KonqSidebarHistoryDlg KonqHistoryDlg 0 0 450 290 unnamed 0 gbLimits Limits unnamed Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 240 16 cbExpire URLs e&xpire after spinExpire lEntries Maximum &number of URLs: spinEntries spinEntries gbFonts Custom Fonts For unnamed spinNewer spinOlder comboOlder lbNewer URLs newer than comboNewer btnFontOlder Choose Font... lbOlder URLs older than btnFontNewer Choose Font... gbDetails Details unnamed cbDetailedTips Detailed tooltips Shows the number of times visited and the dates of the first and last visits, in addition to the URL Layout4 unnamed btnClearHistory Clear History Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 418 0 Spacer2 Vertical Expanding 16 30 kdialog.h knuminput.h