QtCurveConfigBase QtCurveConfigBase 0 0 666 556 Form1 unnamed 0 titleLabel 3 5 0 0 title AlignCenter spacer2 Vertical Fixed 20 16 optionsTab 3 3 0 0 tab General unnamed textLabel1_6 Splitters: textLabel1_2_3 Scrollbars: textLabel1_2_3_2 Sliders: textLabel1_7 Appearance: textLabel1 Progress bars: textLabel1_8_2 Listviews: This controls the % that widgets will be highlighted by when the mouse hovers over them lvAppearance embolden Bold text, and tabAppearance progressAppearance The setting here affects the general appearance - and will be applied to buttons, scrollbars, sliders, combo boxes, and spin buttons. scrollbarType 3 0 0 0 stripedProgress gradientPbGroove Gradient groove sliderAppearance animatedProgress Animated lvLines Lines stdFocus Dotted focus rectangle Some applications, such as Qt Designer, and Krita, make use of 'dock windows' These have a handle strip along the top - enabling this option will draw the name of the window in the handle strip. drawStatusBarFrames Draw statusbar frames framelessGroupBoxes Frameless groupboxes shadeSliders 3 0 0 0 textLabel1_8_2_2 Tabs: This controls the % that widgets will be highlighted by when the mouse hovers over them textLabel1_8_2_2_2 Checks/radios: This controls the % that widgets will be highlighted by when the mouse hovers over them shadeCheckRadio 3 0 0 0 customCheckRadioColor customSlidersColor textLabel1_3 Default button: textLabel1_3_2 Mouse-over: appearance The setting here affects the general appearance - and will be applied to buttons, scrollbars, sliders, combo boxes, and spin buttons. stdSidebarButtons Standard buttons for sidebars coloredMouseOver The setting here affects the general appearance - and will be applied to buttons, scrollbars, sliders, combo boxes, and spin buttons. textLabel1_8 Highlight by: This controls the % that widgets will be highlighted by when the mouse hovers over them darkerBorders Darker borders round vArrows 'V' style arrows splitters spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 20 xCheck 'X' style checkmarks highlightTab Highlight selected This will cause a coloured stripe to be drawn over the current tab. colorSelTab Color selected sliderThumbs 3 0 0 0 defBtnIndicator 3 0 0 0 fillSlider Fill used sliderStyle buttonEffect highlightFactor % tab Menus && Toolbars unnamed textLabel1_4 Border: spacer5 Vertical Expanding 20 54 groupBox2_2 Menus true unnamed lighterPopupMenuBgnd Lighter popup-menu background menubarMouseOver Enable mouse-over for menubar items roundMbTopOnly Round selected menubar items on top only textLabel1_4_2_3 Coloration: textLabel1_4_2 Menubar appearance: textLabel1_4_2_4 Menuitem appearance: thinnerMenuItems Thinner menu items shadeMenubarOnlyWhenActive Active window only customMenuTextColor Custom text colors (normal/selected): menuitemAppearance shadeMenubars 3 0 0 0 menubarAppearance customMenubarsColor borderMenuitems Border customMenuNormTextColor customMenuSelTextColor textLabel2 Handles: spacer4 Horizontal MinimumExpanding 20 20 handles toolbarBorders groupBox2 Toolbars true unnamed textLabel1_4_2_2 Appearance: toolbarAppearance textLabel2_2 Separators: toolbarSeparators spacer4_2 Horizontal MinimumExpanding 20 20 TabPage Advanced unnamed gtkComboMenus Gtk style comboboxes (KDE4 only) gtkScrollViews Gtk style scrollviews (KDE3 and KDE4 only) gtkButtonOrder Gtk button order mapKdeIcons Map KDE icons (Gtk2 only) fixParentlessDialogs 'Fix' parentless dialogs <h2><font color="#ff0000">Warning: Experimental!</font></h1><p><p>Some applications - such as Kate, Kaffeine, and GIMP - produce dialogs that have no 'parent'. This causes the dialog to recieve an entry in the taskbar, and allows the dialog to be minimised independantly of the main application window.</p> <p>If you enable this option, QtCurve will try to 'fix' this by assigning the dialogs a parent.</p> <p><b>Note:</b> This may brake some applications, as it wiill alter the behaviour of dialogs in a way the application has not intended. Therefore, please use with care.</p> inactiveHighlight Use blended background/highlight colour for highlight of inactive elements <h2><font color="#ff0000">Warning: Experimental!</font></h1><p><p>Some applications - such as Kate, Kaffeine, and GIMP - produce dialogs that have no 'parent'. This causes the dialog to recieve an entry in the taskbar, and allows the dialog to be minimised independantly of the main application window.</p> <p>If you enable this option, QtCurve will try to 'fix' this by assigning the dialogs a parent.</p> <p><b>Note:</b> This may brake some applications, as it wiill alter the behaviour of dialogs in a way the application has not intended. Therefore, please use with care.</p> textLabel1_2 Character to use for password entries: passwordChar 4 0 0 0 spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 133 6 textLabel1_5 Shading routine: shading spacer7 Vertical Expanding 20 203 spacer6_2 Horizontal Expanding 321 20 optionBtn Options optionsTab appearance round buttonEffect splitters sliderAppearance shadeSliders customSlidersColor sliderStyle fillSlider scrollbarType sliderThumbs progressAppearance gradientPbGroove stripedProgress animatedProgress embolden defBtnIndicator coloredMouseOver highlightFactor lvAppearance lvLines tabAppearance highlightTab colorSelTab shadeCheckRadio customCheckRadioColor xCheck stdFocus vArrows drawStatusBarFrames stdSidebarButtons framelessGroupBoxes darkerBorders toolbarBorders handles menubarAppearance shadeMenubars customMenubarsColor shadeMenubarOnlyWhenActive customMenuTextColor customMenuNormTextColor customMenuSelTextColor menubarMouseOver roundMbTopOnly menuitemAppearance borderMenuitems lighterPopupMenuBgnd thinnerMenuItems toolbarAppearance toolbarSeparators gtkComboMenus gtkScrollViews gtkButtonOrder mapKdeIcons fixParentlessDialogs inactiveHighlight passwordChar shading optionBtn kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kpushbutton.h