/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996-2000 the kicker authors. See file AUTHORS. Copyright (c) 2006 Dirk Mueller This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ******************************************************************/ #include "kickoff_bar.h" #include "itemview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kickerSettings.h" KickoffTabBar::KickoffTabBar(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : TQTabBar(parent, name), m_tabsActivated(true) { setAcceptDrops(true); } void KickoffTabBar::deactivateTabs(bool b) { m_tabsActivated = !b; update(); } void KickoffTabBar::paint(TQPainter* p, TQTab* t, bool selected) const { TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default; if (isEnabled() && t->isEnabled()) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled; if ( m_tabsActivated && selected ) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Selected; // else if(t == d->pressed) // flags |= TQStyle::Style_Sunken; //selection flags if(t->rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()))) flags |= TQStyle::Style_MouseOver; style().drawControl( TQStyle::CE_TabBarTab, p, this, t->rect(), colorGroup(), flags, TQStyleOption(t) ); paintLabel( p, t->rect(), t, t->identifier() == keyboardFocusTab() ); } void KickoffTabBar::paintLabel(TQPainter* p, const TQRect& br, TQTab* t, bool has_focus) const { TQRect r = br; bool selected = m_tabsActivated && (currentTab() == t->identifier()); int vframe = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_TabBarTabVSpace, this ); p->setFont( font() ); TQFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); int fw = fm.size( TQt::SingleLine|TQt::ShowPrefix, t->text() ).width(); TQRect rt(r); rt.setWidth(fw); if ( t->iconSet()) { // the tab has an iconset, draw it in the right mode TQIconSet::Mode mode = (t->isEnabled() && isEnabled()) ? TQIconSet::Normal : TQIconSet::Disabled; if ( mode == TQIconSet::Normal && has_focus ) mode = TQIconSet::Active; TQPixmap pixmap = t->iconSet()->pixmap( TQIconSet::Large, mode ); int pixw = pixmap.width(); int pixh = pixmap.height(); int xoff = br.x() + (br.width() - pixw)/2; int yoff = br.y() + (br.height() - 4 - pixh - ((KickerSettings::kickoffTabBarFormat() != KickerSettings::IconOnly) ? fm.height() : 0) - vframe)/2; p->drawPixmap( xoff, 4 + yoff, pixmap ); r.setTop(vframe/2 + yoff + pixh - 8); rt.setTop(vframe/2 + yoff + pixh - 8); rt.setHeight(((KickerSettings::kickoffTabBarFormat() != KickerSettings::IconOnly) ? fm.height() : 0) + vframe/2); } else rt.setHeight(vframe/2 + fm.height()); rt.setWidth(fw+8); rt.moveCenter(r.center()); TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default; if (isEnabled() && t->isEnabled()) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled; if (has_focus) flags |= TQStyle::Style_HasFocus; if ( selected ) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Selected; // else if(t == d->pressed) // flags |= TQStyle::Style_Sunken; if(t->rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()))) flags |= TQStyle::Style_MouseOver; style().drawControl( TQStyle::CE_TabBarLabel, p, this, rt, t->isEnabled() ? colorGroup(): palette().disabled(), flags, TQStyleOption(t) ); } TQSize KickoffTabBar::sizeHint() const { TQSize s = TQTabBar::sizeHint(); return s; } TQSize KickoffTabBar::minimumSizeHint() const { TQSize s; TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics(); int fh = ((KickerSettings::kickoffTabBarFormat() != KickerSettings::IconOnly) ? fm.height() : 0) + 4; int hframe = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_TabBarTabHSpace, this ); int vframe = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_TabBarTabVSpace, this ); for (int t = 0; t < count(); ++t) { TQTab* tab = tabAt(t); if (tab->iconSet()) { s = s.expandedTo(tab->iconSet()->pixmap(TQIconSet::Large, TQIconSet::Normal).size()); } } // Every tab must have identical height and width. // We check every tab minimum height and width and we keep the // biggest one as reference. Smaller tabs will be expanded to match // the same size. int mw = 0; int mh = 0; for (int t = 0; t < count(); ++t) { TQTab* tab = tabAt(TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? count() - t - 1 : t); // Checks tab minimum height int h = fh; if (tab->iconSet()) { h += 4 + s.height() + 4; } h += ((KickerSettings::kickoffTabBarFormat() != KickerSettings::IconOnly) ? fm.height() : 0) + vframe; // Checks tab minimum width (font) int fw = fm.size( TQt::SingleLine|TQt::ShowPrefix, tab->text() ).width(); // Checks tab minimum width (icon) int iw = 0; if ( tab->iconSet()) { iw = tab->iconSet()->pixmap( TQIconSet::Large, TQIconSet::Normal ).width(); } // Final width for this tab int w = TQMAX(iw, fw) + hframe; mw = TQMAX(mw, w); mh = TQMAX(mh, h); } s.setWidth(mw * count()); s.setHeight(mh); return (s); } void KickoffTabBar::layoutTabs() { TQSize s; TQSize st = minimumSizeHint(); TQTabBar::layoutTabs(); int overlap = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_TabBarTabOverlap, this ); int x = 0; int h = st.height(); for (int t = 0; t < count(); ++t) { TQTab* tab = tabAt(TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? count() - t - 1 : t); int w = TQMAX(st.width() / count(), parentWidget()->width() / count()); TQRect r = tab->rect(); tab->setRect(TQRect(TQPoint(x, 0), style().sizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_TabBarTab, this, TQSize(w, h), TQStyleOption(tab)))); x += tab->rect().width() - overlap; } } void KickoffTabBar::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* event) { event->accept(KMenuItemDrag::canDecode(event)); } void KickoffTabBar::dragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent* event) { TQTab* t = selectTab(event->pos()); // ### uhhh, look away if (t && t->identifier() == 0) { setCurrentTab(t); } } void KickoffTabBar::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if ( e->button() != TQt::LeftButton ) { e->ignore(); return; } TQTab *t = selectTab( e->pos() ); if ( t && t->isEnabled() ) { emit tabClicked(t); } TQTabBar::mousePressEvent(e); } #include "kickoff_bar.moc"