SettingsWidget SettingsWidget 0 0 605 639 unnamed 0 tabs tab &Appearance unnamed layout14 unnamed TextLabel1 NoFrame Plain Clock type: clockCombo Plain Clock Digital Clock Analog Clock Fuzzy Clock kcfg_Type 5 0 0 0 Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 widgetStack 0 page 0 unnamed 0 ButtonGroup2_3_2_2 Display unnamed kcfg_PlainShowDate Dat&e true kcfg_PlainShowSeconds &Seconds kcfg_PlainShowDayOfWeek Da&y of week kcfg_PlainShowFrame &Frame kcfg_TransparentUseShadow &Shadow spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 groupBox2 Time unnamed TextLabel1_3_3_2 4 1 0 0 Font: TextLabel1_2_3_4_3_2 true Background color: kcfg_PlainBackgroundColor kcfg_PlainBackgroundColor true kcfg_PlainForegroundColor true TextLabel1_4_3_2_2 true Foreground color: kcfg_PlainForegroundColor spacer17 Horizontal Expanding 230 20 kcfg_PlainFont spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 20 dateBox Date unnamed kcfg_DateBackgroundColor textLabel1_3 Foreground color: kcfg_DateForegroundColor textLabel2 Background color: spacer15 Horizontal Expanding 343 20 layout2 unnamed textLabel4 Font: kcfg_DateFont 7 5 0 0 spacer6_2 Vertical Expanding 20 100 tab &Timezones unnamed City true true Comment true true tzListView A list of timezones known to your system. Press the middle mouse button on the clock in the taskbar and it shows you the time in the selected cities. tabs kcfg_Type kcfg_PlainShowDate kcfg_PlainShowSeconds kcfg_PlainShowFrame kcfg_PlainForegroundColor kcfg_PlainBackgroundColor kcfg_DateBackgroundColor kcfg_DateForegroundColor kcfg_DateFont tzListView tqheader.h kdialog.h kfontrequester.h configureType() kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kfontrequester.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kfontrequester.h klistview.h