/*************************************************************************** * $Id$ ** * Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** * This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example * program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** ****************************************************************************/ import org.trinitydesktop.qt.*; class ImageTextEditor extends TQDialog { private TQImage image; private TQComboBox languages; private TQComboBox keys; private TQMultiLineEdit text; private TQLineEdit newlang; private TQLineEdit newkey; ImageTextEditor( TQImage i, TQWidget parent ) { this(i, parent, null, 0); } ImageTextEditor( TQImage i, TQWidget parent, String name, int f ) { super(parent,name,true,f); image = i; TQVBoxLayout vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(this,8); vbox.setAutoAdd(true); TQGrid controls = new TQGrid(3,TQGrid.Horizontal,this); controls.setSpacing(8); TQLabel l; l=new TQLabel("Language",controls); l.setAlignment(AlignCenter); l=new TQLabel("Key",controls); l.setAlignment(AlignCenter); new TQLabel("",controls); // dummy languages = new TQComboBox(controls); keys = new TQComboBox(controls); TQPushButton remove = new TQPushButton("Remove",controls); newlang = new TQLineEdit(controls); newkey = new TQLineEdit(controls); TQPushButton add = new TQPushButton("Add",controls); text = new TQMultiLineEdit(this); TQHBox hbox = new TQHBox(this); TQPushButton cancel = new TQPushButton("Cancel",hbox); TQPushButton ok = new TQPushButton("OK",hbox); connect(add,SIGNAL("clicked()"), this,SLOT("addText()")); connect(remove,SIGNAL("clicked()"), this,SLOT("removeText()")); connect(ok,SIGNAL("clicked()"), this,SLOT("accept()")); connect(cancel,SIGNAL("clicked()"), this,SLOT("reject()")); connect(languages,SIGNAL("activated(int)"), this,SLOT("updateText()")); connect(keys,SIGNAL("activated(int)"), this,SLOT("updateText()")); imageChanged(); } void imageChanged() { languages.clear(); keys.clear(); text.clear(); languages.insertItem(""); languages.insertStringList( (String[]) image.textLanguages().toArray(new String[0]) ); keys.insertStringList( (String[]) image.textKeys().toArray(new String[0]) ); updateText(); } public void accept() { storeText(); super.accept(); } void updateText() { storeText(); newlang.setText(languages.currentText()); newkey.setText(keys.currentText()); String t = image.text(currKey(),currLang()); text.setText(t); } String currKey() { return newkey.text(); } String currLang() { String l = newlang.text(); if ( l.equals("") ) l = ""; return l; } String currText() { String t = text.text(); if ( t == null ) t = ""; return t; } void removeText() { image.setText(currKey(),currLang(),""); } void addText() { storeText(); } void storeText() { if ( currKey().length() > 0 ) { image.setText(currKey(),currLang(),currText()); } } }