/*************************************************************************** phrasebook.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Don Sep 19 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Gunnar Schmi Dt email : kmouth@schmi-dt.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "phrasebookparser.h" #include "phrasebook.h" Phrase::Phrase() { this->phrase = ""; this->shortcut = ""; } Phrase::Phrase (const TQString &phrase) { this->phrase = phrase; this->shortcut = ""; } Phrase::Phrase (const TQString &phrase, const TQString &shortcut) { this->phrase = phrase; this->shortcut = shortcut; } TQString Phrase::getPhrase() const { return phrase; } TQString Phrase::getShortcut() const { return shortcut; } void Phrase::setPhrase (const TQString &phrase) { this->phrase = phrase; } void Phrase::setShortcut (const TQString &shortcut) { this->shortcut = shortcut; } // *************************************************************************** PhraseBookEntry::PhraseBookEntry () { phrase = Phrase(); level = 1; isPhraseValue = false; } PhraseBookEntry::PhraseBookEntry (Phrase phrase, int level, bool isPhrase) { this->phrase = phrase; this->level = level; isPhraseValue = isPhrase; } bool PhraseBookEntry::isPhrase() const { return isPhraseValue; } Phrase PhraseBookEntry::getPhrase() const { return phrase; } int PhraseBookEntry::getLevel() const { return level; } // *************************************************************************** void PhraseBook::print(KPrinter *pPrinter) { TQPainter printpainter; printpainter.begin(pPrinter); TQRect size = printpainter.viewport (); int x = size.x(); int y = size.y(); int w = size.width(); printpainter.setFont (TQFont (TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont().family(), 12)); TQFontMetrics metrics = printpainter.fontMetrics(); PhraseBookEntryList::iterator it; for (it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { TQRect rect = metrics.boundingRect (x+16*(*it).getLevel(), y, w-16*(*it).getLevel(), 0, TQt::AlignJustify | TQt::WordBreak, (*it).getPhrase().getPhrase()); if (y+rect.height() > size.height()) { pPrinter->newPage(); y = 0; } printpainter.drawText (x+16*(*it).getLevel(),y, w-16*(*it).getLevel(),rect.height(), TQt::AlignJustify | TQt::WordBreak, (*it).getPhrase().getPhrase()); y += rect.height(); } printpainter.end(); } bool PhraseBook::decode (const TQString &xml) { TQXmlInputSource source; source.setData (xml); return decode (source); } bool PhraseBook::decode (TQXmlInputSource &source) { PhraseBookParser parser; TQXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setFeature ("http://trolltech.com/xml/features/report-start-end-entity", true); reader.setContentHandler (&parser); if (reader.parse(source)) { PhraseBookEntryList::clear(); *(PhraseBookEntryList *)this += parser.getPhraseList(); return true; } else return false; } TQCString encodeString (const TQString str) { TQCString res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < (int)str.length(); i++) { TQChar ch = str.at(i); ushort uc = ch.unicode(); TQCString number; number.setNum(uc); if ((uc>127) || (uc<32) || (ch=='<') || (ch=='>') || (ch=='&') || (ch==';')) res = res + "&#" + number + ";"; else res = res + (char)uc; } return res; } TQString PhraseBook::encode () { TQString result; result = "\n"; result += "\n"; result += "\n"; PhraseBookEntryList::iterator it; int level = 0; for (it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { int newLevel = (*it).getLevel(); while (level < newLevel) { result += "\n"; level++; } while (level > newLevel) { result += "\n"; level--; } if ((*it).isPhrase()) { Phrase phrase = (*it).getPhrase(); result += "" + encodeString(phrase.getPhrase()) + "\n"; } else { Phrase phrase = (*it).getPhrase(); result += "\n"; level++; } } while (level > 0) { result += "\n"; level--; } result += ""; return result; } TQStringList PhraseBook::toStringList () { TQStringList result; PhraseBook::iterator it; for (it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { if ((*it).isPhrase()) result += (*it).getPhrase().getPhrase(); } return result; } bool PhraseBook::save (const KURL &url) { TQRegExp pattern("*.phrasebook",true,true); return save (url, pattern.exactMatch(url.filename())); } void PhraseBook::save (TQTextStream &stream, bool asPhrasebook) { if (asPhrasebook) stream << encode(); else stream << toStringList().join("\n"); } bool PhraseBook::save (const KURL &url, bool asPhrasebook) { if (url.isLocalFile()) { TQFile file(url.path()); if(!file.open(IO_WriteOnly)) return false; TQTextStream stream(&file); save (stream, asPhrasebook); file.close(); if (file.status() != IO_Ok) return false; else return true; } else { KTempFile tempFile; tempFile.setAutoDelete(true); save (*tempFile.textStream(), asPhrasebook); tempFile.close(); return TDEIO::NetAccess::upload( tempFile.name(), url, 0 ); } } int PhraseBook::save (TQWidget *parent, const TQString &title, KURL &url, bool phrasebookFirst) { // KFileDialog::getSaveURL(...) is not useful here as we need // to know the requested file type. TQString filters; if (phrasebookFirst) filters = i18n("*.phrasebook|Phrase Books (*.phrasebook)\n*.txt|Plain Text Files (*.txt)\n*|All Files"); else filters = i18n("*.txt|Plain Text Files (*.txt)\n*.phrasebook|Phrase Books (*.phrasebook)\n*|All Files"); KFileDialog fdlg(TQString(),filters, parent, "filedialog", true); fdlg.setCaption(title); fdlg.setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving ); if (fdlg.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted) { return 0; } url = fdlg.selectedURL(); if (url.isEmpty() || !url.isValid()) { return -1; } if (TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, false, 0)) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0,TQString("%1").arg(i18n("The file %1 already exists. " "Do you want to overwrite it?").arg(url.url())),i18n("File Exists"),i18n("&Overwrite"))==KMessageBox::Cancel) { return 0; } } bool result; if (fdlg.currentFilter() == "*.phrasebook") { if (url.fileName (false).contains('.') == 0) { url.setFileName (url.fileName(false) + ".phrasebook"); } else if (url.fileName (false).right (11).contains (".phrasebook", false) == 0) { int filetype = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel (0,TQString("%1").arg(i18n("Your chosen filename %1 has a different extension than .phrasebook. " "Do you wish to add .phrasebook to the filename?").arg(url.filename())),i18n("File Extension"),i18n("Add"),i18n("Do Not Add")); if (filetype == KMessageBox::Cancel) { return 0; } if (filetype == KMessageBox::Yes) { url.setFileName (url.fileName(false) + ".phrasebook"); } } result = save (url, true); } else if (fdlg.currentFilter() == "*.txt") { if (url.fileName (false).right (11).contains (".phrasebook", false) == 0) { result = save (url, false); } else { int filetype = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel (0,TQString("%1").arg(i18n("Your chosen filename %1 has the extension .phrasebook. " "Do you wish to save in phrasebook format?").arg(url.filename())),i18n("File Extension"),i18n("As Phrasebook"),i18n("As Plain Text")); if (filetype == KMessageBox::Cancel) { return 0; } if (filetype == KMessageBox::Yes) { result = save (url, true); } else { result = save (url, false); } } } else // file format "All files" requested, so decide by extension result = save (url); if (result) return 1; else return -1; } bool PhraseBook::open (const KURL &url) { TQString tempFile; KURL fileUrl = url; TQString protocol = fileUrl.protocol(); if (protocol.isEmpty() || protocol.isNull()) { fileUrl.setProtocol ("file"); fileUrl.setPath (url.url()); } if (TDEIO::NetAccess::download(fileUrl, tempFile, 0)) { TQStringList list = TQStringList(); // First: try to load it as a normal phrase book TQFile file(tempFile); TQXmlInputSource source (TQT_TQIODEVICE(&file)); bool error = !decode (source); // Second: if the file does not contain a phrase book, load it as // a plain text file if (error) { // Load each line of the plain text file as a new phrase TQFile file(tempFile); if (file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream stream(&file); while (!stream.atEnd()) { TQString s = stream.readLine(); if (!(s.isNull() || s.isEmpty())) *this += PhraseBookEntry(Phrase(s, ""), 0, true); } file.close(); error = false; } else error = true; } TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile (tempFile); return !error; } else return false; } void PhraseBook::addToGUI (TQPopupMenu *popup, TDEToolBar *toolbar, TDEActionCollection *phrases, TQObject *receiver, const char *slot) const { if ((popup != 0) || (toolbar != 0)) { TQPtrStack stack; TQWidget *parent = popup; int level = 0; TQValueListConstIterator it; for (it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { int newLevel = (*it).getLevel(); while (newLevel > level) { TDEActionMenu *menu = new TDEActionMenu("", "phrasebook"); menu->setDelayed(false); phrases->insert(menu); menu->plug (parent); if (parent == popup) menu->plug (toolbar); if (parent != 0) stack.push (parent); parent = menu->popupMenu(); level++; } while (newLevel < level && (parent != popup)) { parent = stack.pop(); level--; } if ((*it).isPhrase()) { Phrase phrase = (*it).getPhrase(); TDEAction *action = new PhraseAction (phrase.getPhrase(), phrase.getShortcut(), receiver, slot, phrases); if (parent == popup) action->plug (toolbar); if (parent != 0) action->plug(parent); } else { Phrase phrase = (*it).getPhrase(); TDEActionMenu *menu = new TDEActionMenu(phrase.getPhrase(), "phrasebook"); menu->setDelayed(false); phrases->insert(menu); if (parent == popup) menu->plug (toolbar); if (parent != 0) menu->plug (parent); stack.push (parent); parent = menu->popupMenu(); level++; } } } } void PhraseBook::insert (const TQString &name, const PhraseBook &book) { *this += PhraseBookEntry(Phrase(name), 0, false); TQValueListConstIterator it; for (it = book.begin(); it != book.end(); ++it) { *this += PhraseBookEntry ((*it).getPhrase(), (*it).getLevel()+1, (*it).isPhrase()); } } // *************************************************************************** PhraseBookDrag::PhraseBookDrag (PhraseBook *book, TQWidget *dragSource, const char *name) : TQDragObject (dragSource, name) { setBook (book); } PhraseBookDrag::PhraseBookDrag (TQWidget *dragSource, const char *name) : TQDragObject (dragSource, name) { setBook (0); } PhraseBookDrag::~PhraseBookDrag () { } void PhraseBookDrag::setBook (PhraseBook *book) { if (book == 0) { isEmpty = true; xmlphrasebook.setText(TQString()); xml.setText(TQString()); plain.setText(TQString()); } else { isEmpty = false; xmlphrasebook.setText(book->encode()); xml.setText(book->encode()); plain.setText(book->toStringList().join("\n")); } xmlphrasebook.setSubtype("x-xml-phrasebook"); xml.setSubtype("xml"); plain.setSubtype("plain"); } const char *PhraseBookDrag::format (int i) const { if (isEmpty) return plain.format(i); else if (i%3 == 0) return plain.format(i/3); else if (i%3 == 1) return xml.format(i/3); else return xmlphrasebook.format(i/3); } TQByteArray PhraseBookDrag::encodedData (const char* mime) const { TQCString m(mime); m = m.lower(); if (m.contains("xml-phrasebook")) return xmlphrasebook.encodedData(mime); else if (m.contains("xml")) return xml.encodedData(mime); else return plain.encodedData(mime); } bool PhraseBookDrag::canDecode (const TQMimeSource* e) { return TQTextDrag::canDecode(e); } bool PhraseBookDrag::decode (const TQMimeSource *e, PhraseBook *book) { TQString string; TQCString subtype1 = "x-xml-phrasebook"; TQCString subtype2 = "xml"; if (!TQTextDrag::decode(e, string, subtype1)) if (!TQTextDrag::decode(e, string, subtype2)) { if (TQTextDrag::decode(e, string)) { *book += PhraseBookEntry(Phrase(string, ""), 0, true); return true; } else return false; } return book->decode(string); } #include "phrasebook.moc"