/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996-2000 the kicker authors. See file AUTHORS. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "kickerSettings.h" namespace KickerLib { KPanelExtension::Position directionToPosition(KPanelApplet::Direction d ) { switch (d) { case KPanelApplet::Down: return KPanelExtension::Top; break; case KPanelApplet::Left: return KPanelExtension::Right; break; case KPanelApplet::Right: return KPanelExtension::Left; break; case KPanelApplet::Up: default: return KPanelExtension::Bottom; break; } } KPanelExtension::Position directionToPopupPosition(KPanelApplet::Direction d) { switch (d) { case KPanelApplet::Up: return KPanelExtension::Top; break; case KPanelApplet::Down: return KPanelExtension::Bottom; break; case KPanelApplet::Left: return KPanelExtension::Left; break; case KPanelApplet::Right: default: return KPanelExtension::Right; break; } } KPanelApplet::Direction positionToDirection(KPanelExtension::Position p) { switch (p) { case KPanelExtension::Top: return KPanelApplet::Down; break; case KPanelExtension::Right: return KPanelApplet::Left; break; case KPanelExtension::Left: return KPanelApplet::Right; break; case KPanelExtension::Bottom: default: return KPanelApplet::Up; break; } } KPanelApplet::Direction arrowToDirection(TQt::ArrowType p) { switch (p) { case Qt::DownArrow: return KPanelApplet::Down; break; case Qt::LeftArrow: return KPanelApplet::Left; break; case Qt::RightArrow: return KPanelApplet::Right; break; case Qt::UpArrow: default: return KPanelApplet::Up; break; } } int sizeValue(KPanelExtension::Size s) { switch (s) { case KPanelExtension::SizeTiny: return 24; break; case KPanelExtension::SizeSmall: return 30; break; case KPanelExtension::SizeNormal: return 46; break; case KPanelExtension::SizeLarge: default: return 58; break; } } int maxButtonDim() { int maxDim; //return (2 * KickerSettings::iconMargin()) + TDEIcon::SizeLarge; KSimpleConfig *kickerconfig = new KSimpleConfig( TQString::fromLatin1( "kickerrc" )); kickerconfig->setGroup("General"); maxDim = (2 * KickerSettings::iconMargin()) + kickerconfig->readNumEntry("panelIconWidth", TDEIcon::SizeLarge);; delete kickerconfig; return maxDim; } TQString newDesktopFile(const KURL& url) { TQString base = url.fileName(); if (base.endsWith(".desktop")) base.truncate(base.length()-8); TQRegExp r("(.*)(?=-\\d+)"); if (r.search(base) > -1) base = r.cap(1); TQString file = base + ".desktop"; for(int n = 1; ++n; ) { TQString path = locate("appdata", file); if (path.isEmpty()) break; file = TQString("%2-%1.desktop").arg(n).arg(base); } file = locateLocal("appdata", file); return file; } TQString copyDesktopFile(const KURL& url) { TQString file = newDesktopFile(url); KURL dest; dest.setPath(file); TDEIO::NetAccess::upload(url.path(), dest, 0); return file; } TQPopupMenu* reduceMenu(TQPopupMenu *menu) { if (menu->count() != 1) { return menu; } TQMenuItem *item = menu->findItem(menu->idAt(0)); if (item->popup()) { return reduceMenu(item->popup()); } return menu; } TQPoint popupPosition(KPanelApplet::Direction d, const TQWidget* popup, const TQWidget* source, const TQPoint& offset) { TQRect r; if (source->isTopLevel()) { r = source->geometry(); } else { r = TQRect(source->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0, 0)), source->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(source->width(), source->height()))); switch (d) { case KPanelApplet::Left: case KPanelApplet::Right: r.setLeft( source->topLevelWidget()->x() ); r.setWidth( source->topLevelWidget()->width() ); break; case KPanelApplet::Up: case KPanelApplet::Down: r.setTop( source->topLevelWidget()->y() ); r.setHeight( source->topLevelWidget()->height() ); break; } } switch (d) { case KPanelApplet::Left: case KPanelApplet::Right: { TQDesktopWidget* desktop = TQApplication::desktop(); TQRect screen = desktop->screenGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(const_cast(source))); int x = (d == KPanelApplet::Left) ? r.left() - popup->width() : r.right() + 1; int y = r.top() + offset.y(); // try to keep this on screen if (y + popup->height() > screen.bottom()) { y = r.bottom() - popup->height() + offset.y(); if (y < screen.top()) { y = screen.bottom() - popup->height(); if (y < screen.top()) { y = screen.top(); } } } return TQPoint(x, y); } case KPanelApplet::Up: case KPanelApplet::Down: default: { int x = 0; int y = (d == KPanelApplet::Up) ? r.top() - popup->height() : r.bottom() + 1; if (TQApplication::reverseLayout()) { x = r.right() - popup->width() + 1; if (offset.x() > 0) { x -= r.width() - offset.x(); } // try to keep this on the screen if (x - popup->width() < 0) { x = r.left(); } return TQPoint(x, y); } else { TQDesktopWidget* desktop = TQApplication::desktop(); TQRect screen = desktop->screenGeometry(desktop->screenNumber(const_cast(source))); x = r.left() + offset.x(); // try to keep this on the screen if (x + popup->width() > screen.right()) { x = r.right() - popup->width() + 1 + offset.x(); if (x < screen.left()) { x = screen.left(); } } } return TQPoint(x, y); } } } void colorize(TQImage& image) { TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("WM"); TQColor color = TQApplication::palette().active().highlight(); TQColor activeTitle = config->readColorEntry("activeBackground", &color); TQColor inactiveTitle = config->readColorEntry("inactiveBackground", &color); // figure out which color is most suitable for recoloring to int h1, s1, v1, h2, s2, v2, h3, s3, v3; activeTitle.hsv(&h1, &s1, &v1); inactiveTitle.hsv(&h2, &s2, &v2); TQApplication::palette().active().background().hsv(&h3, &s3, &v3); if ( (kAbs(h1-h3)+kAbs(s1-s3)+kAbs(v1-v3) < kAbs(h2-h3)+kAbs(s2-s3)+kAbs(v2-v3)) && ((kAbs(h1-h3)+kAbs(s1-s3)+kAbs(v1-v3) < 32) || (s1 < 32)) && (s2 > s1)) color = inactiveTitle; else color = activeTitle; // limit max/min brightness int r, g, b; color.rgb(&r, &g, &b); int gray = tqGray(r, g, b); if (gray > 180) { r = (r - (gray - 180) < 0 ? 0 : r - (gray - 180)); g = (g - (gray - 180) < 0 ? 0 : g - (gray - 180)); b = (b - (gray - 180) < 0 ? 0 : b - (gray - 180)); } else if (gray < 76) { r = (r + (76 - gray) > 255 ? 255 : r + (76 - gray)); g = (g + (76 - gray) > 255 ? 255 : g + (76 - gray)); b = (b + (76 - gray) > 255 ? 255 : b + (76 - gray)); } color.setRgb(r, g, b); TDEIconEffect::colorize(image, color, 1.0); } TQColor blendColors(const TQColor& c1, const TQColor& c2) { int r1, g1, b1; int r2, g2, b2; c1.rgb(&r1, &g1, &b1); c2.rgb(&r2, &g2, &b2); r1 += (int) (.5 * (r2 - r1)); g1 += (int) (.5 * (g2 - g1)); b1 += (int) (.5 * (b2 - b1)); return TQColor(r1, g1, b1); } TQColor shadowColor(const TQColor& c) { int r = c.red(); int g = c.green(); int b = c.blue(); if ( r < 128 ) r = 255; else r = 0; if ( g < 128 ) g = 255; else g = 0; if ( b < 128 ) b = 255; else b = 0; return TQColor( r, g, b ); } TQIconSet menuIconSet(const TQString& icon) { TQIconSet iconset; int iconSize = KickerSettings::menuEntryHeight(); if (iconSize < 0) { return iconset; } if (icon != "unknown") { if (iconSize > 0) { iconset = TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet(icon, TDEIcon::NoGroup, iconSize, true); } else if (iconSize == 0) { TQPixmap normal = TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(icon, TDEIcon::Small, 0, TDEIcon::DefaultState, 0, true); TQPixmap active = TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(icon, TDEIcon::Small, 0, TDEIcon::ActiveState, 0, true); // make sure they are not larger than 20x20 if (normal.width() > 20 || normal.height() > 20) { normal.convertFromImage(TQImage(normal.convertToImage()).smoothScale(20,20)); } if (active.width() > 20 || active.height() > 20) { active.convertFromImage(TQImage(active.convertToImage()).smoothScale(20,20)); } iconset.setPixmap(normal, TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal); iconset.setPixmap(active, TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Active); } } if (iconset.isNull()) { TQPixmap pix(iconSize, iconSize); TQBitmap map(iconSize, iconSize, true); pix.setMask(map); iconset = TQIconSet(pix, pix); } return iconset; } void drawBlendedRect(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &r, const TQColor &color, int alpha) { static TQPixmap pix; static TQColor last_color = Qt::black; static int last_alpha = 0; if (pix.isNull() || last_color != color || last_alpha != alpha) { TQImage img(16, 16, 32); img.setAlphaBuffer(false); img.fill(((uint)(alpha & 0xFF) << 24) | (color.rgb() & 0xFFFFFF)); img.setAlphaBuffer(true); pix.convertFromImage(img); last_color = color; last_alpha = alpha; } p->drawTiledPixmap(r, pix); } } // namespace