use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. print "Trying to find some configuration information...\n"; my $kde_dirs = $ENV{KDEDIRS} || '/usr/local/kde'; my $qt_dir = $ENV{QTDIR} || '/usr/lib/qt'; my $kde_inc = "$kde_dirs/include"; my $kde_lib = "$kde_dirs/lib"; my $qt_inc = "$qt_dir/include"; my $qt_lib = "$qt_dir/lib"; $kde_inc = undef unless -f "$kde_inc/dcopclient.h"; $kde_lib = undef unless -f "$kde_lib/libDCOP.$Config{dlext}"; $qt_dir = undef unless -f "$qt_inc/qglobal.h"; print "Path to Qt headers? [$qt_inc]: "; chomp $input, $qt_inc = $input if (($input = <>) =~ /\S/); print "Path to Qt libraries? [$qt_lib]: "; chomp $input, $qt_lib = $input if (($input = <>) =~ /\S/); print "Path to KDE headers? [$kde_inc]: "; chomp $input, $kde_inc = $input if (($input = <>) =~ /\S/); print "Path to KDE libraries? [$kde_lib]: "; chomp $input, $kde_lib = $input if (($input = <>) =~ /\S/); WriteMakefile( NAME => 'DCOP', VERSION_FROM => '', INC => "-I$qt_inc -I$kde_inc", LIBS => "-L$qt_lib -lqt-mt -L$kde_lib -ltdecore -lDCOP", XS => {'DCOP.xs' => 'DCOP.cpp'}, XSOPT => '-C++', CCFLAGS => '-x c++', ); sub MY::xs_c { package MY; my $hack = shift->SUPER::xs_c(@_); $hack =~ s/\.c/.cpp/g; $hack; }