//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.QMetaObject; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; import org.kde.qt.QObject; import org.kde.qt.QWidget; /** A KPart-aware main window with ability for docking widgets, whose user interface is described in XML. Inherit your main dock-window from this class and don't forget to call setXMLFile() in the inherited constructor. It implements all internal interfaces in the case of a KDockMainWindow as host: the builder and servant interface (for menu merging). @short A KPart-aware main window with ability for docking widgets, whose user interface is described in XML. */ public class DockMainWindow extends KDockMainWindow implements PartBaseInterface { protected DockMainWindow(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public native QMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); /** Constructor, same signature as KDockMainWindow. @short Constructor, same signature as KDockMainWindow. */ public DockMainWindow(QWidget parent, String name, int f) { super((Class) null); newDockMainWindow(parent,name,f); } private native void newDockMainWindow(QWidget parent, String name, int f); public DockMainWindow(QWidget parent, String name) { super((Class) null); newDockMainWindow(parent,name); } private native void newDockMainWindow(QWidget parent, String name); public DockMainWindow(QWidget parent) { super((Class) null); newDockMainWindow(parent); } private native void newDockMainWindow(QWidget parent); public DockMainWindow() { super((Class) null); newDockMainWindow(); } private native void newDockMainWindow(); protected native void createShellGUI(boolean create); protected native void createShellGUI(); /** Create the GUI (by merging the host's and the active part's) Called on startup and whenever the active part changes. For this you need to connect this slot to the PartManager.activePartChanged() signal @param part The active part (set to null if no part). @short Create the GUI (by merging the host's and the active part's) */ protected native void createGUI(Part part); /** Called when the active part wants to change the statusbar message. Reimplement if your dock-mainwindow has a complex statusbar (with several items) @short Called when the active part wants to change the statusbar message. */ protected native void slotSetStatusBarText(String arg1); /** Internal method. Called by KParts.Part to specify the parent object for plugin objects. @short Internal method. */ public native void setPartObject(QObject object); public native QObject partObject(); /** Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part. Call this first in the inherited class constructor, because it loads the i18n catalogues. @short Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part. */ protected native void setInstance(KInstanceInterface instance); /** Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part. Call this first in the inherited class constructor, because it loads the i18n catalogues. @short Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part. */ protected native void setInstance(KInstanceInterface instance, boolean loadPlugins); /** Load the Plugins honoring the PluginLoadingMode. If you call this method in an already constructed GUI (like when the user has changed which plugins are enabled) you need to add the new plugins to the KXMLGUIFactory:
		 if( factory() )
		   QPtrList plugins = KParts.Plugin.pluginObjects( this );
		   QPtrListIterator it( plugins );
		   KParts.Plugin  plugin;
		   while( ( plugin = it.current() ) != 0 )
		     factory().addClient(  plugin );
@short Load the Plugins honoring the PluginLoadingMode. */ protected native void loadPlugins(QObject parent, KXMLGUIClientInterface parentGUIClient, KInstanceInterface instance); /** For a KParts.Part: call this before setInstance(). For a KParts.MainWindow: call this before createGUI(). @short For a KParts.Part: call this before setInstance(). */ // void setPluginLoadingMode(KParts::PartBase::PluginLoadingMode arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED }