@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::webShortcutQuery( const TQString& typedString )
if (m_bWebShortcutsEnabled)
TQString search = typedString;
int pos = search.tqfind(m_cKeywordDelimiter);
int pos = search.find(m_cKeywordDelimiter);
TQString key;
if (pos > -1)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::autoWebSearchQuery( const TQString& typedString
if (m_bWebShortcutsEnabled && !m_defaultSearchEngine.isEmpty())
// Make sure we ignore supported protocols, e.g. "smb:", "http:"
int pos = typedString.tqfind(':');
int pos = typedString.find(':');
if (pos == -1 || !KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(typedString.left(pos)))
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ TQStringList KURISearchFilterEngine::modifySubstitutionMap(SubstMap& map,
int i = 0;
int n = 0;
TQString s = userquery.mid (pos, qsexpr.matchedLength());
while ((i = s.tqfind(" ")) != -1)
while ((i = s.find(" ")) != -1)
s = s.replace (i, 1, "%20");
@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ TQStringList KURISearchFilterEngine::modifySubstitutionMap(SubstMap& map,
// Back-substitute quoted strings (%20 -> " "):
int i = 0;
while ((i = userquery.tqfind("%20")) != -1)
userquery = userquery.tqreplace(i, 3, " ");
while ((i = userquery.find("%20")) != -1)
userquery = userquery.replace(i, 3, " ");
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
*it = (*it).tqreplace("%20", " ");
*it = (*it).replace("%20", " ");
PIDDBG << "Generating substitution map:\n";
@ -187,23 +187,23 @@ TQStringList KURISearchFilterEngine::modifySubstitutionMap(SubstMap& map,
v = l[i-1];
// Back-substitute quoted strings (%20 -> " "):
while ((j = v.tqfind("%20")) != -1)
v = v.tqreplace(j, 3, " ");
while ((j = v.find("%20")) != -1)
v = v.replace(j, 3, " ");
// Insert partial queries (referenced by \1 ... \n) to map:
map.tqreplace(TQString::number(i), v);
map.replace(TQString::number(i), v);
PDVAR (" map['" + nr + "']", map[nr]);
// Insert named references (referenced by \name) to map:
j = 0;
if ((i>0) && (pos = v.tqfind("=")) > 0)
if ((i>0) && (pos = v.find("=")) > 0)
TQString s = v.mid(pos + 1);
TQString k = v.left(pos);
// Back-substitute references contained in references (e.g. '\refname' substitutes to 'thisquery=\0')
while ((j = s.tqfind("%5C")) != -1) s = s.tqreplace(j, 3, "\\");
map.tqreplace(k, s);
while ((j = s.find("%5C")) != -1) s = s.replace(j, 3, "\\");
map.replace(k, s);
PDVAR (" map['" + k + "']", map[k]);
@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &
// Check, if old style '\1' is found and replace it with \{@} (compatibility mode):
int pos = -1;
if ((pos = newurl.tqfind("\\1")) >= 0)
if ((pos = newurl.find("\\1")) >= 0)
PIDDBG << "WARNING: Using compatibility mode for newurl='" << newurl
<< "'. Please replace old style '\\1' with new style '\\{0}' "
"in the query definition.\n";
newurl = newurl.tqreplace(pos, 2, "\\{@}");
newurl = newurl.replace(pos, 2, "\\{@}");
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &
// Substitute a range of keywords
if (range.search(rlitem, 0) >= 0)
int pos = rlitem.tqfind("-");
int pos = rlitem.find("-");
int first = rlitem.left(pos).toInt();
int last = rlitem.right(rlitem.length()-pos-1).toInt();
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &
v = encodeString(s, encodingMib);
PDVAR (" default", s);
else if (map.tqcontains(rlitem))
else if (map.contains(rlitem))
// Use value from substitution map:
found = true;
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &
// Encode '+', otherwise it would be interpreted as space in the resulting url:
int vpos = 0;
while ((vpos = v.tqfind('+')) != -1)
while ((vpos = v.find('+')) != -1)
v = v.replace (vpos, 1, "%2B");
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &
newurl = newurl.tqreplace(pos, reflist.matchedLength(), v);
newurl = newurl.replace(pos, reflist.matchedLength(), v);
// Special handling for \{@};
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::substituteQuery(const TQString& url, SubstMap &
// Substitute \{@} with list of unmatched query strings
int vpos = 0;
while ((vpos = newurl.tqfind("\\@")) != -1)
while ((vpos = newurl.find("\\@")) != -1)
newurl = newurl.replace (vpos, 2, v);
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::formatResult( const TQString& url,
// Return nothing if userquery is empty and it contains
// substitution strings...
if (query.isEmpty() && url.tqfind(TQRegExp(TQRegExp::escape("\\{"))) > 0)
if (query.isEmpty() && url.find(TQRegExp(TQRegExp::escape("\\{"))) > 0)
return TQString::null;
// Debug info of map:
@ -427,13 +427,13 @@ TQString KURISearchFilterEngine::formatResult( const TQString& url,
PDVAR ("query definition", url);
// Add charset indicator for the query to substitution map:
map.tqreplace("ikw_charset", cseta);
map.replace("ikw_charset", cseta);
// Add charset indicator for the fallback query to substitution map:
TQString csetb = cset2;
if (csetb.isEmpty())
csetb = "iso-8859-1";
map.tqreplace("wsc_charset", csetb);
map.replace("wsc_charset", csetb);
TQString newurl = substituteQuery (url, map, userquery, csetacodec->mibEnum());