (const unsigned char*)checkListExclusiveIndicator_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "checkListExclusiveIndicator" }, + { 16, 17, 32, (const unsigned char*)checkmark_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "checkmark" }, + { 12, 24, 32, (const unsigned char*)dockBack_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "DockbackButton" }, + { 12, 24, 32, (const unsigned char*)dockClose_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "DockCloseButton" }, + { 12, 24, 32, (const unsigned char*)dockStay_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "OverlapButton" }, + { 12, 24, 32, (const unsigned char*)dockToDesktop2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "ToDesktopButton" }, + { 6, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)focusRectEdges_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "focusRectEdges" }, + { 16, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)groupBoxMask_small_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "groupBoxMask" }, + { 16, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)groupBox_small_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "groupBox" }, + { 8, 8, 32, (const unsigned char*)lineedit4edges_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "lineedit4edges" }, + { 8, 8, 32, (const unsigned char*)lineedit4inside_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "lineedit4inside" }, + { 6, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)lineEditBtnEdges_d_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "lineEditBtnEdges-d" }, + { 6, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)lineEditBtnEdges_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "lineEditBtnEdges" }, + { 6, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)lineEditBtnShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "lineEditBtnShadow" }, + { 7, 9, 32, (const unsigned char*)lveTriangular_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "lveTriangular" }, + { 6, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)menuItem_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "menuItem" }, + { 10, 10, 32, (const unsigned char*)popup5_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "popup5" }, + { 4, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)progressShadow2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "progressShadow2" }, + { 20, 20, 32, (const unsigned char*)progressTile_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "progressTile" }, + { 17, 17, 32, (const unsigned char*)radio3circle_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "radio3circle" }, + { 17, 17, 32, (const unsigned char*)radio3inside_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "radio3inside" }, + { 17, 17, 32, (const unsigned char*)radio3pressed_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "radio3pressed" }, + { 17, 17, 32, (const unsigned char*)radio3shadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "radio3shadow" }, + { 5, 5, 32, (const unsigned char*)rb_dot2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "rb-dot" }, + { 5, 5, 32, (const unsigned char*)rb_dot2_shadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "rb-dot-shadow" }, + { 18, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2BtnHContour2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBtnHContour" }, + { 18, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2BtnHMask_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBtnHMask" }, + { 18, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2BtnHShadow2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBtnHShadow" }, + { 15, 18, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2BtnVContour2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBtnVContour" }, + { 15, 18, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2BtnVMask_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBtnVMask" }, + { 15, 18, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2BtnVShadow2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBtnVShadow" }, + { 16, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderHContour_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderHContour" }, + { 16, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderHDockedContour_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderHDockedContour" }, + { 16, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderHDockedShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderHDockedShadow" }, + { 16, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderHMask_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderHMask" }, + { 16, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderHShadow2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderHShadow" }, + { 15, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderVContour_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderVContour" }, + { 15, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderVDockedContour_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderVDockedContour" }, + { 15, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderVDockedShadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderVDockedShadow" }, + { 15, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderVMask_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderVMask" }, + { 15, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)scroll2SliderVShadow2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollSliderVShadow" }, + { 24, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)scrollBarArrows_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "scrollBarArrows" }, + { 4, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)sizeGrip_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "sizeGrip" }, + { 4, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)sliderGrooveHBody_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "slGHBody" }, + { 6, 7, 32, (const unsigned char*)sliderGroove_h_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "slGh" }, + { 7, 6, 32, (const unsigned char*)sliderGroove_v_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "slGv" }, + { 15, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)sliderHandle2inside2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "sliderHandle2inside" }, + { 15, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)sliderHandle2circle_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "sliderHandle2circle" }, + { 15, 15, 32, (const unsigned char*)sliderHandle2shadow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "sliderHandle2shadow" }, + { 7, 10, 32, (const unsigned char*)spinBoxArrows_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "spinBoxArrows" }, + { 4, 3, 32, (const unsigned char*)tabHLines_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "tabHLines" }, + { 4, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)tabInsideWhiteLines_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "tabInsideWhiteLines" }, + { 14, 14, 32, (const unsigned char*)tabInsideWhite_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "tabInsideWhite" }, + { 1, 4, 32, (const unsigned char*)tabVlines_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "tabVLines" }, + { 16, 16, 32, (const unsigned char*)tabWidget_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "tabWidget" }, + { 14, 14, 32, (const unsigned char*)tooltipframe2_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "border1" }, + { 8, 8, 32, (const unsigned char*)toolBtnFrameThin_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "toolBtnFrameThin" }, + { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } +}; + +static const QImage& qembed_findImage( const QString& name ) +{ + static QDict dict; + QImage* img = dict.find( name ); + if ( !img ) { + for ( int i = 0; embed_image_vec[i].data; i++ ) { + if ( strcmp(embed_image_vec[i].name, name.latin1()) == 0 ) { + img = new QImage((uchar*)embed_image_vec[i].data, + embed_image_vec[i].width, + embed_image_vec[i].height, + embed_image_vec[i].depth, + (QRgb*)embed_image_vec[i].colorTable, + embed_image_vec[i].numColors, + QImage::BigEndian ); + if ( embed_image_vec[i].alpha ) + img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); + dict.insert( name, img ); + break; + } + } + if ( !img ) { + static QImage dummy; + return dummy; + } + } + return *img; +} + +#endif diff --git a/domino/domino.cpp b/domino/domino.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..837d0af --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/domino.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,8139 @@ +/* Domino widget style for KDE 3 + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + based on the KDE style "Plastik": + Copyright (C) 2003 Sandro Giessl + + based on the KDE style "dotNET": + Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Chris Lee + Carsten Pfeiffer + Karol Szwed + Drawing routines completely reimplemented from KDE3 HighColor, which was + originally based on some stuff from the KDE2 HighColor. + + based on drawing routines of the style "Keramik": + Copyright (c) 2002 Malte Starostik + (c) 2002,2003 Maksim Orlovich + based on the KDE3 HighColor Style + Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed + (C) 2001-2002 Fredrik Höglund + Drawing routines adapted from the KDE2 HCStyle, + Copyright (C) 2000 Daniel M. Duley + (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller + (C) 2001 Martijn Klingens + Progressbar code based on KStyle, + Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + */ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// #include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include FT_FREETYPE_H + +#include "domino.h" + +#include +// #include +#include + + + +// popupmenu item constants... +static const int itemHMargin = 6; +static const int itemFrame = 7; +static const int arrowHMargin = 6; + +ButtonContour::ButtonContour() +{ + + state = Contour_Default; + alpha_mode = false; + + for(int t = 0; t < num_types; t++) + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) + created[t][s] = 0; + + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) + shadowCreated[s] = 0; + + ContourType ty; + ty = Contour_Sunken; + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) { + c1[ty][s] = qRgba(31, 31, 31, 32); // top first shadow line + c4[ty][s] = qRgba(255, 255, 255, 78); // bottom first shadow line + c5[ty][s] = qRgba(255, 255, 255, 30); // bottom second shadow line + c6[ty][s] = qRgba(217, 217, 217, 34); // first left shadow line + } + ty = Contour_Raised; + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) { + c1[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 14); // top first shadow line + c4[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 26); // bottom first shadow line + c5[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 10); // bottom second shadow line + c6[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 12); // first left shadow line + } + ty = Contour_Simple; + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) { + c1[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // top first shadow line + c4[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // bottom first shadow line + c5[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // bottom second shadow line + c6[ty][s] = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // first left shadow line + } + drawButtonSunkenShadow = true; +} + + +ButtonContour::~ButtonContour() +{ + + for(int t = 0; t < num_types; t++) { + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) { + if(created[t][s]) { + delete btnEdges[t][s]; + delete btnVLines[t][s]; + delete btnHLines[t][s]; + } + } + } + for(int s = 0; s < num_states; s++) { + if(shadowCreated[s]) + delete buttonShadowRectangular[s]; + } +} + +RubberWidget::RubberWidget(Window window ) + : QWidget() +{ + setWState(WState_Disabled|WState_Polished); + QWidget::create( window, true, true); +} + +RubberWidget::~RubberWidget() +{ +} + + + +Rubber::Rubber(uint col) +{ + + rubber = 0; + parent = 0; + window = 0; + mask = QRegion(); + Display *dpy = qt_xdisplay(); + int screen = qt_xscreen(); + visual = 0; + colormap = 0; + int event_base, error_base; + + if ( XRenderQueryExtension( dpy, &event_base, &error_base ) ) + { + int nvi; + XVisualInfo templ; + templ.screen = screen; + templ.depth = 32; + templ.c_class = TrueColor; + XVisualInfo *xvi = XGetVisualInfo( dpy, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask + | VisualClassMask, &templ, &nvi ); + + for ( int i = 0; i < nvi; i++ ) { + XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindVisualFormat( dpy, xvi[i].visual ); + if ( format->type == PictTypeDirect && format->direct.alphaMask ) { + visual = xvi[i].visual; + colormap = XCreateColormap( dpy, RootWindow( dpy, screen ), visual, AllocNone ); + break; + } + } + } + + wsa.border_pixel = 0; + wsa.colormap = colormap; + wsa.background_pixel = 0x00000000; + wsa.override_redirect = true; + + color = col; +} + +void Rubber::create(QRect& r, QRegion& m) { + if(parent) + return; + + mask = m; + + wsa.background_pixel = 0x00000000; + Window parentwin = XCreateWindow(qt_xdisplay(), qApp->desktop()->winId(), r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), 0, 32, InputOutput, visual, CWBackPixel|CWColormap|CWBorderPixel|CWOverrideRedirect, &wsa); + parent = new RubberWidget(parentwin); + + wsa.background_pixel = color; + window = XCreateWindow(qt_xdisplay(), parentwin, 0, 0, r.width(), r.height(), 0, 32, InputOutput, visual, CWBackPixel|CWColormap|CWBorderPixel|CWOverrideRedirect, &wsa); + rubber = new RubberWidget(window); + +#ifdef ShapeInput + QBitmap bm(r.width(), r.height(), true); + XShapeCombineMask(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->winId(), ShapeInput, 0, 0, bm.handle(), ShapeSet); +#endif + XShapeCombineRegion( qt_xdisplay(), rubber->winId(), ShapeBounding, 0, 0, mask.handle(), ShapeSet ); + + rubber->show(); + parent->show(); + + XFlush(qt_xdisplay()); +} + +Rubber::~Rubber() +{ +} + +void Rubber::updateMask(QRegion& m) { + if(mask != m) + XShapeCombineRegion( qt_xdisplay(), rubber->winId(), ShapeBounding, 0, 0, m.handle(), ShapeSet ); +} + + +// -- Style Plugin Interface ------------------------- +class DominoStylePlugin : public QStylePlugin +{ + public: + DominoStylePlugin() {} + ~DominoStylePlugin() {} + + QStringList keys() const { + return QStringList() << "Domino"; + } + + QStyle* create( const QString& key ) { + if (key.lower() == "domino") + return new DominoStyle; + return 0; + } +}; + +KDE_Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN( DominoStylePlugin ) +// -- end -- + + DominoStyle::DominoStyle() : KStyle( KStyle::Default /*AllowMenuTransparency*/, ThreeButtonScrollBar ) +{ + konsoleMode = false; + kickerMode = false; + konquerorMode = false; + flatMode = false; + viewPortPressed = false; + oldRubberRect = QRect(); + rubber = 0; + ignoreNextFocusRect = false; +#if KDE_VERSION < 0x30506 + compositeManagerRunning = true; +#endif + configMode = "0"; // temporaly to avoid cache problems between the configs previewStyle and this style + spinWidgetDown = false; + + popupTimer = new QTimer(this); + + QColor background = qApp->palette().active().background(); + QColor buttonColor = qApp->palette().active().button(); + QColor highlight = qApp->palette().active().highlight(); + QSettings settings; +// _contrast = settings.readNumEntry("/Qt/KDE/contrast", 0); + + settings.beginGroup("/domino/Settings"); + + //konqTabBarContrast = 150; + konqTabBarContrast = settings.readNumEntry("/konqTabBarContrast", 15)+100; + + _animateProgressBar = settings.readBoolEntry("/animateProgressBar", true); + _centerTabs = settings.readBoolEntry("/centerTabs", false); + _drawTriangularExpander = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawTriangularExpander", true); + _customCheckMarkColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customCheckMarkColor", false); + _checkMarkColor.setNamedColor( settings.readEntry("/checkMarkColor", "black") ); + groupBoxSettings.tintBackground = settings.readBoolEntry("/tintGroupBoxBackground", true); + groupBoxSettings.customColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customGroupBoxBackgroundColor", false); + groupBoxSettings.brightness = settings.readNumEntry("/groupBoxBrightness", 10); + groupBoxSettings.color = settings.readEntry("/groupBoxBackgroundColor", darkenColor(background, 10).name()); + bool customToolTipColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customToolTipColor", false); + _toolTipColor = customToolTipColor? settings.readEntry("/toolTipColor", QColor(218,218,179).name()) : QColor(218,218,179); + //_toolTipColor = QColor(255,255,220); // yellow + _smoothScrolling = settings.readBoolEntry("/smoothScrolling", true); + _buttonHeightAdjustment = settings.readNumEntry("/buttonHeightAdjustment", 0); + _customPopupMenuColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customPopupMenuColor", false); + _popupMenuColor = _customPopupMenuColor ? settings.readEntry("/popupMenuColor", :; + _customSelMenuItemColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customSelMenuItemColor", false); + _selMenuItemColor = _customSelMenuItemColor ? settings.readEntry("/selMenuItemColor", :; + _drawPopupMenuGradient = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawPopupMenuGradient", true); + _indentPopupMenuItems = settings.readBoolEntry("/indentPopupMenuItems", true); + _toolBtnAsBtn = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawToolButtonAsButton", true); + _highlightToolBtnIcon = settings.readBoolEntry("/highlightToolBtnIcon", false); + + rubberBandType = (RubberType) settings.readNumEntry("/rubberBandType", DistRubber); + if(rubberBandType == ArgbRubber) { + int dummy; + if(XQueryExtension(qt_xdisplay(), "Composite", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) { + QColor c = settings.readEntry("/rubberBandColor",; + int a = settings.readNumEntry("/rubberBandOpacity", 30)*255/100; + _argbRubberBandColor = qRgba(,,, a); + + rubber = new Rubber(preMultiplyColor(_argbRubberBandColor)); + } + else + rubberBandType = DistRubber; + } + + + focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus = settings.readBoolEntry("/indicateFocus", true); + if(focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus) { + focusIndicatorSettings.color = settings.readEntry("/indicatorColor",; + focusIndicatorSettings.opacity = settings.readNumEntry("/indicatorColorOpacity", 60)*255/100; + focusIndicatorSettings.buttonColor = settings.readEntry("/indicatorButtonColor",; + focusIndicatorSettings.buttonOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/indicatorColorButtonOpacity", 60)*255/100; + } + focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawFocusUnderline", true); + + buttonContour = new ButtonContour(); + buttonContour->setDefaultType((ContourType)settings.readNumEntry("/buttonContourType", Contour_Raised), false); // we need to know the ContourType to adjust the contour colors + buttonContour->setColor(Contour_Default, settings.readEntry("/buttonContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonContour->setColor(Contour_DefaultButton, settings.readEntry("/buttonDefaultContourColor",; + buttonContour->setColor(Contour_MouseOver, settings.readEntry("/buttonMouseOverContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonContour->setColor(Contour_Pressed, settings.readEntry("/buttonPressedContourColor", background.dark(250).name())); + buttonContour->drawButtonSunkenShadow = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawButtonSunkenShadow", true); + buttonContour->setDefaultType(buttonContour->defaultType); // create this time the tinted pixmaps + + if(buttonContour->defaultType == Contour_Raised) + buttonContour->drawButtonSunkenShadow = false; + + _customSliderHandleContourColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customSliderHandleContourColor", false); + + bool drawTextEffect = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawTextEffect", true); + if(drawTextEffect) { + + textEffectSettings.mode = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectMode", 0) ? TextEffect_Everywhere : TextEffect_OnlyButton; + textEffectSettings.color = settings.readEntry("/textEffectColor",; + textEffectSettings.opacity = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectOpacity", 60)*255/100; + textEffectSettings.buttonColor = settings.readEntry("/textEffectButtonColor",; + textEffectSettings.buttonOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectButtonOpacity", 60)*255/100; + int textEffectPos = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectPos", 5); + switch(textEffectPos) { + case 0: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(-1,-1); + break; + case 1: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(0,-1); + break; + case 2: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(1,-1); + break; + case 3: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(1,0); + break; + case 4: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(1,1); + break; + case 5: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(0,1); + break; + case 6: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(-1,1); + break; + case 7: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(-1,0); + break; + default: + textEffectSettings.pos = QPoint(0,1); + } + + int textEffectButtonPos = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectButtonPos", 5); + switch(textEffectButtonPos) { + case 0: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(-1,-1); + break; + case 1: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(0,-1); + break; + case 2: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(1,-1); + break; + case 3: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(1,0); + break; + case 4: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(1,1); + break; + case 5: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(0,1); + break; + case 6: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(-1,1); + break; + case 7: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(-1,0); + break; + default: + textEffectSettings.buttonPos = QPoint(0,1); + } + } + else + textEffectSettings.mode = TextEffect_None; + + btnSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_numGradients", 2); + btnSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g1Color1",; + btnSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g1Color2", buttonColor.dark(120).name()); + btnSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g2Color1", buttonColor.dark(120).name()); + btnSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g2Color2", buttonColor.dark(110).name()); + btnSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_background",; + btnSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g1Top", 0); + btnSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + btnSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g2Top", 50); + btnSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + activeTabTopSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_numGradients", 2); + activeTabTopSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Color1", background.light(110).name()); + activeTabTopSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Color2",; + activeTabTopSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Color1",; + activeTabTopSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Color2",; + activeTabTopSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_background",; + activeTabTopSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Top", 0); + activeTabTopSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + activeTabTopSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Top", 50); + activeTabTopSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + tabTopSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_numGradients", 2); + tabTopSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Color1", background.light(110).name()); + tabTopSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + tabTopSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(110).name()); + tabTopSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + tabTopSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_background", background.dark(110).name()); + tabTopSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Top", 0); + tabTopSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + tabTopSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Top", 50); + tabTopSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + activeTabBottomSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_numGradients", 2); + activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Color1",; + activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Color2",; + activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Color1",; + activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + activeTabBottomSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_background",; + activeTabBottomSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Top", 0); + activeTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + activeTabBottomSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Top", 50); + activeTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + tabBottomSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_numGradients", 2); + tabBottomSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Color1", background.dark(110).name()); + tabBottomSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + tabBottomSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(110).name()); + tabBottomSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + tabBottomSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_background", background.dark(110).name()); + tabBottomSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Top", 0); + tabBottomSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + tabBottomSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Top", 50); + tabBottomSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + scrollBarSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_numGradients", 2); + scrollBarSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Color1",; + scrollBarSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Color2", buttonColor.dark(120).name()); + scrollBarSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Color1", buttonColor.dark(120).name()); + scrollBarSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Color2", buttonColor.dark(110).name()); + scrollBarSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_background",; + scrollBarSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Top", 0); + scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + scrollBarSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Top", 50); + scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + scrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_numGradients", 0); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Color1",; + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(120).name()); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_background", background.dark(150).name()); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Top", 0); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Top", 50); + scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + headerSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_numGradients", 2); + headerSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g1Color1",; + headerSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + headerSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(120).name()); + headerSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + headerSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_background",; + headerSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g1Top", 0); + headerSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + headerSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g2Top", 50); + headerSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + // checkBoxes + radioButtons + checkItemSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_numGradients", 2); + checkItemSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Color1",; + checkItemSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Color2", buttonColor.dark(120).name()); + checkItemSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Color1", buttonColor.dark(120).name()); + checkItemSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Color2", buttonColor.dark(110).name()); + checkItemSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_background",; + checkItemSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Top", 0); + checkItemSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + checkItemSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Top", 50); + checkItemSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + settings.endGroup(); + + if(!strcmp(qApp->argv()[0], "konqueror")) { + KGlobal::config()->setGroup("General"); + minTabLength = KGlobal::config()->readNumEntry("MinimumTabLength", 3); + } + else + minTabLength = 0; + + if(!strcmp(qApp->className(), "KApplication")) { + QString oldgroup = KGlobal::config()->group(); + KGlobal::config()->setGroup("KDE"); + macStyleBar = KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry("macStyle", false); + KGlobal::config()->setGroup(oldgroup); // reset the group, do not interfere with the application + KApplicationMode = true; + } + else { + macStyleBar = false; + KApplicationMode = false; + } + + + hoverWidget = 0; + horizontalLine = 0; + verticalLine = 0; + sideRepaint = 0; + hoveredToolBoxTab = 0; + + checkMark = createCheckMark(_customCheckMarkColor? _checkMarkColor : qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + radioIndicator = createRadioIndicator(_customCheckMarkColor? _checkMarkColor : qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + + popupFrame = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("popup5"), _popupMenuColor.dark(150) )); + + // setup pixmap cache... + pixmapCache = new QIntCache(150000, 499); + pixmapCache->setAutoDelete(true); + + if ( _animateProgressBar ) + { + animationTimer = new QTimer( this ); + connect( animationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateProgressPos()) ); + } + + scrollDistance = 0; + scrollWidget = 0; + scrollTimer = new QTimer(this); + connect( scrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateScrollPos()) ); + + QColor tabContour2 = qApp->palette().active().background().dark(150); + border1= new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("border1"), tabContour2)); +} + +void DominoStyle::updateProgressPos() +{ + + QProgressBar* pb; + //Update the registered progressbars. + QMap::iterator iter; + bool visible = false; + for (iter = progAnimWidgets.begin(); iter != progAnimWidgets.end(); iter++) + { + if ( !dynamic_cast(iter.key()) ) + continue; + + pb = dynamic_cast(iter.key()); + if ( iter.key() -> isEnabled() && + pb->progress() != pb->totalSteps() && pb->progress()) + { + // update animation Offset of the current Widget + = ( + 1) % 20; + iter.key()->update(); + } + if (iter.key()->isVisible()) + visible = true; + } + if (!visible) + animationTimer->stop(); +} + +void DominoStyle::updateScrollPos() +{ + if(dynamic_cast(scrollWidget) && scrollDistance != 0) { + int scroll; + if(scrollDistance < 0) { + if(scrollDistance < -200) + scroll = +45; + else if(scrollDistance < -100) + scroll = +30; + else + scroll = +15; + + scrollDistance += scroll; + scrollDistance = QMIN(scrollDistance, 0); + } + else { + if(scrollDistance > 200) + scroll = -45; + else if(scrollDistance > 100) + scroll = -30; + else + scroll = -15; + + scrollDistance += scroll; + scrollDistance = QMAX(scrollDistance, 0); + } + + if(scrollVertical) + scrollWidget->scrollBy(0, scroll); + else + scrollWidget->scrollBy(scroll, 0); + } + else if(scrollTimer->isActive()) { + scrollTimer->stop(); + } +} + + +DominoStyle::~DominoStyle() +{ + delete pixmapCache; + delete horizontalLine; + delete verticalLine; + + delete checkMark; + delete radioIndicator; + delete border1; + delete popupFrame; + + delete buttonContour; +} + +void DominoStyle::polish(QApplication* app) +{ + if(!qstrcmp(app->name(), "konsole")) + konsoleMode = true; + else if(!qstrcmp(app->name(), "konqueror")) + konquerorMode = true; + else if(!qstrcmp(app->name(), "kicker")) + kickerMode = true; + + QPixmapCache::clear(); +} + +void DominoStyle::polish(QPalette &p) { + + p.setBrush(QColorGroup::Button,; + + if(!_customPopupMenuColor) + _popupMenuColor = qApp->palette().active().background(); + if(!_customSelMenuItemColor) + _selMenuItemColor = qApp->palette().active().highlight(); + + QColor tabContour2 = qApp->palette().active().background().dark(150); + delete border1; + border1= new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("border1"), tabContour2)); + delete popupFrame; + popupFrame = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("popup5"), _popupMenuColor.dark(150))); + if(!_customCheckMarkColor) { + delete checkMark; + checkMark = createCheckMark(qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + delete radioIndicator; + radioIndicator = createRadioIndicator(qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + } +} + +void DominoStyle::polish(QWidget* widget) +{ + + if(!strcmp(widget->name(), "__khtml")) { // is it a khtml widget...? + khtmlWidgets[widget] = true; + connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(khtmlWidgetDestroyed(QObject*))); + } + else if((!strcmp(widget->name(), "kfile button") || (widget->isA("KLineEdit") && widget->parentWidget())) && !strcmp(widget->parentWidget()->name(), "__khtml")) { + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + widget->parentWidget()->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + khtmlWidgets[widget] = true; + connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(khtmlWidgetDestroyed(QObject*))); + } + + if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + + if (widget->isA("KDockButton_Private")) + widget->setFixedSize(13, 13); // 12x12 pixmap + 1px top and right spacing + else { + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + if(widget->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap() && !khtmlWidgets.contains(widget)) { + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + widget->setBackgroundPixmap(*widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()); + widget->setBackgroundOrigin(setPixmapOrigin(widget->parentWidget()->backgroundOrigin())); + } + } + + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + KToolBarButton* tb = static_cast(widget); + //setDominoButtonPalette(widget); // ### changing the palette breaks them! + + if(tb->popupDelay() < 1) + tb->setPopupDelay(5); // now we have time to draw a pressed button + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QToolButton* tb = static_cast(widget); + tb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + tb->setPaletteForegroundColor(tb->palette().active().buttonText()); + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + + if(tb->popupDelay() < 1) { + disconnect(tb, SIGNAL(pressed()), tb, SLOT(popupPressed())); + connect(tb, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(toolPopupPressed())); + connect(tb, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(toolPopupReleased())); + } + + if(tb->popupDelay() < 1) + tb->setPopupDelay(5); + + if(tb->parentWidget() && tb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + tb->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(*tb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()); + tb->setBackgroundOrigin(setPixmapOrigin(tb->parentWidget()->backgroundOrigin())); + } + +// if(widget->isA("TaskContainer")) +// ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); +// else + widget->installEventFilter(this); + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QComboBox* cb = static_cast(widget); + + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + if(widget->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap() && !khtmlWidgets.contains(widget)) { + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + widget->setBackgroundOrigin(setPixmapOrigin(widget->parentWidget()->backgroundOrigin())); + } + + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + if(cb->listBox()) + cb->listBox()->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QGroupBox* gb = dynamic_cast(widget); + gb->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); + + if(!gb->isFlat() && !gb->lineWidth() <= 0) { + if(gb->layout() && gb->layout()->margin() < 7) + gb->layout()->setMargin(7); + bool groupBoxFrame = gb->frameShape() == QFrame::GroupBoxPanel; + if(groupBoxFrame) + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + + if(groupBoxSettings.tintBackground && groupBoxFrame) { + QColor color = getGroupBoxColor(gb); + QPalette pal(widget->palette()); + int h, s, v; +, &s, &v); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background, color); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background, color); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Background, color); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text, alphaBlendColors(, color, 40)); + gb->setPalette(pal); + + if(gb->isCheckable()) { + ((QCheckBox*)gb->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false))->setPaletteBackgroundColor(gb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor()); + } + } + connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(groupBoxDestroyed(QObject*))); + } + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + // Don't like this widget... too much private stuff and the spinBox/spinWidget mess. + // We check here if the spinBox has a backgroundPixmap. If it's a spinWidget without a spinBox, well, maybe we should fill the widget black then >:) + if(widget->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + QWidget::BackgroundOrigin origin = widget->parentWidget()->backgroundOrigin(); + if(origin == QWidget::WidgetOrigin) { + widget->parentWidget()->setBackgroundOrigin(QWidget::ParentOrigin); + widget->setBackgroundOrigin(QWidget::AncestorOrigin); + } + else + widget->setBackgroundOrigin(setPixmapOrigin(origin)); + } + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + connect(dynamic_cast(widget), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(spinBoxValueChanged(int))); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QLineEdit* le = dynamic_cast(widget); + QRect r = le->rect(); + le->setFrameRect(QRect(r.x()+1, r.y(), r.width()-1, r.height())); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + + if(widget->isA("PanelKMenu")) + widget->setPaletteForegroundColor(alphaBlendColors(_popupMenuColor, qApp->palette().active().foreground(), 150)); + + widget->setBackgroundMode( NoBackground ); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QTabBar* tb = dynamic_cast(widget); + if(widget->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) { + tb->setShape(QTabBar::RoundedBelow); + widget->setEraseColor(widget->paletteBackgroundColor().dark(konqTabBarContrast)); + } + connect(tb, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(updateTabWidgetFrame())); + connect(tb, SIGNAL(selected(int)), this, SLOT(updateTabWidgetFrame())); + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + ((DominoQWidget*)dynamic_cast(widget)->viewport())->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + dynamic_cast(widget)->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); // rubberband + if(strcmp(widget->className(), "KDIconView")) + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + dynamic_cast(widget)->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); // rubberband + if(widget->isA("KonqTreeViewWidget")) { // konqi frames + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(widget); + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box|QFrame::Plain); + f->setLineWidth(1); + } + + if(!widget->isA("KopeteContactListView") && !widget->isA("ViewTree")) // they have their own mousewheel handling + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("KActiveLabel")) { // before QScrollView + if(dynamic_cast(widget->parentWidget())) + widget->setPaletteBackgroundColor(widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor()); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + dynamic_cast(widget)->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(widget); + if((konquerorMode && widget->isA("KHTMLView")) || f->parentWidget() && !strcmp(f->parentWidget()->name(), "KonqFrame")) { // konqi frames + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box|QFrame::Plain); + f->setLineWidth(1); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(_smoothScrolling && !widget->isA("TaskBar") && !widget->isA("Gwenview::ImageView")) + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget) || dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + } + + else if(widget->isA("KonqCheckBox")) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("QTipLabel")) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("QWhatsThat")) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("KonqFileTip")) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + + else if(dynamic_cast(widget) && widget->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->isA("QToolBox")) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if( dynamic_cast(widget) && _animateProgressBar) + { + setDominoButtonPalette(widget, Palette_Widget); + + progAnimWidgets[widget] = 0; + connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(progressBarDestroyed(QObject*))); +// if (!animationTimer->isActive()) +// animationTimer->start( 50, false ); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(widget); + + switch (f->frameShape()) { + case QFrame::Box: + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel|QFrame::Sunken); + f->setLineWidth(2); + break; + case QFrame::Panel: + if(kickerMode && f->parentWidget() && f->parentWidget()->isA("ClockApplet")) { + f->setLineWidth(0); + break; + } + case QFrame::WinPanel: + f->setLineWidth(1); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + break; + case QFrame::LineEditPanel: { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + break; + } + case QFrame::TabWidgetPanel: + if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + if(f->parentWidget() && f->parentWidget()->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) + break; + + f->setLineWidth(4); + f->setFrameRect(QRect(0, 0, f->width(), f->height()-1)); + f->setMargin(0); + + QWidget* w = widget->parentWidget(); + for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { // the third parentcheck is for the tabWidget on kcm khtml_plugins + if(!w) break; + if(dynamic_cast(w)) { + widget->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + break; + } + w = w->parentWidget(); + } + + if(dynamic_cast(widget)->widget(0)) // only if it has contents + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + } + case QFrame::HLine: + case QFrame::VLine: { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + break; + } + case QFrame::StyledPanel: + if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("QWorkspaceChild")) { + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken); + f->setLineWidth(1); + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("KAnimWidget")) + f->setLineWidth(0); + + default: + break; + } + } +// else if (dynamic_cast(widget)) { +// widget->installEventFilter(this); +// } else if (dynamic_cast(widget)) { +// widget->installEventFilter(this); + else if(widget->isA("QDateTimeEditor")) { + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->inherits("QDockWindowHandle") || widget->isA("QDockWindowResizeHandle") || + widget->isA("AppletHandleDrag")) { // !qstrcmp(widget->name(), "qt_dockwidget_internal") + widget->installEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("KDockWidget") && widget->parentWidget() && widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget() + && widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->isA("Sidebar_Widget")) { + widget->setEraseColor(widget->palette().active().base()); + } + +// widget->installEventFilter(this); + //qDebug("className %s, name: %s", widget->className(), widget->name()); + +} + +void DominoStyle::unPolish(QWidget* widget) +{ + + if( !strcmp(widget->name(), "__khtml") || (!strcmp(widget->name(), "kfile button") && !strcmp(widget->parentWidget()->name(), "__khtml"))) { // is it a khtml widget...? + khtmlWidgets.remove(widget); + } + + if (dynamic_cast(widget) || + dynamic_cast(widget) || dynamic_cast(widget) || + dynamic_cast(widget) || + dynamic_cast(widget) || dynamic_cast(widget) || + dynamic_cast(widget) || widget->isA("AppletHandleDrag") || + widget->isA("QDockWindowHandle")) + { + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->clearWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + } + else if(widget->isA("KonqCheckBox") || widget->isA("QWhatsThat") || widget->isA("QTipLabel")) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget) || dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->clearWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { // after KonqCheckBox + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->clearWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + static_cast(widget)->setLineWidth(2); + widget->clearMask(); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + ((DominoQWidget*)widget)->clearWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + QGroupBox* gb = dynamic_cast(widget); + gb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + gb->setPalette(qApp->palette()); + gb->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBase); + QLineEdit* le = dynamic_cast(widget); + QRect r = le->rect(); + le->setFrameRect(QRect(r.x()-1, r.y(), r.width()+1, r.height())); + widget->clearMask(); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget) ) { + progAnimWidgets.remove(widget); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget) || dynamic_cast(widget) ) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + } + if(widget->isA("KonqFileTip")) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + widget->setPaletteBackgroundColor(widget->palette().active().background()); + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(widget); + f->setMargin(1); + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Plain|QFrame::Box); + + QObjectList *list = const_cast(widget->children()); + QObjectListIt it( *list ); + QObject * o; + while ( (o = it.current()) != 0 ) { + ++it; + if(dynamic_cast(o)) { + QLabel* l = dynamic_cast(o); + l->setBackgroundOrigin(QWidget::WidgetOrigin); + l->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + l->setPaletteBackgroundColor(l->palette().active().background()); + } + } + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(widget); + if((konquerorMode && widget->isA("KHTMLView")) || f->parentWidget() && !strcmp(f->parentWidget()->name(), "KonqFrame")) { // konqi frames + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame|QFrame::Plain); + f->setLineWidth(0); + } + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + } + else if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + widget->removeEventFilter(this); + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(widget); + switch(f->frameShape()) { + case QFrame::Panel: + if(widget->isA("QWorkspaceChild")) { + f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel|QFrame::Sunken); + f->setLineWidth(2); + } + break; + case QFrame::WinPanel: + f->setLineWidth(2); + break; + case QFrame::TabWidgetPanel: + f->setLineWidth(2); + f->setMargin(2); + f->setFrameRect(QRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); + break; + case QFrame::StyledPanel: + if(widget->isA("KAnimWidget")) + f->setLineWidth(2); + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + + KStyle::unPolish(widget); +} + +void DominoStyle::khtmlWidgetDestroyed(QObject* obj) +{ + khtmlWidgets.remove(static_cast(obj)); +} + +void DominoStyle::groupBoxDestroyed(QObject* obj) +{ + groupBoxPixmaps.remove(static_cast(obj)); +} + +void DominoStyle::progressBarDestroyed(QObject* obj) +{ + progAnimWidgets.remove(static_cast(obj)); +} + + +void DominoStyle::renderContour(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColor &backgroundColor, const QColor &contour, const uint flags) const { + + if((r.width() <= 0)||(r.height() <= 0)) + return; + + const bool drawLeft = flags&Draw_Left; + const bool drawRight = flags&Draw_Right; + const bool drawTop = flags&Draw_Top; + const bool drawBottom = flags&Draw_Bottom; +// const bool disabled = flags&Is_Disabled; + const bool alphaBlend = flags&Draw_AlphaBlend; + + const bool roundUpperLeft = flags&Round_UpperLeft; + const bool roundUpperRight = flags&Round_UpperRight; + const bool roundBottomLeft = flags&Round_BottomLeft; + const bool roundBottomRight = flags&Round_BottomRight; + const bool isButton = flags&Is_Button; + const bool isHorizontal = flags&Is_Horizontal; + const bool isScrollBarBtn = flags&Is_ScrollBarBtn; + + QColor appButtonColor = qApp->palette().active().button(); + + if(isButton) { + + QRect sr = QRect(r.x(), r.y()+2, r.width(), r.height()-5); // surface rect + int top = sr.y()+sr.height()*btnSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = sr.height()*btnSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = sr.y()+sr.height()*btnSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = sr.y()+sr.height()*btnSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + + int left = sr.x()+sr.width()*btnSurface.g1Top/100; + int width = sr.width()*btnSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int left2 = sr.x()+sr.width()*btnSurface.g2Top/100; + int width2 = sr.width()*btnSurface.g2Bottom/100-left2; + + // darker surface colors for the inner part of the contour + QColor insideBackground; + QColor gr1TopColor; + QColor gr1BottomColor; + QColor gr2TopColor; + QColor gr2BottomColor; + + const int alphaInside = qAlpha(buttonContour->color3()); + + insideBackground = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.background, 127) : btnSurface.background), alphaInside); + + switch (btnSurface.numGradients) { + case 2:{ + + gr1TopColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.g1Color1, 127) : btnSurface.g1Color1), alphaInside); + + gr1BottomColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.g1Color2, 127) : btnSurface.g1Color2), alphaInside); + + gr2TopColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.g2Color1, 127) : btnSurface.g2Color1), alphaInside); + + gr2BottomColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.g2Color2, 127) : btnSurface.g2Color2), alphaInside); + + break; + } + case 1: { + gr1TopColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.g1Color1, 127) : btnSurface.g1Color1), alphaInside); + + gr1BottomColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color3(), + ((contour != appButtonColor) ? alphaBlendColors(contour, btnSurface.g1Color2, 127) : btnSurface.g1Color2), alphaInside); + break; + } + default: { + insideBackground = insideBackground; + gr1TopColor = insideBackground; + gr1BottomColor = insideBackground; + gr2TopColor = insideBackground; + gr2BottomColor = insideBackground; + break; + } + } + + if(flags & Is_Down) { + gr1TopColor = darkenColor(gr1TopColor, 15); + gr1BottomColor = darkenColor(gr1BottomColor, 15); + gr2TopColor = darkenColor(gr2TopColor, 15); + gr2BottomColor = darkenColor(gr2BottomColor, 15); + insideBackground = darkenColor(insideBackground, 15); + } + + + + QRegion clip; + if(drawTop) + clip += QRegion(r.left()+6,, r.width()-12, 1); + if(drawBottom) + clip += QRegion(r.left()+6, r.bottom()-3, r.width()-12, 1); + if(drawLeft) + clip += QRegion(r.left()+2,, 1, r.height()-13); + if(drawRight) + clip += QRegion(r.right()-2,, 1, r.height()-13); + p->setClipRegion(clip); + + + p->fillRect(sr, insideBackground); + switch(btnSurface.numGradients) { + case 1: + if(isHorizontal) + renderGradient(p, QRect(sr.x(), top, sr.width(), bottom), gr1TopColor, gr1BottomColor, true); + else + renderGradient(p, QRect(left, sr.y(), width, sr.height()), gr1TopColor, gr1BottomColor, false); + break; + case 2: + if(isHorizontal) { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top, r.width(), bottom), gr1TopColor, gr1BottomColor, true); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top2, r.width(), bottom2), gr2TopColor, gr2BottomColor, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(p, QRect(left, sr.y(), width, sr.height()), gr1TopColor,gr1BottomColor, false); + renderGradient(p, QRect(left2, sr.y(), width2, sr.height()), gr2TopColor,gr2BottomColor, false); + } + default: + break; + } + p->setClipping(false); + + + const QColor color1 = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color1(), backgroundColor, qAlpha(buttonContour->color1())); // + const QColor color4 = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color4(), backgroundColor, qAlpha(buttonContour->color4())); // 3.bottom + const QColor color5 = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color5(), backgroundColor, qAlpha(buttonContour->color5())); // 4.bottom + const QColor color2 = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color2(), backgroundColor, qAlpha(buttonContour->color2())); // 2.left 2.bottom + const QColor color6 = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->color6(), backgroundColor, qAlpha(buttonContour->color6())); // 1.left + + + if(roundUpperLeft) + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),, *buttonContour->buttonEdges(), 0, 0, 6, 6); + + if(roundUpperRight) + p->drawPixmap(r.right()-5,, *buttonContour->buttonEdges(), 6, 0, 6, 6); + + if(roundBottomLeft) + p->drawPixmap(r.left(), r.bottom()-6, *buttonContour->buttonEdges(), 0, 6, 6, 7); + + if(roundBottomRight) + p->drawPixmap(r.right()-5, r.bottom()-6, *buttonContour->buttonEdges(), 6, 6, 6, 7); + + if(drawTop) { + if(!alphaBlend) { + p->setPen(color1); + p->drawLine(r.left()+6,, r.right()-6,; + p->setPen(color2); + p->drawLine(r.left()+6,, r.right()-6,; + } + else { + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.left()+6,, r.width()-12, 2, *buttonContour->buttonHLines(), 0, 0); + } + } + + if(drawBottom) { + if(!alphaBlend) { + p->setPen(color2); + p->drawLine(r.left()+6, r.bottom()-2, r.right()-6, r.bottom()-2); + p->setPen(color4); + p->drawLine(r.left()+6, r.bottom()-1, r.right()-6, r.bottom()-1); + p->setPen(color5); + p->drawLine(r.left()+6, r.bottom(), r.right()-6, r.bottom()); + } + else { + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.left()+6, r.bottom()-2, r.width()-12, 3, *buttonContour->buttonHLines(), 0, 4); + } + } + + if(drawLeft) { + if(!alphaBlend) { + p->setPen(color6); + p->drawLine(r.left(),, r.left(), r.bottom()-7); + p->setPen(color2); + p->drawLine(r.left()+1,, r.left()+1, r.bottom()-7); + } + else { + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.left(),, 2, r.height()-13, *buttonContour->buttonVLines(), 0, 0); + } + } + + if(drawRight) { + if(!alphaBlend) { + p->setPen(color2); + p->drawLine(r.right()-1,, r.right()-1, r.bottom()-7); + p->setPen(color6); + p->drawLine(r.right(),, r.right(), r.bottom()-7); + } + else { + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.right()-1,, 2, r.height()-13, *buttonContour->buttonVLines(), 4, 0); + } + } + + + + + } + else if(isScrollBarBtn) { + + QColor background; + QColor gr1TopColor; + QColor gr1BottomColor; + QColor gr2TopColor; + QColor gr2BottomColor; + + + if(contour != appButtonColor) { + gr1TopColor = alphaBlendColors(contour, scrollBarSurface.g1Color1, 127); + gr1BottomColor = alphaBlendColors(contour, scrollBarSurface.g1Color2, 127); + gr2TopColor = alphaBlendColors(contour, scrollBarSurface.g2Color1, 127); + gr2BottomColor = alphaBlendColors(contour, scrollBarSurface.g2Color2, 127); + background = alphaBlendColors(contour, scrollBarSurface.background, 127); + } + else { + gr1TopColor = scrollBarSurface.g1Color1; + gr1BottomColor = scrollBarSurface.g1Color2; + gr2TopColor = scrollBarSurface.g2Color1; + gr2BottomColor = scrollBarSurface.g2Color2; + background = scrollBarSurface.background; + } + + QColor btnContour = buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default); + QColor whiteColor( qRgba(,,, 23)); // first white layer + QColor blackColor( qRgba(,,, 35)); // second contour layer + + + gr1TopColor = blendColors(gr1TopColor, whiteColor); + gr1TopColor = blendColors(gr1TopColor, blackColor); + + gr1BottomColor = blendColors(gr1BottomColor, whiteColor); + gr1BottomColor = blendColors(gr1BottomColor, blackColor); + + gr2TopColor = blendColors(gr2TopColor, whiteColor); + gr2TopColor = blendColors(gr2TopColor, blackColor); + + gr2BottomColor = blendColors(gr2BottomColor, whiteColor); + gr2BottomColor = blendColors(gr2BottomColor, blackColor); + + background = blendColors(background, whiteColor); + background = blendColors(background, blackColor); + + + + + QRegion clip; + if(drawTop) + clip += QRegion(r.left(),, r.width(), 1); + if(drawBottom) + clip += QRegion(r.left(), r.bottom()-1, r.width(), 1); + if(drawLeft) + clip += QRegion(r.left()+1,, 1, r.height()); + if(drawRight) + clip += QRegion(r.right()-1,, 1, r.height()); + + p->setClipRegion(clip); + + + QRect sr = r; + int top = sr.y()+sr.height()*scrollBarSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = sr.height()*scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = sr.y()+sr.height()*scrollBarSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = sr.height()*scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + int left = sr.x()+sr.width()*scrollBarSurface.g1Top/100; + int width = sr.width()*scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int left2 = sr.x()+sr.width()*scrollBarSurface.g2Top/100; + int width2 = sr.width()*scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom/100-left2; + + p->fillRect(sr, background); + switch(scrollBarSurface.numGradients) { + case 1: + if(isHorizontal) + renderGradient(p, QRect(sr.x(), top, sr.width(), bottom), gr1TopColor, gr1BottomColor, true); + else + renderGradient(p, QRect(left, sr.y(), width, sr.height()), gr1TopColor, gr1BottomColor, false); + break; + case 2: + if(isHorizontal) { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top, r.width(), bottom), gr1TopColor, gr1BottomColor, true); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top2, r.width(), bottom2), gr2TopColor, gr2BottomColor, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(p, QRect(left, sr.y(), width, sr.height()), gr1TopColor,gr1BottomColor, false); + renderGradient(p, QRect(left2, sr.y(), width2, sr.height()), gr2TopColor,gr2BottomColor, false); + } + default: + break; + } + p->setClipping(false); + + + + QColor color1 = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default), backgroundColor, 203); // like btn contour + QColor color2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255, 255, 255), color1, 25); + + p->setPen(color1); + if(drawTop) { + p->drawLine(r.left(),, r.right(),; // top + } + if(drawBottom) { + p->drawLine(r.left(), r.bottom(), r.right(), r.bottom()); // bottom + } + if(drawLeft) { + p->drawLine(r.left(),, r.left(), r.bottom()); // left + } + if(drawRight) { + p->drawLine(r.right(),, r.right(), r.bottom()); // right + } + + + color1 = blendColors(color1, whiteColor); + p->setPen(color2); + if(roundUpperLeft) { + renderPixel(p, QPoint(r.x()+1, r.y()+1), 127, color1, color1, true); + p->drawPoint(r.x(), r.y()); + } + if(roundUpperRight) { + renderPixel(p, QPoint(r.right()-1,, 127, color1, color1, true); + p->drawPoint(r.right(), r.y()); + + } + if(roundBottomLeft) { + renderPixel(p, QPoint(r.x()+1, r.bottom()-1), 127, color1, color1, true); + p->drawPoint(r.x(), r.bottom()); + } + if(roundBottomRight) { + renderPixel(p, QPoint(r.right()-1, r.bottom()-1), 127, color1, color1, true); + p->drawPoint(r.right(), r.bottom()); + } + } + return; +} + + +void DominoStyle::renderSurface(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColor &backgroundColor, + const QColor &buttonColor, + const QColor &/*highlightColor*/, + const uint flags) const +{ + + if((r.width() <= 0)||(r.height() <= 0)) + return; + + const DSurface* ds = 0; + const bool isButton = flags&Is_Button; + const bool isScrollBarBtn = flags&Is_ScrollBarBtn; + const bool isScrollBarGroove = flags&Is_ScrollBarGroove; + const bool isCheckItem = flags&Is_CheckItem; + const bool isHeader = flags&Is_Header; + const bool isTabTop = flags&Is_TabTop; + const bool isActiveTabTop = flags&Is_ActiveTabTop; + const bool isTabBottom = flags&Is_TabBottom; + const bool isActiveTabBottom = flags&Is_ActiveTabBottom; + const bool horizontal = flags&Is_Horizontal; + const bool isDown = flags&Is_Down; + + if(isButton) + ds = &btnSurface; + else if(isCheckItem) + ds = &checkItemSurface; + else if(isScrollBarBtn) + ds = &scrollBarSurface; + else if(isScrollBarGroove) + ds = &scrollBarGrooveSurface; + else if(isHeader) + ds = &headerSurface; + else if(isTabTop) + ds = &tabTopSurface; + else if(isActiveTabTop) + ds = &activeTabTopSurface; + else if(isTabBottom) + ds = &tabBottomSurface; + else if(isActiveTabBottom) + ds = &activeTabBottomSurface; + + + + + + QColor g1Color1; + QColor g1Color2; + QColor g2Color1; + QColor g2Color2; + QColor background; + + if(buttonColor != qApp->palette().active().button()) { + g2Color1 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g2Color1, 127); + g2Color2 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g2Color2, 127); + g1Color1 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g1Color1, 127); + g1Color2 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g1Color2, 127); + background = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->background, 127); + } + else { + g1Color1 = ds->g1Color1; + g1Color2 = ds->g1Color2; + g2Color1 = ds->g2Color1; + g2Color2 = ds->g2Color2; + background = ds->background; + } + if(isDown) { + g1Color1 = darkenColor(g1Color1, 15); + g1Color2 = darkenColor(g1Color2, 15); + g2Color1 = darkenColor(g2Color1, 15); + g2Color2 = darkenColor(g2Color2, 15); + background = darkenColor(background, 15); + } + + if(isButton) { // button / toolButton / comboBox / spinWidget / slider / progressBar + + if(!flatMode) { + QRegion mask(r.x()+2, r.y(), r.width()-4, r.height()); + mask += QRegion(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2); + mask += QRegion(r.x(), r.y()+2, r.width(), r.height()-4); + p->setClipRegion(mask, QPainter::CoordPainter); + } + + + QRect re = r; + if(re.x() < 0 ) { + re.setWidth(re.width()+QABS(re.x())); + re.setX(0); + } + else if(re.y() < 0 ) { + re.setHeight(re.height()+QABS(re.y())); + re.setY(0); + } + + QPixmap pix(re.width(), re.height()); + pix.fill(background); + QPainter painter(&pix); + + int top = re.height()*btnSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = re.height()*btnSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = re.height()*btnSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = re.height()*btnSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + + int left = re.width()*btnSurface.g1Top/100; + int width = re.width()*btnSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int left2 = re.width()*btnSurface.g2Top/100; + int width2 = re.width()*btnSurface.g2Bottom/100-left2; + + switch (btnSurface.numGradients) { + case 1:{ + if(horizontal) { + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top, re.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(left, 0, width, re.height()), g1Color1, g1Color2, false); + } + break; + } + case 2: { + if(horizontal) { + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top, re.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top2, re.width(), bottom2), g2Color1, g2Color2, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(left, 0, width, re.height()), g1Color1, g1Color2, false); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(left2, 0, width2, re.height()), g2Color1, g2Color2, false); + } + } + default: break; + } + + p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), pix); + p->setClipping(false); + + } + else if(isTabTop || isActiveTabTop || isTabBottom || isActiveTabBottom) { + + int top = r.y()+r.height()*ds->g1Top/100; + int bottom = r.height()*ds->g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = r.y()+r.height()*ds->g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = r.height()*ds->g2Bottom/100-top2; + + p->fillRect(r, background); + switch (ds->numGradients) { + case 1:{ + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + break; + } + case 2: { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top2, r.width(), bottom2), g2Color1, g2Color2, true); + } + default: break; + } + } + else if(isScrollBarBtn) { + + int top = r.height()*scrollBarSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = r.height()*scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = r.height()*scrollBarSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = r.height()*scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + int left = r.width()*scrollBarSurface.g1Top/100; + int width = r.width()*scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int left2 = r.width()*scrollBarSurface.g2Top/100; + int width2 = r.width()*scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom/100-left2; + + p->fillRect(r, background); + switch (scrollBarSurface.numGradients) { + case 1: { + if(horizontal) { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.left(), top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(p, QRect(left,, width, r.height()), g1Color1, g1Color2, false); + } + break; + } + case 2: { + if(horizontal) { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.left(), top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.left(), top2, r.width(), bottom2), g2Color1, g2Color2, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(p, QRect(left,, width, r.height()), g1Color1, g1Color2, false); + renderGradient(p, QRect(left2,, width2, r.height()), g2Color1, g2Color2, false); + } + } + default: + break; + } + + + } + else if(isScrollBarGroove) { + + int top = r.height()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = r.height()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = r.height()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = r.height()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + int left = r.width()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top/100; + int width = r.width()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int left2 = r.width()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top/100; + int width2 = r.width()*scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom/100-left2; + + p->fillRect(r, background); + switch (scrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients) { + case 1: { + if(horizontal) { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.left(), top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(p, QRect(left,, width, r.height()), g1Color1, g1Color2, false); + } + break; + } + case 2: { + if(horizontal) { + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.left(), top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.left(), top2, r.width(), bottom2), g2Color1, g2Color2, true); + } + else { + renderGradient(p, QRect(left,, width, r.height()), g1Color1, g1Color2, false); + renderGradient(p, QRect(left2,, width2, r.height()), g2Color1, g2Color2, false); + } + } + default: + break; + } + + } + else if(isCheckItem) { + + QPixmap pix(r.width(), r.height()); + pix.fill(background); + QPainter painter(&pix); + + int top = r.height()*checkItemSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = r.height()*checkItemSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = r.height()*checkItemSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = r.height()*checkItemSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + + switch(checkItemSurface.numGradients) { + case 1:{ + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + break; + } + case 2: { + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top, r.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top2, r.width(), bottom2), g2Color1, g2Color2, true); + break; + } + default: break; + } + painter.end(); + p->drawPixmap(QRect(r.x(), r.y()+3, r.width(), r.height()-7), pix); + + } + else if(isHeader) { + QHeader* hdr = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + bool needErasePixmap = false; + QRect re = r; + bool horizontal = false; + bool drawTop = false; + + if(hdr) { + if(hdr->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) { + horizontal = true; + bool hasErasePixmap = hdr->erasePixmap(); + if(hasErasePixmap && !isDown) { + hdr->erase(r); + return; + } + else if(!hasErasePixmap && !isDown) { + needErasePixmap = true; + re = QRect(0, 0, 10, r.height()); + } + } + else if(hdr->sectionAt(>offset()) == 0 && r.y() == 0) + drawTop = true; + } + + QPixmap pix(re.width(), re.height()); + pix.fill(background); + QPainter painter(&pix); + + int top = re.height()*headerSurface.g1Top/100; + int bottom = re.height()*headerSurface.g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = re.height()*headerSurface.g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = re.height()*headerSurface.g2Bottom/100-top2; + + switch (headerSurface.numGradients) { + case 1:{ + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top, re.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + break; + } + case 2: { + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top, re.width(), bottom), g1Color1, g1Color2, true); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, top2, re.width(), bottom2), g2Color1, g2Color2, true); + break; + } + default: break; + } + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default), backgroundColor, 179)); + if(horizontal || drawTop) + painter.drawLine(0, re.y(), re.width(), re.y()); + painter.drawLine(0, re.height()-1, re.width(), re.height()-1); + + if(needErasePixmap) { + hdr->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + hdr->setErasePixmap(pix); + hdr->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + hdr->erase(r); + } + else { + // same problem as with the scrollbars, if we don't clip, the text above will be randomly erased. + p->setClipRect(re); + p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), pix); + p->setClipping(false); + } + } +} + + +void DominoStyle::renderPixel(QPainter *p, + const QPoint &pos, + const int alpha, + const QColor &color, + const QColor &background, + bool fullAlphaBlend) const +{ + if(fullAlphaBlend) + // full alpha blend: paint into an image with alpha buffer and convert to a pixmap ... + { + QRgb rgb = color.rgb(); + // generate a quite unique key -- use the unused width field to store the alpha value. + CacheEntry search(cAlphaDot, alpha, 0, rgb); + int key = search.key(); + + CacheEntry *cacheEntry; + if( (cacheEntry = pixmapCache->find(key)) ) { + if( search == *cacheEntry ) { // match! we can draw now... + if(cacheEntry->pixmap) + p->drawPixmap(pos, *(cacheEntry->pixmap) ); + return; + } else { //Remove old entry in case of a conflict! + pixmapCache->remove( key ); + } + } + + + QImage aImg(1,1,32); // 1x1 + aImg.setAlphaBuffer(true); + aImg.setPixel(0,0,qRgba(qRed(rgb),qGreen(rgb),qBlue(rgb),alpha)); + QPixmap *result = new QPixmap(aImg); + + p->drawPixmap(pos, *result); + + // add to the cache... + CacheEntry *toAdd = new CacheEntry(search); + toAdd->pixmap = result; + bool insertOk = pixmapCache->insert( key, toAdd, result->depth()/8); + if(!insertOk) + delete result; + } else + // don't use an alpha buffer: calculate the resulting color from the alpha value, the fg- and the bg-color. + { + QRgb rgb_a = color.rgb(); + QRgb rgb_b = background.rgb(); + int a = alpha; + if(a>255) a = 255; + if(a<0) a = 0; + int a_inv = 255 - a; + + QColor res = QColor( qRgb(qRed(rgb_b)*a_inv/255 + qRed(rgb_a)*a/255, + qGreen(rgb_b)*a_inv/255 + qGreen(rgb_a)*a/255, + qBlue(rgb_b)*a_inv/255 + qBlue(rgb_a)*a/255) ); + p->setPen(res); + p->drawPoint(pos); + } +} + +void DominoStyle::renderButtonShadow(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const uint flags) const { + + if((!buttonContour->drawButtonSunkenShadow && buttonContour->defaultType == Contour_Sunken) || (buttonContour->defaultType != Contour_Sunken && !flatMode)) + return; + + + if(flags&Round_UpperLeft) { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.left(),, buttonContour->shadowRound(), 0, 0, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + } + else if(flags&Rectangular_UpperLeft){ + bitBlt(p->device(), r.left(),, buttonContour->shadowRectangular(), 0, 0, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + } + if(flags&Round_UpperRight) { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.right()-6,, buttonContour->shadowRound(), 5, 0, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + } + else if(flags&Rectangular_UpperRight){ + bitBlt(p->device(), r.right()-6,, buttonContour->shadowRectangular(), 5, 0, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + } + if(flags&Round_BottomLeft) { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.left(), r.bottom()-5, buttonContour->shadowRound(), 0, 5, 4, 4, Qt::CopyROP); + } + else if(flags&Rectangular_BottomLeft) + bitBlt(p->device(), r.left(), r.bottom()-5, buttonContour->shadowRectangular(), 0, 5, 4, 4, Qt::CopyROP); + if(flags&Round_BottomRight) { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.right()-5, r.bottom()-5, buttonContour->shadowRound(), 4, 5, 4, 4, Qt::CopyROP); + } + else if(flags&Rectangular_BottomRight) + bitBlt(p->device(), r.right()-5, r.bottom()-5, buttonContour->shadowRectangular(), 4, 5, 4, 4, Qt::CopyROP); + + if(flags&Draw_Top) + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.left()+5,, r.width()-12, 3, *buttonContour->shadowHLines(), 0, 0); + if(flags&Draw_Left) + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.left(),, 3, r.height()-11, *buttonContour->shadowVLines(), 0, 0); + if(flags&Draw_Right) + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.right()-4,, 3, r.height()-11, *buttonContour->shadowVLines(), 3, 0); + if(flags&Draw_Bottom) + p->drawTiledPixmap(r.left()+4, r.bottom()-3, r.width()-10, 2, *buttonContour->shadowHLines(), 0, 3); + +} + +void DominoStyle::renderButton(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &g, + bool sunken, + bool /*mouseOver*/, + bool horizontal, + bool enabled, + bool khtmlMode) const +{ + + uint contourFlags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + + if(!enabled) contourFlags|=Is_Disabled; + + if(khtmlMode || buttonContour->alphaMode() /* || kickerMode*/) { + contourFlags|=Draw_AlphaBlend; + } + + uint surfaceFlags = Is_Button; + if(horizontal) { + surfaceFlags|=Is_Horizontal; + contourFlags|=Is_Horizontal; + } + if(!enabled) + surfaceFlags|=Is_Disabled; + else { + if(sunken) { + surfaceFlags|=Is_Down; + contourFlags|=Is_Down; + } + } + +// QColor buttonColor = khtmlMode ? g.button() : qApp->palette().active().background(); + + if (!flatMode) { + contourFlags |= Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomLeft|Round_BottomRight|Is_Button; + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-4, r.height()-5), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), surfaceFlags); + renderContour(p, r, g.background(), g.button(), contourFlags); + if(sunken) { + renderButtonShadow(p, QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-3), contourFlags); + } + } + else { + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.x()-3, r.y()-1, r.width()+6, r.height()+2), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), surfaceFlags); + + if(sunken) { + contourFlags |= Rectangular_UpperLeft|Rectangular_UpperRight|Rectangular_BottomLeft|Rectangular_BottomRight; + renderButtonShadow(p, QRect(r.x()-2, r.y()-2, r.width()+4, r.height()+4), contourFlags); + } + } +} + +void DominoStyle::renderHeader(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &g, + bool sunken, + bool /*mouseOver*/, + bool /*horizontal*/, + bool /*enabled*/) const +{ + p->save(); + bool drawLeft = true; + QHeader* hd = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + if(hd && hd->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) + drawLeft = r.x() == 0 && hd->sectionAt(r.left()+hd->offset()) == 0; + + uint surfaceFlags = Is_Header|Is_Horizontal; + if(sunken) + surfaceFlags |= Is_Down; + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height()), g.button(), g.button(), g.button(), surfaceFlags); + +// p->setPen(buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default)); + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default), g.background(), 179)); + if(drawLeft) + p->drawLine(r.left(),, r.left(), r.bottom()); + if(!hd) + p->drawLine(r.right(),, r.left(),; + p->drawLine(r.right(),, r.right(), r.bottom()); + p->restore(); +} + + +void DominoStyle::renderGradient(QPainter *painter, + const QRect &rect, + const QColor &c1, + const QColor &c2, + bool horizontal) const +{ + if((rect.width() <= 0)||(rect.height() <= 0)) + return; + + // generate a quite unique key for this surface. + CacheEntry search(cGradientTile, + horizontal ? 0 : rect.width(), + horizontal ? rect.height() : 0, + c1.rgb(), c2.rgb(), horizontal ); + int key = search.key(); + + CacheEntry *cacheEntry; + if( (cacheEntry = pixmapCache->find(key)) ) { + if( search == *cacheEntry ) { // match! we can draw now... + if(cacheEntry->pixmap) { + painter->drawTiledPixmap(rect, *(cacheEntry->pixmap) ); + } + return; + } else { + // Remove old entry in case of a conflict! + // This shouldn't happen very often, see comment in CacheEntry. + pixmapCache->remove(key); + } + } + + // there wasn't anything matching in the cache, create the pixmap now... + QPixmap *result = new QPixmap(horizontal ? 10 : rect.width(), + horizontal ? rect.height() : 10); + QPainter p(result); + + int r_w = result->rect().width(); + int r_h = result->rect().height(); + int r_x, r_y, r_x2, r_y2; + result->rect().coords(&r_x, &r_y, &r_x2, &r_y2); + + int rDiff, gDiff, bDiff; + int rc, gc, bc; + + register int x, y; + + rDiff = ( - (rc =; + gDiff = ( - (gc =; + bDiff = ( - (bc =; + + register int rl = rc << 16; + register int gl = gc << 16; + register int bl = bc << 16; + + int rdelta = ((1<<16) / (horizontal ? r_h : r_w)) * rDiff; + int gdelta = ((1<<16) / (horizontal ? r_h : r_w)) * gDiff; + int bdelta = ((1<<16) / (horizontal ? r_h : r_w)) * bDiff; + + // these for-loops could be merged, but the if's in the inner loop + // would make it slow + if(horizontal) { + for ( y = 0; y < r_h; y++ ) { + rl += rdelta; + gl += gdelta; + bl += bdelta; + + p.setPen(QColor(rl>>16, gl>>16, bl>>16)); + p.drawLine(r_x, r_y+y, r_x2, r_y+y); + } + } else { + for( x = 0; x < r_w; x++) { + rl += rdelta; + gl += gdelta; + bl += bdelta; + + p.setPen(QColor(rl>>16, gl>>16, bl>>16)); + p.drawLine(r_x+x, r_y, r_x+x, r_y2); + } + } + + p.end(); + + // draw the result... + painter->drawTiledPixmap(rect, *result); + + // insert into cache using the previously created key. + CacheEntry *toAdd = new CacheEntry(search); + toAdd->pixmap = result; + bool insertOk = pixmapCache->insert( key, toAdd, result->width()*result->height()*result->depth()/8 ); + + if(!insertOk) + delete result; +} + +void DominoStyle::renderTab(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &g, + bool /*mouseOver*/, + const bool selected, + const bool bottom, + const TabPosition pos, + const bool /*triangular*/, + const bool /*cornerWidget*/, + const bool konqTab) const +{ + + const bool isFirst = (pos == First); + const bool isLast = (pos == Last); + const bool isSingle = (pos == Single); + + QPixmap buffer(r.width(), r.height()); + QPainter painter(&buffer); + + QColor tabContour2 = g.background().dark(150); + QPixmap* tabEdges; + if(!(tabEdges = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(tabContour2.pixel(), 16)+"tabEdges"))) { + QImage img1 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("border1"), tabContour2); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("tabInsideWhite"); + blend(img1, img2, img2); + tabEdges = new QPixmap(img2); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(tabContour2.pixel(), 16)+"tabEdges", tabEdges); + } + + QPixmap* tabHLines; + if(!(tabHLines = QPixmapCache::find("tabHLines"))) { + tabHLines = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("tabHLines")); + QPixmapCache::insert("tabHLines", tabHLines); + } + + QPixmap* tabVLines; + if(!(tabVLines = QPixmapCache::find("tabVLines"))) { + tabVLines = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("tabVLines")); + QPixmapCache::insert("tabVLines", tabVLines); + } + + + if(konqTab) { + + const QColor background = g.background().dark(konqTabBarContrast); + + if (selected) { + + ///painter.fillRect(0, r.height()-9, r.width(), 9, background); // rect below gradient + ///painter.fillRect(0, 0, r.width(), r.height()-9, g.background()); // rect above gradient + painter.fillRect(0, 0, r.width(), 2, g.background()); // rect above gradient + + painter.translate(0, 2); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 0, r.width()-2, r.height()-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_ActiveTabBottom); + painter.translate(0, -2); + + + QPixmap* tabEdges2; + QString position = isFirst ? "first" : isLast ? "last" : isSingle ? "single" : "middle"; + if(!(tabEdges2 = QPixmapCache::find(position+"tabEdges2-k-sel"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height())))) { + tabEdges2 = new QPixmap(16, 8); + tabEdges2->fill(background); + QPainter painter2(tabEdges2); + + // parts of the unselected tabs under the rounded edges + if(!isSingle) { + if(!isFirst) { + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+12); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(0, 0, 3, r.height()-5-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter2.resetXForm(); + painter2.drawTiledPixmap(0, 3, 3, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // left + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter2.drawLine(0, 4, 1, 4); + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter2.drawPoint(2,4); // last point from bottomShadow1 a tad lighter (will be overpainted by the circle) + painter2.drawLine(0, 5, 3, 5); + } + if(!isLast) { + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+12); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(13, 0, 3, r.height()-5-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter2.resetXForm(); + painter2.drawTiledPixmap(13, 3, 3, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // right + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter2.drawLine(14, 4, 15, 4); + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter2.drawPoint(13,4); + painter2.drawLine(12, 5, 15, 5); + } + } + // fill the rect under the gradients (faster as clipping the gradients) + painter2.fillRect(QRect(0, 6, 16, 2), background); + painter2.end(); + + QPixmap tabEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); // this fits because the tab frame is just an inverted groupbox frame, but pssst ;) + painter2.begin(&tabEdgesMask); + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+19); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(0, 0, 16, r.height()-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_ActiveTabBottom); + painter2.end(); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &tabEdgesMask, 0, 8); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &circle, 0, 8); + + QPixmapCache::insert(position+"tabEdges2-k-sel"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height()), tabEdges2); + } + + + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-3, r.width()-9, r.height()-3); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-2, r.width()-9, r.height()-2); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 35)); + painter.translate(0,3); + if(isFirst || isSingle) + painter.drawLine(0, -1, 0, r.height()-13); // left + else + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()-5-3), g.button(), false); + if(isLast || isSingle) + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1, -1, r.width()-1, r.height()-13); // right + else + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 0, 1, r.height()-5-3), g.button(), false); + painter.translate(0,-3); + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, r.height()-9, tabEdges2, 0, 0, 8, 8); + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, r.height()-9, tabEdges2, 8, 0, 8, 8); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(8, r.height()-4, r.width()-16, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(1, 2, 1, r.height()-11, *tabVLines); // left + painter.drawTiledPixmap(r.width()-2, 2, 1, r.height()-11, *tabVLines); // right + + + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 20)); + painter.drawPoint(0,1); + painter.drawPoint(r.width()-1,1); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 50)); + painter.drawPoint(0,2); + painter.drawPoint(r.width()-1,2); + //QColor tmp = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), g.background(), 14); + QColor tmp = g.background(); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(tmp, activeTabBottomSurface.g1Top == 0 ? activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color1 : activeTabBottomSurface.background, 127)); +// painter.drawPoint(1,2); +// painter.drawPoint(r.width()-2,2); + painter.drawLine(1,2, r.width()-2, 2); + + // under the tab + painter.setPen(background); + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-1, r.width(), r.height()-1); + + } + else { // unselected + + painter.setPen(g.background());// 0. tabbarline + painter.drawLine(0, 0, r.width(), 0); + painter.setPen(g.background().dark(120));//QColor(110,110,110) // 1. tabbarline + painter.drawLine(0, 1, r.width(), 1); + painter.setPen(g.background().dark(konqTabBarContrast+20)); //QColor(110,110,110) + + + // topline +// painter.setPen(g.background().dark(150-15)); + painter.setPen(g.background().dark(150-15)); + painter.drawLine(0, 2, r.width(), 2); + + + if(isFirst || isLast) { + + painter.translate(0, 3); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 0, r.width()-2, r.height()-5-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter.translate(0, -3); + + + QPixmap* tabEdges2; + if(!(tabEdges2 = QPixmapCache::find("tabEdges2-k"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height())))) { + tabEdges2 = new QPixmap(16, 8); + tabEdges2->fill(background); + + QPixmap tabEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + QPainter painter2(&tabEdgesMask); + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+19+3); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(1, 0, 14, r.height()-5-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter2.end(); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &tabEdgesMask, 0, 8); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &circle, 0, 8); + + QPixmapCache::insert("tabEdges2-k"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height()), tabEdges2); + } + + + if(isFirst) { + + painter.translate(0,3); + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 0, 1, r.height()-5-3), g.button(), false);// right + painter.translate(0,-3); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-5, r.width()-1, r.height()-5); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-4, r.width()-1, r.height()-4); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 35)); + painter.drawLine(0, 2, 0, r.height()-11); // left + + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, r.height()-11, tabEdges2, 0, 0, 8, 8); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(8, r.height()-6, r.width()-8, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + painter.drawTiledPixmap(1, 3, 1, r.height()-14, *tabVLines); // left + + } + else { + + painter.translate(0,3); + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()-5-3), g.button(), false); // left + painter.translate(0,-3); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-5, r.width()-8, r.height()-5); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-4, r.width()-8, r.height()-4); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 35)); + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1, 2, r.width()-1, r.height()-11); // right + + + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, r.height()-11, tabEdges2, 8, 0, 8, 8); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, r.height()-6, r.width()-8, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + painter.drawTiledPixmap(r.width()-2, 3, 1, r.height()-14, *tabVLines); // right + } + } + else { // middle + + painter.translate(0,3); + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()-5-3), g.button(), false); // left + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 0, 1, r.height()-5-3), g.button(), false);// right + painter.translate(0,-3); + + painter.translate(0, 3); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 0, r.width()-2, r.height()-5-3), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter.translate(0, -3); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-5, r.width()-1, r.height()-5); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), background, 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-4, r.width()-1, r.height()-4); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, r.height()-6, r.width(), 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + + } + painter.fillRect(QRect(0, r.height()-3, r.width(), 3), background); + } + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),, buffer); + } + else { // standard tabs + + if(bottom) { + if (selected) { + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 0, r.width()-2, r.height()-2), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_ActiveTabBottom); + + + QPixmap* tabEdges2; + QString position = isFirst ? "first" : isLast ? "last" : isSingle ? "single" : "middle"; + if(!(tabEdges2 = QPixmapCache::find(position+"tabEdges2-bottom-sel"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height())))) { + tabEdges2 = new QPixmap(16, 8); + tabEdges2->fill(g.background()); + QPainter painter2(tabEdges2); + + if(!isSingle) { + if(!isFirst) { + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+8); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(0, 0, 2, r.height()-5), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter2.resetXForm(); + painter2.drawTiledPixmap(0, 2, 2, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // left + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 79)); + painter2.drawLine(0, 3, 1,3); + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 30)); + painter2.drawLine(0, 4, 3, 4); + } + if(!isLast) { + + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+8); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(14, 0, 2, r.height()-5), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter2.resetXForm(); + painter2.drawTiledPixmap(14, 2, 2, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // right + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 79)); + painter2.drawLine(14, 3, 15, 3); + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 30)); + painter2.drawLine(12, 4, 15, 4); + } + } + painter2.fillRect(QRect(0, 5, 16, 3), g.background()); + painter2.end(); + + + QPixmap tabEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + painter2.begin(&tabEdgesMask); + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+16); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(1, 0, 14, r.height()-2), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_ActiveTabBottom); + painter2.end(); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &tabEdgesMask, 0, 8); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &circle, 0, 8); + + QPixmapCache::insert(position+"tabEdges2-bottom-sel"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height()), tabEdges2); + } + + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-2, r.width()-9, r.height()-2); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-1, r.width()-9, r.height()-1); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + if(isFirst || isSingle) + painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, r.height()-8); // left + else + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()-5), g.button(), false); + if(isLast || isSingle) + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1, 0, r.width()-1, r.height()-8); // right + else + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 0, 1, r.height()-5), g.button(), false); + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, r.bottom()-7, tabEdges2, 0, 0, 8, 8); + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, r.bottom()-7, tabEdges2, 8, 0, 8, 8); + + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(8, r.height()-3, r.width()-16, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + painter.drawTiledPixmap(1, 0, 1, r.height()-8, *tabVLines); // left + painter.drawTiledPixmap(r.width()-2, 0, 1, r.height()-8, *tabVLines); // right + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); // clip the first pixels of the separators + painter.drawPoint(0, 0); + painter.drawPoint(r.width()-1, 0); + + } + else { // unselected + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 0, r.width()-2, r.height()-5), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + + + if(isFirst || isLast) { + + QPixmap* tabEdges2; + if(!(tabEdges2 = QPixmapCache::find("tabEdges2-bottom"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height())))) { + tabEdges2 = new QPixmap(16, 8); + tabEdges2->fill(g.background()); + + QPixmap tabEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + QPainter painter2(&tabEdgesMask); + painter2.translate(0, -r.height()+19); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(1, 0, 14, r.height()-5), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabBottom); + painter2.end(); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &tabEdgesMask, 0, 8); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &circle, 0, 8); + + QPixmapCache::insert("tabEdges2-bottom"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height()), tabEdges2); + } + + + if(isFirst) { + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 0, 1, r.height()-5), g.button(), false);// right + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-5, r.width()-1, r.height()-5); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(8, r.height()-4, r.width()-1, r.height()-4); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + painter.drawLine(0, 1, 0, r.height()-12); // left + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, r.height()-11, tabEdges2, 0, 0, 8, 8); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(1, 1, 1, r.height()-12, *tabVLines); // left + painter.drawTiledPixmap(8, r.height()-6, r.width()-8, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 55)); + painter.drawLine(0, 0, r.width()-1, 0); // top + + } + else { + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()-5), g.button(), false); // left + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-5, r.width()-8, r.height()-5); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-4, r.width()-8, r.height()-4); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1, 1, r.width()-1, r.height()-12); // right + + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, r.height()-11, tabEdges2, 8, 0, 8, 8); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(r.width()-2, 1, 1, r.height()-12, *tabVLines); // right + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, r.height()-6, r.width()-8, 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 55)); + painter.drawLine(0, 0, r.width()-1, 0); // top + } + } + else { // middle + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()-5), g.button(), false); // left + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 0, 1, r.height()-5), g.button(), false);// right + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 79)); // bottomShadow1 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-5, r.width()-1, r.height()-5); + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 30)); // bottomShadow2 + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-4, r.width()-1, r.height()-4); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, r.height()-6, r.width(), 1, *tabHLines, 0, 2); // bottom + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 55)); + painter.drawLine(0, 0, r.width()-1, 0); // top + } + + painter.fillRect(QRect(0, r.height()-3, r.width(), 3), g.background()); // rect under the tab, clips also the tabSeperator + + } + } + else { // above + if (selected) { + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 1, r.width()-2, r.height()), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_ActiveTabTop); + + QPixmap* tabEdges2; + QString position = isFirst ? "first" : isLast ? "last" : isSingle ? "single" : "middle"; + if(!(tabEdges2 = QPixmapCache::find(position+"tabEdges2-top-sel"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height())))) { + tabEdges2 = new QPixmap(16,8); + tabEdges2->fill(g.background()); + QPainter painter2(tabEdges2); + + if(!isSingle) { + painter2.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 25)); + if(!isFirst) { + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(0, 4, 2, r.height()), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabTop); + painter2.drawLine(0, 3, 1, 3); // topLine + painter2.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, 2, 2, *tabHLines); + } + if(!isLast) { + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(14, 4, 2, r.height()), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabTop); + painter2.drawLine(14, 3, 15, 3); // topLine + painter2.drawTiledPixmap(14, 4, 2, 2, *tabHLines); + } + } + painter2.end(); + + QPixmap tabEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + painter2.begin(&tabEdgesMask); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(1, 1, 14, r.height()), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_ActiveTabTop); + painter2.end(); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &tabEdgesMask); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &circle); + + QPixmapCache::insert(position+"tabEdges2-top-sel"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height()), tabEdges2); + } + + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + ///painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 40)); + if(isFirst || isSingle) + painter.drawLine(0, 8, 0, r.height()-1); // left + else + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 4, 1, r.height()), g.button(), true); + if(isLast || isSingle) + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1, 8, r.width()-1, r.height()-1); // right + else + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 4, 1, r.height()), g.button(), true); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 25)); + painter.drawLine(8, 0, r.width()-9, 0); // top + + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, 0, tabEdges2, 0, 0, 8, 8, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, 0, tabEdges2, 8, 0, 8, 8, Qt::CopyROP); + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(8, 1, r.width()-16, 2, *tabHLines); // top + painter.drawTiledPixmap(1, 8, 1, r.height()-1, *tabVLines); // left + painter.drawTiledPixmap(r.width()-2, 8, 1, r.height()-1, *tabVLines); // right + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); // clip the last pixels of the separators + painter.drawPoint(0, r.height()-1); + painter.drawPoint(r.width()-1, r.height()-1); + + + } + else { // unselected + + painter.fillRect(0, 0, r.width(), 10, g.background()); + painter.setPen(g.background().dark(150)); + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 4, r.width()-2, r.height()), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabTop); + + if(isFirst || isLast) { + + QPixmap* tabEdges2; + if(!(tabEdges2 = QPixmapCache::find("tabEdges2-top"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height())))) { + tabEdges2 = new QPixmap(16, 8); + tabEdges2->fill(g.background()); + + QPixmap tabEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + QPainter painter2(&tabEdgesMask); + renderSurface(&painter2, QRect(1, 1, r.width()-2, r.height()), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_TabTop); + painter2.end(); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &tabEdgesMask); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabEdges2, 0, 0, &circle); + + QPixmapCache::insert("tabEdges2-top"+QString::number(g.background().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(r.height()), tabEdges2); + } + + + + if(isFirst) { + // darker separator + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 4, 1, r.height()), g.button(), true); // left + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 25)); + painter.drawLine(8, 3, r.width()-1, 3); // topLine + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + painter.drawLine(0, 10, 0, r.height()-1); // left + painter.drawLine(1, r.height()-1, r.width()-1, r.height()-1); // bottom + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(8, 4, r.width()-1, 2, *tabHLines); // top + painter.drawTiledPixmap(1, 11, 1, r.height()-12, *tabVLines); // left + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, 3, tabEdges2, 0, 0, 8, 8); + + } + else { + // darker separator + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 4, 1, r.height()), g.button(), true); // right + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 25)); + painter.drawLine(0, 3, r.width()-9, 3); // topLine + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1, 10, r.width()-1, r.height()-1); // right + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-1, r.width()-2, r.height()-1); // bottom + + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, r.width()-8, 2, *tabHLines); // top + painter.drawTiledPixmap(r.width()-2, 11, 1, r.height()-12, *tabVLines); // right + + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, 3, tabEdges2, 8, 0, 8, 8); + } + + } + else { // middle + + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(r.width()-1, 4, 1, r.height()), g.button(), true); // left + renderTabSeparator(&painter, QRect(0, 4, 1, r.height()), g.button(), true); // right + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 25)); + painter.drawLine(0, 3, r.width()-1, 3); // top + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, r.width(), 2, *tabHLines); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), g.background(), 35)); + painter.drawLine(0, r.height()-1, r.width()-1, r.height()-1); // bottom + + } + } + } + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),, buffer); + } +} + +void DominoStyle::drawKStylePrimitive(KStylePrimitive kpe, + QPainter *p, + const QWidget* widget, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags, + const QStyleOption& opt) const +{ + //return KStyle::drawKStylePrimitive(kpe, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt); + +// SLIDER +// ------ + switch( kpe ) { + case KPE_SliderGroove: { + + bool horizontal = ((const QSlider*)widget)->orientation() == Horizontal; + + QRect re; + if(horizontal) + re.setRect(r.left(), r.y()+r.height()/2-3, r.width(), 4); + else + re.setRect(r.x()+r.width()/2-3,, 4, r.height()); + + bool parentBgPix = widget->parentWidget() ? widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap() : 0; + QString hori = horizontal ? "1" : "0"; + QString trans = parentBgPix ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* sliderGroove; + if(!(sliderGroove = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"sliderGroove"+hori+trans))) { + + if(parentBgPix) { // ### the pix are transparent! + if(!horizontal) { + QWMatrix m; + m.rotate(-90); + sliderGroove = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("slGHBody").xForm(m)); + } + else + sliderGroove = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("slGHBody")); + } + else { + const QColor c1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), cg.background(), 11); + const QColor c2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(53,53,53), cg.background(), 155); + const QColor c3 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(67,67,67), cg.background(), 146); + const QColor c4 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(83,83,83), cg.background(), 140); + const QColor c5 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(101,101,101), cg.background(), 134); + const QColor c6 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(254,254,254), cg.background(), 43); + const QColor c7 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), cg.background(), 9); + + sliderGroove = new QPixmap(7, 7); + QPainter painter(sliderGroove); + QRect rr = sliderGroove->rect(); + + if (horizontal) { + painter.setPen(c1); + painter.drawLine(0, 0, 7, 0); + painter.setPen(c2); + painter.drawLine(0, 1, 7, 1); + painter.setPen(c3); + painter.drawLine(0, 2, 7, 2); + painter.setPen(c4); + painter.drawLine(0, 3, 7, 3); + painter.setPen(c5); + painter.drawLine(0, 4, 7, 4); + painter.setPen(c6); + painter.drawLine(0, 5, 7, 5); + painter.setPen(c7); + painter.drawLine(0, 6, 7, 6); + } + else { + painter.setPen(c1); + painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 7); + painter.setPen(c2); + painter.drawLine(1, 0, 1 , 7); + painter.setPen(c3); + painter.drawLine(2, 0, 2 , 7); + painter.setPen(c4); + painter.drawLine(3, 0, 3, 7); + painter.setPen(c5); + painter.drawLine(4, 0, 4, 7); + painter.setPen(c6); + painter.drawLine(5, 0, 5, 7); + painter.setPen(c7); + painter.drawLine(6, 0, 6, 7); + } + } + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"sliderGroove"+hori+trans, sliderGroove); + } + + if (horizontal) { + QPixmap* slGh; + if(parentBgPix || !(slGh = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"slGh"))) { // rounded edges + + if(parentBgPix) + slGh = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("slGh")); + else { + slGh = new QPixmap(6, 7); + slGh->fill(cg.background()); + QPixmap pix = qembed_findImage("slGh"); + bitBlt(slGh, 0, 0, &pix, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + } + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"slGh",slGh ); + } + + bitBlt(p->device(), re.x(), re.y(), slGh, 0, 0, 3, 7, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-3, re.y(), slGh, 3, 0, 3, 7, Qt::CopyROP); + p->drawTiledPixmap(re.x()+3, re.y(), r.width()-6, 7, *sliderGroove); + } + else { + QPixmap* slGv; + if(parentBgPix || !(slGv = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"slGv"))) { + if(parentBgPix) + slGv = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("slGv")); + else { + slGv = new QPixmap(7, 6); + slGv->fill(cg.background()); + QPixmap pix = qembed_findImage("slGv"); + bitBlt(slGv, 0, 0, &pix, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + } + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"slGv",slGv ); + } + bitBlt(p->device(), re.x(), re.y(), slGv, 0, 0, 7, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), re.x(), re.height()-3, slGv, 0, 3, 7, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + p->drawTiledPixmap(re.x(), re.y()+3, 7, r.height()-6, *sliderGroove); + } + + break; + } + + case KPE_SliderHandle: { + const QSlider* slider = (const QSlider*)widget; + + int y, x; + if(slider->orientation() == Horizontal) { + x = r.x(); + y =r.y()+r.height()/2-8+1; + } + else { + y = r.y()+1; + x = r.x()+r.width()/2-8; + } + + QPixmap* handle; + if(!(handle = QPixmapCache::find("sliderHandle"+QString::number(cg.button().pixel(), 16)))) { + QPixmap insidePix = qembed_findImage("sliderHandle2inside"); // a filled antialiased circle to draw the gradients on + QPainter painter(&insidePix); + flatMode=true; + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(1, 0, 13, 15), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_Button|Is_Horizontal); + flatMode=false; + QImage inside = insidePix.convertToImage(); + + QImage circle = tintImage(qembed_findImage("sliderHandle2circle"), + _customSliderHandleContourColor ? buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default) : alphaBlendColors(black, cg.button(), 110)); + + QImage shadow = qembed_findImage("sliderHandle2shadow"); + blend(shadow, inside, inside); + blend(circle, inside, inside); + handle = new QPixmap(inside); + QPixmapCache::insert("sliderHandle"+QString::number(cg.button().pixel(), 16), handle ); + } + bitBlt(p->device(), x, y, handle, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + + break; + } + + case KPE_ListViewExpander: { + + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + p->setPen( cg.text() ); + QColor bg = w ? w->paletteBackgroundColor() : cg.background(); + QString hasBgPix = w && w->paletteBackgroundPixmap() ? "1" : "0"; + QString expanded = flags & Style_Off ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* lve; + + if(_drawTriangularExpander) { + + if(!(lve = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.text().pixel(), 16)+"lveT"+hasBgPix+expanded))) { + QWMatrix m; + m.rotate(90); + if(w && !w->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + QImage img = tintImage(qembed_findImage("lveTriangular"), cg.text()); + int w=7, h=9; + if(flags & Style_Off) { + w=9, h=7; + img = img.xForm(m); + } + QImage imgBG(w,h,32); + imgBG.fill(bg.rgb()); + bitBlt(&imgBG, 0, 0, &img); + lve = new QPixmap(imgBG); + } + else { + if(flags & Style_Off) + lve = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("lveTriangular").xForm(m), cg.text())); + else + lve = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("lveTriangular"), cg.text())); + } + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.text().pixel(), 16)+"lveT"+hasBgPix+expanded, lve); + } + + p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), *lve); + + } + else { + + if(!(lve = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.text().pixel(), 16)+"lveC"+hasBgPix+expanded))) { + if(w && !w->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + lve = new QPixmap(11,11); + lve->fill(bg); + QPainter painter(lve); + painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, tintImage(qembed_findImage("lve"), cg.text())); + + // plus or minus + painter.drawLine( 3, 5, 7, 5 ); + if ( flags & Style_On ) // Collapsed = On + painter.drawLine( 5, 3, 5, 7 ); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.text().pixel(), 16)+"lveC"+hasBgPix+expanded, lve); + } + else { + QImage img = QImage(11, 11, 32); + img.setAlphaBuffer(true); + for(int x=0; x < img.width(); ++x) { + for(int y=0; y < img.height(); ++y) { + img.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); + } + } + + + QImage img2 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("lve"), cg.text()); + bitBlt(&img, 0, 0, &img2); + + int r, b, g; + int a = 255; + cg.text().getRgb(&r, &g, &b); + + // minus + img.setPixel(3, 5, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(4, 5, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(5, 5, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(6, 5, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(7, 5, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + + + if ( flags & Style_Off ) + lve = new QPixmap(img); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.text().pixel(), 16)+"lveC"+hasBgPix+"1", new QPixmap(img)); + + // plus + img.setPixel(5, 3, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(5, 4, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(5, 6, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + img.setPixel(5, 7, qRgba(r, b, g, a)); + + if ( flags & Style_On ) + lve = new QPixmap(img); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.text().pixel(), 16)+"lveC"+hasBgPix+"0", new QPixmap(img)); + } + } + p->drawPixmap(r.x()-1,r.y()-1, *lve); + } + break; + } + + // copied and slightly modified from KStyle. + case KPE_ListViewBranch: { + if(_drawTriangularExpander) break; + // Typical Windows style listview branch element (dotted line). + + // Create the dotline pixmaps if not already created + if ( !verticalLine ) + { + // make 128*1 and 1*128 bitmaps that can be used for + // drawing the right sort of lines. + verticalLine = new QBitmap( 1, 129, true ); + horizontalLine = new QBitmap( 128, 1, true ); + QPointArray a( 64 ); + QPainter p2; + p2.begin( verticalLine ); + + int i; + for( i=0; i < 64; i++ ) + a.setPoint( i, 0, i*2+1 ); + p2.setPen( color1 ); + p2.drawPoints( a ); + p2.end(); + QApplication::flushX(); + verticalLine->setMask( *verticalLine ); + + p2.begin( horizontalLine ); + for( i=0; i < 64; i++ ) + a.setPoint( i, i*2+1, 0 ); + p2.setPen( color1 ); + p2.drawPoints( a ); + p2.end(); + QApplication::flushX(); + horizontalLine->setMask( *horizontalLine ); + } + + p->setPen( cg.mid() ); + + if (flags & Style_Horizontal) + { + int point = r.x(); + int other = r.y(); + int end = r.x()+r.width(); + int thickness = r.height(); + + while( point < end ) + { + int i = 128; + if ( i+point > end ) + i = end-point; + p->drawPixmap( point, other, *horizontalLine, 0, 0, i, thickness ); + point += i; + } + + } else { + int point = r.y(); + int other = r.x(); + int end = r.y()+r.height(); + int thickness = r.width(); + int pixmapoffset = (flags & Style_NoChange) ? 0 : 1; // ### Hackish + + while( point < end ) + { + int i = 128; + if ( i+point > end ) + i = end-point; + p->drawPixmap( other, point, *verticalLine, 0, pixmapoffset, thickness, i ); + point += i; + } + } + break; + } + + default: + KStyle::drawKStylePrimitive(kpe, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt); + } +} + + +void DominoStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, + QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags, + const QStyleOption &opt ) const +{ + bool down = flags & Style_Down; + bool on = flags & Style_On; + bool sunken = flags & Style_Sunken; + bool horiz = flags & Style_Horizontal; + const bool enabled = flags & Style_Enabled; + const bool mouseOver = flags & Style_MouseOver; + +// bool hasFocus = flags & Style_HasFocus; + + int x = r.x(); + int y = r.y(); + int w = r.width(); + int h = r.height(); + + + + //return KStyle::drawPrimitive(pe, p, r, cg, flags, opt); + + switch(pe) { + + case PE_FocusRect: { + + if(rubberBandType == DistRubber || (rubberBandType == ArgbRubber && !compositeManagerRunning)) { + p->drawWinFocusRect( r ); + break; + } + + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + if(rubberBandType == ArgbRubber && compositeManagerRunning && viewPortPressed && dynamic_cast(w->parentWidget())) { + QListView* lv = dynamic_cast(w->parentWidget()); + if(!lv->currentItem()) + break; + QRect sr = lv->itemRect(lv->currentItem()); + QRect rr = r.normalize(); + int step = lv->rootIsDecorated() ? (lv->currentItem()->depth()+1)*lv->treeStepSize() : lv->currentItem()->depth()*lv->treeStepSize(); + if(dynamic_cast(lv->currentItem())) + step += 16+lv->itemMargin()+4; + + // why is the focusrect misused as a rubberband!? + if((lv->selectionMode() == QListView::Multi || lv->selectionMode() == QListView::Extended) && + !((sr.y() == rr.y()) && (sr.height() == rr.height()) && (sr.x()+step == rr.x()))) { + + QScrollView* sv = static_cast(w); + + QPoint po = w->mapFrom(sv, r.topLeft()); + QRect re = QRect(po.x(), po.y(), r.width(), r.height()); + + drawPrimitive(PE_RubberBand, p, r, cg, flags, opt); + break; + } + } + if(ignoreNextFocusRect) { + ignoreNextFocusRect= false; + break; + } + + QColor color = alphaBlendColors(cg.highlight(), cg.foreground(), 160); + + if(w && (w->isA("QViewportWidget") || dynamic_cast(p->device())->isA("RegionGrabber"))) { // QListView, QListBox, KSnapshot... + // we can't be sure if the pixamp edges will be erased, so only a simple rect. + p->setPen(QPen(color, 1, Qt::SolidLine)); + p->drawRect(r); + break; + } + + QPixmap* edges; + if(!(edges = QPixmapCache::find("fre"+QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)))) { + edges = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("focusRectEdges"), color)); + QPixmapCache::insert("fre"+QString::number(color.pixel(), 16), edges); + } + + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),, *edges, 0, 0, 3, 3); + p->drawPixmap(r.left(), r.bottom()-2, *edges, 0, 3, 3, 3); + p->drawPixmap(r.right()-2,, *edges, 3, 0, 3, 3); + p->drawPixmap(r.right()-2, r.bottom()-2, *edges, 3, 3, 3, 3); + + p->setPen(color); + p->drawLine(r.left()+3,, r.right()-2, r.y()); + p->drawLine(r.left()+3, r.bottom(), r.right()-2, r.bottom()); + p->drawLine(r.left(),, r.left(), r.bottom()-2); + p->drawLine(r.right(),, r.right(), r.bottom()-2); + + break; + } + + case PE_HeaderSection: { // also taskbar buttons + if(dynamic_cast(p->device()) && dynamic_cast(p->device())->isA("PanelKMenu")) { + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + + if(w->parentWidget() && w->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + + QPixmap pix(w->width(), w->height()); + QPainter painter(&pix); + QPoint point = QPoint(w->geometry().x(), w->geometry().y()); + painter.drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, w->width(), w->height(), + *w->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap(), + point.x(), point.y() ); + // if the PopupTitle is hovered by the mouse, we don't have access to the parent background pixmap, + // so it must have have its own one. + w->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + w->setErasePixmap(pix); + w->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + w->erase(); + } + else + w->erase(r); + break; + } + + renderHeader(p, r, cg, (on||down||sunken), mouseOver, true, enabled ); + break; + } + + + // BUTTONS + // ------- + + case PE_ButtonTool: + case PE_ButtonDropDown: + case PE_ButtonBevel: + case PE_ButtonCommand: { + + // the above promitives are not called from within the style + if(dynamic_cast(p->device())) // more likely a backgroundPixmap than a doublebuffer + buttonContour->setAlphaMode(); + + renderButton(p, r, cg, (on||down), mouseOver, true, enabled, khtmlWidgets.contains(opt.widget()) ); + buttonContour->reset(); + break; + } + + case PE_ButtonDefault: { + break; + } + + case PE_SpinWidgetPlus: + case PE_SpinWidgetMinus: { + p->setPen( cg.buttonText() ); + + int l = QMIN( w-2, h-2 ); + // make the length even so that we get a nice symmetric plus... + if(l%2 != 0) + --l; + QPoint c =; + + p->drawLine( c.x()-l/2, c.y(), c.x()+l/2, c.y() ); + if ( pe == PE_SpinWidgetPlus ) { + p->drawLine( c.x(), c.y()-l/2, c.x(), c.y()+l/2 ); + } + break; + } + + case PE_ScrollBarSlider: { + + QColor buttonColor = cg.button(); + + QPixmap buffer; + if(horiz) + buffer.resize(r.width()-14, r.height()); + else + buffer.resize(r.width(), r.height()-14); + if(buffer.isNull()) break; + + QRect br = buffer.rect(); + QPainter painter(&buffer); + + if(horiz) { + uint surfaceFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal; + renderSurface(&painter, br, cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + renderContour(&painter, QRect(-2, 0, br.width()+4, br.height()), cg.button(), buttonColor, contourFlags); + + p->drawPixmap(r.left()+7, r.y(), buffer); + } + else { + uint surfaceFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + renderSurface(&painter, br, cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn|Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + renderContour(&painter, QRect(0, -2, br.width(), br.height()+4), cg.button(), buttonColor, contourFlags); + + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.y()+7, &buffer, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + } + break; + } + + case PE_ScrollBarAddPage: { // bottom / right + + QColor buttonColor = cg.button(); + QColor contourColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default), buttonColor, 203); + QPixmap* addPageBtn; + QPixmap buffer; + + uint surfaceFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + if(horiz) + surfaceFlags |= Is_Horizontal; + + int sl = 6; + if(sliderlen < 14) + sl = sliderlen/2-1; + + //// button part + if(horiz) { + buffer.resize(r.width()+sl, r.height()); + if(buffer.isNull()) break; + + if(!(addPageBtn = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"ah"+configMode ))) { + + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnHMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnHShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollBtnHContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + addPageBtn = new QPixmap(img1); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"ah"+configMode, addPageBtn); + } + } + else { + buffer.resize(r.width(), r.height()+sl); + if(buffer.isNull()) break; + if(!(addPageBtn = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"av"+configMode ))) { + + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnVMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnVShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollBtnVContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + addPageBtn = new QPixmap(img1); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"av"+configMode, addPageBtn); + } + } + + QRect br(buffer.rect() ); + QPainter bp(&buffer); + + //// groove + if(sliderlen >= 10) { + surfaceFlags = Is_ScrollBarGroove; + if(horiz) + surfaceFlags |= Is_Horizontal; + + QColor grooveLine = alphaBlendColors(black, buttonColor, 80); + renderSurface(&bp, QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height()), grooveLine, grooveLine, grooveLine, surfaceFlags); + bp.setClipRegion(horiz ? QRect(0, 1, br.width(), br.height()-2) : QRect(1, 0, br.width()-2, br.height())); + renderSurface(&bp, QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + bp.setClipping(false); + } + else { + renderSurface(&bp, QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + contourFlags |= (horiz)? Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom : Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + renderContour(&bp, horiz?QRect(-2, 0, br.width()+4, br.height()):QRect(0, -2, br.width(), br.height()+4), buttonColor, buttonColor, contourFlags); + } + + + + QString docked = (!horiz && r.height() == 1) || (horiz && r.width() == 1) ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* sliderCap; + if(horiz) { + if(!(sliderCap = QPixmapCache::find("sHCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode))) { + if(r.width() == 1) { + QPixmap gradientPix(16, 15); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHDockedShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHDockedContour"), contourColor); + + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img2); + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img3); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + else { + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + QPixmapCache::insert("sHCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode, sliderCap); + } + } + else { + if(!(sliderCap = QPixmapCache::find("sVCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode))) { + if(r.height() == 1) { + QPixmap gradientPix(15, 16); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVDockedShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVDockedContour"), contourColor); + + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img2); + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img3); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + else { + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + QPixmapCache::insert("sVCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode, sliderCap); + } + } + + + //////////// + + if(horiz) { + if(sliderlen >= 10) { + bp.drawPixmap(br.right()-8, 0, *addPageBtn, 9, 0, 9, 15); + bp.drawPixmap(-6+sl, 0, *sliderCap, 8, 0, 8, 15); + } + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()-sl, r.y(), &buffer, 0, 0, br.width(), br.height(), Qt::CopyROP); + } + else { + if(sliderlen >= 10) { + bp.drawPixmap(0, br.bottom()-8, *addPageBtn, 0, 9, 15, 9); + bp.drawPixmap(0, (br.height() <= 6)? br.bottom()-6, *sliderCap, 0, 8, 15, 8); + } + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.y()-sl, &buffer, 0, 0, br.width(), br.height(), Qt::CopyROP); + } + break; + } + + case PE_ScrollBarSubPage: { // top / left + + QColor buttonColor = cg.button(); + QColor contourColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default), buttonColor, 203); + QPixmap* subPageBtn; + QPixmap buffer; + + uint surfaceFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + + if(horiz) + surfaceFlags |= Is_Horizontal; + + + int sl = 6; + if(sliderlen < 14) + sl = sliderlen/2; + + + //// button part + if(horiz) { + buffer.resize(r.width()+sl, r.height()); + if(buffer.isNull()) break; + + if(!(subPageBtn = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"sh"+configMode ))) { + + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnHMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnHShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollBtnHContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + subPageBtn = new QPixmap(img1); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"sh"+configMode, subPageBtn); + } + } + else { + buffer.resize(r.width(), r.height()+sl); + if(buffer.isNull()) break; + + if(!(subPageBtn = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"sv"+configMode ))) { + + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnVMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollBtnVShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollBtnVContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + subPageBtn = new QPixmap(img1); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"sv"+configMode, subPageBtn); + } + } + + QRect br(buffer.rect()); + QPainter bp(&buffer); + + //// groove + if(sliderlen >= 10) { + surfaceFlags = Is_ScrollBarGroove; + if(horiz) + surfaceFlags |= Is_Horizontal; + + QColor grooveLine = alphaBlendColors(black, buttonColor, 80); + renderSurface(&bp, QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height()), grooveLine, grooveLine, grooveLine, surfaceFlags); + bp.setClipRegion(horiz ? QRect(0, 1, br.width(), br.height()-2) : QRect(1, 0, br.width()-2, br.height())); + renderSurface(&bp, QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + bp.setClipping(false); + } + else { + renderSurface(&bp, QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height()), buttonColor, buttonColor, buttonColor, surfaceFlags); + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + contourFlags |= (horiz)? Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom : Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + renderContour(&bp, horiz?QRect(-2, 0, br.width()+4, br.height()):QRect(0, -2, br.width(), br.height()+4), buttonColor, buttonColor, contourFlags); + } + + + QString docked = (!horiz && r.bottom() == 15) || (horiz && r.right() == 15) ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* sliderCap; + if(horiz) { + if(!(sliderCap = QPixmapCache::find("sHCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode))) { + + if(r.right() == 15) { + QPixmap gradientPix(16, 15); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHDockedShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHDockedContour"), contourColor); + + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img2); + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img3); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + else { + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderHContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + + QPixmapCache::insert("sHCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode, sliderCap); + } + } + else { + if(!(sliderCap = QPixmapCache::find("sVCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode))) { + + if(r.bottom() == 15) { + QPixmap gradientPix(15, 16); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVDockedShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVDockedContour"), contourColor); + + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img2); + bitBlt(&img1, 0, 0, &img3); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + else { + QPixmap gradientPix = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVMask"); + QPainter painter(&gradientPix); + + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, gradientPix.width(), gradientPix.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), buttonColor, Is_ScrollBarBtn); + QImage img1 = gradientPix.convertToImage(); + QImage img2 = qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVShadow"); + QImage img3 = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollSliderVContour"), contourColor); + + blend(img2, img1, img1); + blend(img3, img1, img1); + + sliderCap = new QPixmap(img1); + } + + + QPixmapCache::insert("sVCap"+QString::number(buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+docked+configMode, sliderCap); + } + } + + if(horiz) { + if(sliderlen >= 10) { + bp.drawPixmap(0, 0, *subPageBtn, 0, 0, 9, 15); + bp.drawPixmap((br.width() <= 6)? -2 : br.width()-8, 0, *sliderCap, 0, 0, 8, 15); + } + } + else { + if(sliderlen >= 10) { + bp.drawPixmap(0, 0, *subPageBtn, 0, 0, 15, 9); + bp.drawPixmap(0, br.bottom()-sl-2+1, *sliderCap, 0, 0, 15, 8); + } + } + + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.y(), &buffer, 0, 0, br.width(), br.height(), Qt::CopyROP); + break; + } + + // SCROLLBAR BUTTONS + // ----------------- + + case PE_ScrollBarSubLine: { // top / left button + + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + + QRect cr = r; + QRect ar = r; + QRect sr = r; + + if(horiz) { + contourFlags |= Is_Horizontal|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + if(r.x() == 0) { // = single Button + sr.setX(2); + sr.setWidth(13); + ar.setX(3); + contourFlags |= Draw_Left|Round_BottomLeft|Round_UpperLeft; + } + else { + cr.setWidth(17); + cr.setX(cr.x()-2); + } + } + else { + ar.setX(1); + contourFlags |= Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + if(r.y() == 0) { + sr.setY(2); + sr.setHeight(13); + ar.setY(3); + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight; + } + else { + cr.setHeight(17); + cr.setY(cr.y()-2); + } + } + + if(horiz) { + renderSurface(p, QRect(sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + renderContour(p, QRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + } + else { + p->setClipRegion(QRect(sr.x()+2, sr.y(), sr.width()-4, sr.height())); + renderSurface(p, QRect(sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_ScrollBarBtn); + p->setClipping(false); + renderContour(p, QRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + } + + QColor color = dynamic_cast(p->device()) ? dynamic_cast(p->device())->palette().active().buttonText() : cg.buttonText(); + p->setPen(color); + drawPrimitive((horiz ? PE_ArrowLeft : PE_ArrowUp), p, ar, cg, flags); + + break; + } + + case PE_ScrollBarAddLine: { // bottom / right button + + QRect cr = r; + QRect ar = r; + QRect sr = r; + if(horiz) { + sr.setWidth(13); + ar.setX(r.x()-4); + } + else { + sr.setHeight(13); + ar.setY(r.y()-2); + ar.setX(r.x()+1); + } + + if(horiz) { + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Right|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight; + renderSurface(p, QRect(sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + renderContour(p, QRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + } + else { + p->setClipRegion(QRect(sr.x()+2, sr.y(), sr.width()-4, sr.height())); + renderSurface(p, QRect(sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_ScrollBarBtn); + p->setClipping(false); + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Round_BottomLeft|Round_BottomRight; + renderContour(p, QRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + } + + QColor color = dynamic_cast(p->device()) ? dynamic_cast(p->device())->palette().active().buttonText() : cg.buttonText(); + p->setPen(color); + drawPrimitive((horiz ? PE_ArrowRight : PE_ArrowDown), p, ar, cg, flags); + + + break; + } + + case PE_ScrollBarSubLine2: { // second top / left button // ### remove + + uint contourFlags = Is_ScrollBarBtn; + + QRect cr = r; + QRect ar = r; + QRect sr = r; + + if(horiz) { + contourFlags |= Is_Horizontal|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + } + else { + ar.setX(1); + contourFlags |= Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + } + + if(horiz) { + renderSurface(p, QRect(sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_ScrollBarBtn|Is_Horizontal); + renderContour(p, QRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + } + else { + p->setClipRegion(QRect(sr.x()+2, sr.y(), sr.width()-4, sr.height())); + renderSurface(p, QRect(sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), cg.button(), Is_ScrollBarBtn); + p->setClipping(false); + renderContour(p, QRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height()), cg.button(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + } + + QColor color = dynamic_cast(p->device()) ? dynamic_cast(p->device())->palette().active().buttonText() : cg.buttonText(); + p->setPen(color); + drawPrimitive((horiz ? PE_ArrowLeft : PE_ArrowUp), p, ar, cg, flags); + + break; + } + + // CHECKBOXES + // ---------- + case PE_Indicator: { + break; + } + + case PE_IndicatorMask: { + p->fillRect (r.x()+3, r.y()+3, r.width()-6, r.height()-7, color1); + break; + } + + // RADIOBUTTONS + // ------------ + case PE_ExclusiveIndicator: { + break; + } + + case PE_ExclusiveIndicatorMask: { + + QPointArray pa(8); + pa.setPoint(0, 3,6); + pa.setPoint(1, 6,3); + pa.setPoint(2, 10,3); + pa.setPoint(3, 13,6); + pa.setPoint(4, 13,10); + pa.setPoint(5, 10,13); + pa.setPoint(6, 6,13); + pa.setPoint(7, 3,10); + + p->setBrush(color1); + p->setPen(color1); + p->drawPolygon(pa); + break; + } + + // GENERAL PANELS + // -------------- + case PE_Splitter: { + + p->fillRect(r, cg.background()); + int ch, cs, cv; + cg.background().getHsv(ch, cs, cv); + if(cv < 100) + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(cg.background(), white, 120)); + else + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(cg.background(), black, 180)); + + p->setPen(dGetColor(cg.background(), 55)); + if (w > h) { + int ycenter = r.height()/2; + for(int k =r.width()/2-5; k < r.width()/2+5; k+=3) { + p->drawRect(k, ycenter-1, 2,2); + } + } + else { + int xcenter = r.width()/2; + for(int k =r.height()/2-5; k < r.height()/2+5; k+=3) { + p->drawRect( xcenter-1, k, 2,2); + } + } + + break; + } + + case PE_GroupBoxFrame: + case PE_PanelGroupBox: { // QFrame::GroupBoxPanel + break; + } + + case PE_WindowFrame: { + if ( opt.isDefault() || opt.lineWidth() <= 0 ) + break; + + p->setPen(cg.background().dark(120)); + p->drawRect(r); + p->setPen(cg.background().light(110)); + p->drawRect(QRect(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2)); + + break; + } + + case PE_Panel: { // QFrame::StyledPanel + if(kickerMode) + break; + + p->save(); + // inside rect + p->setPen(cg.background().dark(120)); + p->drawLine(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.right()-1, r.y()+1); //top + p->drawLine(r.x()+1, r.bottom()-1, r.right()-1, r.bottom()-1); + p->drawLine(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.x()+1, r.bottom()-1); + p->drawLine(r.right()-1, r.y()+1, r.right()-1, r.bottom()-1); + + // outside rect + p->setPen(cg.background()); + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.right(), r.y()); //top + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(white, cg.background(), 30)); + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y()+1, r.x(), r.bottom()); + p->drawLine(r.right(), r.y()+1, r.right(), r.bottom()); + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(white, cg.background(), 50)); + p->drawLine(r.x()+1, r.bottom(), r.right()-1, r.bottom()); + + p->restore(); // maybe we are a KArrowButton and need to draw the arrow + break; + } + + case PE_PanelLineEdit: { // QFrame::LineEditPanel + break; + } + + case PE_PanelTabWidget: { // QFrame::TabWidgetPanel + + // we get a wrong clip rect + p->setClipping(false); + + bool roundTopLeft = true; + bool roundTopRight = true; + bool roundBottomLeft = true; + bool roundBottomRight = true; + bool tabsAbove = true; + +// p->fillRect(QRect(r.x()-10, r.y()-10, r.width()+20, r.height()+20), yellow); + + QRect tr; + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + QTabWidget* tw = w ? dynamic_cast(w->parentWidget()) : 0; + bool tabBarHidden = tw && !((DominoQTabWidget*)tw)->tabBar()->isVisible(); + if(tw && !tabBarHidden) { + + tabsAbove = tw->tabPosition() == QTabWidget::Top; + + if(tw->count() != 0) { + + QTabBar* tb = ((DominoQTabWidget*)tw)->tabBar(); + QRect gr = tb->geometry(); + + if(tb->isVisible()) { + tr = tb->tabAt(tw->currentPageIndex())->rect(); + tr.setHeight(3); + tr.moveBy(gr.x(), tabsAbove ? 0 : r.height()-2); + } + + if(!tw->cornerWidget(Qt::TopLeft) && gr.x() < 7) { + if(tabsAbove) + roundTopLeft = false; + else + roundBottomLeft = false; + } + if(!tw->cornerWidget(Qt::TopRight) && gr.x()+gr.width() > tw->width()-7) { + if(tabsAbove) + roundTopRight = false; + else + roundBottomRight = false; + } + } + } + QBrush background = tw ? tw->colorGroup().brush(QColorGroup::Background) : cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background); + QColor bottomGradient = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), cg.background(), 11); + QColor topGradient = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), cg.background(), 15); + QColor tabContour2 = cg.background().dark(150); + + + QString tabPos = tabsAbove ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* tabWEdges; + if(!(tabWEdges = QPixmapCache::find("tabWEdges"+tabPos+QString::number(background.color().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)))) { + tabWEdges = new QPixmap(16,16); + QPainter painter(tabWEdges); + painter.fillRect(tabWEdges->rect(), background); + painter.end(); + + QPixmap tabWEdgesMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + painter.begin(&tabWEdgesMask); + painter.fillRect(tabWEdgesMask.rect(), cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); + painter.end(); + bitBlt(tabWEdges, 0, 0, &tabWEdgesMask); + + QPixmap circle = qembed_findImage("tabWidget"); + bitBlt(tabWEdges, 0, 0, &circle); + + QPixmapCache::insert("tabWEdges"+tabPos+QString::number(background.color().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16), tabWEdges); + } + + + QRect re = QRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()+1); + QColor bg = cg.background(); + QColor bg2 = background.color(); // parent color + + // top + QColor c1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), bg2, 25); + QColor c2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 70); + QColor c3 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 30); + + // left + right + QColor c4 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), bg2, 40); +// QColor c5 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 30); + QColor c6 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 4); + + // bottom + QColor c7 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(249,249,249), bg, 25); + QColor c8 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), bg2, 79); + QColor c9 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), bg2, 30); + + // top + p->setPen(c1); + p->drawLine(re.left(), re.y(), re.right(), re.y()); + p->setPen(c2); + p->drawLine(re.left(), re.y()+1, re.right(), re.y()+1); + p->setPen(c3); + p->drawLine(re.left(), re.y()+2, re.right(), re.y()+2); + // bottom + p->setPen(c7); + p->drawLine(re.left()+1, re.bottom()-2, re.right(), re.bottom()-2); + p->setPen(c8); + p->drawLine(re.left()+1, re.bottom()-1, re.right(), re.bottom()-1); + p->setPen(c9); + p->drawLine(re.left(), re.bottom(), re.right(), re.bottom()); + // left + p->setPen(c4); + p->drawLine(re.left(), re.y()+1, re.left(), re.bottom()-1); + p->setPen(c3); + p->drawLine(re.left()+1, re.y()+2, re.left()+1, re.bottom()-2); + p->setPen(c6); + p->drawLine(re.left()+2, re.y()+3, re.left()+2, re.bottom()-3); + // right + p->drawLine(re.right()-2, re.y()+3, re.right()-2, re.bottom()-3); + p->setPen(c3); + p->drawLine(re.right()-1, re.y()+2, re.right()-1, re.bottom()-2); + p->setPen(c4); + p->drawLine(re.right(), re.y()+1, re.right(), re.bottom()-1); + + + // unpainted area + p->setPen(bg); + p->drawLine(re.left()+3, re.y()+3, re.right()-3, re.y()+3); + p->drawLine(re.left()+3, re.bottom()-4, re.right()-3, re.bottom()-4); + p->drawLine(re.left()+3, re.bottom()-3, re.right()-3, re.bottom()-3); + p->drawLine(re.left()+3, re.y()+3, re.left()+3, re.bottom()-4); + p->drawLine(re.right()-3, re.y()+3, re.right()-3, re.bottom()-4); + + + if(roundTopLeft) { + bitBlt(p->device(), re.x(), re.y(), tabWEdges, 0, 0, 8, 8, Qt::CopyROP); + } + if(roundTopRight) { + bitBlt(p->device(), re.width()-8, re.y(), tabWEdges, 8, 0, 8, 8, Qt::CopyROP); + } + if(roundBottomLeft) { + bitBlt(p->device(), re.x(), re.height()-8, tabWEdges, 0, 8, 8, 8, Qt::CopyROP); + } + if(roundBottomRight) { + bitBlt(p->device(), re.width()-8, re.height()-8, tabWEdges, 8, 8, 8, 8, Qt::CopyROP); + } + + + // paint over the frame to not disturb the transition from the tabWidget to the current tab + if(tr.isValid()) { + p->fillRect(tr, cg.background()); // ### shrink + + if(tabsAbove) { + QColor p1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 50); + QColor p2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 25); + QColor p3 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 10); + + p->setPen(p1); + p->drawPoint(tr.left(),; + p->drawPoint(tr.right(),; + p->setPen(p2); + p->drawPoint(tr.left()+1,; + p->drawPoint(tr.left(),; + p->drawPoint(tr.right()-1,; + p->drawPoint(tr.right(),; + p->setPen(p3); + p->drawPoint(tr.left()+1,; + p->drawPoint(tr.right()-1,; + } + else { + QColor p1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 17); + QColor p2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), bg, 10); + + p->setPen(p1); + p->drawPoint(tr.left(),; + p->drawPoint(tr.right(),; + + p->setPen(p2); + p->drawPoint(tr.left()+1,; + p->drawPoint(tr.right()-1,; + + } + + } + + break; + } + + case PE_PanelPopup: { // QFrame::PopupPanel + + QPopupMenu* pm = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + QColor background = dynamic_cast(p->device()) ? cg.base() : _customPopupMenuColor ? _popupMenuColor : cg.background(); + + QRegion mask(x, y+5, w, h-10); + mask += QRegion(x+5, y, w-10, h); + mask += QRegion(x+1, y+2, w-2, h-4); + mask += QRegion(x+2, y+1, w-4, h-2); + + if(_drawPopupMenuGradient) { + QPixmap buffer(r.width(), r.height()); + QPainter bp(&buffer); + renderGradient(&bp, r, lightenColor(background, 18), darkenColor(background, 12), true); + + if(pm) { + pm->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + pm->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(buffer); + pm->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + } + else { + p->setClipRegion(mask); + p->drawPixmap(r, buffer); + p->setClipping(false); + } + } + else { + if(pm) { + pm->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + pm->setPaletteBackgroundColor(background); + pm->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + } + } + + if(pm) { + if(pm->isA("PrettyPopupMenu") || pm->isA("Amarok::Menu") || pm->isA("Digikam::DPopupMenu")) { + // these popups have a side pixmap and are drawing the frame after the contents + QRect cr = pm->contentsRect(); + if(QApplication::reverseLayout()) + pm->erase(mask-QRegion(cr.width()+3, cr.y(), r.width()-cr.width()-6, cr.height()-1)); + else + pm->erase(mask-QRegion(r.x()+3, cr.y(), r.width()-cr.width()-6, cr.height()-1)); + ((DominoQFrame*)pm)->drawContents(p ); + } + else + pm->erase(mask); + } + + + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.y(), popupFrame, 0, 0, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-5, r.y(), popupFrame, 5, 0, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.bottom()-4, popupFrame, 0, 5, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-5, r.bottom()-4, popupFrame, 5, 5, 5, 5, Qt::CopyROP); + + p->setPen(background.dark(150)); + p->drawLine(r.x()+5, r.y(), r.width()-6, r.y()); + p->drawLine(r.x()+5, r.bottom(), r.width()-6, r.bottom()); + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y()+5, r.x(), r.bottom()-5); + p->drawLine(r.width()-1, r.y()+5, r.width()-1, r.bottom()-5); + + break; + } + + // MENU / TOOLBAR PANEL + // -------------------- + case PE_PanelMenuBar: // QFrame::MenuBarPanel + case PE_PanelDockWindow: { // QFrame::ToolBarPanel + + p->setPen(cg.background()); + // overpainting the menus leads to flicker so we draw only the frame here. + if(dynamic_cast(p->device())) + p->drawRect(r); + else + p->fillRect(r, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); // colorpreview in kcontrol + break; + } + + case PE_StatusBarSection: { + break; + } + + case PE_TabBarBase: { + break; + } + + // TOOLBAR/DOCK WINDOW HANDLE + // -------------------------- + case PE_DockWindowResizeHandle: { + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(p->device()); // QDockWindowResizeHandle + + if(w && !w->erasePixmap()) { + QPixmap pix(r.size()); + QPainter painter(&pix); + renderGradient(&painter, r, lightenColor(cg.background(), 40), darkenColor(cg.background(), 30), horiz); + w->setErasePixmap(pix); + } + break; + } + + case PE_DockWindowHandle: { + QWidget* widget = dynamic_cast(p->device()); // qt_dockwidget_internal - QDockWindowHandle + + int ch, cs, cv; + cg.background().getHsv(ch, cs, cv); + if(cv < 100) + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(cg.background(), white, 120)); + else + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(cg.background(), black, 180)); + + if(widget && widget == hoverWidget) { + if (w > h) { + int ycenter = r.height()/2; + for(int k = r.width()/2-5; k < r.width()/2+5; k+=3) { + p->drawRect(k, ycenter-1, 2, 2); + } + } + else { + int xcenter = r.width()/2; + for(int k = r.height()/2-5; k < r.height()/2+5; k+=3) { + p->drawRect(xcenter-1, k, 2, 2); + } + } + } + break; + } + + // TOOLBAR SEPARATOR + // ----------------- + case PE_DockWindowSeparator: { + if(!_toolBtnAsBtn) { + int ch, cs, cv; + cg.background().getHsv(ch, cs, cv); + if(cv < 100) + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(cg.background(), white, 150)); + else + p->setPen(alphaBlendColors(cg.background(), black, 150)); + + if(horiz) { + int x = r.width()/2; + for(int i = 2; i < r.height()-4; i += 3) + p->drawPoint(x, i); + } + else { + int y = r.height()/2; + for(int i = 2; i < r.width()-4; i += 3) + p->drawPoint(i, y); + } + } + break; + } + case PE_CheckMark: { + if( flags & Style_On ) { + if(flags & Style_Enabled) + p->drawPixmap(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, *checkMark, 0, 0, 16, 17); + else + p->drawPixmap(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, *checkMark, 16, 0, 16, 17); + } + else if ( flags & Style_Off ) { + } + else {// tristate + p->setPen(_customCheckMarkColor ? _checkMarkColor : qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + p->drawLine(6,6,11,6); + p->drawLine(6,8,11,8); + p->drawLine(6,10,11,10); + } + + break; + } + + case PE_SpinWidgetUp: + case PE_SpinWidgetDown: { + QPixmap* arrow; + bool isEnabled = (flags & Style_Enabled); + QString enabled = isEnabled ? "1" : "0"; + QColor color = p->pen().color(); + + if(!(arrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"spinArrows"+enabled))) { + QImage ar = tintImage(qembed_findImage("spinBoxArrows"), color); + if(!isEnabled) { // make it transparent + ar = setImageOpacity(ar, 25); + } + arrow = new QPixmap(ar); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"spinArrows"+enabled, arrow); + } + + if(textEffectSettings.mode) { + QPixmap* effectArrow; + if(!(effectArrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(textEffectSettings.buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"spinEArrows"+enabled))) { + QImage img = tintImage(qembed_findImage("spinBoxArrows"), textEffectSettings.buttonColor); + int opacity = textEffectSettings.buttonOpacity*100/255; + effectArrow = new QPixmap(setImageOpacity(img, !isEnabled ? opacity*25/100 : opacity)); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(textEffectSettings.buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"spinEArrows"+enabled, effectArrow); + } + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+7/2+1+textEffectSettings.buttonPos.x(), r.y()+r.height()/2-3+textEffectSettings.buttonPos.y(), effectArrow, 0, pe == PE_SpinWidgetDown ? 5 : 0, 7, 5); + + } + + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+7/2+1, r.y()+r.height()/2-3, arrow, 0, pe == PE_SpinWidgetDown ? 5 : 0, 7, 5); + break; + } + case PE_HeaderArrow: + case PE_ArrowUp: + case PE_ArrowDown: + case PE_ArrowLeft: + case PE_ArrowRight: { + + QRect re = r; + int x2, w2, h2; + int x = -4; + switch (pe) { + case PE_ArrowUp: { + + x2 = 10; + w2 = 7; + h2 = 5; + break; + } + case PE_ArrowDown: { + x2 = 17; + w2 = 7; + h2 = 5; + break; + } + case PE_ArrowLeft: { + x += 1; + x2 = 0; + w2 = 5; + h2 = 7; + break; + } + case PE_ArrowRight: { + x += 2; + x2 = 5; + w2 = 5; + h2 = 7; + break; + } + default: { + if(flags & Style_Up) { + x2 = 10; + w2 = 7; + h2 = 5; + } + else { + x2 = 17; + w2 = 7; + h2 = 5; + } + break; + } + } + + + QPixmap* arrow; + bool isEnabled = (flags & Style_Enabled); + QString enabled = isEnabled ? "1" : "0"; + QColor color = p->pen().color(); + + if(!(arrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"scrollBarArrows"+enabled))) { + QImage ar = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollBarArrows"), color); + if(!isEnabled) { + ar = setImageOpacity(ar, 25); + } + arrow = new QPixmap(ar); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"scrollBarArrows"+enabled, arrow); + } + + if(/*pe == PE_HeaderArrow &&*/ textEffectSettings.mode) { + QPixmap* effectArrow; + if(!(effectArrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(textEffectSettings.buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"scrollBarEArrows"+enabled))) { + QImage img = tintImage(qembed_findImage("scrollBarArrows"), textEffectSettings.buttonColor); + int opacity = textEffectSettings.buttonOpacity*100/255; + effectArrow = new QPixmap(setImageOpacity(img, !isEnabled ? opacity*25/100 : opacity)); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(textEffectSettings.buttonColor.pixel(), 16)+"scrollBarEArrows"+enabled, effectArrow); + } + p->drawPixmap(re.x()+re.width()/2+x+textEffectSettings.buttonPos.x(), re.y()+re.height()/2-3+textEffectSettings.buttonPos.y(), *effectArrow, x2, 0, w2, h2); + } + + p->drawPixmap(re.x()+re.width()/2+x, re.y()+re.height()/2-3, *arrow, x2, 0, w2, h2); + break; + } + + case PE_CheckListIndicator: { + // the rect in not correctly calculated in Qt, so the controller rect is 2px above the drawn rect. + + QCheckListItem *item = opt.checkListItem(); + QListView *lv = item->listView(); + if(!item) + return; + + QString state = flags& Style_On ? "1" : "0"; + state += flags& Style_Selected ? "1" : "0"; + state += flags& Style_NoChange ? "1" : "0"; + + QColor background = flags& Style_Selected ? cg.highlight() : cg.base(); + QColor foreground = cg.text(); + + QPixmap* pix; + if(!(pix = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(background.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(foreground.pixel(), 16)+"checkListIndicator"+state))) { + pix = new QPixmap(r.x()+lv->itemMargin()+r.width()+4, item->height()); + pix->fill(background); + QPainter painter(pix); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(foreground, background, 127)); + painter.drawLine(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.x()+12, r.y()+1); // t + painter.drawLine(r.x()+1, r.y()+14, r.x()+12, r.y()+14); // b + painter.drawLine(r.x(), r.y()+2, r.x(), r.y()+13); // l + painter.drawLine(r.x()+13, r.y()+2, r.x()+13, r.y()+13); // r + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(foreground, background, 80)); + painter.drawPoint(r.x(), r.y()+1); + painter.drawPoint(r.x()+13, r.y()+1); + painter.drawPoint(r.x(), r.y()+14); + painter.drawPoint(r.x()+13, r.y()+14); + + + if(flags& Style_NoChange) { + painter.fillRect(r.x()+1, r.y()+2, 12, 12, dGetColor(background, 30)); + painter.drawPixmap(r.x()-1, r.y(), tintImage(qembed_findImage("checkmark"), foreground)); + } + if(flags& Style_On) + painter.drawPixmap(r.x()-1, r.y(), tintImage(qembed_findImage("checkmark"), foreground)); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(background.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(foreground.pixel(), 16)+"checkListIndicator"+state, pix); + } + + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, *pix); + break; + } + + case PE_CheckListExclusiveIndicator: { + QColor background = flags& Style_Selected ? cg.highlight() : cg.base(); + p->drawPixmap(r.left()+3,, tintImage(qembed_findImage("checkListExclusiveIndicator"), alphaBlendColors(cg.text(), background, 127))); + + if(flags&Style_On) + p->drawPixmap(r.x()+7, r.y()+5, tintImage(qembed_findImage("rb-dot"),cg.text())); + break; + } + + case PE_SizeGrip: { + + bool parentBgPix = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background).pixmap(); + QString trans = parentBgPix ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* grip; + if(!(grip = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"sizeGrip"+trans))) { + if(parentBgPix) + grip = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage("sizeGrip")); + else { + grip = new QPixmap(4, 4); + grip->fill(cg.background()); + QPixmap tmpPix = qembed_findImage("sizeGrip"); + bitBlt(grip, 0, 0, &tmpPix, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + } + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"sizeGrip"+trans, grip); + } + + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-(QApplication::reverseLayout() ? 12 : 6), r.height()-12, grip, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-6, r.height()-6, grip, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-12, r.height()-6, grip, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP); + break; + } + + + + + case PE_RubberBand: { + +#if KDE_VERSION >= 0x30506 + if(rubberBandType != ArgbRubber || !compositeManagerRunning) { +#else + if(rubberBandType != ArgbRubber) { +#endif + if(rubberBandType == LineRubber) { + p->save(); + p->setPen(QPen(black, 1, Qt::SolidLine)); + p->drawRect(r); + p->restore(); + } + else { + KStyle::drawPrimitive(pe, p, r, cg, flags, opt); + } + break; + } + + + + bool normalized = r.width() < 0 || r.height() < 0; + QRect re = normalized? r.normalize(): r; + + if(re.y() < 0) + re.setY(-3); + if(re.x() < 0) + re.setX(-3); + + + if(!viewPortPressed || re == oldRubberRect || re.width() == 0 || re.height() == 0) { + break; + } + + QColor fg = alphaBlendColors(_argbRubberBandColor, black, 127); + const QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(p->device()); + if(!w) + w = rubberViewPort; + + QPoint po = w->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)); + QRect gr = QRect(po.x(), po.y(), w->width(), w->height()); + + QRegion mask(re.x()+1, re.y(), re.width()-2, re.height()); + mask += QRegion(re.x(), re.y()+1, re.width(), re.height()-2); + + rubber->create(gr, mask); + + + GC gc2 = XCreateGC(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, 0, 0); + + /////// erasing + XRectangle xrect; + XRectangle outline[4]; + int num = 0; + if(re.y() < oldRubberRect.y()) {// ^ top + outline[num].x = oldRubberRect.x(); + outline[num].y = oldRubberRect.y(); + outline[num].width = oldRubberRect.width(); + outline[num].height = 1; + num += 1; + + } + if(oldRubberRect.y()+oldRubberRect.height() < re.y()+re.height()) {// v bottom + outline[num].x = oldRubberRect.x(); + outline[num].y = oldRubberRect.y()+oldRubberRect.height()-1; + outline[num].width = oldRubberRect.width(); + outline[num].height = 1; + num += 1; + } + if(re.x() < oldRubberRect.x()) {// < left + outline[num].x = oldRubberRect.x(); + outline[num].y = oldRubberRect.y(); + outline[num].width = 1; + outline[num].height = oldRubberRect.height()-1; + num += 1; + } + + if(oldRubberRect.x()+oldRubberRect.width() < re.x()+re.width()) {// > right + outline[num].x = oldRubberRect.x()+oldRubberRect.width()-1; + outline[num].y = oldRubberRect.y(); + outline[num].width = 1; + outline[num].height = oldRubberRect.height()-1; + num += 1; + } + + for(int i = 0; iwindow, outline[i].x, outline[i].y, outline[i].width, outline[i].height, false); + + xrect.x = oldRubberRect.x()+1; + xrect.y = oldRubberRect.y()+1; + xrect.width = 2; + xrect.height = 2; + XClearArea(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, xrect.x, xrect.y, xrect.width, xrect.height, false); + + xrect.x = oldRubberRect.x()+1; + xrect.y = oldRubberRect.y()+oldRubberRect.height()-3; + xrect.width = 2; + xrect.height = 2; + XClearArea(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, xrect.x, xrect.y, xrect.width, xrect.height, false); + + xrect.x = oldRubberRect.x()+oldRubberRect.width()-3; + xrect.y = oldRubberRect.y()+1; + xrect.width = 2; + xrect.height = 2; + XClearArea(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, xrect.x, xrect.y, xrect.width, xrect.height, false); + + xrect.x = oldRubberRect.x()+oldRubberRect.width()-3; + xrect.y = oldRubberRect.y()+oldRubberRect.height()-3; + xrect.width = 2; + xrect.height = 2; + XClearArea(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, xrect.x, xrect.y, xrect.width, xrect.height, false); + + + rubber->updateMask(mask); + + ///////////// painting + + XSetForeground(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, preMultiplyColor(qRgba(,,,153))); + XDrawRectangle(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, gc2, re.x(), re.y(), re.width()-1, re.height()-1); + + // inside + XRectangle xrects[8]; + // top left + xrects[0].x = re.x()+2; + xrects[0].y = re.y()+1; + xrects[0].width = 1; + xrects[0].height = 1; + + xrects[1].x = re.x()+1; + xrects[1].y = re.y()+2; + xrects[1].width = 1; + xrects[1].height = 1; + // top right + xrects[2].x = re.x()+re.width()-3; + xrects[2].y = re.y()+1; + xrects[2].width = 1; + xrects[2].height = 1; + + xrects[3].x = re.x()+re.width()-2; + xrects[3].y = re.y()+2; + xrects[3].width = 1; + xrects[3].height = 1; + // bottom left + xrects[4].x = re.x()+1; + xrects[4].y = re.y()+re.height()-3; + xrects[4].width = 1; + xrects[4].height = 1; + + xrects[5].x = re.x()+2; + xrects[5].y = re.y()+re.height()-2; + xrects[5].width = 1; + xrects[5].height = 1; + // bottom right + xrects[6].x = re.x()+re.width()-2; + xrects[6].y = re.y()+re.height()-3; + xrects[6].width = 1; + xrects[6].height = 1; + + xrects[7].x = re.x()+re.width()-3; + xrects[7].y = re.y()+re.height()-2; + xrects[7].width = 1; + xrects[7].height = 1; + + QColor blendc = qRgba(,,, 36); + XSetForeground(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, preMultiplyColor(blendColors(_argbRubberBandColor, blendc).rgb())); + XSetClipRectangles(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, 0, 0, xrects, 8, Unsorted); + XDrawRectangle(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, gc2, re.x()+1, re.y()+1, re.width()-3, re.height()-3); + + XRectangle xrects2[8]; + // top left + xrects2[0].x = re.x()+2; + xrects2[0].y = re.y(); + xrects2[0].width = 1; + xrects2[0].height = 1; + + xrects2[1].x = re.x()+1; + xrects2[1].y = re.y()+1; + xrects2[1].width = 1; + xrects2[1].height = 1; + + xrects2[2].x = re.x(); + xrects2[2].y = re.y()+2; + xrects2[2].width = 1; + xrects2[2].height = 1; + // top right + xrects2[3].x = re.x()+re.width()-3; + xrects2[3].y = re.y(); + xrects2[3].width = 1; + xrects2[3].height = 1; + + xrects2[4].x = re.x()+re.width()-2; + xrects2[4].y = re.y()+1; + xrects2[4].width = 1; + xrects2[4].height = 1; + + xrects2[5].x = re.x()+re.width()-1; + xrects2[5].y = re.y()+2; + xrects2[5].width = 1; + xrects2[5].height = 1; + // bottom left + xrects2[6].x = re.x()+2; + xrects2[6].y = re.y()+re.height()-1; + xrects2[6].width = 1; + xrects2[6].height = 1; + + xrects2[7].x = re.x()+1; + xrects2[7].y = re.y()+re.height()-2; + xrects2[7].width = 1; + xrects2[7].height = 1; + + xrects2[8].x = re.x(); + xrects2[8].y = re.y()+re.height()-3; + xrects2[8].width = 1; + xrects2[8].height = 1; + // bottom right + xrects2[9].x = re.x()+re.width()-3; + xrects2[9].y = re.y()+re.height()-1; + xrects2[9].width = 1; + xrects2[9].height = 1; + + xrects2[10].x = re.x()+re.width()-2; + xrects2[10].y = re.y()+re.height()-2; + xrects2[10].width = 1; + xrects2[10].height = 1; + + xrects2[11].x = re.x()+re.width()-1; + xrects2[11].y = re.y()+re.height()-3; + xrects2[11].width = 1; + xrects2[11].height = 1; + + + XSetForeground(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, preMultiplyColor(qRgba(,,, 121))); + XSetClipRectangles(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, 0, 0, xrects2, 12, Unsorted); + XDrawRectangle(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, gc2, re.x()+1, re.y()+1, re.width()-3, re.height()-3); + XDrawRectangle(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, gc2, re.x(), re.y(), re.width()-1, re.height()-1); + + // outermost pixels + XRectangle xrects3[8]; + // top left + xrects3[0].x = re.x()+1; + xrects3[0].y = re.y(); + xrects3[0].width = 1; + xrects3[0].height = 1; + + xrects3[1].x = re.x(); + xrects3[1].y = re.y()+1; + xrects3[1].width = 1; + xrects3[1].height = 1; + // top right + xrects3[2].x = re.x()+re.width()-2; + xrects3[2].y = re.y(); + xrects3[2].width = 1; + xrects3[2].height = 1; + + xrects3[3].x = re.x()+re.width()-1; + xrects3[3].y = re.y()+1; + xrects3[3].width = 1; + xrects3[3].height = 1; + // bottom left + xrects3[4].x = re.x()+1; + xrects3[4].y = re.y()+re.height()-1; + xrects3[4].width = 1; + xrects3[4].height = 1; + + xrects3[5].x = re.x(); + xrects3[5].y = re.y()+re.height()-2; + xrects3[5].width = 1; + xrects3[5].height = 1; + // bottom right + xrects3[6].x = re.x()+re.width()-2; + xrects3[6].y = re.y()+re.height()-1; + xrects3[6].width = 1; + xrects3[6].height = 1; + + xrects3[7].x = re.x()+re.width()-1; + xrects3[7].y = re.y()+re.height()-2; + xrects3[7].width = 1; + xrects3[7].height = 1; + + XSetForeground(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, preMultiplyColor(qRgba(,,, 37))); + XSetClipRectangles(qt_xdisplay(), gc2, 0, 0, xrects3, 8, Unsorted); + XDrawRectangle(qt_xdisplay(), rubber->window, gc2, re.x(), re.y(), re.width()-1, re.height()-1); + + XFlush(qt_xdisplay()); + XFreeGC(qt_xdisplay(),gc2); + oldRubberRect = re; + + break; + } + + default: { + return KStyle::drawPrimitive(pe, p, r, cg, flags, opt); + } + } +} + +void DominoStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, + QPainter *p, + const QWidget *widget, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags, + const QStyleOption& opt) const +{ + + const bool enabled = (flags & Style_Enabled); + + //return KStyle::drawControl(element, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt); + + switch (element) { + + case CE_ToolButtonLabel: { + + if(widget->isA("KToolBarButton")) { + DominoKToolBarButton* tb= (DominoKToolBarButton *) widget; + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + QStyle::SCFlags active = QStyle::SC_None; + + if (tb->isDown()) { + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + active |= QStyle::SC_ToolButton; + } + if (tb->isEnabled()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (tb->isOn()) flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + if (tb->isEnabled() && tb->hasMouse()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised; + if (tb->hasFocus()) flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + + int dx, dy; + QFont tmp_font(KGlobalSettings::toolBarFont()); + QFontMetrics fm(tmp_font); + QRect textRect; + int textFlags = 0; + + + QPixmap pixmap; + if (tb->iconTextMode() != KToolBar::TextOnly) { + pixmap =tb->iconSet().pixmap( QIconSet::Automatic, + tb->isEnabled() ? (tb->isActive() ? QIconSet::Active : QIconSet::Normal) : + QIconSet::Disabled, + tb->isOn() ? QIconSet::On : QIconSet::Off ); + + QImage img = pixmap.convertToImage(); + if((_toolBtnAsBtn || tb->isToggleButton()) && (tb->isDown() || tb->isOn())) + pixmap = KImageEffect::fade(img, 0.10, black); + else if(tb->isDown() || tb->isOn()) + pixmap = KImageEffect::fade(img, 0.15, black); + else if(_highlightToolBtnIcon && tb->hasMouse() && tb->isEnabled()) + pixmap = KImageEffect::fade(img, 0.25, white); + + } + + QPixmap outlinePixmap = 0; + bool drawOutlinePixmap = false; + if(flags &QStyle::Style_HasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus && !pixmap.isNull()) { + outlinePixmap = renderOutlineIcon(&pixmap); + drawOutlinePixmap = true; + } + + if (tb->iconTextMode() == KToolBar::IconOnly) // icon only + { + if( !pixmap.isNull()) + { + + dx = ( tb->width() - pixmap.width() ) / 2; + dy = ( tb->height()-1 - pixmap.height() ) / 2; + + if(drawOutlinePixmap) { + p->drawPixmap( dx-1, dy-1, outlinePixmap ); + } + + p->drawPixmap( dx, dy, pixmap ); + } + } + + else if (tb->iconTextMode() == KToolBar::IconTextRight) // icon and text (if any) + { + if( !pixmap.isNull()) + { + dx = 4; + dy = ( tb->height()-1 - pixmap.height() ) / 2; + + if(drawOutlinePixmap) { + p->drawPixmap( dx-1, dy-1, outlinePixmap ); + } + + p->drawPixmap( dx, dy, pixmap ); + } + if (!tb->textLabel().isNull()) + { + textFlags = AlignVCenter|AlignLeft; + if (!pixmap.isNull()) + dx = 4 + pixmap.width() + 2; + else + dx = 4; + dy = 0; + + textRect = QRect(dx, dy, tb->width()-dx, tb->height()-1); + } + } + else if (tb->iconTextMode() == KToolBar::TextOnly) + { + if (!tb->textLabel().isNull()) + { + textFlags = AlignVCenter|AlignLeft; + dx = (tb->width() - fm.width(tb->textLabel())) / 2; + dy = (tb->height()-1 - fm.lineSpacing()) / 2; + + textRect = QRect( dx, dy, fm.width(tb->textLabel()), fm.lineSpacing() ); + } + } + else if (tb->iconTextMode() == KToolBar::IconTextBottom) + { + if( !pixmap.isNull()) + { + dx = (tb->width() - pixmap.width()) / 2; + dy = (tb->height()-1 - fm.lineSpacing() - pixmap.height()) / 2; + + if(drawOutlinePixmap) { + p->drawPixmap( dx-1, dy-1, outlinePixmap ); + } + + p->drawPixmap( dx, dy, pixmap ); + } + + if (!tb->textLabel().isNull()) + { + textFlags = AlignBottom|AlignHCenter; + dx = (tb->width() - fm.width(tb->textLabel())) / 2; + dy = tb->height()-1 - fm.lineSpacing() - 4; + + textRect = QRect( dx, dy, fm.width(tb->textLabel()), fm.lineSpacing() ); + } + } + if (!tb->textLabel().isNull() && !textRect.isNull()) + { + p->setFont(KGlobalSettings::toolBarFont()); + QColor pencolor; + if (!tb->isEnabled()) + pencolor = tb->palette().disabled().dark(); + // replaced through icon highlights +// else if(tb->isRaised()) +// pencolor = KGlobalSettings::toolBarHighlightColor(); + else + pencolor = tb->colorGroup().buttonText(); + + dominoDrawItem( p, textRect, textFlags, cg, enabled, 0, tb->textLabel(), -1, &pencolor, textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0); + } + } + else { // QToolButton - bye bye win95 iconset mode :) + + const QToolButton *toolbutton = (const QToolButton *) widget; + QRect rect = r; + Qt::ArrowType arrowType = opt.isDefault() ? Qt::DownArrow : opt.arrowType(); + + if (!opt.isDefault()) { + PrimitiveElement pe; + switch (arrowType) { + case Qt::LeftArrow: pe = PE_ArrowLeft; break; + case Qt::RightArrow: pe = PE_ArrowRight; break; + case Qt::UpArrow: pe = PE_ArrowUp; break; + default: + case Qt::DownArrow: pe = PE_ArrowDown; break; + } + + drawPrimitive(pe, p, rect, cg, flags, opt); + } + else { + + QColor btext = toolbutton->paletteForegroundColor(); + + if (toolbutton->iconSet().isNull() && ! toolbutton->text().isNull() && ! toolbutton->usesTextLabel()) { + int alignment = AlignCenter | ShowPrefix; + if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineAccelerator, widget, QStyleOption::Default, 0)) + alignment |= NoAccel; + dominoDrawItem( p, rect, alignment, cg, enabled, 0, toolbutton->text(), toolbutton->text().length(), &btext, textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0); + } + else { + QPixmap pm; + QIconSet::Size size = toolbutton->usesBigPixmap() ? QIconSet::Large : QIconSet::Small; + QIconSet::State state = toolbutton->isOn() ? QIconSet::On : QIconSet::Off; + QIconSet::Mode mode; +/* if (!toolbutton->isEnabled()) + mode = QIconSet::Disabled; + else*/ if (flags & (Style_Down | Style_On) || (flags & Style_Raised) && (flags & Style_AutoRaise)) + mode = QIconSet::Active; + else + mode = QIconSet::Normal; + + pm = toolbutton->iconSet().pixmap( size, mode, state ); + + if(!toolbutton->isEnabled()) + pm = disableIcon(&pm); + + QImage img = pm.convertToImage(); + if((_toolBtnAsBtn || toolbutton->isToggleButton()) && (toolbutton->isDown() || toolbutton->isOn())) + pm = KImageEffect::fade(img, 0.10, black); + else if(toolbutton->isDown() || toolbutton->isOn()) + pm = KImageEffect::fade(img, 0.15, black); + else if(_highlightToolBtnIcon && toolbutton->hasMouse() && toolbutton->isEnabled()) + pm = KImageEffect::fade(img, 0.25, white); + + QPixmap outlinePixmap = 0; + bool drawOutlinePixmap = false; + if(flags &QStyle::Style_HasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus) { + outlinePixmap = renderOutlineIcon(&pm); + drawOutlinePixmap = true; + } + + if ( toolbutton->usesTextLabel() ) { + p->setFont( toolbutton->font() ); + QRect pr = rect, tr = rect; + int alignment = ShowPrefix; + if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineAccelerator, widget, QStyleOption::Default, 0)) + alignment |= NoAccel; + + if ( toolbutton->textPosition() == QToolButton::Under ) { + int fh = p->fontMetrics().height(); + pr.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, -fh-3 ); + tr.addCoords( 0, pr.bottom(), 0, -3 ); + + if(drawOutlinePixmap) + drawItem( p, pr, AlignCenter, cg, TRUE, &outlinePixmap, QString::null ); + + drawItem( p, pr, AlignCenter, cg, TRUE, &pm, QString::null ); + alignment |= AlignCenter; + } else { + pr.setWidth( pm.width() + 8 ); + tr.addCoords( pr.right(), 0, 0, 0 ); + + if(drawOutlinePixmap) + drawItem( p, pr, AlignCenter, cg, TRUE, &outlinePixmap, QString::null ); + + drawItem( p, pr, AlignCenter, cg, TRUE, &pm, QString::null ); + alignment |= AlignLeft | AlignVCenter; + } + dominoDrawItem( p, tr, alignment, cg, enabled, 0, toolbutton->textLabel(), toolbutton->textLabel().length(), &btext, textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0); + } + else { + if(drawOutlinePixmap) + drawItem( p, rect, AlignCenter, cg, TRUE, &outlinePixmap, QString::null ); + + drawItem( p, rect, AlignCenter, cg, TRUE, &pm, QString::null ); + } + } + } + } + break; + } + + // PROGRESSBAR + // ----------- + case CE_ProgressBarGroove: { + drawPrimitive(PE_Panel, p, r, cg, flags, opt); + break; + } + + case CE_ProgressBarContents: { + + const QProgressBar *pb = dynamic_cast(widget); + int steps = pb->totalSteps(); + + const QColor bg = enabled? cg.base(): cg.background(); // background + const QColor fg = cg.background(); + bool reverseLayout = QApplication::reverseLayout(); + + QPixmap* prBgShadow; + + int h, s, v, bv; + bg.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); + cg.background().getHsv(&h, &s, &bv); + int diff = KMAX(v-bv, 0); + + // if we don't adjust the shadow to the background, it will look strange + QColor tintColor = alphaBlendColors(Qt::black, bg, diff+30); + + if(!(prBgShadow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"prBgShadow"))) { + prBgShadow = new QPixmap(4,4); + prBgShadow->fill(bg); + QPainter painter(prBgShadow); + painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, tintImage(qembed_findImage("progressShadow2"), tintColor)); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"prBgShadow", prBgShadow); + } + + QRect surface; + QRect rightBg; + QRect leftBg; + p->setClipRegion(r); + + + if( steps == 0 ) { // Busy indicator + static const int barWidth = 10; + int progress = pb->progress() % (2*(r.width()-barWidth)); + if( progress < 0) + progress = 0; + if( progress > r.width()-barWidth ) + progress = (r.width()-barWidth)-(progress-(r.width()-barWidth)); + + surface = QRect(reverseLayout? r.right()-progress+1: r.x()+progress+1,, barWidth-2, r.height()); + rightBg = reverseLayout ? QRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width()-(progress-1), r.height()) : + QRect(r.x()+progress+barWidth-1, r.y(), r.width()-(progress+barWidth-1), r.height()); + + if(rightBg.width()+surface.width() < r.width()) { + leftBg = reverseLayout ? QRect(rightBg.width()+surface.width(), r.y(), r.width()-(rightBg.width()+surface.width()-2), r.height()) : + QRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.x()+progress+1, r.height()); + } + } + else { + double percent = static_cast(pb->progress()) / static_cast(steps); + int w = static_cast(r.width() * percent); + if(w < 0) + w = 0; + int w2 = r.width()-(r.width()-w); + rightBg = QRect(reverseLayout? r.left(): r.left()+w,, r.width()-w, r.height()); + surface = QRect(reverseLayout? r.right()-w2+1: r.left(),, w2, r.height()); + } + + + + QPixmap* surfaceTile; + if(!(surfaceTile = QPixmapCache::find("prTile"+QString::number(surface.height())+QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)))) { + surfaceTile = new QPixmap(20, surface.height()); + QPainter tilePainter(surfaceTile); + + flatMode=true; + renderSurface(&tilePainter, QRect(0, 0, 20, surface.height()), fg, cg.background(), fg , Is_Button|Is_Horizontal); + flatMode=false; + + QPixmap pix = qembed_findImage("progressTile"); + tilePainter.drawTiledPixmap(0,0, 20, surface.height(), pix); + + QPixmapCache::insert("prTile"+QString::number(surface.height())+QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16), surfaceTile); + } + + + int staticShift = 0; + int animShift = 0; + + // find the animation Offset for the current Widget + QWidget* nonConstWidget = const_cast(widget); + QMapConstIterator iter = progAnimWidgets.find(nonConstWidget); + if (iter != progAnimWidgets.end()) + animShift =; + + int counter = 0; + while(counter < (surface.width()+20)) { + counter += 20; + if (reverseLayout) { + p->drawPixmap(surface.right()-counter+animShift+staticShift+1,, *surfaceTile); + } + else { + p->drawPixmap(surface.left()+counter-20-animShift+staticShift,, *surfaceTile); + } + } + + + // empty area + + QColor color_d = alphaBlendColors(tintColor, bg, 170); + QColor color_m = alphaBlendColors(tintColor, bg, 85); + QColor color_l = alphaBlendColors(tintColor, bg, 25); + + if(leftBg.isValid()) { + p->setClipRegion(leftBg); + p->fillRect(leftBg, bg); + + p->setPen(color_d); + p->drawLine(leftBg.x()+2, leftBg.y(), leftBg.right()-2, leftBg.y()); + p->setPen(color_m); + p->drawLine(leftBg.x()+2, leftBg.y()+1, leftBg.right()-2, leftBg.y()+1); + p->setPen(color_l); + p->drawLine(leftBg.x()+2, leftBg.y()+2, leftBg.right()-2, leftBg.y()+2); + p->drawLine(leftBg.x()+2, leftBg.bottom(), leftBg.right()-2, leftBg.bottom()); + + //p->setPen(color_l); + p->drawLine(leftBg.x()+1, leftBg.y()+3, leftBg.x()+1, leftBg.bottom()-1); // l + p->drawLine(leftBg.right()-1, leftBg.y()+3, leftBg.right()-1, leftBg.bottom()-1); // r + + p->setPen(color_m); + p->drawLine(leftBg.x(), leftBg.y()+3, leftBg.x(), leftBg.bottom()-1); // l + p->drawLine(leftBg.right(), leftBg.y()+3, leftBg.right(), leftBg.bottom()-1); // r + + p->drawPixmap(leftBg.right()-1, leftBg.y(), *prBgShadow, 2, 0, 2, 3); // tr + p->drawPixmap(leftBg.x(), leftBg.y(), *prBgShadow, 0, 0, 2, 3); + p->drawPixmap(leftBg.right()-1, leftBg.bottom(), *prBgShadow, 2, 3, 2, 1); // br + p->drawPixmap(leftBg.x(), leftBg.bottom(), *prBgShadow, 0, 3, 2, 1); + } + + p->setClipRegion(rightBg); + p->fillRect(rightBg, bg); + + p->setPen(color_d); + p->drawLine(rightBg.x()+2, rightBg.y(), rightBg.right()-2, rightBg.y()); + p->setPen(color_m); + p->drawLine(rightBg.x()+2, rightBg.y()+1, rightBg.right()-2, rightBg.y()+1); + p->setPen(color_l); + p->drawLine(rightBg.x()+2, rightBg.y()+2, rightBg.right()-2, rightBg.y()+2); + p->drawLine(rightBg.x()+2, rightBg.bottom(), rightBg.right()-2, rightBg.bottom()); + + //p->setPen(color_l); + p->drawLine(rightBg.x()+1, rightBg.y()+3, rightBg.x()+1, rightBg.bottom()-1); // l + p->drawLine(rightBg.right()-1, rightBg.y()+3, rightBg.right()-1, rightBg.bottom()-1); // r + + p->setPen(color_m); + p->drawLine(rightBg.x(), rightBg.y()+3, rightBg.x(), rightBg.bottom()-1); // l + p->drawLine(rightBg.right(), rightBg.y()+3, rightBg.right(), rightBg.bottom()-1); // r + + + p->drawPixmap(rightBg.right()-1, rightBg.y(), *prBgShadow, 2, 0, 2, 3); // tr + p->drawPixmap(rightBg.x(), rightBg.y(), *prBgShadow, 0, 0, 2, 3); + p->drawPixmap(rightBg.right()-1, rightBg.bottom(), *prBgShadow, 2, 3, 2, 1); // br + p->drawPixmap(rightBg.x(), rightBg.bottom(), *prBgShadow, 0, 3, 2, 1); + + if(rightBg.width() == 2) { // must overpaint two lighter pixel + p->drawPixmap(rightBg.right(), rightBg.y()+2, *prBgShadow, 0, 3, 1, 1); // br + p->drawPixmap(rightBg.right(), rightBg.bottom(), *prBgShadow, 0, 3, 1, 1); // br + } + + p->setClipping(false); + + break; + } + case CE_ProgressBarLabel: { + const QProgressBar *progressbar = (const QProgressBar *) widget; + QFont font = p->font(); + font.setBold(false); + p->setFont(font); + p->setPen(cg.buttonText()); + //p->drawText(r, AlignCenter | SingleLine, progressbar->progressString()); + dominoDrawItem( p, r, AlignCenter | SingleLine, cg, false, 0, progressbar->progressString(), -1,&cg.buttonText(), false); + break; + } + + case CE_CheckBox: { + + QColorGroup g = cg; + if(!khtmlWidgets.contains(widget)) + g.setColor(QColorGroup::Button, qApp->palette().active().background()); + + QPixmap insidePix = qembed_findImage("checkbox2inside"); + QPainter painter(&insidePix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(3, 0, 14, 19), g.background(), g.button(), g.button(), Is_CheckItem); + painter.end(); + QImage inside = insidePix.convertToImage(); + + QImage checkbox; + QImage shadow = qembed_findImage("checkbox2shadow"); + QImage circle = tintImage(qembed_findImage("checkbox2rect"), buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default)); + blend(shadow, inside, checkbox); + blend(circle, checkbox, checkbox); + + if(flags&Style_Down) { + QImage pressed = tintImage(qembed_findImage("checkbox2pressed"), buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Pressed)); + blend(pressed, checkbox, checkbox); + } + + QPixmap pix = QPixmap(checkbox); + if(flags&Style_On || flags&Style_NoChange) { + painter.begin(&pix); + drawPrimitive(PE_CheckMark, &painter, r, cg, flags); + painter.end(); + } + + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),, pix); + break; + } + + case CE_CheckBoxLabel: { + const QCheckBox *cb = (const QCheckBox *) widget; + + int alignment = QApplication::reverseLayout() ? AlignRight : AlignLeft; + if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineAccelerator, widget, QStyleOption::Default, 0)) + alignment |= NoAccel; + + QRect re = focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline ? subRect(SR_CheckBoxFocusRect, cb) : r; + + if (flags& Style_HasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus) + drawFocusIndicator(p, re, alignment | AlignVCenter |ShowPrefix, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, cb->pixmap(), cb->text(), -1, focusIndicatorSettings.color, focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline); + + drawItem(p, r, alignment | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix, cg, + flags & Style_Enabled, cb->pixmap(), cb->text()); + break; + } + + // RADIOBUTTONS + // ------------ + case CE_RadioButton: { + QColorGroup g = cg; + if(!khtmlWidgets.contains(widget)) + g.setColor(QColorGroup::Button, qApp->palette().active().background()); + + QString down = flags& Style_Down ? "1" : "0"; + + QPixmap* radio; + if((flags & Domino_noCache) || !(radio = QPixmapCache::find("tabEdges"+down))) { + QImage radioImg; + + QPixmap insidePix = qembed_findImage("radio3inside"); + QPainter painter(&insidePix); + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height()+1), g.background(), g.button(), g.background(), Is_CheckItem); + QImage inside = insidePix.convertToImage(); + + QImage shadow = qembed_findImage("radio3shadow"); + QImage circle = tintImage(qembed_findImage("radio3circle"), buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default)); + blend(shadow, inside, inside); + blend(circle, inside, radioImg); + + if(flags&Style_Down) { + QImage pressed = tintImage(qembed_findImage("radio3pressed"), buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default)); + blend(pressed, radioImg, radioImg); + } + + radio = new QPixmap(radioImg); + if(!(flags & Domino_noCache)) + QPixmapCache::insert("radio"+down, radio); + + } + + if(flags & Style_On) { + if(flags & Style_Enabled) + bitBlt(radio, 6, 6, radioIndicator, 0, 0, 5, 5); + else + bitBlt(radio, 6, 6, radioIndicator, 5, 0, 5, 5); + } + + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.y(), radio); + break; + } + + case CE_RadioButtonLabel: { + const QRadioButton *radiobutton = (const QRadioButton *) widget; + + int alignment = QApplication::reverseLayout() ? AlignRight : AlignLeft; + if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineAccelerator, widget, QStyleOption::Default, 0)) + alignment |= NoAccel; + + QRect re = focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline ? subRect(SR_RadioButtonFocusRect, radiobutton) : r; + + if (flags& Style_HasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus) + drawFocusIndicator(p, re, alignment | AlignVCenter |ShowPrefix, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, radiobutton->pixmap(), radiobutton->text(), -1, focusIndicatorSettings.color, focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline); + + drawItem(p, r, alignment | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix, cg, + flags & Style_Enabled, radiobutton->pixmap(), radiobutton->text()); + + break; + } + + // TABS + // ---- + case CE_TabBarTab: { + + QTabBar * tb = (QTabBar *) widget; + + bool konqTab = false; + bool kickoffTab = false; + if(tb->parentWidget()) { + const QWidget* w = tb->parentWidget(); + if(w->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) + konqTab = true; + else if(!strcmp(w->name(), "SUSE::Kickoff::KMenu")) + kickoffTab = true; + } + + QTabBar::Shape tbs = tb->shape(); + bool selected = false; + bool reverseLayout = QApplication::reverseLayout(); + if (flags & Style_Selected) selected = true; + TabPosition pos; + if (tb->count() == 1) { + pos = Single; + } else if ((tb->indexOf(>identifier()) == 0)) { + pos = reverseLayout?Last:First; + } else if (tb->indexOf(>identifier()) == tb->count() - 1) { + pos = reverseLayout?First:Last; + } else { + pos = Middle; + } + + switch (tbs) { + case QTabBar::TriangularAbove: + renderTab(p, r, cg, (flags & Style_MouseOver), selected, false, pos, true, false, konqTab); + break; + case QTabBar::RoundedAbove: + renderTab(p, r, cg, (flags & Style_MouseOver), selected, false, pos, false, false, konqTab); + break; + case QTabBar::TriangularBelow: + renderTab(p, r, cg, (flags & Style_MouseOver), selected, true, pos, true, false, konqTab); + break; + case QTabBar::RoundedBelow: + renderTab(p, r, cg, (flags & Style_MouseOver), selected, true, pos, false, false, konqTab); + break; + default: + KStyle::drawControl(element, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt); + } + + // Qt3 uses this painter to draw the iconSet between CE_TabBarTab and CE_TabBarLabel. If we clip the painter here + // we will have a clean area to draw the icon at the right position in CE_TabBarLabel. + if(!kickoffTab) + p->setClipRect(QRect()); + break; + } + + case CE_PushButton: { + + QPushButton *button = (QPushButton *)widget; + bool khtmlMode = khtmlWidgets.contains(button); + bool isDefault = enabled && button->isDefault(); + bool isHoverWidget = enabled && button == hoverWidget; + bool isSunken = flags & Style_On || flags & Style_Down; + + uint contourFlags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + uint surfaceFlags = Is_Button|Is_Horizontal; + flatMode = button->isFlat(); + + QColor bg; + if(!khtmlMode && !button->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + + if(dynamic_cast(button->parentWidget())) { + bg = button->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor(); + } + else { + bg = cg.background(); + } + + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x(), r.y(), 6, 6), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.width()-6, r.y(), 6, 6), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.width()-6, r.height()-7, 6,7), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x(), r.height()-7, 6, 7), bg); + } + else { + buttonContour->setAlphaMode(); + contourFlags|=Draw_AlphaBlend; + } + if(khtmlMode) contourFlags|=Draw_AlphaBlend; + if(!enabled) { + contourFlags|=Is_Disabled; + surfaceFlags|=Is_Disabled; + } + if(isSunken) { + surfaceFlags|=Is_Down; + contourFlags|=Is_Down; + } + + if(button->isDown()) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_Pressed); + else if(isHoverWidget) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_MouseOver); + else if(isDefault) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_DefaultButton); + + if(!flatMode) { + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-4, r.height()-5), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.button(), surfaceFlags); + + contourFlags |= Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomLeft|Round_BottomRight|Is_Button|Is_Horizontal; + renderContour(p, r, bg, cg.button(), contourFlags); + + if(isSunken) { + renderButtonShadow(p, QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-3), contourFlags); + } + } + else { + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.x()-3, r.y()-1, r.width()+6, r.height()+2), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.button(), surfaceFlags); + + QColor contourColor = alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(buttonContour->state), cg.background(), 179); + p->setPen(contourColor); + if(dynamic_cast(button)) { + + const QWidget* parent = button->parentWidget(); + bool horizontal = parent->width() >= parent->height(); + + KMultiTabBar* tabBar = static_cast(widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->parentWidget()); + + KMultiTabBarTab* tab; + QPtrList* list = tabBar->tabs(); + for(tab = list->first(); tab; tab = list->next()) { + if(horizontal && tab->x()+tab->width() == widget->x()) + break; + else if(tab->y()+tab->height() == widget->y()) + break; + } + + if(tab) { + QPainter painter(tab); + painter.setPen(contourColor); + QRect re = tab->rect(); + if(horizontal) + painter.drawLine(re.right(), re.y(), re.right(), re.bottom()); // right lines + else + painter.drawLine(re.x(), re.bottom(), re.right(), re.bottom()); + } + + if(horizontal) { + if(button->x() == parent->x()) + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.x(), r.bottom()); // first left line + p->drawLine(r.right(), r.y(), r.right(), r.bottom()); // right lines + } + else { + if(button->y() == parent->y()) + p->drawLine(r.right(), r.y(), r.right(), r.bottom()); + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.x(), r.bottom()); + } + // middle lines + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.right(), r.y()); + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.bottom(), r.right(), r.bottom()); + +// if(isSunken) { +// contourFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Bottom|Rectangular_UpperLeft|Rectangular_UpperRight|Rectangular_BottomLeft|Rectangular_BottomRight; +// renderButtonShadow(p, QRect(r.x()-1, r.y()-1, r.width()+5, r.height()+2), contourFlags); +// renderButtonShadow(p, re), contourFlags); +// } + + + } + else { + p->drawRect(r); + } + flatMode = false; + } + + buttonContour->reset(); + break; + } + + case CE_PushButtonLabel: + { + + int x, y, w, h; + r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h ); + + const QPushButton* button = static_cast( widget ); + bool cornArrow = false; + bool hasFocus = button->hasFocus(); + + p->setPen(button->colorGroup().buttonText()); + + // Does the button have a popup menu? + if ( button->popup() ) + { + int dx = pixelMetric( PM_MenuButtonIndicator, widget ); + if ( button->iconSet() && !button->iconSet()->isNull() && + (dx + button->iconSet()->pixmap (QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal, QIconSet::Off ).width()) >= w ) + { + cornArrow = true; //To little room. Draw the arrow in the corner, don't adjust the widget + } + else + { + drawPrimitive( PE_ArrowDown, p, visualRect( QRect(x + w - dx - 8, y + 3, dx, h - 3), r ), cg, flags, opt ); + w -= dx; + } + } + + + // Draw the icon if there is one + if ( button->iconSet() && !button->iconSet()->isNull() ) + { + QIconSet::Mode mode = QIconSet::Disabled; + QIconSet::State state = QIconSet::Off; + + if (button->isEnabled()) + mode = button->hasFocus() ? QIconSet::Active : QIconSet::Normal; + if (button->isToggleButton() && button->isOn()) + state = QIconSet::On; + + QPixmap pixmap = button->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode, state ); + bool focusIcon = hasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus && !focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline; + int pw = pixmap.width(); + + if(button->text().isEmpty()) { + int bpw = button->pixmap() ? button->pixmap()->width() : 0; + if(focusIcon) { + QPixmap outlinePixmap = renderOutlineIcon(&pixmap); + p->drawPixmap( x + (w - bpw -outlinePixmap.width())/2, y + (h - outlinePixmap.height())/ 2, outlinePixmap ); + } + p->drawPixmap( x + (w - bpw - pw)/2, y + (h- pixmap.height()) / 2, pixmap ); + } + else { + int cw = p->fontMetrics().size(Qt::ShowPrefix, button->text()).width()+pw; + if(focusIcon) { + QPixmap outlinePixmap = renderOutlineIcon(&pixmap); + p->drawPixmap( x + (w - cw)/2 - 1 , y + (h - outlinePixmap.height())/ 2, outlinePixmap ); + } + p->drawPixmap( x + (w - cw)/2 , y + (h - pixmap.height())/ 2, pixmap ); + + } + + if (cornArrow) //Draw over the icon + drawPrimitive( PE_ArrowDown, p, visualRect( QRect(x + w - 6, x + h - 6, 7, 7), r ), cg, flags, opt ); + + x += pw + 4; + w -= pw + 4; + } + + QRect re = focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline ? subRect(SR_PushButtonFocusRect, button) : QRect(x, y, w, h); + + if(hasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus && !button->text().isNull()) + drawFocusIndicator(p, re, AlignCenter|ShowPrefix, cg, button->isEnabled(), 0, button->text(), -1, focusIndicatorSettings.buttonColor, focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline, true); + + QPixmap buttonPixmap; + if(button->pixmap()) { + if(!enabled) + buttonPixmap = disableIcon(button->pixmap()); + else + buttonPixmap = *button->pixmap(); + } + dominoDrawItem( p, QRect(x, y, w, h), AlignCenter|ShowPrefix, button->colorGroup(), + enabled, button->pixmap() ? &buttonPixmap : 0, button->text(), -1, &button->colorGroup().buttonText(), textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); + + break; + } + case CE_TabBarLabel: { + p->setClipping(false); // was set in CE_TabBarTab to clip the icon drawing + + if ( opt.isDefault() ) + break; + const QTabBar * tb = (const QTabBar *) widget; + QTab * t =; + bool konqTab = false; + bool kickoffTab = false; + int shift, cshift; + + switch (tb->shape()) { + case QTabBar::RoundedAbove: + shift = 4; + cshift = 3; + break; + case QTabBar::RoundedBelow: + if((konqTab = tb->parentWidget() && tb->parentWidget()->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) || + (kickoffTab = tb->parentWidget() && !strcmp(tb->parentWidget()->name(), "SUSE::Kickoff::KMenu"))) { + shift = 0; + cshift = 0; + } + else { + shift = -3; + cshift = -1; + } + break; + case QTabBar::TriangularAbove: + shift = 4; + cshift = 3; + break; + case QTabBar::TriangularBelow: + shift = -5; + cshift = -3; + break; + default: + shift = 0; + cshift = 0; + } + + QRect tr = r; + bool currentTab = t->identifier() == tb->currentTab(); + if (!currentTab) + tr.setTop( +shift ); + else + tr.setTop( +cshift ); + + int alignment = AlignCenter | ShowPrefix; + + if (flags& Style_HasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus && !t->text().isEmpty()) + drawFocusIndicator(p, QRect(tr.x(), tr.y(), tr.width(), tr.height()), alignment, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, 0, t->text(), -1, focusIndicatorSettings.buttonColor, focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline, true); + + if(t->iconSet() && !tb->isA("KickoffTabBar")) { + bool enabled = t->isEnabled() && tb->isEnabled(); + QPixmap pixmap; + + if(!KApplicationMode) { + QIconSet::Mode mode = (t->identifier() && tb->keyboardFocusTab()) ? QIconSet::Active : QIconSet::Normal; + pixmap = t->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode ); + if(!enabled) + pixmap = disableIcon(&pixmap); + } + else { + QIconSet::Mode mode = enabled ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled; + if ( mode == QIconSet::Normal && (t->identifier() && tb->keyboardFocusTab()) ) + mode = QIconSet::Active; + pixmap = t->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode ); + } + + int pixw = pixmap.width(); + int pixh = pixmap.height(); + QRect ir = r; + ir.setLeft( tr.left() - pixw - 4 ); + ir.setRight( tr.right() - 2 ); + int yoff = 0; + if(!currentTab) { + yoff = pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_TabBarTabShiftVertical, tb); + } + + switch(tb->shape()) { + case QTabBar::RoundedAbove: + case QTabBar::TriangularAbove: + ir.setHeight(ir.height()+4); + break; + default: + if(!konqTab) + ir.setHeight(ir.height()-2); + } + + p->drawPixmap( ir.left() + 2, yoff, pixmap ); + } + + QColor textColor = cg.foreground(); + if(konqTab) + textColor = cg.foreground() != tb->palette().active().foreground() ? cg.foreground() : tb->palette().active().foreground(); + else if(konsoleMode) + textColor = tb->palette().active().foreground(); + + dominoDrawItem( p, tr, alignment, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, 0, t->text(), -1, &textColor/*&cg.foreground()*/, textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0); + break; + } + + case CE_MenuBarItem: { + + bool active = flags & Style_Active; + bool focused = flags & Style_HasFocus; + bool down = flags & Style_Down; + + if (active && focused) { + + if(!macStyleBar) + p->fillRect(r, cg.background()); // gtk-qt engine fix + + QColor c = down ? dGetColor(cg.background(), 15) : dGetColor(cg.background(), 25); + + p->fillRect(QRect(r.left()+3,r.y()+1, r.width()-7, r.height()), c); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.left(),, 3, r.height()-7), c); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.right()-3, r.y()+4, 3, r.height()-7), c); + + QPixmap pix = tintImage(qembed_findImage("menuItem"), c); + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),r.y()+1, pix, 0, 0, 3, 3); + p->drawPixmap(r.left(),r.bottom()-2, pix, 0, 3, 3, 3); + p->drawPixmap(r.right()-3,r.y()+1, pix, 3, 0, 3, 3); + p->drawPixmap(r.right()-3,r.bottom()-2, pix, 3, 3, 3, 3); + } + + p->setPen(cg.foreground() ); + drawItem(p, r, AlignVCenter | AlignHCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine, cg, true, 0, + opt.menuItem()->text(), -1, &cg.foreground() ); + break; + } + + // POPUPMENU ITEM (highlighted on mouseover) + // ------------------------------------------ + case CE_PopupMenuItem: { + + const QPopupMenu *popupmenu = static_cast< const QPopupMenu * >( widget ); + QMenuItem *mi = opt.menuItem(); + + if ( !mi ) + break; + + bool checked = popupmenu->isCheckable() && mi->isChecked(); + int tab = opt.tabWidth(); + int maxpmw = mi->iconSet() || _indentPopupMenuItems ? opt.maxIconWidth() : 0; + int cmwidth = _indentPopupMenuItems ? maxpmw ? 0 : 12 : 16; // checkmark, visible 10 + if(!_indentPopupMenuItems && checked) + maxpmw += cmwidth-1; + bool enabled = mi->isEnabled(); + bool active = flags & Style_Active; + bool reverse = QApplication::reverseLayout(); + bool separator = mi->isSeparator(); + + + QColor color; + if(separator || (active && enabled)) { + + color = separator ? dGetColor(_popupMenuColor, 20) : _selMenuItemColor; + float val = 0; + int ph = popupmenu->rect().height()/2; + int part = separator ? QMAX(1, ph/r.y()+r.height()) : QMAX(1, ph/r.height()); + + if(_drawPopupMenuGradient) { + if(r.y()+r.height()/2 < ph) { + for( int i=r.y(); i < ph; i += part) { + val += 0.5; + } + color = lightenColor(color, (int)val); + } + else { + for( int i=0; i < r.y()-ph; i += part) { + val += 0.5; + } + color = darkenColor(color, (int)val); + } + } + } + + + + // Draw the menu item background + if (active) { + if (enabled) { + QColor c = color; + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x()+3, r.y(), r.width()-6, r.height()), c); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x(), r.y()+3, 3, r.height()-6), c); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x()+r.width()-3, r.y()+3, 3, r.height()-6), c); + + QPixmap pix = tintImage(qembed_findImage("menuItem"), c); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.y(), &pix, 0, 0, 3, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.bottom()-2, &pix, 0, 3, 3, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+r.width()-3, r.y(), &pix, 3, 0, 3, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+r.width()-3, r.bottom()-2, &pix, 3, 3, 3, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + + } + } + + // Are we a menu item separator? + if(separator) { + p->setPen(color); + p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y()+2, r.right(), r.y()+2); + break; + } + + if(checked) { + // We only have to draw the background if the menu item is inactive - + // if it's active the "pressed" background is already drawn + QRect cmr = visualRect( QRect( r.x()+itemFrame , r.y() + 1, QMIN(QMAX(maxpmw, cmwidth), r.height() - 2), r.height() - 2 ), r ); + + // Draw the checkmark + SFlags cflags = Style_On; + if (enabled) + cflags |= Style_Enabled; + + if(reverse && _indentPopupMenuItems) + drawPrimitive( PE_CheckMark, p, QRect(cmr.x() + (maxpmw ? (maxpmw-16)/2-4 : -1), cmr.y(), cmr.width(), cmr.height()), cg, cflags ); + else if(_indentPopupMenuItems) + drawPrimitive( PE_CheckMark, p, QRect(cmr.x() + (maxpmw ? (maxpmw-16)/2-3 : -6), cmr.y(), cmr.width(), cmr.height()), cg, cflags ); + else + drawPrimitive( PE_CheckMark, p, QRect(reverse ? cmr.x()+cmr.width()-15 : cmr.x()-3, cmr.y(), cmr.width(), cmr.height()), cg, cflags ); + + + + } + if(!(_indentPopupMenuItems && checked) && mi->iconSet()) { + QRect cr = visualRect( QRect( (reverse ? r.x()-2 : r.x()) + itemFrame, r.y() + 1, maxpmw -1 , r.height() - 2 ), r ); + QIconSet::Mode mode; + + // Select the correct icon from the iconset + QPixmap pixmap; + if(KApplicationMode) { + if (active) + mode = enabled ? QIconSet::Active : QIconSet::Disabled; + else + mode = enabled ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled; + pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap(QIconSet::Small, mode); + } + else { + pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap(QIconSet::Small, active ? QIconSet::Active : QIconSet::Normal); + if(!enabled) + pixmap = disableIcon(&pixmap); + } + + if(checked && !reverse) + cr.setX(cr.x()+cmwidth); + p->drawPixmap( cr.x(), cr.y(), pixmap ); + } + + // Time to draw the menu item label... + int xm = itemFrame + maxpmw; // X position margin + if(_indentPopupMenuItems) + xm += cmwidth; + + int xp = reverse ? // X position + r.x() + tab+ itemFrame*2 + itemHMargin + maxpmw +cmwidth + (_indentPopupMenuItems ? 16 : 0) - xm: + r.x() + xm; + + + // Label width (minus the width of the accelerator portion) + int tw = r.width() - xm - tab - arrowHMargin - itemHMargin * 3 - itemFrame + 1; + + // Set the color for enabled and disabled text + // (used for both active and inactive menu items) + p->setPen( enabled ? cg.buttonText() : cg.mid() ); + + // This color will be used instead of the above if the menu item + // is active and disabled at the same time. (etched text) + QColor discol = cg.mid(); + + // Does the menu item draw it's own label? + if(mi->custom()) { + int m = 2; + // Save the painter state in case the custom + // paint method changes it in some way + mi->custom()->paint( p, cg, active, enabled, xp, r.y()+m, tw, r.height()-2*m ); + } + else { + // The menu item doesn't draw it's own label + QString s = mi->text(); + // Does the menu item have a text label? + if ( !s.isNull() ) { + int t = s.find( '\t' ); + int m = 2; + int text_flags = AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine; + text_flags |= reverse ? AlignRight : AlignLeft; + + QColor draw = (active && enabled) ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.foreground(); + p->setPen(draw); + + // Does the menu item have a tabstop? (for the accelerator text) + if ( t >= 0 ) { + + int arrowMargin = (mi->popup() || _indentPopupMenuItems ) ? itemHMargin + arrowHMargin : 0; + + int tabx = reverse ? r.x() + arrowMargin + itemFrame : r.x() + r.width() - tab - arrowMargin- itemFrame; + + // Draw the right part of the label (accelerator text) + //p->drawText( tabx, r.y()+m, tab, r.height()-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ) ); + dominoDrawItem( p, QRect(tabx, r.y()+m, tab, r.height()-2*m), text_flags, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, 0, s.mid( t+1 ), -1, &draw); + s = s.left( t ); + } + + // Draw the left part of the label (or the whole label + // if there's no accelerator) + //p->drawText( xp, r.y()+m, tw, r.height()-2*m, text_flags, s, t ); + dominoDrawItem( p, QRect(xp, r.y()+m, tw, r.height()-2*m), text_flags, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, 0, s, t, &draw); + p->setPen(cg.text()); + } + + // The menu item doesn't have a text label + // Check if it has a pixmap instead + else if ( mi->pixmap() ) { + QPixmap *pixmap = mi->pixmap(); + + // Draw the pixmap + if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 ) + p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode ); + + int diffw = ( ( r.width() - pixmap->width() ) / 2 ) + + ( ( r.width() - pixmap->width() ) % 2 ); + p->drawPixmap( r.x()+diffw, r.y()+1, *pixmap ); + + if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 ) + p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode ); + } + } + + // Does the menu item have a submenu? + if ( mi->popup() ) { + PrimitiveElement arrow = reverse ? PE_ArrowLeft : PE_ArrowRight; + + int dim = pixelMetric(PM_MenuButtonIndicator) - 1; + QRect vr = visualRect( QRect( r.x() + r.width() - 5 - 1 - dim, + r.y() + r.height() / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim), r ); + + TextEffect textEffectMode_save = textEffectSettings.mode; + if(textEffectSettings.mode == TextEffect_OnlyButton) + textEffectSettings.mode = TextEffect_None; + if(enabled) { + p->setPen(active? cg.highlightedText(): cg.foreground()); + drawPrimitive( arrow, p, vr, cg, Style_Enabled); + } + else { + p->setPen(cg.mid()); + drawPrimitive( arrow, p, vr, cg, Style_Default); + } + textEffectSettings.mode = textEffectMode_save; + } + break; + } + + case CE_ToolBoxTab: { + + bool selected= (flags & Style_Selected && ((QToolBox*)widget)->currentItem()); + + QPixmap pix(widget->size()); + QPainter painter(&pix); + + QColor background = (flags&Style_Down && !selected) ? darkenColor(cg.background(), 15) : cg.background(); + + painter.fillRect(QRect(5, 0, r.width()-10, r.height()), background); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(r.x(), r.y(), 5, r.height()), background.light(120), background, false); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(r.width()-5, r.y(), 5, r.height()), background, background.light(115), false); + painter.setPen(cg.background().dark(120)); + painter.drawLine(r.x(), r.bottom(), r.width(), r.bottom()); + painter.setPen((hoveredToolBoxTab && !selected) ? dGetColor(cg.background(), 95) : dGetColor(cg.background(), 45)); + + PrimitiveElement arrow; + QRect re = QRect(r.x()+6,r.y(),r.x()+10,r.height()); + if(selected) { + arrow = PE_ArrowDown; + re.setY(re.y()+1); + } + else { + arrow = PE_ArrowRight; + } + drawPrimitive(arrow, &painter, re, cg, Style_Enabled); + + p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), pix); + break; + } + + case CE_HeaderLabel: + { + QRect rect = r; + const QHeader* header = (const QHeader *) widget; + int section = opt.headerSection(); + + QIconSet* icon = header->iconSet( section ); + if ( icon ) { + QPixmap pixmap = icon->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, + flags & Style_Enabled ? + QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled ); + int pixw = pixmap.width(); + int pixh = pixmap.height(); + // "pixh - 1" because of tricky integer division + + QRect pixRect = rect; + pixRect.setY( - (pixh - 1) / 2 ); + drawItem ( p, pixRect, AlignVCenter, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, + &pixmap, QString::null ); + if (QApplication::reverseLayout()) + rect.setRight(rect.right() - pixw - 2); + else + rect.setLeft(rect.left() + pixw + 2); + } + + if (rect.isValid()) + dominoDrawItem ( p, rect, AlignVCenter, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, + 0, header->label( section ), -1, &(cg.buttonText()), textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); + break; + } + default: + KStyle::drawControl(element, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt); + } +} + +void DominoStyle::drawControlMask(ControlElement element, + QPainter *p, + const QWidget *w, + const QRect &r, + const QStyleOption &opt) const +{ + + switch (element) { + case CE_PushButton: { + break; + } + case CE_CheckBox: { + drawPrimitive(PE_IndicatorMask, p, r, w->colorGroup(), Style_Default, opt); + break; + } + case CE_RadioButton : { + drawPrimitive(PE_ExclusiveIndicatorMask, p, r, w->colorGroup(), Style_Default, opt); + break; + } + default: { + break; + //KStyle::drawControlMask (element, p, w, r, opt); + } + } +} + +void DominoStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl control, + QPainter *p, + const QWidget *widget, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags, + SCFlags controls, + SCFlags active, + const QStyleOption& opt) const +{ + const bool reverseLayout = QApplication::reverseLayout(); + + const bool enabled = (flags & Style_Enabled); + + //return KStyle::drawComplexControl(control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, controls, active, opt); + + switch(control) { + + // COMBOBOX + // -------- + case CC_ComboBox: { + + static const unsigned int handleWidth = 15; + const QComboBox *cb = dynamic_cast(widget); + bool editable = cb && cb->editable(); + bool isDown = cb && cb->listBox() && cb->listBox()->isVisible(); + bool hasFocus =(flags&Style_HasFocus); + const QColor inputColor = enabled ? (editable ? cg.base() : cg.button()) : cg.background(); + const QColor bg = (cb && cb->parentWidget()) ? cb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor() : cg.background(); + bool hasPixmap = cb && cb->count() > 0 && cb->pixmap(cb->currentItem()); + uint contourFlags = 0; + bool isKhtmlWidget = khtmlWidgets.contains(cb); + + if(isKhtmlWidget || (cb && cb->parentWidget() && cb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap())) { + contourFlags |= Draw_AlphaBlend; + buttonContour->setAlphaMode(); + } + else { + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x(), r.y(), 6, r.height()), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.width()-6, r.y(), 6, r.height()), bg); + } + + if(hasPixmap && editable && r.width() > 40) { + int x = reverseLayout ? handleWidth+3 : 6; + QRegion mask(x, 0, 17, r.height()); + if(!reverseLayout) + mask += QRegion(x-2, 4, 2, r.height()-9); + p->setClipRegion(mask); + } + + contourFlags |= Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight|Draw_Right|Draw_Top| + Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Is_Button|Is_Horizontal; + uint surfaceFlags = Is_Button|Is_Horizontal; + if(isDown) { + surfaceFlags |= Is_Down; + contourFlags |= Is_Down; + } + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.left()+2,, r.width()-4, r.height()-5), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.background(), surfaceFlags); + + if(isDown) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_Pressed); + else if(enabled && cb == hoverWidget) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_MouseOver); + renderContour(p, r, bg, cg.button(), contourFlags); + + + if(editable) { + QColor lineEditColor = enabled ? cg.base() : cg.background(); + QString isEnabled = enabled ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* lineEditBtnEdges; // shared with spinwidget + if(!(lineEditBtnEdges = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(cg.button().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(lineEditColor.pixel(), 16)+"lineEditBtnEdges"+isEnabled))) { // + buttoncolor + + // To not make the button contour appear thicker with dark button gradiens, we need a tad smaller rounding for the lineEdit edges. + QPixmap pixmap(1, r.height()); + QPainter painter(&pixmap); + flatMode = true; + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.background(), surfaceFlags); + flatMode = false; + QImage img = pixmap.convertToImage(); + + // Test, if we have a dark button. Not accurate, but... + QColor c1 = QColor(img.pixel(0, r.y()+4)); + QColor c2 = QColor(img.pixel(0, r.height()-6)); + int v, v1, v2; + c1.getHsv(&v, &v ,&v1); + c2.getHsv(&v, &v ,&v2); + QImage edges = tintImage(qembed_findImage( (v1+v2)/2 < 200 ? "lineEditBtnEdges-d" : "lineEditBtnEdges"), lineEditColor); + + if(enabled) { + QImage shadow = qembed_findImage("lineEditBtnShadow"); + blend(shadow, edges, edges); + } + lineEditBtnEdges = new QPixmap(edges); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(cg.button().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(lineEditColor.pixel(), 16)+"lineEditBtnEdges"+isEnabled, lineEditBtnEdges); + } + + if(reverseLayout) { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-6, r.y()+3, lineEditBtnEdges, 3, 0, 3, 3); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-6, r.height()-7, lineEditBtnEdges, 3, 3, 3, 3); + } + else { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+3, r.y()+3, lineEditBtnEdges, 0, 0, 3, 3); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+3, r.height()-7, lineEditBtnEdges, 0, 3, 3, 3); + } + } + + + QRect ar(reverseLayout ? r.left()+3 : r.width()-handleWidth-1, r.height()/2-2, handleWidth, 6); + if(hasFocus && focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus && enabled && cb) { + QRect editField = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ComboBoxEditField); + int pw = hasPixmap ? (cb->pixmap(cb->currentItem()))->width()+2 : 0; + + if(!editable) { + int fmheight = p->fontMetrics().height(); + if(reverseLayout) + editField.addCoords(pw+17, editField.height()/2-fmheight/2-1,0 , 0); + else + editField.addCoords(2+pw, editField.height()/2-fmheight/2-1,0 , 0); + QRect re = focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline ? subRect(SR_ComboBoxFocusRect, cb) : editField; + drawFocusIndicator(p, re, AlignLeft, cg, true, 0, cb->currentText(), -1, focusIndicatorSettings.buttonColor, focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline, true); + } + } + + if(isDown) { + uint shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Right|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left; + QRect sr; + if(editable) { + shadowFlags |= reverseLayout? Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft|Rectangular_UpperRight|Rectangular_BottomRight : + Rectangular_UpperLeft|Rectangular_BottomLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight; + sr = QRect(reverseLayout ? r.left()+2 : r.width()-handleWidth-3, r.y()+2, handleWidth+3, r.height()-3); + } + else { + shadowFlags |= Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight; + sr = QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-3); + } + + renderButtonShadow(p, sr, shadowFlags); + } + buttonContour->reset(); + + p->setPen(cb ? cb->palette().active().buttonText() : qApp->palette().active().buttonText()); + uint aflags = Style_Default|Style_Raised; + if(enabled) + aflags |= Style_Enabled; + drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowDown, p, ar, cg, aflags); + + p->setPen(cg.foreground()); + break; + } + + // TOOLBUTTON + // ---------- + case CC_ToolButton: { + + QToolButton *tb = (QToolButton *) widget; + + if(_toolBtnAsBtn && ::qt_cast(tb)) { + + const bool reverse = QApplication::reverseLayout(); + KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast(tb->parentWidget()); + if(!bar) break; + KToolBarButton* btn = ::qt_cast(tb); + KToolBarButton* prevBtn = 0; + KToolBarButton* nextBtn = 0; + bool prevBtnIsOn = false; + bool nextBtnIsOn = false; + bool isOn = flags &Style_On || flags &Style_Down; + bool isDown = flags &Style_Down; + const bool horizontal = bar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal; + + QRect cr = r , sr = r, bsr = r; + int index = bar->itemIndex(btn->id()); + + if(bar->getButton(bar->idAt(index-1))) { + prevBtn = bar->getButton(bar->idAt(index-1)); + if((!reverse) ? (horizontal) ? prevBtn->x() + prevBtn->width() != btn->x() : prevBtn->y() + prevBtn->height() != btn->y() : + (horizontal) ? prevBtn->x() != btn->x()+btn->width() : prevBtn->y() + prevBtn->height() != btn->y() + ) + prevBtn = 0; + else + prevBtnIsOn = prevBtn->isOn(); + } + if(bar->getButton(bar->idAt(index+1))) { + nextBtn= bar->getButton(bar->idAt(index+1)); + if((!reverse) ? (horizontal) ? nextBtn->x() != btn->x() + btn->width() : nextBtn->y() != btn->y() + btn->height() : + (horizontal) ? nextBtn->x() + nextBtn->width() != btn->x() : nextBtn->y() != btn->y() + btn->height() + ) + nextBtn = 0; + else + nextBtnIsOn = nextBtn->isOn(); + } + + bool drawSeparator = false; + uint contourFlags = Is_Button; + uint surfaceFlags = Is_Button; + + if(horizontal) { + surfaceFlags |=Is_Horizontal; + contourFlags |=Is_Horizontal; + } + + if(isOn) { + surfaceFlags |= Is_Down; + contourFlags |= Is_Down; + } + + QPixmap buffer(btn->size()); + QPainter painter(&buffer); + + if(tb->parentWidget() && tb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, tb->width(), tb->height(), *tb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap(), tb->geometry().x(), tb->geometry().y()); + contourFlags |= Draw_AlphaBlend; + } + else + painter.fillRect(buffer.rect(), cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); + + + if(prevBtn) { + if(nextBtn) { + // middle + if(horizontal) { + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + cr.setLeft(r.left()-6); + cr.setWidth(r.width()+12); + bsr.setLeft(r.left()-2); + bsr.setWidth(r.width()+3); + sr.addCoords(-1, 2, 0, -3); + drawSeparator = true; + } + else { + contourFlags |= Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + cr.setY(r.y()-6); + cr.setHeight(r.height()+13); + bsr.addCoords(2, 0, 0, 1); + sr.addCoords(2, -1, -2, 0); + drawSeparator = true; + } + } + else { + // right / bottom + if(!horizontal) { + contourFlags |= Draw_Bottom|Draw_Right|Draw_Left|Round_BottomRight|Round_BottomLeft; + cr.setY(r.y()-6); + cr.setHeight(r.height()+6); + bsr.addCoords(2, 0, 0, -1); + sr.addCoords(2, -1, -2, -3); + } + else if(!reverse) { + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Right|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight; + cr.setLeft(r.left()-6); + cr.setWidth(r.width()+5); + bsr.setLeft(r.left()-2); + bsr.setWidth(r.width()+1); + sr.addCoords(-1, 2, -3, -3); + + } + else { // reverse + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft; + cr.setWidth(r.width()+6); + bsr.setWidth(r.width()+1); + sr.addCoords(2, 2, 0, -3); + drawSeparator = true; + } + } + } + else { + if(nextBtn) { + // left / top + if(!horizontal) { + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight; + cr.setHeight(r.height()+7); + bsr.addCoords(2, 2, 0, +1); + sr.addCoords(2, 2, -2, 0); + drawSeparator = true; + } + else if(!reverse) { + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft; + cr.setWidth(r.width()+6); + bsr.setWidth(r.width()+1); + sr.addCoords(2, 2, 0, -3); + drawSeparator = true; + } + else { //reverse + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Right|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight; + cr.setLeft(r.left()-6); + cr.setWidth(r.width()+5); + bsr.setLeft(r.left()-2); + bsr.setWidth(r.width()+1); + sr.addCoords(-1, 2, -3, -3); + } + } + else { + // full + if(horizontal) { + cr.setWidth(r.width()-1); + bsr.setWidth(r.width()-1); + sr.addCoords(2, 2, -3, -3); + } + else { + bsr.addCoords(2, 2, 0, -1); + sr.addCoords(2, 2, -2, -3); + } + contourFlags |= Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft| + Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight; + + } + } + + + renderSurface(&painter, sr, cg.background(), cg.background(), cg.background(), surfaceFlags); + drawControl(CE_ToolButtonLabel, &painter, widget, r, cg, flags,opt); + renderContour(&painter, cr, cg.background(), cg.background(), contourFlags); + + + /////////////////////////////////////////// drop down indicator + + if(tb->popup()) { + QString isEnabled = enabled ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* arrow; + QColor color = btn->palette().active().buttonText(); + if(!(arrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"arrow_down"+isEnabled))) { + QImage ar = tintImage(qembed_findImage("arrow_down"), color); + if(!isEnabled) { + ar = setImageOpacity(ar, 25); + } + arrow = new QPixmap(ar); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"arrow_down"+isEnabled, arrow); + } + + QPoint point; + if(prevBtn) + if(nextBtn) + if(horizontal) + point = QPoint(cr.width()-19, cr.bottom()-8); + else + point = QPoint(cr.width()-8, cr.bottom()-12); + else + if(!horizontal) + point = QPoint(cr.width()-8, cr.bottom()-8); + else if(!reverse) + point = QPoint(cr.width()-15, cr.bottom()-8); + else // reverse + point = QPoint(cr.width()-13, cr.bottom()-8); + else + if(nextBtn) + if(!horizontal) + point = QPoint(cr.width()-8, cr.bottom()-12); + else if(!reverse) + point = QPoint(cr.width()-13, cr.bottom()-8); + else //reverse + point = QPoint(cr.width()-15, cr.bottom()-8); + else + if(horizontal) + point = QPoint(cr.width()-9, cr.bottom()-8); + else + point = QPoint(cr.width()-8, cr.bottom()-8); + + bitBlt(&buffer, point.x(), point.y(), arrow); + + } + + + /////////////////////////////////////////// separator + + if(drawSeparator) { // on the right side of the button + + ContourState cState; + if(reverse && horizontal) { + if( ((enabled && !isDown) || (prevBtn && prevBtn == hoverWidget)) && (hoverWidget && (tb == hoverWidget || (prevBtn == hoverWidget && prevBtn->isEnabled() && !prevBtn->isDown()))) ) + cState = Contour_MouseOver; + else if(isDown || (prevBtn && prevBtn->isDown())) + cState = Contour_Pressed; + else + cState = Contour_Default; + } + else { + if( ((enabled && !isDown) || (nextBtn &&nextBtn == hoverWidget)) && (hoverWidget && (tb == hoverWidget || (nextBtn == hoverWidget && nextBtn->isEnabled() && !nextBtn->isDown()))) ) + cState = Contour_MouseOver; + else if(isDown || (nextBtn && nextBtn->isDown())) + cState = Contour_Pressed; + else + cState = Contour_Default; + } + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(buttonContour->contourColor(cState), cg.background(), 218)); + if(horizontal) + painter.drawLine(r.width()-1,, r.width()-1, r.bottom()-2); + else + painter.drawLine(r.x()+1, r.bottom(), r.width()-2, r.bottom()); + + } + + + /////////////////////////////////////////// button shadow + + if(isOn && buttonContour->drawButtonSunkenShadow) { + uint shadowFlags; + if(prevBtnIsOn) { // or above is on + if(nextBtnIsOn) { // or below is on + if(horizontal) { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom; + bsr.addCoords(-3, 2, +5, -1); + } + else { + shadowFlags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + bsr.addCoords(0, -5, 0, +4); + } + } + else { + if(horizontal) { + if(!reverse) { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Right; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperRight ? Round_UpperRight : Rectangular_UpperRight; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomRight ? Round_BottomRight : Rectangular_BottomRight; + bsr.addCoords(-3, 2, 0, -1); + } + else { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperLeft ? Round_UpperLeft : Rectangular_UpperLeft; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomLeft ? Round_BottomLeft : Rectangular_BottomLeft; + bsr.addCoords(2, 2, 5, -1); + } + } + else { + shadowFlags = Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomLeft ? Round_BottomLeft : Rectangular_BottomLeft; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomRight ? Round_BottomRight : Rectangular_BottomRight; + bsr.setY(bsr.y()-5); + } + } + } + else if(nextBtnIsOn) { + if(horizontal) { + if(!reverse) { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left; + shadowFlags |= (contourFlags& Round_UpperLeft) ? Round_UpperLeft : Rectangular_UpperLeft; + shadowFlags |= (contourFlags& Round_BottomLeft) ? Round_BottomLeft : Rectangular_BottomLeft; + bsr.addCoords(2, 2, 5, -1); + } + else { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Right; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperRight ? Round_UpperRight : Rectangular_UpperRight; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomRight ? Round_BottomRight : Rectangular_BottomRight; + bsr.addCoords(-3, 2, 0, -1); + } + } + else { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperLeft ? Round_UpperLeft : Rectangular_UpperLeft; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperRight ? Round_UpperRight : Rectangular_UpperRight; + bsr.setHeight(bsr.height()+4); + } + } + else { + if(horizontal) { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperLeft ? Round_UpperLeft : Rectangular_UpperLeft; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperRight ? Round_UpperRight : Rectangular_UpperRight; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomRight ? Round_BottomRight : Rectangular_BottomRight; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomLeft ? Round_BottomLeft : Rectangular_BottomLeft; + bsr.addCoords(2, 2, 0, -1); + } + else { + shadowFlags = Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperLeft ? Round_UpperLeft : Rectangular_UpperLeft; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_UpperRight ? Round_UpperRight : Rectangular_UpperRight; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomRight ? Round_BottomRight : Rectangular_BottomRight; + shadowFlags |= contourFlags& Round_BottomLeft ? Round_BottomLeft : Rectangular_BottomLeft; + } + } + renderButtonShadow(&painter, bsr, shadowFlags); + } + + btn->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + btn->setErasePixmap(buffer); + btn->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + btn->erase(); + + } + else if(_toolBtnAsBtn) { // not a KToolBarButton + + if(kickerMode && !(flags&(Style_Raised))) + break; + + const QRect br = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ToolButton, opt); + if(br.width() < 16 || br.height()< 16) + break; + + QColorGroup g = widget->colorGroup(); + QColor bg; + if(widget->parentWidget() && widget->paletteBackgroundColor() != widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor()) { + bg = widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor(); + g.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, bg); + } + else + bg = widget->paletteBackgroundColor(); + + if(!widget->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + p->fillRect(QRect(br.x(), br.y(), 6, 6), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(br.width()-6, br.y(), 6, 6), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(br.width()-6, br.height()-7, 6, 7), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(br.x(), br.height()-7, 6, 7), bg); + } + else { + buttonContour->setAlphaMode(); + } + + if(/*flags &Style_On || */flags &Style_Down) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_Pressed); + if(enabled && tb == hoverWidget) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_MouseOver); + else if(flags & Style_Default) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_DefaultButton); + + renderButton(p, br, g, (flags & Style_On || flags & Style_Down), flags & Style_MouseOver, true, enabled, khtmlWidgets.contains(opt.widget()) ); + buttonContour->reset(); + + + if(tb->popup()) { + QString isEnabled = enabled ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* arrow; + QColor color = tb->palette().active().buttonText(); + if(!(arrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"arrow_down"+isEnabled))) { + QImage ar = tintImage(qembed_findImage("arrow_down"), color); + if(!isEnabled) { + ar = setImageOpacity(ar, 25); + } + arrow = new QPixmap(ar); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"arrow_down"+isEnabled, arrow); + } + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-8, r.bottom()-8, arrow); + } + + } + else { + + bool isKbtn = ::qt_cast(tb); + QPixmap buffer(tb->size()); + QPainter painter(&buffer); + + QColor bg = cg.background(); + + if(tb->parentWidget() && tb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, tb->width(), tb->height(), *tb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap(), tb->geometry().x(), tb->geometry().y()); + } + else if(tb->parentWidget() && widget->paletteBackgroundColor() != widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor()) { + bg = widget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor(); + painter.fillRect(buffer.rect(), bg); + } + else + painter.fillRect(buffer.rect(), cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); + + + QRect fr = QRect(1, 1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2); + bool isOn = flags &Style_On; + if(isOn) { + QRegion reg(fr.x()+2, fr.y()+1, fr.width()-4, fr.height()-2); + reg += QRegion(fr.x()+1, fr.y()+2, fr.width()-2, fr.height()-4); + painter.setClipRegion(reg); + painter.fillRect(r, alphaBlendColors(black, bg, 15)); + painter.setClipping(false); + } + if(isKbtn) + drawControl(CE_ToolButtonLabel, &painter, widget, r, cg, flags,opt); + + if(isOn) { + QColor color = buttonContour->contourColor(Contour_Default); + QPixmap* frame; + if(!(frame = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"toolBtnFrameThin"))) { + frame = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("toolBtnFrameThin"), color)); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"toolBtnFrameThin", frame); + } + + bitBlt(&buffer, fr.x(), fr.y(), frame, 0, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(&buffer, fr.width()-3, fr.y(), frame, 4, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(&buffer, fr.x(), fr.height()-3, frame, 0, 4, 4, 4); + bitBlt(&buffer, fr.width()-3, fr.height()-3, frame, 4, 4, 4, 4); + + painter.setPen(alphaBlendColors(color, bg, 195)); + painter.drawLine(fr.x()+4, fr.y(), fr.width()-4, fr.y()); + painter.drawLine(fr.x(), fr.y()+4, fr.x(), fr.height()-4); + painter.drawLine(fr.width(), fr.y()+4, fr.width(), fr.height()-4); + painter.drawLine(fr.x()+4, fr.height(), fr.width()-4, fr.height()); + } + + if(tb->popup() && (!tb->iconSet().isNull() || tb->text() || tb->pixmap())) { + QString isEnabled = enabled ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* arrow; + QColor color = tb->palette().active().buttonText(); + if(!(arrow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"arrow_down"+isEnabled))) { + QImage ar = tintImage(qembed_findImage("arrow_down"), color); + if(!isEnabled) { + ar = setImageOpacity(ar, 25); + } + arrow = new QPixmap(ar); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"arrow_down"+isEnabled, arrow); + } + bitBlt(&buffer, r.width()-8, r.bottom()-4, arrow); + } + + if(isKbtn) { + tb->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + tb->setErasePixmap(buffer); + tb->erase(); + tb->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + } + else + p->drawPixmap(0, 0, buffer); + } + + p->setPen(cg.buttonText() ); + break; + } + + // SPINWIDGETS + // ----------- + case CC_SpinWidget: { + + if(active == SC_SpinWidgetUp || active == SC_SpinWidgetDown) + break; + + static const unsigned int handleWidth = 15; + const QSpinWidget *sw = dynamic_cast(widget); + const QColor bg = cg.background(); + SFlags sflags = flags; + PrimitiveElement pe; + bool enabled = sw && sw->isEnabled(); + const QColor buttonColor = enabled ? cg.button() : cg.background(); + + uint contourFlags = Round_UpperLeft|Round_BottomLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomRight|Draw_Right|Draw_Top| + Draw_Bottom|Draw_Left|Is_Button|Is_Horizontal; + + // fill edges + if(sw && !sw->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + p->fillRect(QRect(r.x(), r.y(), 6, r.height()), bg); + p->fillRect(QRect(r.width()-6, r.y(), 6, r.height()), bg); + } + else { + contourFlags |= Draw_AlphaBlend; + buttonContour->setAlphaMode(); + } + + uint surfaceFlags = Is_Button|Is_Horizontal; + if(flags& Style_Down) { + surfaceFlags |= Is_Down; + contourFlags |= Is_Down; + } + renderSurface(p, QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-4, r.height()-5), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.button(), surfaceFlags); + + if(flags & Style_Down) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_Pressed); + else if(enabled && sw == hoverWidget) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_MouseOver); + renderContour(p, r, cg.background(), cg.button(), contourFlags); + + if(flags & Style_Down) + renderButtonShadow(p, QRect(r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-3), contourFlags); + buttonContour->reset(); + + +// QColor lineEditColor = enabled ? cg.base() : cg.background(); + QColor lineEditColor = enabled ? cg.base() : dynamic_cast(sw->parentWidget()) ? + ((DominoQSpinBox*)sw->parentWidget())->editor()->palette().active().background(): qApp->palette().active().background(); + QString isEnabled = enabled ? "1" : "0"; + QPixmap* lineEditBtnEdges; + + if(!(lineEditBtnEdges = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(cg.button().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(lineEditColor.pixel(), 16)+"lineEditBtnEdges"+isEnabled))) { + + // To not make the button contour appear thicker with dark button gradiens, we need a tad smaller rounding for the lineEdit edges. + QPixmap pixmap(1, r.height()); + QPainter painter(&pixmap); + flatMode = true; + renderSurface(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 1, r.height()), cg.background(), cg.button(), cg.button(), surfaceFlags); + flatMode = false; + QImage img = pixmap.convertToImage(); + + // Test, if we have a dark button. Not accurate, but... + QColor c1 = QColor(img.pixel(0, r.y()+4)); + QColor c2 = QColor(img.pixel(0, r.height()-6)); + int v, v1, v2; + c1.getHsv(&v, &v ,&v1); + c2.getHsv(&v, &v ,&v2); + + QImage edges = tintImage(qembed_findImage( (v1+v2)/2 < 127 ? "lineEditBtnEdges-d" : "lineEditBtnEdges"), lineEditColor); + + if(enabled) { + QImage shadow = qembed_findImage("lineEditBtnShadow"); + blend(shadow, edges, edges); + } + lineEditBtnEdges = new QPixmap(edges); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(cg.button().pixel(), 16)+QString::number(lineEditColor.pixel(), 16)+"lineEditBtnEdges"+isEnabled, lineEditBtnEdges); + } + + if(reverseLayout) { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-6, r.y()+3, lineEditBtnEdges, 3, 0, 3, 3); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.width()-6, r.height()-7, lineEditBtnEdges, 3, 3, 3, 3); + } + else { + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+3, r.y()+3, lineEditBtnEdges, 0, 0, 3, 3); + bitBlt(p->device(), r.x()+3, r.height()-7, lineEditBtnEdges, 0, 3, 3, 3); + } + + + QRect upRect = QRect(reverseLayout ? r.left()+2 : r.right()-handleWidth-1, r.height()/2-7, handleWidth, 6); + QRect downRect = QRect(reverseLayout ? r.left()+2 : r.right()-handleWidth-1, r.height()/2+1, handleWidth, 6); + // icons... + //p->setPen(cg.foreground()); + p->setPen(sw ? sw->palette().active().buttonText() : qApp->palette().active().buttonText()); + + sflags = Style_Default; + if(enabled) + sflags |= Style_Enabled; + if (active == SC_SpinWidgetUp) { + sflags |= Style_On; + sflags |= Style_Sunken; + } else + sflags |= Style_Raised; + + if (sw->buttonSymbols() == QSpinWidget::PlusMinus) { + pe = PE_SpinWidgetPlus; + upRect.moveTop(upRect.y()+1); + } + else + pe = PE_SpinWidgetUp; + drawPrimitive(pe, p, upRect, cg, sflags); + + sflags = Style_Default; + if(enabled) + sflags |= Style_Enabled; + if (active == SC_SpinWidgetDown) { + sflags |= Style_On; + sflags |= Style_Sunken; + } else + sflags |= Style_Raised; + if (sw->buttonSymbols() == QSpinWidget::PlusMinus) + pe = PE_SpinWidgetMinus; + else + pe = PE_SpinWidgetDown; + drawPrimitive(pe, p, downRect, cg, sflags); + + break; + } + + case CC_ScrollBar: { // TODO: find a way to draw pressed buttons + + const QScrollBar *sb = (const QScrollBar*)widget; + bool maxedOut = (sb->minValue() == sb->maxValue()); + bool horizontal = (sb->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal); + SFlags sflags = ((horizontal ? Style_Horizontal : Style_Default) | + (maxedOut ? Style_Default : Style_Enabled)); + + QRect addline, subline, subline2, addpage, subpage, slider, first, last; + subline = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSubLine, opt); + addline = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarAddLine, opt); + subpage = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSubPage, opt); + addpage = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarAddPage, opt); + slider = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSlider, opt); +// first = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarFirst, opt); +// last = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarLast, opt); +// subline2 = addline; + +// if (horizontal) +// subline2.moveBy(-addline.width(), 0); +// else +// subline2.moveBy(0, -addline.height()); + + // Draw the up/left button set + if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSubLine) && subline.isValid()) { + drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubLine, p, subline, cg, + sflags | (active == SC_ScrollBarSubLine ? + Style_Down : Style_Default)); + + + subline2 = addline; + if (horizontal) + subline2.moveBy(-addline.width(), 0); + else + subline2.moveBy(0, -addline.height()); + + if (subline2.isValid()) + drawPrimitive((QStyle::PrimitiveElement)PE_ScrollBarSubLine2, p, subline2, cg, + sflags | (active == SC_ScrollBarSubLine ? + Style_Down : Style_Default)); + } + + if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarAddLine) && addline.isValid()) + drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarAddLine, p, addline, cg, + sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarAddLine) ? + Style_Down : Style_Default)); + + if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSubPage) && subpage.isValid()) + drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubPage, p, subpage, cg, + sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSubPage) ? + Style_Down : Style_Default)); + + if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarAddPage) && addpage.isValid()) + drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarAddPage, p, addpage, cg, + sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarAddPage) ? + Style_Down : Style_Default)); + +// if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarFirst) && first.isValid()) +// drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarFirst, p, first, cg, +// sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarFirst) ? +// Style_Down : Style_Default)); +// +// if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarLast) && last.isValid()) +// drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarLast, p, last, cg, +// sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarLast) ? +// Style_Down : Style_Default)); + + if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSlider) && slider.isValid()) { + drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSlider, p, slider, cg, + sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSlider) ? + Style_Down : Style_Default)); + } + break; + } + + + + case CC_TitleBar: { + + QRect ir; + bool down; + QColorGroup g = widget->colorGroup(); + + if ( controls & SC_TitleBarLabel ) { + QPixmap pix(10, r.height()); + pix.fill(g.background()); + + QPainter painter(&pix); + renderGradient(&painter, QRect(0, 0, 10, r.height()/2), g.background().light(120), g.background(), true); + painter.setPen(g.background().dark(105)); + painter.drawLine(0, r.bottom(), 10, r.bottom()); + p->drawTiledPixmap(0,0, r.width(), r.height(), pix); + + ir = visualRect( querySubControlMetrics( CC_TitleBar, widget, SC_TitleBarLabel ), widget ); + p->setPen( g.foreground() ); + p->drawText(ir.x()+2, ir.y(), ir.width()-2, ir.height(), AlignCenter | AlignVCenter | SingleLine, widget->caption() ); + } + if ( controls & SC_TitleBarCloseButton ) { + ir = visualRect( querySubControlMetrics( CC_TitleBar, widget, SC_TitleBarCloseButton ), widget ); + down = active & SC_TitleBarCloseButton; + p->drawPixmap(ir.x(), ir.y(), qembed_findImage("DockCloseButton"), 0, down ? 12 : 0, 12, 12); + } + if ( controls & SC_TitleBarMaxButton ) { + ir = visualRect( querySubControlMetrics( CC_TitleBar, widget, SC_TitleBarMaxButton ), widget ); + down = active & SC_TitleBarMaxButton; + p->drawPixmap(ir.x(), ir.y(), qembed_findImage("OverlapButton"), 0, down ? 12 : 0, 12, 12); + } + if ( controls & SC_TitleBarNormalButton) { + ir = visualRect( querySubControlMetrics( CC_TitleBar, widget, SC_TitleBarNormalButton ), widget ); + down = active & SC_TitleBarNormalButton; + p->drawPixmap(ir.x(), ir.y(), qembed_findImage("ToDesktopButton"), 0, down ? 12 : 0, 12, 12); + } + if ( controls & SC_TitleBarMinButton) { + ir = visualRect( querySubControlMetrics( CC_TitleBar, widget, SC_TitleBarMinButton ), widget ); + down = active & SC_TitleBarMinButton; + p->drawPixmap(ir.x(), ir.y(), qembed_findImage("DockbackButton"), 0, down ? 12 : 0, 12, 12); + } + if ( controls & SC_TitleBarSysMenu ) { + if ( widget->icon() ) { + ir = visualRect( querySubControlMetrics( CC_TitleBar, widget, SC_TitleBarSysMenu ), widget ); + drawItem( p, ir, AlignCenter, widget->colorGroup(), TRUE, widget->icon(), QString::null ); + } + } + + break; + } + default: + KStyle::drawComplexControl(control, p, widget, + r, cg, flags, controls, + active, opt); + break; + } +} + +QRect DominoStyle::subRect(SubRect r, const QWidget *widget) const +{ + switch (r) { + case SR_PushButtonContents: { + const QPushButton* btn = static_cast(widget); + QRect rw = widget->rect(); + if(btn->text().isEmpty()) + return QRect(rw.left()+2,, rw.width()-4, rw.height()-4); + return QRect(rw.left()+2,, rw.width()-4, rw.height()-7); + } + case SR_PushButtonFocusRect: + { + QRect rect, wrect(widget->rect()); + const QPushButton *button = (const QPushButton *) widget; + int dbw1 = 0, dbw2 = 0; + if (button->isDefault() || button->autoDefault()) { + dbw1 = pixelMetric(PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator, widget); + dbw2 = dbw1 * 2; + } + + int dfw1 = pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth, widget) * 2, + dfw2 = dfw1 * 2; + + rect.setRect(wrect.x() + dfw1 + dbw1, + wrect.y() + dfw1 + dbw1, + wrect.width() - dfw2 - dbw2, + wrect.height() - dfw2 - dbw2); + return rect; + } + case SR_ComboBoxFocusRect: { + return QRect(4, 3, widget->width()-8, widget->height()-7); +// return querySubControlMetrics( CC_ComboBox, widget, SC_ComboBoxEditField ); + } + case SR_CheckBoxFocusRect: + { + QRect cr = subRect(SR_CheckBoxContents, widget); + QRect fr = KStyle::subRect(r, widget); + if(cr.width() <= 0) // no text + fr.setHeight(fr.height()+2); + else + fr.addCoords(+2, 0, -2, 0); + return fr; + } + case SR_RadioButtonFocusRect: + { + QRect cr = subRect(SR_CheckBoxContents, widget); + QRect fr = KStyle::subRect(r, widget); + if(cr.width() <= 0) // no text + fr.setHeight(fr.height()+2); + else + fr.addCoords(+2, 0, -2, 0); + return fr; + } + case SR_ProgressBarGroove: { + return QRect(widget->rect()); + } + case SR_ProgressBarContents: + case SR_ProgressBarLabel: { + QRect rw = widget->rect(); + return QRect(rw.left()+2,, rw.width()-4, rw.height()-4 ); + } + case SR_ToolBoxTabContents: { + QRect rw = widget->rect(); + return QRect(rw.left()+18,, rw.width()-18, rw.height()); + } + default: { + return KStyle::subRect(r, widget); + } + } +} + + + +QRect DominoStyle::querySubControlMetrics(ComplexControl control, + const QWidget *widget, + SubControl subcontrol, + const QStyleOption &opt) const +{ + if (!widget) { + return QRect(); + } + + QRect r(widget->rect()); + switch (control) { + case CC_ComboBox: { + switch (subcontrol) { + case SC_ComboBoxEditField: { + const QComboBox* cb = dynamic_cast(widget); + if(!cb) // maybe kdevelop's KComboView + return QRect(r.left()+4,, r.width()-4-15-3, r.height()-7); + if(!cb->editable()) + return QRect(r.left()+3,, r.width()-4-15-2, r.height()-6); + + return QRect(r.left()+3,, r.width()-4-15-2, r.height()-7); + } + default: { + return KStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, subcontrol, opt); + } + } + break; + } + case CC_SpinWidget: { + const int fw = 2; // Frame width... + const int buttonsWidth = 15; + const bool heightDividable = ((r.height()%2) == 0); + + const int buttonsLeft = r.right()-buttonsWidth+1-fw; + switch (subcontrol) { + case SC_SpinWidgetUp: { // rect without 2px frame + return QRect(buttonsLeft,, buttonsWidth+1, r.height()/2-3 ); + } + case SC_SpinWidgetDown: { + if(heightDividable) { + return QRect(buttonsLeft,, buttonsWidth+1, r.height()/2-3); + } else { + return QRect(buttonsLeft,, buttonsWidth+1, r.height()/2-2); + } + } + case SC_SpinWidgetFrame: { + return QRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height() ); + } + case SC_SpinWidgetEditField: { + return QRect(r.left()+1+fw,, r.width()-(buttonsWidth+2+fw*2), r.height()-3-fw*2); + } + case SC_SpinWidgetButtonField: { + return QRect(buttonsLeft,, buttonsWidth, r.height()-5); + } + default: { + return KStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, subcontrol, opt); + } + } + break; + } + + case CC_ScrollBar: { + + const QScrollBar *scrollbar = (const QScrollBar *) widget; + int sliderstart = scrollbar->sliderStart(); + const int buttonw = 15 /*- (fw * 2)*/; + const int buttonh = 15 /*- (fw * 2)*/; + + int maxlen = ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? + scrollbar->width() : scrollbar->height()) - buttonh * 3; + + // calculate slider length + if (scrollbar->maxValue() != scrollbar->minValue()) { + uint range = scrollbar->maxValue() - scrollbar->minValue(); + sliderlen = (scrollbar->pageStep() * maxlen) / + (range + scrollbar->pageStep()); + + if ( sliderlen < 32 || range > INT_MAX/2 ) + sliderlen = 32; + if ( sliderlen > maxlen ) + sliderlen = maxlen; + } + else + sliderlen = maxlen; + + switch(subcontrol) { + case SC_ScrollBarAddLine: { // bottom/right button + if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) { + return QRect(scrollbar->width() - buttonw , 0, buttonw, buttonh); + } else { + return QRect(0, scrollbar->height() - buttonh, buttonw, buttonh); + } + } + case SC_ScrollBarSubLine: { // top/left button + return QRect(0, 0, buttonw, buttonh); + } + case SC_ScrollBarSubPage: // top/left + if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) + return QRect(buttonw, 0, sliderstart-buttonw+1, buttonw); + return QRect(0, buttonh, buttonw, sliderstart-buttonw+1); + + case SC_ScrollBarAddPage: // bottom/left + if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) + return QRect(sliderstart + sliderlen-1, 0, maxlen - sliderstart - sliderlen + buttonw+1, buttonw); + return QRect(0, sliderstart + sliderlen-1, buttonw, maxlen - sliderstart - sliderlen + buttonw+1); + + case SC_ScrollBarGroove: + if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) + return QRect(buttonw , 0, maxlen, buttonw); + return QRect(0, buttonw, buttonw, maxlen); + + case SC_ScrollBarSlider: + if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) + return QRect(sliderstart, 0, sliderlen, buttonw); + return QRect(0, sliderstart, buttonw, sliderlen); + default: + break; + } + } + default: { + return KStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, subcontrol, opt); + } + } +} + +int DominoStyle::pixelMetric(PixelMetric m, const QWidget *widget) const +{ + //return KStyle::pixelMetric(m, widget); + + switch(m) { + // FRAMES + // ------ + case PM_DefaultFrameWidth: { + + if(widget) { + if(dynamic_cast(widget)) + return 3; + + // stolen from baghira + if (dynamic_cast(widget->parentWidget()) && widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget() && (widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->isA("KonqMainWindow") || widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->isA("KonqFrameContainer"))) + return 0; + + } + return 2; + } + case PM_MenuBarFrameWidth: + return 1; + case PM_SpinBoxFrameWidth: + return 2; + + // CHECKBOXES / RADIO BUTTONS + // -------------------------- + case PM_IndicatorWidth: // Checkbox 18x19 + return 18; + case PM_IndicatorHeight: + return 19; + + case PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth: // Radiobutton 17x17 + case PM_ExclusiveIndicatorHeight: + return 17; + + // TABS + // ---- + case PM_TabBarTabVSpace: { + const QTabBar * tb = (const QTabBar *) widget; + + switch(tb->shape()) { + case QTabBar::RoundedAbove: + case QTabBar::RoundedBelow: + return 12; + default: + return 4; + } + + } + case PM_TabBarTabShiftVertical: { + + const QTabBar * tb = (const QTabBar *) widget; + switch (tb->shape()) { + case QTabBar::RoundedAbove: + return 1; + case QTabBar::RoundedBelow: + return (tb->parentWidget() && tb->parentWidget()->isA("KonqFrameTabs"))? 0 : -1; + default: + return 0; + } + } + case PM_TabBarTabShiftHorizontal: { + return 0; + } + case PM_TabBarTabOverlap: { + return 1; + } + case PM_TabBarBaseOverlap: { + const QTabWidget * tw = (const QTabWidget *) widget; + if(((DominoQTabWidget*)tw)->tabBar()->isHidden() || tw->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) + return 0; + return (tw->tabPosition() == QTabWidget::Top) ? -3 : -4; + } +#if (QT_VERSION >= 0x030300) // requires Qt 3.3 + // extra space between menubar items + case PM_MenuBarItemSpacing: { + return 6; + } +#endif + +// #if (QT_VERSION >= 0x030300) // requires Qt 3.3 +// // extra space between toolbar items +// case PM_ToolBarItemSpacing: { +// return 4; +// } +// #endif + + // SCROLL BAR +// case PM_ScrollBarSliderMin: { +// return 21; +// } + + case PM_ScrollBarExtent: { + return 15; + } + + case PM_DockWindowSeparatorExtent: + return 6; + + // SPLITTERS + // --------- + case PM_SplitterWidth: { + return 6; + } + + // PROGRESSBARS + // ------------ + case PM_ProgressBarChunkWidth: + return 10; + + // SLIDER + // ------ + case PM_SliderLength: + case PM_SliderThickness: + return 15; + + // MENU INDICATOR + // -------------- + case PM_MenuButtonIndicator: + return 8; + + case PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator: { + return 0; + } + + case PM_ButtonMargin: { + //return 2; + return 4; + } + case PM_HeaderMargin: + return 2; + case PM_ButtonShiftVertical: + case PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal: { + return 0; + } + case PM_CheckListControllerSize: // radio controller + case PM_CheckListButtonSize: { // box controller + return 16; + } +// case PM_PopupMenuFrameVerticalExtra: +// return 1; +// case PM_PopupMenuFrameHorizontalExtra: +// return 1; + default: + return KStyle::pixelMetric(m, widget); + } +} + + +QSize DominoStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType t, + const QWidget *widget, + const QSize &s, + const QStyleOption &opt) const +{ + //return KStyle::sizeFromContents (t, widget, s, opt); + + switch (t) { + + case CT_PushButton: + { + const QPushButton* btn = static_cast(widget); + + int w = s.width(); + int h = s.height(); + if ( btn->text().isEmpty() && s.width() < 32 ) { + w += pixelMetric(PM_ButtonMargin, widget)*2; + h += pixelMetric(PM_ButtonMargin, widget)*2; + return QSize(w, h); + } + + int bm = pixelMetric(PM_ButtonMargin, widget); + int fw = pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth, widget) * 2; + w += bm + fw + 22; + h += bm + fw; + return QSize(w, h < 26 ? 26+_buttonHeightAdjustment : h+4 ); + } + case CT_ComboBox: { + int bm = pixelMetric(PM_ButtonMargin, widget); + int fw = pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth, widget) * 2; + int w = s.width(); + int h = s.height(); + w += bm + fw + 22; + h += bm + fw-3; + return QSize(w, h < 26 ? 26+_buttonHeightAdjustment : h+4 ); + } + + case CT_TabBarTab: { + // konqi = tabbar + // other = tab control + // this is total crap but it helps to reduce the flicker in konqi. + ///////////////////// + QTabBar* tb = 0; + if(::qt_cast(widget)) + tb = ::qt_cast(widget); + else + return QSize(s.width(), s.height()); + + if(!strcmp(widget->name(), "tabbar") && widget->parentWidget()->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) { + + QTab* tab =; + int count = tb->count(); + + int fm = tb->fontMetrics().width("about:blank"); + if(tb->parentWidget()->width() <=>rect().x()+44+fm) + return QSize(s.width(), s.height()); + + int dots = tb->fontMetrics().width("."); + if((dots*minTabLength+44)*count >= tb->width()) // 44 = frame+iconwidth + return QSize(s.width(), s.height()); + + QSize sz = KStyle::sizeFromContents( t, widget, s, opt ); + + QString str; + str.fill(' ', minTabLength); + if( tab->text().isEmpty() || tab->text() == str) { + tab->setText("about:blank"); + //return QSize( fm+44, 26 ); + return QSize( fm+44, s.height()); + } + return QSize(s.width(), s.height()); + } + else { + switch (tb->shape()) { + case QTabBar::RoundedAbove: + case QTabBar::RoundedBelow: + return QSize( s.width(), s.height()-2 ); + default: + return QSize( s.width(), s.height() ); // triangular + } + } + } + + case CT_ToolButton: { + if(dynamic_cast(widget)) { + if(dynamic_cast(widget->parentWidget())) // smaller cornerWidget + return QSize( s.width()+9, s.height()+7 ); + return QSize( s.width()+11, s.height()+7 ); + } + return KStyle::sizeFromContents (t, widget, s, opt); // KMultiTabBar buttons + } + case CT_SpinBox: { + QSize sz = KStyle::sizeFromContents( t, widget, s, opt ); + int h = sz.height()%2 != 0 ? sz.height()+1 : sz.height(); + return ( QSize( sz.width(), h < 24 ? 24 : h) ); + } + + case CT_Header: { + QSize sz = KStyle::sizeFromContents( t, widget, s, opt ); + return QSize(sz.width(), sz.height()-2); + } + + case CT_PopupMenuItem: { + if (!widget || opt.isDefault()) + return s; +// static const int itemHMargin = 6; +// static const int itemFrame = 7; +// static const int arrowHMargin = 6; + + const QPopupMenu *popup = dynamic_cast(widget); + QMenuItem *mi = opt.menuItem(); + int maxpmw = opt.maxIconWidth(); + int w = s.width(), h = s.height(); // includes pixmap width + int cmwidth = 16; + + + if (mi->custom()) { + w = mi->custom()->sizeHint().width(); + h = mi->custom()->sizeHint().height(); + if (!mi->custom()->fullSpan() ) + h += 4; + } else if (mi->widget()) { + // don't change the size in this case. + } else if (mi->isSeparator()) { + w = 20; + h = 5; + } else { + if (mi->pixmap()) { + h = QMAX(h, mi->pixmap()->height() + 2); + } else { + h = QMAX(h, 16 + 2 ); + h = QMAX(h, popup->fontMetrics().height() + 4 ); + } + + if (mi->iconSet()) { + h = QMAX(h, mi->iconSet()->pixmap(QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal).height() + 2); + } + } + + if(_indentPopupMenuItems) { + w += itemHMargin + arrowHMargin + itemFrame*2; + } + else { + w += itemFrame*2; + + if (mi->popup()) { + w += itemHMargin + arrowHMargin; + } + if (maxpmw) { + w += itemHMargin; + } + } + + int t; + if (!mi->text().isNull() && (t = mi->text().find('\t')) && t >= 0 && mi->text().at(t+1) != 0) { + // space between text and accel + checkmark width (in guiStyle "Windows" isCheckable() returns always true...) + w += 18+cmwidth; + } + else + w += cmwidth; + + return QSize(w, h); + } + default: + return KStyle::sizeFromContents (t, widget, s, opt); + } + + return KStyle::sizeFromContents (t, widget, s, opt); +} + +int DominoStyle::styleHint( StyleHint stylehint, + const QWidget *widget, + const QStyleOption &option, + QStyleHintReturn* returnData ) const +{ + switch (stylehint) { + case SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay: + //return 96; // Motif-like delay... + return 250; + case SH_GroupBox_TextLabelVerticalAlignment: { + return Qt::AlignTop; + } + case SH_ScrollBar_BackgroundMode: { + return Qt::PaletteBackground; + } + case SH_ScrollBar_ScrollWhenPointerLeavesControl: + // if set to false (the default) it will also scroll when the subPage button is pressed, so no choice here (Qt 3.6) + return true; + case SH_TabBar_Alignment: { + return _centerTabs ? AlignHCenter : AlignLeft; + } + case SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold: { + return false; + } + case SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter: + { + if (widget) { + const QFontMetrics &fm = widget->fontMetrics(); + if (fm.inFont(QChar(0x25CF))) { + return 0x25CF; + } else if (fm.inFont(QChar(0x2022))) { + return 0x2022; + } + } + return '*'; + } + default: + return KStyle::styleHint(stylehint, widget, option, returnData); + } +} + +QPixmap DominoStyle::stylePixmap(StylePixmap stylepixmap, const QWidget* widget, const QStyleOption& opt) const { + + switch (stylepixmap) { + case SP_DockWindowCloseButton: + case SP_TitleBarCloseButton: + return QPixmap(qembed_findImage("DockCloseButton").copy(0,0,12,12)); + case SP_TitleBarMinButton: + return QPixmap(qembed_findImage("DockbackButton").copy(0,0,12,12)); + case SP_TitleBarMaxButton: + return QPixmap(qembed_findImage("OverlapButton").copy(0,0,12,12)); + case SP_TitleBarNormalButton: + return QPixmap(qembed_findImage("ToDesktopButton").copy(0,0,12,12)); + default: + return KStyle::stylePixmap(stylepixmap, widget, opt); + } +} + + +QColor DominoStyle::lightenColor(const QColor &color, const int value) const +{ + if(value < 0) + return darkenColor(color, QABS(value)); + int r, g, b; + color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); + r += value; + if(r > 255) + r =255; + g += value; + if(g > 255) + g =255; + b += value; + if(b > 255) + b =255; + return QColor(r, g, b); +} + +QColor DominoStyle::darkenColor(const QColor &color, const int value) const +{ + if(value < 0) + return lightenColor(color, QABS(value)); + int r, g, b; + color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); + r -= value; + if(r < 0) + r = 0; + g -= value; + if(g < 0) + g = 0; + b -= value; + if(b < 0) + b = 0; + return QColor(r, g, b); +} + +QColor DominoStyle::dGetColor(const QColor &color, const int value) const +{ + int h, s, v; + color.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); + return (v<127)? lightenColor(color, value): darkenColor(color, value); +} + + +QPixmap* DominoStyle::renderLineEditShadow(QWidget* widget, QRect r, QColor bg, uint flags, bool /*reverse*/) { + + bool drawLeft = flags& Draw_Left; + bool drawRight = flags& Draw_Right; + + int x, y, w, h; + r.rect(&x, &y, &w, &h); + if(!drawLeft) { + x = -3; + w += 3; + } + else if(!drawRight) + w += 3; + QRect rect(x, y, w, h); + + + QColor tintColor; + QString enabled = widget->isEnabled() ? "1" : "0"; + if(!widget->isEnabled()) + tintColor =bg; + else + tintColor = alphaBlendColors(Qt::black, bg, 30+35); + + QPixmap* prBgShadow; + if(!(prBgShadow = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(qApp->palette().active().background().pixel(), 16)+"leBgShadow"+enabled))) { + prBgShadow = new QPixmap(4,4); + prBgShadow->fill(bg); + QPixmap pix = tintImage(qembed_findImage("progressShadow2"), tintColor); + bitBlt(prBgShadow, 0, 0, &pix); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(qApp->palette().active().background().pixel(), 16)+"leBgShadow"+enabled, prBgShadow); + } + + + QPixmap* pix = new QPixmap(rect.size()); + pix->fill(bg); + + if(widget->isEnabled()) { + QPainter p(pix); + + QColor color_d = alphaBlendColors(tintColor, bg, 170); + QColor color_m = alphaBlendColors(tintColor, bg, 85); + QColor color_l = alphaBlendColors(tintColor, bg, 25); + + p.setPen(color_d); + p.drawLine(rect.x()+2, rect.y(), rect.right()-2, rect.y()); + p.setPen(color_m); + p.drawLine(rect.x()+2, rect.y()+1, rect.right()-2, rect.y()+1); + p.setPen(color_l); + p.drawLine(rect.x()+2, rect.y()+2, rect.right()-2, rect.y()+2); + p.drawLine(rect.x()+2, rect.bottom(), rect.right()-2, rect.bottom()); + + //p.setPen(color_l); + p.drawLine(rect.x()+1, rect.y()+3, rect.x()+1, rect.bottom()-1); // l + p.drawLine(rect.right()-1, rect.y()+3, rect.right()-1, rect.bottom()-1); // r + + p.setPen(color_m); + p.drawLine(rect.x(), rect.y()+3, rect.x(), rect.bottom()-1); // l + p.drawLine(rect.right(), rect.y()+3, rect.right(), rect.bottom()-1); // r + + bitBlt(pix, rect.right()-1, rect.y(), prBgShadow, 2, 0, 2, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(pix, rect.x(), rect.y(), prBgShadow, 0, 0, 2, 3, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(pix, rect.right()-1, rect.bottom(), prBgShadow, 2, 3, 2, 1, Qt::CopyROP); + bitBlt(pix, rect.x(), rect.bottom(), prBgShadow, 0, 3, 2, 1, Qt::CopyROP); + + p.end(); + } + return pix; +} + +QColor DominoStyle::getGroupBoxColor(const QWidget* w) const { + QWidget* parent = w->parentWidget(); + int tint = groupBoxSettings.customColor ? 0 : groupBoxSettings.brightness; + while(dynamic_cast(parent)) { + parent = parent->parentWidget(); + tint += groupBoxSettings.brightness; + } + + return QColor(darkenColor(groupBoxSettings.customColor ? groupBoxSettings.color : + qApp->palette().active().background(), tint)); + +} + +QPixmap* DominoStyle::createCheckMark(const QColor color) const { + + QImage checkMark_enabled = qembed_findImage("checkmark"); + QImage checkMark_disabled = setImageOpacity(checkMark_enabled, 25); + + QImage img(32, 17, 32); // left enabled, right disabled + img.setAlphaBuffer(true); + for(int x=0; x < checkMark_enabled.width(); ++x) { + for(int y=0; y < checkMark_enabled.height(); ++y) { + img.setPixel(x, y, checkMark_enabled.pixel(x, y)); + } + } + for(int x=0; x < checkMark_disabled.width(); ++x) { + for(int y=0; y < checkMark_disabled.height(); ++y) { + img.setPixel(x+16, y, checkMark_disabled.pixel(x, y)); + } + } + + return new QPixmap(tintImage(img, color)); +} + +QPixmap* DominoStyle::createRadioIndicator(const QColor color) const { + + QImage dot_enabled = tintImage(qembed_findImage("rb-dot"),color); + + blend(qembed_findImage("rb-dot-shadow"), dot_enabled, dot_enabled); + QImage dot_disabled = setImageOpacity(dot_enabled, 25); + + QImage img(10, 5, 32); + img.setAlphaBuffer(true); + for(int x=0; x < dot_enabled.width(); ++x) { + for(int y=0; y < dot_enabled.height(); ++y) { + img.setPixel(x, y, dot_enabled.pixel(x, y)); + } + } + for(int x=0; x < dot_disabled.width(); ++x) { + for(int y=0; y < dot_disabled.height(); ++y) { + img.setPixel(x+5, y, dot_disabled.pixel(x, y)); + } + } + + return new QPixmap(img); +} + + +void DominoStyle::drawFocusIndicator(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, int flags, const QColorGroup cg, bool /*enabled*/, + const QPixmap* /*pixmap*/, const QString & text, int /*len = -1*/, const QColor& highlight, bool drawLine, bool isButton) const +{ + + if(drawLine) { +// p->setPen(cg.foreground()); +// QPixmap edges = tintImage(qembed_findImage("indicatorEdges"), cg.foreground()); +// bitBlt(p->device(), r.x(), r.bottom()-1, &edges, 0, 0, 2, 1, Qt::CopyROP); +// bitBlt(p->device(), r.right()-2, r.bottom()-1, &edges, 2, 0, 2, 1, Qt::CopyROP); +// p->drawLine(r.x()+2, r.bottom()-1, r.right()-3, r.bottom()-1); + QFont font = p->font(); + font.setUnderline(true); + p->setFont(font); + } + else { + QRect br = p->fontMetrics().boundingRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), flags, text); + QPainter pixPainter; + QPixmap textPixmap(br.width()+2, br.height()+2); + textPixmap.fill(QColor(0,0,0)); + pixPainter.begin(&textPixmap); + pixPainter.setPen(white); + pixPainter.setFont(p->font()); + pixPainter.drawText( QRect(1, 1, br.width()-1, br.height()-1), flags, text ); + pixPainter.end(); + + + DominoQPixmap* pixm = (DominoQPixmap*)&textPixmap; + + uint height = pixm->height(); + uint width = pixm->width(); + + pixm->data->alphapm = new QPixmap; + + DominoQPixmap* alphapm = (DominoQPixmap*)pixm->data->alphapm; + + alphapm->data->w = width; + alphapm->data->h = height; + alphapm->data->d = 8; + alphapm->hd = XCreatePixmap(alphapm->x11Display(), RootWindow(alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->x11Screen()), width, height, 8); + alphapm->rendhd = (HANDLE) XftDrawCreateAlpha( alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->hd, 8 ); + + XImage *axi = XCreateImage(alphapm->x11Display(), (Visual *) alphapm->x11Visual(), 8, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 8, 0); + axi->data = (char *) malloc((unsigned) axi->bytes_per_line * height); + + XImage* xi = XGetImage( qt_xdisplay(), pixm->handle(), 0, 0, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap ); + + register int alpha; + register float AXIS_FACTOR = 2.0; + register float DIAGONAL_FACTOR = 1.0; + register double alphaShadow; + register int customalpha = isButton ? focusIndicatorSettings.buttonOpacity : focusIndicatorSettings.opacity; + + for(register uint x = 1; x < width-1; ++x) { + for(register uint y = 1; y < height-1; ++y) { + + alphaShadow = (qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x-1,y-1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x-1,y )) * AXIS_FACTOR + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x-1,y+1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x ,y-1)) * AXIS_FACTOR + + 0 + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x ,y+1)) * AXIS_FACTOR + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x+1,y-1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x+1,y )) * AXIS_FACTOR + + qBlue(XGetPixel(xi,x+1,y+1)) * DIAGONAL_FACTOR) / 2.0; // / multiplicationFactor + + alpha = (int)alphaShadow; + XPutPixel(axi, x, y, QMIN(255, alpha) *customalpha >> 8); + } + } + + GC gc = XCreateGC(alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->hd, 0, 0); + XPutImage(alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->hd, gc, axi, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); + + textPixmap.fill(highlight); + + QRect fr = QRect(br.x(), br.y(), QMIN((int)width-2, r.width()) , QMIN((int)height-2, r.height())); + if(fr.x() < r.x()) { + p->setClipRegion(r); + fr.setWidth(fr.width()+abs(fr.x())+2); + } + if(fr.isValid()) + p->drawPixmap(fr.x(), fr.y(), textPixmap, 1, 1, fr.width() , fr.height()); + if(fr.x() < r.x()) + p->setClipping(false); + + if(axi) + XDestroyImage(axi); + if(xi) + XDestroyImage(xi); + XFreeGC(alphapm->x11Display(), gc); + + p->setPen(cg.foreground()); + } +} + +QPixmap DominoStyle::renderOutlineIcon(const QPixmap* icon) const +{ + QImage img = icon->convertToImage(); + QImage outlineIcon(img.width()+2, img.height()+2, 32); + outlineIcon.setAlphaBuffer(true); + + register unsigned int *outlineIconData = (unsigned int*) outlineIcon.bits(); + register uint total = outlineIcon.width()*outlineIcon.height(); + for (register uint current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current ) { + outlineIconData[ current ] = 0x00000000; + } + + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 0, 0, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 1, 0, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 2, 0, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 0, 1, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 2, 1, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 0, 2, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 1, 2, &img); + bitBlt(&outlineIcon, 2, 2, &img); + + register uint customalpha = focusIndicatorSettings.buttonOpacity; + for (register uint current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current ) { + outlineIconData[ current ] = qRgba(,,, qAlpha(outlineIconData[ current ]) * customalpha >> 8); + } + + return QPixmap(outlineIcon); +} + + + + +void DominoStyle::drawItem( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, + int flags, const QColorGroup &g, bool enabled, + const QPixmap *pixmap, const QString& text, int len, + const QColor* penColor ) const +{ + dominoDrawItem(p, r, flags, g, enabled, pixmap, text, len, penColor, false); +} + +void DominoStyle::dominoDrawItem( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, + int flags, const QColorGroup &g, bool enabled, + const QPixmap *pixmap, const QString& text, int len, + const QColor* penColor, bool buttonTextEffect ) const +{ + + int x = r.x(); + int y = r.y(); + int w = r.width(); + int h = r.height(); + + p->setPen( penColor?*penColor:g.foreground() ); + if ( pixmap ) { + QPixmap pm( *pixmap ); + bool clip = (flags & Qt::DontClip) == 0; + if ( clip ) { + if ( pm.width() < w && pm.height() < h ) { + clip = FALSE; + } else { + p->save(); + QRegion cr = QRect(x, y, w, h); + if (p->hasClipping()) + cr &= p->clipRegion(QPainter::CoordPainter); + p->setClipRegion(cr); + } + } + if ( (flags & Qt::AlignVCenter) == Qt::AlignVCenter ) + y += h/2 - pm.height()/2; + else if ( (flags & Qt::AlignBottom) == Qt::AlignBottom) + y += h - pm.height(); + if ( (flags & Qt::AlignRight) == Qt::AlignRight ) + x += w - pm.width(); + else if ( (flags & Qt::AlignHCenter) == Qt::AlignHCenter ) + x += w/2 - pm.width()/2; + else if ( ((flags & Qt::AlignLeft) != Qt::AlignLeft) && QApplication::reverseLayout() ) // AlignAuto && rightToLeft + x += w - pm.width(); + + p->drawPixmap( x, y, pm ); + if ( clip ) + p->restore(); + } + else if ( !text.isNull() ) { + + + if(textEffectSettings.mode > 1 || buttonTextEffect) { // 0=none, 1=only buttons, 2=everywhere + + QRect br = p->fontMetrics().boundingRect(x, y, w, h, flags, text); + QPainter pixPainter; + QPixmap textPixmap(br.width(), br.height()); + textPixmap.fill(QColor(0,0,0)); + pixPainter.begin(&textPixmap); + pixPainter.setPen(white); + pixPainter.setFont(p->font()); + pixPainter.drawText( QRect(0,0,br.width(), br.height()), flags, text ); + pixPainter.end(); + + DominoQPixmap* pixm = (DominoQPixmap*)&textPixmap; + + uint height = pixm->height(); + uint width = pixm->width(); + + pixm->data->alphapm = new QPixmap; + + DominoQPixmap* alphapm = (DominoQPixmap*)pixm->data->alphapm; + + alphapm->data->w = width; + alphapm->data->h = height; + alphapm->data->d = 8; + alphapm->hd = XCreatePixmap(alphapm->x11Display(), RootWindow(alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->x11Screen()), width, height, 8); + alphapm->rendhd = (HANDLE) XftDrawCreateAlpha( alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->hd, 8 ); + + XImage *axi = XCreateImage(alphapm->x11Display(), (Visual *) alphapm->x11Visual(), 8, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 8, 0); + axi->data = (char *) malloc((unsigned) axi->bytes_per_line * height); + XImage* xi = XGetImage( qt_xdisplay(), pixm->handle(), 0, 0, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap ); + + register int alpha; + register int customalpha = buttonTextEffect ? textEffectSettings.buttonOpacity : textEffectSettings.opacity; + for(register uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) { + for(register uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) { + alpha = (XGetPixel(xi, x, y)& 0xff ) * customalpha >> 8; // blue as alpha + XPutPixel(axi, x, y, alpha); + } + } + + GC gc = XCreateGC(alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->hd, 0, 0); + XPutImage(alphapm->x11Display(), alphapm->hd, gc, axi, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); + + + if(buttonTextEffect) { + textPixmap.fill(textEffectSettings.buttonColor); + + QRect tr = QRect(br.x()+textEffectSettings.buttonPos.x(), br.y()+textEffectSettings.buttonPos.y(), r.width(), r.height()); + if(tr.x() < r.x()) { + p->setClipRegion(r); + tr.setWidth(tr.width()+r.x()+abs(tr.x())); + } + p->drawPixmap(tr.x(), tr.y(), textPixmap, 0, 0, tr.width(), tr.height()); + if(tr.x() < r.x()) + p->setClipping(false); + } + else { + textPixmap.fill(textEffectSettings.color); + + QRect tr = QRect(br.x()+textEffectSettings.pos.x(), br.y()+textEffectSettings.pos.y(), r.width(), r.height()); + if(tr.x() < r.x()) { + p->setClipRegion(r); + tr.setWidth(tr.width()+r.x()+abs(tr.x())); + } + p->drawPixmap(tr.x(), tr.y(), textPixmap, 0, 0, tr.width(), tr.height()); + if(tr.x() < r.x()) + p->setClipping(false); + } + + if(axi); + XDestroyImage(axi); + if(xi) + XDestroyImage(xi); + XFreeGC(alphapm->x11Display(), gc); + } + + if(!enabled) + p->setPen(g.text()); + p->drawText( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), flags, text, len ); + + + } +} + + +QWidget::BackgroundOrigin DominoStyle::setPixmapOrigin(QWidget::BackgroundOrigin origin) +{ + switch(origin) { + case QWidget::WidgetOrigin: + return QWidget::ParentOrigin; + case QWidget::ParentOrigin: + return QWidget::AncestorOrigin; + default: + return origin; + break; + } +} + +void DominoStyle::setDominoButtonPalette(QWidget* widget, PaletteTyp type) { + QPalette pal; + switch(type) { + case Palette_Application: + pal = qApp->palette(); + break; + case Palette_Parent: + pal = widget->parentWidget()->palette(); + break; + case Palette_Widget: + pal = widget->palette(); + default: + break; + } + + int h, s, v; +, &s, &v); + QColor disabledColor = alphaBlendColors(, v < 127 ? white : black, 150); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text, disabledColor); + + widget->setPalette(pal); +} + + +void DominoStyle::updateTabWidgetFrame() { + + QTabWidget* tw = dynamic_cast(sender()->parent()); + QWidget* w = tw ? tw->currentPage() : 0; + if(!w) + return; + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(w->parentWidget()); + if(f) { + QRect r = f->rect(); + if(tw->tabPosition() == QTabWidget::Top) + r= QRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), 3); + else + r= QRect(r.x(), r.y()+r.height()-4, r.width(), 2); + f->repaint(r, false); + } +} + +QPixmap DominoStyle::disableIcon(const QPixmap* icon) const { + + QImage img = icon->convertToImage(); + register uint pixels = img.depth() > 8 ? img.width()*img.height() : img.numColors(); + register uint *data = img.depth() > 8 ? (unsigned int *)img.bits() : (unsigned int *)img.colorTable(); + register uint val, i; + for(i=0; i < pixels; ++i){ + val = qGray(data[i]); + data[i] = qRgba(val, val, val, qAlpha(data[i])); + } + img = setImageOpacity(img, 50); + + return QPixmap(img); +} + + +// same as in renderSurface() but with darker colors +void DominoStyle::renderTabSeparator(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColor buttonColor, bool tabAbove) const { + + const DSurface* ds = tabAbove ? &tabTopSurface : &tabBottomSurface; + + int top = r.y()+r.height()*ds->g1Top/100; + int bottom = r.height()*ds->g1Bottom/100; + int top2 = r.y()+r.height()*ds->g2Top/100; + int bottom2 = r.height()*ds->g2Bottom/100-top2; + + QColor c1; + QColor c2; + QColor c3; + QColor c4; + QColor bg; + + if(buttonColor != qApp->palette().active().button()) { + c1 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g1Color1, 127); + c2 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g1Color2, 127); + c3 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g2Color1, 127); + c4 = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->g2Color2, 127); + bg = alphaBlendColors(buttonColor, ds->background, 127); + } + else { + c1 = ds->g1Color1; + c2 = ds->g1Color2; + c3 = ds->g2Color1; + c4 = ds->g2Color2; + bg = ds->background; + } + + const int alpha = 35; // 55, 25 + p->fillRect(r, alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0),bg , alpha)); + switch(ds->numGradients) { + case 1: { + c1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), c1, alpha); + c2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), c2, alpha); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top, r.width(), bottom), c1, c2, true); + break; + } + case 2: { + c1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), c1, alpha); + c2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), c2, alpha); + c3 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), c3, alpha); + c4 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), c4, alpha); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top, r.width(), bottom), c1, c2, true); + renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x(), top2, r.width(), bottom2), c3, c4, true); + } + default: + break; + } +} + +void DominoStyle::renderGroupBox(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev) { + + QGroupBox* gb = dynamic_cast(obj); + bool paintEvent = ev->type() == QEvent::Paint; + QRect r = gb->rect(); + + if(gb->isFlat()) { + + QString title = gb->title(); + int titleHeight = gb->fontMetrics().height(); + int titleWidth = gb->fontMetrics().width(title); + if(title.contains("&")) + titleWidth -= gb->fontMetrics().width("&"); + QPainter p(gb); +// p.setPen(qApp->palette().active().background().dark(120)); + p.setPen(alphaBlendColors(gb->paletteForegroundColor(), gb->paletteBackgroundColor(), 40)); + p.drawLine(0, titleHeight/2-2, r.width()/2-titleWidth/2-4, titleHeight/2-2); + p.drawLine(r.width()/2+titleWidth/2+4, titleHeight/2-2, r.width(), titleHeight/2-2); + + QColorGroup cg = gb->parentWidget()->colorGroup(); + dominoDrawItem(&p, QRect(r.width()/2-titleWidth/2, -1, r.width(), titleHeight), ShowPrefix, cg, Style_Enabled, 0, title, -1, &cg.foreground(), false); + p.setPen(cg.foreground()); + ((DominoQGroupBox*)gb)->drawContents(&p); + } + else { + QString title = gb->title(); + int titleHeight = gb->fontMetrics().height(); + QColor outsideColor = gb->parentWidget() ? gb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor() : gb->paletteBackgroundColor(); + QColor insideColor = groupBoxSettings.tintBackground ? getGroupBoxColor(gb) : gb->paletteBackgroundColor(); + bool pixmapExists = groupBoxPixmaps.contains(gb); + + if(paintEvent && pixmapExists) { + QPainter p; + if(!title.isEmpty()) { + int titleWidth = gb->fontMetrics().width(title); + if(title.contains("&")) + titleWidth -= gb->fontMetrics().width("&"); + + QPainter p(groupBoxPixmaps[gb]); + QRect titleRect = QRect((r.width()-titleWidth)/2, -1, r.width(), titleHeight); + p.fillRect(titleRect, outsideColor); + dominoDrawItem(&p, titleRect, ShowPrefix, gb->colorGroup(), true, 0, title, -1, &gb->foregroundColor(), false); + p.end(); + } + // only needed for the case if a disabled groupbox gets disabled for a second time. + // Qt3 just changes the palette to disabled without checking if it already is (and removes here the "hidden" background pixmap) + bitBlt(gb, 0, 0, groupBoxPixmaps[gb]); + p.begin(gb); + ((DominoQGroupBox*)gb)->drawContents(&p); + return; + } + + bool isCheckable = gb->isCheckable(); + int x = r.x(); + int y = isCheckable ? r.y()+titleHeight+5 : (title.isNull() || title.isEmpty()) ? QMAX(r.y()-1, 0) : r.y()+titleHeight-1; + int w = r.width(); + int h = r.height(); + +// if(y+16 > h || 16 > w) // don't overlap the pixmaps +// return; + + + QPixmap buffer(r.width(), r.height()); + + QPainter p(&buffer); + p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, w, y), outsideColor); + p.fillRect(QRect(x+3, y+3, w-6, h-6-y), insideColor); + + QPixmap* gbPix = 0; + if(!(gbPix = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(outsideColor.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(insideColor.pixel(), 16)+"groupbox"))) { + gbPix = new QPixmap(16, 16); + gbPix->fill(outsideColor); + + QPixmap groupBoxPixMask = qembed_findImage("groupBoxMask"); + groupBoxPixMask.fill(insideColor); + bitBlt(gbPix, 0, 0, &groupBoxPixMask); + + QPixmap groupBoxPix = qembed_findImage("groupBox"); + bitBlt(gbPix, 0, 0, &groupBoxPix); + + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(outsideColor.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(insideColor.pixel(), 16)+"groupbox", gbPix); + } + + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, y, gbPix, 0, 0, 8, 8); + bitBlt(&buffer, w-8, y, gbPix, 8, 0, 8, 8); + bitBlt(&buffer, 0, h-8, gbPix, 0, 8, 8, 8); + bitBlt(&buffer, w-8, h-8, gbPix, 8, 8, 8, 8 ); + + // top + QColor c1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), outsideColor, 25); + QColor c2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), insideColor, 70); + QColor c3 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), insideColor, 30); + // left + right + QColor c4 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), outsideColor, 40); + QColor c5 = c3; //alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), insideColor, 30); + QColor c6 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0,0,0), insideColor, 4); + // bottom + QColor c7 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(6,6,6), insideColor, 25); + QColor c8 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), outsideColor, 79); + QColor c9 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(255,255,255), outsideColor, 30); + + + // top + p.setPen(c1); + p.drawLine(r.left()+8, y, r.right()-8, y); + p.setPen(c2); + p.drawLine(r.left()+8, y+1, r.right()-8, y+1); + p.setPen(c3); + p.drawLine(r.left()+8, y+2, r.right()-8, y+2); + // bottom + p.setPen(c7); + p.drawLine(r.left()+8, r.bottom()-2, r.right()-8, r.bottom()-2); + p.setPen(c8); + p.drawLine(r.left()+8, r.bottom()-1, r.right()-8, r.bottom()-1); + p.setPen(c9); + p.drawLine(r.left()+8, r.bottom(), r.right()-8, r.bottom()); + // left / right + p.setPen(c4); + p.drawLine(r.left(), y+8, r.left(), r.bottom()-8); + p.drawLine(r.right(), y+8, r.right(), r.bottom()-8); + p.setPen(c5); + p.drawLine(r.left()+1, y+8, r.left()+1, r.bottom()-8); + p.drawLine(r.right()-1, y+8, r.right()-1, r.bottom()-8); + p.setPen(c6); + p.drawLine(r.left()+2, y+8, r.left()+2, r.bottom()-8); + p.drawLine(r.right()-2, y+8, r.right()-2, r.bottom()-8); + + p.end(); + + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Resize) + XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( gb->x11Display(), gb->winId(), buffer.handle()); + else if(paintEvent) { + if(!title.isEmpty()) { + int titleWidth = gb->fontMetrics().width(title); + if(title.contains("&")) + titleWidth -= gb->fontMetrics().width("&"); + + p.begin(&buffer); + QRect titleRect = QRect((r.width()-titleWidth)/2, -1, r.width(), titleHeight); + p.fillRect(titleRect, outsideColor); + dominoDrawItem(&p, titleRect, ShowPrefix, gb->colorGroup(), true, 0, title, -1, &gb->foregroundColor(), false); + p.end(); + } + bitBlt(gb, 0, 0, &buffer); + + p.begin(gb); + ((DominoQGroupBox*)gb)->drawContents(&p); + } + + + if(pixmapExists) + delete groupBoxPixmaps[gb]; + groupBoxPixmaps[gb] = new QPixmap(buffer); + + } +} + +void DominoStyle::spinBoxValueChanged(int value) { + QSpinBox* sb = (QSpinBox*)sender(); + if(spinWidgetDown) { + spinWidgetDown = !(value == sb->maxValue() || value == sb->minValue()); + if(!spinWidgetDown) { + // if we repaint directly, the last mousePressEvent wouldn't be down + QTimer::singleShot( 200, ((DominoQSpinBox*)sb)->editor()->parentWidget(), SLOT(repaint()) ); + } + } +} + +uint DominoStyle::preMultiplyColor(const uint &c) const { + XRenderColor clr; + uint color = c << 8 | qAlpha(c); + + uint red = (color >> 24) & 0xff; + uint green = (color >> 16) & 0xff; + uint blue = (color >> 8) & 0xff; + uint alpha = (color >> 0) & 0xff; + + red = red * alpha / 255; + green = green * alpha / 255; + blue = blue * alpha / 255; + + = (red << 8) + red; + = (green << 8) + green; + = (blue << 8) + blue; + clr.alpha = (alpha << 8) + alpha; + + return qRgba(,,, clr.alpha); +} + +void DominoStyle::toolPopupPressed() { + QToolButton* tb = (QToolButton*)sender(); + if(!tb ) + return; + if(tb->popup() && tb->isEnabled() && tb->isDown()) { + popupButton = tb; + connect(popupTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popupToolMenu())); + popupTimer->start(600, true); + } +} + +void DominoStyle::popupToolMenu() { + if(!popupButton ) + return; + + if(popupButton->popup() && !popupButton->popup()->isVisible() && popupButton->isEnabled() && popupButton->isDown()) { + popupButton->openPopup(); + } + popupButton = 0; +} + +void DominoStyle::toolPopupReleased() { + if(!popupButton) + return; + + if(popupTimer->isActive()) { + popupTimer->stop(); + popupButton = 0; + } +} + +#include "eventfilter.cpp" +#include "domino.moc" diff --git a/domino/domino.h b/domino/domino.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..617f111 --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/domino.h @@ -0,0 +1,865 @@ +/* Domino widget style for KDE 3 + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + based on the KDE style "Plastik": + Copyright (C) 2003 Sandro Giessl + + based on the KDE style "dotNET": + Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Chris Lee + Carsten Pfeiffer + Karol Szwed + Drawing routines completely reimplemented from KDE3 HighColor, which was + originally based on some stuff from the KDE2 HighColor. + + based on drawing routines of the style "Keramik": + Copyright (c) 2002 Malte Starostik + (c) 2002,2003 Maksim Orlovich + based on the KDE3 HighColor Style + Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed + (C) 2001-2002 Fredrik Höglund + Drawing routines adapted from the KDE2 HCStyle, + Copyright (C) 2000 Daniel M. Duley + (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller + (C) 2001 Martijn Klingens + Progressbar code based on KStyle, + Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + */ + +#ifndef __DOMINO_H +#define __DOMINO_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include "misc.h" +#include "data.h" +#include + + +// #include +#include +class ButtonContour; +class RubberWidget; +class Rubber; + + + enum ContourType +{ + Contour_Sunken = 0, + Contour_Raised = 1, + Contour_Simple = 2 +}; + + enum ContourState +{ + Contour_Default = 0, + Contour_Pressed = 1, + Contour_MouseOver = 2, + Contour_DefaultButton = 3 +}; + + enum TextEffect +{ + TextEffect_None = 0, + TextEffect_OnlyButton = 1, + TextEffect_Everywhere = 2 +}; + + struct DSurface { + int numGradients; + QColor g1Color1; + QColor g1Color2; + QColor g2Color1; + QColor g2Color2; + QColor background; + int g1Top; + int g1Bottom; + int g2Top; + int g2Bottom; + }; + + +class DominoStyle : public KStyle +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + + DominoStyle(); + virtual ~DominoStyle(); + + enum PaletteTyp + { + Palette_Application, + Palette_Parent, + Palette_Widget + }; + + void polish(QApplication* app ); + void polish(QWidget* widget ); + void polish( QPalette &p ); + void unPolish(QWidget* widget ); + + void drawKStylePrimitive(KStylePrimitive kpe, + QPainter* p, + const QWidget* widget, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags = Style_Default, + const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const; + + void drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, + QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags = Style_Default, + const QStyleOption &opt = QStyleOption::Default ) const; + + void drawControl(ControlElement element, + QPainter *p, + const QWidget *widget, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags = Style_Default, + const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const; + + void drawControlMask( ControlElement, QPainter *, const QWidget *, const QRect &, const QStyleOption &) const; + + void drawComplexControl(ComplexControl control, + QPainter *p, + const QWidget *widget, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &cg, + SFlags flags = Style_Default, + SCFlags controls = SC_All, + SCFlags active = SC_None, + const QStyleOption& = QStyleOption::Default ) const; + + int pixelMetric(PixelMetric m, + const QWidget *widget = 0 ) const; + + QRect subRect(SubRect r, + const QWidget *widget ) const; + + QRect querySubControlMetrics(ComplexControl control, + const QWidget *widget, + SubControl subcontrol, + const QStyleOption &opt = QStyleOption::Default ) const; + + QSize sizeFromContents(QStyle::ContentsType t, + const QWidget *w, + const QSize &s, + const QStyleOption &o) const; + + int styleHint(StyleHint, const QWidget * = 0, + const QStyleOption & = QStyleOption::Default, + QStyleHintReturn * = 0 ) const; + + + QPixmap stylePixmap(StylePixmap stylepixmap, const QWidget* widget, const QStyleOption& opt) const; + + void drawItem( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, + int flags, const QColorGroup &g, bool enabled, + const QPixmap *pixmap, const QString &text, + int len = -1, const QColor *penColor = 0) const; + + void dominoDrawItem( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, + int flags, const QColorGroup &g, bool enabled, + const QPixmap *pixmap, const QString &text, + int len = -1, const QColor *penColor = 0, bool buttonTextEffect = 0 ) const; + + void setDominoButtonPalette(QWidget* widget, PaletteTyp type); + + virtual void drawFocusIndicator(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + int flags, + const QColorGroup cg, + bool /*enabled*/, + const QPixmap* /*pixmap*/, + const QString & text, + int /*len = -1*/, + const QColor& highlight = 0, + bool drawLine = true, + bool isButton = false) const; + + QPixmap renderOutlineIcon(const QPixmap* icon) const; + + void renderSurface(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColor &backgroundColor, + const QColor &buttonColor, + const QColor &highlightColor, + const uint flags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom| + Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomLeft|Round_BottomRight|Is_Horizontal) const; + + inline QWidget::BackgroundOrigin setPixmapOrigin(QWidget::BackgroundOrigin origin); + + mutable Rubber* rubber; + mutable QRect oldRubberRect; + mutable bool viewPortPressed; + mutable bool ignoreNextFocusRect; + uint _argbRubberBandColor; + mutable bool compositeManagerRunning; + const QWidget* rubberViewPort; + +protected: + + enum RubberType + { + ArgbRubber = 1, + LineRubber = 2, + DistRubber = 3 + }; + RubberType rubberBandType; + + enum TabPosition + { + First , + Middle, + Last, + Single + }; + + struct TextEffectSettings { + TextEffect mode; + QColor color; + QColor buttonColor; + int opacity; + int buttonOpacity; + QPoint pos; + QPoint buttonPos; + }; + + struct GroupBoxSettings { + bool tintBackground; + int brightness; + bool customColor; + QColor color; + }; + + struct FocusIndicatorSettings { + QColor color; + int opacity; + QColor buttonColor; + int buttonOpacity; + bool drawUnderline; + bool indicateFocus; + }; + + + mutable TextEffectSettings textEffectSettings; + GroupBoxSettings groupBoxSettings; + FocusIndicatorSettings focusIndicatorSettings; + + ButtonContour* buttonContour; + + enum SurfaceFlags { + Draw_Left = 0x00000001, + Draw_Right = 0x00000002, + Draw_Top = 0x00000004, + Draw_Bottom = 0x00000008, + Is_Horizontal = 0x00000200, + Is_Highlight = 0x00000400, + Is_Default = 0x00000800, + Is_Disabled = 0x00001000, + Round_UpperLeft = 0x00002000, + Round_UpperRight = 0x00004000, + Round_BottomLeft = 0x00008000, + Round_BottomRight = 0x00010000, + Rectangular_UpperLeft = 0x00000010, + Rectangular_UpperRight = 0x10000020, + Rectangular_BottomLeft = 0x00000040, + Rectangular_BottomRight = 0x00000080, + + Draw_AlphaBlend = 0x00020000, + Is_ComboBox = 0x00080000, + Is_Button = 0x00100000, + Is_CheckItem = 0x00200000, + Is_RadioButton = 0x00400000, + Is_TabTop = 0x00000100, + Is_TabBottom = 0x01000000, + Is_ActiveTabTop = 0x00040000, + Is_ActiveTabBottom = 0x00800000, + Is_ScrollBarBtn = 0x02000000, + Is_Header = 0x04000000, + Is_ScrollBarGroove = 0x08000000, + Is_Slider = 0x20000000, + Is_Down = 0x40000000 + }; + + enum DominoStyleFlags { + Domino_noCache = 0x80000000 + }; + + enum DominoPrimitiveElement { + PE_ScrollBarSubLine2 = 0xf000001 + }; + + void renderContour(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColor &backgroundColor, + const QColor &contourColor, + const uint flags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom| + Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomLeft|Round_BottomRight) const; + + void renderButtonShadow(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const uint flags = Draw_Left|Draw_Right|Draw_Top|Draw_Bottom| + Round_UpperLeft|Round_UpperRight|Round_BottomLeft|Round_BottomRight|Is_Horizontal) const; + + QPixmap* renderLineEditShadow(QWidget* widget, QRect rect, QColor bg, uint flags, bool reverse); + + inline void renderPixel(QPainter *p, + const QPoint &pos, + const int alpha, + const QColor &color, + const QColor &background = QColor(), + bool fullAlphaBlend = true) const; + + void renderButton(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &g, + bool sunken = false, + bool mouseOver = false, + bool horizontal = true, + bool enabled = true, + bool khtmlMode = false) const; + + void renderHeader(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &g, + bool sunken = false, + bool mouseOver = false, + bool horizontal = true, + bool enabled = true) const; + + void renderGradient(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColor &c1, + const QColor &c2, + bool horizontal = true) const; + + void renderTab(QPainter *p, + const QRect &r, + const QColorGroup &g, + bool mouseOver = false, + const bool selected = false, + const bool bottom = false, + const TabPosition pos = Middle, + const bool triangular = false, + const bool cornerWidget = false, + const bool konqTab = false) const; + + DSurface btnSurface; + DSurface tabTopSurface; + DSurface activeTabTopSurface; + DSurface tabBottomSurface; + DSurface activeTabBottomSurface; + DSurface scrollBarSurface; + DSurface scrollBarGrooveSurface; + DSurface headerSurface; + DSurface checkItemSurface; + + bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *); + + QString configMode; + void removeCachedSbPix(const QColor &color) { + QPixmapCache::remove("sHCap"+QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"1"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove("sHCap"+QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"0"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove("sVCap"+QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"1"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove("sVCap"+QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"0"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"sh"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"sv"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"ah"+configMode); + QPixmapCache::remove(QString::number(color.pixel(), 16)+"av"+configMode); + }; + + QColor getGroupBoxColor(const QWidget* w) const; + QPixmap* createCheckMark(const QColor color) const; + QPixmap* createRadioIndicator(const QColor color) const; + QPixmap disableIcon(const QPixmap* icon) const;; + + QWidget* hoverWidget; + + QPixmap* checkMark; + QPixmap* radioIndicator; + QPixmap* popupFrame; + QPixmap* border1; + mutable bool alphaButtonMode; + bool KApplicationMode; + QColor _checkMarkColor; + + QMap groupBoxPixmaps; + uint preMultiplyColor(const uint &c) const; + QToolButton* popupButton; + QTimer* popupTimer; + QPoint popupMousePressPos; + +protected slots: + void khtmlWidgetDestroyed(QObject* w); + void groupBoxDestroyed(QObject* w); + + //Animation slots. + void updateProgressPos(); + void updateScrollPos(); // smoothscroll + + void progressBarDestroyed(QObject* bar); + inline QColor dGetColor(const QColor &color, const int value) const; + inline QColor lightenColor(const QColor &color, const int value) const; + inline QColor darkenColor(const QColor &color, const int value) const; + void updateTabWidgetFrame(); + void spinBoxValueChanged(int); + void toolPopupPressed(); + void popupToolMenu(); + void toolPopupReleased(); + +private: + // Disable copy constructor and = operator + DominoStyle( const DominoStyle & ); + DominoStyle& operator=( const DominoStyle & ); + + bool kickerMode; + bool konquerorMode; + bool konsoleMode; + + mutable bool flatMode; + bool sideRepaint; + bool _animateProgressBar; + bool _drawTriangularExpander; + bool _customCheckMarkColor; + bool _smoothScrolling; + QColor _toolTipColor; + int _buttonHeightAdjustment; + bool _customPopupMenuColor; + QColor _popupMenuColor; + bool _customSelMenuItemColor; + QColor _selMenuItemColor; + bool _drawPopupMenuGradient; + bool _indentPopupMenuItems; + bool _centerTabs; + bool _wheelSwitchesTabs; + bool _customSliderHandleContourColor; + bool _drawButtonSunkenShadow; + bool _toolBtnAsBtn; + bool _highlightToolBtnIcon; + + bool konqTab; + int minTabLength; + bool macStyleBar; + int konqTabBarContrast; + bool spinWidgetDown; + + mutable int sliderlen; + + // smoothscrolling + int scrollDistance; + bool scrollVertical; + QScrollView* scrollWidget; + QTimer* scrollTimer; + + bool hoveredToolBoxTab; + + // track khtml widgets. + QMap khtmlWidgets; + + //Animation support. + QMap progAnimWidgets; + + // pixmap cache. + enum CacheEntryType { + cSurface, + cGradientTile, + cAlphaDot + }; + + struct CacheEntry + { + CacheEntryType type; + int width; + int height; + QRgb c1Rgb; + QRgb c2Rgb; + bool horizontal; + + QPixmap* pixmap; + + CacheEntry(CacheEntryType t, int w, int h, QRgb c1, QRgb c2 = 0, + bool hor = false, QPixmap* p = 0 ): + type(t), width(w), height(h), c1Rgb(c1), c2Rgb(c2), horizontal(hor), pixmap(p) + {} + + ~CacheEntry() + { + delete pixmap; + } + + int key() + { + // create an int key from the properties which is used to refer to entries in the QIntCache. + // the result may not be 100% correct as we don't have so much space in one integer -- use + // == operator after find to make sure we got the right one. :) + return horizontal ^ (type<<1) ^ (width<<5) ^ (height<<10) ^ (c1Rgb<<19) ^ (c2Rgb<<22); + } + + bool operator == (const CacheEntry& other) + { + bool match = (type == other.type) && + (width == other.width) && + (height == other.height) && + (c1Rgb == other.c1Rgb) && + (c1Rgb == other.c1Rgb) && + (horizontal = other.horizontal); +// if(!match) { +// qDebug("operator ==: CacheEntries don't match!"); +// qDebug("width: %d\t\tother width: %d", width, other.width); +// qDebug("height: %d\t\tother height: %d", height, other.height); +// qDebug("fgRgb: %d\t\tother fgRgb: %d", fgRgb, other.fgRgb); +// qDebug("bgRgb: %d\t\tother bgRgb: %d", bgRgb, other.bgRgb); +// qDebug("surfaceFlags: %d\t\tother surfaceFlags: %d", surfaceFlags, other.surfaceFlags); +// } + return match; + } + }; + QIntCache *pixmapCache; + + // For KPE_ListViewBranch + mutable QBitmap *verticalLine; + mutable QBitmap *horizontalLine; + + // For progress bar animation + QTimer *animationTimer; + + void renderTabSeparator(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColor buttonColor, bool tabAbove) const; + void renderGroupBox(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev); +}; + + + +class ButtonContour +{ + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + friend class DominoStyle; + + public: + ButtonContour(); + virtual ~ButtonContour(); + + static const int num_states = 4; + static const int num_types = 3; + ContourType defaultType; + ContourType type; + ContourState state; + bool alpha_mode; + bool drawButtonSunkenShadow; + int created[num_types][num_states]; + int shadowCreated[num_states]; + + QColor contour[num_states]; + uint c1[num_types][num_states]; // top shadow + uint c2[num_types][num_states]; // outer ring + uint c3[num_types][num_states]; // inner ring + uint c4[num_types][num_states]; // bottom first shadow line + uint c5[num_types][num_states]; // bottom second shadow line + uint c6[num_types][num_states]; // first left shadow line + QPixmap* btnEdges[num_types][num_states]; + QPixmap* btnVLines[num_types][num_states]; + QPixmap* btnHLines[num_types][num_states]; + + // for sunken type and sunken flat buttons + QPixmap* buttonShadowRectangular[num_states]; + QPixmap* buttonShadowRound [num_states]; + QPixmap* buttonShadowHlines[num_states]; + QPixmap* buttonShadowVlines[num_states]; + + + bool alphaMode() { + return alpha_mode; + } + uint color1() { + return c1[type][state]; + } + uint color2() { + return c2[type][state]; + } + uint color3() { + return c3[type][state]; + } + uint color4() { + return c4[type][state]; + } + uint color5() { + return c5[type][state]; + } + uint color6() { + return c6[type][state]; + } + QColor contourColor(int t) { + return contour[t]; + } + QPixmap* buttonEdges() { + return btnEdges[type][state]; + } + QPixmap* buttonVLines() { + return btnVLines[type][state]; + } + QPixmap* buttonHLines() { + return btnHLines[type][state]; + } + void setType(ContourType t = Contour_Sunken) { + type = t; + createPixmaps(type, state); + } + void setState(ContourState s = Contour_Default) { + state = s; + if(s == Contour_Pressed && type != Contour_Sunken) + type = Contour_Simple; + createPixmaps(type, state); + } + void setContour(ContourType t = Contour_Sunken, ContourState s = Contour_Default) { + type = t; + state = s; + createPixmaps(type, state); + } + void setColor(ContourState s, QColor color) { + contour[s] = color; + + uint c2_tmp; + uint c3_tmp; + if(defaultType == Contour_Sunken /*|| defaultType == Contour_Simple*/) { + c2_tmp = qRgba(contour[s].red(), contour[s].green(), contour[s].blue(), 218); + c3_tmp = qRgba(contour[s].red(), contour[s].green(), contour[s].blue(), 35); + } + else { + c2_tmp = qRgba(contour[s].red(), contour[s].green(), contour[s].blue(), 203); + + QColor whiteColor(qRgba(,,, 34)); + QColor blackColor(qRgba(contour[s].red(), contour[s].green(), contour[s].blue(), 35)); + + c3_tmp = blendColors(whiteColor, blackColor).rgb(); + } + + for(int t = 0; t < num_types; t++) { + c2[t][s] = c2_tmp; // outer ring + c3[t][s] = c3_tmp; // inner ring + } + } + void setDefaultType(ContourType t = Contour_Raised, bool create = true) { + defaultType = t; + type = t; + if(create) + createPixmaps(type, state); + } + void setAlphaMode() { + alpha_mode = true; + } + void reset() { + type = defaultType; + state = Contour_Default; + alpha_mode = false; + } + + QPixmap* shadowRound() { + return buttonShadowRound[state]; + } + QPixmap* shadowRectangular() { + return buttonShadowRectangular[state]; + } + QPixmap* shadowHLines() { + return buttonShadowHlines[state]; + } + QPixmap* shadowVLines() { + return buttonShadowVlines[state]; + } + + void createPixmaps(ContourType t = Contour_Sunken, ContourState s = Contour_Default) { + type = t; + state = s; + + + // for pressed sunken buttons + pressed KMultiTabbarTabs + if(drawButtonSunkenShadow && !shadowCreated[state]) { + + QColor shadowColor = alphaBlendColors(Qt::black, contour[state], 120); + buttonShadowRectangular[state] = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnPressedShadowRectangular"), shadowColor)); + buttonShadowRound[state] = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnPressedShadowRound"), shadowColor)); + buttonShadowHlines[state] = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnPressedShadowHLines"), shadowColor)); + buttonShadowVlines[state] = new QPixmap(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnPressedShadowVLines"), shadowColor)); + shadowCreated[state] = 1; + } + + + if(created[type][state]) + return; + + QImage btnVLines_img; + QImage btnHLines_img; + QImage btnShadow_img; + + switch(type) { + case Contour_Simple: // now pressed raised! + btnShadow_img = qembed_findImage("btnRSPr"); // the inner white ring + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btn"), contour[state]), btnShadow_img, btnShadow_img); + btnHLines_img = qembed_findImage("btnHRSPr"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnH"), contour[state]), btnHLines_img, btnHLines_img); + btnVLines_img = qembed_findImage("btnVRSPr"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnV"), contour[state]), btnVLines_img, btnVLines_img); + break; + case Contour_Sunken: + btnShadow_img = qembed_findImage("btnSSh"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btn"), contour[state]), btnShadow_img, btnShadow_img); + btnHLines_img = qembed_findImage("btnHSSh"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnH"), contour[state]), btnHLines_img, btnHLines_img); + btnVLines_img = qembed_findImage("btnVSSh"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnV"), contour[state]), btnVLines_img, btnVLines_img); + break; + case Contour_Raised: + btnShadow_img = qembed_findImage("btn17RaisedShadow3"); // the inner white ring + outer shadow + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btn"), contour[state]), btnShadow_img, btnShadow_img); + btnHLines_img = qembed_findImage("btnHRSh"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnH"), contour[state]), btnHLines_img, btnHLines_img); + btnVLines_img = qembed_findImage("btnVRSh"); + blend(tintImage(qembed_findImage("btnV"), contour[state]), btnVLines_img, btnVLines_img); + default: + break; + } + + btnEdges[type][state] = new QPixmap(btnShadow_img); + btnVLines[type][state] = new QPixmap(btnVLines_img); + btnHLines[type][state] = new QPixmap(btnHLines_img); + created[type][state] = 1; + } +}; + +class RubberWidget : public QWidget +{ + public: + RubberWidget(Window window); + ~RubberWidget(); +}; + +class Rubber +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + + public: + Rubber(uint col); + ~Rubber(); + + Visual* visual; + Colormap colormap; + XSetWindowAttributes wsa; + Window window; + + RubberWidget* parent; + RubberWidget* rubber; + QRegion mask; + uint color; + + void destroy() { + if(parent) { + delete rubber; + delete parent; + window = 0; + parent = 0; + rubber = 0; + } + } + void create(QRect& r, QRegion& mask); + void updateMask(QRegion& mask); +}; + + +// DominoXXX classes to access protected (or private...) members +class DominoQGroupBox : public QGroupBox +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQGroupBox( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) + : QGroupBox( parent, name ) {} +}; + +class DominoQWidget : public QWidget +{ + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQWidget( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) + : QWidget( parent, name ) {} + +}; + +class DominoQFrame : public QFrame +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQFrame( QFrame* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) + : QFrame( parent, name ) {} +}; + +// QWhatsThis +class DominoQWhatsThat : public QWidget +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQWhatsThat(): QWidget() {} + private: + QString text; +}; + +class DominoKToolBarButton : public KToolBarButton +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoKToolBarButton(): KToolBarButton() {} +}; + +class DominoQListBoxItem : public QListBoxItem +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQListBoxItem(): QListBoxItem() {} +}; + +class DominoQTabWidget : public QTabWidget +{ + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQTabWidget( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) + : QTabWidget( parent, name ) {} +}; + +class DominoQSpinBox : public QSpinBox +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQSpinBox( QFrame* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) + : QSpinBox( parent, name ) {} +}; + +class DominoQPixmap : public QPixmap +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQPixmap( int w, int h, int depth = -1) : QPixmap(w, h, depth) {} +}; + +class DominoQButton : public QButton +{ + friend class DominoStyle; + public: + DominoQButton(): QButton() {} +}; + +#endif // __DOMINO_H diff --git a/domino/domino.themerc b/domino/domino.themerc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30ae7f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/domino.themerc @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[Misc] +Name=Domino +Comment=A style with customizable color gradients +Comment[de]=Ein Stil mit anpassbaren Farbverläufen +ConfigPage=kstyle_domino_config +[KDE] +WidgetStyle=Domino diff --git a/domino/eventfilter.cpp b/domino/eventfilter.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3dce1c --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/eventfilter.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1840 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ + +bool DominoStyle::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev) +{ + +// qDebug("className: %s -- name: %s", obj->className(), obj->name()); + + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Paint: { + + QComboBox* cb = dynamic_cast(obj); + bool khtmlWidget = khtmlWidgets.contains(cb); + const QColorGroup & g = cb->colorGroup(); + + QPixmap buffer; + QPainter p; + if(khtmlWidget) + p.begin(cb); + else { + buffer.resize(cb->width(), cb->height()); + p.begin(&buffer); + } + + p.setFont(cb->font()); + + + if(!khtmlWidget && cb->parentWidget() && cb->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap()){ + + QPoint point = cb->backgroundOffset(); + p.drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, cb->width(), cb->height(), + *cb->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap(), + point.x(), point.y() ); + } + + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if (cb->isEnabled()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (cb->hasFocus()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + + if(!cb->listBox()) { + + drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &p, cb, cb->rect(), g, + flags, (uint)QStyle::SC_All, /*(cb->arrowDown ? */QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow /*: QStyle::SC_None )*/); + + QRect re = querySubControlMetrics( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, cb, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField ); + re = QStyle::visualRect(re, cb); + p.setClipRect( re ); + + QString str = 0; + const QPixmap *pix = 0; + if(cb->count() > 0) { + str = cb->text(cb->currentItem()); + cb->pixmap(cb->currentItem()); + } + if ( !str.isNull() ) { +//; +// p.setFont(cb->font()); +// QFontMetrics fm(cb->font()); +// int x = re.x(), y = re.y() + fm.ascent(); +// if( pix ) +// x += pix->width() + 5; +// p.drawText( x, y, str ); +// p.restore(); + dominoDrawItem( &p, re, AlignCenter, cb->colorGroup(), + cb->isEnabled(), 0, str, -1, + &cb->colorGroup().buttonText(), textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); + } + if ( pix ) { + p.fillRect( re.x(), re.y(), pix->width() + 4, re.height(), + cb->colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Base ) ); + p.drawPixmap( re.x() + 2, re.y() + + ( re.height() - pix->height() ) / 2, *pix ); + } + } + else { + drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &p, cb, cb->rect(), g, + flags, (uint)QStyle::SC_All, /*(d->arrowDown ? */QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow/* : QStyle::SC_None )*/); + QRect re = querySubControlMetrics( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, cb, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField ); + re = QStyle::visualRect(re, cb); + p.setClipRect( re ); + + if ( !cb->editable() ) { + + QString str = 0; + const QPixmap *pix = 0; + if(cb->count() > 0) { + str = cb->text(cb->currentItem()); + pix = cb->pixmap(cb->currentItem()); + } + + re.addCoords(+2, 0, 0, -1); + if(pix) { + drawItem( &p, QRect(re.left()+1,, re.width(), re.height()-1), AlignLeft|AlignVCenter, cb->colorGroup(), + cb->isEnabled(), pix, 0, -1, &cb->colorGroup().buttonText() ); + re.setX(re.x()+pix->width()+2); + } + if(!str.isNull()) { + dominoDrawItem( &p, QRect(re.left(),, re.width(), re.height()), AlignLeft|AlignVCenter, cb->colorGroup(), + cb->isEnabled(), 0, str, -1, &cb->colorGroup().buttonText(), textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); + } + else if(!pix) { + DominoQListBoxItem * item = (DominoQListBoxItem*)cb->listBox()->item( cb->currentItem() ); + if ( item ) { + int itemh = item->height( cb->listBox() ); + p.translate( re.x(), re.y() +(re.height()- itemh)/2); + item->paint( &p ); + } + } + } + else if ( cb->listBox() && cb->listBox()->item( cb->currentItem() ) ) { + + QListBoxItem * item = cb->listBox()->item( cb->currentItem() ); + const QPixmap *pix = item->pixmap(); + if ( pix ) { + if(re.width() < pix->width()) + return true; + QColor color = cb->isEnabled() ? cb->lineEdit()->paletteBackgroundColor() : cb->lineEdit()->palette().active().background(); + QPixmap* shadowPix = renderLineEditShadow(cb, QRect(0, 0, pix->width() + 3, re.height()), color, Draw_Left, QApplication::reverseLayout()); + + if(!QApplication::reverseLayout()) { + int x = re.x(); + int y = re.y(); + int w = pix->width() + 4; + int h = re.height()+re.y(); + + QRegion mask(x+3, y, w+3, h); + mask += QRegion(x, y+3, 3, h-9); + p.setClipRegion(mask); + } + bitBlt(shadowPix, 3, ( shadowPix->height() - pix->height() ) / 2, pix); + p.drawPixmap(re.x(), re.y(), *shadowPix); + delete shadowPix; + } + } + } + p.end(); + if(!khtmlWidget) { + p.begin(cb); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, buffer); + } + + return true; + + } + case QEvent::Enter: { + QButton* btn = static_cast(obj); + if(btn->isEnabled()) { + hoverWidget = btn; + btn->repaint(false); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::Leave: { + QButton* btn = static_cast(obj); + if(btn->isEnabled()) { + hoverWidget = 0; + btn->repaint(false); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::PaletteChange: { + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Widget); + return true; + } + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: { + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Parent); + return false; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: { + if(!khtmlWidgets.contains(static_cast(obj))) + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Application); + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + // don't repaint the combobox if the mouse moves over the listbox. + if(dynamic_cast(obj) && dynamic_cast(obj->parent())) { + + if(dynamic_cast(obj->parent())) { + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Show) { + QComboBox* cb = dynamic_cast(obj->parent()); + cb->repaint(false); + cb->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + return false; + } + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Hide) { + QComboBox* cb = dynamic_cast(obj->parent()); + cb->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + cb->repaint(false); + return false; + } + } + // don't return here + } + + if (dynamic_cast(obj) || (dynamic_cast(obj) && dynamic_cast(obj)->frameShape() == QFrame::LineEditPanel) || obj->isA("QDateTimeEditor")) { + + QWidget* lineEdit = dynamic_cast(obj); + bool khtmlMode = khtmlWidgets.contains(lineEdit); + bool isLineEdit = dynamic_cast(obj); + bool isReadOnly = isLineEdit && dynamic_cast(obj)->isReadOnly(); + QFrame* frame = dynamic_cast(obj); + if((isReadOnly || khtmlMode) && frame->frameWidth() <= 0) { + return false; + } + + bool isEnabled = lineEdit->isEnabled(); + bool isSpinWidget = false; + bool isComboBox = false; + bool isDateTimeEditor = false; + bool hasPixmap = false; + bool noFrame = false; + QRect r = lineEdit->rect(); + + if(dynamic_cast(lineEdit->parentWidget())) { + isComboBox = true; + QComboBox* cb = dynamic_cast(lineEdit->parentWidget()); + if(cb->count() > 0 && cb->pixmap(cb->currentItem())) + hasPixmap = true; + } + else if(obj->isA("QDateTimeEditor")) + isDateTimeEditor = true; + else if(dynamic_cast(lineEdit->parentWidget())) + isSpinWidget = true; + else if(isLineEdit && frame->frameShape() == QFrame::NoFrame) + noFrame = true; + +// if(isSpinWidget && !isComboBox && frame->frameShape() == QFrame::NoFrame) +// return false; + + int x, y, w, h; + r.rect(&x, &y, &w, &h); + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Show: + if(khtmlMode) + return true; + case QEvent::Resize: { + if(noFrame) return false; + + if(isLineEdit) { + QRect frameRect(r.x()+1, r.y(), r.width()-1, r.height()); + if(frame->frameRect() != frameRect) + frame->setFrameRect(frameRect); + + } + + if(isSpinWidget || isComboBox) { + + if(!hasPixmap && !QApplication::reverseLayout()) { + QRegion mask(x+3, y, w-3, h); + mask += QRegion(x, y+3, 3, h-6); + lineEdit->setMask(mask); + } + else if(QApplication::reverseLayout()) { + QRegion mask(x, y, w-3, h); + mask += QRegion(w-3, y+3, 3, h-6); + lineEdit->setMask(mask); + } + else if(isComboBox) + lineEdit->clearMask(); + } + else if(isDateTimeEditor) { + + if(!QApplication::reverseLayout()) { + QRegion mask(x+2, y, w-2, h); + mask += QRegion(x+1, y+1, 1, h-2); + mask += QRegion(x, y+2, 1, h-4); + lineEdit->setMask(mask); + } + else { + QRegion mask(x, y, w-2, h); + mask += QRegion(w-2, y+1, 1, h-2); + mask += QRegion(w-1, y+2, 1, h-4); + lineEdit->setMask(mask); + } + } + + if(isLineEdit) { + lineEdit->repaint(false); // not realy needed, but removes some flicker + return true; + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::Paint: { + + if(noFrame) + return false; + + const QColorGroup cg = lineEdit->colorGroup(); + const QColor bg = !isEnabled ? cg.background() : lineEdit->paletteBackgroundColor(); + QPainter p; + + if(isSpinWidget || isComboBox || isDateTimeEditor) { + + // QDateTimeEditor doesn't respect background pixmaps :( + if(w <1 || h <1 || isDateTimeEditor) + return false; + + uint flags = hasPixmap ? Draw_Right : Draw_Left|Draw_Right; + QPixmap* lineEditPix = renderLineEditShadow(lineEdit, lineEdit->rect(), bg, flags, QApplication::reverseLayout()); + lineEdit->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + lineEdit->setErasePixmap(*lineEditPix); + // update the gap which resulted from the altered frame rect... + lineEdit->erase(QRect(x, y, 1, h)); + lineEdit->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + delete lineEditPix; + return false; + } + + + // normal lineEdit + const QPixmap* parentBgPix = lineEdit->parentWidget() ? lineEdit->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap() : 0; + QPixmap* lineEditEdges = 0; + if(khtmlMode || parentBgPix || !(lineEditEdges = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"lEditEdges"))) { + if(khtmlMode) { + + QPixmap insidePix = tintImage(qembed_findImage("lineedit4inside"), bg); + bitBlt(lineEdit, x, y, &insidePix, 0, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEdit, w-4, y, &insidePix, 4, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEdit, x, h-4, &insidePix, 0, 4, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEdit, w-4, h-4, &insidePix, 4, 4, 4, 4); + + QPixmap edgesPix = qembed_findImage("lineedit4edges"); + bitBlt(lineEdit, x, y, &edgesPix, 0, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEdit, w-4, y, &edgesPix, 4, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEdit, x, h-4, &edgesPix, 0, 4, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEdit, w-4, h-4, &edgesPix, 4, 4, 4, 4); + } + else { + + lineEditEdges = new QPixmap(8, 8); + if(parentBgPix) { + QPoint offset = lineEdit->parentWidget()->backgroundOffset(); + offset += QPoint(lineEdit->geometry().x(), lineEdit->geometry().y()); + QPainter painter(lineEditEdges); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, 4, 4, *parentBgPix, offset.x(), offset.y()); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(4, 0, 4, 4, *parentBgPix, offset.x()+r.width()-4, offset.y()); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(0, 4, 4, 4, *parentBgPix, offset.x(), offset.y()+r.height()-4); + painter.drawTiledPixmap(4, 4, 4, 4, *parentBgPix, offset.x()+r.width()-4, offset.y()+r.height()-4); + } + else + lineEditEdges->fill(cg.background()); + + QPixmap tmpPix = tintImage(qembed_findImage("lineedit4inside"), bg); + bitBlt(lineEditEdges, 0, 0, &tmpPix, 0, 0, 8, 8); + + QPixmap tmpPix2 = qembed_findImage("lineedit4edges"); + bitBlt(lineEditEdges, 0, 0, &tmpPix2, 0, 0, 8, 8); + + if(!parentBgPix) + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(bg.pixel(), 16)+QString::number(cg.background().pixel(), 16)+"lEditEdges", *lineEditEdges); + } + } + + + QPixmap* lineEditPix = 0; + + if(khtmlMode) + p.begin(lineEdit); + else { + lineEditPix = new QPixmap(w, h); + p.begin(lineEditPix); + + bitBlt(lineEditPix, x, y, lineEditEdges, 0, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEditPix, w-4, y, lineEditEdges, 4, 0, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEditPix, x, h-4, lineEditEdges, 0, 4, 4, 4); + bitBlt(lineEditPix, w-4, h-4, lineEditEdges, 4, 4, 4, 4); + + } + + p.fillRect(QRect(x+4, y, w-8, h), bg); + p.fillRect(QRect(x, y+4, 4, h-8), bg); + p.fillRect(QRect(w-4, y+4, 4, h-8), bg); + + QColor top_1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(26, 26, 26), bg, 125); + QColor top_2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(18, 18, 18), bg, 50); + QColor top_3 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(16, 16, 16), bg, 6); + QColor bottom = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0, 0, 0), bg, 30); + + QColor left_1 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0, 0, 0), bg, 78); + QColor left_2 = alphaBlendColors(QColor(0, 0, 0), bg, 10); + + p.setPen(top_1); + p.drawLine(x+4, y, w-5, y); + p.setPen(top_2); + p.drawLine(x+4, y+1, w-5, y+1); + p.setPen(top_3); + p.drawLine(x+4, y+2, w-5, y+2); + p.setPen(bottom); + p.drawLine(x+4, h-1, w-5, h-1); + + p.setPen(left_1); + p.drawLine(x, y+4, x, h-4); + p.drawLine(w-1, y+4, w-1, h-4); + p.setPen(left_2); + p.drawLine(x+1, y+4, x+1, h-4); + p.drawLine(w-2, y+4, w-2, h-4); + p.end(); + + + if(!khtmlMode) { + + if(isLineEdit) { + // simply drawing the pixmap would be faster, but the problem with the base color as erase color for disabled lineEdits would remain. + XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( lineEdit->x11Display(), lineEdit->winId(), lineEditPix->handle()); +// // erase the frame + lineEdit->erase(x, y, w, 2); + lineEdit->erase(x, h-4, w, 4); + lineEdit->erase(x, y+2, 3, h-4); + lineEdit->erase(w-3, y+2, 3, h-4); + } + else { + bitBlt(lineEdit, 0, 0, lineEditPix); + } + delete lineEditPix; + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: + case 6/*QEvent::KeyPress*/: { + // it will be reseted in QLineEdit::mouseMoveEvent() + if(isLineEdit && !khtmlMode && isEnabled && !isReadOnly && !isDateTimeEditor) + static_cast(obj)->setCursor(Qt::blankCursor); + return false; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + if(!khtmlMode) { + lineEdit->setBackgroundMode(QWidget::PaletteBase); + lineEdit->setPalette(qApp->palette()); + } + return true; + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: + if(!khtmlMode) { + lineEdit->setBackgroundMode(QWidget::PaletteBase); + lineEdit->setPalette(lineEdit->parentWidget()->palette()); + } + return true; + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + if(!khtmlMode) { + lineEdit->setBackgroundMode(QWidget::PaletteBase); + lineEdit->setPalette(lineEdit->palette()); + } + return true; + case QEvent::Wheel: + case QEvent::Hide: + case 7/*QEvent::KeyRelease*/: + // jump to smoothscrolling + if(_smoothScrolling) + break; + default: + return false; + } + } + + + + + // argb rubberBand + if(!strcmp(obj->name(), "qt_viewport") && rubberBandType == ArgbRubber) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::ChildRemoved: + case QEvent::DragMove: + case QEvent::DragEnter: { + if(rubber) { + viewPortPressed = false; + oldRubberRect = QRect(); + rubber->destroy(); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { + viewPortPressed = true; + rubberViewPort = static_cast(obj); + break; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: + if(rubber) { + viewPortPressed = false; + rubberViewPort = 0; + oldRubberRect = QRect(); + if(dynamic_cast(obj->parent()) && rubber->window) + ignoreNextFocusRect = true; + rubber->destroy(); + } + +#if KDE_VERSION >= 0x30506 + case QEvent::Show: { + char selectionName[64]; + snprintf(selectionName, 64, "_NET_WM_CM_S%d", DefaultScreen(qt_xdisplay())); + Atom compSelection = XInternAtom(qt_xdisplay(), selectionName, False); + if(XGetSelectionOwner(qt_xdisplay(), compSelection)) { + compositeManagerRunning = true; + } + else { + compositeManagerRunning = false; + } + } +#endif + default: + break; + } + } + + + // smoothscrolling + if(dynamic_cast(obj) && _smoothScrolling) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Wheel: { + QWheelEvent* e = (QWheelEvent*)ev; + QScrollView* sv = dynamic_cast(obj); + bool pageSteps = false; + int pageStep = sv->verticalScrollBar()->pageStep(); + int lineStep = sv->verticalScrollBar()->lineStep(); + scrollVertical = e->orientation() == Qt::Vertical; + + QScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollVertical ? sv->verticalScrollBar() : sv->horizontalScrollBar(); + + int step = QMIN( QApplication::wheelScrollLines()*lineStep, pageStep ); + if ( ( e->state() & ControlButton ) || ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) { + step = pageStep; + pageSteps = true; + } + int dy = (e->delta()*step)/120; + + e->accept(); + scrollWidget = sv; + scrollDistance += dy; + + // don't accumulate to much + if(scrollDistance < 0) { + scrollDistance = pageSteps? QMAX(scrollDistance, pageStep*2-(pageStep*4)): scrollDistance; + int minDistance = scrollBar->maxValue() - scrollBar->value(); + scrollDistance = QMAX(scrollDistance, minDistance-(minDistance*2)); + } + else { + scrollDistance = pageSteps? QMIN(scrollDistance, pageStep*2): scrollDistance; + scrollDistance = QMIN(scrollDistance, scrollBar->value()); + } + + if(scrollDistance != 0) { + scrollTimer->start(pageSteps? 4: 14); + } + + return true; + } + case 7: { // ?? 7 = QEvent::KeyRelease + QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)ev; + if(scrollTimer->isActive() && (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Shift || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Control)) { + scrollTimer->stop(); + scrollDistance = 0; + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::WindowActivate: + case QEvent::WindowDeactivate: + // fixes the scrollbar flicker + return true; + case QEvent::Hide: + case QEvent::Show: + scrollDistance = 0; + // don't return here (because of konqframe and ?) + default: + break; + } + } + + + if ( dynamic_cast(obj) ) { + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::WindowActivate: { + QScrollBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(sb->backgroundMode() == Qt::NoBackground && !sb->testWState(WState_HasMouse)) { + sb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + } + return true; + } + case QEvent::Show: { + // no flicker in konqi and konsole, hits maybe others, too. + if(obj->parent()->parent() && (!strcmp(obj->parent()->parent()->name(), "KonqFrame") || !strcmp(obj->parent()->parent()->name(), "tab pages"))) { + dynamic_cast(obj)->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + } + scrollDistance = 0; + return true; + } + case QEvent::Hide: + scrollDistance = 0; + return true; + case QEvent::Resize: { + QScrollBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(sb->backgroundMode() != Qt::NoBackground && sb->isVisible()) { + sb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: { + QScrollBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + sb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + sb->setPalette(sb->parentWidget()->palette()); + return true; + } + case QEvent::PaletteChange: { + QScrollBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + sb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); + sb->setPalette(sb->palette()); + return true; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: { // ### + QScrollBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + removeCachedSbPix(sb->paletteBackgroundColor()); + sb->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteButton); +// sb->update(); + return false; + } + case QEvent::Wheel: { + if(!_smoothScrolling) + return false; + QWheelEvent* e = (QWheelEvent*)ev; + QScrollBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(!dynamic_cast(sb->parentWidget())) + return false; + + bool pageSteps = false; + int pageStep = sb->pageStep(); + int lineStep = sb->lineStep(); + + int step = QMIN( QApplication::wheelScrollLines()*lineStep, pageStep ); + if ( ( e->state() & ControlButton ) || ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) { + step = pageStep; + pageSteps = true; + } + int dy = (e->delta()*step)/120; + + e->accept(); + scrollWidget = dynamic_cast(sb->parentWidget()); + scrollDistance += dy; + + // don't accumulate to much + if(scrollDistance < 0) { + scrollDistance = pageSteps? QMAX(scrollDistance, pageStep*2-(pageStep*4)): scrollDistance; + int minDistance = sb->maxValue() - sb->value(); + scrollDistance = QMAX(scrollDistance, minDistance-(minDistance*2)); + } + else { + scrollDistance = pageSteps? QMIN(scrollDistance, pageStep*2): scrollDistance; + scrollDistance = QMIN(scrollDistance, sb->value()); + } + + scrollVertical = sb->orientation() == Qt::Vertical; + if(scrollDistance != 0) { + scrollTimer->start(pageSteps? 4: 14); + } + + return true; + } + case 7: { // ?? 7 = QEvent::KeyRelease + QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)ev; + if(scrollTimer->isActive() && (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Shift || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Control)) { + scrollTimer->stop(); + scrollDistance = 0; + } + return false; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + + if ( dynamic_cast(obj) && _animateProgressBar) + { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Show: + if(!animationTimer->isActive()) + animationTimer->start( 50, false ); + return true; + case QEvent::Hide: + if(animationTimer->isActive()) + animationTimer->stop(); + return true; + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Application); + return true; + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Parent); + return true; + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Widget); + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + + if (dynamic_cast(obj)) { + if(ev->type() == QEvent::PaletteChange) { + QStatusBar* sb = dynamic_cast(obj); + sb->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + sb->setPaletteForegroundColor(qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + if (dynamic_cast(obj) && dynamic_cast(obj)->frameShape() == QFrame::GroupBoxPanel) { + QGroupBox* gb = dynamic_cast(obj); + QRect r = gb->rect(); + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Paint: { +// if(y+16 > h || 16 > w) // don't overlap the pixmaps +// return false; + renderGroupBox(obj, ev); + return true; + } + case QEvent::Resize: { + if(!gb->isFlat()) + renderGroupBox(obj, ev); + return false; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: { + + if(gb->isFlat() || gb->lineWidth() <= 0) { + return false; + } + + QColor outsideColor = gb->parentWidget() ? gb->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor() : gb->paletteBackgroundColor(); + QColor insideColor = groupBoxSettings.tintBackground ? getGroupBoxColor(gb) : gb->paletteBackgroundColor(); + + QPalette pal(qApp->palette()); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background, insideColor); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background, insideColor); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Background, insideColor); + pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text, alphaBlendColors(, insideColor, 40)); + gb->setPalette(pal); + + + if(gb->isCheckable()) { + ((QCheckBox*)gb->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false))->setPaletteBackgroundColor(outsideColor); + } + + if(groupBoxPixmaps.contains(gb)) { + delete groupBoxPixmaps[gb]; + groupBoxPixmaps.remove(gb); + } + return false; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Paint: { + + QSpinWidget* sw = static_cast(obj); + QPixmap buffer(sw->size()); + QPainter p(&buffer); + + if(sw->parentWidget() && sw->parentWidget()->parentWidget() && sw->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap()) { + QPoint point = sw->backgroundOffset(); + p.drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, sw->width(), sw->height(), + *sw->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap(), point.x(), point.y() ); + } + + + + /////// + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if (sw->isEnabled()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (sw->hasFocus() || sw->focusProxy() && sw->focusProxy()->hasFocus()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + if(spinWidgetDown && sw->hasMouse()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + QRect fr = QStyle::visualRect(querySubControlMetrics( QStyle::CC_SpinWidget, sw, QStyle::SC_SpinWidgetFrame ), sw ); + drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_SpinWidget, &p, sw, sw->rect(), sw->colorGroup(), flags, (uint)QStyle::SC_All, QStyle::SC_None ); + p.end(); + p.begin(sw); + p.drawPixmap(0,0,buffer); + return true; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: + case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: { + QSpinWidget* sw = static_cast(obj); + QPainter p(sw); + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if (sw->isEnabled()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (sw->hasFocus() || sw->focusProxy() && sw->focusProxy()->hasFocus()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + if(ev->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && dynamic_cast(sw->parentWidget())) { + QSpinBox* sb = dynamic_cast(sw->parentWidget()); + QMouseEvent* e = (QMouseEvent*)ev; + + if(sb->downRect().contains(e->pos()) && sb->value() != sb->minValue()) { + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + spinWidgetDown = true; + } + if(sb->upRect().contains(e->pos()) && sb->value() != sb->maxValue()) { + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + spinWidgetDown = true; + } + if(spinWidgetDown) { + if(sw->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) + sw->erase(); + drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_SpinWidget, &p, sw, sw->rect(), sw->colorGroup(), flags, (uint)QStyle::SC_All, QStyle::SC_None); + } + return false; + + } + else + spinWidgetDown = false; + + if(sw->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) + sw->erase(); + drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_SpinWidget, &p, sw, sw->rect(), sw->colorGroup(), flags, (uint)QStyle::SC_All, QStyle::SC_None); + return false; + } + case QEvent::Enter: { + QPushButton* btn = static_cast(obj); + if(!btn->isEnabled()) + return false; + hoverWidget = btn; + btn->repaint(btn->paletteBackgroundPixmap()); + return false; + } + case QEvent::Leave: { + spinWidgetDown = false; + QPushButton* btn = static_cast(obj); + if(!btn->isEnabled()) + return false; + hoverWidget = 0; + btn->repaint(btn->paletteBackgroundPixmap()); + return false; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Application); + return true; + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Parent); + return true; + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Parent); + return true; + default: + break; + } + return false; + } + + + if (dynamic_cast(obj)) { + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Wheel: { + QWheelEvent* e = (QWheelEvent*)ev; + QTabWidget* tw = dynamic_cast(obj->parent()); + if(!tw) + return false; + + int current = tw->currentPageIndex(); + int count = tw->count(); + + if(count < 2) + return false; + + current = e->delta() > 0 ? current - 1 : current + 1; + + if(current > count - 1) + current = 0; + else if(current < 0) + current = count - 1; + if(tw->page(current)->isEnabled()) + tw->setCurrentPage(current ); + return true; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Application); + return true; + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Parent); + return true; + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(dynamic_cast(obj), Palette_Widget); + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + + if (dynamic_cast(obj)) { + + QTabWidget* tw = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(tw->isA("KonqFrameTabs")) { + + QColorGroup cg = qApp->palette().active(); + switch (ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Paint: { + QRect r = tw->rect(); + int top, height; + if(tw->tabPosition() == QTabWidget::Top) { + top =; + height = r.height()-tw->currentPage()->height(); + } + else { + top =>currentPage()->height(); + height = r.height(); + } + + QPainter p(tw); + p.setPen(cg.background()); + p.drawLine(r.left(), top, r.width(), top); + + p.setPen(cg.background().dark(120)); + p.drawLine(r.left(), top+1, r.width(), top+1); + + p.setPen(cg.background().dark(konqTabBarContrast+20)); + p.drawLine(r.left(), top+2, r.width(), top+2); + return true; + } + case QEvent::Show: + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: { + if(tw->eraseColor() != cg.background().dark(konqTabBarContrast)) + tw->setEraseColor(cg.background().dark(konqTabBarContrast)); + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + else if(ev->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { + if(!tw) + return false; + + QRect r = tw->rect(); + QRect re = ((DominoQTabWidget*)tw)->tabBar()->rect(); + int top; + if(tw->tabPosition() == QTabWidget::Top) { + top =; + } + else { + top = + tw->height()-re.height() - 2; + } + + QWheelEvent* e = (QWheelEvent*)ev; + if(QRect(re.x(), top, r.width(), re.height()).contains(e->pos())) { + int current = tw->currentPageIndex(); + int count = tw->count(); + if(count < 2) + return false; + + current = e->delta() > 0 ? current - 1 : current + 1; + + if(current > count - 1) + current = 0; + else if(current < 0) + current = count - 1; + if(tw->page(current)->isEnabled()) + tw->setCurrentPage(current); + return true; + } + } + if(ev->type() == QEvent::LayoutHint) { + if(!tw) + return false; + QWidget* w; + if((w = tw->cornerWidget(Qt::TopRight))) { + if(!w->width() != 25 || w->height() != 23) + w->setFixedSize(25, 23); + } + if((w = tw->cornerWidget(Qt::TopLeft))) { + if(!w->width() != 25 || w->height() != 23) + w->setFixedSize(25, 23); + } + if((w = tw->cornerWidget(Qt::BottomRight))) { + if(!w->width() != 25 || w->height() != 23) + w->setFixedSize(25, 23); + } + if((w = tw->cornerWidget(Qt::BottomLeft))) { + if(!w->width() != 25 || w->height() != 23) + w->setFixedSize(25, 23); + } + + return false; + } + return false; + } + if(::qt_cast(obj)) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Paint: { + KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast(obj->parent()); + if(!bar) return false; // KMyMoney2 + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + int index = bar->itemIndex(btn->id()); + + + if(_toolBtnAsBtn && sideRepaint == false) { + sideRepaint = true; + KToolBarButton* sideBtn; + if((sideBtn = bar->getButton(bar->idAt(index-1)))) { + sideBtn->repaint(false); + } + if((sideBtn = bar->getButton(bar->idAt(index+1)))) { + sideBtn->repaint(false); + } + sideRepaint = false; + } + + + SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + SCFlags active = QStyle::SC_None; + if(btn->isOn()) flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + if (btn->isDown()) { + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + active |= QStyle::SC_ToolButton; + } + if (btn->isEnabled()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (btn->isEnabled() && btn->hasMouse()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised; + if (btn->hasFocus()) flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + //SCFlags controls, + + QPainter p(btn); + + if(btn->isDown()/* || btn->isOn()*/) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_Pressed); + else if(btn == hoverWidget && btn->isEnabled()) + buttonContour->setState(Contour_MouseOver); + + drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_ToolButton, &p, btn, btn->rect(), btn->colorGroup(), flags, QStyle::SC_ToolButton, active, QStyleOption()); + buttonContour->reset(); + return true; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { + if(((QMouseEvent*)ev)->button() == Qt::RightButton) + return false; + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + btn->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + if(!btn->isOn()) btn->setOn(true); + btn->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + hoverWidget = 0; + return false; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { + if(((QMouseEvent*)ev)->button() == Qt::RightButton) + return false; + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + btn->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + if(btn->isOn()) btn->setOn(false); + btn->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + if(btn->hasMouse()) + hoverWidget = btn; + return false; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: { + if(((QMouseEvent*)ev)->button() == Qt::RightButton) + return false; + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(!btn->isOn()) btn->setOn(true); + hoverWidget = 0; + return false; + } + case QEvent::Enter: { + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(btn->isEnabled()) { + hoverWidget = btn; + btn->repaint(false); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::Leave: { + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(btn == hoverWidget) { + hoverWidget = 0; + btn->repaint(false); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::Move: { + if(_toolBtnAsBtn) { + KToolBarButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + btn->repaint(false); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: { + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Application); + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + if(dynamic_cast(obj) && dynamic_cast(obj)->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + QRadioButton* rb = static_cast(obj); + + rb->removeEventFilter(this); + QApplication::sendEvent(rb, (QPaintEvent*)ev); + rb->installEventFilter(this); + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if ( rb->isEnabled() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if ( rb->hasFocus() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + if ( rb->isDown() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + if ( rb->hasMouse() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver; + if ( rb->state() == QButton::On ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + else if ( rb->state() == QButton::Off ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Off; + + QPainter p(rb); + drawControl(CE_RadioButton, &p, rb, QRect(0,0,17,17), rb->palette().active(), flags); + return true; + } + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Show && !strcmp(obj->name(), "__khtml")) { + QRadioButton* rb = static_cast(obj); + QBitmap bm(rb->size()); + bm.fill(color0); + rb->setMask(bm); + } + return false; + } + + if (obj->isA("KonqCheckBox")) { + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Show || ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange) { // at least doesn't flicker in the unchecked state ;-) + QButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + QPixmap pix(btn->size()); + pix.fill(qApp->palette().active().background()); + QPainter p(&pix); + drawControl( CE_CheckBox, &p, btn, QRect(0,0,18,19), qApp->palette().active(), Style_Default|Style_Off, QStyleOption::Default); + btn->setErasePixmap(pix); + return true; + } + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + QButton* btn = dynamic_cast(obj); + btn->erase(); + SFlags flags = Style_Default; + if ( btn->isDown() ) + flags |= Style_Down; + if ( btn->state() == QButton::On ) + flags |= Style_On; + else if ( btn->state() == QButton::Off ) + flags |= Style_Off; + if ( btn->isEnabled() ) + flags |= Style_Enabled; + QPainter p(btn); + drawPrimitive(PE_CheckMark, &p, QRect(0,0,16,17), qApp->palette().active(), flags); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + QCheckBox* cb = static_cast(obj); + + bool khtmlWidget = !strcmp(obj->name(), "__khtml"); + if(khtmlWidget || cb->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + if(khtmlWidget) { + // this prevents the checkbox been erased before the rest of the html page + QBitmap bm(cb->size()); + bm.fill(color0); + cb->setMask(bm); + } + else { + // draws a masked checkbox + cb->removeEventFilter(this); + QApplication::sendEvent(cb, (QPaintEvent*)ev); + cb->installEventFilter(this); + } + // draws the missing alpha part + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if ( cb->isEnabled() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if ( cb->hasFocus() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + if ( cb->isDown() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + if ( cb->hasMouse() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver; + if ( cb->state() == QButton::On ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + else if ( cb->state() == QButton::Off ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Off; + else if ( cb->state() == QButton::NoChange ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_NoChange; + + QPainter p(cb); + drawControl(CE_CheckBox, &p, cb, QRect(0,0,18,19), cb->palette().active(), flags); + return true; + } + return false; + } + return false; + } + + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Resize: + case QEvent::Show: { + QWidget* w = static_cast(obj); + QRect r = w->rect(); + QRegion mask(r.x()+2, r.y(), r.width()-4, r.height()); + mask += QRegion(r.x(), r.y()+2, r.width(), r.height()-4); + mask += QRegion(r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2); + w->setMask(mask); + return false; + } + case QEvent::Hide: + static_cast(obj)->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); + return false; + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + if(obj->isA("PanelKMenu")) { + QWidget* w = static_cast(obj); + QPalette pal = qApp->palette(); + pal.setColor(QColorGroup::ButtonText, alphaBlendColors(_popupMenuColor,, 150)); + w->setPalette(pal); + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + + if(dynamic_cast(obj) && !obj->isA("KDockButton_Private") || dynamic_cast(obj) ) { + QWidget* w = static_cast(obj); + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Enter: { + if(!w->isEnabled()) return false; + hoverWidget = w; + w->repaint(false); + return false; + } + case QEvent::Leave: { + if(!w->isEnabled()) return false; + hoverWidget = 0; + w->repaint(false); + return false; + } + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + QMouseEvent* e = (QMouseEvent*)ev; + if(e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) + popupMousePressPos = e->pos(); + } + return false; + } + case QEvent::MouseMove: { + QMouseEvent* e = (QMouseEvent*)ev; + if(dynamic_cast(obj) && popupTimer->isActive() && ((e->pos()-popupMousePressPos).manhattanLength() > 4 /*KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay()*/)) + popupToolMenu(); + return false; + } + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: { + if(obj->isA("QToolButton")) { + + if(w->parentWidget() && !khtmlWidgets.contains(w)) { + w->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + if(w->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + w->setBackgroundOrigin(setPixmapOrigin(w->parentWidget()->backgroundOrigin())); + setDominoButtonPalette(w, Palette_Parent); + } + else { + w->setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground); + w->setBackgroundOrigin(QWidget::WidgetOrigin); + setDominoButtonPalette(w, Palette_Parent); + } + w->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + w->repaint(true); + } + return true; + } + else + setDominoButtonPalette(w, Palette_Parent); + return true; + break; + } + case QEvent::PaletteChange: { + setDominoButtonPalette(w, Palette_Widget); + return true; + } + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: { + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + if(obj->isA("QDockWindowHandle") || obj->isA("AppletHandleDrag")) { + if ((ev->type() == QEvent::Enter) && static_cast(obj)->isEnabled()) { + QWidget* w = static_cast(obj); + hoverWidget = w; + w->repaint(true); + return false; + } + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Leave && static_cast(obj) == hoverWidget) { + hoverWidget = 0; + static_cast(obj)->repaint(true); + return false; + } + return false; + } + + if(obj->isA("KDockButton_Private")) { + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + QPixmap* btnPix = 0; + QButton* btn = static_cast(obj); + if(!(btnPix = QPixmapCache::find(QString::number(btn->paletteBackgroundColor().pixel(), 16)+btn->name()))) { + QPixmap* tmpPix = new QPixmap(qembed_findImage(btn->name())); + if(!tmpPix) + return false; + btnPix = new QPixmap(12, 24); + btnPix->fill(btn->paletteBackgroundColor()); + bitBlt(btnPix, 0, 0, tmpPix); + QPixmapCache::insert(QString::number(btn->paletteBackgroundColor().pixel(), 16)+btn->name(), btnPix); + } + + if(btn->isOn() || btn->isDown()) + bitBlt(btn, 0, 1, btnPix, 0, 12, 12, 12); + else + bitBlt(btn, 0, 1, btnPix, 0, 0, 12, 12); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Paint: { + + KPopupTitle* pt = static_cast(obj); + QRect r = pt->rect(); + QPainter p(pt); + + if(pt->parentWidget() && pt->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()) { + QPoint point = QPoint(pt->geometry().x(), pt->geometry().y()); + p.drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, pt->width(), pt->height(), + *pt->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap(), + point.x(), point.y() ); + } + + QFont f = p.font(); + f.setBold(true); + p.setFont(f); + + if(!pt->icon().isNull()) { + int titleWidth = p.fontMetrics().width(pt->title()); + p.drawPixmap((r.width()-titleWidth)/2-4-pt->icon().width(), (r.height()-pt->icon().height())/2, pt->icon()); + } + if (!pt->title().isNull()) { + p.setPen(alphaBlendColors(_popupMenuColor, pt->paletteForegroundColor(), 150)); + p.drawText(0, 0, r.width(), r.height(), AlignCenter | SingleLine, pt->title()); + } + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + if(dynamic_cast(obj) && obj->parent() && obj->parent()->isA("QToolBox")) { + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(!w->isEnabled()) + return false; + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Enter) { + hoveredToolBoxTab = true; + w->repaint(false); + return false; + } + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Leave) { + hoveredToolBoxTab = false; + w->repaint(false); + return false; + } + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Move) { + hoveredToolBoxTab = false; + return false; + } + return false; + } + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange: + static_cast(obj)->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Application); + return true; + case QEvent::ParentPaletteChange: + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Parent); + return true; + case QEvent::PaletteChange: + static_cast(obj)->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + setDominoButtonPalette(static_cast(obj), Palette_Widget); + return true; + default: + return false; + } + return false; + } + + if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::LayoutHint: { + QDockWindow* dw = dynamic_cast(obj); + if(!dw->widget()) + return false; + if(!dw->area()) { + dw->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken); + dw->setLineWidth(1); + QRect r = dw->rect(); + QRegion mask(r); + mask -= QRegion(0, 0, 1, 1); + mask -= QRegion(r.width()-1, 0, 1, 1); + mask -= QRegion(0, r.height()-1, 1, 1); + mask -= QRegion(r.width()-1, r.height()-1, 1, 1); + dw->setMask(mask); + } + else if(dw->frameStyle() == QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken) { + dw->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel|QFrame::Sunken); + dw->setLineWidth(2); + dw->clearMask(); + } + } + default: + break; + + } + } + else if(obj->isA("QWorkspaceChild")) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::Show: + case QEvent::Resize: { + QWidget* w = static_cast(obj); + QRect r = w->rect(); + QRegion mask(r); + mask -= QRegion(0, 0, 1, 1); + mask -= QRegion(r.width()-1, 0, 1, 1); + mask -= QRegion(0, r.height()-1, 1, 1); + mask -= QRegion(r.width()-1, r.height()-1, 1, 1); + w->setMask(mask); + } + default: + break; + } + } + + if(obj->isA("QDockWindowResizeHandle")) { + if(ev->type() == QEvent::PaletteChange) + static_cast(obj)->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + return false; + } + + if(obj->isA("QWhatsThat")) { // QWhatsThis + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Show) { + QWidget* w = dynamic_cast(obj); + w->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + QRect r = w->rect(); + QRegion mask(r.x()+3, r.y(), r.width()-6, r.height()); + mask += QRegion(r.x()+2, r.y()+1, r.width()-4, r.height()-2); + mask += QRegion(r.x()+1, r.y()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-4); + mask += QRegion(r.x(), r.y()+3, r.width(), r.height()-6); + w->setMask(mask); + return true; + } + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + DominoQWhatsThat* dwt = (DominoQWhatsThat*)obj; + QString text = dwt->text; + QRect r = dwt->rect(); + + int x = r.x(); + int y = r.y(); + int w = r.width(); + int h = r.height(); + + QRegion mask(x+1, y+4, w-2, h-8); + mask += QRegion(x+2, y+3, w-4, h-6); + mask += QRegion(x+3, y+2, w-6, h-4); + mask += QRegion(x+4, y+1, w-8, h-2); + + QPainter p(dwt); + p.setClipRegion(mask); + renderGradient(&p, QRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height()), _toolTipColor.light(110), _toolTipColor.dark(105), true); + p.setClipping(false); + + QColor tabContour2 = qApp->palette().active().background().dark(150); + +; + p.setPen(tabContour2); + p.drawLine(x+7,y, w-8,y); // top + p.drawLine(x+7,h-1, w-8,h-1); // bottom + p.drawLine(x,y+7, x,h-8); // left + p.drawLine(w-1,y+7, w-1,h-8); // right + p.restore(); + + bitBlt(dwt, x, y, border1, 0, 0, 7, 7); + bitBlt(dwt, w-7, y, border1, 7, 0, 7, 7); + bitBlt(dwt, x, h-7, border1, 0, 7, 7, 7); + bitBlt(dwt, w-7, h-7, border1, 7, 7, 7, 7); + + r.addCoords( 12, 8, -12, -8 ); + + if(QStyleSheet::mightBeRichText( text )) { + QSimpleRichText* srt = new QSimpleRichText( text, dwt->font()); + srt->draw(&p, r.x(), r.y(), r, qApp->palette().active(), 0); + } + else { + r.addCoords( 2, 3, 0, 0 ); + p.drawText( r, AlignAuto + AlignTop + WordBreak + ExpandTabs, text ); + } + + return true; + } + return false; + } + + + if(obj->isA("KonqFileTip")) { + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Show || ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + + QWidget* widget = dynamic_cast(obj); + QRect r = widget->rect(); + + QPixmap pix(r.size()); + QPainter p(&pix); + renderGradient(&p, QRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height()), _toolTipColor.light(110), _toolTipColor.dark(105), true); + + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Show) { + dynamic_cast(widget)->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); + widget->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + + QRegion mask(r.x()+3, r.y(), r.width()-6, r.height()); + mask += QRegion(r.x()+2, r.y()+1, r.width()-4, r.height()-2); + mask += QRegion(r.x()+1, r.y()+2, r.width()-2, r.height()-4); + mask += QRegion(r.x(), r.y()+3, r.width(), r.height()-6); + dynamic_cast(widget)->setMask(mask); + + QObjectList *list = const_cast(widget->children()); + QObjectListIt it( *list ); + QObject * o; + while ( (o = it.current()) != 0 ) { + ++it; + if(dynamic_cast(o)) { + QLabel* l = dynamic_cast(o); + l->setBackgroundOrigin(QWidget::ParentOrigin); + l->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(pix); + } + } + } + p.end(); + + if(ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + + int x = r.x(); + int y = r.y(); + int w = r.width(); + int h = r.height(); + + QRegion mask(x+1, y+4, w-2, h-8); + mask += QRegion(x+2, y+3, w-4, h-6); + mask += QRegion(x+3, y+2, w-6, h-4); + mask += QRegion(x+4, y+1, w-8, h-2); + + p.begin(widget); + p.setClipRegion(mask); + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pix); + p.setClipping(false); + + QColor tabContour2 = qApp->palette().active().background().dark(150); + p.setPen(tabContour2); + p.drawLine(x+7,y, w-8,y); // top + p.drawLine(x+7,h-1, w-8,h-1); // bottom + p.drawLine(x,y+7, x,h-8); // left + p.drawLine(w-1,y+7, w-1,h-8); // right + + bitBlt(widget, x, y, border1, 0, 0, 7, 7); + bitBlt(widget, w-7, y, border1, 7, 0, 7, 7); + bitBlt(widget, x, h-7, border1, 0, 7, 7, 7); + bitBlt(widget, w-7, h-7, border1, 7, 7, 7, 7); + + } + + return true; + } + return false; + } + + if(obj->isA("QTipLabel")) { + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Show) { + QLabel* l = dynamic_cast(obj); + l->resize( l->width()+2, l->height()+2); + l->setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); + int x, y, w, h; + l->rect().rect(&x, &y, &w, &h); + + QRegion mask(x, y+3, w, h-6); + mask += QRegion(x+1, y+2, w-2, h-4); + mask += QRegion(x+2, y+1, w-4, h-2); + mask += QRegion(x+3, y, w-6, h); + l->setMask(mask); + return true; + } + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + + QLabel* label = dynamic_cast(obj); + QRect r = label->rect(); + + int x = r.x(); + int y = r.y(); + int w = r.width(); + int h = r.height(); + + // one pixel smaler as the mask + QRegion mask(x+1, y+4, w-2, h-8); + mask += QRegion(x+2, y+3, w-4, h-6); + mask += QRegion(x+3, y+2, w-6, h-4); + mask += QRegion(x+4, y+1, w-8, h-2); + + QPainter p(label); + p.setClipRegion(mask); + + renderGradient(&p, QRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height()), _toolTipColor.light(110), _toolTipColor.dark(105), true); + p.setClipping(false); + + QColor tabContour2 = qApp->palette().active().background().dark(150); + p.setPen(tabContour2); + p.drawLine(x+7,y, w-8,y); // top + p.drawLine(x+7,h-1, w-8,h-1); // bottom + p.drawLine(x,y+7, x,h-8); // left + p.drawLine(w-1,y+7, w-1,h-8); // right + + bitBlt(label, x, y, border1, 0, 0, 7, 7); + bitBlt(label, w-7, y, border1, 7, 0, 7, 7); + bitBlt(label, x, h-7, border1, 0, 7, 7, 7); + bitBlt(label, w-7, h-7, border1, 7, 7, 7, 7); + + QSimpleRichText* srt = new QSimpleRichText(label->text(), label->font()); + srt->setWidth(r.width()-5); + srt->draw(&p, r.x()+4, r.y(), r, qApp->palette().active(),0); + delete srt; + } + return true; + } + if(obj->isA("QViewportWidget") && dynamic_cast(obj->parent())) { + switch(ev->type()) { + case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: + case 6/*QEvent::KeyPress*/: { + QTextEdit* te = dynamic_cast(obj->parent()); + if(te->isEnabled() && !te->isReadOnly()) + static_cast(obj)->setCursor(Qt::blankCursor); + return false; + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + if (dynamic_cast(obj)) { // at last because other widgets may include a frame. + + QFrame* f = dynamic_cast(obj); + const QRect r = f->rect(); + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Paint) { + + switch(f->frameShape()){ + case QFrame::HLine: { + QPainter p(f); +// p.setPen(f->paletteBackgroundColor().dark(120)); + p.setPen(alphaBlendColors(f->paletteForegroundColor(), f->paletteBackgroundColor(), 40)); + p.drawLine(0,0,f->frameRect().width(),0); + return true; + } + case QFrame::VLine: { + QPainter p(f); + p.setPen(alphaBlendColors(f->paletteForegroundColor(), f->paletteBackgroundColor(), 40)); + p.drawLine(0,0,0,f->frameRect().height()); + return true; + } + case QFrame::WinPanel: + case QFrame::Panel: { + if(f->parentWidget() && f->parentWidget()->isA("KDockSplitter")) { + + if(!f->erasePixmap()) { + bool horizontal = (r.width() > r.height()); + QPixmap pix(r.size()); + QPainter p(&pix); + renderGradient(&p, r, lightenColor(f->paletteBackgroundColor(), 40), darkenColor(f->paletteBackgroundColor(), 30), horizontal); + f->setErasePixmap(pix); + } + return true; + } + + QPainter p(f); + QColor frameColor; + if(f->frameShape() == QFrame::Panel && f->frameShadow() == QFrame::Plain) // used as a selection in kspread + frameColor = f->paletteBackgroundColor().dark(160); + else if(dynamic_cast(obj) && dynamic_cast(obj->parent())) + frameColor = f->paletteBackgroundColor().dark(190); + else + frameColor = f->paletteBackgroundColor().dark(120); + + + p.setPen(frameColor); + p.drawRect(f->rect()); + + QPaintEvent* e = (QPaintEvent*)ev; + p.setClipRegion(e->region().intersect(f->contentsRect())); + DominoQFrame* df = (DominoQFrame*)f; + df->drawContents(&p); + + DominoQWidget* dw = (DominoQWidget*)f; + QPaintEvent* event = new QPaintEvent(e->region().intersect(f->contentsRect())); + dw->paintEvent(event); + return true; + } + case QFrame::ToolBarPanel: { + if(f->isA("KonqSidebarTree")) { + QPainter p(f); + p.setPen(qApp->palette().active().background().dark(120)); + p.drawRect(f->rect()); + return true; + } + return false; + } + case QFrame::Box: { + if(f->parentWidget() && !strcmp(f->parentWidget()->name(), "KonqFrame")) { + QPainter p(f); + p.fillRect(r.width()-16, r.height()-16, 15, 15, qApp->palette().active().background()); // 15x15 scrollview cornerwidget gap + return true; + } + else if(konquerorMode && f->isA("KHTMLView")) { + QPainter p(f); + p.setPen(qApp->palette().active().background().dark(120)); + p.drawRect(f->rect()); + return true; + } + } + default: + return false; + } + } + + if (ev->type() == QEvent::Show || ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange) { // ApplicationPaletteChange for style changes + + switch(f->frameShape()){ + case QFrame::TabWidgetPanel: + if(ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange) { + + if(f->lineWidth() != 4) + f->setLineWidth(4); + if(f->frameRect() != QRect(0, 0, f->width(), f->height()-1)) + f->setFrameRect(QRect(0, 0, f->width(), f->height()-1)); + if(f->margin() != 0) + f->setMargin(0); + + QWidget* w = f->parentWidget(); + for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { // the third parentcheck is for the tabWidget on kcm khtml_plugins + if(!w) break; + if(dynamic_cast(w)) { + f->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + break; + } + w = w->parentWidget(); + } + } + return true; + case QFrame::Box: + if(f->parentWidget() && !strcmp(f->parentWidget()->name(), "KonqFrame")) { + f->setEraseColor(qApp->palette().active().background().dark(120)); + f->erase(); + return true; + } + case QFrame::Panel: + if(ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange && f->parentWidget() && f->parentWidget()->isA("KDockSplitter")) { + f->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + return true; + } + default: + return false; + } + return false; + } + if(ev->type() == QEvent::LayoutHint && f->frameShape() == QFrame::TabWidgetPanel) { // don't look broken in kcm stylePreview + if(f->lineWidth() != 4) + f->setLineWidth(4); + if(f->frameRect() != QRect(0, 0, f->width(), f->height()-1)) + f->setFrameRect(QRect(0, 0, f->width(), f->height()-1)); + if(f->margin() != 0) + f->setMargin(0); + + return false; + } + } + + // nothing matched + return false; + +} diff --git a/domino/misc.cpp b/domino/misc.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5b337f --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/misc.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ + + +/* + * Copyright 2003, Sandro Giessl + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, + * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + */ + +#include +#include "misc.h" +#include +#include +#include + +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN +#undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +#define WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN 1 +#endif +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + #undef WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + #define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1 +#endif + + + + +QColor alphaBlendColors(const QColor &bgColor, const QColor &fgColor, const int a) +{ + QRgb rgb = bgColor.rgb(); + QRgb rgb_b = fgColor.rgb(); + uint alpha; + if(a > 255) alpha = 255; + else if(a < 0) alpha = 0; + else alpha = a; + uint inv_alpha = 255 - alpha; + + return QColor((qRed(rgb_b)*inv_alpha + qRed(rgb)*alpha)>>8, + (qGreen(rgb_b)*inv_alpha + qGreen(rgb)*alpha)>>8, + (qBlue(rgb_b)*inv_alpha + qBlue(rgb)*alpha)>>8 ); +} + +QColor blendColors(const QColor &bgColor, const QColor &fgColor) +{ + + uint fg_r =; + uint fg_g =; + uint fg_b =; + uint fg_a = qAlpha(fgColor.rgb()); + + uint bg_r =; + uint bg_g =; + uint bg_b =; + uint bg_a = qAlpha(bgColor.rgb()); + + uint ac = 65025 - (255 - fg_a) * (255 - bg_a); + uint res_r = ((255 - fg_a) * bg_r * bg_a + fg_a * fg_r * 255 + 127) / ac; + uint res_g = ((255 - fg_a) * bg_g * bg_a + fg_a * fg_g * 255 + 127) / ac; + uint res_b = ((255 - fg_a) * bg_b * bg_a + fg_a * fg_b * 255 + 127) / ac; + uint res_a = (ac+127)/255; + + return QColor(qRgba(res_r,res_g, res_b, res_a )); +} + +QImage tintImage(const QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor) { + + QImage *result = new QImage(img.width(), img.height(), 32, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); + result->setAlphaBuffer( true ); + register uint *data = (unsigned int*) img.bits(); + register uint *resultData = (unsigned int*) result->bits(); + register uint total = img.width()*img.height(); + for ( uint current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current ) { + resultData[ current ] = qRgba(,,, qAlpha( data[ current ] )); + } + return *result; +} + +QImage setImageOpacity(const QImage &img, const uint &p) { + QImage *result = new QImage(img.width(), img.height(), 32, 0, QImage::IgnoreEndian); + result->setAlphaBuffer( true ); + register uint *data = (unsigned int*) img.bits(); + register uint *resultData = (unsigned int*) result->bits(); + register uint alpha; + register uint total = img.width()*img.height(); + for ( uint current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current ) { + alpha = qAlpha( data[ current ] ) * p / 100; + resultData[ current ] = qRgba( qRed( data[ current ] ), qGreen( data[ current ] ), qBlue( data[ current ] ), alpha ); + } + return *result; +} + +bool blend( const QImage & upper, const QImage & lower, QImage & output) +// adopted from kimageeffect::blend - that is not endian safe and cannot handle complex alpha combinations... +{ + if + ( + upper.width() > lower.width() || + upper.height() > lower.height() || + upper.depth() != 32 || + lower.depth() != 32 + ) + return false; + + output = lower.copy(); + + uchar *i, *o; + register uint a, ab, ac; + register uint col; + register uint w = upper.width(); + int row(upper.height() - 1); + + do + { + i = upper.scanLine(row); + o = output.scanLine(row); + + col = w << 2; + + --col; + + do + { +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + while (!(a = i[col-3]) && (col != 3)) +#else + while (!(a = i[col]) && (col != 3)) +#endif + { + --col; --col; --col; --col; + } +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + if ((ab = o[col-3])) +#else + if ((ab = o[col])) +#endif + { + ac = 65025 - (255 - a) * (255 - ab); +#ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + o[col]= (ac+127)/255; + --col; +#endif + o[col] = ((255 - a) * o[col] * ab + a * i[col] * 255 + 127) / ac; + --col; + o[col] = ((255 - a) * o[col] * ab + a * i[col] * 255 + 127) / ac; + --col; + o[col] = ((255 - a) * o[col] * ab + a * i[col] * 255 + 127) / ac; +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + --col; + o[col]= (ac+127)/255; +#endif + } + else + { + o[col] = i[col]; --col; + o[col] = i[col]; --col; + o[col] = i[col]; --col; + o[col] = i[col]; + } + } while (col--); + } while (row--); + return true; +} diff --git a/domino/misc.h b/domino/misc.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18026b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/domino/misc.h @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + +/* + * Copyright 2003, Sandro Giessl + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, + * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + */ + +#ifndef __MISC_H +#define __MISC_H + +QColor blendColors(const QColor &backgroundColor, const QColor &foregroundColor); +QColor alphaBlendColors(const QColor &backgroundColor, const QColor &foregroundColor, const int alpha); +QImage tintImage(const QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor); +QImage setImageOpacity(const QImage &img, const uint &p); +bool blend( const QImage & upper, const QImage & lower, QImage & output); +#endif // __MISC_H diff --git a/dominoConfig/ b/dominoConfig/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2c5ac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dominoConfig/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I/usr/include/freetype2 + +noinst_HEADERS = dominoconf.h +kde_module_LTLIBRARIES = +kstyle_domino_config_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_PLUGIN) -module +kstyle_domino_config_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KDEUI) ../domino/ $(LIB_QT) $(LIB_KDECORE) -lkdefx $(LIB_KIO) +kstyle_domino_config_la_SOURCES = dominoconf.cpp +kstyle_domino_config_la_METASOURCES = AUTO diff --git a/dominoConfig/configData.h b/dominoConfig/configData.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60478fd --- /dev/null +++ b/dominoConfig/configData.h @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ + + +#ifndef _QEMBED_Config +#define _QEMBED_Config +#include +#include +static const QRgb tabIndicatorArrow_data[] = { + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x10000000,0x4e000000,0x10000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18000000,0x5f000000,0x66000000, + 0x5f000000,0x18000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x21000000,0x63000000,0x66000000,0x66000000,0x66000000,0x63000000,0x20000000,0x0,0x28000000, + 0x62000000,0x63000000,0x66000000,0x66000000,0x66000000,0x63000000,0x62000000,0x27000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x60000000,0x66000000,0x60000000, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x60000000,0x66000000,0x60000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, + 0x0,0x61000000,0x66000000,0x61000000,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x61000000,0x66000000,0x61000000,0x0, + 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x62000000,0x66000000,0x62000000,0x0,0x0,0x0 +}; + +/* Generated by qembed */ +static struct ConfigEmbedImage { + int width, height, depth; + const unsigned char *data; + int numColors; + const QRgb *colorTable; + bool alpha; + const char *name; +} config_embed_image_vec[] = { + { 9, 9, 32, (const unsigned char*)tabIndicatorArrow_data, 0, 0, TRUE, "tabIndicatorArrow" }, + { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } +}; + +static const QImage& config_findImage( const QString& name ) +{ + static QDict dict; + QImage* img = dict.find( name ); + if ( !img ) { + for ( int i = 0; config_embed_image_vec[i].data; i++ ) { + if ( strcmp(config_embed_image_vec[i].name, name.latin1()) == 0 ) { + img = new QImage((uchar*)config_embed_image_vec[i].data, + config_embed_image_vec[i].width, + config_embed_image_vec[i].height, + config_embed_image_vec[i].depth, + (QRgb*)config_embed_image_vec[i].colorTable, + config_embed_image_vec[i].numColors, + QImage::BigEndian ); + if ( config_embed_image_vec[i].alpha ) + img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); + dict.insert( name, img ); + break; + } + } + if ( !img ) { + static QImage dummy; + return dummy; + } + } + return *img; +} + +#endif diff --git a/dominoConfig/dominoconf.cpp b/dominoConfig/dominoconf.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1984c56 --- /dev/null +++ b/dominoConfig/dominoconf.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,4341 @@ +/* +Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + +based on the Plastik configuration dialog: +Copyright (C) 2003 Sandro Giessl + +based on the Keramik configuration dialog: +Copyright (c) 2003 Maksim Orlovich + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), +to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation +the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, +and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL +THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include +#include FT_FREETYPE_H + +#include "dominoconf.h" +// #include <../domino.h> +#include <../domino/misc.cpp> + +#include "configData.h" + + + +extern "C" +{ + KDE_EXPORT QWidget* allocate_kstyle_config(QWidget* parent) + { + KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("kstyle_domino_config"); + return new DominoStyleConfig(parent); + } +} + + +DominoStyleConfig::DominoStyleConfig(QWidget* parent): QWidget(parent) +{ + + previewStyle = new PreviewStyle(); + previewStyle->configMode = "1"; + styleConfig = this; + initialized = false; + + int dummy; + hasCompositeExtension = XQueryExtension(qt_xdisplay(), "Composite", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy); + + //Should have no margins here, the dialog provides them + QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, 1); + KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("kstyle_domino_config"); + + DominoKTabWidget *tabWidget = new DominoKTabWidget(this); + layout->addWidget(tabWidget); + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 1 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + QScrollView* sv = new QScrollView(tabWidget); + sv->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOn); + QWidget* scrollWidget = new QWidget(sv->viewport()); + sv->addChild(scrollWidget); + sv->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit ); + QVBoxLayout* page1layout = new QVBoxLayout(scrollWidget); + page1layout->setMargin(5); + tabWidget->addTab(sv, i18n("General")); + + animateProgressBar = new QCheckBox(i18n("Animate progress bars"), scrollWidget); + animateProgressBar->setFocus(); + centerTabs = new QCheckBox(i18n("Center tabs"), scrollWidget); + drawTriangularExpander = new QCheckBox(i18n("Triangular tree expander"), scrollWidget); + smoothScrolling = new QCheckBox(i18n("Smoother scrolling (works best with line steps bigger than 3)"), scrollWidget); + + + QHBox *hbox5 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox5->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(23, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonHeightAdjustmentLabel = new QLabel(hbox5); + buttonHeightAdjustment = new DSpinBox(-5, 5, 1, hbox5); + buttonHeightAdjustment->setAlignRight(); + buttonHeightAdjustment->setSuffix(" px"); + + customCheckMarkColor = new QCheckBox(i18n("Custom checkmark color"), scrollWidget); + QHBox *hbox3 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox3->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + checkMarkColor = new KColorButton(hbox3); + + customToolTipColor = new QCheckBox(i18n("Custom tooltip color"), scrollWidget); + QHBox *hbox4 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox4->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + toolTipColor = new KColorButton(hbox4); + + highlightToolBtnIcons = new QCheckBox(i18n("Highlight tool button icons on mouse over"), scrollWidget); + + toolBtnAsBtn = new QCheckBox(i18n("Draw tool buttons as normal buttons"), scrollWidget); + + // rubber options + + QHBox *hbox27 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox27->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(23, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + labelRubberOptions = new QLabel(i18n("Rubber band options:"), hbox27 ); + + QHBox *hbox28 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox28->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + QVButtonGroup* btg = new QVButtonGroup(hbox28); + btg->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + btg->layout()->setSpacing( 2 ); + btg->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + btg->setExclusive(true); + + lineRubber = new QRadioButton(i18n("Solid line"), btg); + distRubber = new QRadioButton(i18n("Distribution's default"), btg); + argbRubber = new QRadioButton(i18n("Semi transparent (requires a running composite manager)"), btg); + argbRubber->setEnabled(hasCompositeExtension); + + QHBox *hbox29 = new QHBox(btg); + hbox29->setSpacing(2); + hbox29->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(23, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + labelArgbRubberColor = new QLabel(i18n("Color:"), hbox29); + argbRubberColor = new KColorButton(hbox29); + argbRubberColor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); + labelArgbRubberOpacity = new QLabel(i18n("Opacity:"), hbox29); + argbRubberOpacity = new DSpinBox(hbox29); + argbRubberOpacity->setAlignRight(); + argbRubberOpacity->setMaxValue(100); + + btg->layout()->add(lineRubber); + btg->layout()->add(distRubber); + btg->layout()->add(argbRubber); + + btg->layout()->add(hbox29); + + if(!hasCompositeExtension) { + argbRubberOpacity->setEnabled(false); + argbRubberColor->setEnabled(false); + labelArgbRubberColor->setEnabled(false); + labelArgbRubberOpacity->setEnabled(false); + } + + connect(btg, SIGNAL(released(int)), SLOT(rubberSelChanged(int))); + connect(argbRubber, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(updateArgbRubberOptions(bool))); + + // popupMenu options + + QHBox *hbox25 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox25->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(23, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + labelPopupMenuOptions = new QLabel(i18n("Popupmenu options:"), hbox25 ); + + + QHBox *hbox26 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox26->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + QGroupBox* menuOptionsGb = new QGroupBox(hbox26); + menuOptionsGb->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->setSpacing( 2 ); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + + + customPopupMenuColor = new QCheckBox(i18n("Custom popupmenu color"), menuOptionsGb); + QHBox *hbox6 = new QHBox(menuOptionsGb); + hbox6->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + popupMenuColor = new KColorButton(hbox6); + + + customSelMenuItemColor = new QCheckBox(i18n("Custom selected menu item color"), menuOptionsGb); + QHBox *hbox24 = new QHBox(menuOptionsGb); + hbox24->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + selMenuItemColor = new KColorButton(hbox24); + + drawPopupMenuGradient = new QCheckBox(i18n("Draw a gradient"), menuOptionsGb); + indentPopupMenuItems = new QCheckBox(i18n("Indent menu items"), menuOptionsGb); + + menuOptionsGb->layout()->add(customPopupMenuColor); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->add(hbox6); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->add(customSelMenuItemColor); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->add(hbox24); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->add(drawPopupMenuGradient); + menuOptionsGb->layout()->add(indentPopupMenuItems); + + + // groupbox + tintGroupBoxBackground = new QCheckBox(i18n("Tint groupbox background"), scrollWidget); + QHBox *hbox12 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox12->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + grFrame = new QGroupBox(hbox12); + grFrame->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + grFrame->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + grFrame->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + +// grFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); +// grFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + QVBoxLayout* grFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout(grFrame->layout(), QBoxLayout::BottomToTop); + + QFrame* prTintGroupBoxFrame = new QFrame(grFrame); + prTintGroupBoxFrame->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + prTintGroupBoxFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); + prTintGroupBoxFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + QVBoxLayout* prTintGroupBoxFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout(prTintGroupBoxFrame, QBoxLayout::BottomToTop); + prTintGroupBoxFrameLayout->setMargin(20); + gb1 = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Vertical, prTintGroupBoxFrame); + gb1->setStyle(previewStyle); + gb1->setMinimumWidth(30); + gb1->setMinimumHeight(70); + gb2 = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Vertical, gb1); + gb2->setStyle(previewStyle); + gb3 = new QGroupBox(gb2); + gb3->setStyle(previewStyle); +// grFrameLayout->addWidget(gb1); + prTintGroupBoxFrameLayout->addWidget(gb1); + grFrameLayout->addWidget(prTintGroupBoxFrame); + + grValueLabel = new QLabel("0", grFrame); + grValueLabel->setMinimumWidth(50); + QLabel* grLabel1 = new QLabel(i18n("Brightness:"), grFrame); + QLabel* grLabel2 = new QLabel(i18n("brighter"), grFrame); + QLabel* grLabel3 = new QLabel(i18n("darker"), grFrame); + grSlider = new QSlider(-50, 50, 1, 0, Qt::Horizontal, grFrame); + + QHBoxLayout* grHBoxLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + grHBoxLayout1->addWidget(grLabel1); + grHBoxLayout1->addWidget(grValueLabel); + grHBoxLayout1->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); + grHBoxLayout1->addWidget(grLabel2); + grHBoxLayout1->addWidget(grSlider); + grHBoxLayout1->addWidget(grLabel3); + grFrameLayout->addLayout(grHBoxLayout1); + + QVBoxLayout* grVBoxLayout2 = new QVBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + customGroupBoxBackgroundColor = new QCheckBox(i18n("Custom background color"), grFrame); + QHBox *hbox13 = new QHBox(grFrame); + hbox13->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + groupBoxBackgroundColor = new KColorButton(hbox13); + + grVBoxLayout2->addWidget(customGroupBoxBackgroundColor); + grVBoxLayout2->addWidget(hbox13); + grFrameLayout->addLayout(grVBoxLayout2); + + connect(grSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(grValueLabelNum(int))); + connect(grSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateGroupBoxSettings())); + connect(groupBoxBackgroundColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateGroupBoxSettings())); + connect(tintGroupBoxBackground, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateGroupBoxSettings())); + connect(tintGroupBoxBackground, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(resetGroupBoxBackgroundColor())); + connect(tintGroupBoxBackground, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), grFrame, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + connect(customGroupBoxBackgroundColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateGroupBoxSettings())); + connect(customGroupBoxBackgroundColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), groupBoxBackgroundColor, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + + + // focusIndicator + indicateFocus = new QCheckBox(scrollWidget); + QHBox *hbox14 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox14->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + + indicateFocusFrame = new QGroupBox(hbox14); +// indicateFocusFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); +// indicateFocusFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + indicateFocusFrame->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + indicateFocusFrame->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + indicateFocusFrame->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + QGridLayout* indicateFocusLayout = new QGridLayout( indicateFocusFrame->layout(), 2, 2 ); + indicateFocusLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox11 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + indicatorModeCombo = new QComboBox(indicateFocusFrame); + hbox11->addWidget( indicatorModeCombo ); + hbox11->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox7 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + labelIndicatorColor = new QLabel(indicateFocusFrame); + labelIndicatorColor->setMinimumWidth(labelIndicatorColor->fontMetrics().width(i18n("Button color:"))); + hbox7->addWidget( labelIndicatorColor ); +// hbox7->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 21, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); + indicatorColor = new KColorButton( indicateFocusFrame ); + indicatorColor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + hbox7->addWidget( indicatorColor ); + + labelIndicatorColorOpacity = new QLabel(i18n("Opacity:"), indicateFocusFrame); + hbox7->addWidget( labelIndicatorColorOpacity ); + indicatorOpacity = new QSpinBox(0, 100, 1, indicateFocusFrame); + hbox7->addWidget( indicatorOpacity ); + + + QHBoxLayout* hbox8 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 5); + labelIndicatorBtnColor = new QLabel(indicateFocusFrame ); + hbox8->addWidget( labelIndicatorBtnColor ); +// hbox8->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 21, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); + indicatorBtnColor = new KColorButton( indicateFocusFrame ); + indicatorBtnColor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + indicatorBtnColor->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); + hbox8->addWidget( indicatorBtnColor ); + + labelIndicatorBtnColorOpacity = new QLabel(i18n("Opacity:"), indicateFocusFrame); + hbox8->addWidget( labelIndicatorBtnColorOpacity ); + indicatorBtnOpacity = new QSpinBox(0, 100, 1, indicateFocusFrame); + hbox8->addWidget( indicatorBtnOpacity ); + + + QFrame* prFrame = new QFrame( indicateFocusFrame); + prFrame->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + prFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); + prFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + QVBoxLayout* prFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout( prFrame, 3, 6); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox9 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + hbox9->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + indicatorPrevWidget = new IndicatorPrevWidget( prFrame, "IndicatorPrevWidget"/*, Qt::WNoAutoErase*/ ); + int width = indicatorPrevWidget->fontMetrics().width(i18n("focused")); + indicatorPrevWidget->setMinimumWidth(width+8); + hbox9->addWidget( indicatorPrevWidget ); + hbox9->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox10 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + hbox10->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + indicatorPrevButton = new IndicatorPrevButton( prFrame ); + width = indicatorPrevButton->fontMetrics().width(i18n("focused")); + indicatorPrevButton->setMinimumWidth(width+16); + hbox10->addWidget( indicatorPrevButton ); + hbox10->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + prFrameLayout->addLayout(hbox9); + prFrameLayout->addLayout(hbox10); + + indicateFocusLayout->addMultiCellLayout( hbox11, 0, 0, 0, 2 ); + indicateFocusLayout->addLayout(hbox7, 1, 0); + indicateFocusLayout->addLayout(hbox8, 2, 0); + indicateFocusLayout->addMultiCellWidget( prFrame, 1, 2, 1, 2 ); + + connect(indicatorModeCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), this, SLOT(indicatorModeChanged())); + connect(indicatorModeCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateFocusIndicatorSettings())); + connect(indicateFocus, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), indicatorPrevButton, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + connect(indicateFocus, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), indicateFocusFrame, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + + + + // text effect + drawTextEffect = new QCheckBox(scrollWidget); + QHBox *hbox15 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox15->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + textEffectFrame = new QGroupBox(hbox15); +// textEffectFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); +// textEffectFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + textEffectFrame->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + textEffectFrame->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + textEffectFrame->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + QGridLayout* textEffectLayout = new QGridLayout( textEffectFrame->layout(), 2, 2 ); + textEffectLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox16 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + labelTextEffectColor = new QLabel(textEffectFrame); + labelTextEffectColor->setMinimumWidth(labelTextEffectColor->fontMetrics().width(i18n("Button color:"))); + hbox16->addWidget( labelTextEffectColor ); + textEffectColor = new KColorButton( textEffectFrame ); + textEffectColor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + hbox16->addWidget( textEffectColor ); + + labelTextEffectColorOpacity = new QLabel(i18n("Opacity:"), textEffectFrame); + hbox16->addWidget( labelTextEffectColorOpacity ); + textEffectOpacity = new QSpinBox(0, 100, 1, textEffectFrame); + hbox16->addWidget( textEffectOpacity ); + + labelTextEffectPos = new QLabel(i18n("Position:"), textEffectFrame); + hbox16->addWidget( labelTextEffectPos ); + + textEffectPos = new QComboBox(textEffectFrame); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("top left"), 0); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("top"), 1); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("top right"), 2); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("right"), 3); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("bottom right"), 4); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("bottom"), 5); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("bottom left"), 6); + textEffectPos->insertItem(i18n("left"), 7); + hbox16->addWidget( textEffectPos ); + + + QHBoxLayout* hbox17 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 5); + labelTextEffectButtonColor = new QLabel(textEffectFrame); + hbox17->addWidget( labelTextEffectButtonColor ); + textEffectButtonColor = new KColorButton( textEffectFrame ); + textEffectButtonColor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + textEffectButtonColor->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); + hbox17->addWidget( textEffectButtonColor ); + + labelTextEffectButtonColorOpacity = new QLabel(i18n("Opacity:"), textEffectFrame); + hbox17->addWidget( labelTextEffectButtonColorOpacity ); + textEffectButtonOpacity = new QSpinBox(0, 100, 1, textEffectFrame); + hbox17->addWidget( textEffectButtonOpacity ); + + labelTextEffectButtonPos = new QLabel(i18n("Position:"), textEffectFrame); + hbox17->addWidget( labelTextEffectButtonPos ); + + textEffectButtonPos = new QComboBox(textEffectFrame); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("top left"), 0); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("top"), 1); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("top right"), 2); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("right"), 3); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("bottom right"), 4); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("bottom"), 5); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("bottom left"), 6); + textEffectButtonPos->insertItem(i18n("left"), 7); + hbox17->addWidget( textEffectButtonPos ); + + + QFrame* prTextEffectFrame = new QFrame( textEffectFrame); + prTextEffectFrame->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + prTextEffectFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); + prTextEffectFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + QVBoxLayout* prTextEffectFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout( prTextEffectFrame, 3, 6); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox18 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + hbox18->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + textEffectPrevWidget = new TextEffectPrevWidget( prTextEffectFrame, "TextEffectPrevWidget", Qt::WNoAutoErase); + textEffectPrevWidget->setStyle(previewStyle); + width = textEffectPrevWidget->fontMetrics().width(i18n("123 text")); + textEffectPrevWidget->setMinimumWidth(width+8); + hbox18->addWidget( textEffectPrevWidget ); + hbox18->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + + QHBoxLayout* hbox19 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + hbox19->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + textEffectPrevButton = new TextEffectPrevButton( prTextEffectFrame ); + textEffectPrevButton->setStyle(previewStyle); + textEffectPrevButton->setText("123 text"); + width = textEffectPrevButton->fontMetrics().width(i18n("123 text")); + //textEffectPrevButton->setMinimumWidth(width+16); + + hbox19->addWidget( textEffectPrevButton ); + hbox19->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + prTextEffectFrameLayout->addLayout(hbox18); + prTextEffectFrameLayout->addLayout(hbox19); + + textEffectModeCombo = new QComboBox(textEffectFrame); + QHBoxLayout* hbox20 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6); + hbox20->addWidget( textEffectModeCombo ); + hbox20->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); + + textEffectLayout->addMultiCellLayout( hbox20, 0, 0, 0, 2 ); + textEffectLayout->addLayout(hbox16, 1, 0); + textEffectLayout->addLayout(hbox17, 2, 0); + textEffectLayout->addMultiCellWidget( prTextEffectFrame, 1, 2, 1, 2 ); + + connect(drawTextEffect, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), textEffectFrame, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); + connect(drawTextEffect, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + connect(textEffectModeCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), this, SLOT(textEffectModeChanged())); + connect(textEffectModeCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + + + drawButtonSunkenShadow = new QCheckBox(i18n("Draw a shadow on pressed sunken buttons"), scrollWidget); + connect(drawButtonSunkenShadow, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateButtonContourSettings())); + + QHBox *hbox21 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox21->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(23, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonTypLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Button Type:"), hbox21); + buttonContourType = new QComboBox(hbox21); + buttonContourType->insertItem(i18n("Sunken"), 0); + buttonContourType->insertItem(i18n("Raised"), 1); + + + + // button contour colors + QHBox *hbox22 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox22->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(23, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + labelButtonContourColors = new QLabel(i18n("Button contour colors:"), hbox22 ); + + + QHBox *hbox23 = new QHBox(scrollWidget); + hbox23->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + QGroupBox* buttonContourColorFrame = new QGroupBox(hbox23); +// buttonContourColorFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); +// buttonContourColorFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + buttonContourColorFrame->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + buttonContourColorFrame->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + buttonContourColorFrame->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + + QGridLayout* buttonContourColorFrameLayout = new QGridLayout( buttonContourColorFrame->layout(), 4, 3 ); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + QLabel* labelSC = new QLabel(i18n("Standard color:"), buttonContourColorFrame); + buttonContourColor = new KColorButton(buttonContourColorFrame); + QLabel* labelMC = new QLabel(i18n("Mouseover color:"), buttonContourColorFrame); + buttonMouseOverContourColor = new KColorButton(buttonContourColorFrame); + QLabel* labelPC = new QLabel(i18n("Pressed color:"), buttonContourColorFrame); + buttonPressedContourColor = new KColorButton(buttonContourColorFrame); + QLabel* labelDBC = new QLabel(i18n("Defaultbutton color:"), buttonContourColorFrame); + buttonDefaultButtonContourColor = new KColorButton(buttonContourColorFrame); + + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(labelSC, 0, 0); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(buttonContourColor, 0, 1); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(labelMC, 1, 0); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(buttonMouseOverContourColor, 1, 1); + + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(labelPC, 2, 0); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(buttonPressedContourColor, 2, 1); + + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(labelDBC, 3, 0); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 0, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum) ); + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget(buttonDefaultButtonContourColor, 3, 1); + + + + QGroupBox* prButtonContourColorFrame = new QGroupBox(buttonContourColorFrame); + prButtonContourColorFrame->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + prButtonContourColorFrame->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); + prButtonContourColorFrame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); + + + QHBoxLayout* prButtonContourColorFrameLayout = new QHBoxLayout( prButtonContourColorFrame, 3, 6); + + prButtonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + buttonContourPrevButton = new QPushButton(prButtonContourColorFrame); + ((DominoQWidget*)buttonContourPrevButton)->setWFlags(Qt::WNoAutoErase); + buttonContourPrevButton->setStyle(previewStyle); + prButtonContourColorFrameLayout->addWidget( buttonContourPrevButton ); + prButtonContourColorFrameLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem( 61, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum )); + + buttonContourColorFrameLayout->addMultiCellWidget(prButtonContourColorFrame, 0, 3, 2, 2); + + + connect(buttonContourType, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateButtonContourSettings())); + + connect(buttonContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateButtonContourSettings())); + connect(buttonMouseOverContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateButtonContourSettings())); + connect(buttonPressedContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateButtonContourSettings())); + connect(buttonDefaultButtonContourColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateButtonContourSettings())); + + + + + page1layout->add(animateProgressBar); + page1layout->add(centerTabs); + page1layout->add(drawTriangularExpander); + page1layout->add(smoothScrolling); + page1layout->add(highlightToolBtnIcons); + page1layout->add(toolBtnAsBtn); + page1layout->add(hbox5); + page1layout->add(customCheckMarkColor); + page1layout->add(hbox3); + page1layout->add(customToolTipColor); + page1layout->add(hbox4); + page1layout->add(hbox27); + page1layout->addSpacing(3); + page1layout->add(hbox28); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(hbox25); + page1layout->addSpacing(3); + page1layout->add(hbox26); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(tintGroupBoxBackground); + page1layout->add(hbox12); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(indicateFocus); + page1layout->add(hbox14); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(drawTextEffect); + page1layout->add(hbox15); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(drawButtonSunkenShadow); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(hbox21); + page1layout->addSpacing(8); + page1layout->add(hbox22); + page1layout->addSpacing(3); + page1layout->add(hbox23); + page1layout->addStretch(1); + + + QWidget *page2 = new QWidget(); + tabWidget->addTab(page2, "Custom Gradients"); + + QVBoxLayout* page2layout = new QVBoxLayout(page2); + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 2 (custom Gradients) +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + tabWidget2 = new DominoKTabWidget( page2, "tabWidget2" ); + connect(tabWidget2, SIGNAL(testCanDecode(const QDragMoveEvent *, bool &)), SLOT(testCanDecode(const QDragMoveEvent *, bool &))); + page2layout->add(tabWidget2); + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 2.1 (buttons) +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + tab1 = new QWidget( tabWidget2, "tab1" ); + tab1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( tab1, 11, 6, "tab1Layout"); + + groupBox22 = new QGroupBox( tab1, "groupBox22" ); + groupBox22->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox22->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox22->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox22->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); + groupBox22->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox22Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox22->layout() ); + groupBox22Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + spacer6 = new QSpacerItem( 83, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22Layout->addItem( spacer6, 3, 3 ); + + textLabel1_2 = new QLabel( groupBox22, "textLabel1_2" ); + textLabel1_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, textLabel1_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + textLabel1_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox22Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_2, 3, 4 ); + + kColorButton27_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox22, "kColorButton27_2" ); + kColorButton27_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)3, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton27_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + kColorButton27_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 75, 0 ) ); + + groupBox22Layout->addWidget( kColorButton27_2, 3, 5 ); + spacer3 = new QSpacerItem( 12, 25, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22Layout->addItem( spacer3, 3, 6 ); + + groupBox10_2_2_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22, "groupBox10_2_2_2" ); + groupBox10_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox10_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 170, 0 ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox10_2_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2Layout = new QVBoxLayout( groupBox10_2_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox10_2_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + + pushButton16 = new QPushButton(groupBox10_2_2_2, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + pushButton16->setStyle(previewStyle); + groupBox10_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( pushButton16 ); + + comboBox17 = new QComboBox( FALSE, groupBox10_2_2_2, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + comboBox17->setStyle(previewStyle); + groupBox10_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( comboBox17 ); + + spinBox44 = new DSpinBox( groupBox10_2_2_2, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->setStyle(previewStyle); + spinBox44->setAlignRight(); + groupBox10_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox44 ); + + groupBox22Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox10_2_2_2, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); + spacer43 = new QSpacerItem( 5, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22Layout->addMultiCell( spacer43, 0, 1, 1, 1 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22, "groupBox8_2_2_2" ); + groupBox8_2_2_2->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox8_2_2_2->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(btn1GradientChanged())); + groupBox8_2_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox8_2_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox8_2_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_3_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2, "textLabel4_3_2_2_2" ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_3_2_2_2, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_2_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2, "spinBox2_2_2_2_2" ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_2_2_2_2, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel2_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2, "textLabel2_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_2_2_2_2, 1, 2 ); + + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2, "kColorButton1_2_2_2_2" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_2_2_2_2, 1, 3 ); + + textLabel3_3_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2, "textLabel3_3_2_2_2" ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_3_2_2_2, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_2_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2, "spinBox1_2_2_2_2" ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_2_2_2_2, 0, 1 ); + + textLabel1_4_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2, "textLabel1_4_2_2_2" ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_4_2_2_2, 0, 2 ); + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2, "kColorButton2_4_2_2_2" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_4_2_2_2, 0, 3 ); + + groupBox22Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox8_2_2_2, 0, 0, 2, 6 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22, "groupBox9_2_2_2" ); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox9_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox9_2_2_2->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(btn2GradientChanged())); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked( FALSE ); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox9_2_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox9_2_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_4_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2, "textLabel4_4_2_2_2" ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_4_2_2_2, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_3_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2, "spinBox2_3_2_2_2" ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_3_2_2_2, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel3_4_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2, "textLabel3_4_2_2_2" ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_4_2_2_2, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_3_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2, "spinBox1_3_2_2_2" ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_3_2_2_2, 0, 1 ); + + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2, "kColorButton1_3_2_2_2" ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_3_2_2_2, 1, 3 ); + + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2, "kColorButton2_5_2_2_2" ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_5_2_2_2, 0, 3 ); + + textLabel1_5_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2, "textLabel1_5_2_2_2" ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_5_2_2_2, 0, 2 ); + + textLabel2_3_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2, "textLabel2_3_2_2_2" ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_3_2_2_2, 1, 2 ); + + groupBox22Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox9_2_2_2, 1, 1, 2, 6 ); + spacer46 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 7, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + groupBox22Layout->addItem( spacer46, 2, 4 ); + spacer2 = new QSpacerItem( 82, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22Layout->addItem( spacer2, 3, 2 ); + tab1Layout->addWidget( groupBox22 ); + + layout9 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout9"); + spacer7 = new QSpacerItem( 270, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + layout9->addItem( spacer7 ); + + textLabel7_4 = new QLabel( tab1, "textLabel7_4" ); + layout9->addWidget( textLabel7_4 ); + + comboBox3_4 = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab1, "comboBox3_4" ); + layout9->addWidget( comboBox3_4 ); + + pushButton4_4 = new QPushButton( tab1, "pushButton4_4" ); + connect(pushButton4_4, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(copyColorsToButton())); + layout9->addWidget( pushButton4_4 ); + tab1Layout->addLayout( layout9 ); + tabWidget2->insertTab( tab1, QString::fromLatin1("") ); + +///////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 2.2 (tabs) +///////////////////////////////////////////////// + tab2 = new QWidget( tabWidget2, "tab2" ); + tab2Layout = new QVBoxLayout( tab2, 11, 6, "tab2Layout"); + + groupBox22_2 = new QGroupBox( tab2, "groupBox22_2" ); + groupBox22_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox22_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox22_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox22_2->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); + groupBox22_2->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox22_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox22_2->layout() ); + groupBox22_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + spacer46_2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 7, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + groupBox22_2Layout->addItem( spacer46_2, 2, 5 ); + spacer43_2 = new QSpacerItem( 5, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2Layout->addMultiCell( spacer43_2, 0, 1, 1, 1 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2, "groupBox8_2_2_2_2" ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox8_2_2_2_2->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(tab1GradientChanged())); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox8_2_2_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2" ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2, 1, 2 ); + + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2, 1, 3 ); + + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2" ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2, 0, 1 ); + + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2, 0, 2 ); + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, "kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2, 0, 3 ); + + groupBox22_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox8_2_2_2_2, 0, 0, 2, 6 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2, "groupBox9_2_2_2_2" ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox9_2_2_2_2->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(tab2GradientChanged())); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked( FALSE ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox9_2_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox9_2_2_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2" ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::UpDownArrows ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2" ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2, 0, 1 ); + + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2" ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2, 1, 3 ); + + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2" ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2, 0, 3 ); + + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2, 0, 2 ); + + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, "textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2, 1, 2 ); + + groupBox22_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox9_2_2_2_2, 1, 1, 2, 6 ); + spacer6_2 = new QSpacerItem( 83, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2Layout->addItem( spacer6_2, 3, 3 ); + + textLabel1_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox22_2, "textLabel1_2_2" ); + textLabel1_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, textLabel1_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + textLabel1_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox22_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_2_2, 3, 4 ); + spacer2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 82, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2Layout->addItem( spacer2_2, 3, 2 ); + spacer3_2 = new QSpacerItem( 12, 25, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2Layout->addItem( spacer3_2, 3, 6 ); + + kColorButton27_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox22_2, "kColorButton27_2_2" ); + kColorButton27_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)3, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton27_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + kColorButton27_2_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 75, 0 ) ); + + groupBox22_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton27_2_2, 3, 5 ); + + groupBox10_2_2_2_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2, "groupBox10_2_2_2_2" ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox10_2_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 170, 0 ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2Layout = new QVBoxLayout( groupBox10_2_2_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + prevTopTabWidget = new DominoKTabPrevWidget(groupBox10_2_2_2_2); + prevTopTabWidget->setStyle(previewStyle); + tabBarTop = new PreviewTabBar(0); + tabBarTop->setStyle(previewStyle); + ((DominoQTabWidget*)prevTopTabWidget)->setTabBar(tabBarTop); + + prevTopPage1 = new TabWidgetIndicator(prevTopTabWidget); + prevTopPage2 = new TabWidgetIndicator(prevTopTabWidget); + prevTopPage3 = new TabWidgetIndicator(prevTopTabWidget); + + prevTopTabWidget->addTab(prevTopPage1, " 1 "); + prevTopTabWidget->addTab(prevTopPage2, " 2 "); + prevTopTabWidget->addTab(prevTopPage3, " 3 "); + prevTopTabWidget->page(0)->parentWidget()->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + prevTopTabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); + + prevBottomTabWidget = new DominoKTabPrevWidget(groupBox10_2_2_2_2); + prevBottomTabWidget->setStyle(previewStyle); + tabBarBottom = new PreviewTabBar(0); + tabBarBottom->setStyle(previewStyle); + ((DominoQTabWidget*)prevBottomTabWidget)->setTabBar(tabBarBottom); + prevBottomTabWidget->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::Bottom); + + prevBottomPage1 = new TabWidgetIndicator(prevBottomTabWidget); + prevBottomPage2 = new TabWidgetIndicator(prevBottomTabWidget); + prevBottomPage3 = new TabWidgetIndicator(prevBottomTabWidget); + + prevBottomTabWidget->addTab(prevBottomPage1, " 1 "); + prevBottomTabWidget->addTab(prevBottomPage2, " 2 "); + prevBottomTabWidget->addTab(prevBottomPage3, " 3 "); + prevBottomTabWidget->page(0)->parentWidget()->setPaletteBackgroundColor(qApp->palette().active().background()); + prevBottomTabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); + + groupBox10_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget(prevTopTabWidget); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2Layout->addWidget(prevBottomTabWidget); + + + groupBox22_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox10_2_2_2_2, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); + tab2Layout->addWidget( groupBox22_2 ); + + layout9_2 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout9_2"); + + tabComboLayout = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "tabComboLayout"); + tabPosCombo = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab2, "tabPosCombo" ); + tabComboLayout->addWidget( tabPosCombo ); + + tabStateCombo = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab2, "tabStateCombo" ); + tabComboLayout->addWidget( tabStateCombo ); + + QSpacerItem* spacer_combo2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + tabComboLayout->addItem( spacer_combo2 ); + + layout9_2->addLayout( tabComboLayout ); + + + spacer7_2 = new QSpacerItem( 270, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + layout9_2->addItem( spacer7_2 ); + + textLabel7_4_2 = new QLabel( tab2, "textLabel7_4_2" ); + layout9_2->addWidget( textLabel7_4_2 ); + + comboBox3_4_2 = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab2, "comboBox3_4_2" ); + layout9_2->addWidget( comboBox3_4_2 ); + + pushButton4_4_2 = new QPushButton( tab2, "pushButton4_4_2" ); + connect(pushButton4_4_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(copyColorsToTab())); + layout9_2->addWidget( pushButton4_4_2 ); + + tab2Layout->addLayout( layout9_2 ); + tabWidget2->insertTab( tab2, QString::fromLatin1("") ); + + + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 2.3 (scrollbars) +///////////////////////////////////////////////// + tab3 = new QWidget( tabWidget2, "tab3" ); + tab3Layout = new QVBoxLayout( tab3, 11, 6, "tab3Layout"); + + groupBox22_2_2 = new QGroupBox( tab3, "groupBox22_2_2" ); + groupBox22_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox22_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox22_2_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox22_2_2->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); + groupBox22_2_2->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox22_2_2->layout() ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2, "groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4" ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setCheckable( TRUE ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->layout() ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(scrollBar1GradientChanged())); + + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4" ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 2 ); + + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 3 ); + + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4" ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 1 ); + + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 2 ); + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, "kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 3 ); + + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 0, 2, 6 ); + spacer46_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 7, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addItem( spacer46_2_2, 2, 5 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2, "groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4" ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setCheckable( TRUE ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked( FALSE ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->layout() ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(scrollBar2GradientChanged())); + + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4" ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4" ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 1 ); + + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4" ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 3 ); + + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4" ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 3 ); + + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 2 ); + + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, "textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4" ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 2 ); + + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4, 1, 1, 2, 6 ); + + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2, "groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4" ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->setMinimumSize( QSize( 170, 0 ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->layout() ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + spacer35 = new QSpacerItem( 112, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addItem( spacer35, 0, 0 ); + + scrollBar5 = new QScrollBar( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + scrollBar5->setStyle(previewStyle); + + scrollBar5->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); + scrollBar5->setOrientation( QScrollBar::Vertical ); + scrollBar5->setMaxValue(50); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( scrollBar5, 0, 1 ); + + scrollBar6 = new QScrollBar( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + scrollBar6->setStyle(previewStyle); + scrollBar6->setOrientation( QScrollBar::Horizontal ); + scrollBar6->setMaxValue(50); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4Layout->addWidget( scrollBar6, 1, 0 ); + + + ////////////////////////////////// + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); + spacer43_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 5, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addItem( spacer43_2_2, 1, 1 ); + spacer3_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 12, 25, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addItem( spacer3_2_2, 3, 6 ); + spacer6_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 83, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addItem( spacer6_2_2, 3, 3 ); + + kColorButton27_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox22_2_2, "kColorButton27_2_2_2" ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)3, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton27_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 75, 0 ) ); + + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton27_2_2_2, 3, 5 ); + spacer2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 82, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addItem( spacer2_2_2, 3, 2 ); + + textLabel1_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox22_2_2, "textLabel1_2_2_2" ); + textLabel1_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, textLabel1_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + textLabel1_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox22_2_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_2_2_2, 3, 4 ); + tab3Layout->addWidget( groupBox22_2_2 ); + + layout6 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout6"); + comboBox7 = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab3, "comboBox7" ); + layout6->addWidget( comboBox7 ); + spacer7_2_3 = new QSpacerItem( 246, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + layout6->addItem( spacer7_2_3 ); + + textLabel7_4_2_3 = new QLabel( tab3, "textLabel7_4_2_3" ); + layout6->addWidget( textLabel7_4_2_3 ); + + comboBox3_4_2_3 = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab3, "comboBox3_4_2_3" ); + layout6->addWidget( comboBox3_4_2_3 ); + + pushButton4_4_2_3 = new QPushButton( tab3, "pushButton4_4_2_3" ); + connect(pushButton4_4_2_3, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(copyColorsToScrollBar())); + + layout6->addWidget( pushButton4_4_2_3 ); + tab3Layout->addLayout( layout6 ); + tabWidget2->insertTab( tab3, QString::fromLatin1("") ); + +///////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 2.4 (headers) +///////////////////////////////////////////////// + tab4 = new QWidget( tabWidget2, "tab4" ); + tab4Layout = new QVBoxLayout( tab4, 11, 6, "tab4Layout"); + + groupBox22_2_2_3 = new QGroupBox( tab4, "groupBox22_2_2_3" ); + groupBox22_2_2_3->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox22_2_2_3->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox22_2_2_3->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox22_2_2_3->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); + groupBox22_2_2_3->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox22_2_2_3->layout() ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + spacer3_2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 12, 25, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addItem( spacer3_2_2_2, 3, 6 ); + spacer6_2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 83, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addItem( spacer6_2_2_2, 3, 3 ); + + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox22_2_2_3, "kColorButton27_2_2_2_2" ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)3, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 75, 0 ) ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addWidget( kColorButton27_2_2_2_2, 3, 5 ); + spacer2_2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 82, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addItem( spacer2_2_2_2, 3, 2 ); + spacer46_2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 7, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addItem( spacer46_2_2_2, 2, 5 ); + + textLabel1_2_2_2_2 = new QLabel( groupBox22_2_2_3, "textLabel1_2_2_2_2" ); + textLabel1_2_2_2_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, textLabel1_2_2_2_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + textLabel1_2_2_2_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_2_2_2_2, 3, 4 ); + spacer43_2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 5, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addItem( spacer43_2_2_2, 1, 1 ); + + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2_3, "groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->setMinimumSize( QSize( 170, 0 ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout = new QVBoxLayout( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout() ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + frame3 = new QFrame( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3, "frame3" ); + frame3->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); + frame3->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); // ?^ + frame3->setLineWidth( 1 ); + frame3Layout = new QVBoxLayout( frame3, 2, 6, "frame3Layout"); + + layout1 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 0, "layout1"); + + header1 = new QHeader(frame3, "dominoPreviewWidget"); + header1->setStyle(previewStyle); + header1->setMovingEnabled(false); + header1->setStretchEnabled(true); + header1->addLabel("Header"); + + + + layout1->addWidget( header1); + listBox1 = new QListBox( frame3, "listBox1" ); + listBox1->setLineWidth(0); + + layout1->addWidget( listBox1 ); + frame3Layout->addLayout( layout1 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( frame3 ); + + ////////////////////////////////////// + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2_3, "groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(header1GradientChanged())); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout() ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 2 ); + + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 3 ); + + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 1 ); + + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 2 ); + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, "kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 3 ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 0, 2, 6 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2_3, "groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(header2GradientChanged())); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked( FALSE ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->layout() ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 1 ); + + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 3 ); + + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 3 ); + + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3, 0, 2 ); + + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, "textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3" ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 2 ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3, 1, 1, 2, 6 ); + tab4Layout->addWidget( groupBox22_2_2_3 ); + + layout21 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout21"); + spacer7_2_3_3 = new QSpacerItem( 354, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + layout21->addItem( spacer7_2_3_3 ); + + textLabel7_4_2_3_3 = new QLabel( tab4, "textLabel7_4_2_3_3" ); + layout21->addWidget( textLabel7_4_2_3_3 ); + + comboBox3_4_2_3_3 = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab4, "comboBox3_4_2_3_3" ); + layout21->addWidget( comboBox3_4_2_3_3 ); + + pushButton4_4_2_3_3 = new QPushButton( tab4, "pushButton4_4_2_3_3" ); + connect(pushButton4_4_2_3_3, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(copyColorsToHeader())); + layout21->addWidget( pushButton4_4_2_3_3 ); + tab4Layout->addLayout( layout21 ); + tabWidget2->insertTab( tab4, QString::fromLatin1("") ); + +///////////////////////////////////////////////// +// tab 2.5 (radio/checkboxes) +///////////////////////////////////////////////// + + tab5 = new QWidget( tabWidget2, "tab5" ); + tab5Layout = new QVBoxLayout( tab5, 11, 6, "tab5Layout"); + + groupBox22_2_2_3_2 = new QGroupBox( tab5, "groupBox22_2_2_3_2" ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox22_2_2_3_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox22_2_2_3_2->layout() ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2_3_2, "groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(checkItem1GradientChanged())); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked( FALSE ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout() ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 2 ); + + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 3 ); + + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 1 ); + + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 2 ); + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 3 ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 0, 2, 6 ); + spacer3_2_2_3 = new QSpacerItem( 12, 25, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addItem( spacer3_2_2_3, 3, 6 ); + spacer6_2_2_3 = new QSpacerItem( 83, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addItem( spacer6_2_2_3, 3, 3 ); + + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3 = new KColorButton( groupBox22_2_2_3_2, "kColorButton27_2_2_2_3" ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)3, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->setMinimumSize( QSize( 75, 0 ) ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton27_2_2_2_3, 3, 5 ); + spacer2_2_2_3 = new QSpacerItem( 82, 25, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addItem( spacer2_2_2_3, 3, 2 ); + spacer46_2_2_3 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 7, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addItem( spacer46_2_2_3, 2, 5 ); + + textLabel1_2_2_2_3 = new QLabel( groupBox22_2_2_3_2, "textLabel1_2_2_2_3" ); + textLabel1_2_2_2_3->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, textLabel1_2_2_2_3->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + textLabel1_2_2_2_3->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_2_2_2_3, 3, 4 ); + spacer43_2_2_2_2 = new QSpacerItem( 5, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addItem( spacer43_2_2_2_2, 1, 1 ); + + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2_3_2, "groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 170, 0 ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout = new QVBoxLayout( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout() ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + radioButton2 = new PreviewRadioButton( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + radioButton2->setStyle(previewStyle); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( radioButton2 ); + + checkBox2 = new PreviewCheckBox( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "dominoPreviewWidget" ); + checkBox2->setStyle(previewStyle); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( checkBox2 ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QGroupBox( groupBox22_2_2_3_2, "groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setCheckable( TRUE ); + connect(((QCheckBox*)groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->child("qt_groupbox_checkbox", 0, false)), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(checkItem2GradientChanged())); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked( FALSE ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout()->setSpacing( 7 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout()->setMargin( 4 ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout = new QGridLayout( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->layout() ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 0 ); + + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 1 ); + + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 0 ); + + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new DSpinBox( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setAlignRight(); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setMaxValue( 100 ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 1 ); + + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 3 ); + + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new KColorButton( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 3 ); + + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 0, 2 ); + + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2 = new QLabel( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, "textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2" ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTextFormat( QLabel::PlainText ); + + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout->addWidget( textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 2 ); + + groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout->addMultiCellWidget( groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, 1, 1, 2, 6 ); + tab5Layout->addWidget( groupBox22_2_2_3_2 ); + + layout22 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout22"); + spacer7_2_3_3_2 = new QSpacerItem( 354, 21, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); + layout22->addItem( spacer7_2_3_3_2 ); + + textLabel7_4_2_3_3_2 = new QLabel( tab5, "textLabel7_4_2_3_3_2" ); + layout22->addWidget( textLabel7_4_2_3_3_2 ); + + comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2 = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab5, "comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2" ); + layout22->addWidget( comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2 ); + + pushButton4_4_2_3_3_2 = new QPushButton( tab5, "pushButton4_4_2_3_3_2" ); + connect(pushButton4_4_2_3_3_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(copyColorsToCheckItem())); + + layout22->addWidget( pushButton4_4_2_3_3_2 ); + tab5Layout->addLayout( layout22 ); + tabWidget2->insertTab( tab5, QString::fromLatin1("") ); + + + + /// resize( QSize(673, 465).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); + /// clearWState( WState_Polished ); + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 3 load/save scheme +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + QWidget *page3 = new QWidget(tabWidget); + + tab_lsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page3, 11, 6, "tab_lsLayout"); + + groupBox_ls = new QGroupBox( page3, "groupBox21" ); + groupBox_ls->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); + groupBox_ls->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); + groupBox_ls->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); + groupBox_lsLayout = new QHBoxLayout( groupBox_ls->layout() ); + groupBox_lsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); + + listView_ls = new QListView( groupBox_ls, "listView_ls" ); + listView_ls->addColumn( tr( "Name" ) ); + listView_ls->header()->setMovingEnabled(false); + listView_ls->setResizeMode(QListView::LastColumn); + listView_ls->setShowSortIndicator(true); + connect(listView_ls, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem*)), SLOT(slotDelPerm(QListViewItem*))); + connect(listView_ls, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int)), SLOT(slotLoad())); + + schemeList = new SchemeList(); + getConfigSchemes(); + + groupBox_lsLayout->addWidget( listView_ls ); + + layout8 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout8"); + loadButton = new QPushButton( groupBox_ls, "loadButton" ); + connect(loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotLoad())); + layout8->addWidget( loadButton ); + + saveButton = new QPushButton( groupBox_ls, "saveButton" ); + connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSave())); + layout8->addWidget( saveButton ); + + deleteButton = new QPushButton( groupBox_ls, "deleteButton" ); + connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDelete())); + layout8->addWidget( deleteButton ); + + importButton = new QPushButton( groupBox_ls, "importButton" ); + connect(importButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImport())); + layout8->addWidget( importButton ); + + spacer32 = new QSpacerItem( 31, 141, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); + layout8->addItem( spacer32 ); + groupBox_lsLayout->addLayout( layout8 ); + + + tab_lsLayout->addWidget( groupBox_ls ); + currentConfigLabel = new QLabel(page3); + tab_lsLayout->addWidget(currentConfigLabel); + tabWidget->addTab(page3, "Load/Save"); + +// resize( QSize(673, 465).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); + languageChange(); + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + loadConfig("domino"); // dominorc, the current one + initialized = true; + configLoaded = false; + updateChanged(); // enable or disable widgets + + // scrollbar buttons or groove + connect(comboBox7, SIGNAL( activated(const QString &)), SLOT(userLoadScrollBarConfig())); + // btn + connect(kColorButton2_4_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(btnPv1(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(btnPv2(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton2_5_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(btnPv3(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_3_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(btnPv4(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton27_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(btnPv5(const QColor&))); + connect(spinBox1_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(btnPv6(int))); + connect(spinBox2_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(btnPv7(int))); + connect(spinBox1_3_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(btnPv8(int))); + connect(spinBox2_3_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(btnPv9(int))); + // header + connect(kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(hPv1(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(hPv2(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(hPv3(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(hPv4(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton27_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(hPv5(const QColor&))); + connect(spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hPv6(int))); + connect(spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hPv7(int))); + connect(spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hPv8(int))); + connect(spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hPv9(int))); + // checkBox + connect(kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(chbPv1(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(chbPv2(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(chbPv3(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(chbPv4(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton27_2_2_2_3, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(chbPv5(const QColor&))); + connect(spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(chbPv6(int))); + connect(spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(chbPv7(int))); + connect(spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(chbPv8(int))); + connect(spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(chbPv9(int))); + + // scrollbar + connect(kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(sbPv1(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(sbPv2(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(sbPv3(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(sbPv4(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton27_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(sbPv5(const QColor&))); + connect(spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sbPv6(int))); + connect(spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sbPv7(int))); + connect(spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sbPv8(int))); + connect(spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sbPv9(int))); + // tab + connect(kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(tabPv1(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(tabPv2(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(tabPv3(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(tabPv4(const QColor&))); + connect(kColorButton27_2_2, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)),this, SLOT(tabPv5(const QColor&))); + connect(spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabPv6(int))); + connect(spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabPv7(int))); + connect(spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabPv8(int))); + connect(spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabPv9(int))); + + connect(tabPosCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), SLOT(userLoadTabConfig())); + connect(tabStateCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int)), SLOT(userLoadTabConfig())); + + + connect(customCheckMarkColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(updateChanged())); + connect(customCheckMarkColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(updateCheckItemIndicators())); + connect(checkMarkColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), SLOT(updateCheckItemIndicators())); + connect(customToolTipColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(updateChanged())); + + connect(customPopupMenuColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT( updateChanged())); + connect(customSelMenuItemColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT( updateChanged())); + connect(tintGroupBoxBackground, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT( updateChanged())); + + connect(indicatorColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateFocusIndicatorSettings())); + connect(indicatorBtnColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateFocusIndicatorSettings())); + connect(indicatorOpacity, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFocusIndicatorSettings())); + connect(indicatorBtnOpacity, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFocusIndicatorSettings())); + + connect(textEffectColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + connect(textEffectPos, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + connect(textEffectOpacity, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + + connect(textEffectButtonColor, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + connect(textEffectButtonPos, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + connect(textEffectButtonOpacity, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTextEffectSettings())); + + //languageChange(); + clearWState( WState_Polished ); + + +} + + +// btn +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv1(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Color1 =; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv2(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Color2 =; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv3(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Color1 =; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv4(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Color2 =; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv5(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.background =; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv6(int i) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Top = i; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv7(int i) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Bottom = i; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv8(int i) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Top = i; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::btnPv9(int i) { + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Bottom= i; + pushButton16->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); +} + +// header +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv1(const QColor&col) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Color1 =; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv2(const QColor&col) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Color2 =; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv3(const QColor&col) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Color1 =; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv4(const QColor&col) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Color2 =; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv5(const QColor&col) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.background =; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv6(int i) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Top = i; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv7(int i) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Bottom = i; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv8(int i) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Top = i; +} +void DominoStyleConfig::hPv9(int i) { + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Bottom= i; +} + +// checkBox +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv1(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Color1 =; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv2(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Color2 =; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv3(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Color1 =; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv4(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Color2 =; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv5(const QColor&col) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.background =; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv6(int i) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Top = i; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv7(int i) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Bottom = i; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv8(int i) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Top = i; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::chbPv9(int i) { + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Bottom= i; + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} + +// scrollBar +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv1(const QColor&col) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g1Color1 =; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv2(const QColor&col) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g1Color2 =; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv3(const QColor&col) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g2Color1 =; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv4(const QColor&col) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g2Color2 =; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv5(const QColor&col) { + currentScrollBarSurface->background =; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv6(int i) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g1Top = i; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv7(int i) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g1Bottom = i; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv8(int i) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g2Top = i; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::sbPv9(int i) { + currentScrollBarSurface->g2Bottom = i; + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} + +// tabs +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv1(const QColor&col) { + currentTabSurface->g1Color1 =; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv2(const QColor&col) { + currentTabSurface->g1Color2 =; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv3(const QColor&col) { + currentTabSurface->g2Color1 =; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv4(const QColor&col) { + currentTabSurface->g2Color2 =; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv5(const QColor&col) { + currentTabSurface->background =; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv6(int i) { + currentTabSurface->g1Top = i; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv7(int i) { + currentTabSurface->g1Bottom = i; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv8(int i) { + currentTabSurface->g2Top = i; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} +void DominoStyleConfig::tabPv9(int i) { + currentTabSurface->g2Bottom = i; + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::loadConfig(const char* name) { + + QColor background = qApp->palette().active().background(); + QColor button = qApp->palette().active().button(); + QColor highlight = qApp->palette().active().highlight(); + QString cName = name; + QSettings settings; + + settings.beginGroup("/" + cName + "/Settings"); + currentConfig = settings.readEntry("/name", "unnamed"); + origAnimProgressBar = settings.readBoolEntry("/animateProgressBar", true); + animateProgressBar->setChecked(origAnimProgressBar); + origCenterTabs = settings.readBoolEntry("/centerTabs", false); + centerTabs->setChecked(origCenterTabs); + origDrawTriangularExpander = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawTriangularExpander", true); + drawTriangularExpander->setChecked(origDrawTriangularExpander); + origHighlightToolBtnIcons = settings.readBoolEntry("/highlightToolBtnIcon", false); + highlightToolBtnIcons->setChecked(origHighlightToolBtnIcons); + origToolBtnAsBtn = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawToolButtonAsButton", true); + toolBtnAsBtn->setChecked(origToolBtnAsBtn); + + origCustomCheckMarkColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customCheckMarkColor", false); + customCheckMarkColor->setChecked(origCustomCheckMarkColor); + origCheckMarkColor = settings.readEntry("/checkMarkColor", "black"); + checkMarkColor->setColor(origCheckMarkColor); + + origTintGroupBoxBackground = settings.readBoolEntry("/tintGroupBoxBackground", true); + tintGroupBoxBackground->setChecked(origTintGroupBoxBackground); + origGroupBoxBrightness = settings.readNumEntry("/groupBoxBrightness", 10); + grSlider->setValue(origGroupBoxBrightness); + + origCustomGroupBoxBackgroundColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customGroupBoxBackgroundColor", false); + customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->setChecked(origCustomGroupBoxBackgroundColor); + origGroupBoxBackgroundColor = settings.readEntry("/groupBoxBackgroundColor", background.dark(110).name()); + groupBoxBackgroundColor->setColor(origGroupBoxBackgroundColor); + + origCustomToolTipColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customToolTipColor", false); + customToolTipColor->setChecked(origCustomToolTipColor); + origToolTipColor = settings.readEntry("/toolTipColor", QColor(218,218,179).name()); + toolTipColor->setColor(origToolTipColor); + + origSmoothScrolling = settings.readBoolEntry("/smoothScrolling", true); + smoothScrolling->setChecked(origSmoothScrolling); + origButtonHeightAdjustment = settings.readNumEntry("/buttonHeightAdjustment", 0); + buttonHeightAdjustment->setValue(origButtonHeightAdjustment); + + origRubberBandType = settings.readNumEntry("/rubberBandType", 3); + rubberBandType = origRubberBandType; + argbRubber->setChecked(rubberBandType == DominoStyle::ArgbRubber); + lineRubber->setChecked(rubberBandType == DominoStyle::LineRubber); + distRubber->setChecked(rubberBandType == DominoStyle::DistRubber); + + if(argbRubber->isChecked() && !hasCompositeExtension) + distRubber->setChecked(true); + + origArgbRubberColor = settings.readEntry("/rubberBandColor",; + argbRubberColor->setColor(origArgbRubberColor); + origArgbRubberOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/rubberBandOpacity", 30); + argbRubberOpacity->setValue(origArgbRubberOpacity); + updateArgbRubberOptions(rubberBandType == DominoStyle::ArgbRubber); + + origCustomPopupMenuColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customPopupMenuColor", false); + customPopupMenuColor->setChecked(origCustomPopupMenuColor); + origPopupMenuColor = settings.readEntry("/popupMenuColor",; + popupMenuColor->setColor(origPopupMenuColor); + + origCustomSelMenuItemColor = settings.readBoolEntry("/customSelMenuItemColor", false); + customSelMenuItemColor->setChecked(origCustomSelMenuItemColor); + origSelMenuItemColor = settings.readEntry("/selMenuItemColor",; + selMenuItemColor->setColor(origSelMenuItemColor); + origDrawPopupMenuGradient = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawPopupMenuGradient", true); + drawPopupMenuGradient->setChecked(origDrawPopupMenuGradient); + origIndentPopupMenuItems = settings.readBoolEntry("/indentPopupMenuItems", true); + indentPopupMenuItems->setChecked(origIndentPopupMenuItems); + + origIndicateFocus = settings.readBoolEntry("/indicateFocus", true); + indicateFocus->setChecked(origIndicateFocus); + origIndicatorBtnColor = settings.readEntry("/indicatorButtonColor",; + indicatorBtnColor->setColor(origIndicatorBtnColor); + origIndicatorColor = settings.readEntry("/indicatorColor",; + indicatorColor->setColor(origIndicatorColor); + origIndicatorOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/indicatorColorOpacity", 60); + indicatorOpacity->setValue(origIndicatorOpacity); + origIndicatorBtnOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/indicatorButtonColorOpacity", 60); + indicatorBtnOpacity->setValue(origIndicatorBtnOpacity); + + origDrawUnderline = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawFocusUnderline", true); + indicatorModeCombo->setCurrentItem(origDrawUnderline); + indicatorModeChanged(); + updateFocusIndicatorSettings(); + + origDrawTextEffect = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawTextEffect", true); + drawTextEffect->setChecked(origDrawTextEffect); + origTextEffectMode = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectMode", 0); + textEffectModeCombo->setCurrentItem(origTextEffectMode); + origTextEffectColor = settings.readEntry("/textEffectColor",; + textEffectColor->setColor(origTextEffectColor); + origTextEffectButtonColor = settings.readEntry("/textEffectButtonColor",; + textEffectButtonColor->setColor(origTextEffectButtonColor); + + origTextEffectOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectOpacity", 60); + textEffectOpacity->setValue(origTextEffectOpacity); + origTextEffectButtonOpacity = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectButtonOpacity", 60); + textEffectButtonOpacity->setValue(origTextEffectButtonOpacity); + + origTextEffectPos = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectPos", 5); + textEffectPos->setCurrentItem(origTextEffectPos); + origTextEffectButtonPos = settings.readNumEntry("/textEffectButtonPos", 5); + textEffectButtonPos->setCurrentItem(origTextEffectButtonPos); + textEffectModeChanged(); + updateTextEffectSettings(); + + origDrawButtonSunkenShadow = settings.readBoolEntry("/drawButtonSunkenShadow", true); + drawButtonSunkenShadow->setChecked(origDrawButtonSunkenShadow); + + origButtonContourType = settings.readNumEntry("/buttonContourType", 1); + buttonContourType->setCurrentItem(origButtonContourType); + origButtonContourColor = settings.readEntry("/buttonContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonContourColor->setColor(origButtonContourColor); + origButtonDefaultButtonContourColor = settings.readEntry("/buttonDefaultContourColor",; + buttonDefaultButtonContourColor->setColor(origButtonDefaultButtonContourColor); + origButtonMouseOverContourColor = settings.readEntry("/buttonMouseOverContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonMouseOverContourColor->setColor(origButtonMouseOverContourColor); + origButtonPressedContourColor = settings.readEntry("/buttonPressedContourColor", background.dark(250).name()); + buttonPressedContourColor->setColor(origButtonPressedContourColor); + + // hidden + konqTabBarContrast = settings.readNumEntry("/konqTabBarContrast", 15); + + // buttons / comboBoxes / spinBoxes + + previewStyle->btnSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_numGradients", 2); + switch (previewStyle->btnSurface.numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + } + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g1Color1",; + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g1Color2", button.dark(120).name())); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g1Top", 0)); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g1Bottom", 50)); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g2Color1", button.dark(120).name())); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_g2Color2", button.dark(110).name())); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g2Top", 50)); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/btnSurface_g2Bottom", 100)); + kColorButton27_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/btnSurface_background",; + + + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Color1 = kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->color(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Color2 = kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->color(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Color1 = kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->color(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Color2 = kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->color(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Top = spinBox1_2_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g1Bottom = spinBox2_2_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Top = spinBox1_3_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.g2Bottom = spinBox2_3_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->btnSurface.background = kColorButton27_2->color(); + + origBtnSurface = previewStyle->btnSurface; + + // tabs + + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_numGradients", 2); + switch (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + } + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Color1", background.light(110).name())); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Color2",; + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Color1",; + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Color2",; + kColorButton27_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_background",; + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Top", 0)); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Bottom", 50)); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Top", 50)); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Bottom", 100)); + + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Color1 = kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2->color().name(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Color2 = kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2->color().name(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Color1 = kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2->color().name(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Color2 = kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->color().name(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.background = kColorButton27_2_2->color().name(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Top = spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Bottom = spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Top = spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->value(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Bottom = spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->value(); + + currentTabSurface = &previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface; + + origActiveTabTopSurface = previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface; + + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_numGradients", 2); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Color1", background.light(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/tabTopSurface_background", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Top", 0); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Top", 50); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + origTabTopSurface = previewStyle->tabTopSurface; + + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_numGradients", 2); + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Color1",; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Color2",; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Color1",; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_background",; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Top", 0); + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Top", 50); + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + origActiveTabBottomSurface = previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface; + + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_numGradients", 2); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Color1", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/tabBottomSurface_background", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Top", 0); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Top", 50); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + + origTabBottomSurface = previewStyle->tabBottomSurface; + + + // headers + + previewStyle->headerSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_numGradients", 2); + switch (previewStyle->headerSurface.numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + break; + } + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g1Color1",; + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(120).name())); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g1Top", 0)); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g1Bottom", 50)); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(120).name())); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(110).name())); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g2Top", 50)); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/headerSurface_g2Bottom", 100)); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/headerSurface_background",; + + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Color1 = kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->color(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Color2 = kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->color(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Color1 = kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->color(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Color2 = kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->color(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Top = spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->value(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g1Bottom = spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->value(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Top = spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->value(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.g2Bottom = spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->value(); + previewStyle->headerSurface.background = kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->color(); + + origHeaderSurface = previewStyle->headerSurface; + + + // radio / checkboxes + + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_numGradients", 2); + switch (previewStyle->checkItemSurface.numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + break; + } + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Color1",; + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Color2", button.dark(120).name())); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Top", 0)); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Bottom", 50)); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Color1", button.dark(120).name())); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Color2", button.dark(110).name())); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Top", 50)); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(settings.readNumEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Bottom", 100)); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->setColor(settings.readEntry("/checkItemSurface_background",; + + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Color1 = kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Color2 = kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Color1 = kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Color2 = kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Top = spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g1Bottom = spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Top = spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.g2Bottom = spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value(); + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.background = kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->color(); + + origCheckItemSurface = previewStyle->checkItemSurface; + + // schrollBarButtons + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_numGradients", 2); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Color1",; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Color2", button.dark(120).name()); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Color1", button.dark(120).name()); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Color2", button.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Top", 0); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Top", 50); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarSurface_background",; + + origScrollBarSurface = previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + + // schrollBarGroove + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_numGradients", 0); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Color1",; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Color2", background.dark(120).name()); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color1 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Color1", background.dark(120).name()); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color2 = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Color2", background.dark(110).name()); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Top", 0); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Bottom", 50); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Top", 50); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom = settings.readNumEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Bottom", 100); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.background = settings.readEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_background", background.dark(150).name()); + + origScrollBarGrooveSurface = previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface; + + comboBox7->setCurrentItem(0); + + switch(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + break; + } + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color2); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color2); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.background); + + currentScrollBarSurface = &previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + + settings.endGroup(); + + currentConfigLabel->setText(i18n("Currently loaded config: ")+currentConfig); + +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::userLoadScrollBarConfig() { + + scrollBar5->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + scrollBar6->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + + // index: groove = 1, buttons/slider = 0 + if(comboBox7->currentItem()) + currentScrollBarSurface = &previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface; + else + currentScrollBarSurface = &previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(currentScrollBarSurface->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(currentScrollBarSurface->g1Color2); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(currentScrollBarSurface->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(currentScrollBarSurface->g1Bottom); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(currentScrollBarSurface->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(currentScrollBarSurface->g2Color2); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(currentScrollBarSurface->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(currentScrollBarSurface->g2Bottom); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setColor(currentScrollBarSurface->background); + + + switch(currentScrollBarSurface->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + break; + } + scrollBar5->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + scrollBar6->setUpdatesEnabled(true); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::userLoadTabConfig() { + + ((DominoQTabWidget*)prevTopTabWidget)->tabBar()->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + ((DominoQTabWidget*)prevBottomTabWidget)->tabBar()->setUpdatesEnabled(false); + + bool topTabWidgetIsActive = false; + // index: bottom = 1, top = 0 + if(tabPosCombo->currentItem()) + // index: inactive = 1, active = 0 + if(tabStateCombo->currentItem()) + currentTabSurface = &previewStyle->tabBottomSurface; + else + currentTabSurface = &previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface; + else { + topTabWidgetIsActive = true; + if(tabStateCombo->currentItem()) + currentTabSurface = &previewStyle->tabTopSurface; + else + currentTabSurface = &previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface; + } + + // update arrow indicators + prevBottomPage1->update(); + prevBottomPage2->update(); + prevBottomPage3->update(); + prevTopPage1->update(); + prevTopPage2->update(); + prevTopPage3->update(); + + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2->setColor(currentTabSurface->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2->setColor(currentTabSurface->g1Color2); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2->setColor(currentTabSurface->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->setColor(currentTabSurface->g2Color2); + kColorButton27_2_2->setColor(currentTabSurface->background); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(currentTabSurface->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(currentTabSurface->g1Bottom); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(currentTabSurface->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(currentTabSurface->g2Bottom); + + switch (currentTabSurface->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + } + ((DominoQTabWidget*)prevTopTabWidget)->tabBar()->setUpdatesEnabled(true); + ((DominoQTabWidget*)prevBottomTabWidget)->tabBar()->setUpdatesEnabled(true); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::saveConfig(const char* fileName, const char* schemeName ) { + + QString fName; + QSettings s; + int c; + + if(!strcmp(fileName, "domino")) + fName = fileName; + else + fName = QString("domino_").append(fileName); + + s.beginGroup("/" + fName + "/Settings"); + + s.writeEntry("/name", schemeName); + s.writeEntry("/animateProgressBar", animateProgressBar->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/centerTabs", centerTabs->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/drawTriangularExpander", drawTriangularExpander->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/drawToolButtonAsButton", toolBtnAsBtn->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/highlightToolBtnIcon", highlightToolBtnIcons->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/customCheckMarkColor", customCheckMarkColor->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/checkMarkColor", checkMarkColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/tintGroupBoxBackground", tintGroupBoxBackground->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/groupBoxBrightness", grSlider->value()); + s.writeEntry("/customGroupBoxBackgroundColor", customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/groupBoxBackgroundColor", groupBoxBackgroundColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/customToolTipColor", customToolTipColor->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/toolTipColor", toolTipColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/smoothScrolling", smoothScrolling->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/buttonHeightAdjustment", buttonHeightAdjustment->value()); + s.writeEntry("/rubberBandType", rubberBandType); + s.writeEntry("/rubberBandColor", argbRubberColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/rubberBandOpacity", argbRubberOpacity->value()); + + s.writeEntry("/customPopupMenuColor", customPopupMenuColor->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/popupMenuColor", popupMenuColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/customSelMenuItemColor", customSelMenuItemColor->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/selMenuItemColor", selMenuItemColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/drawPopupMenuGradient", drawPopupMenuGradient->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/indentPopupMenuItems", indentPopupMenuItems->isChecked()); + + s.writeEntry("/indicateFocus", indicateFocus->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/drawFocusUnderline", indicatorModeCombo->currentItem() == 1); + s.writeEntry("/indicatorButtonColor", indicatorBtnColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/indicatorColor", indicatorColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/indicatorColorOpacity", indicatorOpacity->value()); + s.writeEntry("/indicatorButtonColorOpacity", indicatorBtnOpacity->value()); + + s.writeEntry("/drawTextEffect", drawTextEffect->isChecked()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectMode", textEffectModeCombo->currentItem()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectColor", textEffectColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectButtonColor", textEffectButtonColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectOpacity", textEffectOpacity->value()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectButtonOpacity", textEffectButtonOpacity->value()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectPos", textEffectPos->currentItem()); + s.writeEntry("/textEffectButtonPos", textEffectButtonPos->currentItem()); + + s.writeEntry("/drawButtonSunkenShadow", drawButtonSunkenShadow->isChecked()); + + s.writeEntry("/buttonContourType", buttonContourType->currentItem()); + s.writeEntry("/buttonContourColor", buttonContourColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/buttonDefaultContourColor", buttonDefaultButtonContourColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/buttonMouseOverContourColor", buttonMouseOverContourColor->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/buttonPressedContourColor", buttonPressedContourColor->color().name()); + + // hidden + s.writeEntry("/konqTabBarContrast", konqTabBarContrast); + + ////// + + + // buttons + c = groupBox9_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_numGradients", c); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g1Color1", kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g1Color2", kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g2Color1", kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g2Color2", kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g1Top", spinBox1_2_2_2_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g1Bottom", spinBox2_2_2_2_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g2Top", spinBox1_3_2_2_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_g2Bottom", spinBox2_3_2_2_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/btnSurface_background", kColorButton27_2->color().name()); + + // headers + c = groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_numGradients", c); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g1Color1", kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g1Color2", kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g2Color1", kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g2Color2", kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g1Top", spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->value()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g1Bottom", spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->value()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g2Top", spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->value()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_g2Bottom", spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->value()); + s.writeEntry("/headerSurface_background", kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->color().name()); + + + // radio/checkboxes + c = groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_numGradients", c); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Color1", kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Color2", kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Color1", kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Color2", kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color().name()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Top", spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g1Bottom", spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Top", spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_g2Bottom", spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value()); + s.writeEntry("/checkItemSurface_background", kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->color().name()); + + + // scrollbars + + // buttons + + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_numGradients", previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.numGradients); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Top", previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Top); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g1Bottom", previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Top", previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Top); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_g2Bottom", previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarSurface_background", previewStyle->; + + // groove + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_numGradients", previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Top", previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g1Bottom", previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Top", previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_g2Bottom", previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/scrollBarGrooveSurface_background", previewStyle->; + + // tabs + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_numGradients", previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.numGradients); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Top", previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Top); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g1Bottom", previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Top", previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Top); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_g2Bottom", previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabTopSurface_background", previewStyle->; + + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_numGradients", previewStyle->tabTopSurface.numGradients); + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Top", previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Top); + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g1Bottom", previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Top", previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Top); + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_g2Bottom", previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/tabTopSurface_background", previewStyle->; + + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_numGradients", previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.numGradients); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Top", previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Top); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g1Bottom", previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Top", previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Top); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_g2Bottom", previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/activeTabBottomSurface_background", previewStyle->; + + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_numGradients", previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.numGradients); + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Color1", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Color2", previewStyle->; + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Top", previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Top); + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g1Bottom", previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Top", previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Top); + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_g2Bottom", previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Bottom); + s.writeEntry("/tabBottomSurface_background",previewStyle->; + +} + +void PreviewCheckBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ) { + + QPainter p(this); + drawButton(&p); +} + +// checkBoxes and radioButtons without pixmapCache +void PreviewCheckBox::drawButton(QPainter *p) { + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default|Domino_noCache; + if ( isEnabled() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if ( hasFocus() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + if ( isDown() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + if ( hasMouse() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver; + if ( state() == QButton::On ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + else if ( state() == QButton::Off ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Off; +// else if ( state() == QButton::NoChange ) +// flags |= QStyle::Style_NoChange; + + QRect irect = QStyle::visualRect( style().subRect(QStyle::SR_CheckBoxIndicator, this), this ); + p->setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode); + drawButtonLabel(p); + + QPixmap pix(18,19); + QPainter painter(&pix); + pix.fill(backgroundColor()); + style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_CheckBox, &painter, this, irect, colorGroup(), flags); + bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &pix); +} + +void PreviewRadioButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ) { + + QPainter p(this); + drawButton(&p); +} + +void PreviewRadioButton::drawButton(QPainter *p) { + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default|Domino_noCache; + if ( isEnabled() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if ( hasFocus() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; + if ( isDown() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + if ( hasMouse() ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver; + if ( state() == QButton::On ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + else if ( state() == QButton::Off ) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Off; + + QRect irect = QStyle::visualRect( style().subRect(QStyle::SR_RadioButtonIndicator, this), this ); + irect.addCoords(0,-1,0,0); + p->setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode); + drawButtonLabel( p ); + + QPixmap pix(17,17); + QPainter painter(&pix); + pix.fill(backgroundColor()); + style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_RadioButton, &painter, this, irect, colorGroup(), flags); + bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &pix); +} + + +void PreviewTabBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { + + QString height = QString::number(rect().height()); + QString color = QString::number(palette().active().background().pixel(), 16); + + + QPixmapCache::remove("firsttabEdges2-bottom-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("lasttabEdges2-bottom-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("singletabEdges2-bottom-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("middletabEdges2-bottom-sel"+color+height); + + QPixmapCache::remove("tabEdges2-bottom"+color+height); + + QPixmapCache::remove("firsttabEdges2-top-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("lasttabEdges2-top-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("singletabEdges2-top-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("middletabEdges2-top-sel"+color+height); + QPixmapCache::remove("tabEdges2-top"+color+height); + + QTabBar::paintEvent(event); + +} + + +void PreviewTabBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { + + QTabWidget* tw = static_cast(parentWidget()); + bool tabsAbove = tw->tabPosition() == QTabWidget::Top; + QPoint point = ((QMouseEvent*)event)->pos(); + QTab* tab = selectTab(point); + if(!tab) + return; + + bool activeTab = currentTab() == tab->identifier(); + bool changed = false; + + if(tabPosCombo->currentItem() == tabsAbove) { + tabPosCombo->setCurrentItem(!tabsAbove); + changed = true; + } + if(tabStateCombo->currentItem() == activeTab) { + tabStateCombo->setCurrentItem(!activeTab); + changed = true; + } + if(changed) + styleConfig->userLoadTabConfig(); +} + +void IndicatorPrevButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* /*event*/) +{ + if(!isEnabled()) { + erase(); + return; + } + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if (isEnabled()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (isDown()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + if (isOn()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + if (! isFlat() && ! isDown()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised; + if (isDefault()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_ButtonDefault; + + QPixmap buffer(width(), height()); + QPainter p(&buffer); + buffer.fill(paletteBackgroundColor()); + + previewStyle->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, &p, this, rect(), colorGroup(), flags); + + previewStyle->drawFocusIndicator(&p, style().subRect(QStyle::SR_PushButtonFocusRect, this), AlignHCenter| AlignVCenter |ShowPrefix, + colorGroup(), true, 0, indicatorPreviewText, -1, indicatorBtnColor->color(), (indicatorModeCombo->currentItem() == 1), true); + QColor fg = colorGroup().buttonText(); + + TextEffect textEffectMode_save = previewStyle->textEffectSettings.mode; + if(!drawTextEffect->isChecked()) + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.mode = TextEffect_None; + previewStyle->dominoDrawItem(&p, rect(), AlignHCenter| AlignVCenter |ShowPrefix, colorGroup(), true, 0, indicatorPreviewText, -1, &fg, previewStyle->textEffectSettings.mode > 0 ? 1 : 0); + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.mode = textEffectMode_save; + + p.end(); + p.begin(this); + p.drawPixmap(0,0,buffer); +} + +void IndicatorPrevWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* /*event*/) +{ + if(!isEnabled()) { + erase(); + return; + } + + QPixmap buffer(width(), height()); + QPainter p(&buffer); + buffer.fill(paletteBackgroundColor()); + + previewStyle->drawFocusIndicator(&p, rect(), AlignHCenter| AlignVCenter |ShowPrefix, colorGroup(), true, 0, indicatorPreviewText, + -1, indicatorColor->color(), (indicatorModeCombo->currentItem() == 1)); + QColor fg = colorGroup().foreground(); + previewStyle->drawItem(&p, style().subRect(QStyle::SR_PushButtonFocusRect, this), AlignHCenter| AlignVCenter |ShowPrefix, colorGroup(), + true, 0, indicatorPreviewText, -1, &fg); + + p.end(); + p.begin(this); + p.drawPixmap(0,0,buffer); +} + +void TextEffectPrevButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* /*event*/) +{ + + if(!isEnabled()) { + erase(); + return; + } + + + QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; + if (isEnabled()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; + if (isDown()) { + flags |= QStyle::Style_Down; + } + if (isOn()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_On; + if (! isFlat() && ! isDown()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised; + if (isDefault()) + flags |= QStyle::Style_ButtonDefault; + + QPixmap buffer(width(), height()); + QPainter p(&buffer); + previewStyle->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, &p, this, rect(), colorGroup(), flags); + + drawButtonLabel(&p); + + p.end(); + p.begin(this); + p.drawPixmap(0,0,buffer); + +} + +void TextEffectPrevWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* /*event*/) +{ + if(!drawTextEffect->isChecked() || textEffectModeCombo->currentItem() == 0) { + erase(); + return; + } + + QPixmap buffer(width(), height()); + buffer.fill(paletteBackgroundColor()); + QPainter p(&buffer); + previewStyle->drawItem(&p, rect(), AlignHCenter| AlignVCenter, colorGroup(), true, 0, textEffectPreviewText); + + p.end(); + p.begin(this); + p.drawPixmap(0,0, buffer); + +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::languageChange() +{ + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 1 (general) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + buttonHeightAdjustmentLabel->setText(tr("Button height adjustment:")); + + indicateFocus->setText(tr("Indicate focus")); + indicatorModeCombo->clear(); + indicatorModeCombo->insertItem( tr( "Colored outline" ) ); + indicatorModeCombo->insertItem( tr( "Underline" ) ); + labelIndicatorBtnColor->setText(tr("Button color:")); + labelIndicatorColor->setText(tr("Color:")); + indicatorPreviewText = tr("focused"); + int width = indicatorPrevButton->fontMetrics().width(indicatorPreviewText); + indicatorPrevButton->setMinimumWidth(width+16); + + drawTextEffect->setText(tr("Draw text effect")); + textEffectPreviewText = tr("123 text"); + labelTextEffectButtonColor->setText(tr("Button color:")); + labelTextEffectColor->setText(tr("Color:")); + width = textEffectPrevButton->fontMetrics().width(textEffectPreviewText); + textEffectPrevButton->setMinimumWidth(width+16); + textEffectModeCombo->clear(); + textEffectModeCombo->insertItem( tr( "Only buttons" ), 0 ); + textEffectModeCombo->insertItem( tr( "Everywhere" ), 1 ); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 2.1 (buttons) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + textLabel1_2->setText( tr( "Background Color:" ) ); + kColorButton27_2->setText( QString::null ); + groupBox10_2_2_2->setTitle( tr( "Preview" ) ); + // pushButton16->setText( tr( "PushButton" ) ); + groupBox8_2_2_2->setTitle( tr( "First Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setTitle( tr( "Second Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel7_4->setText( tr( "Copy from:" ) ); + comboBox3_4->clear(); + comboBox3_4->insertItem( tr( "scrollbars" ) ); + comboBox3_4->insertItem( tr( "headers" ) ); + comboBox3_4->insertItem( tr( "radio/checkboxes" ) ); + pushButton4_4->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); + tabWidget2->changeTab( tab1, tr( "Buttons" ) ); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 2.2 (tabs) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setTitle( tr( "First Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setTitle( tr( "Second Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel1_2_2->setText( tr( "Background Color:" ) ); + kColorButton27_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2->setTitle( tr( "Preview" ) ); + textLabel7_4_2->setText( tr( "Copy from:" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->clear(); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "top active tab" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "top inactive tab" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "bottom active tab" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "bottom inactive tab" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "buttons" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "scrollbars" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "headers" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2->insertItem( tr( "radio/checkboxes" ) ); + tabPosCombo->insertItem( tr( "top" ) ); + tabPosCombo->insertItem( tr( "bottom" ) ); + tabStateCombo->insertItem( tr( "active" ) ); + tabStateCombo->insertItem( tr( "inactive" ) ); + pushButton4_4_2->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); + tabWidget2->changeTab( tab2, tr( "Tabs" ) ); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 2.3 (scrollBars) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setTitle( tr( "First Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4->setText( QString::null ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setTitle( tr( "Second Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setText( QString::null ); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4->setTitle( tr( "Preview" ) ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_2_2_2->setText( tr( "Background Color:" ) ); + comboBox7->clear(); + comboBox7->insertItem( tr( "Buttons/Slider" ) ); + comboBox7->insertItem( tr( "Groove" ) ); + textLabel7_4_2_3->setText( tr( "Copy from:" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3->clear(); + comboBox3_4_2_3->insertItem( tr( "buttons" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3->insertItem( tr( "headers" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3->insertItem( tr( "radio/checkboxes" ) ); + pushButton4_4_2_3->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); + tabWidget2->changeTab( tab3, tr( "ScrollBars" ) ); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 2.4 (headers) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_2_2_2_2->setText( tr( "Background Color:" ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTitle( tr( "Preview" ) ); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTitle( tr( "First Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( QString::null ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setTitle( tr( "Second Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( QString::null ); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel7_4_2_3_3->setText( tr( "Copy from:" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3->clear(); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3->insertItem( tr( "buttons" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3->insertItem( tr( "scrollbars" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3->insertItem( tr( "radio/checkboxes" ) ); + pushButton4_4_2_3_3->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); + tabWidget2->changeTab( tab4, tr( "Headers" ) ); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 2.5 (radio/checkboxes) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTitle( tr( "First Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( QString::null ); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_2_2_2_3->setText( tr( "Background Color:" ) ); + groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTitle( tr( "Preview" ) ); + radioButton2->setText( tr( "RadioButton" ) ); + checkBox2->setText( tr( "CheckBox" ) ); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setTitle( tr( "Second Gradient" ) ); + textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "ends at:" ) ); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "starts at:" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSuffix( tr( " %" ) ); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setSpecialValueText( QString::null ); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( QString::null ); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( QString::null ); + textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setText( tr( "with color:" ) ); + textLabel7_4_2_3_3_2->setText( tr( "Copy from:" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2->clear(); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2->insertItem( tr( "buttons" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2->insertItem( tr( "scrollbars" ) ); + comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2->insertItem( tr( "headers" ) ); + pushButton4_4_2_3_3_2->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); + + tabWidget2->changeTab( tab5, tr( "Radio/Checkboxes" ) ); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // tab 3 (load/save) + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + groupBox_ls->setTitle( QString::null ); + listView_ls->header()->setLabel( 0, tr( "Name" ) ); + loadButton->setText( tr( "Load Config" ) ); + saveButton->setText( tr( "Save Config" ) ); + deleteButton->setText( tr( "Delete Config" ) ); + importButton->setText( tr( "Import Config" ) ); + + +} + + +DominoStyleConfig::~DominoStyleConfig() +{ + delete schemeList; +} + + +void DominoStyleConfig::save() +{ + bool settingsChanged; + + if( + (centerTabs->isChecked() == origCenterTabs) && + (animateProgressBar->isChecked() == origAnimProgressBar) && + (drawTriangularExpander->isChecked() == origDrawTriangularExpander) && + (highlightToolBtnIcons->isChecked() == origHighlightToolBtnIcons) && + (toolBtnAsBtn->isChecked() == origToolBtnAsBtn) && + (customCheckMarkColor->isChecked() == origCustomCheckMarkColor) && + (checkMarkColor->color() == origCheckMarkColor) && + (tintGroupBoxBackground->isChecked() == origTintGroupBoxBackground) && + (customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->isChecked() == origCustomGroupBoxBackgroundColor) && + (groupBoxBackgroundColor->color() == origGroupBoxBackgroundColor) && + (grSlider->value() == origGroupBoxBrightness) && + (customToolTipColor->isChecked() == origCustomToolTipColor) && + (toolTipColor->color() == origToolTipColor) && + (smoothScrolling->isChecked() == origSmoothScrolling) && + (buttonHeightAdjustment->value() == origButtonHeightAdjustment) && + + ((rubberBandType == origRubberBandType) || (!hasCompositeExtension && origRubberBandType == DominoStyle::ArgbRubber && rubberBandType == DominoStyle::DistRubber)) && + (argbRubberColor->color() == origArgbRubberColor) && + (argbRubberOpacity->value() == origArgbRubberOpacity) && + + (customPopupMenuColor->isChecked() == origCustomPopupMenuColor) && + (popupMenuColor->color() == origPopupMenuColor) && + (customSelMenuItemColor->isChecked() == origCustomSelMenuItemColor) && + (selMenuItemColor->color() == origSelMenuItemColor) && + (drawPopupMenuGradient->isChecked() == origDrawPopupMenuGradient) && + (indentPopupMenuItems->isChecked() == origIndentPopupMenuItems) && + + (indicateFocus->isChecked() == origIndicateFocus) && + (indicatorColor->color() == origIndicatorColor) && + (indicatorBtnColor->color() == origIndicatorBtnColor) && + (indicatorModeCombo->currentItem() == (int)origDrawUnderline) && + (indicatorOpacity->value() == origIndicatorOpacity) && + (indicatorBtnOpacity->value() == origIndicatorBtnOpacity) && + + (drawTextEffect->isChecked() == origDrawTextEffect) && + (textEffectModeCombo->currentItem() == origTextEffectMode) && + (textEffectColor->color() == origTextEffectColor) && + (textEffectButtonColor->color() == origTextEffectButtonColor) && + (textEffectOpacity->value() == origTextEffectOpacity) && + (textEffectButtonOpacity->value() == origTextEffectButtonOpacity) && + (textEffectPos->currentItem() == origTextEffectPos) && + (textEffectButtonPos->currentItem() == origTextEffectButtonPos) && + (drawButtonSunkenShadow->isChecked() == origDrawButtonSunkenShadow) && + + (buttonContourType->currentItem() == origButtonContourType) && + (buttonContourColor->color() == origButtonContourColor) && + (buttonDefaultButtonContourColor->color() == origButtonDefaultButtonContourColor) && + (buttonMouseOverContourColor->color() == origButtonMouseOverContourColor) && + (buttonPressedContourColor->color() == origButtonPressedContourColor) && + + (kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->color() == origBtnSurface.g1Color1) && + (kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->color() == origBtnSurface.g1Color2) && + (kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->color() == origBtnSurface.g2Color1) && + (kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->color() == origBtnSurface.g2Color2) && + (spinBox1_2_2_2_2->value() == origBtnSurface.g1Top) && + (spinBox2_2_2_2_2->value() == origBtnSurface.g1Bottom) && + (spinBox1_3_2_2_2->value() == origBtnSurface.g2Top) && + (spinBox2_3_2_2_2->value() == origBtnSurface.g2Bottom) && + (kColorButton27_2->color() == origBtnSurface.background) && + ((groupBox9_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0 ) == origBtnSurface.numGradients) && + + (kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->color() == origHeaderSurface.g1Color1) && + (kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->color() == origHeaderSurface.g1Color2) && + (kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->color() == origHeaderSurface.g2Color1) && + (kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->color() == origHeaderSurface.g2Color2) && + (spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->value() == origHeaderSurface.g1Top) && + (spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->value() == origHeaderSurface.g1Bottom) && + (spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->value() == origHeaderSurface.g2Top) && + (spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->value() == origHeaderSurface.g2Bottom) && + (kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->color() == origHeaderSurface.background) && + ((groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() ? 1 : 0 ) == origHeaderSurface.numGradients) && + + (kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color() == origCheckItemSurface.g1Color1) && + (kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color() == origCheckItemSurface.g1Color2) && + (kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color() == origCheckItemSurface.g2Color1) && + (kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->color() == origCheckItemSurface.g2Color2) && + (spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value() == origCheckItemSurface.g1Top) && + (spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value() == origCheckItemSurface.g1Bottom) && + (spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value() == origCheckItemSurface.g2Top) && + (spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->value() == origCheckItemSurface.g2Bottom) && + (kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->color() == origCheckItemSurface.background) && + ((groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0 ) == origCheckItemSurface.numGradients) && + + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color1 == origScrollBarSurface.g1Color1) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color2 == origScrollBarSurface.g1Color2) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color1 == origScrollBarSurface.g2Color1) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color2 == origScrollBarSurface.g2Color2) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Top == origScrollBarSurface.g1Top) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom == origScrollBarSurface.g1Bottom) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Top == origScrollBarSurface.g2Top) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom == origScrollBarSurface.g2Bottom) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.background == origScrollBarSurface.background) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.numGradients == origScrollBarSurface.numGradients) && + + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color1 == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color1) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color2 == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color2) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color1 == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color1) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color2 == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color2) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.background == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.background) && + (previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients == origScrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients) && + + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Color1 == origActiveTabTopSurface.g1Color1) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Color2 == origActiveTabTopSurface.g1Color2) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Color1 == origActiveTabTopSurface.g2Color1) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Color2 == origActiveTabTopSurface.g2Color2) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.background == origActiveTabTopSurface.background) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Top == origActiveTabTopSurface.g1Top) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Bottom == origActiveTabTopSurface.g1Bottom) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Top == origActiveTabTopSurface.g2Top) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Bottom == origActiveTabTopSurface.g2Bottom) && + (previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.numGradients == origActiveTabTopSurface.numGradients) && + + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Color1 == origTabTopSurface.g1Color1) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Color2 == origTabTopSurface.g1Color2) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Color1 == origTabTopSurface.g2Color1) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Color2 == origTabTopSurface.g2Color2) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.background == origTabTopSurface.background) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Top == origTabTopSurface.g1Top) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Bottom == origTabTopSurface.g1Bottom) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Top == origTabTopSurface.g2Top) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Bottom == origTabTopSurface.g2Bottom) && + (previewStyle->tabTopSurface.numGradients == origTabTopSurface.numGradients) && + + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color1 == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g1Color1) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color2 == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g1Color2) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color1 == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g2Color1) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color2 == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g2Color2) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.background == origActiveTabBottomSurface.background) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Top == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g1Top) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Top == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g2Top) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom == origActiveTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom) && + (previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.numGradients == origActiveTabBottomSurface.numGradients) && + + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Color1 == origTabBottomSurface.g1Color1) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Color2 == origTabBottomSurface.g1Color2) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Color1 == origTabBottomSurface.g2Color1) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Color2 == origTabBottomSurface.g2Color2) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.background == origTabBottomSurface.background) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Top == origTabBottomSurface.g1Top) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Bottom == origTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Top == origTabBottomSurface.g2Top) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Bottom == origTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom) && + (previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.numGradients == origTabBottomSurface.numGradients) + ) + settingsChanged = false; + else + settingsChanged = true; + + + if(settingsChanged) { + if(!QString(currentConfig).endsWith(" (" + i18n("modified") + ")")) { + currentConfig = QString(currentConfig).append(" (" + i18n("modified") + ")"); + } + } + + if(configLoaded) + settingsChanged = true; + if(settingsChanged) + emit changed(true); + else + emit changed(false); + + saveConfig("domino", currentConfig); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::defaults() +{ + QColor background = qApp->palette().active().background(); + QColor button = qApp->palette().active().button(); + QColor highlight = qApp->palette().active().highlight(); + + animateProgressBar->setChecked(true); + centerTabs->setChecked(false); + drawTriangularExpander->setChecked(true); + toolBtnAsBtn->setChecked(true); + highlightToolBtnIcons->setChecked(false); + customCheckMarkColor->setChecked(false); + checkMarkColor->setColor(QColor(0,0,0)); + tintGroupBoxBackground->setChecked(true); + customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->setChecked(false); + groupBoxBackgroundColor->setColor(background.dark(110)); + grSlider->setValue(10); + customToolTipColor->setChecked(false); + toolTipColor->setColor(QColor(218,218,179)); + smoothScrolling->setChecked(true); + buttonHeightAdjustment->setValue(0); + + distRubber->setChecked(true); + argbRubberColor->setColor(highlight); + argbRubberOpacity->setValue(30); + + customPopupMenuColor->setChecked(false); + popupMenuColor->setColor(; + customSelMenuItemColor->setChecked(false); + selMenuItemColor->setColor(; + drawPopupMenuGradient->setChecked(true); + indentPopupMenuItems->setChecked(true); + + indicateFocus->setChecked(true); + indicatorColor->setColor(; + indicatorBtnColor->setColor(; + indicatorModeCombo->setCurrentItem(1); // underline + indicatorModeChanged(); + indicatorOpacity->setValue(60); + indicatorBtnOpacity->setValue(60); + + drawTextEffect->setChecked(true); + textEffectModeCombo->setCurrentItem(0); // only on buttons + textEffectColor->setColor(; + textEffectButtonColor->setColor(; + textEffectOpacity->setValue(60); + textEffectButtonOpacity->setValue(60); + textEffectPos->setCurrentItem(5); + textEffectButtonPos->setCurrentItem(5); + textEffectModeChanged(); + + drawButtonSunkenShadow->setChecked(true); + + buttonContourType->setCurrentItem(1); // raised + buttonContourColor->setColor(background.dark(250).name()); + buttonDefaultButtonContourColor->setColor(; + buttonMouseOverContourColor->setColor(background.dark(250).name()); + buttonPressedContourColor->setColor(background.dark(250).name()); + +// buttons / comboBoxes / spinBoxes + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->setColor(button.dark(120).name()); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->setColor(button.dark(110).name()); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setValue(50); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2->setValue(100); + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->setColor(; + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->setColor(button.dark(120).name()); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setValue(0); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2->setValue(50); + kColorButton27_2->setColor(; + +// headers + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(background.dark(120).name()); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(background.dark(110).name()); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(50); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(100); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(; + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(background.dark(120).name()); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(0); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(50); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->setColor(; + +// radio / checkboxes + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(button.dark(120).name()); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(button.dark(110).name()); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(50); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(100); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(; + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(button.dark(120).name()); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(0); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(50); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->setColor(; + +// scrollBar Groove / Buttons + + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.numGradients = 0; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color1 =; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Color2 = background.dark(120).name(); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color1 = background.dark(120).name(); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Color2 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Top = 0; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g1Bottom = 50; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Top = 50; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.g2Bottom = 100; + previewStyle->scrollBarGrooveSurface.background = background.dark(150).name(); + + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.numGradients = 2; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color1 =; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color2 = button.dark(120).name(); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color1 = button.dark(120).name(); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color2 = button.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Top = 0; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom = 50; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Top = 50; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom = 100; + previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.background =; + + comboBox7->setCurrentItem(0); + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Color2); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g2Bottom); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Color2); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.g1Bottom); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setColor(previewStyle->scrollBarSurface.background); + + // tabs + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.numGradients = 2; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Color1 = background.light(110).name(); + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Color2 =; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Color1 =; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Color2 =; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.background =; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Top = 0; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g1Bottom = 50; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Top = 50; + previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface.g2Bottom = 100; + + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.numGradients = 2; + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Color1 = background.light(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Color2 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Color1 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Color2 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.background = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Top = 0; + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g1Bottom = 50; + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Top = 50; + previewStyle->tabTopSurface.g2Bottom = 100; + + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.numGradients = 2; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color1 =; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Color2 =; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color1 =; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Color2 = background.dark(120).name(); + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.background =; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Top = 0; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g1Bottom = 50; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Top = 50; + previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface.g2Bottom = 100; + + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.numGradients = 2; + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Color1 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Color2 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Color1 = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Color2 = background.dark(120).name(); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.background = background.dark(110).name(); + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Top = 0; + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g1Bottom = 50; + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Top = 50; + previewStyle->tabBottomSurface.g2Bottom = 100; + + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2->setColor(background.light(110).name()); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2->setColor(; + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2->setColor(; + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->setColor(; + kColorButton27_2_2->setColor(; + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(0); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(50); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(50); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(100); + + tabPosCombo->setCurrentItem(0); + tabStateCombo->setCurrentItem(0); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateChanged() +{ + checkMarkColor->setEnabled(customCheckMarkColor->isChecked()); + toolTipColor->setEnabled(customToolTipColor->isChecked()); + popupMenuColor->setEnabled(customPopupMenuColor->isChecked()); + selMenuItemColor->setEnabled(customSelMenuItemColor->isChecked()); + groupBoxBackgroundColor->setEnabled(customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->isChecked()); + grFrame->setEnabled(tintGroupBoxBackground->isChecked()); + indicateFocusFrame->setEnabled(indicateFocus->isChecked()); + textEffectFrame->setEnabled(drawTextEffect->isChecked()); + indicatorModeChanged(); + textEffectModeChanged(); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::copyColorsToButton() { + + const DSurface* ds; + switch(comboBox3_4->currentItem()) { + case 0: + ds = &previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + break; + case 1: + ds = &previewStyle->headerSurface; + break; + case 2: + ds = &previewStyle->checkItemSurface; + break; + default: + return; + } + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g1Color2); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g2Color2); + kColorButton27_2->setColor(ds->background); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g1Bottom); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g2Bottom); + switch(ds->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + } + btnNumGradientsChanged(); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::copyColorsToTab() { + + const DSurface* ds; + switch(comboBox3_4_2->currentItem()) { + case 0: + ds = &previewStyle->activeTabTopSurface; + break; + case 1: + ds = &previewStyle->tabTopSurface; + break; + case 2: + ds = &previewStyle->activeTabBottomSurface; + break; + case 3: + ds = &previewStyle->tabBottomSurface; + break; + case 4: + ds = &previewStyle->btnSurface; + break; + case 5: + ds = &previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + break; + case 6: + ds = &previewStyle->headerSurface; + break; + case 7: + ds = &previewStyle->checkItemSurface; + break; + default: + return; + } + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g1Color2); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2->setColor(ds->g2Color2); + kColorButton27_2_2->setColor(ds->background); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g1Bottom); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2->setValue(ds->g2Bottom); + switch(ds->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + } + tabNumGradientsChanged(); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::copyColorsToScrollBar() { + + const DSurface* ds; + switch(comboBox3_4_2_3->currentItem()) { + case 0: + ds = &previewStyle->btnSurface; + break; + case 1: + ds = &previewStyle->headerSurface; + break; + case 2: + ds = &previewStyle->checkItemSurface; + break; + default: + return; + } + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(ds->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(ds->g1Color2); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(ds->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setColor(ds->g2Color2); + kColorButton27_2_2_2->setColor(ds->background); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(ds->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(ds->g1Bottom); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(ds->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4->setValue(ds->g2Bottom); + switch(ds->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + } + scrollBarNumGradientsChanged(); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::copyColorsToHeader() { + + const DSurface* ds; + switch(comboBox3_4_2_3_3->currentItem()) { + case 0: + ds = &previewStyle->btnSurface; + break; + case 1: + ds = &previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + break; + case 2: + ds = &previewStyle->checkItemSurface; + break; + default: + return; + } + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(ds->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(ds->g1Color2); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(ds->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setColor(ds->g2Color2); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_2->setColor(ds->background); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(ds->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(ds->g1Bottom); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(ds->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3->setValue(ds->g2Bottom); + switch(ds->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + } + headerNumGradientsChanged(); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::copyColorsToCheckItem() { + + const DSurface* ds; + switch(comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2->currentItem()) { + case 0: + ds = &previewStyle->btnSurface; + break; + case 1: + ds = &previewStyle->scrollBarSurface; + break; + case 2: + ds = &previewStyle->headerSurface; + break; + default: + return; + } + + kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(ds->g1Color1); + kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(ds->g1Color2); + kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(ds->g2Color1); + kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setColor(ds->g2Color2); + kColorButton27_2_2_2_3->setColor(ds->background); + spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(ds->g1Top); + spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(ds->g1Bottom); + spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(ds->g2Top); + spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setValue(ds->g2Bottom); + switch(ds->numGradients) { + case 2: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + break; + default: + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + } + checkItemNumGradientsChanged(); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::slotLoad() { + + QString sName; + if(listView_ls->selectedItem()) { + sName = listView_ls->currentItem()->text(0); + } + else + return; + + SchemeEntry * entry; + QString fName; + for (entry = schemeList->first(); entry; entry = schemeList->next()) { + if(!strcmp(entry->getSchemeName(), sName)) { + fName = entry->getFileName(); + break; + } + } + + loadConfig(fName.left(fName.length()-2)); + configLoaded = true; +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::slotSave() { + + bool ok; + QString cName; + if(listView_ls->selectedItem()) { + cName = listView_ls->currentItem()->text(0); + } + + cName = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Save Config Scheme"), i18n("Enter a name for the config scheme:"), cName, &ok, this); + if (!ok) + return; + + if (!listView_ls->findItem(cName, 0)) { + new QListViewItem(listView_ls, cName); + schemeList->append( new SchemeEntry("domino_" + cName.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower() + "rc", cName, true )); + } + else { + int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("A config scheme with the name '%1' already exists.\n" + "Do you want to overwrite it?\n").arg(cName), + i18n("Save Config Scheme"), i18n("Overwrite")); + if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) + return; + } + + cName = cName.simplifyWhiteSpace(); + saveConfig(cName, cName); + currentConfig = cName; + currentConfigLabel->setText(i18n("Currently loaded config: ")+currentConfig); + +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::slotDelete() { + + + QString sName; + if(listView_ls->selectedItem()) + sName = listView_ls->currentItem()->text(0); + else + return; + + SchemeEntry * entry; + QString fName; + for (entry = schemeList->first(); entry; entry = schemeList->next()) { + if(!strcmp(entry->getSchemeName(), sName)) { + fName = entry->getFileName(); + schemeList->remove(entry); + break; + } + } + + delete listView_ls->currentItem(); + QDir qDir(QDir::homeDirPath() + ".qt/"); + qDir.remove(fName); + qDir.remove("." + fName + ".lock"); +} + + +void DominoStyleConfig::getConfigSchemes() { + + // only local + QString qtHome(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.qt"); + QSettings s; + s.insertSearchPath( QSettings::Unix, qtHome); + + QDir schemeFile(qtHome, "domino_*rc"); + for(uint i = 0; i < schemeFile.count(); i++) { + bool deletable = QFileInfo(qtHome, schemeFile[i]).isWritable(); + s.beginGroup("/" + schemeFile[i].left(schemeFile[i].length()-2) + "/Settings"); + QString origName = s.readEntry("/name", "unnamed"); + QString sName = origName; + if(listView_ls->findItem(sName, 0)) { + for(int i = 2; listView_ls->findItem(sName, 0); i++) { + QString num = QString().setNum(i); + sName = QString(origName).append(" (" + num + ")" ); + } + } + new QListViewItem(listView_ls, sName); + schemeList->append( new SchemeEntry(schemeFile[i], sName, deletable )); + + s.endGroup(); + } +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::slotDelPerm(QListViewItem* li) { + + if(!li) + return; + + SchemeEntry * entry; + QString selected = li->text(0); + + for ( entry = schemeList->first(); entry; entry = schemeList->next() ) { + if(!strcmp(entry->getSchemeName(), selected)) { + deleteButton->setEnabled(entry->isDeletable()); + return; + } + } +} + + +void DominoStyleConfig::slotImport() { + + KURL file ( KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, QString::null, this) ); + if ( file.isEmpty() ) + return; + + QString sFile = file.fileName( false ); + + KSimpleConfig *config = new KSimpleConfig(; + config->setGroup("Settings"); + QString cName = config->readEntry("name", i18n("unnamed")); + delete config; + + QString fName = "domino_" + cName.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower() + "rc"; + + if (!listView_ls->findItem(cName, 0)) { + new QListViewItem(listView_ls, cName); + schemeList->append( new SchemeEntry(fName, cName, true )); + } + else { + int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("A config scheme with the name '%1' already exists.\n" + "Do you want to overwrite it?\n").arg(cName), + i18n("Save Config Scheme"), i18n("Overwrite")); + if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) + return; + } + + QString saveDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.qt/"; + if (!KIO::NetAccess::file_copy(file, KURL( saveDir+fName ), -1, true ) ) + { + KMessageBox::error(this, KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(),i18n("Import failed.")); + return; + } +} + + + + + + +void DominoStyleConfig::scrollBar1GradientChanged() { + scrollBarNumGradientsChanged(1); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::scrollBar2GradientChanged() { + scrollBarNumGradientsChanged(2); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::scrollBarNumGradientsChanged(int g) { + + switch(g) { + case 2: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->isChecked() && !groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->isChecked()) + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->isChecked()) + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->setChecked(false); + default: + break; + } + + int c = groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + currentScrollBarSurface->numGradients = c; + + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + scrollBar5->repaint(false); + scrollBar6->repaint(false); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::btn1GradientChanged() { + btnNumGradientsChanged(1); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::btn2GradientChanged() { + btnNumGradientsChanged(2); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::btnNumGradientsChanged(int g) { + + switch(g) { + case 2: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2->isChecked() && !groupBox8_2_2_2->isChecked()) + groupBox8_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2->isChecked()) + groupBox9_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + default: + break; + } + + int c = groupBox9_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + previewStyle->btnSurface.numGradients = c; + + spinBox44->spinWidget()->repaint(false); + comboBox17->repaint(false); + pushButton16->repaint(false); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::header1GradientChanged() { + headerNumGradientsChanged(1); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::header2GradientChanged() { + headerNumGradientsChanged(2); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::headerNumGradientsChanged(int g) { + + switch(g) { + case 2: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() && !groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked()) + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked()) + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->setChecked(false); + default: + break; + } + + int c = groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + previewStyle->headerSurface.numGradients = c; + + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + header1->repaint(false); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::checkItem1GradientChanged() { + checkItemNumGradientsChanged(1); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::checkItem2GradientChanged() { + checkItemNumGradientsChanged(2); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::checkItemNumGradientsChanged(int g) { + + switch(g) { + case 2: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() && !groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked()) + groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked()) + groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->setChecked(false); + default: + break; + } + + int c = groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + previewStyle->checkItemSurface.numGradients = c; + + checkBox2->repaint(false); + radioButton2->repaint(false); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::tab1GradientChanged() { + tabNumGradientsChanged(1); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::tab2GradientChanged() { + tabNumGradientsChanged(2); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::tabNumGradientsChanged(int g) { + + switch(g) { + case 2: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2->isChecked() && !groupBox8_2_2_2_2->isChecked()) + groupBox8_2_2_2_2->setChecked(true); + break; + case 1: + if(groupBox9_2_2_2_2->isChecked()) + groupBox9_2_2_2_2->setChecked(false); + default: + break; + } + int c = groupBox9_2_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 2 : groupBox8_2_2_2_2->isChecked() ? 1 : 0; + currentTabSurface->numGradients = c; + + tabBarTop->repaint(false); + tabBarBottom->repaint(false); +} + + +// Accept color drops on tabs. +void DominoStyleConfig::testCanDecode(const QDragMoveEvent * e, bool & accept) { + accept = e->provides("application/x-color"); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::resetGroupBoxBackgroundColor() { + QColor bg = qApp->palette().active().background(); + gb1->setPaletteBackgroundColor(bg); + gb2->setPaletteBackgroundColor(bg); + gb3->setPaletteBackgroundColor(bg); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::textEffectModeChanged() { + bool enable = (bool)textEffectModeCombo->currentItem(); + textEffectPrevWidget->setEnabled(enable); + textEffectColor->setEnabled(enable); + textEffectOpacity->setEnabled(enable); + textEffectPos->setEnabled(enable); + +} +void DominoStyleConfig::indicatorModeChanged() { + // bool 0=underline, 1=outline + bool enable = indicatorModeCombo->currentItem() ? false : true; + indicatorBtnColor->setEnabled(enable); + indicatorBtnOpacity->setEnabled(enable); + indicatorColor->setEnabled(enable); + indicatorOpacity->setEnabled(enable); + +} + + +void TabWidgetIndicator::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { + + // index: bottom = 1, top = 0 + bool topTabSelected = tabPosCombo->currentItem() == 0; + // index: inactive = 1, active = 0 + bool activeTabSelected = tabStateCombo->currentItem() == 0; + DominoKTabPrevWidget* tw = (DominoKTabPrevWidget*) (topTabSelected ? prevTopTabWidget : prevBottomTabWidget); + QWidget* w = tw->currentPage(); + QTabBar* tabBar = tw->tabBar(); + QRect pr = w->rect(); + QRect tr1; + QRect tr2; + + QPoint point = w->mapToParent(QPoint(0,0)); + + QPixmap arrow_tmp = tintImage( topTabSelected ? config_findImage("tabIndicatorArrow") : config_findImage("tabIndicatorArrow").mirror(), qApp->palette().active().foreground()); + QPixmap arrow(arrow_tmp.size()); + arrow.fill(paletteBackgroundColor()); + bitBlt(&arrow, 0, 0, &arrow_tmp); + + QPainter p(w); + if(activeTabSelected) { + tr1 = tabBar->tabAt(tw->currentPageIndex())->rect(); + tr1.moveBy(-point.x()+tabBar->geometry().x(), 0); + if(topTabSelected) { + p.drawPixmap(tr1.x()+tr1.width()/2-arrow.width()/2, tr1.y()+tr1.height()/2-arrow.height()/2, arrow); + } + else { + p.drawPixmap(tr1.x()+tr1.width()/2-arrow.width()/2, tr1.y()+tr1.height()/2-arrow.height()/2, arrow); + } + } + else { + switch(tabBar->currentTab()) { + case 0: + tr1 = tabBar->tabAt(1)->rect(); + tr2 = tabBar->tabAt(2)->rect(); + break; + case 1: + tr1 = tabBar->tabAt(0)->rect(); + tr2 = tabBar->tabAt(2)->rect(); + break; + case 2: + tr1 = tabBar->tabAt(0)->rect(); + tr2 = tabBar->tabAt(1)->rect(); + break; + default: + break; + } + + tr1.moveBy(-point.x()+tabBar->geometry().x(), 0); + tr2.moveBy(-point.x()+tabBar->geometry().x(), 0); + p.drawPixmap(tr1.x()+tr1.width()/2-arrow.width()/2, tr1.y()+tr1.height()/2-arrow.height()/2, arrow); + p.drawPixmap(tr2.x()+tr2.width()/2-arrow.width()/2, tr2.y()+tr2.height()/2-arrow.height()/2, arrow); + } + +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::grValueLabelNum(int num) { + grValueLabel->setNum(num <= 0 ? QABS(num) : -num); +} + + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateTextEffectSettings() { + + QPoint pos; + switch(textEffectPos->currentItem()) { + case 0: + pos = QPoint(-1,-1); + break; + case 1: + pos = QPoint(0,-1); + break; + case 2: + pos = QPoint(1,-1); + break; + case 3: + pos= QPoint(1,0); + break; + case 4: + pos = QPoint(1,1); + break; + case 5: + pos = QPoint(0,1); + break; + case 6: + pos = QPoint(-1,1); + break; + case 7: + pos = QPoint(-1,0); + break; + default: + pos = QPoint(0,1); + } + + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.pos = pos; + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.color = textEffectColor->color(); + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.opacity = textEffectOpacity->value()*255/100; + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.mode = (TextEffect)(textEffectModeCombo->currentItem()+1); + + + switch(textEffectButtonPos->currentItem()) { + case 0: + pos = QPoint(-1,-1); + break; + case 1: + pos = QPoint(0,-1); + break; + case 2: + pos = QPoint(1,-1); + break; + case 3: + pos= QPoint(1,0); + break; + case 4: + pos = QPoint(1,1); + break; + case 5: + pos = QPoint(0,1); + break; + case 6: + pos = QPoint(-1,1); + break; + case 7: + pos = QPoint(-1,0); + break; + default: + pos = QPoint(0,1); + } + + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.buttonPos = pos; + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.buttonColor = textEffectButtonColor->color(); + previewStyle->textEffectSettings.buttonOpacity = textEffectButtonOpacity->value()*255/100; + + textEffectPrevWidget->update(); + textEffectPrevButton->update(); + + indicatorPrevButton->update(); + indicatorPrevWidget->update(); + +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateFocusIndicatorSettings() { + + previewStyle->focusIndicatorSettings.color = indicatorColor->color(); + previewStyle->focusIndicatorSettings.opacity = indicatorOpacity->value()*255/100; + previewStyle->focusIndicatorSettings.buttonColor = indicatorBtnColor->color(); + previewStyle->focusIndicatorSettings.buttonOpacity = indicatorBtnOpacity->value()*255/100; + // 0=underline, 1=outline + previewStyle->focusIndicatorSettings.drawUnderline = indicatorModeCombo->currentItem() == 1; + previewStyle->focusIndicatorSettings.indicateFocus = indicateFocus->isChecked(); + + indicatorPrevButton->update(); + indicatorPrevWidget->update(); +} + + + + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateButtonContourSettings() { + + + delete previewStyle->buttonContour; + previewStyle->buttonContour = new ButtonContour(); + + previewStyle->buttonContour->setDefaultType((ContourType)buttonContourType->currentItem(), false); + previewStyle->buttonContour->setColor(Contour_Default, buttonContourColor->color()); + previewStyle->buttonContour->setColor(Contour_Pressed, buttonPressedContourColor->color()); + previewStyle->buttonContour->setColor(Contour_MouseOver, buttonMouseOverContourColor->color()); + previewStyle->buttonContour->setColor(Contour_DefaultButton, buttonDefaultButtonContourColor->color()); + previewStyle->buttonContour->drawButtonSunkenShadow = drawButtonSunkenShadow->isChecked(); + previewStyle->buttonContour->setDefaultType((ContourType)buttonContourType->currentItem(), true); + + // update all preview widgets with a button contour + textEffectPrevButton->update(); + indicatorPrevButton->update(); + buttonContourPrevButton->update(); + previewStyle->removeCachedSbPix(scrollBar5->palette().active().button()); + header1->setBackgroundMode(Qt::PaletteBackground); + + +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateCheckItemIndicators() { + + QColor color = customCheckMarkColor->isChecked() ? checkMarkColor->color() : qApp->palette().active().foreground(); + if(color == previewStyle->_checkMarkColor) + return; + + if(previewStyle->checkMark) + delete previewStyle->checkMark; + if(previewStyle->radioIndicator) + delete previewStyle->radioIndicator; + + previewStyle->_checkMarkColor = color; + previewStyle->checkMark = previewStyle->createCheckMark(color); + previewStyle->radioIndicator = previewStyle->createRadioIndicator(color); +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateGroupBoxSettings() { + + previewStyle->groupBoxSettings.customColor = customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->isChecked(); + previewStyle->groupBoxSettings.brightness = grSlider->value(); + previewStyle->groupBoxSettings.tintBackground = tintGroupBoxBackground->isChecked(); + previewStyle->groupBoxSettings.color = groupBoxBackgroundColor->color(); + + gb1->setPaletteBackgroundColor(previewStyle->getGroupBoxColor(gb1)); + gb1->update(); + if(customGroupBoxBackgroundColor->isChecked()) // gb1 has a static color + gb2->setPaletteBackgroundColor(previewStyle->getGroupBoxColor(gb2)); + gb2->update(); + gb3->update(); +} + + +void DominoStyleConfig::rubberSelChanged(int) { + rubberBandType = argbRubber->isChecked() ? 1 : lineRubber->isChecked() ? 2 : 3; +} + +void DominoStyleConfig::updateArgbRubberOptions(bool enabled) { + if(!hasCompositeExtension) + return; + + labelArgbRubberColor->setEnabled(enabled); + argbRubberColor->setEnabled(enabled); + labelArgbRubberOpacity->setEnabled(enabled); + argbRubberOpacity->setEnabled(enabled); +} + + +#include "dominoconf.moc" diff --git a/dominoConfig/dominoconf.h b/dominoConfig/dominoconf.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cac92b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dominoConfig/dominoconf.h @@ -0,0 +1,730 @@ +/* +Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + +based on the Plastik configuration dialog: +Copyright (C) 2003 Sandro Giessl + +based on the Keramik configuration dialog: +Copyright (c) 2003 Maksim Orlovich + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), +to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation +the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, +and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL +THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +*/ + +#ifndef DOMINO_CONF_H +#define DOMINO_CONF_H + +#include <../domino/domino.h> +#include + + +class DSpinBox; +class PreviewCheckBox; +class PreviewRadioButton; +class PreviewTabBar; +class IndicatorPrevButton; +class IndicatorPrevWidget; +class DominoKTabWidget; +class TextEffectPrevWidget; +class TextEffectPrevButton; +class DominoKTabPrevWidget; +class TabWidgetIndicator; +class DominoStyleConfig; + +DominoStyleConfig* styleConfig; + +struct DSurface; + +class SchemeEntry { + public: + SchemeEntry(const QString &_fileName, const QString &_schemeName, const bool &_deletable) + : fileName(_fileName), schemeName(_schemeName), deletable(_deletable) { } + + QString getSchemeName() const { return schemeName; } + QString getFileName() const { return fileName; } + bool isDeletable() const { return deletable; } + + private: + QString fileName; + QString schemeName; + bool deletable; +}; + +class SchemeList : public QPtrList { + public: + SchemeList() + { setAutoDelete(true); } +}; + +class DominoStyleConfig: public QWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT +public: + DominoStyleConfig(QWidget* parent); + ~DominoStyleConfig(); + + QFrame* frame3; + QListBox* listBox1; + QHeader* header1; + + DominoKTabWidget* tabWidget2; + QWidget* tab1; + QGroupBox* groupBox22; + QLabel* textLabel1_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton27_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox10_2_2_2; + QPushButton* pushButton16; + QGroupBox* groupBox8_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel4_3_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel2_2_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel3_3_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_4_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_4_2_2_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox9_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel4_4_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_3_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel3_4_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_3_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_3_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_5_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_5_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel2_3_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel7_4; + QComboBox* comboBox3_4; + QPushButton* pushButton4_4; + QWidget* tab2; + QGroupBox* groupBox22_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox8_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox9_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_2_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton27_2_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox10_2_2_2_2; + QComboBox* comboBox17; + DSpinBox* spinBox44; + QLabel* textLabel7_4_2; + QComboBox* comboBox3_4_2; + QPushButton* pushButton4_4_2; + QWidget* tab3; + QGroupBox* groupBox22_2_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4; + QGroupBox* groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4; + QLabel* textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4; + QGroupBox* groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4; + QScrollBar* scrollBar5; + QScrollBar* scrollBar6; + KColorButton* kColorButton27_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_2_2_2; + QComboBox* comboBox7; + QLabel* textLabel7_4_2_3; + QComboBox* comboBox3_4_2_3; + QPushButton* pushButton4_4_2_3; + QWidget* tab4; + QGroupBox* groupBox22_2_2_3; + KColorButton* kColorButton27_2_2_2_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_2_2_2_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QGroupBox* groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QGroupBox* groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3; + QLabel* textLabel7_4_2_3_3; + QComboBox* comboBox3_4_2_3_3; + QPushButton* pushButton4_4_2_3_3; + QWidget* tab5; + QGroupBox* groupBox22_2_2_3_2; + QGroupBox* groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel4_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel2_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel3_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_2_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton27_2_2_2_3; + QLabel* textLabel1_2_2_2_3; + QGroupBox* groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + PreviewRadioButton* radioButton2; + PreviewCheckBox* checkBox2; + QGroupBox* groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel4_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel3_4_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + DSpinBox* spinBox1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton1_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + KColorButton* kColorButton2_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel1_5_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel2_3_2_2_2_2_4_3_2; + QLabel* textLabel7_4_2_3_3_2; + QComboBox* comboBox3_4_2_3_3_2; + QPushButton* pushButton4_4_2_3_3_2; +// KTabWidget *prevTopTabWidget; +// KTabWidget *prevBottomTabWidget; + TabWidgetIndicator* prevBottomPage1; + TabWidgetIndicator* prevBottomPage2; + TabWidgetIndicator* prevBottomPage3; + TabWidgetIndicator* prevTopPage1; + TabWidgetIndicator* prevTopPage2; + TabWidgetIndicator* prevTopPage3; + PreviewTabBar* tabBarBottom; + PreviewTabBar* tabBarTop; + QHBoxLayout* tabComboLayout; + + + // tab 3 - load/save +// KTabWidget* tabWidget3; + QWidget* tab; + QGroupBox* groupBox_ls; + QListView* listView_ls; + QPushButton* loadButton; + QPushButton* saveButton; + QPushButton* deleteButton; + QPushButton* importButton; + QWidget* tab_2; + + // focusIndicator + QGroupBox* indicateFocusFrame; + QCheckBox* indicateFocus; + QLabel* labelIndicatorColor; + QLabel* labelIndicatorBtnColor; + IndicatorPrevWidget* indicatorPrevWidget; + IndicatorPrevButton* indicatorPrevButton; + QLabel* labelIndicatorColorOpacity; + QLabel* labelIndicatorBtnColorOpacity; + + QGroupBox* gb1; + QGroupBox* gb2; + QGroupBox* gb3; + + // text effect + QGroupBox* textEffectFrame; + QLabel* labelTextEffectColor; + QLabel* labelTextEffectButtonColor; + TextEffectPrevWidget* textEffectPrevWidget; + TextEffectPrevButton* textEffectPrevButton; + QLabel* labelTextEffectColorOpacity; + QLabel* labelTextEffectButtonColorOpacity; + QLabel* labelTextEffectPos; + QLabel* labelTextEffectButtonPos; + + QCheckBox* drawButtonSunkenShadow; + + QLabel* buttonTypLabel; + QLabel* labelButtonContourColors; + QPushButton* buttonContourPrevButton; + QLabel* labelPopupMenuOptions; + +signals: + void changed(bool); + +public slots: + void save(); + void defaults(); + void userLoadTabConfig(); + +protected slots: + void updateChanged(); + virtual void languageChange(); + void userLoadScrollBarConfig(); + void testCanDecode(const QDragMoveEvent * e, bool & accept); + +private slots: + void btnPv1(const QColor&); + void btnPv2(const QColor&); + void btnPv3(const QColor&); + void btnPv4(const QColor&); + void btnPv5(const QColor&); + void btnPv6(int); + void btnPv7(int); + void btnPv8(int); + void btnPv9(int); + + void hPv1(const QColor&); + void hPv2(const QColor&); + void hPv3(const QColor&); + void hPv4(const QColor&); + void hPv5(const QColor&); + void hPv6(int); + void hPv7(int); + void hPv8(int); + void hPv9(int); + + void chbPv1(const QColor&); + void chbPv2(const QColor&); + void chbPv3(const QColor&); + void chbPv4(const QColor&); + void chbPv5(const QColor&); + void chbPv6(int); + void chbPv7(int); + void chbPv8(int); + void chbPv9(int); + + void sbPv1(const QColor&); + void sbPv2(const QColor&); + void sbPv3(const QColor&); + void sbPv4(const QColor&); + void sbPv5(const QColor&); + void sbPv6(int); + void sbPv7(int); + void sbPv8(int); + void sbPv9(int); + + void tabPv1(const QColor&col); + void tabPv2(const QColor&col); + void tabPv3(const QColor&col); + void tabPv4(const QColor&col); + void tabPv5(const QColor&col); + void tabPv6(int); + void tabPv7(int); + void tabPv8(int); + void tabPv9(int); + + + void slotLoad(); + void slotSave(); + void slotDelete(); + void slotImport(); + void slotDelPerm(QListViewItem*); + void scrollBar1GradientChanged(); + void scrollBar2GradientChanged(); + void scrollBarNumGradientsChanged(int g=0); + void btn1GradientChanged(); + void btn2GradientChanged(); + void btnNumGradientsChanged(int g=0); + void header1GradientChanged(); + void header2GradientChanged(); + void headerNumGradientsChanged(int g=0); + void checkItem1GradientChanged(); + void checkItem2GradientChanged(); + void checkItemNumGradientsChanged(int g=0); + void tab1GradientChanged(); + void tab2GradientChanged(); + void tabNumGradientsChanged(int g=0); + + void copyColorsToButton(); + void copyColorsToTab(); + void copyColorsToScrollBar(); + void copyColorsToHeader(); + void copyColorsToCheckItem(); + + void resetGroupBoxBackgroundColor(); + + void textEffectModeChanged(); + void indicatorModeChanged(); + + void grValueLabelNum(int num); + void updateButtonContourSettings(); + void updateTextEffectSettings(); + void updateCheckItemIndicators(); + void updateFocusIndicatorSettings(); + void updateGroupBoxSettings(); + + void rubberSelChanged(int); + void updateArgbRubberOptions(bool); + +protected: + + bool hasCompositeExtension; + + QVBoxLayout* frame3Layout; + QVBoxLayout* layout1; + QGroupBox* grFrame; + QLabel* grValueLabel; + + //We store settings directly in widgets to + //avoid the hassle of sync'ing things + QCheckBox* animateProgressBar; + QCheckBox* drawTriangularExpander; + QCheckBox* customCheckMarkColor; + KColorButton* checkMarkColor; + QCheckBox* customToolTipColor; + KColorButton* toolTipColor; + QCheckBox* highlightToolBtnIcons; + QCheckBox* toolBtnAsBtn; + + QLabel* labelRubberOptions; + QRadioButton* argbRubber; + QRadioButton* lineRubber; + QRadioButton* distRubber; + int rubberBandType; + + QLabel* labelArgbRubberColor; + QLabel* labelArgbRubberOpacity; + KColorButton* argbRubberColor; + DSpinBox* argbRubberOpacity; + + QCheckBox* smoothScrolling; + DSpinBox* buttonHeightAdjustment; + QLabel* buttonHeightAdjustmentLabel; + QCheckBox* customPopupMenuColor; + KColorButton* popupMenuColor; + QCheckBox* centerTabs; + QCheckBox* customSelMenuItemColor; + KColorButton* selMenuItemColor; + QCheckBox* drawPopupMenuGradient; + QCheckBox* indentPopupMenuItems; + + //Original settings, for accurate dirtiness tracking + bool origAnimProgressBar; + bool origDrawTriangularExpander; + bool origToolBtnAsBtn; + bool origHighlightToolBtnIcons; + + bool origCustomCheckMarkColor; + QColor origCheckMarkColor; + bool origTintGroupBoxBackground; + int origGroupBoxBrightness; + bool origCustomGroupBoxBackgroundColor; + QColor origGroupBoxBackgroundColor; + + bool origCustomToolTipColor; + QColor origToolTipColor; + + int origRubberBandType; + QColor origArgbRubberColor; + int origArgbRubberOpacity; + + bool origSmoothScrolling; + int origButtonHeightAdjustment; + int origButtonContourType; + bool origCustomPopupMenuColor; + QColor origPopupMenuColor; + bool origCustomSelMenuItemColor; + QColor origSelMenuItemColor; + bool origDrawPopupMenuGradient; + bool origIndentPopupMenuItems; + + bool origCenterTabs; + bool origIndicateFocus; + QColor origIndicatorColor; + QColor origIndicatorBtnColor; + int origIndicatorOpacity; + int origIndicatorBtnOpacity; + + bool origDrawUnderline; + int origTextEffectMode; + QColor origTextEffectColor; + QColor origTextEffectButtonColor; + bool origDrawTextEffect; + int origTextEffectOpacity; + int origTextEffectButtonOpacity; + int origTextEffectPos; + int origTextEffectButtonPos; + + bool origDrawButtonSunkenShadow; + + QColor origButtonContourColor; + QColor origButtonDefaultButtonContourColor; + QColor origButtonMouseOverContourColor; + QColor origButtonPressedContourColor; + + + int konqTabBarContrast; + + QString currentConfig; + QLabel* currentConfigLabel; + + SchemeList* schemeList; + bool configLoaded; + DSurface* currentScrollBarSurface; + DSurface* currentTabSurface; + + void loadConfig(const char* name); + void saveConfig(const char* fileName, const char* schemeName); + void getConfigSchemes(); + + + + //////////////////////////////////////////////// form: + //protected: + QVBoxLayout* tab1Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox22Layout; + QSpacerItem* spacer6; + QSpacerItem* spacer3; + QSpacerItem* spacer43; + QSpacerItem* spacer46; + QSpacerItem* spacer2; + QVBoxLayout* groupBox10_2_2_2Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox8_2_2_2Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox9_2_2_2Layout; + QHBoxLayout* layout9; + QSpacerItem* spacer7; + QVBoxLayout* tab2Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox22_2Layout; + QSpacerItem* spacer46_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer43_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer6_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer3_2; + QGridLayout* groupBox8_2_2_2_2Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox9_2_2_2_2Layout; + QVBoxLayout* groupBox10_2_2_2_2Layout; + QHBoxLayout* layout9_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer7_2; + QVBoxLayout* tab3Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox22_2_2Layout; + QSpacerItem* spacer46_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer43_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer3_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer6_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer2_2_2; + QGridLayout* groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4Layout; + QSpacerItem* spacer35; + QHBoxLayout* layout6; + QSpacerItem* spacer7_2_3; + QVBoxLayout* tab4Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox22_2_2_3Layout; + QSpacerItem* spacer3_2_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer6_2_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer2_2_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer46_2_2_2; + QSpacerItem* spacer43_2_2_2; + QVBoxLayout* groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3Layout; + QHBoxLayout* layout21; + QSpacerItem* spacer7_2_3_3; + QVBoxLayout* tab5Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox22_2_2_3_2Layout; + QSpacerItem* spacer3_2_2_3; + QSpacerItem* spacer6_2_2_3; + QSpacerItem* spacer2_2_2_3; + QSpacerItem* spacer46_2_2_3; + QSpacerItem* spacer43_2_2_2_2; + QGridLayout* groupBox8_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout; + QVBoxLayout* groupBox10_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout; + QGridLayout* groupBox9_2_2_2_2_4_3_2Layout; + QHBoxLayout* layout22; + QSpacerItem* spacer7_2_3_3_2; + + // tab 3 - load/save + QVBoxLayout* tab_lsLayout; + QHBoxLayout* groupBox_lsLayout; + QVBoxLayout* layout8; + QSpacerItem* spacer32; + +}; + + + + +class DSpinBox : public QSpinBox +{ +public: + DSpinBox(QWidget *parent, const char* name=0): QSpinBox(parent, name){}; + DSpinBox( int minValue, int maxValue, int step = 1, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ): QSpinBox(minValue, maxValue, step, parent, name){}; + void setAlignRight() { + this->editor()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); + } + QSpinWidget* spinWidget() { + return static_cast(editor()->parentWidget()); + } +}; + +class PreviewCheckBox : public QCheckBox +{ + public: + PreviewCheckBox(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ): QCheckBox( parent, name){}; + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); + void drawButton(QPainter *paint); +}; + +class PreviewRadioButton : public QRadioButton +{ + public: + PreviewRadioButton(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ): QRadioButton( parent, name){}; + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); + void drawButton(QPainter *paint); +}; + + +class PreviewTabBar : public QTabBar +{ + public: + PreviewTabBar(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ): QTabBar( parent, name){}; + void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event); + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); +}; + +class IndicatorPrevButton : public QPushButton +{ + public: + IndicatorPrevButton(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ): QPushButton( parent, name){}; + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); +}; + +class IndicatorPrevWidget : public QPushButton /*QWidget*/ +{ + public: + IndicatorPrevWidget(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0) : QPushButton( parent, name){}; + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); +}; + +class DominoKTabWidget : public KTabWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + public: + DominoKTabWidget( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) : KTabWidget( parent, name ) {} + protected slots: + void wheelDelta( int ) {}; +}; + +class DominoKTabPrevWidget : public KTabWidget +{ + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + friend class TabWidgetIndicator; + public: + DominoKTabPrevWidget( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) : KTabWidget( parent, name ) {} +}; + +class TabWidgetIndicator : public QWidget +{ + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + public: + TabWidgetIndicator( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 ) : QWidget( parent, name ) {} + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); +}; + +class TextEffectPrevButton : public QPushButton +{ + public: + TextEffectPrevButton(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ): QPushButton( parent, name){}; + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); +}; + +class TextEffectPrevWidget : public QWidget +{ + public: + TextEffectPrevWidget(QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0, uint flags = 0 ): QWidget( parent, name, flags){}; + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); +}; + +class PreviewStyle : public DominoStyle +{ + friend class IndicatorPrevButton; + friend class DominoStyleConfig; + public: +}; +PreviewStyle* previewStyle; + +DSurface origBtnSurface; +DSurface origTabTopSurface; +DSurface origActiveTabTopSurface; +DSurface origTabBottomSurface; +DSurface origActiveTabBottomSurface; +DSurface origScrollBarSurface; +DSurface origScrollBarGrooveSurface; +DSurface origHeaderSurface; +DSurface origCheckItemSurface; + +// global +bool initialized; + +QComboBox* indicatorModeCombo; +KColorButton* indicatorBtnColor; +KColorButton* indicatorColor; +QString indicatorPreviewText; +QSpinBox* indicatorOpacity; +QSpinBox* indicatorBtnOpacity; + +QCheckBox* tintGroupBoxBackground; +QCheckBox* customGroupBoxBackgroundColor; +KColorButton* groupBoxBackgroundColor; +QSlider* grSlider; + +// text effect +QComboBox* textEffectModeCombo; +QCheckBox* drawTextEffect; +KColorButton* textEffectColor; +KColorButton* textEffectButtonColor; +QString textEffectPreviewText; +QSpinBox* textEffectOpacity; +QSpinBox* textEffectButtonOpacity; + +QComboBox* textEffectPos; +QComboBox* textEffectButtonPos; + +// button contour colors +QComboBox* buttonContourType; + +KColorButton* buttonContourColor; +KColorButton* buttonDefaultButtonContourColor; +KColorButton* buttonMouseOverContourColor; +KColorButton* buttonPressedContourColor; + +QComboBox* tabPosCombo; +QComboBox* tabStateCombo; +DominoKTabPrevWidget *prevTopTabWidget; +DominoKTabPrevWidget *prevBottomTabWidget; + +enum DominoStyleFlags { + Domino_noCache = 0x80000000 +}; +#endif diff --git a/getimages/getimages.cpp b/getimages/getimages.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dc2496 --- /dev/null +++ b/getimages/getimages.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/* + Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Lentner + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA +*/ +#include +#include "../client/clientData.h" +namespace dembed { +#include "../domino/data.h" +} + + +int main ( int /*argc*/, char **/*argv*/ ) +{ + + QDir d; + d.mkdir("style_pixmaps"); + d.mkdir("client_pixmaps"); + + QImage * img; + + for ( int i = 0; embed_image_vec[i].data; i++ ) { + qDebug("ss"); + img = new QImage((uchar*)embed_image_vec[i].data, + embed_image_vec[i].width, + embed_image_vec[i].height, + embed_image_vec[i].depth, + (QRgb*)embed_image_vec[i].colorTable, + embed_image_vec[i].numColors, + QImage::BigEndian ); + + if ( embed_image_vec[i].alpha ) + img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); + + img->save(QString("style_pixmaps/") + embed_image_vec[i].name + QString(".png"), "PNG"); + delete img; + } + + for ( int i = 0; dembed::embed_image_vec[i].data; i++ ) { + img = new QImage((uchar*)embed_image_vec[i].data, + dembed::embed_image_vec[i].width, + dembed::embed_image_vec[i].height, + dembed::embed_image_vec[i].depth, + (QRgb*)dembed::embed_image_vec[i].colorTable, + dembed::embed_image_vec[i].numColors, + QImage::BigEndian ); + + if ( dembed::embed_image_vec[i].alpha ) + img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); + + img->save(QString("client_pixmaps/") + dembed::embed_image_vec[i].name + QString(".png"), "PNG"); + delete img; + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/getimages/ b/getimages/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86e32ee --- /dev/null +++ b/getimages/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +###################################################################### +# Automatically generated by qmake (1.07a) Thu Jul 19 02:11:17 2007 +###################################################################### + +TEMPLATE = app +CONFIG -= moc +INCLUDEPATH += . + +# Input +SOURCES += getimages.cpp