You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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** Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Toivo Pedaste <>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
** MA 02110-1301, USA.
** Bug reports and questions can be sent to
#ifndef PKG_IFACE_H
#define PKG_IFACE_H
#include "../config.h"
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "packageInfo.h"
#include "managementWidget.h"
class packageInfo;
class pkgOptions;
class Locations;
class LcacheObj;
class cacheObj;
class KAccel;
class KActionCollection;
// flags to install and uninstall
class param
param(const QString &nameP, bool initP, bool invertP, const QString &flagP);
param(const QString &nameP, bool initP, bool invertP, const QString &flagP, const QString &flagAP);
QString name; // Name of flag
bool init; // Initial value
bool invert; // Whether it needs to be inverted
QString flag; // text flag on command
QString flagA; // text flag on command
class pkgInterface: public QObject
virtual ~pkgInterface();
virtual bool isType(char *buf, const QString &fname) = 0;
// looks at start of file to check that package is correct type
virtual void makeMenu(KActionCollection* act);
virtual void setMenu(KActionCollection* act, bool enable);
bool ifExe(QString exe);
// Check if this executable exists
virtual packageInfo *getPackageInfo(char mode, const QString &name,
const QString &version) = 0;
// get info on installed or uninstalled package. version is only set if
// mode is 'i' (ie, if the package is already installed).
virtual QStringList getFileList(packageInfo *p) = 0;
// get list of files in the package
virtual QStringList depends(const QString &name, int src);
// check dependencies for package
virtual QStringList verify(packageInfo *p, const QStringList &files);
// check the installed files in a package
virtual QStringList FindFile(const QString &name, bool seachAll=false) = 0;
// search for packages containg a file
virtual QStringList getChangeLog(packageInfo *p) = 0;
// Get change log
virtual bool filesTab(packageInfo *p) = 0;
// If files tab is to be enabled
virtual bool changeTab(packageInfo *p) = 0;
// If change log tab is to be enabled
virtual bool parseName(const QString &name, QString *n, QString *v) = 0;
// breakup file name into package name and version
virtual void listPackages(QPtrList<packageInfo> *pki);
// scan various locations for list of packages
virtual void listInstalledPackages(QPtrList<packageInfo> *pki) = 0;
// produce list of currently installed packages
virtual QStringList listInstalls(const QStringList &packs, bool install, bool &cancel);
// Convert list of packages requested to install to list of all packages to install
virtual void smerge(packageInfo *p);
// merge in package info entry
QString getDir(cacheObj *cp);
// list directory local or remote
void listDir(QPtrList<packageInfo> *pki, const QString &fname, const QString &dir, bool subdirs = FALSE);
// list the packages in a directory
packageInfo *collectDir(const QString &name, const QString &size, const QString &dir);
// build packageInfo object from directory entry
QString getPackList(cacheObj *cp);
// get packages information file
virtual QString provMap(const QString &p);
// convert from package depends to package
QString setOptions(int flags, QPtrList<param> &params);
// convert un/install flags to text
virtual QString doUninstall(int uninstallFlags, const QString &packs, bool &test);
virtual QString doInstall(int installFlags, const QString &packs, bool &test);
virtual QString uninstall(int uninstallFlags, QPtrList<packageInfo> *p,
bool &test);
virtual QString uninstall(int uninstallFlags, packageInfo *p,
bool &test);
virtual QString install(int installFlags, QPtrList<packageInfo> *p,
bool &test);
virtual QString install(int installFlags, packageInfo *p,
bool &test);
virtual QStringList readApt();
virtual void writeApt(const QStringList &list);
///////////// DATA ///////////////////////
pkgOptions *uninstallation, *installation;
QString icon;
// name icon file
QString head;
// capitalized name of package type
QString name;
// More descriptive name
QPixmap pict, bad_pict, new_pict, updated_pict;
// icons for package states
QPixmap folder;
// icon for package group
QPixmap markInst;
QPixmap markUnInst;
// icon indicating mark for install/uninstall
Locations *locatedialog;
// dialog for setting the locations of uninstalled packages
LcacheObj *packageLoc;
// List of locations of uninstalled pacckages
bool dirOK;
// variables related to reading packages from directories
QString packagePattern;
QString queryMsg;
QString typeID;
// Parameters for reading packages from directories
QPtrList<param> paramsInst;
QPtrList<param> paramsUninst;
bool noFetch;
// kpackage doesn't fetch this type of package itself
bool defaultHandle;
// This package type defaults to on
QString errExe;
// The name of an executable that wasn't found
QString procMsg;
// for running processes
bool hasRemote;
// can access on remote host
bool hasSearchAll;
// can search uninstalled packages for files
bool hasProgram;
// the program needed to handle this package type is available
public slots:
virtual void setLocation() = 0;
virtual void setAvail(LcacheObj *) = 0;