// -*- indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- // vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Alexander Kellett This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "toplevel.h" #include "listview.h" #include "testlink.h" #include "commands.h" #include "bookmarkiterator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TestLinkItrHolder *TestLinkItrHolder::s_self = 0; TestLinkItrHolder::TestLinkItrHolder() : BookmarkIteratorHolder() { // do stuff } void TestLinkItrHolder::doItrListChanged() { KEBApp::self()->setCancelTestsEnabled(count() > 0); if(count() == 0) { kdDebug()<<"Notifing managers "<notifyManagers(CurrentMgr::bookmarkAt(m_affectedBookmark).toGroup()); m_affectedBookmark = TQString::null; } } void TestLinkItrHolder::addAffectedBookmark( const TQString & address ) { kdDebug()<<"addAffectedBookmark "< bks) : BookmarkIterator(bks) { m_job = 0; } TestLinkItr::~TestLinkItr() { if (m_job) { // kdDebug() << "JOB kill\n"; curItem()->restoreStatus(); m_job->disconnect(); m_job->kill(false); } } bool TestLinkItr::isApplicable(const KBookmark &bk) const { return (!bk.isGroup() && !bk.isSeparator()); } void TestLinkItr::doAction() { m_errSet = false; m_job = KIO::get(curBk().url(), true, false); m_job->addMetaData("errorPage", "true"); m_job->addMetaData( TQString("cookies"), TQString("none") ); connect(m_job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job *)), this, TQT_SLOT( slotJobResult(KIO::Job *))); connect(m_job, TQT_SIGNAL( data( KIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &)), this, TQT_SLOT( slotJobData(KIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &))); curItem()->setTmpStatus(i18n("Checking...")); TQString oldModDate = TestLinkItrHolder::self()->getMod(curBk().url().url()); curItem()->setOldStatus(oldModDate); TestLinkItrHolder::self()->setMod(curBk().url().url(), i18n("Checking...")); } void TestLinkItr::slotJobData(KIO::Job *job, const TQByteArray &data) { KIO::TransferJob *transfer = (KIO::TransferJob *)job; if (transfer->isErrorPage()) { TQStringList lines = TQStringList::split('\n', data); for (TQStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { int open_pos = (*it).find("", 0, false); if (open_pos >= 0) { TQString leftover = (*it).mid(open_pos + 7); int close_pos = leftover.findRev("", -1, false); if (close_pos >= 0) { // if no end tag found then just // print the first line of the leftover = leftover.left(close_pos); } curItem()->nsPut(KCharsets::resolveEntities(leftover)); m_errSet = true; break; } } } else { TQString modDate = transfer->queryMetaData("modified"); if (!modDate.isEmpty()) { curItem()->nsPut(TQString::number(KRFCDate::parseDate(modDate))); } } transfer->kill(false); } void TestLinkItr::slotJobResult(KIO::Job *job) { m_job = 0; if ( !curItem() ) return; KIO::TransferJob *transfer = (KIO::TransferJob *)job; TQString modDate = transfer->queryMetaData("modified"); bool chkErr = true; if (transfer->error()) { // can we assume that errorString will contain no entities? TQString jerr = job->errorString(); if (!jerr.isEmpty()) { jerr.replace("\n", " "); curItem()->nsPut(jerr); chkErr = false; } } if (chkErr) { if (!modDate.isEmpty()) { curItem()->nsPut(TQString::number(KRFCDate::parseDate(modDate))); } else if (!m_errSet) { curItem()->nsPut(TQString::number(KRFCDate::parseDate("0"))); } } curItem()->modUpdate(); holder()->addAffectedBookmark(KBookmark::parentAddress(curBk().address())); delayedEmitNextOne(); } /* -------------------------- */ const TQString TestLinkItrHolder::getMod(const TQString &url) const { return m_modify.contains(url) ? m_modify[url] : TQString::null; } const TQString TestLinkItrHolder::getOldVisit(const TQString &url) const { return self()->m_oldModify.contains(url) ? self()->m_oldModify[url] : TQString::null; } void TestLinkItrHolder::setMod(const TQString &url, const TQString &val) { m_modify[url] = val; } void TestLinkItrHolder::setOldVisit(const TQString &url, const TQString &val) { m_oldModify[url] = val; } void TestLinkItrHolder::resetToValue(const TQString &url, const TQString &oldValue) { if (!oldValue.isEmpty()) { m_modify[url] = oldValue; } else { m_modify.remove(url); } } /* -------------------------- */ TQString TestLinkItrHolder::calcPaintStyle(const TQString &url, KEBListViewItem::PaintStyle &_style, const TQString &nVisit, const TQString &Modify) { bool newModValid = false; int newMod = 0; TQString newModStr; bool initial = false; bool oldError = false; if (!Modify.isNull() && Modify == "1") { oldError = true; } // get new mod time if there is one newModStr = self()->getMod(url); // if no new mod time use previous one if (newModStr.isNull()) { newModStr = Modify; initial = true; } if (!newModStr.isNull()) { newMod = newModStr.toInt(&newModValid); } // kdDebug() << "TestLink " << url << " " << "booktime=" << nVisit << " urltime=" << newModStr << // " Modify=" << Modify << " init=" << initial << " newMod=" << newMod << "\n"; TQString visitStr; if (self()->getOldVisit(url).isNull()) { // first time visitStr = nVisit; if (!nVisit.isEmpty()) self()->setOldVisit(url, visitStr); } else { // may be reading a second bookmark with same url TQString oom = nVisit; visitStr = self()->getOldVisit(url); if (oom.toInt() > visitStr.toInt()) { self()->setOldVisit(url, oom); visitStr = oom; } } int visit = 0; if (!visitStr.isNull()) visit = visitStr.toInt(); // TODO - check validity? TQString statusStr; KEBListViewItem::PaintStyle style = KEBListViewItem::DefaultStyle; // kdDebug() << "TestLink " << "isNull=" << newModStr.isNull() << "newModValid=" // << newModValid << "newMod > visit " << newMod << ">" << visit << "\n"; if (!newModStr.isNull() && !newModValid) { // Current check has error statusStr = newModStr; if (oldError) { style = KEBListViewItem::BoldStyle; } else { style = KEBListViewItem::DefaultStyle; } } else if (initial && oldError) { // Previous check has error style = KEBListViewItem::GreyStyle; statusStr = i18n("Error "); } else if (!initial && !newModStr.isNull() && (newMod == 0)) { // Current check has no modify time statusStr = i18n("Ok"); } else if (initial && !newModStr.isNull() && (newMod == 0)) { // previous check has no modify time recorded statusStr = TQString::null; } else if (!newModStr.isNull() && (newMod > visit)) { // if modify time greater than last visit, show bold modify time statusStr = CurrentMgr::makeTimeStr(newMod); if (initial) { style = KEBListViewItem::GreyBoldStyle; } else { style = KEBListViewItem::BoldStyle; } } else if (visit != 0) { // modify time not greater than last visit, show last visit time statusStr = CurrentMgr::makeTimeStr(visit); if (initial) { style = KEBListViewItem::GreyStyle; } else { style = KEBListViewItem::DefaultStyle; } } else { statusStr = TQString::null; } _style = style; return statusStr; } static void parseInfo (KBookmark &bk, TQString &nVisited) { nVisited = NodeEditCommand::getNodeText(bk, TQStringList() << "info" << "metadata" << "time_visited" ); // kdDebug() << " Visited=" << nVisited << "\n"; } static void parseNsInfo(const TQString &nsinfo, TQString &nCreate, TQString &nAccess, TQString &nModify) { TQStringList sl = TQStringList::split(' ', nsinfo); for (TQStringList::Iterator it = sl.begin(); it != sl.end(); ++it) { TQStringList spl = TQStringList::split('"', (*it)); if (spl[0] == "LAST_MODIFIED=") { nModify = spl[1]; } else if (spl[0] == "ADD_DATE=") { nCreate = spl[1]; } else if (spl[0] == "LAST_VISIT=") { nAccess = spl[1]; } } } // Still use nsinfo for storing old modify time static const TQString updateNsInfoMod(const TQString &_nsinfo, const TQString &nm) { TQString nCreate, nAccess, nModify; parseNsInfo(_nsinfo, nCreate, nAccess, nModify); bool numValid = false; nm.toInt(&numValid); TQString tmp; tmp = "ADD_DATE=\"" + ((nCreate.isEmpty()) ? TQString::number(time(0)) : nCreate) + "\""; tmp += " LAST_VISIT=\"" + ((nAccess.isEmpty()) ? TQString("0") : nAccess) + "\""; tmp += " LAST_MODIFIED=\"" + ((numValid) ? nm : TQString("1")) + "\""; // if (!numValid) kdDebug() << tmp << "\n"; return tmp; } // KEBListViewItem !!!!!!!!!!! void KEBListViewItem::nsPut(const TQString &newModDate) { static const TQString NetscapeInfoAttribute = "netscapeinfo"; const TQString info = m_bookmark.internalElement().attribute(NetscapeInfoAttribute); TQString blah = updateNsInfoMod(info, newModDate); m_bookmark.internalElement().setAttribute(NetscapeInfoAttribute, blah); TestLinkItrHolder::self()->setMod(m_bookmark.url().url(), newModDate); setText(KEBListView::StatusColumn, newModDate); } // KEBListViewItem !!!!!!!!!!! void KEBListViewItem::modUpdate() { TQString nCreate, nAccess, oldModify; TQString iVisit; TQString nsinfo = m_bookmark.internalElement().attribute("netscapeinfo"); if (!nsinfo.isEmpty()) { parseNsInfo(nsinfo, nCreate, nAccess, oldModify); } parseInfo(m_bookmark, iVisit); TQString statusLine; statusLine = TestLinkItrHolder::calcPaintStyle(m_bookmark.url().url(), m_paintStyle, iVisit, oldModify); if (statusLine != "Error") setText(KEBListView::StatusColumn, statusLine); } /* -------------------------- */ // KEBListViewItem !!!!!!!!!!! void KEBListViewItem::setOldStatus(const TQString &oldStatus) { // kdDebug() << "KEBListViewItem::setOldStatus" << endl; m_oldStatus = oldStatus; } // KEBListViewItem !!!!!!!!!!! void KEBListViewItem::setTmpStatus(const TQString &status) { // kdDebug() << "KEBListViewItem::setTmpStatus" << endl; m_paintStyle = KEBListViewItem::BoldStyle; setText(KEBListView::StatusColumn, status); } // KEBListViewItem !!!!!!!!!!! void KEBListViewItem::restoreStatus() { if (!m_oldStatus.isNull()) { // kdDebug() << "KEBListViewItem::restoreStatus" << endl; TestLinkItrHolder::self()->resetToValue(m_bookmark.url().url(), m_oldStatus); modUpdate(); } } #include "testlink.moc"