...that right-clicking on any tab allows for the changing of the tab text color?
...that the tab text color can be changed with the code \e[28;COLORt (COLOR: 0-16,777,215)?
...that the code \e[8;ROW;COLUMNt will resize Konsole?
...that you can start a new standard session by pressing the "New" button in the tabbar?
...that pressing and holding the "New" button on the tabbar will display a menu of sessions to select?
...that pressing Ctrl+Alt+N will start a new standard session?
...that you can cycle through the Konsole sessions by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Left or Right Arrow keys?
...that you can get a 'Linux console-like' terminal?
Hide Konsole's menubar, tabbar and scrollbar, select the Linux font and the Linux Colors schema and apply the full-screen mode. You might also want to set the KDE panel to auto-hide.
...that you can rename your Konsole sessions by clicking with the right mouse button and selecting "Rename session"? The change will be reflected in the Konsole tabbar, making it easier to remember the content of the session.
...that you can rename a Konsole session by double-clicking its tab?
...that you can activate the menu with the Ctrl+Alt+M shortcut?
...that you can rename your current Konsole session with the Ctrl+Alt+S shortcut?
...that you can create your own session types by using the session editor which you can find under "Settings->Configure Konsole..."?
...that you can create your own color schemes by using the schema editor which you can find under "Settings->Configure Konsole..."?
...that you can move a session by holding down the middle mouse button over the tab?
...that you can reorder the session tabs with "View->Move Session Left/Right" menu commands or by holding down the Shift and Ctrl keys and pressing the Left or Right Arrow keys?
...that you can scroll pagewise in the history by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Page Up or Page Down keys?
...that you can scroll linewise in the history by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Up or Down Arrow keys?
...that you can insert the clipboard by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Insert key?
...that you can insert the X selection by holding down the Shift and Ctrl keys and pressing the Insert key?
...that pressing Ctrl while pasting the selection with the middle mouse button will append a carriage return after pasting the selection buffer?
...that you can turn off the terminal size hint under "Settings->Configure Konsole..."?
...that pressing Ctrl while selecting text will let Konsole ignore line breaks?
...that pressing the Ctrl and Alt keys while selecting text will let Konsole select columns?
...that when a program evaluates the right mouse button you can still get the right mouse button pop-up menu while pressing the Shift key?
...that when a program evaluates the left mouse button you can still select text while pressing the Shift key?
...that you can let Konsole set the current directory as the window title? For Bash, put 'export PS1=$PS1"\[\e[0m\H:\w\a\]"' in your ~/.bashrc .
...that you can let Konsole set the current directory as the session name? For Bash, put 'export PS1=$PS1"\[\e[30m\H:\w\a\]"' in your ~/.bashrc .
...that if you let your shell pass the current directory to Konsole within the prompt variable, e.g. for Bash with 'export PS1=$PS1"\[\e[31m\w\a\]"' in your ~/.bashrc, then Konsole can bookmark it, and session management will remember your current working directory on non-Linux systems too?
...that working with remote hosts in Konsole can be made much easier by setting the prompt to correctly show your hostname and present path? Try setting your prompt in our ~/.bashrc with: "export PS1='\[\e[0m\h:\w> '" You can then just select your prompt and press middle-mouse to paste it as the source or destination on the command line.
...that you can temporarily set the prompt for Konsole by setting the 'PS1=' variable without having to edit your ~/.bashrc. Try entering the following on the command line to set your prompt. It will also include the current time before the path: PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]\A\[\e[1;34m\] \[\e[1;34m\]\h:\w> \[\e[0m\]'
...that double-clicking will select a whole word?
When you don't release the mouse button after the second click you can extend your selection by additional words when moving the mouse.
...that triple-clicking will select a whole line?
When you don't release the mouse button after the third click you can extend your selection by additional lines when moving the mouse.
...that if you drag & drop a URL into a Konsole window you are presented with a menu giving the option to copy or move the specified file into the current working directory, as well as just pasting the URL as text.
This works with any type of URL which KDE supports.
...that the "Settings->Configure Shortcuts..." dialog allows you to define keyboard shortcuts for actions not shown in the menu, like activating menu, changing font and for listing and switching sessions?
...that right-clicking over the "New" button in the left corner of the tabbar or in an empty tabbar space displays a menu where you can set several tab options?