----- First of all: If possible, and available, try a package built specifically for your distribution... ----- Building from sources: First make sure that you have both the QT and KDE development headers installed. (qt and tdelibs devel) Then unpack the sources somewhere you have writing rights. In a terminal (konsole, xterm, eterm, etc.), type : ./configure make (Then, as root): make install -- If any of these steps fail, do: make -f Makefile.dist It may help you build it. If it still fails, mail me. ----- Bad configure = build failure... You might need to give 'configure' the path to your kde installation. eg: /usr, /opt/kde. ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde -- You can find your KDE base directory by typing tde-config --prefix -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Debian notes: You may need to append this to the configure line: --prefix=/usr And maybe this one: --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3 ----- Mandrake/Mandriva notes: Mandrake 10.0 uses KDE 3.2. I never tested lipstik against KDE 3.2 but it "should" work with some tweaking (see Debian notes). I dont have Mandrake around so I cant give more specific help for now, stay tuned. Mandriva (Mandrake's new name) is using more recent KDE releases. Lipstik should work out of the box there. ----- moc troubles??? Some people have reported that building fails with errors related to .moc files. eg: lipstitdeconf.cpp:479:27: lipstitdeconf.moc: No such file or directory If this happens to you, dont panic. In the source dir, there are style and style/config subdirs: In the style dir do: moc -o lipstik.moc lipstik.h And then in the style/config subdir do moc -o lipstitdeconf.moc lipstitdeconf.h Then run make again, it should work. ----- Lipstik's build system sucks... It should suck less now... maybe...